MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order. (3.5 Marks)

2) Organization: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion. (3.5 Marks)

Make sure that:

a) The answer is logical and coherent

b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs

c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit. (3 Marks)


Write an essay on the following topic in about 1000-1200 words.

The COVID-19 pandemic reveals that the public sector is not only facing simple and complex problem, but also turbulent problems characterized by the surprising emergence of inconsistent, unpredictable, and uncertain events. Turbulent problems call for robust governance solutions that are sufficiently adaptable, agile and pragmatic to upheld a particular goal or function in the face of continuous disruption”.

In the light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments during COVID-19 era. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their awareness about such emerging pandemic, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities.

(You are required to include at least three scholarly references in your answer).

MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of the Cumberlands Week 7 Honolulu Elevated Rail Project Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Case 13.3 “Dear Mr. President—Please Cancel our Project!”: The Honolulu Elevated Rail Project

case is a great current example of a very expensive project that was
kicked off because of an assumed need—to relieve congestion in downtown
Honolulu through an elevated urban rail system. Critics argue that in
addition to having a ballooning cost, the actual planning was poorly
conceived, leaving Honolulu with an intrusive and ugly rail system
through the downtown area, ruining panoramic views, and impeding
traffic. Additionally, advocates underestimated the power needs for the
rail system, requiring the transport authority to renegotiate
electricity fees for the system. Finally, the original costs that were
assumed for the project were calculated during an economic downturn and
with the economy booming again, the costs of the project have gone up
dramatically. All of these elements points to a state Governor who is
anxious to be rid of the project and hoping that President Trump will
deny additional federal funding, in which case the project will likely
be cancelled.


  1. Why
    are public works projects like the Honolulu Rail project nearly
    impossible to stop once they have been approved, even if later cost
    estimates skyrocket?
  2. Project
    Management researchers have charged that many large infrastructure
    projects, like this one, suffer from “delusion” and “deception” on the
    parts of their advocates. Explain how “delusion” might be a cause of
    ballooning budgets in this project. How does “deception” affect the
    final project budget overruns?

Case Study 14.1—New Jersey Kills Hudson River Tunnel Project

case illustrates the challenges in making an early termination
decision. Often, particularly in the case of public projects, there is a
real difficulty in stopping a project once it has gotten “on the
books.” As a result, projects with huge cost overruns, like Boston’s
“Big Dig” are allowed to continue almost indefinitely. New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie made a tough call in deciding to cancel the
Hudson River Tunnel project because he was given a number of rosy
projections that did not match the actual costs incurred to that date.
This is a great case to let students pick sides: should Christie have
cancelled the project or not? There are arguments to be made that the
need was strong (although others could argue that the need was
over-sold). On the other hand, the history of the project to date and
the uncertainty about future federal funding made it a real gamble,
especially during a time of economic recession.


  1. How
    would you respond to the argument that it is impossible to judge how
    successful a project like this one would have been unless you actually
    do it?
  2. Take a position, either pro or con, on Christie’s decision to kill the ARC. Develop arguments to support your point of view.
  3. In
    your opinion, how clearly must a large infrastructure project like ARC
    have determined its need, costs, and so forth before being approved? If
    the criteria are too stringent, what is the implication for future
    projects of this type? Would any ever be built?


Relationship of Emotion and Attention Interaction Reaction Paper Writing Assignment Help

An important skill for doctoral students is how to critically evaluate research. Do not summarize the reading in your paper, nor the methodology or the results. Rather, write your reaction to and analysis of some aspect of the reading and how it may be applied in your field. Things to consider when writing the paper:

GeneralIs the article clear and organized or are some of the points confusing or ambiguous? Do the authors include terms and concepts without explaining them clearly?

Methodology Is the methodology flawed or is it appropriate for the research question(s)? Any modification to improve it? Were the instruments/stimuli used appropriate? Should the researchers have used other stimuli or add to the ones used?

Participants Any issues with the participants (e.g., not representative of the population it purports to study, small sample size. gender and age issues)?

Results, Conclusions, Application Are there additional implications of the results that the author(s) did not mention? Any issues with generalizing the results? Would you apply the results of the study in your field? Any limitations that should have been considered? What are future directions that have not been discussed but you feel are important to include in the paper?

In your paper, you should evaluate a selected topic. You may suggest alternate views on a specific issue and include your own interpretations, evaluation, and synthesis. Make sure to provide proper citations of sources. In general, focus on your main message and keep your writing clear. Begin the paper with a statement of what the purpose of your paper is. Build an argument based on cited literature and your professional experience. Include examples that will augment your paper.

Please use APA style, 1-2 pages are fine as long it is at least 500 words! This is the article and I have attached it as well! Thank you 🙂

Oliveira, L., Mocaiber, I., David, I. A, Erthal, F., Volchan, E., & Pereira, M. G. (2013). Emotion and attention interaction: a trade-off between stimuli relevance, motivation and individual differences. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 364–364.


UC Wk 7 Project Evaluation and Control & Project Closeout and Termination Review Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management question and need support to help me study.

Assigned Readings:

Chapter 13. Project Evaluation and Control?

Chapter 14. Project Closeout and Termination

Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what  you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s),  and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in  each assigned textbook chapter.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. It  has been said that Earned Value Management (EVM) came about because the  Federal Government often used “Cost-plus” contractors with project  organizations.  Cost-plus contracting allows the contractor to recover  full project development costs plus accumulate profit from these  contracts.  Why would requiring contractor firms to employ earned value  management help the government hold the line against project cost  overruns?
  2. Why do “lessons learned” programs often fail to capture meaningful information that could help guide future projects?


Grand Canyon University Standard Terminologies and Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me study.

Sachi: DQ 1 reply

These terminologies address a fundamental requirement for effective communication, the ability to represent concepts unambiguously between a sender and receiver of information. Most communication between health information systems relies on structured vocabularies, terminologies, code sets, and classification systems to represent health concepts.

Standard terminology provides a foundation for interoperability by improving the effectiveness of information exchange. Using everyday language should be a simple and logical step in health IT. Structured terms provide a means for organizing information and defining the semantics of information using consistent and computable mechanisms. The institutional entry terminology is composed of concepts and descriptions (Shapiro JS et al.,2005). We use SNOMED definition of these terms, where concepts represent distinct clinical meanings and descriptions are a phrase used to name a concept. Our institutional entry terminology can be divided into several subsets such as Problems list terminology, Procedures terminology, Findings in chest radiography, Administration routes for drugs, State of consciousness description, Physical examination subset, and Liver failure diagnosis

Here are the few sample terminologies used in the health care industry such as MEDCIN, ICD-10, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®), The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM), Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine–Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT)National Drug File Reference Terminology (NDF-RT), Radiological Society of North America (RadLex), Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Drug Code (NDC). These terminologies standards facilitate decision support, consistent reporting, and analytics in addition to interoperability (Bates DVV et al., 2003).There is a lot of potentials, but it also comes at a cost. Implementation is complex and generally requires a lot of tedious mapping work.

Examples with descriptions:


MEDCIN is medical terminology maintained by Medicomp Systems that encompasses symptoms, history, physical examination, tests, diagnoses, and therapies.


ICD-10 is the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems(ICD), a medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO). It contains codes for diseases, signs, and symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or diseases.


Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) is a code set maintained by the American Medical Association (AMA) to bill outpatient and office procedures.


Bates DVV, Evans RS, Murff H, Stetson PD, Pizziferri L, Hripcsak G. Detecting adverse events using information technology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association [Internet]. 2003;10

Shapiro JS, Bakken S, Hyun S, Melton GB, Schlegel C, Johnson SB. Document ontology: Supporting narrative documents in electronic health records. AMIAAnnua1 Symposium,Proceedings [Internet]. 2005;2005:684-688. 

Evans DA, Cimino JJ, Hersh WR, Huff Bell DS, Group C. Toward a Medical Concept Representation Language. The Canon Group. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 1994;1(3):207-217 

Carrie: DQ 1reply

In Healthcare the exchange of information often involves very specific, detailed information that is essential to convey to the other party. This requires a very specialized terminology in order for the meaning to be clear (Wager, et al., 2017). In the attempt to exchange information not only between offices locally, but across the country and even the world, there needs to be a common language, an agreed-upon way to identify and describe things that transcends local terms and language. To do this, health care technology has devised many different specialized terminology types.

    One type of international terminology is Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT). SNOMED-CT allows the users to use these codes to give clear clinical details, that are easy to store and to retrieve in EHR systems (Wager, et al., 2017).

    Another type of terminology used is to identify laboratory tests is Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC). These are able to convey the exact test done by abbreviated codes that explain not only what is being tested for, but also the method and exact details (Wager, et al., 2017). This allows any lab familiar with this terminology to understand exactly what type of testing was done.

    Similar to the Lab terminology, there is a medication terminology as well. This is called RxNorm, and it identifies the medications not only by the generic name, but also creates a unique identifier for each medication (Wager, et al., 2017).

    These types of terminologies allow health care practitioners to be able to exchange and understand health information despite different languages across the world, where they are adopted and understood.

Wager, K. A., Wickham-Lee, F., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass. ISBN-13: 9781119337188

Sachi: DQ 2 reply

The consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA) is one of the robust messaging frameworks. It is an XML-based standard for encoding documents for easy data exchange. It specifies the syntax and offers a framework specifying the full semantics of a clinical document and making it easy to read by humans and processed by machines (Dolin RH et al.,2001). This enables the display of the entire patient’s medical history in compressed one document.

This eliminates the issue of the message variability that the HL7 V2 generally faces. Thus it makes it possible to interoperate (Muller ML et al., 2003). The challenges include the reluctance of the staff to adapt to this framework, cost, and the time consumed is also a barrier. The advantage of this document is that it is a flexible standard that can be read by both humans and processed by a machine. It can also be reused in multiple applications. The challenge of the clinical document architecture is that different customers will have different validation methods, which often won’t match the publicly available ones. The other challenge is that having an incomplete data set can make it challenging to create valid documents. While we talk about consolidated clinical document Architecture, we should mention CDA also. As we know, the Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture issued for an implementation specifies a library of templates and is used for a set of specific document types. CCDA is technically specified in the laws and contains more information than a CCD. CCD keeps on changing to meet government regulations and fixing the errors in the old version.

Few critical benefits of CDA:

  • It is a flexible standard that can be read and processed by humans and machines.
  • It can be reused in multiple applications.
  • It allows displaying a patient’s medical history in one document.
  • It aims to eliminate message variability that HL7 V2 is prone to.
  • It does not identify a specific method for sharing the data in a document. Options can include MIME (multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine). Along with the continuity of care record (CCR) standard, CDA forms the CCD and patient document information exchange basis.


Dolin RH, Alschuler L, Beebe C, Biron PV, Boyer SL,Essin D, Kimber E, Lincoln T, and Mattison JE. The HL7Clinical Document Architecture. J Am Med Inform Assoc;2001: 8(6): 552-569.

Muller ML, Butta R, and Prokosch HU. Electronic Discharge Letters Using the Clinical Document Architecture(CDA). Stud Health Technol Inform 2003: 95: 824-828.

Ueckert F, Goerz M, Ataian M, Tessmann S, and ProkoschHU. Empowerment of patients and communication with health care professionals through an electronic health record. Int J Med Inf 2003: 70(2-3): 99-108.



University of the Cumberlands Chapter 7 Reflection On Motivation Concepts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 7. Motivation Concepts

Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what  you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s),  and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in  each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon  the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source  listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text.  Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in  your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Given  that individuals tend to judge the favorability of their outcomes  relative to what others receive, what can be the result of someone  getting rewarded for their performance but yet being disappointed in the  reward that they receive?

University of the Cumberlands Chapter 7 Reflection On Motivation Concepts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Firearms and Ethical Obligations Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1) With regard to firearms specifically, police departments in many other nations carry assault rifles and other heavy weaponry as part of their daily activities and on their person. Conversely, American police officers will often only carry their department issued pistol. Why? Does this touch upon any ethical obligations of the police? If so, how?

***Use the GCU Library for sources ( )

The DQ response must be at least 200 words and should have at least one reference in APA format

2) Write a 100-word response to each student in first person as if you were writing it to the students. Talk about how you agree with their ideas and add your own thoughts. Make sure it’s respectful. 


Walden University Authority Structure & Information System Security Case Study Computer Science Assignment Help


You have been hired as a security consultant for DIY Home & Yard, a nationwide hardware and building supplies chain with 250 stores across the continental U.S.

Recently, the company invested in an integrated business information system that links sales, inventory, and supply-chain management. In addition, customers can now browse the product catalogue online and fill virtual shopping carts with items to pick up at one of the local stores. Having heard about security breaches in similar businesses, the chief executive officer (CEO) hired your company to conduct a security audit and make recommendations. Your team spent several weeks reviewing documentation provided by the CEO and chief information officer (CIO) and conducting site visits at selected stores, as well as company headquarters in Des Moines.

As you prepare to write your final report and recommendations, you review your fieldnotes from the site visits (provided in the case study). In your responses to the questions in this Assignment, you are expected to support your statements with references to the case study fieldnotes in addition to the readings and other materials that were introduced this week. Be sure to justify your statements both with references to the literature, as well as explanations in terms of business practices that are relevant to the company.

Submit a report that includes the following:

Assess the authority structure of the organization’s information systems with respect to resilience to cyberattacks. (150–225 words in 2–3 paragraphs)

Describe the COBRA and I2S2 models for risk assessment (COBRA and I2S2) and create a table to compare their advantages and disadvantages as they relate to this case study. (300–450 words in 4–6 paragraphs)

Assess the security risks for the organization based on the COBRA and I2S2 models. (150–225 words in 2–3 paragraphs)


MGT 421 Saudi Electronic Communication Skills Critical Thinking Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

  • Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives. In your point of view, what are the characteristics of a good communicator that managers looking for? and what values can businesses receive from hiring people with good communication skills? (Marks: 2.5)
  • Evaluate your communication skills, sort out your strengths and weaknesses. Describe one of your weaknesses, how it prevents you from being a good communicator? How do you plan to work on that weakness before you look for a job? (Marks: 2.5)
  • Write a sample Letter/ Message taking into your consideration the following points: (Marks:5)

Writing Exercise

  • The purpose of your writing.
  • The audience
  • The structure of your writing (outline)
  • The clarity of your writing (details and example)
  • The three important writing decisions (tone/ word selection/ length)


Saint Leo University Queuing System Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Part 1(a)

The arrival rate is based on which customers arrive in the system. In the arrival rate, the more customers there is, the higher amount of in the queue. Inside the single-channel queuing system, the service rate is the rate that serves the customers in the queue. The service rate must be greater than the arrival rate in a single-channel queuing system because it will allow customers that arrive in the queue without having to wait.

Part 1(b)

To begin with, a single-channel system usually will only have one server. The example our text used was the drive through bank teller line.  The vocabulary words used in our question are defined closely to how their name looks with the customer number and average time or wait. For a system to be single channeled, it must abide by 7 assumptions put out by Poisson arrivals and exponential services. Service rate must be greater than arrival rate or else your system would have a holdup or long line. Therefore in this case, you wouldn’t be running an efficient system and not maximizing profits. Since there’s only one channel, you couldn’t disperse arrivals into other service queues. 


Hanna, M. E., Stair, R. M., & Render, B. (2009). Quantitative analysis for management. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Part 2(a)

Is an associate required to work in a team if they preferred not to do so, I think the answer depends on the job description and position. Some jobs do not require collective work. However, for a corporation to be competitive associates most work together, share ideas, and use a diverse group to solve problem.

If an associate preferred not to work as a team, he or she will hider the team and lead to poorer performance, interpersonal problems, and produce process loss. Process loss is the “difference between actual and potential team performance that is caused by diverting time and energy into maintaining the team” (Hitt et al., 2018). If the managers or HR must continuously coach, train, and motivate individuals to work as a group to perform task it will affect performance of the organization.

However, some high performing employees are not team players. It is up to the leadership to utilize their full potential to move the organization forward. For example, many high performing employees in the IT field are not good at group, therefore many managers assign sections of the project to multiple IT specialists and programmers.


Hitt, M. A., Miller, C. C., & Colella, A. (2018). Organizational behaviour (5th ed.). Wiley.

Part 2(b)

Should associates be required to work in teams if they prefer not to do so; that is, if they prefer to be evaluated based only on their individual efforts? What are the implications of allowing people such choices?

As an effective manager, one of the most demanding tasks is identifying and utilizing an individual’s potential and characteristics that will benefit the firm best. I believe this process should start by using and enhancing the associate’s individual talents. Secondly, a manager should group the associates that showed a propensity towards a specific task or goal and group them. Once a team has been established, “organizations must provide support for teams to work effectively. An organization cannot simply declare that it will increase the level of teamwork without planning, training, selecting, and rewarding people for teamwork (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Del Carmen Triana, 2018).”  Generally, organizations will select team members based on their abilities. However, teamwork implies that each member can perform other team-building tasks such as stimulating new ideas and enhancing synergism. “Teamwork and individualism are particularly interesting human characteristics because despite being antonyms, they are both universally valued, and their importance to society is considered a truism (Latham, 2021).”


Hitt, M., Miller, C., Colella, A., & Del Carmen Triana, M. (2018). Organizational Behavior: Enhanced Text. Wiley.

Latham, A. (2021). Teamwork vs. Individualism. Retrieved from Chron:…


MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

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