MGT 421 SEU International Artificial Intelligence Products Convention Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 421 SEU International Artificial Intelligence Products Convention Letter Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 421 SEU International Artificial Intelligence Products Convention Letter Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management case study and need guidance to help me understand better.
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read this CONVENING THE CONVENTION , and answer followed tow question in same attach word format with using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.

In e45xactly 7 months, 2 days and 4 hours, retailers of Artificial Intelligence products from throughout the “Middle East” well decent on your city for the 09th annual Artificial Intelligence products convention, sponsored by your employer “Taqnia Cyber” as executive assistant to the president of the Association, you bear full responsibility for organising the convention and preparing for the guest.

Assignment Question(s):

  • Write a letter of request to the major of your city ask for public services (such as police and paramedical services, due to Covid-19 Pandemics) that you will require during the convention Demonstrate, if possible that the convention is the interest of the mayor’s city.(200-250 words).
  • By the means of business letter, reverse the convention facilities of the star flight hotel. Abide by any request the hotel has made for a deposit. Specify the arrangements you expect from the hotel during the convention. ((200-250 words).

MGT 421 SEU International Artificial Intelligence Products Convention Letter Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 404 Saudi Electronic University Contemporary Market Structure Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of this week’s concepts by discussing mergers and acquisitions.

Action Items

  • In a Word document, prepare a 1-2 page (250-500 words) written response to the following items to submit to your professor:
    • Describe the major phases of merger and acquisition activity.
    • Discuss how OD practitioners can contribute to successful integration.

Submission Instructions

Complete and submit this assignment according to your professor’s instructions.

Grading Criteria

Accuracy and completion of assignment: 0 – 25 points. Refer to the Submission Grading Rubric below for specific criteria.


Level 3

Level 2

Level 1


Demonstrates full understanding of all of the topics and accurately applies concepts learned in the course. More than one original conclusion made or idea suggested.

5 pts.

Demonstrates understanding of most of the topics and has applied concepts learned in the course. One original conclusion made or idea suggested.

4 pts.

Demonstrates understanding of some of the concepts learned in the course and has applied them accurately for the most part. No original conclusions or ideas offered.

0 pts.

Depth of Analysis

In-depth analysis and elaboration in all sections of the paper. Critical thinking is evident throughout.Conclusions are supported in the body of the paper.

5 pts.

In-depth analysis and elaboration in most sections of the paper. Evidence of some critical thinking. Conclusions are supported in the body of the paper.

4 pts.

Analysis is brief or lacking depth. Only brief discussions exist in some sections. Not enough information given. Little evidence of critical thinking. Some inaccuracies or lack of support for conclusions might exist.

0 pts.

Organization, Focus, and Clarity

Writing is logically organized and tightly focused. Main ideas are clearly stated and supported with details. Information is on-topic and flows from one logically-presented, clearly explained topic to the next.

5 pts.

Writing is organized and focused. Main ideas are stated and supported with details. Information is on-topic and flows logically from one topic to the next.

4 pts.

Some or all parts are poorly organized or unfocused. Some parts might be off-topic. Main ideas are stated but not supported well with details. The sequence of information is hard to follow.

0 pts.


No spelling or grammar mistakes. Formatting follows the current version of the APA Style Guide.

5 pts.

Minimal spelling or grammar mistakes. Formatting follows the current version of the APA Style Guide.

4 pts.

Noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes. Formatting does not follow the current version of the APA Style Guide.

0 pts.


Assignment is within the posted word limits.

5 pts.

Assignment is longer than the posted word limits.

4 pts.


MATH 122 Gross Profit Mathematics Final Exam Review Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a mathematics test / quiz prep and need support to help me understand better.

Note: I will of course share my Hawkes Learning account with the tutor that works with me on this test.


– Start the review and time yourself.

– You should use scratch paper and any calculator at all (A little tip: counting with a scientific calculator will be very useful for you towards solving many questions at the ‘Final Exam Review’ and of course at the actual ‘Final Exam’ as well) that helps you complete both, the ‘Final Exam Review’ and most importantly the actual ‘Final Exam’.

The actual ‘Final Exam’ will also be available from 11:55pm on 04/25 until 11:55pm on 05/02. The procedure for this test is posted below:

When taking the test, neatly number all problems and show all your work on scratch paper and circle your answers. (Note by me: After completing the test, take pictures or scan your scratch work and send them to me (as an attached PDF)).

I plan on going through each test and providing partial credit where I feel it is warranted. You may use the default windows/mac calculator, a similar scientific calculator, or any calculator in general that you like and that helps you get the work done in the test.

Should any confusion or issues arrise reach out to me and I will be more than happy to help as fast as possible!


University of Kansas Evidence Based Project Part 3 Critical Appraisal of Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Assignment: Evidence-Based Project, Part 3: Critical Appraisal of Research

Realtors rely on detailed property appraisals—conducted using appraisal tools—to assign market values to houses and other properties. These values are then presented to buyers and sellers to set prices and initiate offers.

Research appraisal is not that different. The critical appraisal process utilizes formal appraisal tools to assess the results of research to determine value to the context at hand. Evidence-based practitioners often present these findings to make the case for specific courses of action.

In this Assignment, you will use an appraisal tool to conduct a critical appraisal of published research. You will then present the results of your efforts.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and the four systematic reviews (or other filtered high- level evidence) you selected in Module 3.
  • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3.
  • Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided in the Resources.

The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)

Part 3A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest in Module 2 and Module 3.

Note: You can choose any combination of articles from Modules 2 and 3 for your Critical Appraisal. For example, you may choose two unfiltered research articles from Module 2 and two filtered research articles (systematic reviews) from Module 3 or one article from Module 2 and three articles from Module 3. You can choose any combination of articles from the prior Module Assignments as long as both modules and types of studies are represented.

Part 3B: Critical Appraisal of Research

Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.


Hawassa University Sampling Approach Target Population and Sample Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Develop your own sampling strategy based upon your PICOT question. Read your text book and identify how you will approach the sampling strategy by understanding what the following means. a) parameters or attributes of the study population, b) representative of the defined population, c.appropriateness of the sampling plan to the research design, d) appropriateness and justification of the sample size, and e)evidence that the rights of human participants (subjects) have been protected.

After reading and understanding what the above means, answer the questions below regarding the sampling strategy you will use based on your PICOT question. Support why you chose those answers with evidence-based literature. Provide both in-text citation and a reference list.


Define your target population and sample.


Discuss your sampling approach in terms of their nature, use, advantages, and disadvantages. e.g. you can choose convenience, or quota, or random or purposive etc.


Indicate the inclusion and exclusion criteria.


Discuss the factors that influenced determination of sample size.


Discuss potential threats to internal and external validity as sources of sampling bias.


What is your cosmic Question (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Sampling Strategy).



Park University Apple Inc Financial Performance Business Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business project and need support to help me learn.


Add this section to your course project document.The company mine is on is Apple I will attach the financial documents

  1. Financial analysis of the company
    • Length: 3 to 4 pages
    • In this section you will use balance sheet and income statement information to analyze the company in the areas of profitability, asset utilization, liquidity, and debt utilization.
      • A full ratio analysis must be prepared using at least two ratios from each of these four areas.
      • Your analysis must be over a three year period.
      • In addition to three years of ratios, you must include your observations on the company’s profitability, efficiency in asset utilization, liquidity, and utilization of debt to finance its operations plus any trends your observe (i.e., share key drivers and insights about the positive, neutral or negative impacts from the ratios).
      • Graphs or charts may also be used to support your analysis.

Refer to Assignments and Grading for grading information and requirements.

Due date

Submit your document by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.


Unit 5: Course Project Rubric

Unit 5: Course Project Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Ratio Analysis

40 pts

Assignment clearly and thoroughly articulates the company’s financial performance over a minimum of 3 years and includes numerous insights of the impact of key financial statement line items and ratios.

35.64 pts

Assignment clearly and thoroughly articulates the company’s financial performance over 2-3 years and includes insights of the impact of key financial statement line items and ratios.

31.64 pts

Assignment provides a high-level summary of the company’s financial performance over 2-3 years and includes limited insights of the impact of key financial statement line items and ratios.

27.64 pts

Assignment provides a high-level summary of the company’s financial performance over 2-3 years but includes no insights of the impact of key financial statement line items and ratios.

23.64 pts

Assignment provides a high-level summary of the company’s financial performance over 1-2 years but includes no insights of the impact of key financial statement line items and ratios.

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProofreading completion

10 pts

Proofreading is evident throughout document. The essay contains a few errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (2-3 per page).

8.86 pts

Proofreading is evident throughout document. The essay contains minimal errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (0 – 1 per page).

7.86 pts

Proofreading is not thorough throughout the document. The essay contains errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (4 – 5 per page).

6.86 pts

Proofreading is not thorough throughout the document. The essay contains errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (6 – 7 per page).

5.86 pts

Proofreading is not thorough throughout the document. The essay contains errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (8+ per page).

10 pts

Park University Apple Inc Financial Performance Business Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSY 3738 Rasmussen College Social Media Personally Professionally Benefits Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me understand better.

Assignment Content

Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.


Regardless of the career that you pursue or are currently pursuing, it is likely that the action of securing the resource of friends and professional acquaintances will be as valuable as any other action you could take.

Part 1:

First, take some time to reflect on your career and/or future career. If this includes more than one career path, then focus on the one that you are most concerned with in the long term. This might include working in a specific field, starting a business, or any other pursuit you are currently working on or plan to work on in the future. The choice behind the pursuit you will focus on is a personal choice.

Write two pages on why this particular career and/or pursuit is your choice. Reflecting on the why behind your wish to achieve a goal will help to make it feel more tangible to you. This exercise of reflection should serve to remind you of your motivation and will be a good thing to refer back to if your motivation ever gets low. The “why” behind a pursuit is oftentimes more important than the “how” of a pursuit. If you have a strong enough “why,” you will find the “how.”

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, make a list of the types of people that could help you in your career and why those people would be good contacts to have. This list should be general in nature, meaning you should list professions or names of positions within companies rather than specific names.

You should list general fields or positions like accountants, attorneys, marketing managers, CEOs, etc., rather than any specific names. Be sure to list at least five professions or types of people.

Part 3:

Next, consider which social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you in your pursuit along with why and how you could use each. Ensure that the platform and your use of it line up with the specifics behind your chosen future goal.

Describe at least three different platforms you could use, along with why you would use it, and how you would use it for each of the three.

  • Platform #
  • Why?
  • How?
  • Platform #
  • Why?
  • How?
  • Platform #
  • Why?
  • How?

Part 4:

Finally, put all of this together and take action. The next part of this assignment is where you can make a big difference in your grade as well as in your real life pursuit of a goal!

Reach out through the avenue of social media and make contact with three people that you do not currently know. Describe who you contacted and why (you do not need to give their specific name). Explain how you went about contacting them. Contacting someone that works in the same field as you or the same field you intend to work in should be relatively easy as long as you take a professional approach. Speculate over how this new contact might be helpful to you in the future. If you are not currently using social media, then find someone that you know that has used social media to make connections. Ask them to describe how social media has helped them to network and write about social media has helped them to network and make connections.

Requirements/grading rubric

1. Clearly described the goal that you are focused on long term in a well-organized manner and why it is important to you while meeting the minimum length requirement..

2. Provided a description of at least five different types of people that could be helpful to you in the future and thoroughly explained why?

3. Provided a list of at least four social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you pursuit along with specifics on why and how yo could use each platform.

4. Provided a thorough description of the people you contacted, how you went about it, and how these contacts might be beneficial to have in the future.

5. Paper, lists, and explanations were formatted correctly.

6. Provided an APA formatted reference page with at least 3 credible sources to support research.

7. Demonstrated effective usage of English grammar and mechanics. 0-2 errors in English grammar and mechanics observed.


Savannah State University Afrofuturism and Black Feminisms Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Afrofuturism is a movement impacted by African and African diasporic writers, artists, musicians, as well as social theorists. Although the movement has been popularized over the past few decades, especially since 1990, its roots can be traced to late 19th-century African American writings by authors and scholars such as W.E.B. Dubois and Martin Delany, and Edward Johnson who imagined alternative realities and communities for Black people. The cultural production and scholarly thought that Afrofuturism engenders through various media, positions Black experience in future time periods, alternate spaces/places or realities. Afrofuturism also imagines dystopic worlds to come and apocalyptic conditions, with present-day social justice issues projected into the future in a heightened sense. Afrofuturist pieces do not always peer into the future, but instead, disrupt the understanding of linear time, giving society multiple chances to “get it right.” While much is imagined, some African and African diasporic writers draw upon lived experiences and beliefs or historical observations. What is often viewed as supernatural might actually be regarded as reality from a cultural perspective. Afrofuturism may also examine the consequences of technological advancements that challenge humanity’s place in the world.

Find a work of literature, film, or a television show that we have NOT studied that embodies one or more aspects of Afrofuturism. Write an analytical essay that explores categories such as dystopia, utopia, apocalyptic existence, time travel and alternate realities that focus on Black characters. Who are the major characters of the piece? What are some of the conflicts that they encounter in their quest? How are topics such as economic equity, Black feminisms, and Black masculinities are depicted? What other social issues do you observe in the piece?

This essay must be 1500 words minimum. Use Times New Roman 12-point font. In addition to the primary piece, a minimum of five sources are required. Your sources may be scholarly, as those found in the Galileo databases; or popular, from newspapers, magazines, and credible online sources. Please, no shortcuts like Cliff Notes, Spark Notes, Wikipedia, etc.


Simon Fraser QR Codes in Supply Chain and Logistics Sectors Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a supply chain report and need support to help me study.


This is a group work,

Topic in short is, The project should study a recent innovation that has been/has the potential to be applied to supply chain and logistics sectors. The innovation discussed could be product, service, technology, process, or business model. The discussion should focus not only on the description of the innovation, but, more importantly, on how the innovation could be applied to and make differences in the supply chain and logistics industries.

Our group chose Sharing economy as topic.

My part is in green in the below attached pdf.

(For eg, QR code, the application and influence of face recognition innovation in the supply chain and logistics links)

Thank you.


University of California Los Angeles What Would Happen If You Didnt Sleep Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Submit your first draft here.

-For the first draft, write a draft with 800-1000 words

-You can make subcategories to organize some paragraphs based on similar analytical points.

-12 points font size and double-spaced, MLA style format

-Use an MS word document when uploading a draft.

-Develop your analytical points with each category.

Choose three sources; two text-based source articles and a video source with overarching themes. At the end of the draft, you should have a Works Cited page for listing your sources’ information.

This draft will be evaluated based on your comprehension of the texts by effectively summarizing each source’s arguments and your interpretations on how persuasively the authors in the sources wrote the article or made a video for target audience and their purposes and what kind of rhetorical devices were applied to make their arguments clear and effective. You can compare and contrast the sources’ key features in their argument styles or organizations. When you also think about arguments, what assumptions or limitations have you noticed in the authors’ points? Discuss those from your point of view.


MGT 421 SEU International Artificial Intelligence Products Convention Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 421 SEU International Artificial Intelligence Products Convention Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

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