MGT 530 SEU National Youth Leadership Conference Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 530 SEU National Youth Leadership Conference Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MGT 530 SEU National Youth Leadership Conference Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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This could be for a
company or organization with which you are familiar, or even a personal
project such as purchasing a home or planning a party.

After your opening paragraph, which includes your thesis statement,
identify your selected company or organization in no more than three
paragraphs. Then, complete the following:

*Note: for the charts/diagrams, use MS Word, Excel, Google
Docs or Google Sheets. You may also use any other suitable project-based
software. A free Project management software called Libre is also
available for download here

  1. Create either a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project or
    Gantt Chart for planning and scheduling the project. Discuss why you
    used the type of chart you did.
  2. Determine and document both probabilistic (t0, tp, and tm) and
    deterministic time estimates. Discuss how you arrived at these time
  3. Using MS Word, Google Docs, or similar software, create a PERT network diagram with the Critical Path (CP) identified.
  4. Calculate the slack time for each activity. Discuss the
    ramifications of slack in the CP for the activities and the project as a
  5. Develop the network diagram from the probability estimates. Discuss which path you would take and why.
  6. For each activity, determine hypothetical costs in a table.
    Include budgeted costs, percent complete, actual/projected cost, and
    over/under budget (and total). Discuss the rationale for how you derived
    these costs.
  7. Crash an activity on the Critical Path. Discuss the ramifications of crashing the activity you crashed.

Formatting requirements:

  • Your essay is required to be 5-6 pages in length, which does not
    include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of
    the content minimum requirements.
  • Charts/diagrams should be labeled and can be added within the body of your paper.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Use academic writing standards and follow APA style

My Reference :

Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management(13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN-13: 9781259667473

( My Textbook )

MGT 530 SEU National Youth Leadership Conference Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

West Los Angeles College Numerous Laws in American Society Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Be sure that your short report includes the following:

    • An introduction that outlines the purpose of the report, the source of information, and a preview of the findings (if positive).
    • Findings and analysis of the report and the significance of the findings and analysis.
    • Recommendations that solve the problem and provide alternative solutions.
    • Correct short report – letter format.
    • Correct grammar and syntax

The information is listed below.

As Cynthia M. Chavez, president, Chavez and Associates, you have been hired as a consultant to advise the St. Petersburg, Florida, City Council. The City Council has asked you and your associates to investigate a problem with Pinellas Park Beachway.

In 1979 St. Petersburg constructed a 12-foot pathway, now called the Pinellas Park Beachway. It was meant originally for bicycle riders. Now, more than three decades later, it has become very popular among joggers, walkers, bikers, in-line skaters, skateboarders, sightseers, and people walking their dogs. In fact, it has become so popular that it is dangerous. Last year the St. Petersburg Police Department reported an amazing 65 collisions in the area. And this doesn’t count the close calls and minor accidents that no one reported. The City Council wants your organization to identify the problem and come up with some workable recommendations for improving safety.

As you look into the matter, you immediately decide that the council is right. A problem definitely exists! In addition to the many pedestrians and riders, you see that families with rented pedal-powered surreys clog the beachway. Sometimes they even operate these vehicles on the wrong side. Your investigation further reveals that bicyclists with rental bikes do not always have bells to alert walkers. And poor lighting makes nighttime use extremely dangerous. You have noticed that conditions seem to be worst on Sundays. This congestion results from nearby art and crafts fairs and sales, attracting even more people to the crowded area.

Your investigation confirms that the beachway is dangerous. But what to do about it? In a brainstorming session, your associates make a number of suggestions for reducing the dangers to users. By the way, the council is particularly interested in lessening the threat of liability to the city. One of your associates thinks that the beachway should be made 15 or more feet wide. Another suggests that the beachway be lighted at night. Someone thinks that a new path should be built on the beach side of the existing beachway; this path would be for pedestrians only. Educating users about safety rules and etiquette would certainly be wise for everyone. One suggestion involves better striping or applying colors to designate different uses for the beachway. And why not require that all rental bicycles be equipped with bells? One of the best recommendations involved hiring uniformed “beach hosts” who would monitor the beachway, give advice, offer directions, and generally patrol the area.

In a short report, outline the problem and list your recommendations. Naturally, you would be happy to discuss your findings and recommendations with the St. Petersburg City Council.



Glendale Community Personal Experience Relating to Intimacy vs Isolation Essay Humanities Assignment Help

make this a personal paper in the third person, the experience should be how having terrible back pain makes my life difficult and results me to isolate myself from people and peers.

8 pages (including cover page and reference page.)

  • Your paper must contain an introduction, thesis (what you plan to discuss/argue), and a conclusion
  • 12 point font
  • One inch margins
  • Double-spaced
  • APA formatted (use the paper template in this module)
  • DO NOT include an abstract; not necessary 🙂

3 references are required (1 can and should be the textbook, the other 2 must be peer-reviewed articles. See the library guide in this module for details on how to find these articles).

Must use textbook for one of the others references

OER (FREE) Textbook: Lumen Learning. (2017). Lifespan Development. In N. Walker and F. Bobola (Eds.). (Log in to the course to access the link and download the textbook) THIS IS THE BOOK

  • Connect the personal experience to your chosen stage
  • Explore what you learned (or are learning) from the experience
  • Explain how has studying lifespan development helped you understand the experience

this is the rubric!

this is a final I need everything followed throughouly


MUSIC 120 Glendale Community College The Soloist Directed by Joe Wright Film Report Writing Assignment Help

How will the report be graded?
The report MUST contain the following, and in this order. There are a total of twelve (12)
components. Please follow this format exactly, in this order, and number each component:

1. The title of the film, the director, the composer, and the three main members
of the cast (i.e. the actors). – 15 points.

2. The date and time you watched the film, and a description of the format you
used to view the film. Examples would be Amazon Prime, Netflix, physical
DVD from Redbox, etc. Following this, include a form of proof of rental. This
can be a screenshot, copy of a confirmation email, copy of receipt, etc. If the film
is free, you will need a screenshot documenting that, for example, it’s included
with a subscription to a service. – 15 points.
Now to the film itself. These aspects come from the writings of Tyler Schirado, a film and
gaming writer, critic and blogger. Please address ALL of these aspects, in this order, and
number each component:

3. Plot: What was the movie about? Was it believable? Interesting? Thoughtprovoking? How was the climax revealed? How did the setting affect the story? –
5 points.

4. Themes and Tone: What was the central goal of the movie? Was it made to
entertain, educate, or bring awareness to an issue? Was there any strong
impression the movie made on you? Did any symbolism come into play? – 5

5. Acting and Characters: Did you like how the characters were portrayed? Did the
acting support the characters, and help them come to life? Did the characters
display complex personalities or were they stereotypes? Were there characters
that embodied certain archetypes to enhance or diminish the film? – 5 points.

6. Direction: Did you like how the director chose to tell the story? Was the pacing
and speed of the movie too fast or too slow? Was the direction comparable to
other movies this director has created? Was the storytelling complex or
straightforward? Was there a certain amount of suspense or tension that worked?
Did the director create a captivating conflict? – 5 points.

7. Cinematography: Were the shots used in a unique way to tell the story? Did the
coloring and lighting affect the tone? Was the action coherently shot? How well
did the camera move? Were actors or settings framed well? – 5 points.

8. Production Design: Did the sets feel lived-in and believable to the story or
characters? Were the costumes suitable for the characters or story? Did the
created environments heighten the atmosphere on camera? – 5 points.

9. Editing: Was the editing clean or choppy? Was the flow consistent? What unique
effects were used? How were the transitions between scenes? – 5 points.

10. Pace: Did the movie flow well? Was it too fast or too slow? Was it clearly
organized? Did certain scenes drag down the movie? – 5 points.

11. Dialogue: Were the conversations believable or necessary? Did the dialogue bring
context to plot developments? Did the words match the tone of the movie and
personality of the characters? – 5 points.

12. Musical Score: Did the music support the mood of the movie? Was it too
distracting or too subtle? Did it add to the production and work well with the
script? Were the music cues timed well for the scenes they were supporting? For
our purposes, this is the most important of the film’s aspects, and thus should be
the longest of the components. – 30 points.

How should the report be formatted?

Typed, double-spaced, average-size font (12 point). Times New Roman is preferred. Times and
Palatino are also fine.

One-inch margins.

Your name, our course name and class number at the top.
Please use proper paragraph structure; one paragraph for each component, and two paragraphs
for the 12th and final component.
Address each of the twelve components in order, and number them.
Points will be deducted for failure to follow formatting requirements.

How long should the report be?
Minimum: four pages. Maximum: no limit! Points will be deducted for reports shorter
than four pages – even slightly shorter than four pages.


New England College Organizational Behavior Reflection Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

TAsk 1


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (organisational behaviour) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: organisational behaviour

working as a software enginer

Task 2

Discuss the phrase “let the buyer beware” and its relationship to an ethical marketing perspective.

Need 350 words for task 2



University of Miami Behavior Based on Statistical Model Experimental Psychology Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a science case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The Critical Assignment for Experimental Psychology is designed to demonstrate a student’s knowledge and skill in designing an experiment, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing a complete APA Empirical Paper complete with:


Includes analyses, participants, hypotheses, results

Introduction (cite peer-reviewed references)

– Includes hypotheses to 3 different analyses at the end.

Method section complete with

o Participants

Individuals involved in the study

o Materials

What type of analysis was used

o Procedure

How data was collected


Scientific literature with p values.



Analysis from JASP

Using the JASP Software you must perform the following analysis:

One Relational Analysis (e.g., Correlation or Regression analysis)

Two Parametric Analysis with at least one that has an Experimental manipulation of an independent variable

(e.g., t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVA, MANOVA)

One Non-Parametric Analysis (e.g., Chi Square)

You will be completing the 3 analysis and the writing the complete paper.

The order in which you complete this study should follow these 3 stages:

Stage 1: Once you decide on your study you should first write your proposal. This will be the part of the paper that included the title page, lit review, purpose, hypothesis, Method section and Reference section.

Stage 2: After you propose your study you will analyze the data and determine if your hypotheses are supported or not.

Stage 3: For the final stage you will complete the paper by writing the Results and the Discussion section along with Tables and Figures in the Appendix.

This paper should be 10-15 Pages.

You must have at least 10 Peer review sources.


  • Have a 10-page empirical paper in APA format
  • Use peer-reviewed literature to support their research hypothesis
  • Demonstrate the correct sections of an APA empirical paper
  • Analyze data using statistical software

*A rough draft has been attached and needs to be reworked on* (It is entirely incorrect and gives me anxiety)

*Extra assignment details have been attached.*


The analyses have been completed and are included in the rough draft, however it requires an appropriate APA Empirical Paper write-up with subtitles and appropriate scientific literature.

University of Miami Behavior Based on Statistical Model Experimental Psychology Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

DAC Significance of Themes and Characterization Citizen Kane of Welles Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Do NOTdo research, as your essay should contain YOUR analysis.Spend no more than onehourwriting your essay, as though you were doing so in class.

Select ONEof the followingprompts:

The introduction of sound had a profound impact on all aspects of film history. CiteSIXspecific examples of dialogue, music and sound effects (D/M/E) fromJean Renoir’s The Rules of the Game (1939) and Orson WellesCitizen Kane (1941)to illustratethe creative, innovative use of sound.Total supporting examples: SIXminimum, one example of dialogue, one example of music and one example of effects fromEACHfilm.

How did Renoir try to communicate through mise en scèneaesthetics in Rules of the Game? Why wereWelles and Gregg Toland technically able to use this approach in Citizen Kane? Discuss TWOsignificant scenesfrom EACHfilm that depends on Renoir’s deepspace and Welles’deepfocus approach to communicate visually.

How do twofeaturefilms from this listBlackmail, It Happened One Night, The Rules of the Game, Citizen Kane, Double Indemnityreflect the socialissues andthe motion picture technologyavailableat the time of itsrelease?

Analyze Capra’s It Happened One Nightin respect toall aspects ofthe Classic Narrative System. In addition, account for the boxoffice popularity of the screwball comedyand the relatively poor showing of Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane, taking intoconsideration the social and economic conditions of the times, the Classic Narrative System(including“hero”protagonist, 3act structure, continuity editing)and viewer expectations.

Films do not change over time, but audiences do. Upon its premiereon May 1, 1941withWorld WarIIraging abroadOrson Welles’ Citizen Kaneaffected viewers differently thanus in today’s political and social climate.How did the themes and characterizationspeak to you as a viewer in2020?(If not, answer a different prompt.)

Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity(1944) reflects 49years of film history.Looking to the past, discuss how German expressionisminfluenced the film noircontent and visual style. Also address how the featurerepresents genderand class issues.

Does film history repeat itself? Although events can never come close to true replication, has film historyfrom 18951950repeated itself in any broad patterns? You can also take into consideration the events of 2020.


COMM 338 USD The Exploration of The Metaphysical Issue Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications writing question and need support to help me learn.

Answer each question in a few paragraphs, drawing on course materials from readings, our newsletter Plastic Society, and notes from class meetings. The best answers use precision, clarity, and depth of understanding and take time to define course concepts. No need for quotes or citations – answer in your own words with your own ideas. The course material, if you have learned it, is now yours to draw upon. I need it to be very detailed.


AAAS 288A Ashford University Autoethnography Fieldnotes Journal Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Assignment Summary

  • Two 600-word entries in a fieldnotes journal
  • Content focuses on everyday “autoethnographic” observations related to the provided prompts
  • Writing style is open to student choice; illustrations, etc., welcome
  • Must meet provided Minimum Requirements to be accepted for credit
  • Grading based on a provided rubric
  • Final due date on December 10

Assignment Overview

Each week, students will write fieldnotes observing the role of their online activities in their own lives. These fieldnotes will be “autoethnographic,” which is a phrase that combines “auto” and “ethnographic.” “Auto” means “self,” like in “autobiography.” “Ethnographic” means, literally, “culture-writing”; ethnography is a genre of qualitative social science writing central to cultural anthropology, sociology, education research, and many other fields. We can gloss autoethnography as self-culture-writing. One of my favorite definitions of autoethnography describes it as “an approach to research and writing that seeks to describe and systematically analyze (graphy) personal experience (auto) in order to understand cultural experience (ethno)” (Ellis, Adams, and Bochner 2011, 273). I like how this definition interprets the “writing” part of the word as description and systematic analysis. I have coordinated the fieldnote prompts with the ethnographic readings (as well as the wellness activities) to help you produce a description and systematic analysis through your autoethnography. Our ultimate goal is to systematically analyze our own personal experiences online in order to understand the broader cultural experiences characteristic of the current moment.


There are two main goals of this assignment. The first goal is to become more aware of the cultural aspects of our own online activities. The second goal is to integrate the concepts and evidence from the ethnographic readings through comparison with our own cultural milieu online. A tertiary goal is to provide students an introductory experience of ethnographic writing and analysis.


ARUCC Analysis of Students Learning and Intellectual Disabilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help

For this task, use the book and source provided and write a 3 page essay. you can use 1 outside scholary source based on an analysis of students learning and intellectual disabilities, write an essay that indicates your understanding of the following:

  1. Definition of:

olearning disabilities

ointellectual disabilities

  1. Characteristics of students with:

olearning disabilities

ointellectual disabilities

  1. Best-practice instructional strategies for students with:

olearning disabilities

ointellectual disabilities

Length: 3 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Minimum of three scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

No plagerism

the book is attached below…


MGT 530 SEU National Youth Leadership Conference Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT 530 SEU National Youth Leadership Conference Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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