MGMT Houston Community College Unavoidable Physical Fatigue Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGMT Houston Community College Unavoidable Physical Fatigue Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MGMT Houston Community College Unavoidable Physical Fatigue Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me study.
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What can you change
about the way the work is done to deal with the unavoidable physical fatigue?
If you were the supervisor in charge, what would you do?

  • Present the case in the following format: History, Problem and Solution. This will allow you to stay focused on your purpose for writing each section while addressing the questions about the case. (YOUR RESPONSES SHOULD CORRESPOND TO WHAT YOU HAVE READ IN THE CHAPTER)
  • Minimum 2 pages. Maximum 3 pages.
  • All papers are to be doubled spaced with a font size of 12.
  • Papers are required to be in the APA format. You can search the APA format on the web if you are not familiar with it.
  • Write from a manager’s perspective. You should own it and act like the manager of the company.
  • All papers should be attached as a word format or PDF document.

MGMT Houston Community College Unavoidable Physical Fatigue Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont College Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry question and need guidance to help me understand better.

I have an organic chemistry on Saturday 17th from 10:00am – 12:00pm (PST) on these topics

Chapter 17

35) Application of carbonyl reactivities and leaving group pKas to predict reaction outcomes of acyl substitutions

36) Application of standard methods (SOCl 2, DCC) to activate carboxylic acids towards Acyl substitution

37) Application of strong acids or bases to hydrolyze amides, esters, nitriles, etc… to carboxylic acids.

38) Identification of key step and factors that drive the equilibrium of hydrolyses.

39) Design syntheses where functional groups are converted to other functional groups.

40) Rationalize pKa trends among carboxylic acids and related derivatives.

Chapter 18

41) Recognize the factors that influence Keto-Enol tautomerization.

42) Identifying acidic protons adjacent to carbonyls and other electron withdrawing groups

43) Apply enolate reactivity towards alpha halogenation of carbonyls and the haloform reaction

44) Apply enolate reactivity towards alpha alkylation of carbonyl compounds

45) Identify the factors that influence the regioselectivity (kinetic vs. thermodynamic) of enolization, and how this effects the

reaction outcome of alpha-functionalization of carbonyls.

46) Recognizing the reactivity of enamines and application to catalytic carbonyl a-functionalization.

Chapter 19

47) Identifying the reactivity of enolates towards esters.

48) Recognizing the theromodynamic features that drive the Claissen condensation towards completion.

49) Identifying the reactivity of enols and enolates towards ketones and aldehydes

50) Recognizing the importance of the Aldol in synthesis and natural products

51) Identify the factors that can lead to Aldol condesation products

52) Identifying the reactivity of nucleophiles towards enones and related compounds

53) Recognize that many weaker nucleophiles can add reversibly, and that this correlates with pKa of conjugate acid of

nucleophile, and can lead to kinetic (1,2) or thermodynamic (1,4) addition scenarios.


Audit Program Debt Confirmations Apollo Liability Accounts Accounting Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

In this mini-case you will audit and evaluate documents such as debt confirmations, vendor invoices, etc in the audit of all of Apollo’s liability accounts. For ease your audit teammate has already picked up the PBC schedules and scanned and labeled them into the binder for you.

Read all memos from your manager and the client, then read the steps in the audit program for liabilities found on Work Paper F-0 and familiarize yourself with work papers.

Complete all the steps on the audit program.

Be sure to document your work using the designated tick marks.

The tick mark legend is located at the bottom of each work paper.

When you are finished with each workpaper, enter your initials in the box in the top right marked “Prepared By”.

When you are finished with the entire workbook rename this document Liab_Firstname_Lastname and upload it to D2L.


University of the Potomac Physical and Personal Protection Presentation Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario:

You are the owner of a security company that specializes in physical and personal protection. You are creating an operations plan for the company.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word security management plan in which you address the following areas and include the following components:

  • Identify a matrix for hiring appropriately trained personnel.
  • Create a company policy to address issues and concerns of privacy in intelligence gathering and surveillance.
  • Identify potential liability issues associated with physical facility and personal protection activities.
  • Develop an operating budget for the coming fiscal year.
  • Develop a procedure for handling internal complaints and compliance with discrimination, harassment, and general misconduct. Support your outlined procedure with references to current laws.

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation based on your plan.

This is a team assignment and the only bullet point I have to do is the third one highlighted and underlined. Please write anywhere from 300-400 words and also include a Powerpoint with detailed speaker notes in 2-3 slides.


BIO 42 Plant Diversity Types of Mosses Vascular Tissue Lab Questions Science Assignment Help

In this lab we will be exploring two groups of seedless plants – mosses and ferns, and also looking at two species of one gymnosperm group.  Some plant groups we are looking at, such as mosses, are non-vascular and seedless; others (such as the ferns and horsetails) have vascular tissue but not seeds, while the gymnosperms have vascular tissue, and seeds, but not flowers.Some questions to be answered from the provided attached short videos and websites included only on this assignment:

first video:

Question 1:  in a general way, how similar/different do the different mosses in this video look to you from the first video?  Explain.

second video: 

Question 2:  how can leafy liverworts be differentiated from mosses?

Question 3:  how are lichens different from mosses/bryophytes?How are they similar?

Question 4:  how is Selaginella different from mosses?Question 5:  What are the three parts of a moss gametophyte?


Question 6:  What are the two basic kinds of moss gametophyte growth forms?


Question 7:  some moss leaves have awns.  What are awns?What are hyaline awns?

For more information on mosses, and the sporophytes in particular, you might find this resource to be useful:…

third video:

Question 8:  what kind of fern does the Fern Watch study?

Question 9:  In general, how do the ferns respond to differences in moisture availability?  How did the ferns respond to the drought years?

Question 10:  what do the new leaves look like when they emerge?

(For fern structure, the following reference may be useful:…

Question 11:  What are inside sporangia?  What cell division process makes these cells?  Are these cells haploid or diploid?

fourth video:  

Question 12:  what are two ways to tell ponderosa pine from Jeffrey pine? 

Question 13:  Pines have their needles (their leaves) in bundles.  How many needles per bundle do ponderosa pine and Jeffrey pine usually have? 

Question 14:  how do ponderosa and Jeffrey pine differ in where they are found?

Question 15:  when you are looking at a pine tree, are you looking at the sporophyte generation or the gametophyte generation? 




Correctional Organizations Institutional and Community Based Corrections Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1,700- to 2,100-word research project in which you outline the various processes of jails, prisons, probation, parole, juvenile and community corrections. In your research paper, be sure to address the following as it pertains to correctional systems:

  • Evaluate past, present, and future trends pertaining to the development and operation of institutional and community based corrections.
  • Examine correctional organization and administration functions that reflect operations and fiscal demands.
  • Assess the Security, technology, management and control functions within correctional environments.
  • Explain the various Educational and treatment programs used in rehabilitation efforts for institutional and community corrections. 


Correctional Organizations Institutional and Community Based Corrections Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MAN 575 Keiser University Queuing System Optimization Research Paper & Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Question has two parts: Essay and PPX:

1 Research Paper and

2 Power Point Presentation from research paper :

Topic : Queuing System Optimization Model.

The Pandemic Emergency Hospital Optimization ( like Surgery Department
Optimization during the Covid Pandemic)……..( something like that, could
fluctuate title a little) …..

a rationale, then develop the operations and organizational strategy .
The final Research Paper must align with the strategy

All articles will be provided,) then we have six articles already

researched( #1-7) articles during previous projects, these previous

articles will be part of topic during this research paper/ppx using

aspects of them as the body of paper, but we will select what is important of them related to the main

topic/focus and strategy of Queuing System Optimization and Hospital Departments Optimization ( like surgery Dpt) as main subtopic.

1- For the essay:(
Let me explain you my idea, In the Healthcare System( mainly Hospital:
the main money making is the elective procedures( like surgeries, minor
surgeries, procedures, studies, cardiac caths, gastroscopies,
colonoscopies…..) The why?:pt comes in the morning do the
procedure, and go home same day or following morning, there is almost no
expenses and it is what really keeps profitable the income of the
hospital, the opposite:a patient in a bed for 20 to 60 days it is a
total loss, lots of expenses in salaries,…..

Problem:Now, during
the COvidpandemic, all these fast procedures stopped, employees were
sent home, no money coming in the hospital. living reserves.

has to be a way for Optimization and to be able to continue working,
even at a lower pace, but open, than to close all these money making
departments. Perhaps to use the Military Model for Hospitals during war,
they do not close, how do they succeed with Optimization during war
times?. Can we emulate that model, what is the strategy?, perhaps all
the cases scheduled for surgeries we can do televisits online at home
before surgeries , request a Covid test at home 10 days before and one
day before the surgery and the same day of sx. do a rapid test( 30min)
before the surgery, use specific locations for those procedures…..
Just trying to get ideas.

Also, to divide the hospital in
sectors/areas, some Units to keep them covid+and some others not, to
have contact with no employee or covid+ patients. So, one part of the
hospital can function normal( even during crisis) while the covid
section could be separated.

Perhaps the same could be done with
the Surgical room, some OR rooms just to use for Covid+, with specific
employees and some other with the normal people, not mixing them (No to
:+ w/ -).

I think we should use this article, already done last
papers from the last reviews, redirect it on that purpose covid and
surgeries, and see if it has relation:

7 Marin-Garcia, J., Garcia-Sabater, J., Ruiz, A., Maheut, J., & Garcia-Sabater, J. (2020). Operations
management at the service of health care management: Example of a
proposal for action research to plan and schedule health resources in
scenarios derived from the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 13(2), 213-227. doi:

we should research these new articles to see if they adapt to the new
idea of optimization during the pandemic emergency and what can be done
for example in the surgical/procedure dpt during these times in a
hospital for the best optimization.

4Gilat, R.,
Haunschild, E. D., Tauro, T., & Cole, B. J. (2020). Recommendation
to optimize safety of elective surgical care while limiting the spread
of COVID-19: primum non nocere.

13- Loftus, R. W., Dexter, F.,
Parra, M. C., & Brown, J. R. (2020). In Response:” Perioperative
COVID-19 Defense: An Evidence-Based Approach for Optimization of
Infection Control and Operating Room Management”. Anesthesia and Analgesia.

Gaulton, J., Ziegler, K., & Chang, E. (2020). Virtual practices
transform the care delivery model in an intensive care unit during the
coronavirus pandemic. Nejm Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery

M., Medverd, J., Linnau, K., Lynch, J. B., Wener, M. H., Kicska, G.,
… & Sahani, D. (2020). Policies and guidelines for COVID-19
preparedness: experiences from the University of Washington. Radiology, 201326.

Al-Muharraqi, M. A. (2020). Testing recommendation for COVID-19
(SARS-CoV-2) in patients planned for surgery-continuing the service and
‘suppressing’the pandemic. The British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Prachand, V. N., Milner, R., Angelos, P., Posner, M. C., Fung, J. J.,
Agrawal, N., … & Matthews, J. B. (2020). Medically-necessary,
time-sensitive procedures: a scoring system to ethically and efficiently
manage resource scarcity and provider risk during the COVID-19
pandemic. Journal of the American College of Surgeons.

26 e Melo, R. G., & Pedro, L. M. (2020). Vascular surgery department adjustments in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of vascular surgery, 72(1), 375-376.

Lu, A. C., Schmiesing, C. A., Mahoney, M., Cianfichi, L., Semple, A.
K., Watt, D., … & Wald, S. H. (2020). COVID-19 Preoperative
Assessment and Testing: From Surge to Recovery. Annals of Surgery, 272(3), e230.


Final questions: two parts( Research Paper and a PPX Presentation Flow Chart)

–This is the Research Paper question :

The research paper should be around 10 pages
in length . It should be the culmination of research from previous
articles, plus additional research from new provided articles. Please
summarize The meat/outline of the paper should consist of the following:

  • An Abstract (separate page)
  • An Introduction with problem statement
  • A summary of the literature presented in your article reviews with sampling comments
  • An analysis of research methodologies found (including surveys instruments or models from research)
  • A thorough analysis and evaluation of the problem (from research topic)
  • Recommended research design/solution (which can be people, process, hardware, data or software based
  • Conclusion and Future research considerations

remember to provide within paragraph and end of paragraph cites for
documentation. Follow APA 7th Edition guidelines. Also where necessary,
visit GROWS to get assistance with proper format and grammar.

Here is the PPX Presentation question:

The model development assignment is a Powerpoint presentation that should contain the problem-solving model you proposed in your research paper. In some cases, your model will look like a schematic. In other cases, the model you present will look like a flow chart or PERT/CPM Chart .

an Operations Manager in training (for this assignment), it’s important
that you present the ethical and legal ramifications associated with
this model.

The end result should look like a
physical model design/diagram or chart and a very clearly written
explanation or narrative describing

  • the model and it’s components
  • the drivers of the model
  • the location (within the business process), where the suggested model should be implemented
  • the variance between the current condition within the industry/organization, and the projected condition
  • the actual diagram/chart/schematic that you created from scratch in the presentation


5 part assignment (including the diagram/chart) is worth 100pts – 20

pts per section. So please be as specific as possible in your detail and

design. Please review the senior project video presentations (copy and paste this link in a new browser window

More details with better explanantions and all articles will be provided.


MGMT 510 Harrisburg Competitive Advantage, Business Level Strategy and the Industry Environment Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5 Questions: (3 Pages)

  1. Describe low-cost strategy. How does this strategy is different from differentiation and how it can relate to differentiation?
  2. describe what differentiation strategy is and how products and services are offered under this strategy? What is branding and how that concept relates to differentiation.
  3. Describe how businesses approach segmentation in market. Why market segmentation could help businesses to achieve the goals of their strategies? What approaches can be used to segment the market? How can this lead to competitive advantage?

Chapter 6 Questions: (3 Pages)

  1. Define fragmented and consolidated industries. What are the differences between these two types of industries? How an industry can be consolidated?
  2. What opportunities and advantages do consolidated industries offer that fragmented industries do not?
  3. Describe horizontal and vertical integration. How do businesses leverage these strategies for growth, and how can they aid them in gaining competitive advantage? How developing competitive advantage could fail by horizontal and vertical integration.


MHA 507 University of Phoenix Age Groups Affected by The Virus Graph Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help

Now that we know where the outbreaks are located, your organization wants to know more about who it affects. The age of the patient will determine what kind of resources will be needed in those areas.

Create a side-by-side bar graph using Microsoft Excel® and the data provided in the Ages Impacted document to identify the age groups affected by the virus.

Note: This information will be used for further analysis in future assignments.

Write a 350- to 525-word report of your analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:

  • Which age groups are most affected?
  • Which age groups are least affected?
  • What is the prevalence rate per age demographic?
  • What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?

Include your side-by-side bar graph in the report.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.


Grantham University Shared Leadership Process Annotated Bibliography Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The annotated bibliography is a compilation of sources you plan to potentially use in your research. It encourages you to think critically about the content of the works you are using and their relation to your own research and ideas. The annotated bibliography also demonstrates that you have read and understand your sources.

For this week, you will prepare your annotated bibliography to include 6 sources (4 must be peer-reviewed). List one annotation after the other. Each annotation must be 150-200 words in length and include the information outlined in the steps below (see example annotation).

Steps for writing an annotation:

Cite the source using APA reference style.

Describe the main ideas, arguments, themes, theses, or methodology.

Compare to other sources you have also cited to show similarities and differences.

Identify the observations or conclusions of the author.

Explain why each source is useful for your research topic.

Note** Annotations are original descriptions that you create after reading the source. Never copy someone else’s annotation or use abstracts to summarize.

Your completed assignment should be written third person use APA style formatting.

Sample Annotation

Abramovich, S., Schunn, C., & Higashi, R. (2013). Are badges useful in education?: It depends upon the type of badge and expertise of learner. Educational Technology Research & Development, 61(2), 217-232.

This cross-sectional study examined the relationship between types of digital badges, student ability, student motivation, and student success expectancy. A convenience sample of 51 middle school students in a computer math program was used. The researchers hypothesized badges would increase student motivation to learn regardless of student ability. A pre and post measurement of student ability and motivation levels was conducted using scale surveys and questionnaires. Paired sample t-tests and Pearson’s correlations were used to analyze data. The researchers found different results for high and low performing students. A relationship existed between participation badges and increased motivation levels for low performing students. However, the more badges earned by low performing students the less they were concerned with performance. A relationship existed between skill badges and increased success expectancy for high performing students. This study added to the growing research on the motivational effects of digital badge incentives. The results suggest participatory badges may only tap into student extrinsic motivation, while skill badges may be related to intrinsic motivation. In addition, student characteristics may play a vital role in the effectiveness of digital badge rewards. This study would be useful for anyone researching the motivational effects of digital badges or designing digital badge for courses or programs.


MGMT Houston Community College Unavoidable Physical Fatigue Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGMT Houston Community College Unavoidable Physical Fatigue Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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