MGT 211 SEU Human Resource Management and Financial Achievement Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 211 SEU Human Resource Management and Financial Achievement Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 211 SEU Human Resource Management and Financial Achievement Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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  • Which elements of a customer-oriented HRM perspective does Amy’s Ice Creams seem to have? (See Figure 16.2.)
  • Suppose Amy’s hired you as a consultant to evaluate whether the company has an effective HRM function. Which outcomes would you look for? How would you measure them?
  • Generally, a small ice cream shop such as Amy’s cannot afford to pay store workers very high wages. How well do you think the company can achieve high employee satisfaction without high pay? What can it do to foster satisfaction besides the efforts described here? How could e-HRM support these efforts?

Avoid plagiarism

MGT 211 SEU Human Resource Management and Financial Achievement Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Objective Motion and Subjective Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Write a report (350 words) of the Gibson (1954) journal article to receive 1 credit. This article should be available on your course blackboard site. You should get the article and prepare your summary before you go start this topic. THE SUMMARY MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS AND GO BEYOND THE ARTICLE ABSTRACT. Since these articles have an Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion section, use this sections below for your summary: What the researcher expected to find. What are the study procedure and important independent variables and dependent variables? The major result or findings of the study. The main conclusion(s) of the study. What you liked and disliked about the article.


CCC Performance Evaluations and Planning on How to Do Better Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Use the Wall Street Journal menu link to find an article related to performance evaluations, or you may use any other periodical (e.g., Forbes, BusinessWeek, The Economist) with an article that contains relevant information.

Provide a link or reference to your article and briefly summarize the key ideas in the article. Then write at least two paragraphs reflecting on how your learning from this article could apply to your organization.

PART A – PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: Regarding my organization’s performance review system, I would say it has some value but has a lot of room for improvement.

Self-assessment: there is no self-assessment component in our review system.

Individual development plan: our process does lead to an individual development plan which is followed up and further actions taken depending on the subsequent improvement or lack thereof.

Financial vs performance discussion: yes, both discussions happen in the same review, and the review occurs once a year or less.

Talent management opportunities: outcomes of the review are indirectly tied to talent management opportunities, but they do affect the decision to do so.

There are many changes we need to make, and I have already advised the CEO on several of them. First of all, it is imperative to separate the financial review from the performance review and move to a twice a year or three times a year meeting schedule. This will allow the employees to focus on improvement rather than getting defensive about why they deserve a promotion. Another improvement that is a high priority is to conduct a calibration exercise to ensure the consistency and transparency of ratings and bring attention across the organization to excellent team members. Self-assessment is another important priority that I would try to convince the CEO to implement (Bock, 1).

PART B – PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: Does the review have a self-assessment component? At Verizon there is a self-assessment portion to the review that often requires employees to add monthly updates throughout the year on the major objectives. This help the manager at both the Mid Year and End of Year for performance. But the employees do not have the ability to grade themselves saying whether they were Leading, Performing, or Developing.

Does the process lead to an individual development plan? While there is a separate form to create a development plan, it is often neglected and left blank. This is a missed opportunity that Verizon can see a potential benefit by utilizing.

Does the financial and performance discussion happen in the same review? Often time managers do not discuss the financial aspect and mention that is a conversation that we need to have with out HR Business partners often causing disdain for the HR business partners. The performance discussions have twice a year, but often seem to unproductive as managers see it as something they need to quickly complete to get back to work.

Are the outcomes of the review tied to any talent management opportunities? Indirectly, often opportunities are denied and blame is put on the standards set by HR. Again using the HR business partner as a scapegoat.

What two changes would you advise the CEO to make in your organization’s performance review process? I would ask the CEO to invest in Retaining top talent and advising all leadership to treat the performance review process as less of a burden and more of an opportunity. There needs to be shift in the culture at Verizon to help with this. I have often seen employees disgruntled by the lack of feedback. I have seen managers who receive complaints from external teams to complete work on time and they ignore. I see IT workers whose team have a bucket load of work, but are often caught asleep at their desk. If there was a proper self assessment and we help the employees to a higher standard and communicated out our expectations clearly it would be extremely beneficial. I would convince the CEO it was worth the time to invest into this to save on issues hinder us daily.


St Petersburg College Multinational Employee Transfer Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Your boss is considering transferring a member of the international staff, a Training and development specialist , from Mexico City to the US office in Chicago. She has asked you to use the requirements listed below and to make a recommendation regarding pay and benefits to be paid. You are to write her a memo outlining the job requirements and make a recommendation as to the pay and benefits the Training and development specialist should receive.

Use the link below to obtain the required information in order to address the boss’ questions in the memo she has required.

Find a job description for a Training and Development Specialist who has full department wide authority and who is considered a lower middle level manager.

Complete the required information for each of the following topics from your research.

  • Education level
  • Work Experience
  • Leadership responsibilities
  • 10% pay range
  • Median pay range
  • 90% pay range
  • Costs of benefits offered

In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:

  • A separate page Abstract at the beginning of the paper.
  • The paper must be in memo format between 450 – 500 words, using double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
  • Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources. Do not use the textbook as a source.
  • The paper’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week’s research and readings.
  • Include the paper’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.


Working Under Pressure Conditions Research Data Analysis Economics Assignment Help


Task description here:

Come up with a suitable topic and theory the data could relate to and formulate a research question that the data will allow you to answer. More specifically, please put together an analysis by making sure your project report includes the following:

  1. Brief statement of the research topic and problem. Please state very briefly (i.e. in one paragraph) what theory (research literature or textbooks related to business or economics) says about the research problem – e.g. is there some dilemma or controversy that your research will help to clarify.
  2. Clearly worded research questionthat limits the problem to a “researchable” (This is a short sentence that ends with the question mark and it is suggested that you draw from theory (research literature / textbook knowledge) in one of the business/economics fields to word it!)
  3. Please identify the type of data that you are working with – on what type of measurement scale(s) were the selected variables measured by the original data collectors.
  4. Describe the data with the tools of descriptive statistics, using both numerical as well as graphical methods. In addition to reporting and commenting on the values’ central tendency and diagrams, please also justify the choice of method (e.g. why a particular kind of measure of central tendency was selected and the graphic chosen and whether it is appropriate to use in this context).
  5. Justify the selection of the specific data analysis method of inferential statistics. Recommendation – use the decision tree (introduced in Ch. 9ff) to make the selection and justification of it. You should look up also the assumptions and comment how your data meets them but I will not penalize you if it does not meet all the criteria. Nevertheless, please make sure that you include the basic information about distribution of the variables – are they more or less normally distributed (use both numerical as well as graphical methods). It is required that you restrict the choice of data analysis method(s) to the ones introduced in the class. (Mainly because we covered only the most basic/frequently methods in class and Excel has limited set of methods available).
  6. Formulate the null and research (alternative) hypothesis – similarly to point 2 it is recommended that you word them on the basis of research literature / textbook knowledge in one of the business studies field that you know);
  7. Determine the test criteria:
    1. Specify the level of significance (Type I error associated with the null hypothesis),
    2. Determine the test statistic (the appropriate statistical test as mentioned under point 5 above),
    3. Determine the critical values (and region(s) if applicable)
  8. Calculate the value of the test statistic (obtained value).
  9. Make a decision about the null and research hypothesis by comparing the obtained value to the critical value and interpret the results of the data. You can pay attention also to the p-values.
  10. Sum up you research report by relating the statistical test result(s) to the research question and theory that you set to test.

NB! Please copy the Excel results tables and diagrams into your Word. If you do not use English version of Excel, please translate your output tables into English (The appropriate examples/figures in the textbook may be of help)



MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study.

– no plagiarism . no match please.

-student must mention question number clearly in their answer

-Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

-All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • must mention question number clearly in their answer.

MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECOM 201 Saudi Electronic Medawa Medical Company E Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

No matching ratio and plagiarism.

Using APA style reference.

  • Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count
  • [supanova_question]

    HSA 525 Strayer Univeristy Week 7 Business Risk Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    If managers could have just one wish, many would ask for a crystal ball. With this tool, there would never be any worry about risk. The manager could look into the crystal ball and know exactly what will happen with each decision. Unfortunately, we do not have this luxury and must use other tools and techniques to determine the risks we face for the decisions we make. Understanding the types of financial risks will be the focus of this week’s discussion question.

    For this discussion, post a 3–5 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you address different types of financial risk and discuss the implications for decision making in health care organizations.

    Use these questions to guide your development of the presentation:

    • What is risk?
    • What is financial risk as it relates to required return?
    • What are stand-alone, corporate, and market risks?
    • What is the relevance of risk measures in the financial decision-making process



    MGT 550 SNHU Managing Through Communication Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    Hello, I need help on responding to these 2 students case study. I attached the case study for Student 1 and Student 2.

    Below is the instructions and answer the questions and provide appropriate references.

    I do not need a long paragraph. I only 1 page.

    Thank you.

    In response to your peers’ presentations, provide feedback on the following elements:

    • Appropriateness of the presentation for audience and assignment
    • Clarity of text and narration
    • Tone
    • Support and details
    • Organization and transition
    • Design and layout contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (i.e., few or no distracting elements)

    In addition, respond to the following questions:

    • What was done particularly well?
    • What is one suggestion you have for future presentations?
    • Did you learn something new from your peer’s presentation or find anything particularly helpful or interesting?


    AD 717 Boston University Reinvestment Rate and Return on Capital Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help


    1.Complete the Excel with the Microsoft valuation. Make sure you include the following additional computations:

    oReinvestment rate and return on capital as computed in homework 8

    oSensitivity analysis of the final stock price for the terminal value, that is, compute the stock price that comes out of your valuation for WACC 0.5% smaller and larger than you initial guess and for a growth rate 0.5% smaller and larger than your initial guess.

    2.Compute the implied growth rate with the Gordon Growth model for the following “dividend aristocrats”, that is, firms which have been consistently increasing their dividend in the past:

    oJohnson & Johnson ($JNJ)

    o3M ($MMM)

    oTarget ($TGT)

    To find the implied growth rate, research their last full-year dividend and run a regression over 5 years of monthly returns to estimste their beta. For each firm, analyze if the use of the Gordon Growth model is appropriate. Explain your answers.


    Find a job description for a Training and Development Specialist who has full department wide authority and who is considered a lower middle level manager.

    Complete the required information for each of the following topics from your research.

    • Education level
    • Work Experience
    • Leadership responsibilities
    • 10% pay range
    • Median pay range
    • 90% pay range
    • Costs of benefits offered

    In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:

    • A separate page Abstract at the beginning of the paper.
    • The paper must be in memo format between 450 – 500 words, using double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
    • Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources. Do not use the textbook as a source.
    • The paper’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week’s research and readings.
    • Include the paper’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.


    Working Under Pressure Conditions Research Data Analysis Economics Assignment Help


    Task description here:

    Come up with a suitable topic and theory the data could relate to and formulate a research question that the data will allow you to answer. More specifically, please put together an analysis by making sure your project report includes the following:

    1. Brief statement of the research topic and problem. Please state very briefly (i.e. in one paragraph) what theory (research literature or textbooks related to business or economics) says about the research problem – e.g. is there some dilemma or controversy that your research will help to clarify.
    2. Clearly worded research questionthat limits the problem to a “researchable” (This is a short sentence that ends with the question mark and it is suggested that you draw from theory (research literature / textbook knowledge) in one of the business/economics fields to word it!)
    3. Please identify the type of data that you are working with – on what type of measurement scale(s) were the selected variables measured by the original data collectors.
    4. Describe the data with the tools of descriptive statistics, using both numerical as well as graphical methods. In addition to reporting and commenting on the values’ central tendency and diagrams, please also justify the choice of method (e.g. why a particular kind of measure of central tendency was selected and the graphic chosen and whether it is appropriate to use in this context).
    5. Justify the selection of the specific data analysis method of inferential statistics. Recommendation – use the decision tree (introduced in Ch. 9ff) to make the selection and justification of it. You should look up also the assumptions and comment how your data meets them but I will not penalize you if it does not meet all the criteria. Nevertheless, please make sure that you include the basic information about distribution of the variables – are they more or less normally distributed (use both numerical as well as graphical methods). It is required that you restrict the choice of data analysis method(s) to the ones introduced in the class. (Mainly because we covered only the most basic/frequently methods in class and Excel has limited set of methods available).
    6. Formulate the null and research (alternative) hypothesis – similarly to point 2 it is recommended that you word them on the basis of research literature / textbook knowledge in one of the business studies field that you know);
    7. Determine the test criteria:
      1. Specify the level of significance (Type I error associated with the null hypothesis),
      2. Determine the test statistic (the appropriate statistical test as mentioned under point 5 above),
      3. Determine the critical values (and region(s) if applicable)
    8. Calculate the value of the test statistic (obtained value).
    9. Make a decision about the null and research hypothesis by comparing the obtained value to the critical value and interpret the results of the data. You can pay attention also to the p-values.
    10. Sum up you research report by relating the statistical test result(s) to the research question and theory that you set to test.

    NB! Please copy the Excel results tables and diagrams into your Word. If you do not use English version of Excel, please translate your output tables into English (The appropriate examples/figures in the textbook may be of help)



    MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study.

    – no plagiarism . no match please.

    -student must mention question number clearly in their answer

    -Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

    -All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • must mention question number clearly in their answer.

    MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ECOM 201 Saudi Electronic Medawa Medical Company E Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    No matching ratio and plagiarism.

    Using APA style reference.

  • Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count
  • [supanova_question]

    HSA 525 Strayer Univeristy Week 7 Business Risk Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    If managers could have just one wish, many would ask for a crystal ball. With this tool, there would never be any worry about risk. The manager could look into the crystal ball and know exactly what will happen with each decision. Unfortunately, we do not have this luxury and must use other tools and techniques to determine the risks we face for the decisions we make. Understanding the types of financial risks will be the focus of this week’s discussion question.

    For this discussion, post a 3–5 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you address different types of financial risk and discuss the implications for decision making in health care organizations.

    Use these questions to guide your development of the presentation:

    • What is risk?
    • What is financial risk as it relates to required return?
    • What are stand-alone, corporate, and market risks?
    • What is the relevance of risk measures in the financial decision-making process



    MGT 550 SNHU Managing Through Communication Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    Hello, I need help on responding to these 2 students case study. I attached the case study for Student 1 and Student 2.

    Below is the instructions and answer the questions and provide appropriate references.

    I do not need a long paragraph. I only 1 page.

    Thank you.

    In response to your peers’ presentations, provide feedback on the following elements:

    • Appropriateness of the presentation for audience and assignment
    • Clarity of text and narration
    • Tone
    • Support and details
    • Organization and transition
    • Design and layout contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (i.e., few or no distracting elements)

    In addition, respond to the following questions:

    • What was done particularly well?
    • What is one suggestion you have for future presentations?
    • Did you learn something new from your peer’s presentation or find anything particularly helpful or interesting?


    AD 717 Boston University Reinvestment Rate and Return on Capital Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help


    1.Complete the Excel with the Microsoft valuation. Make sure you include the following additional computations:

    oReinvestment rate and return on capital as computed in homework 8

    oSensitivity analysis of the final stock price for the terminal value, that is, compute the stock price that comes out of your valuation for WACC 0.5% smaller and larger than you initial guess and for a growth rate 0.5% smaller and larger than your initial guess.

    2.Compute the implied growth rate with the Gordon Growth model for the following “dividend aristocrats”, that is, firms which have been consistently increasing their dividend in the past:

    oJohnson & Johnson ($JNJ)

    o3M ($MMM)

    oTarget ($TGT)

    To find the implied growth rate, research their last full-year dividend and run a regression over 5 years of monthly returns to estimste their beta. For each firm, analyze if the use of the Gordon Growth model is appropriate. Explain your answers.


    Find a job description for a Training and Development Specialist who has full department wide authority and who is considered a lower middle level manager.

    Complete the required information for each of the following topics from your research.

    • Education level
    • Work Experience
    • Leadership responsibilities
    • 10% pay range
    • Median pay range
    • 90% pay range
    • Costs of benefits offered

    In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:

    • A separate page Abstract at the beginning of the paper.
    • The paper must be in memo format between 450 – 500 words, using double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
    • Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources. Do not use the textbook as a source.
    • The paper’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week’s research and readings.
    • Include the paper’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.


    Working Under Pressure Conditions Research Data Analysis Economics Assignment Help


    Task description here:

    Come up with a suitable topic and theory the data could relate to and formulate a research question that the data will allow you to answer. More specifically, please put together an analysis by making sure your project report includes the following:

    1. Brief statement of the research topic and problem. Please state very briefly (i.e. in one paragraph) what theory (research literature or textbooks related to business or economics) says about the research problem – e.g. is there some dilemma or controversy that your research will help to clarify.
    2. Clearly worded research questionthat limits the problem to a “researchable” (This is a short sentence that ends with the question mark and it is suggested that you draw from theory (research literature / textbook knowledge) in one of the business/economics fields to word it!)
    3. Please identify the type of data that you are working with – on what type of measurement scale(s) were the selected variables measured by the original data collectors.
    4. Describe the data with the tools of descriptive statistics, using both numerical as well as graphical methods. In addition to reporting and commenting on the values’ central tendency and diagrams, please also justify the choice of method (e.g. why a particular kind of measure of central tendency was selected and the graphic chosen and whether it is appropriate to use in this context).
    5. Justify the selection of the specific data analysis method of inferential statistics. Recommendation – use the decision tree (introduced in Ch. 9ff) to make the selection and justification of it. You should look up also the assumptions and comment how your data meets them but I will not penalize you if it does not meet all the criteria. Nevertheless, please make sure that you include the basic information about distribution of the variables – are they more or less normally distributed (use both numerical as well as graphical methods). It is required that you restrict the choice of data analysis method(s) to the ones introduced in the class. (Mainly because we covered only the most basic/frequently methods in class and Excel has limited set of methods available).
    6. Formulate the null and research (alternative) hypothesis – similarly to point 2 it is recommended that you word them on the basis of research literature / textbook knowledge in one of the business studies field that you know);
    7. Determine the test criteria:
      1. Specify the level of significance (Type I error associated with the null hypothesis),
      2. Determine the test statistic (the appropriate statistical test as mentioned under point 5 above),
      3. Determine the critical values (and region(s) if applicable)
    8. Calculate the value of the test statistic (obtained value).
    9. Make a decision about the null and research hypothesis by comparing the obtained value to the critical value and interpret the results of the data. You can pay attention also to the p-values.
    10. Sum up you research report by relating the statistical test result(s) to the research question and theory that you set to test.

    NB! Please copy the Excel results tables and diagrams into your Word. If you do not use English version of Excel, please translate your output tables into English (The appropriate examples/figures in the textbook may be of help)



    MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study.

    – no plagiarism . no match please.

    -student must mention question number clearly in their answer

    -Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

    -All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • must mention question number clearly in their answer.

    MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ECOM 201 Saudi Electronic Medawa Medical Company E Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    No matching ratio and plagiarism.

    Using APA style reference.

  • Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count
  • [supanova_question]

    HSA 525 Strayer Univeristy Week 7 Business Risk Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    If managers could have just one wish, many would ask for a crystal ball. With this tool, there would never be any worry about risk. The manager could look into the crystal ball and know exactly what will happen with each decision. Unfortunately, we do not have this luxury and must use other tools and techniques to determine the risks we face for the decisions we make. Understanding the types of financial risks will be the focus of this week’s discussion question.

    For this discussion, post a 3–5 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you address different types of financial risk and discuss the implications for decision making in health care organizations.

    Use these questions to guide your development of the presentation:

    • What is risk?
    • What is financial risk as it relates to required return?
    • What are stand-alone, corporate, and market risks?
    • What is the relevance of risk measures in the financial decision-making process



    MGT 550 SNHU Managing Through Communication Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    Hello, I need help on responding to these 2 students case study. I attached the case study for Student 1 and Student 2.

    Below is the instructions and answer the questions and provide appropriate references.

    I do not need a long paragraph. I only 1 page.

    Thank you.

    In response to your peers’ presentations, provide feedback on the following elements:

    • Appropriateness of the presentation for audience and assignment
    • Clarity of text and narration
    • Tone
    • Support and details
    • Organization and transition
    • Design and layout contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (i.e., few or no distracting elements)

    In addition, respond to the following questions:

    • What was done particularly well?
    • What is one suggestion you have for future presentations?
    • Did you learn something new from your peer’s presentation or find anything particularly helpful or interesting?


    AD 717 Boston University Reinvestment Rate and Return on Capital Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help


    1.Complete the Excel with the Microsoft valuation. Make sure you include the following additional computations:

    oReinvestment rate and return on capital as computed in homework 8

    oSensitivity analysis of the final stock price for the terminal value, that is, compute the stock price that comes out of your valuation for WACC 0.5% smaller and larger than you initial guess and for a growth rate 0.5% smaller and larger than your initial guess.

    2.Compute the implied growth rate with the Gordon Growth model for the following “dividend aristocrats”, that is, firms which have been consistently increasing their dividend in the past:

    oJohnson & Johnson ($JNJ)

    o3M ($MMM)

    oTarget ($TGT)

    To find the implied growth rate, research their last full-year dividend and run a regression over 5 years of monthly returns to estimste their beta. For each firm, analyze if the use of the Gordon Growth model is appropriate. Explain your answers.


    Find a job description for a Training and Development Specialist who has full department wide authority and who is considered a lower middle level manager.

    Complete the required information for each of the following topics from your research.

    • Education level
    • Work Experience
    • Leadership responsibilities
    • 10% pay range
    • Median pay range
    • 90% pay range
    • Costs of benefits offered

    In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:

    • A separate page Abstract at the beginning of the paper.
    • The paper must be in memo format between 450 – 500 words, using double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
    • Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources. Do not use the textbook as a source.
    • The paper’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week’s research and readings.
    • Include the paper’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.


    Working Under Pressure Conditions Research Data Analysis Economics Assignment Help


    Task description here:

    Come up with a suitable topic and theory the data could relate to and formulate a research question that the data will allow you to answer. More specifically, please put together an analysis by making sure your project report includes the following:

    1. Brief statement of the research topic and problem. Please state very briefly (i.e. in one paragraph) what theory (research literature or textbooks related to business or economics) says about the research problem – e.g. is there some dilemma or controversy that your research will help to clarify.
    2. Clearly worded research questionthat limits the problem to a “researchable” (This is a short sentence that ends with the question mark and it is suggested that you draw from theory (research literature / textbook knowledge) in one of the business/economics fields to word it!)
    3. Please identify the type of data that you are working with – on what type of measurement scale(s) were the selected variables measured by the original data collectors.
    4. Describe the data with the tools of descriptive statistics, using both numerical as well as graphical methods. In addition to reporting and commenting on the values’ central tendency and diagrams, please also justify the choice of method (e.g. why a particular kind of measure of central tendency was selected and the graphic chosen and whether it is appropriate to use in this context).
    5. Justify the selection of the specific data analysis method of inferential statistics. Recommendation – use the decision tree (introduced in Ch. 9ff) to make the selection and justification of it. You should look up also the assumptions and comment how your data meets them but I will not penalize you if it does not meet all the criteria. Nevertheless, please make sure that you include the basic information about distribution of the variables – are they more or less normally distributed (use both numerical as well as graphical methods). It is required that you restrict the choice of data analysis method(s) to the ones introduced in the class. (Mainly because we covered only the most basic/frequently methods in class and Excel has limited set of methods available).
    6. Formulate the null and research (alternative) hypothesis – similarly to point 2 it is recommended that you word them on the basis of research literature / textbook knowledge in one of the business studies field that you know);
    7. Determine the test criteria:
      1. Specify the level of significance (Type I error associated with the null hypothesis),
      2. Determine the test statistic (the appropriate statistical test as mentioned under point 5 above),
      3. Determine the critical values (and region(s) if applicable)
    8. Calculate the value of the test statistic (obtained value).
    9. Make a decision about the null and research hypothesis by comparing the obtained value to the critical value and interpret the results of the data. You can pay attention also to the p-values.
    10. Sum up you research report by relating the statistical test result(s) to the research question and theory that you set to test.

    NB! Please copy the Excel results tables and diagrams into your Word. If you do not use English version of Excel, please translate your output tables into English (The appropriate examples/figures in the textbook may be of help)



    MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me study.

    – no plagiarism . no match please.

    -student must mention question number clearly in their answer

    -Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

    -All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • must mention question number clearly in their answer.

    MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University HR Managment in Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ECOM 201 Saudi Electronic Medawa Medical Company E Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    No matching ratio and plagiarism.

    Using APA style reference.

  • Your assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words.
  • Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count
  • [supanova_question]

    HSA 525 Strayer Univeristy Week 7 Business Risk Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    If managers could have just one wish, many would ask for a crystal ball. With this tool, there would never be any worry about risk. The manager could look into the crystal ball and know exactly what will happen with each decision. Unfortunately, we do not have this luxury and must use other tools and techniques to determine the risks we face for the decisions we make. Understanding the types of financial risks will be the focus of this week’s discussion question.

    For this discussion, post a 3–5 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you address different types of financial risk and discuss the implications for decision making in health care organizations.

    Use these questions to guide your development of the presentation:

    • What is risk?
    • What is financial risk as it relates to required return?
    • What are stand-alone, corporate, and market risks?
    • What is the relevance of risk measures in the financial decision-making process



    MGT 550 SNHU Managing Through Communication Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    Hello, I need help on responding to these 2 students case study. I attached the case study for Student 1 and Student 2.

    Below is the instructions and answer the questions and provide appropriate references.

    I do not need a long paragraph. I only 1 page.

    Thank you.

    In response to your peers’ presentations, provide feedback on the following elements:

    • Appropriateness of the presentation for audience and assignment
    • Clarity of text and narration
    • Tone
    • Support and details
    • Organization and transition
    • Design and layout contributed to the effectiveness of the presentation (i.e., few or no distracting elements)

    In addition, respond to the following questions:

    • What was done particularly well?
    • What is one suggestion you have for future presentations?
    • Did you learn something new from your peer’s presentation or find anything particularly helpful or interesting?


    AD 717 Boston University Reinvestment Rate and Return on Capital Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help


    1.Complete the Excel with the Microsoft valuation. Make sure you include the following additional computations:

    oReinvestment rate and return on capital as computed in homework 8

    oSensitivity analysis of the final stock price for the terminal value, that is, compute the stock price that comes out of your valuation for WACC 0.5% smaller and larger than you initial guess and for a growth rate 0.5% smaller and larger than your initial guess.

    2.Compute the implied growth rate with the Gordon Growth model for the following “dividend aristocrats”, that is, firms which have been consistently increasing their dividend in the past:

    oJohnson & Johnson ($JNJ)

    o3M ($MMM)

    oTarget ($TGT)

    To find the implied growth rate, research their last full-year dividend and run a regression over 5 years of monthly returns to estimste their beta. For each firm, analyze if the use of the Gordon Growth model is appropriate. Explain your answers.


    MGT 211 SEU Human Resource Management and Financial Achievement Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    MGT 211 SEU Human Resource Management and Financial Achievement Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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