merica as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)v Writing Assignment Help

merica as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)v Writing Assignment Help. merica as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)v Writing Assignment Help.

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In Assignment 3,
we ask you to write about America’s international superpower role for
the long period since World War II to the present using a Writing Guide
provided in Blackboard. Your paper must use a minimum of three sources
from the list provided below.

Your first step to completing this paper is to pick your topic.
Below you will find two lists; one refers to Cold War period (1947-1990)
examples of confrontation and one list provides examples of
confrontations occurring in the Post-Cold War period (1991-Present).
Each example will involve a specific strategic concern and
confrontation. Review the examples below and choose one strategic
concern and one confrontation from each time period to focus on in your
paper. Once you have chosen your examples, review the sources noted

Be sure to review the other help (documents or video) provided by
your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the “Strayer
Writing Standards” tab on the course menu.

Cold War period (1947-1990) possible examples – choose one
strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern:

  • Cold War strategic concerns: Containment, Domino Theory, “MAD Doctrine”
  • Cold War confrontations: Berlin Airlift; Korean War; Vietnam War; Cuban Missile Crisis

Post-Cold War period (1991-Present) possible examples –
choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that

  • Post-cold War strategic concerns: Terrorism, Rogue States; WMD
  • Post-Cold War confrontations: First Persian Gulf War; Invasion of Afghanistan; Invasion of Iraq;
  • Bombing of Libya (2011)

Sources: Schultz, p. 462-7, 485-8, 499-506, 535-540, 560-7.

Besides the Schultz text, you must use any two (or more) of the following sources that relates to your paper:

George H. W. Bush. March 6, 1991. Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of the Persian Gulf Conflict.

B. Caplan. Sept. 9, 2019. The Domino Theory Reconsidered.

S. Chace. Summer, 2015. The Cuban Missile Crisis: Leadership as Disturbance, Informed by History.

Winston Churchill. March, 1946. Iron Curtain Speech, Fulton College, Missouri.

John F. Dulles. January 2, 1954. Secretary Dulles’ Strategy of Massive Retaliation.

Hickman. Aug. 9, 2019. History of Containment Policy.

McNamara. July 3, 2019. Why Did the US Enter the Vietnam War?

K. Musili. August 1, 2017. What is a Rogue State? WorldAtlas.

Colin Powell. February 6, 2003. Transcript of Powell’s UN Presentation.

Robins-Early. March 7, 2015. Was the 2011 Libya Intervention a Mistake? Huffington Post.

Victor. Dec. 21, 2018. Need a Refresher on the War in Afghanistan? Here are the Basics. New York Times.

Wilde. June 20, 2019. What is Mutually Assured Destruction? Thoughtco.

The online Rubik’s Cube solver helps you to find the solution for your unsolved puzzle.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Use the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS)
    . The format is different than other formats like APA. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font,
    Calibri, Arial, or Courier (size 10, 11, or 12), with one-inch margins
    on all sides; citations and sources must follow SWS format. You must
    have a Sources list at the end; each source listed must also be cited in
    the body of the paper with an in-text citation.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
    student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
    The cover page and the Sources page are not included in the required
    assignment page length.
  • The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of
    500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not
    adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800 maximum is a
    loose guideline. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced.
    Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will
    be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length; add a page for your title page and
    another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5-1/2. But
    the length requirement is evaluated by word count.

The paper must be submitted (uploaded and attached) in the course shell provided online.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Discuss the rise of the United States to a world “superpower” from
    1940 to the present day and how the formal international policies of
    government influenced the role of America as a policeman of the world.

merica as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)v Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Leadership Styles Business Finance Assignment Help

Review the following cases from Organizational Behavior:

  • Ch. 12: Case Incident 1: Sharing is Performing
  • Review questions: 12-13, 12-14, and 12-15.
  • Ch. 15: Case Incident 2: Turbulence on United Airlines
  • Review questions: 15-13, 15-14, and 15-15.
  • Ch. 16: Case Incident 2: Active Cultures
  • Review questions: 16-16, 16-17, and 16-18.

In 780- to 1050-words, do the following:

  • For each of the above cases:
  • Describe, through a story, the leader’s use of the leadership style in response to the situation. Use various action verbs in your story.
  • Explain what makes the selected leadership style effective for the particular situation.
  • Compare and contrast the leadership styles leaders chose for each case.
  • Explain why the leadership styles should differ for each case.


business law contracts Law Assignment Help

Part 1

Law 1 – Business Law – Contracts

1. Read the case Access Organics v Hernandez (Links to an external site.)

2. Watch the youtube video on past consideration (Links to an external site.)in contracts

3. Carefully explain in your own words (paraphrase and do not copy from the case) the following words and statements in the case (Links to an external site.)

Remember to use your own words; restate and number the statements and your responses.

Part 2

1. Read the case Desgro v. Pack Case (Links to an external site.)

2. Watch the youtube video on fraud (Links to an external site.) in contracts

3. Carefully explain in your own words (paraphrase and do not copy from the case) the following words and statements from the case:

  • 1. The trial court granted summary judgment to defendant, finding that the contractual limitation period was reasonable and enforceable. The trial court stated that plaintiff “had plenty of time to find any deficiency” because he had been living in the home for at least ten months when the contractual limitations period expired.
  • 2. A grant of summary judgment is not presumed correct by this court; rather, this court must “make a fresh determination” in each case that the requirements of Tenn. R. Civ. P. 56 have been satisfied. Watson v. Waters, 375 S.W.3d 282, 291 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2012) (Links to an external site.). In doing so, this court must consider the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-movant and draw all reasonable inferences in his favor. Id.
  • 3. The interpretation and construction of a plain and unambiguous written contract is a question of law for determination by the court. It is the duty of the court to enforce the contract according to its plain terms, and the language used in the contract must be taken and understood in its plain, ordinary and popular sense. However, “the cardinal rule for interpretation of contracts is to ascertain the intention of the parties and to give effect to that intention as best can be done consistent with legal principles.” Courts may determine the intention of the parties “by a fair construction of the terms and provisions of the contract, by the subject matter to which it has reference, by the circumstances of the particular transaction giving rise to the question, and by the construction placed on the agreement by the parties in carrying out its terms.”

  • 4. In this case, the agreement at issue is not an adhesion contract because it was not shown that plaintiff had to “take it or leave it” or that he was forced to acquiesce to the terms of the agreement to get the service he desired. Plaintiff did not question the terms of the agreement, did not attempt to bargain with the defendant regarding the agreement, and there was no proof that defendant told plaintiff he had to sign the document to obtain the service. Plaintiff stated that he contacted defendant at the recommendation of his realtor, but plaintiff likely could have obtained the service from someone else because plaintiff did not show that defendant was the only home inspector in the area. Accordingly, we do not need to examine the contract’s provisions to determine their reasonableness because the agreement at issue is not a contract of adhesion.

  • 5. In this case, the language plaintiff complains of is not an unenforceable exculpatory clause.[2] (Links to an external site.) The language is a contractual limitations period, which our court has repeatedly held to be enforceable so long as the period is reasonable. The provision does not exculpate defendant from most or all liability, but rather limits the time period within which plaintiff can file suit against defendant. Thus, plaintiff’s argument in this regard is without merit.
  • 6. Explain who won the case and why.

(Remember to number your responses, restating the statements being asked to explain.)


the preparation outline for persuasive speech and the topic is to look at everyone objectively, not to question easily, and to despise anyone. Writing Assignment Help

the preparation outline for your persuasive speech

Read the Persuasive Speech Materials

In this document, you will find everything you need to prepare and submit your Persuasive Speech:

Persuasive Speech Instructions back to top

For your persuasive speech, choose a hobby (either one that you have or one that you would like to have) and persuade us to to try something related to that hobby.

Grading: This speech will be graded on content and performance according to the criteria listed on the rubric.

Time: Your speech must be between 4 and 6 minutes. Speeches that fall outside of the required time window will be penalized such that those that are 1 to 30 seconds under/over will be penalized 5 points, those that are 31-60 seconds under/over will be penalized 10 points, and so on. Speeches that exceed the maximum time limit by more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds will not be graded after that time.

Topic: You must persuade us to try something related to a hobby that you have or would like to have. You may not choose a topic about a stock controversy such as abortion, alcohol consumption, blood or organ donation, capital punishment, constitutional rights, criminal justice, drug legalization, tobacco use, vehicle safety, voting, etc.

Notes: You may use key words on one sheet of paper (or on several note cards) to aid your delivery.

Delivery: You should deliver your speech extemporaneously, meaning that you should prepare your speech with an outline and practice in advance until you feel comfortable with the material. When delivering your speech, you should use only brief notes (key words) and choose your exact wording as you speak.

Content: Your speech should include (1) an introduction with (a) a creative attention getting device, (b) a clear central idea, (c) a relevance statement, (d) a credibility statement, (e) a preview of your main points, and (f) a smooth transition into the body of your speech; (2) a body that includes 2-3 coordinated, logical, and substantive main points that (a) support your central idea, (b) are organized effectively, and (c) are separated by effective transitions; and (3) a strong conclusion that includes (a) a clear signal of the end, (b) a restatement of the central idea, (c) a review of the main points, and (d) a return to the introductory device.

Sources: You must find and cite at least 4 sources that support the content of your speech. All sources should be factual, reliable, objective, and recent. At least two sources must be obtained through the university library or its online databases. Sources must be cited within your speech (both vocally as you deliver your speech and parenthetically within the text of your preparation outline). Vocal citations should include all of the following information (when available): author, article name, publication date, publication name. Source must also be cited in a references list at the end of your outline. These sources should be cited in APA (American Psychological Association) format.

Visual Aid: You must prepare and deliver at least 1 visual aid that contributes to your audience’s understanding of your topic. Your visual aid should be an object, model, drawing, photograph, map, graph, or chart. Your visual aid may not be yourself or another person.

Outline: You must prepare and submit a preparation outline to accompany your speech. Read more about the preparation outline and see examples of good preparation outlines submitted by previous students here.

Persuasive Speech Preparation Outline Instructions back to top

You must prepare and submit a preparation outline to accompany your speech. The preparation outline is a complete sentence outline that is a fully developed representation of your speech. An adequate preparation outline is one that, when read, could effectively substitute for the speech itself. Because you must deliver the speech extemporaneously, however, your preparation outline will represent only one potential version of your speech. Your preparation outline should follow the following format (create more main points if necessary using the provided pattern):

Specific purpose:

Organizational pattern:


Creative attention-getting device:

Central idea:

Relevance statement:

Credibility statement:

Preview of main points:



Main point 1


Main point 2



Statement signaling the conclusion:

Restatement of central idea:

Summary of main points:

Return to introductory device:

Persuasive Speech Preparation Outline Examples back to top

Example 1


Creative Attention-Getting device: Walking is something that we college students do a lot of. Think about if you get the support you need from the shoes that you do most of your walking in.

Central Idea: Chaco’s provide your feet with a significant amount of support and is a great shoe all in all.

Relevance Statement: No one thinks about the fact that your feet need effective support.

Credibility Statement: I wear my Chaco’s almost every single day. I wear them to class, hiking, and even swimming. I wear them in almost every situation. Even when my feet get cold, I just slip socks on and wear my Chaco’s.

Transition: If you are looking for a shoe that can be used in many situations and is good for your overall foot health, Chaco’s are definitely the shoe for you.


Main Point 1:

According to the Wolverine Worldwide website, which is the company that makes Chaco’s. Chaco’s orientated “in the water as a river guide’s seasonal shoe, Chaco has always been fit for adventure. Today, Chaco is emerging from the water to offer a year-round program of shoes that follow the “healthy feet, healthy body” mantra, inspiring a pure connection to the product and the earth where we avidly adventure.” I wear my Chaco’s in a variety of different situations, like shopping, hiking or just walking to class. According to “Chaco specializes in making sandals designed for water and outdoor use”, but the shoe does not have to only be worn while doing vigorous activities. They are perfect for every situation. I have even wore mine with a formal dress to my graduation party, there is no place that you cannot wear Chaco’s.

Transition: Not only can you wear Chaco’s in any situation, but they provide efficient foot support. One of the great things about Chaco’s is the arch that the sandals have.

Main Point 2:

Dr. David S. Levine, foot and ankle surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York says that “Wearing flip-flops, flats and other shoes that don’t provide arch support may contribute to your toe troubles. In the case of flip-flops, not only do the thin rubber soles give your feet zero arch support, your ankle is free to move about. This leads to twisted ankles…” Chaco’s straps help eliminate the possibility of twisted ankles. WebMD says “if you have foot pain and need an alternative to flip-flops and their flimsy support, the APMA’s web site recommends sandals from companies, such as Wolky, Chaco, Dansko and Rockport”. I have worn my Chaco’s hours on hours and not once have a I had foot pains while walking; however, if I wear my tennis shoes or any other shoe while being on my feet for a long period of time, I have aching foot pains.


Statement signaling the conclusion: In conclusion, today, I have told you about the benefits of owning a pair of Chaco’s.

Restatement of the central idea: All around Chaco’s are great shoes all in all.

Summary of the main ideas: Chaco’s are appropriate for many different situations and they provide great support for your feet.

Return to the introductory device: We are always walking and our feet need effective foot support, and Chaco footwear provides that 100%.


Wolverine Worldwide. Retrieved November 11, 2015. From…

Kam, Katherine. (2007). Flip-Flops Fun but Beware of Foot Pain. Retrieved November 11, 2015. From…

Castello, Michelle. (2012, July 19). Lack of arch support in flip-flops may lead to foot problems, experts say. Retrieved November 11, 2015. From… (2009). Wolverine World Wide Acquires Chaco Footwear. Retrieved November 12, 2015. From…

Example 2


Creative attention-getting device: You may have seen costumes in a Halloween store before or even worn one out for the 31st but image a hobby where you get to dress up for more than just a holiday.

Central idea: The word cosplay means ‘costume play’ and today I’m here to persuade you to try it.

Relevance statement: We’ve all put on a costume in our life. Halloween was just last week and many of us wore on outfit out on that day.

Credibility statement: I have cosplayed for 4 years now and have researched this topic. I believe that this is a great thing for anyone to participate in.

Preview of main points: Cosplay is more than a hobby a way to express yourself and it’s a great community.

Transition: So what is cosplay and why would anyone want to do it?


Main point I

According to an article on, an online store that sells costumes, cosplay “is a type of performance art whose participants outfit themselves, with often-elaborate costumes and accessories, as a specific character…and inventing likely behavior inspired by their chosen sources” So think of finally getting to be those super heroes you watched on tv as a kid or the fairy you read about in a book or the action hero you played as in a game. People get really creative with their costumes having a wide verity of simple to complex outfits they will wear. This is an expression for many of themselves and a way to engage their creativity.

Transition: So can anyone cosplay?

Main point II

Buzzfeed posted an article asking several people of different ages, races, and nationalities to talk about why they love cosplay. One of the people they interview summed up what makes this hobby so great by saying, “My favorite thing about Cosplaying is the community. How it doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, what you look like, what you do, how long it’s been since you’ve gone to a convention or event we’re all family. The support and love that the Cosplay community has for one another is something I’ve never experienced before in my entire life. You walk into a room and even people you don’t know treat you like they’ve known you your entire life. It really is magical.”

Transition: Cosplaying has been a life changing thing for me and for many other people.


Statement signaling the conclusion: In conclusion, Cosplay is about more than putting on a costume.

Restatement of central idea: Cosplaying is for any age, race, or gender.

Summary of main points: The community that cosplay offers is a supportive and open one that you can be yourself or anther character in.

Return to introductory device: So I hope you will consider putting on a costume for more than just one day out of the year and maybe try a going to a cosplay convention.


COSPLAY HOUSE. (n.d). Retrieved November 6, 2015, from

Marcopoto, T. (2014, August 5). Cosplay insanity continues at latest ChinaJoy Retrieved November 6, 2015, from…

Stevens, M. (2014). Professionals by day, superheroes by night Retrieved November 6, 2015, from…

Broderick, R. (2015, April 15). 18 Before-And-After Photos That Prove Anyone Can Be A Cosplay Superstar Retrieved November 6, 2015,from…

Purple Duckie Cosplay. (2014, August 10). What is cosplay?. Retrieved November 6, 2015, from…

Example 3


Creative attention getting device: LEGOS. Yes, I will be talking about them again. And I’m sure you’re all thrilled, but the fact of the matter is all children play. Children are like sponges, they absorb whatever is around them, and it’s their parents’ responsibility to be their filter for wholesome things as they get old enough to have one of their own. A child’s growth can be easily influenced in their way of play.

Central idea: Because all children play, we as future parents can provide our own children with toys that will help them learn, and legos should be among them for several reasons.

Relevance statement: Now, before you freak out, it’s common knowledge that the majority of people in this room will get married and start a family one day. Thus, we need to be aware of what will affect our future children, and be ready to prepare them with the proper tools for growth and learning.

Credibility: As a LEGO alumni, if you will, I have much experience building legos as a child, and can vouch for their long term effects of helping me expand my creativity. On another note, I have done extensive research on what effects children’s learning habits, and can tell you how important it is for kids to have a constructive outlet.

Preview of main points: Legos benefit children mainly in two ways: developing creativity and STEM skills. If you don’t know what STEM skills are, STEM is an abbreviation for science, technology, engineering, and math.

Transition: I’ll begin by explaining the creative side first.


1st Main point: Lego bricks develope creativity for children in a variety of different ways.

From the blog “Learning Creativity and About Creativity from Lego” published in 2011, Abhijit Kadle says, “Lego encourages creativity by enabling an envirionment that allows for infinite combination, exploration within boundary constraints of a system (the Lego system in this case), and supports transformation – allows for the creation of entirely new models with little in common with the building instructions that come with the sets. This […] rather than a toy is great for play and learning.” Therefore, just because a set comes with instructions, doesn’t mean the kids have to follow them. They are encouraged to build something of their own.

Cheryl J., another blogger, explained in her post in 2013 entitled “Lego Building Sets”, that the reason why the LEGO Company has sustained its popularity is because they provide toys that are not “ready-made”, meaning legos challange a child’s creativity better than other toys, because the child has to learn to make the toy itself, and that’s part of what makes the blocks so fun.

Transition: Just imagine your child learning and having fun at the same time. Now we’ll talk more about what exactly they could learn

2nd Main point:

Legos could allow your children to learn STEM skills and improve their comprehension of concepts. Again, STEM simply means science, technology, engineering, and math skills.

On an online article entitled “Can Lego Bricks and Other Construction Toys Boost Your Child’s STEM Skills?” written in 2013, Tiffany Tsend, an engineer at MIT Media Lab, gives her testimony about where legos got her today as an engineer. She says, “Legos are a good introduction to communicating ideas with phyical objects[…] Putting things together and taking them apart got me interested in how things work, and by the time I was an undergraduate, I knew I wanted to be an engineer.” In the same article, the author, Gwen Dewar, explains that kids improve their math skills, spatial reasoning, and fine motor skills after they play with LEGOs.

On another note, a study was done in 2012 by Keeshan Williams and a few of his collegues about how LEGOs influence kids in grades K-12, specifically their math and science comprehension. This study showed their comprehension levels before and after using LEGOs to help them apply the concepts they were learning in school. *show visial aid bar graphs*

Transition: Consequently, legos are consistant at improving the young minds of tomorrow.


Signal: In conclusion, Legos are a great academic tool for kids of all ages and are fun to work with.

Restatement of central idea: By now, I would hope you would better understand why Legos would be such a good investment for your kids in the future.

Review of main points: Due to their strong enhancement of creativity and learning, there’s a good chance you will see your child flourish in school if they play with legos.

Return to central device: If your child is struggling in school, the options to learn and have fun are available with these building blocks. Help your future children absorb wholesome things.

End strong: So it’s up to you what your kids will absorb. Mine will play with Legos.


Dewar, G. (2013). Can Lego bricks and other construction toys boost your child’s STEM skills?. Parenting Science. Retrieved from…

J. C. (2013, November 21). Lego Builging Sets~Children Developmental Motor Skills~Toys. [Web log post] Games, Toys, and Hobbies. Retrieved from

Kadle, A. (2011, April 21). Learning Creativity and About Creativity from Lego. [Web log post] Game Based Learning. Retrieved from…

Williams, Igel, Poveda, Kapila, & Iskander. (2012). Enriching K-12 Science and Mathematics Education Using LEGOs. American Society for Engineering Education, 3(2), 16-18.

Example 4


Creative Attention-Getting Device: Worldwide, there are over 400 dog breeds each with their own personalities and traits.

Central Idea: Unfortunately, some individual dogs’ actions can lead to negative publicity and eventually regulations that ban the dog’s breed known as Breed Specific Legislation, or BSL.

Relevance Statement: There are many people who are dog lovers or humane that are unaware of these regulations and how they target dog breeds.

Credibility Statement: I worked at a pet groomer’s place and interacted with many dog breeds in that time. There, I gained experience with many of the dog breeds targeted by BSL.

Preview of Main Points: Today, I will discuss the flaws of BSL including: it’s costly, it’s ineffective, and how it only causes more harm.

Transition: First, I would like to begin with how BSL is costly.


Main Point 1: BSL is too costly to be effective.

The city of Mobile considered these regulations a few years ago when a young girl was unfortunately attacked by a pit bull type dog. One of the main reasons the city did not go through with them was because of how costly it was. On, it was reported that in the 2001-2002 year that BSL cost a county in Maryland $68,000 to confiscate and euthanize one pit bull. Due to that, expenditures totalled $560,000 and over half a million was spent by the county to enforce the ordinance.

Transition: In addition to it being costly, BSL bans have proven to be completely ineffective worldwide.

Main Point 2: Globally, BSL has proven to be ineffective.

Several cities and countries around the world have implemented BSL regulations. The most famous city to implement the ban is the U.S. city of Denver, CO while the most notable country to implement BSL is the Netherlands. Denver inforced these statutes in 1989 which remain in place to this day following many reports of pit bull related attacks. The Netherlands, on the other hand, repealed their 15 year ban on pit bulls in 2008. This repeal was due to the fact that the number of dog bites actually continued to rise. Now, the goals of BSL is obviously to decrease bites and attacks. Clearly, it didn’t in the Netherlands and dog bites have been reported to have remained the same in Denver, despite the ban.

Transition: Lastly, these regulations only seem to cause more harm to a community rather than good.

Main Point 3: BSL only causes more harm to the community.

BSL on the surface doesn’t seem like they would be the cause of a great deal of harm to people. However, that’s exactly what it has done. In Denver, thousands of pit bulls, including ones that were family pets and did no wrong were confiscated from their owners and killed because of their “breed.” According to Animals Today, these regulations seem to be more harmful when you consier that dog attacks aren’t as common as we think (i.e. 12 related deaths in 24 years in Australia). It does not help that there are many breeds that look so much alike that they could be mistaken for a pit bull when they aren’t.

Transition: I have explained to you all now why BSL bans are wrong and to an extent outdated.


Statement Signaling the Conclusion: In conclusion, it would be incredibly irresponsible for a city/country to enforce this ordinance.

Restatement of Central Idea: There are many reasons why we should not stand for our hometowns, the city of Mobile, state, or country enforcing such bans.

Summary of Main Points: Considering the large costs, ineffectiveness, and the overall harm BSL causes, we should not allow such irresponsibility to be enforced.

Return to Introductory Device: My research on the subject here should make it clear that these bans are overall unneccessary for all of us.


“Breed-Specific Legislation.” ASPCA. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

“Failure to Improve Safety.” Stop BSL.” N.p., 26 Aug. 2008. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

“Expense.” Stop BSL. N.p., 26 Aug. 2008. Web. 12 Nov. 2015″Breeds and Bites Education Essential.” Animals Today, 2002. Web. 12 Nov. 2015

Farbotta, David. “Pit Bulls Bear Brunt of Breed Bans.” DVM: The Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine. Jan. 2005. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

Persuasive Speech Rubric back to top

PENALTIES (1-25 percentage points are deducted for each based on severity)

___ Speech did not meet the overall requirements of the assignment

___ Speech was not delivered extemporaneously

___ Speech did not meet the time requirements (-5% for every 30 seconds over or under)

___ Other (noted in comments)


Introduction (20%)

___ Creatively gained attention

___ Clear central idea

___ Clear relevance statement

___ Clear credibility statement

___ Preview of main points

___ Smooth transition to body

Body (20%)

___ Main point(s) clearly stated

___ Main point(s) effectively organized

___ Main point(s) well supported

___ At least 4 sources effectively cited

___ Language concise and appropriate

___ Smooth transitions throughout body

Conclusion (20%)

___ Clearly signaled conclusion

___ Central idea restated

___ Summary of main points

___ Return to introductory device

___ Strong ending statement

Presentation Aid (15%)

___ Visible during appropriate times

___ Clearly explained

___ Effective and appropriate

___ Focused eye contact on audience


Physical Delivery (10%)

___ Maintained adequate eye contact

___ Maintained proper posture

___ Used appropriate gestures

___ Appropriate use of speaking notes

Vocal Delivery (15%)

___ Verbal fillers absent

___ Appropriate speaking volume

___ Appropriate rate of speech

___ Appropriate expressiveness

___ Proper articulation and pronunciation


___ Follows proper template

___ Written in full sentences

___ Includes adequate detail

___ Includes adequate in-text citations

___ Includes adequate references list


Answer two questions about Water Potential Distribution from a Prescribed Rate of Transpiration in one day Science Assignment Help

Answer two questions about Water Potential Distribution from a Prescribed Rate of Transpiration. More information is in the document.

(1-1) Solve for the water potential of the soil in the hydraulically connected system illustrated below, expressing your answer in megapascals [MPa], and using the flux-gradient equation.

(1-2) List and briefly explain (two to four sentences) 5 different things (environmental conditions or plant attributes) that might act to increase the instantaneous transpiration rate of a whole plant. In all cases explain the physical attributes or mechanisms that would cause an increased rate of transpiration.



Art&design: Field Trip A: Patchwork Central Writing Assignment Help

FIELDTRIP ANALYSIS (25pts each): Written 1-page analysis; typed 12 point size, double spaced. This is to be completed after we have finished the trip. See syllabus outline for when each Trip Analysis is due. The purpose of the report is to reinforce what you learned during the trip. Where did we go? What were the main concepts/features that you saw demonstrated on the trip? What was new or different than what you had anticipated from the organization/place of trip? What did you take away from the trip information that can be of benefit to you?

Patchwork Central 100 Washington Avenue; Evansville, IN 47713;

* Listen to the Voice that have the all visit + search on the internet if you need more information.

Art&design: Field Trip A: Patchwork Central Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

You will choose ONE topic from the choices given below on which to write. The paper should be at least four pages typed, double-spaced and use a 12-point font. You must include at least three resources as evidence of your research in a bibliography. You may submit via Canvas when you have completed it.

1. Should the Parthenon marbles be returned to Greece? Develop a full analysis either for or against the return of these artifacts to Athens. (See “Who Owns the Art? The Elgin Marbles and the Euphronios Krater to get you started. This can be found in Chapter 5, Art and Its Context link in the discussion of the Parthenon)

2. Compare and contrast the construction, function and symbolism of pyramid structures from two different cultures.

3. Analyze the development of the imagery of Christ from the early Christian period through to the Byzantine period.

4. Examine the changing worldview of the Romanesque world to the Gothic period. How did this affect these sculptural representations?

5. Choose any three representations of important people that we have covered (rulers, emperors, kings, religious leaders) and compare how authority and power have been portrayed differently by different cultures or eras.


fill in this report Writing Assignment Help

Topic: Robotics is going to make a huge difference to people’s job prospects;

identify the areas of industry and commerce which are most at risk and discuss what, if anything, governments can do

Academic English Skills Coursework 1: Source Report




Essay title or question:


Plan for overall structure of essay:

Plan for overall structure








Part 1: Annotated List of Sources

Select TWO sources you have read and plan to use in your essay and complete the table below outlining:

  • the text is useful for your essay
  • you found the source.

You will focus on three different sources in part 2. Note that you should summarise and paraphrase key information in the text in order to demonstrate that you have understood the sources. You may use bullet points. You are not marked for your language accuracy, but you will be penalised for copying text from the source.

Include a reference in the following format:

Books / chapters of books:

Surname, I. and Surname, I. (Year) Title of the book Place of Publication: Publisher

Surname, I. (Year) ‘Chapter of the book’ In: I. Surname & I. Surname (Eds) Title of the book Place of Publication:

Publisher pp.1 – 18

Journal articles (print/ online)

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article’ The Name of the Journal 1 (1), pp. 1- 18

Reports / articles online

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article or Report’ [Online] The Name of the Organisation or website. Available at:

url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Lectures / talks

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Lecture or Talk’ [Online] TED Available at: url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Source 1

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Source 2

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Part 2: Source Report

Complete the source report for THREE more sources you have read. Include:

  • from the source which are useful for your essay, the supporting information for each idea or argument and which paragraph in the essay each main point is useful for. Make sure you cover at least three different aspects of your essay.

Source 3


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 4


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 5


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Conclusions drawn from your reading

You will be given a tutorial following submission of the assessment. In the tutorial, you will be asked to:

You will also be given opportunity to:

This assessment is worth 40% of your reading mark.


Methodology: Tech report Writing Assignment Help

You will have to write the methodology section in the technical report, which should be 3-4 paragraphs. I will provide you with the rubric, the code, and the word document that explains how the code was done. Please, follow the guidelines in the rubric. Also, you can use some pictures or tables from the matlab code.

i will also provide a template describing how you can write the methodology section, and an example of how it should look like. The example is from a totally different project, but it should give you a thought of how it should look.


I need to write an essay. Humanities Assignment Help

Due Date: March 2

Length: about 2400 words

The papers should be typed, double-spaced with margins of reasonable size (1”). The
emphasis should still be on clarity and structure but I would like to see more critical
analysis and discussion than in the first paper. The discussion should, however, be
discussion of arguments and theories that you have clearly explained. If you quote,
paraphrase, or refer to particular passages from the reading, or any other source, please
give reference. It is virtually impossible for your paper to be too narrowly focused.
Popper describes good scientific practice as involving scientists putting forward bold
conjectures and then attempting to refute those conjectures. Explain what a bold
conjecture is and how conjectures can be refuted. Why does Popper think scientists
should seek to refute their conjectures rather than confirm them and why does he think
that aiming at refutation produce better science? Be sure to not only explain Popper’s
reasoning but to evaluate it.
One criticism of Popper’s method focuses on the role of auxiliary hypotheses in
hypothesis testing. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. Another criticism is that Popper
has no explanation for when we should put more trust in one hypothesis rather than
another. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. For both criticisms be sure to consider
possible responses by Popper to the criticism and evaluate those responses.


Books / chapters of books:

Surname, I. and Surname, I. (Year) Title of the book Place of Publication: Publisher

Surname, I. (Year) ‘Chapter of the book’ In: I. Surname & I. Surname (Eds) Title of the book Place of Publication:

Publisher pp.1 – 18

Journal articles (print/ online)

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article’ The Name of the Journal 1 (1), pp. 1- 18

Reports / articles online

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article or Report’ [Online] The Name of the Organisation or website. Available at:

url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Lectures / talks

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Lecture or Talk’ [Online] TED Available at: url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Source 1

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Source 2

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Part 2: Source Report

Complete the source report for THREE more sources you have read. Include:

  • from the source which are useful for your essay, the supporting information for each idea or argument and which paragraph in the essay each main point is useful for. Make sure you cover at least three different aspects of your essay.

Source 3


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 4


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 5


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Conclusions drawn from your reading

You will be given a tutorial following submission of the assessment. In the tutorial, you will be asked to:

You will also be given opportunity to:

This assessment is worth 40% of your reading mark.


Methodology: Tech report Writing Assignment Help

You will have to write the methodology section in the technical report, which should be 3-4 paragraphs. I will provide you with the rubric, the code, and the word document that explains how the code was done. Please, follow the guidelines in the rubric. Also, you can use some pictures or tables from the matlab code.

i will also provide a template describing how you can write the methodology section, and an example of how it should look like. The example is from a totally different project, but it should give you a thought of how it should look.


I need to write an essay. Humanities Assignment Help

Due Date: March 2

Length: about 2400 words

The papers should be typed, double-spaced with margins of reasonable size (1”). The
emphasis should still be on clarity and structure but I would like to see more critical
analysis and discussion than in the first paper. The discussion should, however, be
discussion of arguments and theories that you have clearly explained. If you quote,
paraphrase, or refer to particular passages from the reading, or any other source, please
give reference. It is virtually impossible for your paper to be too narrowly focused.
Popper describes good scientific practice as involving scientists putting forward bold
conjectures and then attempting to refute those conjectures. Explain what a bold
conjecture is and how conjectures can be refuted. Why does Popper think scientists
should seek to refute their conjectures rather than confirm them and why does he think
that aiming at refutation produce better science? Be sure to not only explain Popper’s
reasoning but to evaluate it.
One criticism of Popper’s method focuses on the role of auxiliary hypotheses in
hypothesis testing. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. Another criticism is that Popper
has no explanation for when we should put more trust in one hypothesis rather than
another. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. For both criticisms be sure to consider
possible responses by Popper to the criticism and evaluate those responses.


Books / chapters of books:

Surname, I. and Surname, I. (Year) Title of the book Place of Publication: Publisher

Surname, I. (Year) ‘Chapter of the book’ In: I. Surname & I. Surname (Eds) Title of the book Place of Publication:

Publisher pp.1 – 18

Journal articles (print/ online)

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article’ The Name of the Journal 1 (1), pp. 1- 18

Reports / articles online

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article or Report’ [Online] The Name of the Organisation or website. Available at:

url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Lectures / talks

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Lecture or Talk’ [Online] TED Available at: url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Source 1

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Source 2

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Part 2: Source Report

Complete the source report for THREE more sources you have read. Include:

  • from the source which are useful for your essay, the supporting information for each idea or argument and which paragraph in the essay each main point is useful for. Make sure you cover at least three different aspects of your essay.

Source 3


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 4


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 5


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Conclusions drawn from your reading

You will be given a tutorial following submission of the assessment. In the tutorial, you will be asked to:

You will also be given opportunity to:

This assessment is worth 40% of your reading mark.


Methodology: Tech report Writing Assignment Help

You will have to write the methodology section in the technical report, which should be 3-4 paragraphs. I will provide you with the rubric, the code, and the word document that explains how the code was done. Please, follow the guidelines in the rubric. Also, you can use some pictures or tables from the matlab code.

i will also provide a template describing how you can write the methodology section, and an example of how it should look like. The example is from a totally different project, but it should give you a thought of how it should look.


I need to write an essay. Humanities Assignment Help

Due Date: March 2

Length: about 2400 words

The papers should be typed, double-spaced with margins of reasonable size (1”). The
emphasis should still be on clarity and structure but I would like to see more critical
analysis and discussion than in the first paper. The discussion should, however, be
discussion of arguments and theories that you have clearly explained. If you quote,
paraphrase, or refer to particular passages from the reading, or any other source, please
give reference. It is virtually impossible for your paper to be too narrowly focused.
Popper describes good scientific practice as involving scientists putting forward bold
conjectures and then attempting to refute those conjectures. Explain what a bold
conjecture is and how conjectures can be refuted. Why does Popper think scientists
should seek to refute their conjectures rather than confirm them and why does he think
that aiming at refutation produce better science? Be sure to not only explain Popper’s
reasoning but to evaluate it.
One criticism of Popper’s method focuses on the role of auxiliary hypotheses in
hypothesis testing. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. Another criticism is that Popper
has no explanation for when we should put more trust in one hypothesis rather than
another. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. For both criticisms be sure to consider
possible responses by Popper to the criticism and evaluate those responses.


Books / chapters of books:

Surname, I. and Surname, I. (Year) Title of the book Place of Publication: Publisher

Surname, I. (Year) ‘Chapter of the book’ In: I. Surname & I. Surname (Eds) Title of the book Place of Publication:

Publisher pp.1 – 18

Journal articles (print/ online)

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article’ The Name of the Journal 1 (1), pp. 1- 18

Reports / articles online

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article or Report’ [Online] The Name of the Organisation or website. Available at:

url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Lectures / talks

Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Lecture or Talk’ [Online] TED Available at: url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Source 1

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Source 2

Type of source:


This source is relevant because…

I found this source by…

Part 2: Source Report

Complete the source report for THREE more sources you have read. Include:

  • from the source which are useful for your essay, the supporting information for each idea or argument and which paragraph in the essay each main point is useful for. Make sure you cover at least three different aspects of your essay.

Source 3


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 4


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Source 5


Source Evaluation


When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source

Relevant key point from the text

Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point

This point is useful for paragraph…

Conclusions drawn from your reading

You will be given a tutorial following submission of the assessment. In the tutorial, you will be asked to:

You will also be given opportunity to:

This assessment is worth 40% of your reading mark.


Methodology: Tech report Writing Assignment Help

You will have to write the methodology section in the technical report, which should be 3-4 paragraphs. I will provide you with the rubric, the code, and the word document that explains how the code was done. Please, follow the guidelines in the rubric. Also, you can use some pictures or tables from the matlab code.

i will also provide a template describing how you can write the methodology section, and an example of how it should look like. The example is from a totally different project, but it should give you a thought of how it should look.


I need to write an essay. Humanities Assignment Help

Due Date: March 2

Length: about 2400 words

The papers should be typed, double-spaced with margins of reasonable size (1”). The
emphasis should still be on clarity and structure but I would like to see more critical
analysis and discussion than in the first paper. The discussion should, however, be
discussion of arguments and theories that you have clearly explained. If you quote,
paraphrase, or refer to particular passages from the reading, or any other source, please
give reference. It is virtually impossible for your paper to be too narrowly focused.
Popper describes good scientific practice as involving scientists putting forward bold
conjectures and then attempting to refute those conjectures. Explain what a bold
conjecture is and how conjectures can be refuted. Why does Popper think scientists
should seek to refute their conjectures rather than confirm them and why does he think
that aiming at refutation produce better science? Be sure to not only explain Popper’s
reasoning but to evaluate it.
One criticism of Popper’s method focuses on the role of auxiliary hypotheses in
hypothesis testing. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. Another criticism is that Popper
has no explanation for when we should put more trust in one hypothesis rather than
another. Explain this criticism and evaluate it. For both criticisms be sure to consider
possible responses by Popper to the criticism and evaluate those responses.


merica as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)v Writing Assignment Help

merica as Superpower–Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present)v Writing Assignment Help

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