MGT 403 SEU Knowledge Management Concept of Communities of Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 403 SEU Knowledge Management Concept of Communities of Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 403 SEU Knowledge Management Concept of Communities of Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Follow the instructions in the attached files and avoid Plagiarism:

The focus of the assignment is to evaluate the understanding level of students related to communities of Practice, learning organization, Students are required to:

Read the material covered in Chapter 5 “Knowledge sharing and Communities of Practice” (attached) thoroughly from book as well as other sources.

Use the following research paper titled, Using communities of practice towards the next level of knowledge-management maturity” (attached)

Assignment Questions

Besides chapter 5 material, use above journal link to access the research paper titled, Using communities of practice towards the next level of knowledge-management maturity” and write an essay containing following points. (500-600 Words)

a.Concept of communities of Practice.

b.Highlight key components of Community of Practice.

c.Roles and responsibilities in communities of practice.

d.Chief obstacles to knowledge sharing.

e.Concept of Learning Organization.

f.Paragraph about the organization used for case study purposes in the above article.

g.Summary of results / findings of case study.

h.The main recommendations of the study.

MGT 403 SEU Knowledge Management Concept of Communities of Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS 150 Purdue University What Are Fill Rates and Profitability Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

This is a Principles of Logistics course. The case study is found in the reading material for this course which I will provide. The information to complete the case study can be found in Chapter 13 of the textbook. Below are the instructions:

The second case study is Case 13.2 (p. 545) from your textbook. This case study covers fill rates and profitability. You are to read this case study and answer both of the questions. It is expected that you use the calculations and strategies located within your textbook when answering these questions. It is also expected that you properly conduct research to add an additional dimension on top of your textbook readings to properly answer each of these questions.

This assignment needs t be completed by 11/07/2020 11:59 PM EST. All questions of the case study must be answered competely.


COUC 502 Liberty University Week 2 Nerve System Condition Myelin Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion Assignment Instructions

The student will complete 5 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of 400-500 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in current APA format, as well as 1 biblical principle. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer reviewed journal articles.

Thread: During the neonatal period, genes may become physically damaged or may spontaneously mutate. If damaged genes are passed on to the child, the result can be a genetic disorder. Alternatively, certain environmental facets, such as exposure to X-ray or even highly polluted air, may produce a malformation of genetic material. Due to advances in genetic screening, genetic difficulties increasingly can be forecast, anticipated and planned for before a child’s birth, enabling parents to take steps before the child is born to reduce the severity of certain conditions.

Discuss 2 different neurological disorders that can occur in development and how they affect development. Refer to The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke website to identify your disorders. Use additional research to discuss this topic that was briefly introduced in the last Module: Week reading (Chapter 1). In addition, read Spirituality and the Aging Brain (Newberg, 2011) and then discuss research suggesting the effects of spiritual disciplines (prayer, meditation) on neurobiology.………


University of South Florida Principle & Application of Science Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Task 1

Questions (Nature –Easy)

1) Find from books/ Internet & Define in your own words any two properties of natural gas other than given in slides. (1 Mark)

2) Discuss the technical points on pressure- temperature diagram for condensate gas reservoir and explain (1 Mark)

3) Give four uses of propane and pentane. (1 Mark)

4) Why do you think the natural gas has less pollution for its specific calorific value against other fuels? (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature –Moderate) `

5) Give two needs why dehydration and sweetening are essential? (1 Mark)

6) Collect and give the specifications of flue gas analysis stack or flare. (1 Mark)

7) Give four design features of flue gas analysis stack. (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature –Challenging)

8) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in biogenic formation (1 Mark)

9) Give four design features of CaCl2 dehydration and explain it.(1 Mark)

10) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in Oil and Gas fields and reservoirs. (1 Mark)

Task 2

Questions (Nature –Easy)

1) Explain the concepts open hole and cased hole completion in brief. (1 Mark)

2) Explain the concepts appraisal well and wild cat well in brief. (1 Mark)

3) Explain the concept well abandonment in brief. (1 Mark)

4) Choose any four parts of rotary drilling, name it and give its functions. (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature –Moderate) `

5) Explain the technical points from any web source inflow and vertical performance relationship? Give its reference link (1 Mark)

6) Give four specifications of oil and gas production tubing from any oil and gas company or pipe manufacturer’s website. Give its reference link. (1 Mark)

7) Give the principle and application behind Gamma ray log. (1 Mark)

Questions (Nature –Challenging)

8) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in well completion. (1 Mark)

9) Give four design features well testing. (1 Mark)

10) Give four challenges and suggest solutions for those challenges in wireline operations. (1 Mark)

plgraism free


CUA Mezzo Theory Application in The Contemporary World Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Mezzo Theory Application Paper Instructions


Introduction: What theory have you selected for this paper? Discuss the basic assumption of this theory.Name and define the two concepts from the theory that you will use in this paper? What family problem(s) will you analyze using this theory?

Write a brief opening statement that gives the reader a clear, cogent, and concise presentation of the theory and two of the family system concepts that you have chosen to explain a problematical family situation from the Rodriguez Family Case. (1/2 page)

Theory: Discuss the two theoretical concepts you have selected for this paper. Include in your discussion scholarship from professional literature on these concepts.

Write a robust discussion of the theoretical concepts, including: 1) the definition and analysis of the concepts; and 2) a minimum of four scholarly references that support your discussion. Your references should be independently located apart for your required readings. Acceptable literature consists of peer-reviewed journal articles, chapters from scholarly books, professional literature, and government publications. (2 pages)

Application: Discuss the connection between the problem situation you have identified in the Introduction and the family system concepts.

Write a robust discussion of the case that 1) explains the identified problem situation according to the concepts; and 2) uses the case information to demonstrate the meaning of the concepts.Omit any discussion of practice interventions. (1.5 pages).

Summary: Write one paragraph that connects the basic assumption of the theory, the two concepts, and the explanation of the family problem situation. (One paragraph)

Social Work Perspective: Discuss how the theory or concepts do or do not address the strengths-based perspective (capacities, resources and assets) as well as the person-in-environment perspective that characterizes professional social work (the transactions between persons and their social context. (1/2 page)


Organization, clarity, and demonstration of well-development sentences and paragraphs

Use of correct grammar and spelling; no writing errors

Minimum of four references beyond required readings from this or other courses

Correct application of APA 6th edition citations, references, and formatting



Ashford University WK1 Organizational Reflection & Levels of Culture Business Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Week 1 Assignment: Organizational Reflection/Levels of Culture

Now that you have reflected upon the levels of culture in your own community in our Discussion, reflect and apply the levels of culture in an organization. For this organizational reflection assignment, and based on your analysis of the selected readings and of your professional experience, choose one of the following organizations that claim to align with our mission here at Walden to promote positive social change. See additional resources about each organization in our Learning Resources folder.

  • Toms Shoes
  • Apple
  • Red Cross
  • Google


To complete the Organizational Reflection/Levels of Culture Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following:

  • An overview of the organization that includes the organization’s name, vision, and mission.
  • How does the company promote positive social change, which is our mission at Walden?
  • Have any of the company behaviors in the past year shown a misalignment with the company’s stated mission? If so, how?
  • Apply the three levels of culture (artifacts, espoused values, and underlying assumptions as defined in Chapter 2 of the Schein text) to the organization.
  • Examine how the knowledge of levels of culture can impact leader effectiveness within an organization.
  • Summarize the two or three most important “takeaways” from the weekly Discussion that you think will help you be a more effective leader within an organization.

Be sure to support your Organizational Reflection/Levels of Culture using this week’s readings or other credible and relevant resources and adhere to APA format. You may also include quotes from the weekly Discussion that you think support your Reflection entry.

General Guidance: This week’s Organizational Reflection/Levels of Culture submission should be about 3–4 pages in length. Refer to the Week 1 Organizational Reflection/Levels of Culture Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Note: Please refer to exemplary on rubric below to insure perfect work is submitted

Ashford University WK1 Organizational Reflection & Levels of Culture Business Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 112 Sinclair College US Nuclear Energy & Official Language Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english project and need a sample draft to help me study.

Research Topics with Explanation

Choose three (3) topics that interest you and identify two (2) credible sources for each topic.

Note: This is one of several parts that will build toward a final draft of your persuasive writing

research paper.

Write a two (2) page paper in which you:


Explain the reason for selecting topic one, identify the audience, identify the purpose, and

provide a preliminary thesis statement.


Explain the reason for selecting topic two, identify the audience, identify the purpose, and

provide a preliminary thesis statement.


Explain the reason for selecting topic three, identify the audience, identify the purpose,

and provide a preliminary thesis statement.


Identify six (6) credible sources (two (2) for each topic) that you would expect to use.

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins

on all sides.

Note: You are not required to cite your sources CORRECTLY just yet, but I do expect

you to give enough information that I could look them up if necessary. Also, keep in

mind that a URL address is NOT sufficient and will not earn credit for this assignment.

This assignment is designed to allow you time to explore multiple topics before committing to a

single idea. Use this assignment to decide if the topic you want to spend the rest of the semester

with is REALLY the one you want to spend the rest of the semester with. Additionally, my hope

is that you come away from this assignment with:

Ideas about what will and will not work for a topic.

Ideas about the features of audience and purpose.

A basic understanding of the various elements of source citation and documentation.

An understanding of how to use technology and information resources to research

selected topics.

A clear and concise written work about selected topics using proper writing mechanics.

And of course, ultimately, a topic you’re interested in to spend the next several weeks

researching and writing about


OU Wk 7 Biblical Foundations Activity Biblical Models of Leadership Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Please share your thoughts, briefly, on each character and ways he/she can be modeled in today’s world of leadership.

Elijah: “Bind the ties of love and courage.”

Today’s nomenclature calls it tough love. Some call it a tough mind and a tender heart. Elijah had both. He loved God. He had the courage to speak to the evils of his day. Where is your God, he asked. “Perhaps he’s sleeping and will wake up!” (1 Kings 18:27).

His sarcasm showed his disdain for those who had forsaken God. In every effective leader’s life, there is a time for love, but also a time for courage. It may not come quickly. It will, however, come eventually. If the leader becomes a wimp, he will lose his leadership role. Effective leaders have the courage to speak even when it is unpopular to speak because they speak the truth with love.


DATA 300 Marymount Brand Communities Embedded in Social Networks Journal Critique Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel report and need support to help me understand better.

I’m working on a excel report and need support to help me learn.

DATA300 is an Inquiry course, which requires a special research project as part of its curriculum. For this course, the syllabus describes this requirement. The paper should run about 4 single spaced pages. The requirement is worth 40 points.

Choose any business-related paper from the general business journal literature (accounting, sales, marketing, operations research/analytics, business medical services, business software development, etc.) either in paper or electronic format. Suitable journals include Harvard Business Review, CrossTalk, Interfaces, University of Chicago Journal of Business, etc. Not acceptable publications are popular magazine articles, trade association magazine articles, or newspaper articles. Meet with the instructor if there are any questions about the suitability of the paper and source.

  • i.Make a copy (digital) of the journal paper and attach to the back of your critique. Include a page showing the Cover and Table of Contents from the journal you chose. If the journal is online, then attach a copy of the paper and a screenshot of some kind of the journal masthead.
  • ii.State the author’s null and alternative hypotheses. Write an explanation of the hypothesis the author was testing in plain English. Use of statistical symbols such as “Ho:” will not be acceptable. Assume your audience is middle management who are not experts in statistical methods.
  • i. Write your critique of the research methods and conclusions the author drew using plain English. You may either agree or disagree with the conclusions and/or methods used by the author.


Wilkes University Level of Competence Among Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.…

This documentary is 1 1/2 hours long. Watch the entire documentary. Write a one page reflection paper for 5 points of extra credit. I encourage you to think about your own implicit biases. If you are going into a medical profession, think about why women aren’t believed by medical practitioners when they are describing their symptoms (there is plenty of scientific evidence that they aren’t not treated the same as males). How are you going to try to minimize your implicit biases? If you are planning to continue on in science, how will you be an advocate for those who are underrepresented? Do you think that these kinds of scenarios still happen today? Do you think that they happen at smaller institutions?


This documentary is 1 1/2 hours long. Watch the entire documentary. Write a one page reflection paper for 5 points of extra credit. I encourage you to think about your own implicit biases. If you are going into a medical profession, think about why women aren’t believed by medical practitioners when they are describing their symptoms (there is plenty of scientific evidence that they aren’t not treated the same as males). How are you going to try to minimize your implicit biases? If you are planning to continue on in science, how will you be an advocate for those who are underrepresented? Do you think that these kinds of scenarios still happen today? Do you think that they happen at smaller institutions?


This documentary is 1 1/2 hours long. Watch the entire documentary. Write a one page reflection paper for 5 points of extra credit. I encourage you to think about your own implicit biases. If you are going into a medical profession, think about why women aren’t believed by medical practitioners when they are describing their symptoms (there is plenty of scientific evidence that they aren’t not treated the same as males). How are you going to try to minimize your implicit biases? If you are planning to continue on in science, how will you be an advocate for those who are underrepresented? Do you think that these kinds of scenarios still happen today? Do you think that they happen at smaller institutions?


This documentary is 1 1/2 hours long. Watch the entire documentary. Write a one page reflection paper for 5 points of extra credit. I encourage you to think about your own implicit biases. If you are going into a medical profession, think about why women aren’t believed by medical practitioners when they are describing their symptoms (there is plenty of scientific evidence that they aren’t not treated the same as males). How are you going to try to minimize your implicit biases? If you are planning to continue on in science, how will you be an advocate for those who are underrepresented? Do you think that these kinds of scenarios still happen today? Do you think that they happen at smaller institutions?


MGT 403 SEU Knowledge Management Concept of Communities of Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 403 SEU Knowledge Management Concept of Communities of Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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