MGMT317 QUT Success Factores of IS IT Enabled Innovation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

MGMT317 QUT Success Factores of IS IT Enabled Innovation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. MGMT317 QUT Success Factores of IS IT Enabled Innovation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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This work has to be based on Managers in the healthcare environment. or Future healthcare managers, executive manager.


Notes (week 1-6) are attached and must be used for completion of this assignment

UK English is required for this assignment

Solid academic(business) writing and Harvard style required



Length 1,000 words

For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation.

For the purposes of this assignment and this unit, IS/IT innovation should not focus on Apps, mobile devices, social media or similar aspects. If you are unsure, then consult your tutor.

Some aspects and issues you may discuss in your paper could include (but are not limited to):

  • Discuss at least 5 examples of the use of IS/IT for innovation.
  • Highlight some success factors or some lessons learned (i.e. what went wrong?) for your examples.

  • Discuss the impacts of internal factors (e.g. organisational, individual, and management factors) and external factors (e.g., market, industry, social, economic, technological and political/policy factors) on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation.
  • Suggest recommendations and guidelines for helping organisations succeed in their efforts of embarking on using IS/IT for innovation with good explanation and discussion.
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Main body of report with suitable headings and subheadings
  • Conclusions
  • Reference list
  • Appendices (if relevant).

You should apply relevant knowledge discussed in your unit. You should prepare for this assignment by reviewing the literature (i.e. by using ProQuest 5000 and Science Direct databases and searching the World Wide Web (i.e. via Google). You should show evidence that you have read at least 10 references, which should be published after January 2013, in the literature (including references from academic and professional publications) to prepare this assignment. A variety of references are expected including books, refereed journals, case studies, newspapers, magazines and electronic references.

Format for Assignment 1

You will be marked on communication as well as content. This is done to emphasise the importance of aiming for effective communication as well as good content – not only here in a university assignment, but also in your day-to-day work. After all, if you do not communicate and present your ideas well, it is much harder to have your ideas accepted by busy colleagues or executives.

Your assignment should contain:

References: Harvard Referencing Style is required in this subject.

Marking criteria for Assignment 1

The following specific marking criteria will be used for marking Assignment 1:


Specific criteria

Maximum marks

MC 1: Content – clear understanding of issues (15 marks)

Critically discuss at least 4 examples of organisational attempts at achieving IS/IT enabled innovation.


Critically discuss the success factors and lessons learned


Critically discuss the impacts of internal and external factors on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation


Suggest recommendations and guidelines for helping organisations succeed in their efforts of embarking on using IS/IT for innovation with good explanation and discussion



Specific criteria

Maximum marks

MC 2: Use of multiple sourcesof information and Referencing (3 marks)

Good research effort evidenced by at least 8 references from a variety of sources; Good integration of references into your discussion; Proper practice of in-text citation and provision of all the cited references in the reference list via applying Harvard Referencing Style


MC 3: Quality, Communication and Presentation (2 Marks)

Use of study materials; Use of proper terminology; Good structure of the report; Professionally formatted and presented; Being able to clearly express ideas; Clarity of communication with good flow, reasoning and argument; Concise but not over simplifying; Spelling and grammar (use of Spell-Checker!)


Total marks


MGMT317 QUT Success Factores of IS IT Enabled Innovation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HUM002 In the Blood by Suzan Lori Parks Race Class and Gender Play Questions Humanities Assignment Help

After reading In the Blood, answer the following discussion questions:

  • Explain how race, class, and gender play a factor in Susan Lori Park’s In the Blood.
  • What is the irony between Hester La Negrita and the characters who are meant to help her?
  • What is the historical and political significance in Hester La Negrita accepting sewing work that Amiga Gringa is not willing to do?
  • What is the historical and political significance in the Doctor showing Hester La Negrita the word SPAY?
  • This play is an allusion to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. What are the basic similarities and differences between Hester La Negrita and Hester Prynne? Why might Susan Lori Parks choose to allude to this novel?


PHL1010 Evidence and Epistemic Life Essay Humanities Assignment Help

The title of the paper will be “ Your Name: A philosophical summation “, Your Name Apology.

In this paper, you will take three of our main ideas and show how they help to explain your life.

Your paper will have 1-3 introduction, setting the scene- telling a bit about the class (philosophy 1010 class) naming the three ideas that interested you the most and then explaining in 1-5 sentences how these ideas relate to you.

The body of the paper will contain the following

I. Main idea 1

A. state the idea

B. Explain it.

C. Explain what it has to do with you. Be totally specific and precise – names, places etc. you may fictionalize.

Add image and video if you wish

II. Main idea 2.

Same outline as above

III. Main idea 3.

Same outline as above

The paper should have cover sheet that is a work of art. Be sure to use a title expressing your thesis and use an image which reflects your thesis.


Chinese Systems of Periodization Han Dynasty Essay Other Assignment Help

Please write a essay required as followed:

5 pages, Double spaced, due by April 27


Spence, Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China. Third Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2013. Chen, Janet, Pei-kai Cheng, & Michael Lestz with Jonathan D. Spence. The Search for Modern China: A Documentary Collection. Third Edition. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014.

Periodization Essay

1. Define a periodization yourself.(define a period between 1895-1980) For example, you may claim that the years between 1895 and 1919 can be regarded as a meaningful period.

2.Identify a focused theme within the period you define and explain in what ways does this theme allow us to view the period you’ve defined as a distinct and integrated temporal unit.

3. Imagine your essay as an introduction to a book chapter/section on the period you’ve defined, just like the short introductions that Johnathan Spence provides for each part of his book Search for Modern China. The aim of your essay is to bring your readers’ attention to a particular historical dynamic that affected how historical trajectories unfolded within the period you’ve defined, rather than simply listing all the important events during that period.

4. When illustrating and explaining the theme, you are required to use materials from the textbook, the documentary collection, or the other assigned readings as the evidences for supporting your claim.

Expectation: An excellent periodization essay shows a compelling and interesting linkage between the period you define and the theme you identify, builds the thesis on solid grounds of evidences, has a good focus, and is carefully argued, written, and edited.


This Is America by Childish Gambino Music Video Rhetorical Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

i write 2 pages you can add more 3 pages more . just make sure everything is here you know about it ,its the finely assignment

write a rhetorical analysis of the video, analyzing critically it using the three levels- Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Your analysis should carefully and analytically look at the argument and how the artiste uses the various elements in the video to make the argument. What is the artiste trying to do with the video? Persuade, Criticize, Inform or educate the audience? How is it achieved?


5 pages

Times new roman

12 size font


Creative title



Industrialization during the Early Republic Period Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Using the life and times of Sam Patch as a
starting point, describe what industrialization was doing to the institutions
of freedom and equality in America during the Early Republic Period
(1800-1837).Construct a 2-3-page paper
that describes how industrialization is changing the country during this period
and how working class Americans are responding to it.Be sure to incorporate the general historical
narrative in your paper.

This is an argumentative paper.It is essential that you provide a thesis
statement (argument).In writing this
paper you are required to engage readings from Sam Patch, the Famous Jumper, TAN,
as well as lecture materials.It is
expected that you will prove proficiency in the course materials and
demonstrate the ability to synthesize and analyze these materials in support of
your thesis.


NOT PLAGIARIZE.Please refer to our
policy statement on the syllabus concerning academic dishonesty.It is guaranteed that if you plagiarize at
the very least you will fail the paper.

should use the MLA format for citations (see below).

should provide a works cited page at the end of the paper.

paper is to be 2-3 pages in length.Two
FULL pages minimum.

a 12 point Times New Roman font.Make
sure there is a one inch margin on each side.Double space the text and number your pages.

must have a cover page.On this cover
page, in the upper left hand side and single spaced, put your name, section
number, Paper 1, and date the paper is due.Your name or other identifying information should NOT appear anywhere
else on your paper.

thesis should appear in bold.

§ All sources must come from the materials
covered in the class – so no outside sources.

not use personal pronouns (I, me, you, etc.).Do not use contractions (don’t, can’t, won’t, etc.).

you fail to follow the above formatting, you will be deducted 2.5 points on the
final grade.

Industrialization during the Early Republic Period Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

American Military Psychological and Behavioral Factors of Individual Terrorist Paper Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment you will write a college level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; not terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden).

Note: you will address different radicalization processes/models in the final paper such as Moghaddam’s Staircase, so you only need to research and discuss individual psychological and behavioral factors in this paper. Also remember that “psychological” does not mean “psychotic” and we are only addressing those of sound mind who deliberately choose violence for a political purpose, or retribution or to instill fear (not crazy mass shooters).

Assignment Specifics:

  • The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:
  • A brief introduction, with the topic and your thesis
  • A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis
  • A conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely

Make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned questions. This assignment is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to use scholarly sources to support your thesis. Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para. 14). Citations are required for paraphrases as well, but not the page or paragraph number in that case. I highly recommend you use the APUS writing guide which can be found in the university library or at this link: APUS Research Writing and Style Guide. You are welcome to use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use only scholarly and credible sources (do not use open websites and you never want to use wikipedia for a college level paper). Also, dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as general news sites (like CNN, FOX News) are not appropriate for college level research papers. Also, see the APUS Library Homeland Security Program Guide for good sources, as well as the APUS Research Primer and the APUS Library Research FAQs. For formatting, the best option is to use the attached example paper as a template (for formatting purposes only).


  • Written according to the APA style and format (parenthetical in-text citation formats only; not end notes or footnotes);
  • Use Times New Roman 12 point font;
  • 1 inch margins on all sides with no paragraph indentation other than the first line by .5 inches
  • – The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following: – A brief introduction, with the topic and your thesis – A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis – A conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely
  • Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section headings and no added font sizes or lines either)
  • A minimum of four scholarly sources is required; cited in the paper as in-text citations and included on the reference page. Use those academic and credible sources provided to you throughout the course, as well as other scholarly material obtained from conducting your own research. Freely utilize appropriate and reputable academic sources, summarize in your own words and cite accordingly.
  • The paper must be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors (make sure to proof read before submission)
  • Turn your paper in as a Word Document and title your assignment “Lastname_Midterm

Finally, be mindful of excessive direct quotes as the paper should not contain just a string of quotations from sources. Make sure you comply with all academic integrity standards expected by APUS and as slide 14 of the APUS Academic Integrity presentation posted in course syllabus (and the week 1 introduction forum) states “Quotes cannot make up more than 10% of the text of your assignment.” So paraphrase where you can and provide your own analysis and synthesis of your research (direct quotes only when necessary to support your thesis). The bottom line for academic integrity is to write an original work for this assignment (not copied from anywhere on the internet or recycled content from your own previous papers) and to properly cite your references.

Reading reasources:

Hamm, Mark S. 2012. Ramon Spaaij. Understanding Lone Wolf Terrorism: Global Patterns, Motivations and Prevention. Perspectives on Terrorism 6, no. 3: 114-115.

Blakemore, Brian. Extremism, counter-terrorism, and policing. Routledge, 2016.

Reicher.D., Stephen, and Haslam .S, A 2016.

Webber, David, and Arie W. Kruglanski. “The social-psychological makings of a terrorist.” Current opinion in psychology 19 (2018): 131-134.


Strayer University Weeks 8 and 9 Confidence Development plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Step 1:
Complete the activities in your Webtext for Weeks 8 and 9.

● Use the Webtext to answer interview questions for weeks 8 and 9.

Step 2:
Download and edit your work

● Download
○ After completing all the activities and templates in your Webtext, download your Confidence
Development Plan assignment from the Webtext.
Will give user name and password for the web text so that you can review it.○ (*** You will need to finish all writing templates before you are able to download the packet)

● Edit Your Work
○ Use the Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS) to ensure your writing is clear, professional and
ethical. For more information on the SWS, refer to the SWS link in the left side menu of Blackboard.

❏ Check your assignment for grammatical errors? ❏ Review what you’ve written for clarity? ❏ Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions? Now that you’re ready…


BUS409 Strayer University Person Focused Incentive Pay Programs Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following: first discussion writing produce 200 words about both bullet point. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other student Christina Miller and Phillissia Clinton .

  • Analyze the advantages of person-focused and job-based pay plans to determine which would be least preferable for companies in the technology industry. Explain your rationale.
  • Discuss at least (2) two disadvantages associated with team-based incentive pay plans. Provide examples to support your rationale.

Christina Miller

RE: Week 4 Discussion

Advantages of person-focused pay plans would be: the approach provides to the employee the job security perspective and they will be able to have a job enrichment strategy, as well as being able to get rewarded for the extra job and effort they set forth in their work. Another advantage would be that the employer would have the chance to get enhanced performance from the employees as they would be individually motivated.

Advantages of job-based pay plans would be: this approach would place an emphasis on specialization and seniority would would increase overall performance of the organization. This would also encourage the employees to work harder so that they can move up the chain and receive more pay raises. Job-based pay plans are easy to administer as the job unit will become the unit of knowing how much to pay an individual, and can be used in various situations.

Two disadvantages of team-based incentive plans would be that the team members don’t have control over the compensation that is dependent on a colleagues performance. The pay and incentive is based on an individual that may want to loaf around while others work extremely hard, which would allow for those people to receive the compensation that only a few should actually be receiving. Another disadvantage would be that it could cause friction between employees in the work place. For instance, if you have that employee that is always slacking or calling off and you are working your very hardest and giving it 110%, if the entire team received the raise, that would cause for the employee giving it their all to be upset that they worked so hard and other people reap the benefits. On the other hand, you could lose out on raises or incentives if your team has multiple people negatively effecting the performance and you don’t end up receiving a raise or certain incentive.

Phillissia Clinton

Professor & Classmates,

The two (2) issues associated with Precision’s current performance appraisal process that may pose a challenge for Jackson to implement a merit pay program is: employees do not have written job descriptions to include performance expectations, and there is little to no employee and supervisor communication about their performance only when there is a problem. Clear and specific job descriptions are developed through a job analysis, and they help to create a development plan that is applicable to every employee as well as the company’s objectives. Also, when everybody is rated the employees with outstanding performance are not recognized which means no one is being paid fairly.

The most appropriate appraisal process is the merit pay program because it ensures the performance appraisal process is aligned with the proposed program. The merit pay program provides employees with pay increases as a reward for performance, and is an effective measurement of performance which is essential. The amount of a merit pay increase should reflect prior job performance levels and motivate employees toward striving for exemplary performance. Rewards should reflect employee performance rather than representing adjustments for inflation. Ideally companies should give larger pay increases for employees who have exemplary job performance. This will process will encourage employee productivity and influence future good work performance.


Cultural Relativism to Approve Euthanasia Practice Discussion Other Assignment Help

Hi There! I need your help again? Please see attached material.

Thank you,

Different societies have different moral codes • There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one societal code better than other • The moral code of our own society has no special status is merely one among many • There is no universal truth in ethics-there are no moral truths that hold for all people at all times. • The moral code of a society determines what is right and wrong in that society • It is mere arrogance for us to try to judge the conduct of other people.


Webber, David, and Arie W. Kruglanski. “The social-psychological makings of a terrorist.” Current opinion in psychology 19 (2018): 131-134.


Strayer University Weeks 8 and 9 Confidence Development plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Step 1:
Complete the activities in your Webtext for Weeks 8 and 9.

● Use the Webtext to answer interview questions for weeks 8 and 9.

Step 2:
Download and edit your work

● Download
○ After completing all the activities and templates in your Webtext, download your Confidence
Development Plan assignment from the Webtext.
Will give user name and password for the web text so that you can review it.○ (*** You will need to finish all writing templates before you are able to download the packet)

● Edit Your Work
○ Use the Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS) to ensure your writing is clear, professional and
ethical. For more information on the SWS, refer to the SWS link in the left side menu of Blackboard.

❏ Check your assignment for grammatical errors? ❏ Review what you’ve written for clarity? ❏ Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions? Now that you’re ready…


BUS409 Strayer University Person Focused Incentive Pay Programs Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following: first discussion writing produce 200 words about both bullet point. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other student Christina Miller and Phillissia Clinton .

  • Analyze the advantages of person-focused and job-based pay plans to determine which would be least preferable for companies in the technology industry. Explain your rationale.
  • Discuss at least (2) two disadvantages associated with team-based incentive pay plans. Provide examples to support your rationale.

Christina Miller

RE: Week 4 Discussion

Advantages of person-focused pay plans would be: the approach provides to the employee the job security perspective and they will be able to have a job enrichment strategy, as well as being able to get rewarded for the extra job and effort they set forth in their work. Another advantage would be that the employer would have the chance to get enhanced performance from the employees as they would be individually motivated.

Advantages of job-based pay plans would be: this approach would place an emphasis on specialization and seniority would would increase overall performance of the organization. This would also encourage the employees to work harder so that they can move up the chain and receive more pay raises. Job-based pay plans are easy to administer as the job unit will become the unit of knowing how much to pay an individual, and can be used in various situations.

Two disadvantages of team-based incentive plans would be that the team members don’t have control over the compensation that is dependent on a colleagues performance. The pay and incentive is based on an individual that may want to loaf around while others work extremely hard, which would allow for those people to receive the compensation that only a few should actually be receiving. Another disadvantage would be that it could cause friction between employees in the work place. For instance, if you have that employee that is always slacking or calling off and you are working your very hardest and giving it 110%, if the entire team received the raise, that would cause for the employee giving it their all to be upset that they worked so hard and other people reap the benefits. On the other hand, you could lose out on raises or incentives if your team has multiple people negatively effecting the performance and you don’t end up receiving a raise or certain incentive.

Phillissia Clinton

Professor & Classmates,

The two (2) issues associated with Precision’s current performance appraisal process that may pose a challenge for Jackson to implement a merit pay program is: employees do not have written job descriptions to include performance expectations, and there is little to no employee and supervisor communication about their performance only when there is a problem. Clear and specific job descriptions are developed through a job analysis, and they help to create a development plan that is applicable to every employee as well as the company’s objectives. Also, when everybody is rated the employees with outstanding performance are not recognized which means no one is being paid fairly.

The most appropriate appraisal process is the merit pay program because it ensures the performance appraisal process is aligned with the proposed program. The merit pay program provides employees with pay increases as a reward for performance, and is an effective measurement of performance which is essential. The amount of a merit pay increase should reflect prior job performance levels and motivate employees toward striving for exemplary performance. Rewards should reflect employee performance rather than representing adjustments for inflation. Ideally companies should give larger pay increases for employees who have exemplary job performance. This will process will encourage employee productivity and influence future good work performance.


Cultural Relativism to Approve Euthanasia Practice Discussion Other Assignment Help

Hi There! I need your help again? Please see attached material.

Thank you,

Different societies have different moral codes • There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one societal code better than other • The moral code of our own society has no special status is merely one among many • There is no universal truth in ethics-there are no moral truths that hold for all people at all times. • The moral code of a society determines what is right and wrong in that society • It is mere arrogance for us to try to judge the conduct of other people.


Webber, David, and Arie W. Kruglanski. “The social-psychological makings of a terrorist.” Current opinion in psychology 19 (2018): 131-134.


Strayer University Weeks 8 and 9 Confidence Development plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Step 1:
Complete the activities in your Webtext for Weeks 8 and 9.

● Use the Webtext to answer interview questions for weeks 8 and 9.

Step 2:
Download and edit your work

● Download
○ After completing all the activities and templates in your Webtext, download your Confidence
Development Plan assignment from the Webtext.
Will give user name and password for the web text so that you can review it.○ (*** You will need to finish all writing templates before you are able to download the packet)

● Edit Your Work
○ Use the Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS) to ensure your writing is clear, professional and
ethical. For more information on the SWS, refer to the SWS link in the left side menu of Blackboard.

❏ Check your assignment for grammatical errors? ❏ Review what you’ve written for clarity? ❏ Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions? Now that you’re ready…


BUS409 Strayer University Person Focused Incentive Pay Programs Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following: first discussion writing produce 200 words about both bullet point. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other student Christina Miller and Phillissia Clinton .

  • Analyze the advantages of person-focused and job-based pay plans to determine which would be least preferable for companies in the technology industry. Explain your rationale.
  • Discuss at least (2) two disadvantages associated with team-based incentive pay plans. Provide examples to support your rationale.

Christina Miller

RE: Week 4 Discussion

Advantages of person-focused pay plans would be: the approach provides to the employee the job security perspective and they will be able to have a job enrichment strategy, as well as being able to get rewarded for the extra job and effort they set forth in their work. Another advantage would be that the employer would have the chance to get enhanced performance from the employees as they would be individually motivated.

Advantages of job-based pay plans would be: this approach would place an emphasis on specialization and seniority would would increase overall performance of the organization. This would also encourage the employees to work harder so that they can move up the chain and receive more pay raises. Job-based pay plans are easy to administer as the job unit will become the unit of knowing how much to pay an individual, and can be used in various situations.

Two disadvantages of team-based incentive plans would be that the team members don’t have control over the compensation that is dependent on a colleagues performance. The pay and incentive is based on an individual that may want to loaf around while others work extremely hard, which would allow for those people to receive the compensation that only a few should actually be receiving. Another disadvantage would be that it could cause friction between employees in the work place. For instance, if you have that employee that is always slacking or calling off and you are working your very hardest and giving it 110%, if the entire team received the raise, that would cause for the employee giving it their all to be upset that they worked so hard and other people reap the benefits. On the other hand, you could lose out on raises or incentives if your team has multiple people negatively effecting the performance and you don’t end up receiving a raise or certain incentive.

Phillissia Clinton

Professor & Classmates,

The two (2) issues associated with Precision’s current performance appraisal process that may pose a challenge for Jackson to implement a merit pay program is: employees do not have written job descriptions to include performance expectations, and there is little to no employee and supervisor communication about their performance only when there is a problem. Clear and specific job descriptions are developed through a job analysis, and they help to create a development plan that is applicable to every employee as well as the company’s objectives. Also, when everybody is rated the employees with outstanding performance are not recognized which means no one is being paid fairly.

The most appropriate appraisal process is the merit pay program because it ensures the performance appraisal process is aligned with the proposed program. The merit pay program provides employees with pay increases as a reward for performance, and is an effective measurement of performance which is essential. The amount of a merit pay increase should reflect prior job performance levels and motivate employees toward striving for exemplary performance. Rewards should reflect employee performance rather than representing adjustments for inflation. Ideally companies should give larger pay increases for employees who have exemplary job performance. This will process will encourage employee productivity and influence future good work performance.


Cultural Relativism to Approve Euthanasia Practice Discussion Other Assignment Help

Hi There! I need your help again? Please see attached material.

Thank you,

Different societies have different moral codes • There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one societal code better than other • The moral code of our own society has no special status is merely one among many • There is no universal truth in ethics-there are no moral truths that hold for all people at all times. • The moral code of a society determines what is right and wrong in that society • It is mere arrogance for us to try to judge the conduct of other people.


Webber, David, and Arie W. Kruglanski. “The social-psychological makings of a terrorist.” Current opinion in psychology 19 (2018): 131-134.


Strayer University Weeks 8 and 9 Confidence Development plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Step 1:
Complete the activities in your Webtext for Weeks 8 and 9.

● Use the Webtext to answer interview questions for weeks 8 and 9.

Step 2:
Download and edit your work

● Download
○ After completing all the activities and templates in your Webtext, download your Confidence
Development Plan assignment from the Webtext.
Will give user name and password for the web text so that you can review it.○ (*** You will need to finish all writing templates before you are able to download the packet)

● Edit Your Work
○ Use the Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS) to ensure your writing is clear, professional and
ethical. For more information on the SWS, refer to the SWS link in the left side menu of Blackboard.

❏ Check your assignment for grammatical errors? ❏ Review what you’ve written for clarity? ❏ Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions? Now that you’re ready…


BUS409 Strayer University Person Focused Incentive Pay Programs Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following: first discussion writing produce 200 words about both bullet point. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other student Christina Miller and Phillissia Clinton .

  • Analyze the advantages of person-focused and job-based pay plans to determine which would be least preferable for companies in the technology industry. Explain your rationale.
  • Discuss at least (2) two disadvantages associated with team-based incentive pay plans. Provide examples to support your rationale.

Christina Miller

RE: Week 4 Discussion

Advantages of person-focused pay plans would be: the approach provides to the employee the job security perspective and they will be able to have a job enrichment strategy, as well as being able to get rewarded for the extra job and effort they set forth in their work. Another advantage would be that the employer would have the chance to get enhanced performance from the employees as they would be individually motivated.

Advantages of job-based pay plans would be: this approach would place an emphasis on specialization and seniority would would increase overall performance of the organization. This would also encourage the employees to work harder so that they can move up the chain and receive more pay raises. Job-based pay plans are easy to administer as the job unit will become the unit of knowing how much to pay an individual, and can be used in various situations.

Two disadvantages of team-based incentive plans would be that the team members don’t have control over the compensation that is dependent on a colleagues performance. The pay and incentive is based on an individual that may want to loaf around while others work extremely hard, which would allow for those people to receive the compensation that only a few should actually be receiving. Another disadvantage would be that it could cause friction between employees in the work place. For instance, if you have that employee that is always slacking or calling off and you are working your very hardest and giving it 110%, if the entire team received the raise, that would cause for the employee giving it their all to be upset that they worked so hard and other people reap the benefits. On the other hand, you could lose out on raises or incentives if your team has multiple people negatively effecting the performance and you don’t end up receiving a raise or certain incentive.

Phillissia Clinton

Professor & Classmates,

The two (2) issues associated with Precision’s current performance appraisal process that may pose a challenge for Jackson to implement a merit pay program is: employees do not have written job descriptions to include performance expectations, and there is little to no employee and supervisor communication about their performance only when there is a problem. Clear and specific job descriptions are developed through a job analysis, and they help to create a development plan that is applicable to every employee as well as the company’s objectives. Also, when everybody is rated the employees with outstanding performance are not recognized which means no one is being paid fairly.

The most appropriate appraisal process is the merit pay program because it ensures the performance appraisal process is aligned with the proposed program. The merit pay program provides employees with pay increases as a reward for performance, and is an effective measurement of performance which is essential. The amount of a merit pay increase should reflect prior job performance levels and motivate employees toward striving for exemplary performance. Rewards should reflect employee performance rather than representing adjustments for inflation. Ideally companies should give larger pay increases for employees who have exemplary job performance. This will process will encourage employee productivity and influence future good work performance.


Cultural Relativism to Approve Euthanasia Practice Discussion Other Assignment Help

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Different societies have different moral codes • There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one societal code better than other • The moral code of our own society has no special status is merely one among many • There is no universal truth in ethics-there are no moral truths that hold for all people at all times. • The moral code of a society determines what is right and wrong in that society • It is mere arrogance for us to try to judge the conduct of other people.


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MGMT317 QUT Success Factores of IS IT Enabled Innovation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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