MGMT 3309 Dalhousie University Modern Walk Apparel Business Interview Report Writing Assignment Help

MGMT 3309 Dalhousie University Modern Walk Apparel Business Interview Report Writing Assignment Help. MGMT 3309 Dalhousie University Modern Walk Apparel Business Interview Report Writing Assignment Help.

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Over the years, students have found it valuable to interview key family members who are active in family businesses. Through such an interview you can gain insight into the dynamics, issues, and problems of families in business. You can also understand an individual family business member’s perspective, strategies, motivations and experiences in the family firm.

Gathering information through interviewing is a valuable skill. You can learn a great deal in a short time if you prepare thoughtfully and thoroughly.

The project has two primary components – an interview to be conducted with the principal or significant individual of a family business and a 3-4 (single-spaced) page report to be submitted based upon the interview. Attatching the interview transcript as an appendix is optional.

We encourage you to use this exercise as an opportunity to collect information for your case or research project. So consider using the firm you will write the case about or your own family’s business for this exercise. Of course, you can use any family business if you prefer to interview another. This is an individual assignment. As such group members have the choice to each interview a diifernet significant individual from the family business or business family that your group project is focused on or to interview a principal of a family business of your choice

There is no one right way to structure an interview but here are some basic guidelines to assist you.

1. Contact the person you have selected and make an appointment. Be sure to explain why you want the appointment and give a realistic estimate of the time you will need.

2. Identify specific questions you would like to have answered and the general areas about which you would like information. Use a combination of open-ended questions, such as how the interviewee entered the business, how that went and so forth, and closed-ended questions such as when he or she took over their existing position, if there has been an intergenerational transition etc.

3. Conduct the interview. If both you and the interviewee are comfortable using a small voice recorder during the interview it can be a great help to you later. Remember you will learn much more if you are an “interested listener”. In any case take notes. Be as specific as you can be. Jotting down direct quotes is more effective than impressions. Be sure to note what you did not find out.

4. Evaluate what you have learned and prepare a 3-4 page report describing and analyzing your findings. How do your findings compare to the theory discussed in the course? Do they support or question the theory? What do you think? What do you conclude from the exercise? What have you learned? Don’t forget to include the interviewee’s voice in your report!

MGMT 3309 Dalhousie University Modern Walk Apparel Business Interview Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AMU Week 4 to 6 Antoni Gaudi Most Influential Spanish Architects Discussions Foreign Languages Assignment Help


Part B

B) The rest of this discussion will be in English. You must write a minimum of 15 sentences.

Choose a famous person from a Spanish speaking country, area, region. It could be someone you admire or someone who inspires you–either in the past or present. You could select an artist, architect, musician, political figure, military leader, etc. Please add some images, sounds or video of maps, people, places etc. to enliven your post. Cite all sources used at the bottom of your post. In your response, please discuss:

  • The reason for your choice
  • The person’s accomplishments and their impact on society
  • The individual’s physical features and personality characteristics

In essence: tell us a story about why you admire this person.


Part B

This part of the discussion is in English. You must write a minimum of 15 complete sentences. Each person is going to research one unique celebration. Credit will not be given to repeated celebrations. In the subject of your discussion, put the name of your celebration. You may want to post your discussion as early as possible.

Example: San Fermín

Celebrations provide a great release from the duties of the work we do. Here is a youtube video about “Día de los Muertos:”

Some background on “las fiestas de los hispanohablantes.”

Keeping in theme with the topic of celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries, your assignment is to explore one celebration that you have never heard about in a Spanish-speaking country.

Día de los Muertos is excluded as most have heard about it.

Please respond to the following questions in English: (Remember you must write a minimum of 15 complete sentences)

  1. What is the celebration/festival? When did it originate? What is its purpose?
  2. Who participates? Where does it take place?
  3. How is this festival celebrated? (What does it look and feel like to be there among the participants?)
  4. Why did this celebration get your attention and would you like to participate in it? Why?
  5. Think about a celebration or holiday you celebrate here in the US and compare and contrast how and why your celebration is similar and/or different than the celebration you are presenting.

Please post some images, sounds or video of people, places and food related to your celebration.

Using third-party material: If you use other people’s words, academic research requires us to cite our sources. At the bottom of your discussion post, include the links to the websites used to gather information for your topic. If your sources were not from the web, reference the name and author of any book or article that you consulted. Please remember that text directly quoted from other sources must be in quotation marks.


the two fridas.jpg

Ésta es una foto de una pintura de la famosa artista mexicana Frida Kahlo: Las dos Fridas.

A) Begin this discussion by answering these three questions in Spanish in complete sentences:

  • ¿Cómo es Frida en su imagen a la izquierda de la foto?
  • ¿Cómo es Frida a la derecha?
  • ¿Cómo eres tú en tu foto favorita?

With the verb ser, use adjectives that you know to describe physical features and personality aspects. If you want to comment on her emotional well being in the picture using the verb ser, you can state: “Es una persona triste,” for example. The same applies for your own picture. An example for my photo is: En mi foto soy baja con pelo castaño.

Here is a link to a website that provides a biography of the artist in both English and Spanish:

Here you can take a virtual tour of “La casa azul.”

B) This part of the discussion is in English. Please write a minimum of 15 complete sentences.

From the link above or from your own research about Frida: think about how you would portray two different sides of ‘you’ in a painting.

  1. Post a description in English of what an image of the two YOUs would look like. What do your two sides reveal about you?
  2. How do you identify yourself? (by heritage, beliefs, family, job, etc.)? Do you have different sides? I think we all do if we think about it.

There is also a Power Point file attachment about the two verbs SER and ESTAR.


SDSU Computer Science Java Program Tortoise and Hare Project Programming Assignment Help


  • Use visual program to observe abstract classes and concrete subclasses.
  • “Ape” the code to create a third racer type.
  • Add an action to the abstract class, then implement in the concrete subclasses.

Watch it

Tortoise and Hare demo for PC/MAC
Tortoise and Hare demo for mobile devices

Instructions Part 1

Get the four files provided in the Solution section of this lab. Download them into an IDE project. Do not alter classes Racer, Tortoise, or Hare at this point. modifications
Fill in the three places in (the driver program) where code is required. Find these sections by comments starting with “***** Student write”

  1. Add switch statement to prepareToRace().
  2. Add for loop to paintComponent() if clause (enhanced for-loop is best).
  3. Add for loop to paintComponent() else clause (enhanced for-loop is best)

Save it, compile it, and run Race to watch the races! Run it with a variety of racers.

Instructions Part 2

  1. Make a new Racer–anything you want.
    • The easiest way to do this is to make a new class and copy the code from either or
    • Then modify the appearance (draw) and position (move) according to what fits your new racer.
    • Add your racer to the switch statement in so you can race it!
  2. Add a new abstract method morph() to the abstract class
    • Implement some type of morphing to be enacted if the racer wins (or some other time if you prefer).
    • Some suggestions from students: dance, jump up and down, put on a hat, turn a different color, grow, shrink.

Additional Requirements: Complexity and Creativity!

  • Your new class draw() must be more than a simple shape; it should be comprised of at least three shapes. Making a one-color ball (as in the demo) will not you earn any points.
  • Your new class must have a unique move(), that is, it cannot be the same as either the Tortoise or Hare.
    • That means it does not just go at a different but steady pace (steady as the tortoise), nor does it just stop/go (as in the hare). Brainstorm ideas!
  • Your new class action for morph() must be more than just changing the of color of the entire racer.
    • No points for a one color change since this was done for you in the RedBall demo.

We will run your program and/or review at least the new Racer subclass and each morph() method you added to Tortoise and to Hare.


Submission for this program is “On your honor” statements in the following program which you will upload to this lab. Only print statements that are true. By turning in Certify, you are also asserting that the modifications and additions in Program 4 are entirely your own work.

public class Certify {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Print the following line if you got part 1 working and ran some races. -- 10 points
System.out.println("I certify on my honor that I ran the Race code in part one.");

// Print the following line if you added and raced a new racer type in part 2. -- 10 points
System.out.println("My new racer class is ...");

// Print the following line if you added the morph method in part 2. -- 15 points
System.out.println("The action added is morph.");

Grading rubric 50 points possible

  • Certify 5 pts.
  • Part 1 10 pts.
  • Part 2 25 pts.
  • Piazza 10 pts.


GC Why Everyone Needs to Support Black Lives Matter & Anti Racism Root Cause Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I need to have: (4-6 Pages)



B.Contextualize social issue

C.Thesis: your stance on your social issue


A.Origin/Root Cause: What is the earliest moment in history where your issue was a problem? And/or what is the root cause of your issue?

i.A: assertion

ii.X: example/evidence #1

iii.E: explanation #1

iv.X: example/evidence #2

v.E: explanation #2

vi.S: significance

B.Historical Moments over time (condensed version of your history section from Essay 2)

i.A: assertion

ii.X: example/evidence #1

iii.E: explanation #1

iv.X: example/evidence #2

v.E: explanation #2

vi.S: significance

C.Argument: First reason to support your thesis (you may pull from your Environmental Scan as appropriate)

i.A: assertion

ii.X: example/evidence #1

iii.E: explanation #1

iv.X: example/evidence #2

v.E: explanation #2

vi.S: significance

D.Argument: Second reason to support your thesis

i.A: assertion

ii.X: example/evidence #1

iii.E: explanation #1

iv.X: example/evidence #2

v.E: explanation #2

vi.S: significance

E.Argument: Third reason to support your thesis

i.A: assertion

ii.X: example/evidence #1

iii.E: explanation #1

iv.X: example/evidence #2

v.E: explanation #2

vi.S: significance

F.Repeat Body structure for any additional paragraphs


i.Assertion: statement of what the opposing side might argue

ii.Example: evidence to support the opposing side

iii.Explanation: explain counterargument example/evidence in your own words.

iv.Rebuttal: explain how your argument refutes the counterargument. Include evidence to support your reasoning, and explain how the evidence supports your claim that the rebuttal is more valid than the counterargument.

v.Significance: explain how evidence supports your topic sentence and thesis statement


A.Overall significance of your stance on your social issue: why does your topic/stance matter for your readers? What should readers do as a result of reading your paper?

Also, I provided a Root history cause Essay and an Environmental Scan Essay to quote from them the section that you need them.


Indigenous People as Custodians of The Environment Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Watch PBS Digital Studio’s video “Indigenous Communities Are on the Front Lines of Climate Change”:

Answer the discussion prompt in 6-8 sentences.

Discussion prompt: Explain how the PBS video relates to themes from Vine Deloria’s essay in the lesson. In addition, find a web article that describes how traditional indigenous knowledge is being used (in the US or elsewhere) to address an environmental or social concern. Link to the article in your post, summarize what it says, and describe how it relates to main ideas from Deloria.



Seneca Ethical Relativism & Implications on Environmental Ethics Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Business writing question and need support to help me learn.

Introduction. The below scenario describes a business situation in which a manager is required to decide on an important issue. In MGS521, we learned about the ethical theories (based on ethical philosophies) that could help us to make informed and defensible decisions. A group of these theories define ethical and unethical actions by focusing on the ‘actions’, not the consequences. Another group of theories considers the consequences as a base to decision- making, not the actions. The third group focuses on the character of the person, not the actions or consequences of them. We discussed the strengths and weaknesses of these theories. We came to this shared understanding that our analysis of the situation should, perhaps, consider all these theories together to reach the best equation for decision-making.

Scenario. Amir is a young manager employed by a Canadian construction company, Senecom. Senecom recently promoted Amir to be the head of local operations in an African country X. Senecom hopes to have a gradual development within the nation X and also to expand to other African countries in the region. After working hard for a few weeks, Amir found an opportunity to execute a significant construction project where the local government was intending to build a multi-million-dollar bridge in a rural area. Everything looked beautiful, and Senecom was successful in the bidding process, winning over all other competitors in financial and technical requirements. However, there was so much delay from the government side to award the project to Senecom finally. Amir was so concerned, and he was wondering why.

Amir’s assistant, who is a local employee, advised Amir that some official authorities might be expecting to receive some facilitation or grease payments to award the project to Senecom. The assistant explained to Amir that these kinds of payments are normal in country X. He said: This might look like a bribe in your Western culture. But, if you live here for a while, then you’ll see that this is accepted and, perhaps, expected here. This is how everything works. It’s kind of like an open secret. If you want to succeed, you need to accept it as well.

Now, Amir is in a challenging situation. On the one hand, as a new manager, he sees his success linked to the successful completion of this project. He also knows that this project provides great employment opportunities to Canadian experts and more than 500 direct salaries to local workers, being a great source of income to Senecom and hugely positive to the local economy of country X. On the other hand, he is afraid if he might be doing something wrong. He knows these payments might not be illegal in the country X, but they are probably illegal in Canada. To make a better decision, Amir calls four of his friends who are experts in business ethics and international business. These friends have different perspectives towards the problem. One of them is a cultural relativist. One believes in Utilitarian philosophies. Another one considers the Kantian perspective as the right approach, and the last one believes in character and virtue ethics.

Assignment. Considering this scenario, students are required to use their class learnings and course concepts to answer the below five questions in 1000 words (approx. 200-250 words per each answer):

1.What would a Cultural Relativist friend say?

2.What would a Kantian supporter say?

3.What would a Utilitarian supporter say?

4.What would a Virtue Ethicist say?

5.What advice would you give Amir? Is there any perfect choice for him? As a manager of Senecom, what would be the right managerial action by Amir?

Attention and Requirement.

Your assignment must be type-written, 1.5 spaced.

Your assignment should contain a cover page with your name, student number, course and section, assignment title, professor’s name and date, and be 1,000 words (+-5%), excluding cover page, introduction, conclusion and Works Cited page.

Your assignment should have very brief, but informative introduction and conclusion (Your conclusion can be summarized as your answer to question 5).

Be precise in writing and avoid empty sentences (writing quality affects your mark).

Students should submit the assignments on Blackboard via the specified section in the Assignment folder.

Late submissions will have a penalty of 10% per day deducted as being ‘late-submitted’.

Accommodated students, if required, submit on the extended due dates agreed with the professor.

Please be informed that all assignments will go through SafeAssign.

Seneca Ethical Relativism & Implications on Environmental Ethics Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Gender Roles Debate Paper Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Read materials and answer these questions(at least two pages)

The focus of this discussion is on a debate about gender roles. Two separate authors make their claims about the difficulties genders face. Grabmeier thinks social expectations fall more heavily on women. Faludi counteracts by arguing in the contemporary setting men have lost more and experience more barriers to fulfillment. Here are a few questions to consider.

  1. Do you believe the main idea in the article that women experience more stress than men because they are more likely to live in poverty, to face abuse, to have less money, and to live with ideals of physical perfection?
  2. If one side of the article argues that women suffer more, the other side argues that men suffer more than women. Men want to feel dutiful, protective, and to adhere to traditional social roles with precision. Yet, in the contemporary social arrangements, men feel isolated, powerless, dominated, ineffective, and out of control because they are losing cars, jobs, homes, and families. Aren’t these sufficient reasons to claim they suffer more than women in this debate of gender divide?
  3. Should we make comparisons of who “suffers” more? Don’t stereotypes and expectations of a gender wound all of us? Can you think of a female stereotype/expectation that harms men and, viceversa, of a male stereotype/expectation that harms women?

reply my classmates’ post (at least one page)

I do believe that women experience more stress than men, but that does not mean men suffer as well. If we put the focus on women, then yes, they do suffer more because they can fall into poverty, face abuse, and live with society’s idea of “perfection.” As stated by Grabmeier, he says that “housewives are economically dependent on their husbands.” This puts women at risk for poverty because housewives are not making an income. They stay home and care for the children, if any. The husband is the primary source of income that the entire family depends on. What if the husband and wife divorce? How will the wife survive without the money from her husband? She would have to depend on her family or find herself a job to sustain herself. Women also tend to face abuse because they are seen as inferior to men, by men. With this, abusive men feel as if they can tell their wife what to do. This can be seen as the man being stronger because he wants to be in control. Society has convinced men that they are at the top; if once threatened, a man would want to fight back to maintain that high position over women. Women also face ideals of physical perfection because society has romanticized the “perfect” type of woman. They are either too skinny and need to eat more or too fat and should lose weight. Women also cannot wear makeup in peace because if a woman were to wear a full face of makeup, they would be seen as unnatural. If a woman went bare face, they would be mistaken as “sad” or “tired.” Women are constantly pressured by societal standards, but society never seems to accept them whether they follow those standards or not.

I think that if we were to claim that men suffer more than women, it would be because men have not accepted the fact that they are not always the one in the control. Society has implanted the idea of being the powerful sex in the male agenda because throughout time, men have been the one hunting food or taking the jobs and high positions. As we go into modern times, women have decided to break out of their confined stereotypes and try to get on the same level as men who have been at this level this entire time. It is about equality and men get intimidated by it. Faludi says that “not that traditional male roles are endangered, but that men themselves are in danger of not acting” upon the roles that have been ingrained in their head ever since they were children. In a debate whether men or women suffer more, I believe it can go both ways. It would be more typical for a person to say that women suffer more because they have gone through more changes than men and still struggle to get on the same playing field. However, men suffer as well because even though it has not been put to much thought as it should, they are closed off to the idea of women wanting to be equal and not inferior.

Stereotypes should not determine who suffers more. There are reasons that are related to stereotypes that provide proof to who suffers more, but in the end, it should not come to that because they are just assumptions accepted by society. A female stereotype that harms men is that females are more open to expressing emotions. This is harmful to males because it is claimed that men do not or are supposed to show emotions because they would be seen as weak or too “feminine”. Not expressing emotions hurts one’s mental state and forces them to bottle up emotions, which is not healthy in the long run. It is also a form of toxic masculinity to claim that hiding feelings is feminine because it poses an attack on women. There is nothing wrong or too women-like to express emotions. A male stereotype that is harmful to women is that men are supposed to take on the high job positions and be the leader or “head” of the house. This stereotype labels women, who do take on CEO jobs or are the head of the family, as being an arrogant, cocky person. Why should a woman in power be seen as a threat, but a man in power is seen as a leader? The double standards in these stereotypes is harmful to either sex and should not be used to label one gender and dehumanize another.


HCM 673 CTU Marketing Techniques to Appeal to The Young and Healthy Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Integrate knowledge of consumer behavior into a potential marketing strategy for health services

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The uninsured healthy and young take good health for granted, place a high emphasis on the experience of care, are tech-savvy, and have low motivation to enroll in health insurance plans. Discuss the following for this assignment:

  • What marketing techniques can be used to appeal to the young and healthy and encourage them to enroll in health insurance plans?

The use of APA Style and scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.


The Citadel Compare Contrast Intelligence Nazi Germany Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Compare and contrast the failures of warning in Nazi Germany betrayal of Russia, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the surprise intervention of Chinese forces into the Korean War? What role do “noise” and “signals” play in warning of military attacks?

Review link for perspective:…


“Regrettably, intelligence analysts often fail to give policy makers and military commanders timely warnings of dangers ahead for American security policy. They may fail, for example, to give policy makers able time to formulate and implement policy that might head off political upheavals that would be detrimental to national interests.

Intelligence analysts too often fail to give consumers adequate warning of weapons and technology developments. American intelligence, for example, over estimated how much time it would take the Soviet Union and China to develop nuclear weapons to end the American nuclear weapons monopoly. More recently, American intelligence dismissed India’s claims that it would publicly detonate a nuclear device, which, in turn, lead Pakistan to do the same to set the nuclear arms race in South Asia into high gear. 

The most stunning type of intelligence warning failure comes when analysts fail to tipoff policy makers to preparations for military attacks by nation-states. Tragically, there is a rich history of case studies on this particular type of intelligence warning failure. This week we will study two of them from World War II, Germany’s surprise attack on the Soviet Union and Japan’s surprise attack on the United States. We also will examine how Chinese military intervention in the Korea War shocked American intelligence.

That intelligence warning failure came at the heels of the National Security Act of 1947, a landmark piece of legislation that laid the foundation of the American national security bureaucracy. It established National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Air Force, and the CIA. Keep in mind that the CIA was set up by President Truman to try to ensure that all sources of American intelligence were gathered and analyzed in one agency to give the president timely, accurate, and forward leaning intelligence.

The CIA’s mission, in no small measure, was to avoid intelligence failures in warning of enemy surprise attacks the likes of which the United States suffered at Pearl Harbor. The 1950 North Korea invasion of South Korea and the subsequent Chinese military intervention into the conflict again surprised the CIA and the president. These events painfully showed that the CIA still had not redressed American intelligence shortcomings.  “


400 Words

2 Sources



SCU Does Melatonin Have a Directly Effects on Circadian Rhythms Research Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Biology report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Does melatonin have a directly effects on circadian rhythms?

Pages Requirement: 15

Style: APA

Sources: 15

Work cited page which includes a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed scientific papers!!!

I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Hypothesis
C. Objectives
II. Methods
III. Discussion
A. Data for each objective
B. Accept or reject your hypothesis
1. If you present data in a figure, the figure must have a figure legend below it.
2. If you present data in a table, the table must have a title above it.

I attached all the requirements for the research paper below.



“Regrettably, intelligence analysts often fail to give policy makers and military commanders timely warnings of dangers ahead for American security policy. They may fail, for example, to give policy makers able time to formulate and implement policy that might head off political upheavals that would be detrimental to national interests.

Intelligence analysts too often fail to give consumers adequate warning of weapons and technology developments. American intelligence, for example, over estimated how much time it would take the Soviet Union and China to develop nuclear weapons to end the American nuclear weapons monopoly. More recently, American intelligence dismissed India’s claims that it would publicly detonate a nuclear device, which, in turn, lead Pakistan to do the same to set the nuclear arms race in South Asia into high gear. 

The most stunning type of intelligence warning failure comes when analysts fail to tipoff policy makers to preparations for military attacks by nation-states. Tragically, there is a rich history of case studies on this particular type of intelligence warning failure. This week we will study two of them from World War II, Germany’s surprise attack on the Soviet Union and Japan’s surprise attack on the United States. We also will examine how Chinese military intervention in the Korea War shocked American intelligence.

That intelligence warning failure came at the heels of the National Security Act of 1947, a landmark piece of legislation that laid the foundation of the American national security bureaucracy. It established National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Air Force, and the CIA. Keep in mind that the CIA was set up by President Truman to try to ensure that all sources of American intelligence were gathered and analyzed in one agency to give the president timely, accurate, and forward leaning intelligence.

The CIA’s mission, in no small measure, was to avoid intelligence failures in warning of enemy surprise attacks the likes of which the United States suffered at Pearl Harbor. The 1950 North Korea invasion of South Korea and the subsequent Chinese military intervention into the conflict again surprised the CIA and the president. These events painfully showed that the CIA still had not redressed American intelligence shortcomings.  “


400 Words

2 Sources



SCU Does Melatonin Have a Directly Effects on Circadian Rhythms Research Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Biology report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Does melatonin have a directly effects on circadian rhythms?

Pages Requirement: 15

Style: APA

Sources: 15

Work cited page which includes a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed scientific papers!!!

I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Hypothesis
C. Objectives
II. Methods
III. Discussion
A. Data for each objective
B. Accept or reject your hypothesis
1. If you present data in a figure, the figure must have a figure legend below it.
2. If you present data in a table, the table must have a title above it.

I attached all the requirements for the research paper below.



“Regrettably, intelligence analysts often fail to give policy makers and military commanders timely warnings of dangers ahead for American security policy. They may fail, for example, to give policy makers able time to formulate and implement policy that might head off political upheavals that would be detrimental to national interests.

Intelligence analysts too often fail to give consumers adequate warning of weapons and technology developments. American intelligence, for example, over estimated how much time it would take the Soviet Union and China to develop nuclear weapons to end the American nuclear weapons monopoly. More recently, American intelligence dismissed India’s claims that it would publicly detonate a nuclear device, which, in turn, lead Pakistan to do the same to set the nuclear arms race in South Asia into high gear. 

The most stunning type of intelligence warning failure comes when analysts fail to tipoff policy makers to preparations for military attacks by nation-states. Tragically, there is a rich history of case studies on this particular type of intelligence warning failure. This week we will study two of them from World War II, Germany’s surprise attack on the Soviet Union and Japan’s surprise attack on the United States. We also will examine how Chinese military intervention in the Korea War shocked American intelligence.

That intelligence warning failure came at the heels of the National Security Act of 1947, a landmark piece of legislation that laid the foundation of the American national security bureaucracy. It established National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Air Force, and the CIA. Keep in mind that the CIA was set up by President Truman to try to ensure that all sources of American intelligence were gathered and analyzed in one agency to give the president timely, accurate, and forward leaning intelligence.

The CIA’s mission, in no small measure, was to avoid intelligence failures in warning of enemy surprise attacks the likes of which the United States suffered at Pearl Harbor. The 1950 North Korea invasion of South Korea and the subsequent Chinese military intervention into the conflict again surprised the CIA and the president. These events painfully showed that the CIA still had not redressed American intelligence shortcomings.  “


400 Words

2 Sources



SCU Does Melatonin Have a Directly Effects on Circadian Rhythms Research Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Biology report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Does melatonin have a directly effects on circadian rhythms?

Pages Requirement: 15

Style: APA

Sources: 15

Work cited page which includes a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed scientific papers!!!

I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Hypothesis
C. Objectives
II. Methods
III. Discussion
A. Data for each objective
B. Accept or reject your hypothesis
1. If you present data in a figure, the figure must have a figure legend below it.
2. If you present data in a table, the table must have a title above it.

I attached all the requirements for the research paper below.



“Regrettably, intelligence analysts often fail to give policy makers and military commanders timely warnings of dangers ahead for American security policy. They may fail, for example, to give policy makers able time to formulate and implement policy that might head off political upheavals that would be detrimental to national interests.

Intelligence analysts too often fail to give consumers adequate warning of weapons and technology developments. American intelligence, for example, over estimated how much time it would take the Soviet Union and China to develop nuclear weapons to end the American nuclear weapons monopoly. More recently, American intelligence dismissed India’s claims that it would publicly detonate a nuclear device, which, in turn, lead Pakistan to do the same to set the nuclear arms race in South Asia into high gear. 

The most stunning type of intelligence warning failure comes when analysts fail to tipoff policy makers to preparations for military attacks by nation-states. Tragically, there is a rich history of case studies on this particular type of intelligence warning failure. This week we will study two of them from World War II, Germany’s surprise attack on the Soviet Union and Japan’s surprise attack on the United States. We also will examine how Chinese military intervention in the Korea War shocked American intelligence.

That intelligence warning failure came at the heels of the National Security Act of 1947, a landmark piece of legislation that laid the foundation of the American national security bureaucracy. It established National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Air Force, and the CIA. Keep in mind that the CIA was set up by President Truman to try to ensure that all sources of American intelligence were gathered and analyzed in one agency to give the president timely, accurate, and forward leaning intelligence.

The CIA’s mission, in no small measure, was to avoid intelligence failures in warning of enemy surprise attacks the likes of which the United States suffered at Pearl Harbor. The 1950 North Korea invasion of South Korea and the subsequent Chinese military intervention into the conflict again surprised the CIA and the president. These events painfully showed that the CIA still had not redressed American intelligence shortcomings.  “


400 Words

2 Sources



SCU Does Melatonin Have a Directly Effects on Circadian Rhythms Research Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Biology report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Does melatonin have a directly effects on circadian rhythms?

Pages Requirement: 15

Style: APA

Sources: 15

Work cited page which includes a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed scientific papers!!!

I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Hypothesis
C. Objectives
II. Methods
III. Discussion
A. Data for each objective
B. Accept or reject your hypothesis
1. If you present data in a figure, the figure must have a figure legend below it.
2. If you present data in a table, the table must have a title above it.

I attached all the requirements for the research paper below.


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MGMT 3309 Dalhousie University Modern Walk Apparel Business Interview Report Writing Assignment Help

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