MEC Starbucks Marketing Strategy Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. MEC Starbucks Marketing Strategy Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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According to Kotler and colleagues, marketing strategy is carrying out segmentation, targeting and positioning for detailed understanding of the marketplace into strategic decisions and the targeting of appropriate customer groups.
The Starbucks Corporation owned by Howard Shultz is one of the dominant companies in the coffee industry. Shultz vision is to celebrate coffee and promote community by turning Starbucks into a place of community where people can drink great coffee and create new connections. Starbucks mission is to “inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time” (Company website). The company’s philosophy is that any store should be regarded as home; anyone should feel as comfortable there as they do in their own front room.
Starbucks is a well-established brand that is known for being high quality. As a global brand, Starbucks has stores in over seventy (70) countries with over 24,000 stores. Starbucks offers over 30 blends and single-origin coffees. Coffee in Starbucks is certainly not cheap but looking at the number of full stores, it is clear that the coffee, as well as other products, is rated highly by consumers. Industry analysts think that the major draw for Starbucks is the welcoming and friendly environment inside the stores.
Following the discussion of marketing processes in chapter 3 of your core text, conduct research on Starbucks to attempt the following questions on consumer market segmentation.
a) Describe the concept of segmentation and explain why companies must segment its consumer market? (400 words)
b) Name and discuss with examples 4 major bases for segmenting consumer markets. Give one example for each base. (400 words)
c) Based on the segmentation bases discussed above, examine Starbucks consumer profile, and determine how they segment their consumer market (600 words)
d) Based on your answer above, suggest one new target segment for Starbucks coffee product line. (Justify your choice of segment with theories) (600 words)
*** Words count = 1900 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
MEC Starbucks Marketing Strategy Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Jawaharlal Nehru University Cloud Computing and Digital Forensics Tools Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Hello ,
Please submit below 2 questions on separate WORD Document
Course: Cloud Computing
1) Write at least 500 words on fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry.
Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand-alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.
Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.
Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Course: Digital Forensics Tools & Tchq
1)In 250-300 Words , Why do you think that a study of Digital Forensics is important? Cite 2 of your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Complete answers on a WORD Document please and ensure that you are following APA Format guidelines, using in-text citations and references
JNU Importance of Studying Digital Forensics Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Hello ,
Please submit below 2 questions on separate WORD Document
Course: Cloud Computing
1) Write at least 500 words on fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry.
Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand-alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.
Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.
Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Course: Digital Forensics Tools & Tchq
1) In 250-300 Words , Why do you think that a study of Digital Forensics is important? Cite 2 of your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Complete answers on a WORD Document please and ensure that you are following APA Format guidelines, using in-text citations and references
Rasmussen College Patient Care and Patient Care Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Discussion A
Missy is 3 years old. She enjoys being with mom and grandma in the kitchen. She pulls a chair close to the stove, climbs on the chair and looks inside the pot of boiling water. The steam is hot on her face, she steps back and as she falls off the chair, the boiling water is pulled down on her. Missy is rushed to the emergency department. Grandma has put some butter on her fingers, but her face was not treated.
Review the Rule of Nines
In the ED, the nurse discovers that her hands, face, chest and arms are burned. The Dr. believes it to be a partial thickness burn, but notes her hands are blistered and very edematous.
Provide nursing care to this young patient that is complaining of pain, crying, and uncooperative. Educate the mother and grandmother on the extent of the burn and the on-going care that will be needed.
Include medication you may wish to request from the physician and the dosage.
Discussion B
Due to a fall from a second story townhouse, Jimmy sustained a fractured left femur and a mild head injury. Jimmy is 10 years old. He was reaching for a ball that had gotten lodged into the gutter over the small balcony of his parent’s bedroom. He thought if he stood on the railing and reached with the badminton racket he could get it.
Currently he is 2 days postoperative from repair of the left femur. He is being transferred out of the pediatric ICU where the Neurologist has stated he is stable but needs continued neuro checks every 2 hours. He has a full left leg cast. The Foley catheter is to be replaced today, or he can attempt to roll onto a bedpan if needed.
Please add the interdisciplinary team that needs to attend to this boy’s health care needs. Plan home care if appropriate. And continue the list of nursing diagnosis.
Stratford University Module 4 Play and Parenting Styles Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
A. Please complete the following steps below:
Please read Introduction to Infancy and Physical Development found in Module 4.
Please read Nutrition and Cognitive Development found in Module 4.
Please read Language Development and Psychosocial Development and Attachment found in Module 4.
Please read Temperament and Psychosocial Development found in Module 4.
Considering what you’ve just read about how infants develop, answer the following:
- Explain how the temperament of a child might impact the attachment formed with a caregiver. Specifically, think about how might the parent-child attachment formed differ for a child who is easy going compared to a child who is fussy?
- Explain how the temperament of a child may impact their ability to achieve the first “crisis” (i.e., trust vs. mistrust) of Erickson’s Psychosocial Developmental Model.
Explain your answers in depth.
B. Please complete the following activities below:
Watch the following video/lecture on Infancy
Then, provide answers/explanations for the following:
- Identify the physical changes that take place from infancy to toddler hood.
- Briefly discuss the recommended diet for newborns and the importance of this diet for their growth.
- What are some barriers that might prevent a newborn from receiving this diet?
- What are three theories that explain language development and which one do you agree with?
- Explain the importance of the caregiver-child relationship for child development. Identify and describe the four types of attachment.
- What factors contribute to the style of attachment formed in childhood?
C. Childcare has traditionally been shared among female relatives. However as more women enter the workforce, the dependence for childcare has increased. The purposes of childcare centers are to provide a watchful eye for offspring (thereby supporting maternal employment) and to promote child development.
1. Please read the following 2016 article
This Is How Much the Average American Spends on Childcare.
A second, but older article from 2012 is provided below for additional reading:
2. Initial Post (300 words)
- Please respond initially to the following questions: Are you surprised by the figures in the 2016 article? Who do you believe should foot the bill (parents, the government, or both)?
- High quality childcare centers are defined as having highly educated and trained staff, a lower staff to child ratio, and a stimulating, positive environment for attendees. Children in high quality centers tend to have higher academic scores, are better liked by peers, and exhibit more social competence than children who attend lower quality centers. Given these findings in the research, what are your reactions to the non-standardization of centers for children?
D. Please complete the following steps:
Please read Physical Development found in Module 5.
Please read Cognitive Development found in Module 5.
Please read Psychosocial Development found in Module 5.
Please read Family Life found in Module 5.
Please read Childhood Stress and Development found in Module 5.
Given what you’ve read this week, create a newsletter to parents that addresses the following questions:
(1) According to the authors, what are some tips (AT LEAST THREE) that you can offer to parents trying to establish healthy eating patterns? Be sure to state why as well! If you have some of your own based on experience, please share a few examples, too!
(2) Consider how these tips might work differently across culture. Essentially, how might these tips vary by culture and age cohort?
(3) Identify a culture different from your own and compare its healthy eating patterns to your own cultures. What are the differences and similarities?
Your newsletter should be fun and creative and should adequately address parents who might have a kid in the early childhood phases of development.
E. Please complete the following activities listed below:
Watch the following video on children in play.
Then, consider this: What is the significance of children engaging in play?
What do you believe to be some of the changes take place in the brain during this period of development? Please be specific. Also, how do you think these changes in the brain contribute to overall maturation. Provide some examples from your own development here!
Please identify and describe Baumrind’s different parenting styles.
Then, consider what type of parenting style you received as a child? Support your answer with an explanation containing at least one example. (Keep in mind it is possible to have received more than just one parenting type).
Please answer the questions from activities 1-3
GB 510 Purdue University Global Management and Leadership Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following article before posting to this Discussion. You can locate this article from the Library:
Brookmire, D. (2014). Managers or leaders? Leadership Excellence, 31(1), 27–28. 2p. 1. Chart.
The article explains how management and leadership can achieve high engagement in organizations. According to the author, organizations rely on both leaders and managers to maximize their successes. The author adds that companies need to develop the competencies in their managers and leaders to ensure that their various needs are met. Based on your readings and personal experiences, how does this relate with what you read, and with your work-related experiences? Please substantiate your argument with reputable sources. Be sure to follow the grading rubric and demonstrate strong critical thinking skills.
GB 510 Purdue University Global Management and Leadership Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Purdue Global University Globalization and Value Chain Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Write an APA formatted 4–6-page paper, exclusive of the Title and References pages.
- In your paper, address the following requirements using the directions included within the Unit 4 Assignment template.
- Write your paper using third person perspective (do not use first or second person pronouns; (e.g., “I,” “me,” “you,” “we”).
- In your paper, apply the 21 elements from the Contemporary Value Chain model, plus additional decision-making factors (all listed below) to evaluate the impact of globalization on a value chain. Here is the list of considerations that need to be addressed in the paper; all are related to the ultimate goal to earn customer value (includes customer delight and profitability). Within each element, describe what decisions may need to be made, for what reason, by whom, for what reason and how the elements are interrelated.
21 Value Chain Elements
- Budgeting
- Competitive advantage
- Corporate social responsibility
- Culture
- Customer need
- External resources
- Financial
- Goals
- Idea generation
- Information management
- Infrastructure
- Leadership
- People – human resources
- People – customers
- People – shareholders
- Political (external)
- Political (internal)
- Product development
- Strategy
- Supply chain management
- Technological considerations.
- Include a conclusion summarizing the paper’s content without introducing any new information.
- Support your response’s content with at least three separate applied and cited references. Accepted sources are: Library article(s) and your textbook. No other internet references are acceptable for the Unit 4 Assignment. Apply and cite no more than one referenced sentence per paragraph. Not every paragraph requires use of a reference; originality is appreciated. Use APA in-text citations within the response and list the applied reference(s) at the end of the response using APA formatting. APA formatting resources are available in the Academic Tools area titled, “APA Style Central.”
- Proofread your paper, confirm correct APA formatting, run spell check and grammar check, and proofread again. Submit your completed paper into the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox.
Penn state university Bail and Criminal Justice Systems Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Bail is believed to disadvantage those without money in our society. If an individual can prove via established roots in a community (i.e. rent or own a home/apartment, stable employment, school attendance, resident of the community for a given period of time, etc.) that they will appear in court, should bail be waived? Or should bail solely be based on the type of crime?
- Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
If you were facing criminal charges within the system, would you select a bench trial or a jury trial? Why? Would your decision vary based on the type of crime you were facing? Why or why not?
- Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
Is it fair for a person to be prosecuted criminally and then sued in civil court? Why or why not? Does it depend on any specific factors? If so, make sure to include those factors within your response.
- Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
Case 1
Assignment Overview
As the subsystems of the Criminal Justice system (police, courts, and corrections) carry out their job tasks, they have several goals in mind. Of these goals, which do you think works the best with those that enter our system as suspected and convicted offenders and why?
Your assignment submission should be at least one full page in length. Points will be deducted for submissions that are shorter or longer in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.
Case 2
Assignment Overview
In your opinion, which of the various data collection methods comes the closest to providing us with the most accurate picture of crime in our society? Why?
Your assignment submission should be at least one full page in length. Points will be deducted for submissions that are shorter or longer in length. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking.
HU 340 Herzing University Week 8 Values and Popular Culture Reflection Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 8 Discussion – Reflection
33 unread replies.44 replies.
Discussion: Unit 8, Due Tuesday by noon CT
Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:
- Create a logical written argument about values and popular culture which includes scholarly research.
- Analyze an artifact of popular culture from multiple perspectives.
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
- For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
- Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional application.
Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:
- What surprised you about the course?
- Reviewing the course objectives and description, what do you wish you could have learned more about?
- What is your perspective on how popular culture is affecting society and you, personally?
- In your opinion, what will be the next pop culture hit?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Estimated time to complete: 1 hour
This topic is valued at 20 points. There is no peer response required for this unit, but feel free to discuss these topics with classmates.
HC 450 Herzing University Week 8 Health Informatics Management Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 8 Discussion – Reflection
44 unread replies.44 replies.
Discussion: Unit 8, Due Tuesday at Noon CT
Unit 8 Discussion – Reflection
Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:
- Interpret, communicate, and apply current laws, accreditation requirements, and licensure and certification standards related to health information system initiatives.
- Compare clinical, business, and specialty systems applications used in the HIM field, including knowledge-based applications to meet end-user information requirements.
- Model the development, selection, implementation and maintenance of healthcare data systems that include customization and procurement using appropriate lifecycle concepts; including electronic health records (EHRs), personal health records (PHRs), public health, and other administrative applications.
- Apply the concepts of the administration of data, data definitions, data dictionaries, data modeling, data structures, data warehousing, and database management systems.
- Compare the key aspects of data archival including their benefits and risks, query tools and applications, data mining, report design, and search engine design and development.
- Develop data security measures and system policies, risk assessment tools and contingency planning that include protection of the integrity and validity of paper-based and computerized information.
- Differentiate between different communication networks and standards (LAN, VPN, NIST, HL7), and explain various internet technologies and standards (SGML, XML, Intranet/Extranet).
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
- For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
- Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.
Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. Responses to these questions are due by Tuesday at noon.
All references and citations should in APA format.
There is no peer response required for this discussion, but feel free to discuss these topics with classmates.
[supanova_question] found in Module 5.
Given what you’ve read this week, create a newsletter to parents that addresses the following questions:
(1) According to the authors, what are some tips (AT LEAST THREE) that you can offer to parents trying to establish healthy eating patterns? Be sure to state why as well! If you have some of your own based on experience, please share a few examples, too!
(2) Consider how these tips might work differently across culture. Essentially, how might these tips vary by culture and age cohort?
(3) Identify a culture different from your own and compare its healthy eating patterns to your own cultures. What are the differences and similarities?
Your newsletter should be fun and creative and should adequately address parents who might have a kid in the early childhood phases of development.
E. Please complete the following activities listed below:
Watch the following video on children in play.
Then, consider this: What is the significance of children engaging in play?
What do you believe to be some of the changes take place in the brain during this period of development? Please be specific. Also, how do you think these changes in the brain contribute to overall maturation. Provide some examples from your own development here!
Please identify and describe Baumrind’s different parenting styles.
Then, consider what type of parenting style you received as a child? Support your answer with an explanation containing at least one example. (Keep in mind it is possible to have received more than just one parenting type).
Please answer the questions from activities 1-3