MGT 517 Grantham University Week1 All in a Days Work Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 517 Grantham University Week1 All in a Days Work Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me understand better.
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1. Describe the people-related problems or issues Ann Wood faced during the day. Did she handle these effectively? If not, what do you believe she should have done?
2. Is Ann Wood a high-involvement manager? If so, provide evidence. If not, how well do you think she’ll perform in her new job as head of marketing?
3. Assume that Ann Wood wants her managers and associates to be the foundation for her department’s competitive advantages. Use the framework summarized in Exhibit 1.2 to assess the degree to which Ann’s people are a source of competitive advantage at this point in time. This is the boob for the course
Hitt, M. A., Miller, C. C., & Colella, A. (2015). Organizational Behavior (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
MGT 517 Grantham University Week1 All in a Days Work Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ashford University Change Models Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
Read the article, Are You Managing Change Or Leading It? (Links to an external site.) Based on the information in the article, the author explains that change is inevitable.
Which of the four things suggested to create a culture that is compatible with change do you believe is the most important and why? The author explained the importance of having a vision. How have your past leaders shared their vision for change with you? What could they have done differently to be more proactive to change?
AU Erik Qualman Social Media Revolution Technology & the Consumer Video Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.
View the Social Media Revolution (4:15 Version Via Erik Qualman) (Links to an external site.) video.
We have all watched organizations around us change in response to technology, legislation, consumer demand, and other factors. Provide an example of an organization that has changed for the better and how this transition benefited its customers, employees, and investors.
Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from scholarly resources, and properly cite any references in APA format.
Social Networking as A Communication Vehicle Customer Communications Strategy Essay Writing Assignment Help
Determine and describe with at least 400 words how you will stay in contact with customers with a customer communications strategy.
Add 1 communication vehicle that you will use such as an e-zine, a blog, a social networking page with updates, a newsletter, direct marketing campaigns, and so on.
Choose 1 communication vehicle, and draft the communications message, with at least 400 words, that you would deliver for the first piece. For example, if you are writing a customer blog, a first message could be about customer service and how it sets your company apart from the competition.
Then, add this section at the end of your final Key Assignment plan. Organize the sections, edit them, and post the final draft of the plan.
Grand Canyon University Group Trust Building Discussion Response Health Medical Assignment Help
Review the replies you received to your Topic 6 DQ 1 response. Discuss the suggestions you received for trust building along with your own ideas for how you can improve on developing trust. List three action steps you will take to foster trust and build a strong team the next time you are leading a group.
– minimum of 250 words or more
– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED
– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.
– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.
MY weekly DQ 1:
According to the assessment, I have several strengths in building trust as a collaborative leader. One, I am keen on creating communication processes that are safe for everyone to speak what is on their mind. I achieve this by being an active listener and respecting people’s opinions and views. Secondly, I protect my group from people who are more focused on power than the collaborative process. By ensuring that each person is treated equally in the group, people gain the trust of my leadership and thus feel accommodated to participate. Thirdly, I approach collaboration by depending heavily on creating trust among stakeholders. Once trust is developed between stakeholders, then they can collaborate effectively towards a common goal.
Apart from the strengths, I also identified areas for improvement in building trust. First, my behavior frequency for establishing a common ground among stakeholders during the initial stages of collaboration is low. I have been more focused on creating a consensus along the journey and rarely during the initial phase of collaborative activity. To help build trust, I need to develop common grounds that will encourage collaborative relationships between stakeholders right from when a group is formed. Further, I needed to improve on ensuring transparency in the processes of collaborative leadership to all stakeholders. Sometimes I have withheld information about my plans and processes for collaborative partnership among some stakeholders and this can be a hindrance towards building trust.
Trust is a critical ingredient for successful relationships within the public health system. Trust provides a sense of safety and thus stakeholders can interact freely with one another without the fear of being judged or exposed. Noteworthy, the public health system consists of a myriad of aspects and professionals who should interact comfortably to yield better results. Additionally, trust enables people to share information freely with one another. As such, people are more likely to share ideas and solutions for improved performance of the health systems.
Building trust with employees mirrors the work that must be done in communities we are looking to implement public health interventions. Work must be put in by leadership to ensure that relationships and trust are being built. You made a great point that there must be transparency in a relationship for trust to be built. In my organization, we take feedback from staff to discuss at the leadership table on how to relay information about the happenings of the organization. Time and time again the concept of transparency comes up. For me, this speaks to the need for staff to not only understand what issues are being brought forward but also a clear action plan of what is being done to address those issues raised by staff. Hearing that staff would like more transparency is a great opportunity for any public health leader to think about how to better and effectively communicate ideas.
USC Stress and Emotion in Organizational Behavior Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
We as human beings are susceptible to many real-world issues and challenges that face us every day. Module 01 provides an introduction to organizational behavior (OB) and shares some of the tendencies, issues, and/or processes that we go through. For this forum, think back to your hospitality working experience. Or, if you do not have experience working in hospitality, put yourself in a hospitality professional’s shoes. You will also need to review and reference your textbook in your response.
Choose ONE of the following discussion prompts to answer:
- Prompt 1: Diversity and Individual Differences exist in a number of ways, and unfortunately can lead to some biases and issues in organizations.
- Share the details of a specific scenario in which you have experienced some form of bias due to diversity/individual differences while working in hospitality or a story that someone may have shared with you (you may use pseudonyms to maintain anonymity). If you do not know of any factual stories, think using empathy to come up with a scenario that you imagine would exist in the hospitality industry. Reference your chapter case studies for some inspiration.
- Identify the level of diversity (surface- or deep- level), as well as the specific type of diversity that your story relates to. Referencing your textbook (Ch. 1 and 2), what are some strategies you can reduce personal bias and respect the value that diversity brings to an organization?
- Prompt 2: Perception is also quite subjective; as humans, we all perceive things differently.
- Share the details of a specific scenario in which you have experienced some form of perceptual distortion while working in hospitality or a story that someone may have shared with you (you may use pseudonyms to maintain anonymity). If you do not know of any factual stories, think using empathy to come up with a scenario that you imagine would exist in the hospitality industry. Reference your chapter case studies for some inspiration.
- Identify one or more Common Perceptual Distortions that apply to the scenario you shared, and explain why. Referencing your textbook (Ch. 1 and 3), what are some strategies you can reduce personal bias and respect the value that diversity brings to an organization?
- How does OB tie into your scenario, and can any of the theories shared in the readings explain some of the behaviors that occurred? Do you envision any ways to improve the scenario?
- Prompt 3: As you can imagine, stress and emotion are also heavily involved in organizational behavior. People or events elicit a variety of feelings that cause us to respond in different ways.
- Share the details of a specific scenario in which you have experienced some form of stress or extreme negative emotions while working in hospitality or a story that someone may have shared with you (you may use pseudonyms to maintain anonymity). If you do not know of any factual stories, think using empathy to come up with a scenario that you imagine would exist in the hospitality industry. Reference your chapter case studies for some inspiration.
- What type of affects (emotions, mood) are influencing those involved in your shared scenario? Do either of the common types of stressors (challenge or hindrance) apply to your scenario? Referencing your textbook (Ch. 1 and 4), what are some strategies you think may help to reduce the likelihood of the scenario you shared from happening again?
- How does OB tie into your scenario, and can any of the theories shared in the readings explain some of the behaviors that occurred? Do you envision any ways to improve the scenario.
USC Stress and Emotion in Organizational Behavior Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
USF Teacher Training Theories Principles and Models of Learning Business Finance Assignment Help
Task 1: You are required to produce a report that:
1.1 analysis theories, principles and model of learning.
1.2 explaien ways in which theories, principles and model of learning can be applied to teaching ,learning and assesment .
1.3 analyse models of learning preferences
1.4 explained how identifying and takeing account of learners ‘ individual learning preferences enables inclusive teching ,learning and assessment .
Task 2: You are required to produce a reportthat:
2.1Analyse theories, principles and models of communication
2.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment
Task 3:You are required to produce a report that:
3.1, principles and models of assessment
Task 4:You are required to produce a report that:
4.1Analyse theories and models of curriculum and development
Task 5:You are required to produce a report that:
5.1Analyse theories and models of reflection and evaluation
5.2 Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied to reviewing own practice
Westcliff University Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Question 1
What is a probability distribution?
● What is a continuous probability distribution?
- Provide an example from business of the usefulness of a probability distribution and/or a continuous probability.
Question 2
● What are the differences in the various types of sampling?
● Discuss the concept of confidence intervals.
- What factors will you consider when determining sample size?
Question 3
Using your textbook the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:
- As applied to your current professional career
- As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career
- As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position
- As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor
- Discrete Probability Distributions
- Chapter 7: Continuous Probability Distributions
- Chapter 8: Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem
- Chapter 9: Estimation and Confidence Intervals
MGT 300 Week Five Supply Management Job Titles & Organization Success Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
You are working for a manufacturer of a specialized guidance system for the latest jet fighter aircraft used by several branches of the military. Your current position is as a senior supply management specialist reporting to the Vice President of Purchasing. She asks for your help in developing a series of questions to be used in interviewing and hiring a new junior buyer, an entry level position. You have agreed that the successful candidate will have 0-2 years of experience and a bachelor’s degree in a related field. Most importantly, the new hire must have an excellent grasp of the current vocabulary and tools used in the professional practice of supply management. Knowing that you have recently completed at least one course in supply management, she now asks that you provide written answers to the questions so that the other interviewers can judge the candidates’ knowledge. The questions are:
- Give examples of at least three different job titles within supply management and explain how they contribute to the success of an organization.
- Choose one department in a company (such as legal, logistic, operations, quality assurance, etc.), and explain how the company benefits from a facilitated integration of supply management with this internal partner.
- Explain the role that supply management plays in achieving sustainability goals in an organization.
- Select at least five items that would be considered when determining the total cost of ownership (TCO) for a piece of capital equipment. Classify each item as being either a positive or negative value if asked to complete the calculation.
- Name at least three characteristics that you share with professional negotiators. Explain why you believe each is important to your role in supply management.
- Select one method of using data to choose a new supplier. Summarize why you believe this is an appropriate, fair, and consistent method of conducting business.
- List at least three special considerations when seeking international sources of materials. Compare how each differs from doing business only within the United States.
- Explain the application of at least three types of fixed-price contracts. Determine the implications for the supplier and the purchaser for each type.
Your Summative Assessment
- Must be 1800-2400 words (excluding title page and references page) in length, double-spaced and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Contextual (Level One)headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts. Must include a title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Must utilize a minimum of 5 scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford Library in addition to the textbook. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
IOP 490 University of Phoenix Week 2 Elements of Change Management Essay Humanities Assignment Help
- Watch the “Elements of Change Management” video from the University Library.…
Discuss the following with your Group:
- Explain how one of the theories of Lewin, Kotter, or McKinsey are applicable to managing change in an organization.
- Is there a theory that is more relevant to your current workspace?
- Write a 700-word summary of the theories discussed and their application to your organizational environment.
You must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least two scholarly references in APA style. See Tips for Success article for Class Announcements for guidance on selecting scholarly references.
Discuss the following with your Group:
- Explain how one of the theories of Lewin, Kotter, or McKinsey are applicable to managing change in an organization.
- Is there a theory that is more relevant to your current workspace?
- Write a 700-word summary of the theories discussed and their application to your organizational environment.
You must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least two scholarly references in APA style. See Tips for Success article for Class Announcements for guidance on selecting scholarly references.