MGT 422 Saudi Electronic University Business Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 422 Saudi Electronic University Business Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 422 Saudi Electronic University Business Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.
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Follow APA-style referencing.

Use Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.

No copy paste. matching ratio should not exceed 5%.


1. You are the CEO of a small manufacturing company. One of your employees has dumped toxic waste in a nearby stream. Who would you call into your office and what would you want to know? Develop a short-term and long-term action plan for dealing with the crisis. Who would you communicate with and why? (3 Marks)

2. How will you characterize the ethics efforts in this organization as taking a value, compliance, or combination approach? Is it effective? Recommend improvements. (2 Marks)

Word count: minimum 350 words for each question

MGT 422 Saudi Electronic University Business Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CS 210 SNHU Python Grocery Tracking Program Final Project Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a c++ project and need a sample draft to help me learn.


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Utilize various programming languages to develop secure, efficient code


You are doing a fantastic job at Chada Tech in your new role as a junior developer, and you exceeded expectations in your last assignment for Airgead Banking. Since your team is impressed with your work, they have given you another, more complex assignment. Some of the code for this project has already been completed by a senior developer on your team. Because this work will require you to use both C++ and Python, the senior developer has given you the code to begin linking between C++ and Python. Your task is to build an item-tracking program for the Corner Grocer, which should incorporate all of their requested functionality.

The Corner Grocer needs a program that analyzes the text records they generate throughout the day. These records list items purchased in chronological order from the time the store opens to the time it closes. They are interested in rearranging their produce section and need to know how often items are purchased so they can create the most effective layout for their customers. The program that the Corner Grocer is asking you to create should address the following three requirements for a given text-based input file that contains a list of purchased items for a single day:

  1. Produce a list of all items purchased in a given day along with the number of times each item was purchased.
  2. Produce a number representing how many times a specific item was purchased in a given day.
  3. Produce a text-based histogram listing all items purchased in a given day, along with a representation of the number of times each item was purchased.

As you complete this work, your manager at Chada Tech is interested to see your thought process regarding how you use the different programming languages, C++ and Python. To help explain your rationale, you will also complete a written explanation of your code’s design and functionality.


One of Python’s strengths is its ability to search through text and process large amounts of data, so that programming language will be used to manage internal functions of the program you create. Alternatively, C++ will be used to interface with users who are interested in using the prototype tracking program.

Grocery Tracking Program
Begin with a Visual Studio project file that has been set up correctly to work with both C++ and Python, as you have done in a previous module. Remember to be sure you are working in Release mode, rather than Debug mode. Then add the CS210_Starter_CPP_Code and CS210_Starter_PY_Code files, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to their appropriate tabs within the project file so that C++ and Python will be able to effectively communicate with one another. After you have begun to code, you will also wish to access the CS210_Project_Three_Input_File, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to check the functionality and output of your work.

As you work, continue checking your code’s syntax to ensure your code will run. Note that when you compile your code, you will be able to tell if this is successful overall because it will produce an error message for any issues regarding syntax. Some common syntax errors are missing a semicolon, calling a function that does not exist, not closing an open bracket, or using double quotes and not closing them in a string, among others.

  1. Use C++ to develop a menu display that asks users what they would like to do. Include options for each of the three requirements outlined in the scenario and number them 1, 2, and 3. You should also include an option 4 to exit the program. All of your code needs to effectively validate user input.
  1. Create code to determine the number of times each individual item appears. Here you will be addressing the first requirement from the scenario to produce a list of all items purchased in a given day along with the number of times each item was purchased. Note that each grocery item is represented by a word in the input file. Reference the following to help guide how you can break down the coding work.
    • Write C++ code for when a user selects option 1 from the menu. Select and apply a C++ function to call the appropriate Python function, which will display the number of times each item (or word) appears.
    • Write Python code to calculate the frequency of every word that appears from the input file. It is recommended that you build off the code you have already been given for this work.
    • Use Python to display the final result of items and their corresponding numeric value on the screen.
  1. Create code to determine the frequency of a specific item. Here you will be addressing the second requirement from the scenario to produce a number representing how many times a specific item was purchased in a given day. Remember an item is represented by a word and its frequency is the number of times that word appears in the input file. Reference the following to help guide how you can break down the coding work.
    1. Use C++ to validate user input for option 2 in the menu. Prompt a user to input the item, or word, they wish to look for. Write a C++ function to take the user’s input and pass it to Python.
    2. Write Python code to return the frequency of a specific word. It will be useful to build off the code you just wrote to address the first requirement. You can use the logic you wrote but modify it to return just one value; this should be a fairly simple change (about one line). Next, instead of displaying the result on the screen from Python, return a numeric value for the frequency of the specific word to C++.
    3. Write a C++ function to display the value returned from Python. Remember, this should be displayed on the screen in C++. We recommend reviewing the C++ functions that have already been provided to you for this work.
  1. Create code to graphically display a data file as a text-based histogram. Here you will be addressing the third requirement from the scenario: to produce a text-based histogram listing all items purchased in a given day, along with a representation of the number of times each item was purchased. Reference the following to help guide how you can break down the coding work:
    1. Use C++ to validate user input for option 3 in the menu. Then have C++ prompt Python to execute its relevant function.
    2. Write a Python function that reads an input file (CS210_Project_Three_Input_File, which is linked in the Supporting Materials section) and then creates a file, which contains the words and their frequencies. The file that you create should be named frequency.dat, which needs to be specified in your C++ code and in your Python code. Note that you may wish to refer to work you completed in a previous assignment where you practiced reading and writing to a file. Some of your code from that work may be useful to reuse or manipulate here. The frequency.dat file should include every item (represented by a word) paired with the number of times that item appears in the input file. For example, the file might read as follows:
      • Potatoes 4
      • Pumpkins 5
      • Onions 3
    3. Write C++ code to read the frequency.dat file and display a histogram. Loop through the newly created file and read the name and frequency on each row. Then print the name, followed by asterisks or another special character to represent the numeric amount. The number of asterisks should equal the frequency read from the file. For example, if the file includes 4 potatoes, 5 pumpkins, and 3 onions then your text-based histogram may appear as represented below. However, you can alter the appearance or color of the histogram in any way you choose.
      • Potatoes ****
      • Pumpkins *****
      • Onions ***
  1. Apply industry standard best practices such as in-line comments and appropriate naming conventions to enhance readability and maintainability. Remember that you must demonstrate industry standard best practices in all your code to ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency. This includes the following:
    1. Using input validation and error handling to anticipate, detect, and respond to run-time and user errors (for example, make sure you have option 4 on your menu so users can exit the program)
    2. Inserting in-line comments to denote your changes and briefly describe the functionality of the code
    3. Using appropriate variable, parameter, and other naming conventions throughout your code

Starter CPP Code We were given:


using namespace std;

To call this function, simply pass the function name in Python that you wish to call.
Python will print on the screen: Hello from python!
void CallProcedure(string pName)
char *procname = new char[pName.length() + 1];
std::strcpy(procname, pName.c_str());

PyObject* my_module = PyImport_ImportModule("PythonCode");
PyObject* my_function = PyObject_GetAttrString(my_module, procname);
PyObject* my_result = PyObject_CallObject(my_function, NULL);

delete[] procname;

To call this function, pass the name of the Python functino you wish to call and the string parameter you want to send
int x = callIntFunc("PrintMe","Test");
Python will print on the screen:
You sent me: Test
100 is returned to the C++
int callIntFunc(string proc, string param)
char *procname = new char[proc.length() + 1];
std::strcpy(procname, proc.c_str());

char *paramval = new char[param.length() + 1];
std::strcpy(paramval, param.c_str());
PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict, *pFunc, *pValue = nullptr, *presult = nullptr;
// Initialize the Python Interpreter
// Build the name object
pName = PyUnicode_FromString((char*)"PythonCode");
// Load the module object
pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);
// pDict is a borrowed reference
pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
// pFunc is also a borrowed reference
pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, procname);
if (PyCallable_Check(pFunc))
pValue = Py_BuildValue("(z)", paramval);
presult = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pValue);
//printf("Result is %dn", _PyLong_AsInt(presult));
// Clean up
// Finish the Python Interpreter

// clean
delete[] procname;
delete[] paramval;
return _PyLong_AsInt(presult);

To call this function, pass the name of the Python functino you wish to call and the string parameter you want to send
int x = callIntFunc("doublevalue",5);
25 is returned to the C++
int callIntFunc(string proc, int param)
char *procname = new char[proc.length() + 1];
std::strcpy(procname, proc.c_str());

PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict, *pFunc, *pValue = nullptr, *presult = nullptr;
// Initialize the Python Interpreter
// Build the name object
pName = PyUnicode_FromString((char*)"PythonCode");
// Load the module object
pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);
// pDict is a borrowed reference
pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
// pFunc is also a borrowed reference
pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, procname);
if (PyCallable_Check(pFunc))
pValue = Py_BuildValue("(i)", param);
presult = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pValue);
//printf("Result is %dn", _PyLong_AsInt(presult));
// Clean up
// Finish the Python Interpreter

// clean
delete[] procname;

return _PyLong_AsInt(presult);
void main()
cout << callIntFunc("PrintMe","House") << endl;
cout << callIntFunc("SquareValue", 2);


Here is the starter python code they gave us:

import re
import string

def printsomething():
print(“Hello from python!”)

def PrintMe(v):
print(“You sent me: ” + v)
return 100;

def SquareValue(v):
return v * v


Repetition and Rhythm Types of Principles of Design in 2D Print Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will discuss how you see the Design Principles used in a print. Refer to chapter 8 in our textbook for the various kinds of printmaking. If you do not have a print in your home or workplace, you may find one online.

In Unit II, our assignment was to describe an artwork using the Visual Elements. We can think of the Design Principles as a way that the artist organized the Visual Elements. Instead of focusing on the small parts of the artwork (like line, shape, and mass) the Design Principles look at the whole artwork and how all the elements work together.

Provide a detailed description of the design principles in your 2D print, using full and complete sentences. For Design Principles, make sure you describe how the artist used the ones in Chapter 5: unity and variety, balance, emphasis, repetition and rhythm, and scale and proportion. Questions to consider are included below:

  • Unity: what elements work together to make a harmonious whole?
  • Variety: What creates diversity?
  • Balance: Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical?
  • Emphasis: What is the focal point?
  • Repetition and rhythm: Is an element repeated?
  • Scale and proportion: Are the objects in proportion to each other?

Be sure to describe exactly where in the artwork you see each Principle. You’ll want to describe each artwork using the terms we learned in this unit’s reading. Remember to write in complete sentences and use proper grammar.


For this assignment, you will select a 2D print from your home, workplace, or online art museum gallery that interests you. Take a photograph of the 2D print or save an image of the print, and include it in the worksheet. In the Unit IV Assignment Worksheet , answer questions about the print to identify the design principles in the print and to describe its characteristics.

Remember to write in complete sentences and use proper grammar.


Grand Canyon University Quadratic Modeling & Parabola Vertex Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a mathematics multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Solve the problems and upload screenshot of handwritten work used to solve or type out the steps used to solve. Screenshots of questions provided for clarification.

This short DQ question is about finding the vertex of a parabola. This seemingly useless question does actually solve a host of interesting business problems it turns out. Attached are some notes I made on the subject for the in-person form of this class. There is an example problem I give there as:

Find the maximum value and location for the parabola: y = -9x^2 + 4x – 2

The fact we need is this

Fact 1) for any parabola y = ax^2 +bx +c we know the parabola vertex is at the ordered pair: (-b/(2a) , -(b squared -4ac)/4a

So first identify what a,b,c are in our given problem. That would be a = -9, b = 4, and c = -2. then we can use that fact above

-4/(2*-9) = 0.22 for the x coordinate

-(4 squared -4(-9)(-2))/(4*-9) = -0.8

so the vertex is at (0.22 , -0.83) as a coordinate

Fact 2) the vertex of a parabola is either its most minimum value or its most maximum value, depending on the sign of a

This means we can find the biggest/smallest value of a parabola using the above steps. If your parabola is modeling profit over time, this would give the point at which you make the most money for example

Some discussion points

1. can you find any real life use of “quadratic modeling” (i.e using parabolas to simulate real life things)

2. How might you go about proving Fact 2) above?)NThis DQ is a nature progression forward since it is inequalities again but with the next power up: x^2

these are known as quadratics and look like parabolas:

it partitions the plane there into either “in” the parabola or “out”, so if you apply the “>0” restriction then you are wanting where the parabola is above the x-axis and “<0” is bel

Example: reduce x^2- 4 < 0

add 4 to the right to get x2 < 4 and now we have that the square of x must be less than 4, but you can square negative numbers into positive ones so

x < 2 or x < -2 to get the region: -2 < x < 2

Discussion Points

1. it is possible to come up with an inequality here that is not possible. For instance, why would x2 + 1 < 0 not have any real solutions? (this wiki might be interesting here: nts2:< 0ow.


HUMN 100 CUNY Brooklyn College Forbidden Love Poem Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.



* Part 1 Instructions are also attached as a word document to provide additional clarity *



This part of the final project is a summary of your ongoing work on the final paper; it should include an introductory paragraph and three supporting paragraphs, one covering each selected work.


In an introduction, develop a hook to draw the reader into your work. Then, identify the theme you chose in Part 1, express how it is significant to the humanities and preview how appears in three different works. Then develop a paragraph for each piece — each from a different Humanities discipline (visual art, music, dance, poetry, prose, theater, film, opera) — outlining how the piece expresses the theme and providing one specific supporting example from the piece. For instance, you could choose a poem, a painting and a scene from a film, all of which express and represent the theme of brotherly love. Or, to be even more specific, you may choose to examine the theme of artificial intelligence by analyzing the play “R.U.R.” by Karel Capek, Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and the painting “The City Rises” by Boccioni. Or, you could delve into the theme of light & dark with the ballet “Swan Lake,” C.S. Lewis’s novel “The Last Battle,” and Caravaggio’s painting “Judith Beheading Holofernes.”


Write an introduction in which you:


  • employ a hook to draw the reader in
  • introduce the theme and its relation to the humanities
  • support the worth of studying the theme
  • preview the 3 expressions.


Write three supporting paragraphs — one paragraph (4-7 sentences) about each of your selections in which you:


  • Identify reliable and appropriate representations (published and established works of critical acclaim, an image from the gallery in which the original work is housed, recording of a play, video, etc.) of the theme. Avoid self-published pieces. In order to research effectively for Part 3, you will need a published piece with published criticism/research.
  • Explain how each selection expresses the theme and provide one specific example from the piece to support.
  • Apply at least one relevant interpretive tool/concept from our class materials for each example towards the theme.
  • Cite the source (utilizing proper MLA citation format), including the full bibliographic information as well as where the representation was accessed. Be sure to cite the actual source: eg, youtube is not a source, it is a medium, where the representation was accessed. If accessing a film or song, cite the title/artist/publisher/etc and reference youtube as access point. See the note in MLA source about accessing via Netflix, Hulu et al. Also, IMDB is NOT a source — it is a database. Find and cite the actual film if using a film. More info on citing art and performances can be found at:



COUC 504 Liberty University Chapter 6 Multicultural Counseling Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

The student must then post 2 replies of at least 200-300 words. Any articles cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the course textbooks, the Bible, course presentations, course resources, and articles published in peer reviewed journals. Sources should be cited in APA format, current edition.

Please respond to the following two discussion posts below

Posted by H A

Chapter 6 taught me several things about sexual orientation and heterosexism. One was the historical importance of the LGBTQI community, including The Stonewall Rebellion in 1969 (Hays & Erford, 2018, p. 157). Another aspect of this chapter that was interesting to me is the family issues that are related to LGBTQI, including the inability to foster or adopt children (Hays & Erford, 2018, p. 160). The final aspect of this chapter that was interesting to me was the cultural intersections of sexual orientation, including their ethnicity and religious/spiritual beliefs (Hays & Erford, 2018, p. 164-168). All three of these aspects within this chapter will aid in my future counseling when addressing sexual orientation because it gives me a better understanding of some of the common issues present within this culture and their history as well.

My thoughts on working with the LGBTQI community are that I am comfortable with, and have always been comfortable with, the individuals within this culture. I look forward to learning more about this culture and ultimately being able to advocate for them and their rights and values.

Dr, Garzon and Dr. Yarhouse discussed the lenses that churches can use to be more accepting of the LGBTQI community, which Dr. Yarhouse stated, are commonly “behave, believe, and belong.” He goes on to state that an alterative lens for churches with welcoming LGBTQI community are “belong, believe, and become” (Garzon, 2016). I am curious about how members of the LGBTQI community would feel about this approach and if they would feel more welcomed to churches who used this lens within their services.

Hays, D. & Erford. B. (2018). Developing multicultural counseling competences: A systems approach. Pearson Education, Inc.

Garzon, F. (2016). Sexual identity in professional counseling practices. Liberty University.

Posted by D K

I am surprised how low the actual percentage of American identify as part of the LBGT&Q community. Having lived near and worked in one of the queerest towns in the United States, Portland Oregon for a significant portion of my life I am surprised that the LGBT community makes up only 5.4% of the total population. (Hays & Erford, 2018) Based on the propaganda that the city feeds us you would think that the population was near 30%. I was also shocked that the text makes the statement that the statement that “Children need a mother and a father” presented by the Family Research Council is a myth. However, they do not defend their political position with any scientific evidence. (Hays &Erford, 2018)

The first key theme I am going to take away from this material is that as Dr Fernando Garzon put it the ACA positions on the LBGT issues are more politically based then they are scientific. It is important that we support the LGBT client with Christ’s love. However, it is important to work toward changing the radical political stance the ACA has taken toward this topic. (Garzon, 2021)

The Second theme I am going to struggle with is the idea posed by Dr Garzon that all the Church needs to repent for the way the Church has responded to the Gay community. I understand the point he is making and agree that many individuals and even some Churches have responded in abhorrent manners. I, however, do not agree that the entire body of Christ is guilty of this sin. I do not agree with the notion that we all need to repent. (Garzon, 2021)

Lastly, I was shocked and felt great remorse for the children shown in the BBC’s broadcast of “Transgendered Kids: Who Knows Best?” I was horrified by the treatment of young children by their parents. To me this was much too young of an age to introduce this indoctrination to these young minds. I was encouraged that the research suggests that 80% of those children who consider switching sex, who suffer from gender dysphoria, do not go forward with transitioning as they mature to adulthood. (Bagnall, 2017)

I would like to ask Dr. Yarhouse about his thoughts on the roles feelings and emotions have in determining a person’s personal identity.


Bagnall S., (2017, April 1) Transgendered kids: who knows best? BBC World News this World

Garzon, F. (2021). COUC 504: Multicultural counseling. Week three, lecture one: The Lesbian & Gay Population. Liberty University.

Hays, D. G., Erford, B. T. (2018). Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence, 3rd Edition. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]]. Retrieved from vbk://9780134523750

COUC 504 Liberty University Chapter 6 Multicultural Counseling Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Strayer University Sexual Harassment at Workplace Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no.” What would you do?

Write a plan for how would you approach your conversation with each employee, including the most essential topics to cover. As you write your plan, think about what your goals are for this situation and how each conversation will help you achieve those goals.

Write a 5–7 paragraph paper in which you:

  • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
  • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
    • Include at least one reference to support your paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Create a plan for approaching tough conversations with employees, including a rationale for the most essential topics to cover.


Yale University Module 3 The Issue of Religion in Todays Society Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.


Module 3’s Research-Based Argument Essay will challenge you to apply the knowledge and skills you’ve learned in the previous modules to a single written text: an argument proposing a solution to an issue you have identified.

The purpose is to participate in an ongoing public discourse by utilizing effective rhetorical skills. More specifically, in your project, your goal is to present the best possible argument of your position for an audience that does not agree with your position.

The concepts we’ve discussed in this class (ethos, logos, pathos, claim, support, warrant, etc.) are essential to this project, and you’ll have to understand them all to create an effective argument.

What to Do:

Step 1

Choose your topic!

Your essay will inquire into a social issue of your own choosing that is interesting and relevant to you. The issue or problem you choose should be complex, and not yet have a consensus about how to address it.

For this assignment, a “social issue” is defined as an issue concerning the wellbeing, rights, survival or relationships of some group of people, including humanity at large, or of other living beings or living systems. Think of this as a problem that needs to be addressed. Why is this problem important to you? What ideas do you have for solving this problem?

Please do NOT propose papers arguing the following topics: abortion, marijauna legalization, gun rights/arming teachers in public schools. (These are generally overdone and unoriginal.)

Determine topics that actually impact your own life, or those in your community, for better results. Do you see a problem happening in your neighborhood, your hometown, or area of the state? What about in your field of study? Do you have ideas for how it might be solved so that life can be better for those being negatively impacted? Double check that there isn’t already a solution being put into place!

Step 2

Choose your audience!

Your project will address a specific audience of your choosing. The only requirements for the audience you establish are that:

  1. The audience opposes your own viewpoint on your issue
  2. The audience is specific
    • Thinking about the communities you and the people you care about belong to can be very helpful here! For example, your audience should not be “athletes,” but “Hamilton High School football players.” Not “women,” but “single mothers in Ohio,” or even “African-American single mothers in Middletown, Ohio”. Not “people who suffer from mental health problems,” but “uninsured adjunct professors at Miami University who suffer from Generalized Anxiety.” Be specific.

Step 3

Choose the medium for your project!

You can write this as a standard, academic research essay, or you could format this is a letter to an editor, a letter to a specific person, a speech, an editorial, etc. Whatever medium you choose, choose deliberately. Consider the medium that would best appeal to your audience, and best suit your argument. Think of the rhetorical situation. Note that regardless of your medium, you’ll still need to use MLA-format in-text citations and otherwise follow all MLA formatting guidelines.

Step 4


Your project will incorporate research from at least four reputable, authoritative, scholarly sources. It is strongly recommended that you locate these sources through Miami’s library system, and you will be given information within Module 3 to help you with your search. As a general guideline, however, work diligently to ensure that sources you use have significant experience with your subject, are credible, or are experts on your subject.

A helpful hint: there are questions you can ask of yourself as you’re writing to ensure you are addressing rhetoric and logic!

  1. How am I presenting myself?
  2. Is my evidence convincing for this audience?
  3. What assumptions does my audience have that affect its perception of my argument—or—considering its values and beliefs, would my audience agree with the way I see this?

Step 5

Determine a workable (and legal) solution!

Keep in mind while writing that you have an agenda in making your argument. You must establish that a certain problem exists and that something needs to be done about it. You must have a solution to the problem and convince the audience your solution is the best and would help to remedy the situation impacting them.

Step 6

Draft and Workshop!

If all goes well, your rough draft and the workshop will provide you with the focus and clarity you need to complete the final draft of your essay.

Step 7

Complete a Final Draft!

Build upon and revise your rough draft until it reaches the following criteria:

  • 5-6 pages long (double spaced; length applies to the essay itself, not including your heading, title, or Works Cited page)
  • Essay is written appropriately for the specific audience, with strong evidence that you’ve addressed the rhetorical conventions we’ve learned about so far:
    • the rhetorical situation
    • ethos, logos, pathos
    • appeals
    • concepts of the Toulmin Model of Argument
  • Essay is well-organized, focused, coherent, properly formatted, and free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Essay includes at least 4 scholarly sources
    • Sources must be authoritative and reputable, and quotes/paraphrases must be incorporated into the essay itself via properly-formatted MLA in-text citations.
    • Sources must be listed in a properly formatted Works Cited page (MLA citation style; paste this to the bottom of your essay).


Claflin University Common Size Balance Sheet & Income Statement Worksheet Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a finance case study and need an explanation to help me learn.

Assignment #1 ( Use Netflix NFLX and Disney DSNY for the two companies)

For this assignment, each of you should choose two companies. When you choose two companies, you should make sure that the two companies are from the same industry. One company is considered your company and the other is considered a competitor. Once you make a decision about two companies, you should let me know what your choices are via email before you proceed.

The following are the questions you should answer. You can find the 2019 & 2020 Balance Sheet and Income Statement at

1. (Common-size Balance Sheet & Common-size Income Statement Analysis) (25 points)

1) With 2019 & 2020 balance sheet & Income statement for each company, create common-size balance sheets and common-size income statements.

2) Using 2020 common-size balance sheet and income statement, compare your company with the benchmark, and describe how your company is similar to or different from the benchmark.

3) Using 2019 & 2020 common-size balance sheet and income statement of each company, do the time trend analysis and describe how each company changes over time.

2. (Financial Ratio Analysis) Using 2019 & 2020 Balance sheet & Income statement for each company, compute the following financial ratios for each company: (25 points)

1) Current ratio

2) Quick ratio

3) Debt-to-equity ratio

4) Times interest earned ratio (Interest coverage ratio)

5) Inventory Turnover

6) Receivable turnover

7) Total asset turnover

8) Profit margin

9) Return on Asset (ROA)

10) Return on Equity (ROE)

11) Price-earnings ratio

12) Market-to-book ratio

3. (Financial Ratio Analysis) Select the benchmark for peer group analysis. You’ll use two kinds of benchmarks in this assignment. One is your competitor’s ratios and the other is industry averages (you can find industry averages from or or Make sure that you cite the source of industry averages. (25 points)

1) Using the 2020 ratios from Question 2, compare your company’s ratios to both competitor’s and industry averages. Then describe how good or bad ratios of your company are considered.

2) Using 2019 & 2020 ratios for your company, compare your company’s 2019 ratios with 2020 ratios and describe the similarities and differences.

4. (DuPont Identity) (25 points)

1) Using the DuPont Identity equation, compare your company’s 2020 ROE with competitor’s 2020 ROE. Find out what makes differences in ROEs between your company and competitor.

2) Using the DuPont Identity equation, compare your company’s 2019 ROE with 2020 ROE. Find out what makes differences in ROE between two periods if there is any difference.

Please submit your assignment as an Excel format documents using the link provided.

This is the 3rd assignment. This assignment is directly related to chapter 6. Answer the following questions:

Using two companies you chose for your 1st assignment, you should answer the following questions. Please make sure that you should show your work to earn credit.

1. Using the past dividend payout information between 2016 and 2020, compute the growth rate (g) for these companies. Your companies must have a complete history of dividend payout during these periods. You can find such information If your company lacks the dividend payout information, you need to select a new company (40 points).

2. First, let’s assume that the required return (R) is 10% for all these companies. Using R, dividend information, and growth rate (g) from question 1, compute the stock prices of these companies. Second, let’s assume that the required return (R) is 20% for all these companies. Using R, dividend information, and growth rate (g) from question 1, compute the stock prices of these companies (40 points).

3. Compare your estimated stock prices with actual stock prices as of January 4, 2021. Then tell me whether each stock is undervalued or fairly-valued or overvalued based on your estimation. What’s your decision if you hold these stocks? What’s your decision if you don’t hold these stocks? (20 points).


ACCT 220 Brooklyn College SEC 10K Boeing Financial Report Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting presentation and need support to help me learn.



  1. You are also required to prepare a brief PowerPoint file of no more than 10 slides (do not exceed) for the SEC-10K Report.
  2. Make sure you include a reference list in APA format.


  1. Post your PowerPoint file in the discussion area to Peer Review of SEC 10K Project: Post Your Draft (REQUIRED posting) .
  2. You are required to post comments on the work of at least one other student who does not yet have comments so everyone has at least one set of comments.
  3. Do not wait until the last day to post your PowerPoint file so everyone has a chance to review the files!
  4. After you read the comments you may wish to make changes to your PowerPoint file.


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MGT 422 Saudi Electronic University Business Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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