MGMT 4489 Saint Marys University Management of the Publix Supermarket Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

MGMT 4489 Saint Marys University Management of the Publix Supermarket Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. MGMT 4489 Saint Marys University Management of the Publix Supermarket Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.

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  1. Compare and contrast Publix against its new competitors in Richmond, Virginia, to get a sense of the industry environment. Based on your analysis, what is Publix doing right that gives the firm a competitive advantage? What could Publix learn from competitors?
  2. Publix is using an integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy. Describe at least two tactics it uses to differentiate itself. Then describe at least two tactics it uses to be a low-cost leader. What are some of the risks of this strategy?
  3. In 2003, Publix was a first mover in offering a grocery delivery service, called Publix Direct, but the new service failed. Now that competitors have recently succeeded with this service, Publix is trying again. Do you think Publix will succeed or fail? Explain your answer.
  4. Publix employees routinely demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset. Describe at least two examples of trends in the external environment that Publix has turned into entrepreneurial opportunities and answered with innovations.
  5. Will Publix’s partnership strategy with Instacart allow it to meet the online challenge? Does the company need to increase investment in its Aprons meal kit and prepared foods or should it focus more on expanding higher-margin private label products and organic offerings? Basically, how can Publix position itself for continued growth when faced with this challenging business environment? Explain your answer.

MGMT 4489 Saint Marys University Management of the Publix Supermarket Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Online Platform and Digital Customer Domain Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Write up 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

President Learner is concerned about the e-business’s ability to service his company’s patient members effectively. He wants you to address his concerns by examining the online methods used by the e-business to understand, profile, and analyze the digital customer. Include the following in your response:

  • Describe the characteristics used to identify and profile online users and how those characteristics differ from descriptions of traditional consumers using physical and personal traits.
  • Discuss the role of computer-mediated applications in digital consumer behavior, such as digital consumer decision support systems (CDSSs), intelligent agents, and how they result in different patterns of interaction than for traditional consumer engagement in the physical marketplace.
  • What are some qualities of “marketing excellence” that you would like to remember from this course because you believe they will be relevant for both online and traditional (i.e., “brick and mortar) marketing efforts?

Relate your knowledge of traditional consumer behavior concepts to online methods for customer understanding and interaction.

Include reference Web site links that provide examples of the digital customer profiling and interaction techniques you described.


Grossmont College Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Observation Assignment

For this week you will only have one assignment but it is worth 100 points, you will need to download the file below (CD 123 Observation Fall 2020.docx) and type your answers on it.

In addition to the document below, you will need the Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines 2000 and Grossmont College CDC Parent Handbook. These can be found in the Readers/Textbook module or by following the links below.

This assignment requires that you do an observation at a child development center BUT due to the stay at home order you will be doing your observations based on video clips that I have posted in this module. There are a few videos but have a combined length of about 20 minutes in total. In addition, I have posted pictures that you may use to answer some of the questions on the observation form. Some videos and pictures may be more helpful than others.

All the videos and pictures are of the same preschool classroom at our child development center. I took the liberty to answer some of the information for you as it would be difficult to complete this information without visiting the center in person. The information I entered for you is in blue font.

You will be using Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines 2000 to help you answer the majority of the questions but your answers should be based on your video/picture observations. Use your own words. You will earn a “0” if you simply cut and paste from the Preschool Guidelines. You can however cut and paste the center philosophy from the Parent Handbook.

You will submit your assignment in “SUBMIT Observation HERE”.

Assignment —> CD 123 Observation Fall 2020-2.docx

Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines 2000

Grossmont College CDC Parent Handbook


Liberty University Overview of Effective Christian Leadership Essay Law Assignment Help

Leadership Styles Research Paper Instructions

1) Your paper must contain the following elements:

a. Title Page

b. Abstract

c. Introduction

d. Body

i. Headings and Sub-headings

e. Conclusion

f. Reference Page(s)

2) Please explain the following:

a. Identify the different styles of leadership.

b. Compare and contrast the different styles of leadership.

c. Identify and explain why which leadership styles are best suited for a law enforcement organization.

d. You must provide a Christian worldview on effective leadership.

This paper should be 8 to 10 pages in length. The paper must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. The minimum elements of the paper are listed above.

You must use the following sources:

A minimum of 10 scholarly peer-reviewed sources.

5 verses/citations from the Holy Bible.

Optional: Textbooks and Leadership Styles Presentation

Again, this paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style.


SEU The label that Best Describe Team Type in Whole Foods Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help


please read the case “Whole Foods” from Chapter 11 “Team Characteristics And Diversity”

Page: – 362 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1.What label would best describe the type of team that Whole Foods uses in its stores? Explain.

2.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Whole Foods’ hiring process with respect to managing team composition.

3.What steps could Whole Foods take to mitigate potential disadvantages of their hiring process?


Discussion Question: Please read Chapter 11 “Team Characteristics and Diversity” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4.In which types of teams have you worked? Were these teams consistent with the taxonomy of team types discussed in this chapter, or were they a combination of types?

Guidelines for the assignment:

  • Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • The answer to each question must not be less than 150 words
  • Plagiarism is forbidden
  • Case study with attachments



CRIJ 1307 CBC Criminal Justice System Scholar Research Theory Unit Writing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

2 Different Assignments. Will have one post questions each unit.

Unit 3 question: Having reviewed the five standard models of policing, conceptual model, and tactical strategies by Jerry Ratcliffe, what study would you propose to evaluate effectiveness of the standard model versus the intelligence-led model? How could this be applied at an aggregate level across the criminal justice system?

Unit 4 question: Morril’s article reflects the crossroads of fairness and justice, in application of the due process and legitimacy models. How does the author define pre-publication review? How would you argue for its use? How would you argue against its use?

  • Expectations of the overall elements:
    • Collegiate level writing: Detailed, substantial, reflective
    • Use of review software such as Grammar check in Microsoft or Grammerly
    • References, citations are not necessary as the assignment is to choose one of three questions that relate specifically to a reading in the book. If the student chooses to add material from other sources, the references should be added at the end of the writing – and in APA format.
    • Double spaced, 11-12 font, and best outlined the key areas with a subtitled that is highlighted/underlined.
  • The question analysis
  • Each question is on one of the readings in that Unit
    • Read/review the related reading within the Unit
    • Answer the question using information from the reading
    • In addition, apply focus provided in Unit 1, this include
      • Terminology used in the article
      • Theories used in the article
      • Level analysis of theories in the article (Macro-, meso-, micro-)
      • Note: these will vary by article, not all readings have an applied theory. Some have only applied models, programs, justifications. This is the whole point of the book in that criminal justice theory is lacking in the scholarly works. If it is not present, what would apply? If it present, does it apply – as related to the definition in Unit 1?
  • Grading:
    • (10 pts) Section one – review of the question – do not just copy and paste, why is the question being asked, what is being asked, why is it relevant/important
    • (10 pts) Section two – answer the question with information from the article
    • (10 pts) Section three – apply Unit 1 Generalities as outlined above
    • (10 pts) Section four – student conclusion
    • (5pts) Collegiate level paper requirements

CRIJ 1307 CBC Criminal Justice System Scholar Research Theory Unit Writing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Lynn University Causes of the Chinese Massive Growth Presentation Humanities Assignment Help


This course is a double count, meaning that it fulfills the program requirement for the International Business major and the 400-level dialogue course of Justice and Civic Life. An APA style 13-15 pages research paper along with a presentation is required.

It is expected of each student to use a minimum of 15 scholarly sources (the majority of which must be dated within the last three years and come from scholarly sources) and organize the paper with abstract, titles, introduction, thesis, topic subheadings and a conclusion. The research paper is a continuation of the annotated bibliography which you did earlier and the finished product of such effort. Here you further develop an interesting introduction, present a clear thesis that will be further supported by the rest of the paper, polish the rough edges of your subtopics, work on smooth transitions, and finish with a cohesive and compelling conclusion. Here is additional information to consider when writing the final paper. Make sure you use proper headings and subheadings.

Attached is the extra information and Annotated Bibliography with references you MUST use!

TOPIC: Is China a socialist country?


A 5-7 minute presentation on the research paper is required along with a formal outline and a video recording . You have to record you presentation and upload it to the assignment named “video upload”

Part One: This part of the assignment consists of submitting a formal outline of your presentation and the presentation slides. Your submission is done HERE, under this rubric. Check out this example of an outline. Again, there are two things to upload: the outline and the presentation slides as if you were to present in a physical classroom.

Part Two: The second part of the assignment is the upload of your presentation (you submit a video recording of your presentation in the rubric “video upload”). You can do you presentation from anywhere (i.e. your room, school, open space). Just make sure you have the proper equipment to show the presentation on the screen and that your whole body can be seen. Proper, casual or semi casual attire is a must (no flip flops, shorts or pajamas). The presentation should last between 5 and 7 minutes and follow the outline you submitted in part One.

Note: Both, the outline and the video are part of the grade.


KFUPM Hierarchical Analysis Building Maintenance Process Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

I want to make a (scientific paper) that contains ((introduction – letture review on the sequence of time (( From reliable scientific journals such as Concordia University Canada or )) – goal – objective – METHADOLOGY – design using decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process ) – results – Summary – references))


Description of the idea

(I have two hundred and eighty-eight villas 288 villa ) there are one hundred and fifty-three 153 villas that are used

and I want to do maintenance for one hundred and thirty-five 135 villas and use them,

(( the budget that I have is 3000000$ ))

– The method used (maintenance work for each villa is completed to be 100%) and the delivery of thirty-five villas

– The proposal and the study depend on the delivery of (one hundred and thirty-five villas to be 80% or more) Upgrading the elements in the villa to become 80% effective

so that all villas can be operated and benefit from the rental value,

after which the maintenance level will be raised from the rent value to 100% in the future.


How do I distribute the budget

– (by allocating items) and using ((((decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process )))))).

** There are tables for the hierarchy in the Internet and the equations ready, where it is not required to put the equations in the paper, but they are used to put an example and give the result .


*** I want to be informed of the completion of some parts and not the completion of them completely, as if there is a modification, the amendment is made before the effort is lost


** I need a copy of the references


Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

A young woman who is a full time college student presents with symptoms of chronic recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, abdominal distention, and bloating. She is very frustrated with her symptoms and wants to know what she can do to resolve these problems. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient, and what are some nutrition guidelines that would be effective to help her manage her symptoms?

Initial DQ Response MUST be at LEAST 200 words.

Must include a citation (in APA format). Cite your book, a research article, or other .

The references must be (in APA format).


MBA 640 Caliber Training Paying Employees in Different Currencies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Suppose a U.S. wood-products company has facilities and employees in Canada providing its raw materials (wood), but has most of its sales in the United States.

(1) Discuss three most important operational and financial risks in this arrangement?

(2) How can the company pay its Canadian employees, who presumably want Canadian dollars, when its U.S. customers are paying in U.S. dollars? Discuss two disadvantages to US employer.

(3) How can it calculate its profit if revenue is in U.S. currency and most of its costs are in Canadian currency?

[supanova_question] )) – goal – objective – METHADOLOGY – design using decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process ) – results – Summary – references))


Description of the idea

(I have two hundred and eighty-eight villas 288 villa ) there are one hundred and fifty-three 153 villas that are used

and I want to do maintenance for one hundred and thirty-five 135 villas and use them,

(( the budget that I have is 3000000$ ))

– The method used (maintenance work for each villa is completed to be 100%) and the delivery of thirty-five villas

– The proposal and the study depend on the delivery of (one hundred and thirty-five villas to be 80% or more) Upgrading the elements in the villa to become 80% effective

so that all villas can be operated and benefit from the rental value,

after which the maintenance level will be raised from the rent value to 100% in the future.


How do I distribute the budget

– (by allocating items) and using ((((decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process )))))).

** There are tables for the hierarchy in the Internet and the equations ready, where it is not required to put the equations in the paper, but they are used to put an example and give the result .


*** I want to be informed of the completion of some parts and not the completion of them completely, as if there is a modification, the amendment is made before the effort is lost


** I need a copy of the references


Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

A young woman who is a full time college student presents with symptoms of chronic recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, abdominal distention, and bloating. She is very frustrated with her symptoms and wants to know what she can do to resolve these problems. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient, and what are some nutrition guidelines that would be effective to help her manage her symptoms?

Initial DQ Response MUST be at LEAST 200 words.

Must include a citation (in APA format). Cite your book, a research article, or other .

The references must be (in APA format).


MBA 640 Caliber Training Paying Employees in Different Currencies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Suppose a U.S. wood-products company has facilities and employees in Canada providing its raw materials (wood), but has most of its sales in the United States.

(1) Discuss three most important operational and financial risks in this arrangement?

(2) How can the company pay its Canadian employees, who presumably want Canadian dollars, when its U.S. customers are paying in U.S. dollars? Discuss two disadvantages to US employer.

(3) How can it calculate its profit if revenue is in U.S. currency and most of its costs are in Canadian currency?

[supanova_question] )) – goal – objective – METHADOLOGY – design using decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process ) – results – Summary – references))


Description of the idea

(I have two hundred and eighty-eight villas 288 villa ) there are one hundred and fifty-three 153 villas that are used

and I want to do maintenance for one hundred and thirty-five 135 villas and use them,

(( the budget that I have is 3000000$ ))

– The method used (maintenance work for each villa is completed to be 100%) and the delivery of thirty-five villas

– The proposal and the study depend on the delivery of (one hundred and thirty-five villas to be 80% or more) Upgrading the elements in the villa to become 80% effective

so that all villas can be operated and benefit from the rental value,

after which the maintenance level will be raised from the rent value to 100% in the future.


How do I distribute the budget

– (by allocating items) and using ((((decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process )))))).

** There are tables for the hierarchy in the Internet and the equations ready, where it is not required to put the equations in the paper, but they are used to put an example and give the result .


*** I want to be informed of the completion of some parts and not the completion of them completely, as if there is a modification, the amendment is made before the effort is lost


** I need a copy of the references


Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

A young woman who is a full time college student presents with symptoms of chronic recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, abdominal distention, and bloating. She is very frustrated with her symptoms and wants to know what she can do to resolve these problems. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient, and what are some nutrition guidelines that would be effective to help her manage her symptoms?

Initial DQ Response MUST be at LEAST 200 words.

Must include a citation (in APA format). Cite your book, a research article, or other .

The references must be (in APA format).


MBA 640 Caliber Training Paying Employees in Different Currencies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Suppose a U.S. wood-products company has facilities and employees in Canada providing its raw materials (wood), but has most of its sales in the United States.

(1) Discuss three most important operational and financial risks in this arrangement?

(2) How can the company pay its Canadian employees, who presumably want Canadian dollars, when its U.S. customers are paying in U.S. dollars? Discuss two disadvantages to US employer.

(3) How can it calculate its profit if revenue is in U.S. currency and most of its costs are in Canadian currency?

[supanova_question] )) – goal – objective – METHADOLOGY – design using decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process ) – results – Summary – references))


Description of the idea

(I have two hundred and eighty-eight villas 288 villa ) there are one hundred and fifty-three 153 villas that are used

and I want to do maintenance for one hundred and thirty-five 135 villas and use them,

(( the budget that I have is 3000000$ ))

– The method used (maintenance work for each villa is completed to be 100%) and the delivery of thirty-five villas

– The proposal and the study depend on the delivery of (one hundred and thirty-five villas to be 80% or more) Upgrading the elements in the villa to become 80% effective

so that all villas can be operated and benefit from the rental value,

after which the maintenance level will be raised from the rent value to 100% in the future.


How do I distribute the budget

– (by allocating items) and using ((((decision support system ( AHP ( analytical highrickey process )))))).

** There are tables for the hierarchy in the Internet and the equations ready, where it is not required to put the equations in the paper, but they are used to put an example and give the result .


*** I want to be informed of the completion of some parts and not the completion of them completely, as if there is a modification, the amendment is made before the effort is lost


** I need a copy of the references


Symptoms and Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

A young woman who is a full time college student presents with symptoms of chronic recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive gas formation, abdominal distention, and bloating. She is very frustrated with her symptoms and wants to know what she can do to resolve these problems. What is the probable diagnosis of this patient, and what are some nutrition guidelines that would be effective to help her manage her symptoms?

Initial DQ Response MUST be at LEAST 200 words.

Must include a citation (in APA format). Cite your book, a research article, or other .

The references must be (in APA format).


MBA 640 Caliber Training Paying Employees in Different Currencies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Suppose a U.S. wood-products company has facilities and employees in Canada providing its raw materials (wood), but has most of its sales in the United States.

(1) Discuss three most important operational and financial risks in this arrangement?

(2) How can the company pay its Canadian employees, who presumably want Canadian dollars, when its U.S. customers are paying in U.S. dollars? Discuss two disadvantages to US employer.

(3) How can it calculate its profit if revenue is in U.S. currency and most of its costs are in Canadian currency?


MGMT 4489 Saint Marys University Management of the Publix Supermarket Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

MGMT 4489 Saint Marys University Management of the Publix Supermarket Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

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