MGT 3312 Idaho State University Individual And Organizational Behavior Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 3312 Idaho State University Individual And Organizational Behavior Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a management multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Hello everyone, I have an assignment for MGT 3312 Individual and organizational behavior. There is 8 questions but you only have to choose 4 of the 8. This assignment is due by Sunday April 25 at 9:50pm (MT). I will provide all of the information needed to complete this assignment. This is also a written assignment and I need someone that is really good at writing and could possibly get me an A on this. Thank you all
MGT 3312 Idaho State University Individual And Organizational Behavior Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NPU Internet of Things & Disruptive Technology Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Discussion Question 1: Compare the IoT with regular Internet.
Discussion Question 2: Discuss the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives.
Discussion Question 3: Why must a truly smart home have a bot?
Discussion Question 4: Why is the IoT considered a disruptive technology?
Exercise 3: AT&T is active in smart city projects. Investigate their activities (solutions). Write a summary.
Exercise 4: It is said that IoT will enable new customer service and B2B interactions. Explain how.
Exercise 6: Find the information about Sophia, a robot from Hanson Robotics. Summarize her capabilities.
MHAFP 5020 Capella University NCHL Competency and Rating Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help
Assess the development of your health care leadership competencies over the course of your MHA program, using a STAR Format Competency Rating Table. There is no page limit for this assessment.
Note: Each assessment of your capstone project is built on the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
Throughout their careers, health care leaders must regularly assess their individual competencies and how those competencies align with organizational needs and priorities. Changing laws, regulations, technology, consumer preferences, medical treatment advances, and external environmental shifts can affect the skill sets needed for an effective leadership. An accurate self-assessment is the first step in identifying potential gaps and in developing an action plan to close those potential gaps.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to examine your leadership skills with respect to the NCHL health leadership competencies and assess your progress in developing those skills as you progress through your program.
Assessment Instructions
Note: This assessment completes your capstone project and should be completed last.
This assessment is in two parts:
- Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment.
- You will assess the development of your leadership skills over the course of your MHA program.
- Part 2: Personal Development Plan.
- You will identify measurable action steps for future career development. Review the Health Leadership Competency Model Summary [PDF] and Assessment 5 STAR Format Competency Rating Table [DOCX]. (Note: There are 26 total competencies listed in the NHCL Competency Model. You will need to assess 19 of the 26 NHCL competencies, as they are listed in the competency rating table.)
Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment
Complete a self-assessment of your health leadership competencies using the Assessment 5 STAR Format Competency Rating Table [DOCX]. Instructions for filling in the table are included in the document.
The requirements outlined below correspond to the first three grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your self-assessment addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.
- Assess personal progress toward developing NCHL health leadership competencies.
- Compare your baseline competency rating at the start of your program with your current competency rating.
- Explain any new insights from your competency assessment.
- Describe specific examples of how you have demonstrated NCHL health leadership competencies, with the intent of improving health care outcomes.
- Provide the most current, relevant examples of how you have demonstrated these skills in the past, preferably in the health care and human services industry.
- Consider, if you do not have experience in health care or human services, how you may have demonstrated these skills in a different industry or setting, a previous job, volunteer work, or other courses here at Capella. You may consider the following as examples:
- You assumed a role on a strategic marketing team for a client organization and demonstrated analytical thinking, strategic orientation, and organizational awareness.
- You demonstrated an information-seeking attitude and self-confidence during a health policy team debate on HIPAA.
- You demonstrated financial skills, performance measurement, and human resource management when conducting a health care quality cost-benefit analysis.
- Evaluate the outcomes of demonstrated health care leadership that illustrate NCHL competencies.
- Reflect upon personal, community, volunteer, academic teamwork, and workplace experience in which you have demonstrated each competency.
- Determine how, if asked, you would justify your evaluation.
Part 2: Personal Development Plan
Reflect upon any insights for future workplace relevance that you have gained during your capstone project, obstacles that you may have encountered, and the strategies you employed to overcome them. Then, formulate a 1–2 page personal development plan that bridges the transition from your academic studies to leadership development strategies for future career advancement.
The requirements outlined below correspond to the last grading criterion in the scoring guide. Be sure that your personal development plan addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.
- Identify measurable action steps for one’s future career advancement.
- Measurable action steps include a specific task, due date, and relevance to the competency. Example: Study for and take the ACHE certification exam by March of 2022.
- Select two areas for improvement that you believe will be relevant to your future career.
- Use industry-related or organization-specific examples to show how these two areas will be relevant to your future career.
- Discuss what career development steps you might take in the future.
NCHL Leadership Competencies
This is a summary of the NCHL competencies.
- National Center for Healthcare Leadership. (n.d.). Health leadership competency model summary [PDF]. Retrieved from…
This article explains how a shift in health care toward value-based care and population health requires a new set of competencies and skills for executive leaders.
- Morrissey, J. (2015). Leadership assessment and competencies. Retrieved from…
Leadership CompetenciesThis is a booklet and instrument for health care executives to use in assessing their expertise in critical areas of healthcare management.
- American College of Healthcare Executives. (2020). ACHE healthcare executive 2020 competencies assessment tool [PDF]. Available from…
This is a core competencies directory for health care leaders developed to professionalize the leadership and management of health systems to improve patient care.
- Global Consortium for Healthcare Management Professionalization. (2015). Leadership competencies for health services managers [PDF]. Retrieved from…
The authors of this resource developed a leadership model specific to health care, based on patient centeredness, emotional intelligence, integrity, selfless service, critical thinking, and teamwork.
- Hargett, C. W., Doty, J. P., Hauck, J. N. T., Webb, A. M. B., Cook, S. H., Tsipis, N. E., . . . Taylor, D. C. (2017). Developing a model for effective leadership in healthcare: A concept mapping approach. Retrieved from…
OSCM 330 Harvard University Chip Makers Against Farmers Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Each week, one or two students (assigned previously) will present a news article related to service operation
management and the course. The article must come from the last two weeks or the latest issue of one of the
following: New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, The Economist, Time,
Fortune, Financial Times or Forbes. Each presentation should be about 5-8 minutes and the link and reference
to the article. The presentation
should address the following: 1) why the topic is important from a supply chain perspective, 2) managerial
significance, and 3) what the key learning points are. The ability to relate the article to class materials and clearly
articulate the significance of the key learning points and quality of the presentation will determine the grade
received for the presentation. It is important to relate class materials to the challenges facing business
organizations currently. The uploaded file may be any easily viewable video file or voiced over PowerPoint
Mercer University Poverty and Crime Manage Risks Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a law Analytical Review and need an explanation to help me study.
Topic: Poverty and Crime (Previous Outline & Questions Attached)
PART II – CONDUCT A LITERATURE REVIEW & RESEARCH QUESTIONs (100 Pts.) Research the literature of your chosen topic (phenomenon). Find at least 12 research articles in academic journals on your topic. Combine what these authors have to say in integrative literature review. It should focus on the specific public safety organizational process which leads to research questions or hypotheses. You should have already chosen a specific topic (or area) within one of the general organizational processes (phenomena) of public safety agencies. Look for the types of questions the authors have asked and answered. What questions do you think still need to be answered based on what you have read? These are unanswered questions you may want to research for your topic. A literature search should identify all relevant articles and research within that topical area. After reading relevant literature, you should consider how this literature fits together (i.e., integrate it) and consider what issues still need to be considered in this area (i.e., develop research questions or hypotheses). Your final product will be a paper that reviews the literature in an integrative fashion by making an argument about what has been done in a particular area and what needs to be done in the future. What needs to be done will be the questions you find that are missing in your literature review, that is, what do you want to find out in your own research because the authors in the literature review did not answer those questions? In other words, what questions have been addressed and answered in your literature review and what questions have not been answered. The have-not questions are what you will research for your project. Your methodology of research will be described in Part III.
Part II should include subheadings of:
- An introduction
- Literature review
- Statement of the problem
- Your research question(s) – what has been answered by the 12 and what needs to be answered.
- Summary, i.e., what has been done and what needs to be done
In terms of mechanics, your paper should (240 minutes):
- Be 10‑12 pages long (typed, double‑spaced), with 12-point Times New Roman fonts.
- Follow APA format guidelines for citations and references, title page.
- Include at least 12 references; you can add to your literature review when you complete your Part II, but only 12 are necessary for this class project.
ISOL 631 UOTC The Importance of Collaboration and Policy Compliance Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a reference to help me understand better.
subject: operations security(ISOL-631-M20)
1.APA format with in-text citations
2.include at least two references
3.minimum 500 words
Maintaining compliance with laws and regulations in a complex IT environment is difficult. The vast array of regulations a company must comply with is constantly increasing and changing. Each state has its own set of laws and regulations that indicate who is covered by the law & what event triggers consumer notifications. Laws which require notifying consumers of data breaches are a good example of conflicting rules.
- Discuss the importance of collaboration and policy compliance across business areas
- How can penetration testing be used to help ensure compliance? Explain
- Define the vulnerability window and information security gap. Explain
ISOL 631 UOTC The Importance of Collaboration and Policy Compliance Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Adler University Systems Development Life Cycle Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Discussion
Based upon Chapter 4, respond to the following:
- Think about the improvements you would make to your current or previous organization’s human resource information systems (HRIS).
- Review the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
- Explain the system needs and provide a few details on what you would do during each phase of the SDLC.
System Development Life Cycle: Phases I & II – Planning and Analysis Assignment:
Read the details of the Larson Property Management Company case scenario on pages 114–115 of the textbook. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Larson, and the Chief Financial Officer, Ms. Johnson, would like to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR functions, as well as reduce overall HR costs. Mr. Larson and Ms. Johnson would like you, the HR Director, to serve as the change agent of the project. In this assignment, you will develop a plan and analysis (the planning and analysis phases of the systems development life cycle [SDLC]) of the current business based on the details of the scenario.
Write a 2–3 page proposal, in which you do the following:
Introduction and Plan
- Detail the current situation for the company, focusing on the issues that the organization is currently facing from using a legacy HRIS. Explain your plan for moving forward to address these issues.
Needs Analysis
- Based on the issues the organization is currently facing, identify the new system needs. Identify change team members who will help identify system need, and specify their role and responsibilities.
Interview, Questionnaire, Observation, or Focus Group
- Determine how additional data will be collected regarding system needs. Determine how the change management team will collect data during the exploration phase. Specify whether team members will use interviews, questionnaires, observations, and/or focus groups to collect data from end users. Provide at least five essential questions that will be asked of end users via interview, questionnaire, observation, or focus group.
- Explain two to three reasons why the company would benefit from adopting an HRIS. Focus on how the HRIS would address the current HR needs of the organization.
Robert Morris University Wk 7 Capturing a Virtual Machine Discussion & Replies Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need guidance to help me study.
Read Chapterd 13 & 14
For this assignment, you must reply to this post and address the questions below, prior to 11:59 p.m. ET on Wednesday April21
Continue to follow your classmates’ posts for the remainder of the week and post follow-up messages to at least two of your classmates’ posts prior to 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, April 25th
Your follow-up posts can add additional insight to a classmate’s opinions or can challenge their opinions. Use examples from the readings, or from your own research, to support your views, as appropriate. For your follow-up posts this week, you may wish to visit a couple of the web sites contributed by your classmates and share your opinion of these sites with the class.
Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to any questions or requests for clarification. You are encouraged to conduct research and use other sources to support your answers. Be sure to list your references at the end of your post. References must be in APA citation format.
All posts must be a minimum of 250-300 words. All follow-up posts to your classmates must be a minimum of 150 words for each required post.
1. Describe the process of capturing a virtual machine. How is it different than acquiring a conventional disk image? How is it similar? What are some factors that must be considered before you even begin?
2. Under what circumstances might it be considered acceptable to seize a cell phone without the benefit of a warrant? Please provide an example to support your answer.
– Question mitirials:
BU 204 Purdue Global University Macroeconomics Podcast Questions Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a macro economics discussion question and need support to help me learn.
As you listen to your chosen podcast, pay particular attention to any discussion relating to how the Federal Reserve System tries to control the money supply. After listening to the podcast, answer the following questions:
- What important new things did you learn?
- How did this new knowledge relate to macroeconomic measures, such as how the Federal Reserve System tries to control the money supply, that is being explored in this unit, and how does it impact the entire economy?
- What action, if any, do you think the government, or society, should take as a result of what you have learned?
UOTC Data Mining Classifying Data Cluster Analysis & False Discoveries Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
This week, answer the following questions in an essay format:
- How does data and classifying data impact data mining?
- What is association in data mining?
- Select a specific association rule (from the text) and thoroughly explain the key concepts.
- Discuss cluster analysis concepts.
- Explain what an anomaly is and how to avoid it.
- Discuss methods to avoid false discoveries.
This assignment should take into consideration all the course concepts in the book. Be very thorough in your response. The paper should be at least three pages in length and contain at least two-peer reviewed sources.