MHE 11 Trident University International Case 4 Questions Science Assignment Help

MHE 11 Trident University International Case 4 Questions Science Assignment Help. MHE 11 Trident University International Case 4 Questions Science Assignment Help.

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Case Assignment

You are the Logistics Section Chief LSC2). During a recent disaster (Hurricane Harry) the Incident Commander (IC) informs you at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that he needs extra medical supplies as soon as possible since the number of persons injured has risen faster than anticipated. Additionally, the IC informs you of the following:

  1. There will be a significant shortage in drinking water, food, and temporary shelter. The heavy rains and possible flooding have made the use of tents rather dangerous.
  2. Expect several elderly persons; some are Covid-19 compromised; others with disabilities. Special care services will be needed.

Based on these limited facts, briefly state the decisions that you must make at this time to procure what is needed.

  1. Describe how you as LSC2, within the context of the EOC, would prioritize the demands.
  2. How would you delegate your staff of 4?

MHE 11 Trident University International Case 4 Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CBR 600 UMUC Password Cracking Tools Cain & Abel and Ophacrack Lab Report Other Assignment Help

CBR 600 9042 Communicating, Problem Solving, and Leading in Cybersecurity Project 6

Organizational Profile and Access Management Case

Information Systems and Identity Management


You are a systems administrator in the IT department of a major metropolitan hospital. Your duties are to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of patient records, as well as the other files and databases used throughout the hospital. Your work affects several departments, including Human Resources, Finance, Billing, Accounting, and Scheduling. You also apply security controls on passwords for user accounts. Just before clocking out for the day, you notice something strange in the hospital’s computer system. Some person, or group, has accessed user accounts and conducted unauthorized activities. Recently, the hospital experienced intrusion into one of its patient’s billing accounts. After validating user profiles in Active Directory and matching them with user credentials, you suspect several user’s passwords have been compromised to gain access to the hospital’s computer network. You schedule an emergency meeting with the director of IT and the hospital board. In light of this security breach, they ask you to examine the security posture of the hospital’s information systems infrastructure and implement defense techniques. This must be done quickly, your director says. The hospital board is less knowledgeable about information system security. The board makes it clear that it has a limited cybersecurity budget. However, if you can make a strong case to the board, it is likely that they will increase your budget and implement your recommended tool company­wide. You will share your findings on the hospital’s security posture. Your findings will be brought to the director of IT in a technical report. You will also provide a non­technical assessment of the overall identity management system of the hospital and define practices to restrict and permit access to information. You will share this assessment with the hospital board in the form of a narrated slide show presentation. You know that identity management will increase the security of the overall information system’s infrastructure for the hospital. You also know that, with a good identity management system, the security and productivity benefits will outweigh costs incurred. This is the argument you must make to those stakeholders.

Daily life requires access to a lot of information, and information systems help us access that information. Desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices keep us connected to the information we need through information systems. However, our easy access to communication and information also creates security and privacy risks. Laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines protect information and information owners, and the role of cybersecurity is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

This project focuses on the processes and practices of identity management as a component of a layered security defense system that governs users’ access, authorization, and authentication. You will work as part of a team to produce reports on the processes and practices of identity management at a health-care facility and deliver the key findings to the board in a presentation.

Your team has four deliverables for this project:

  • Executive summary. This will be a single, double-spaced page, and in the same template document as the technical report, located immediately following the cover sheet and before the text of the report.
  • Technical report. A nine- to 10-page double-spaced Word document with structure and citations in APA format, using the provided template. This will include your organizational profile, threat analysis, and strategies for mitigation. The page count does not include the cover sheet, executive summary, figures, diagrams, tables, or the references section.
  • Lab report. This will summarize the lab activity, including how your team came to the results, using screenshots to show your work.
  • Narrated presentation. This presentation will not exceed 12 slides, excluding the cover and references slides. It will be narrated by a single voice.

There are nine steps that will lead you through this project. Begin by watching the video above, which introduces the fictional scenario that serves as the framework for this project. Then continue to Step 1: Get to Know Your Team.

Step 2: Learn About Organizational Behavior

In the previous step, your team got to know each other and agreed on a communications plan. In this step, take some time to read about teamwork and leadership. Think about the challenges members must overcome to work together effectively and how they can do this to achieve a positive outcome for an organization. Bad experiences have their own lessons for individuals and groups. In your own group, you will experience some practical challenges such as schedules, resistance to group work, and perhaps failure of some members to contribute fully. Consider this an incubator of sorts in which you may encounter experiences similar to the case you are studying. As you grapple with logistical, technical, and other team issues, you are gaining experience with normal team challenges. So, relax and consider this a useful journey!

In the next step, you will choose your case study, review the deliverables, and create a project plan.

Step 3: Choose a Case and Complete the Project Plan

Now that you have a better understanding of various aspects of organizational behavior from the readings in the previous step, select as your case to research a hospital or health-care organization that has suffered a cybersecurity breach. Consider an organization you are familiar with or one for which you can find sufficient information about cybersecurity policies and practices. To maintain confidentiality, you do not need to mention the name of the organization. You can start with this list of 2020 breaches. Most of these breaches are logged in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Breach Portal where you can also search. Verify that you can locate sufficient reputable information on your chosen case to complete the project; start with this custom CBR 600 research guide from the UMGC library.


The principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) are fundamental concepts in this field. Look at this cybersecurity field overview to consider different roles that may apply as you review your case. Finally, review the article Muddling Through Cybersecurity: Insights From the US Health-Care Industry

After you have chosen a case, you need to establish how you will divide the work. Use your team space to share ideas and drafts of each member’s contribution. Complete all portions of the project plan and submit it to your team space by the end of Week 8.

Each team will have three weeks to complete your deliverables:

  • Complete and submit the team communication and project plans by the end of Week 8.
  • Conduct research to capture the organization’s infrastructure and processes and the threats to personal health information (PHI) and to determine a strategy to mitigate the threats you anticipate. This research will go into the technical report (nine to ten pages excluding cover sheet, references, and any appendices), also called a white paper, in accordance with the directions in Steps 4 and 5.
  • After the paper is written, you will create a one-page executive summary of the paper. It will be part of the technical report document, between the cover sheet and the text of the report.
  • Complete the lab activity to crack passwords and create a summary lab report. This should be done by Week 9.
  • Develop a high-level narrated slide presentation for the organization’s board of directors. This asynchronous presentation must be no longer than 12 slides, excluding the references slide and cover slide. It is due at the end of Week 10.
  • Finalize all deliverables and assign one group member to upload them into the team project assignment folder. All deliverables are due no later than the end of Week 10.

Step 4: Create an Organizational Profile for Your Case

Now you will research your chosen case to determine how the organization’s IT department operates, how it is structured, and how PHI is moved around the organization. You may not find this exact information for your health-care organization that suffered a breach. In that case, use the material on organizational structure to draft a plausible layout for an organization like your case.

Next, review Overview of Systems & Networks for the basics about an information system infrastructure.

It is important to an organization that its workflow processes, such as how they move patient information to the business units that need to process and manage that information, are unimpeded and secure. All organizations employ hardware and software within their information systems and connect them in a network. It is critical to understand these components, termed system architecture, and how the components are connected so that IT professionals can ensure that there is sufficient security in place to protect sensitive information.

Your profile of the organization’s system architecture should include a high-level description of information systems’ hardware and software components and their interactions. Take time to read the following resources on the roles and responsibilities within an IT department and some basic information about operation systems in general.

As you write your organizational profile, consult scholarly resources as well as newspapers, websites, and IT blogs for information on how health-care organizations are generally set up. Revisit guidelines on conducting research or the CBR600 research guide, if needed. Use the information you find to create a plausible description and supporting diagram of the IT infrastructure for your organization, which will become part of your technical report.

Include the following in your profile:

  • Description and diagram of your organization and its structure and critical missions

    • Describe the organization and structure. The structure will include the different business units and their functions. You will build an organizational chart and a description of the nodes to provide this information. Demonstrate the basic elements and describe how they are connected to each other via a network.
    • Diagram what you describe above. This is just visual aid to help executives understand how security concepts can be applied to the existing system, not a detailed plan for network engineers. See a few example diagrams to get a sense of what yours might look like.

  • An explanation of information security needs to protect mission-critical systems.

    • Choose one or more mission-critical systems of the health-care organization. Define the information protection needs for the organization’s mission-critical protected health information (PHI). Describe how this information is (or should be) stored so that it is accessible by those who need it (e.g., doctors, nurses, patients, insurance claims billing systems). You should also refer to the facts of the breach you are covering, especially if medical records were compromised.

In the next step, you will consider threats to the organization’s information security and how to mitigate them.

Step 5: Develop Analysis of Threats to the Organization’s Information Systems Infrastructure

Now that you have defined your organization’s information system infrastructure, you will learn about and demonstrate your understanding of the potential threats to those systems and the types of measures that could mitigate those threats. These pieces will finish your technical report. First, you will learn about different types of identity access management solutions and how they protect against unauthorized access.

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework refers to this work as conducting a vulnerability assessment. To conduct a vulnerability assessment, a trained specialist would assess threats and vulnerabilities; determine deviations from acceptable configurations, enterprise, or local policy; assess the level of risk; and develop and/or recommend appropriate mitigation countermeasures in operational and nonoperational situations. Your team will not carry out all of these tasks, but you will assess the potential threats and vulnerabilities and the risk to your organization, and you will develop a mitigation strategy that includes an identity management system and any other safeguards you deem necessary.

To complete this section of your report, start by reviewing the following resources:

Take what you learned about potential threats to assess the threat(s) to the organization’s information systems infrastructure that you wrote about in Step 4. Provide a brief summary of the kinds of threats that an organization could face, addressing insider threats, intrusions, hacker psychology, and other weakness that might provide opportunities to breach the system. Relate these threats to the vulnerabilities in the CIA triad.

Next you will provide a mitigation strategy that will include a description of an identity management system, which will include authentication, authorization, and access control. Remember that you are already expecting that your organization will need to update its identity management processes and policies, and you are laying the groundwork for the investment this will require. As an example, think about the requirements for doctors’ use of laptop devices when they visit their patients at a hospital and their need to connect to the hospital PHI data.

Review the following resources:

Now, explain how your organization should restrict access to protect billing and PHI. Explain the organization’s processes and workflows to safeguard PHI, including the use of passwords, password management, and password protection. Define types of authorization and authentication and the use of passwords, password management, and password protection in an identity management system. Describe common factor authentication mechanisms to include multifactor authentication.

Finally, review the mission and organization structure of your organization as well as roles within it, and recommend accesses, restrictions, and conditions for each role. What will happen if the CIO and the leaders do nothing and decide to accept the risks? Could the CIO transfer, mitigate, or eliminate the risks? What are the projected costs to address the risks?

You may not know exactly what your organization’s current strategy is, but you can project a plausible scenario based on the CIO’s acceptance or rejection of your proposal for an access control system.

Write an Executive Summary

Now that you have finished writing your technical report, it is time to write an executive summary. The goal of an executive summary is to capture the main highlights of a document in a concise, readable format that can bring key decision makers up to speed. Your executive summary should be double-spaced and no more than a page in length. When you submit it at the end of the project, it will go in the same template document as the technical report, immediately following the cover sheet and before the text of the report.

After you have drafted your executive summary, your team will test the strength of passwords with two password cracking tools.

Step 7: Test Password-Cracking Tools and Write a Lab Report

You have successfully examined the threats to a health-care organization’s information systems infrastructure and ways in which the organization can increase its security by an active management system. Now, you must begin your practical research into password-cracking software; authentication and hashing functions will get you started. Then, do some quick independent research on password cracking as it applies to your organization, then complete the lab activity Password Cracking With Cain & Abel and Ophcrack using the lab instructions under Complete This Lab.

In this lab activity, you will test two password-cracking tools, since not all password-cracking tools will perform with the same speed, precision, and results. Your report will assess these characteristics as you test the organization’s systems for password strength and complexity and complete the validation testing. You will compare the results you obtain using the two tools.





To obtain lab assistance, fill out the support request form.

Make sure you fill out the fields on the form as shown below:

  • Case Type: UMGC Virtual Labs Support
  • Customer Type: Student (Note: faculty should choose Staff/Faculty)
  • SubType: ELM-Cyber (CST/DFC/CBR/CYB)
  • SubType Detail: Pick the category that best fits the issue you are experiencing
  • Email: The email that you currently use for classroom communications

In the form’s description box, provide information about the issue. Include details such as steps taken, system responses, and add screenshots or supporting documents.


Explain to the director of IT and the members of the board that the health-care organization’s antivirus software will detect password-cracking tools as malware. Also explain how this impacts the effectiveness of testing security controls like password strength. Through persuasive arguments in your lab report and presentation, help the organization’s leaders understand the risks and benefits of using password-cracking tools. If any of the tools take longer than two to three minutes to guess a password, record the estimated length of time the tool anticipates taking to guess it.


  1. Compare and contrast the results from the two methods used to crack the user accounts.

    1. Describe the tools’ speed at cracking the passwords and draw conclusions that are relevant to the organization’s cybersecurity posture. Explain how the tools respond to password complexity.

  2. Explain how strong passwords are constructed and your team’s recommendations for the organization.

    1. Explain the four types of character sets used for strong passwords, how many you should use, the general rules for password length, and recommendations for how often passwords should be changed.

  3. Discuss the benefit of penetration testing.

    1. Explain what that would entail in the organization and what the team could learn from the testing. Discuss the pros and cons of using the same usernames and passwords on multiple systems.

  4. Discuss any ethical or legal considerations for how you would use password cracking tools.

When you have completed your lab report, complete with screenshots to demonstrate what you did, you will work on the presentation for the board of directors.

Step 8: Prepare a Narrated Presentation

Now that you have completed your technical report and lab report, you are ready to develop a narrated presentation for the members of your organization’s board as well as the CIO and other managers. Your technical report will provide an analysis of the infrastructure and the threats, based on the incident that first brought the organization’s security issues to your team’s attention. You will use your team’s finding from both reports as the basis for this presentation.

The board will decide what actions are taken and how much money will be allocated for cybersecurity. Therefore, your slide deck must capture the salient points of your research, the results of the lab tests of the password-cracking tools, and the team’s proposals to tighten information security practices. Consider the suggestions in the table below to focus your efforts for this presentation.


Keep the primary goals of your presentation in mind as you build your presentation to the board: Be credible, be clear, and provide reasoned, actionable recommendations.

  • Present your technical findings succinctly for a non-technical audience.

    • Avoid acronyms, slang, or jargon; opt for clear language and clear explanations.

  • Provide a high-level summary of the infrastructure, the vulnerabilities that may have enabled the breach, and recommended actions.

    • Explain what happened, the impact on the organization, and your proposed actions with rationales and estimated costs.

  • You are limited to 12 slides, excluding the cover slide and references.

    • You will choose your best narrator to narrate the presentation for wider distribution. The format should be professional and free from typos or grammatical errors. This is the board’s impression of your team’s performance!

Step 9: Submit Your Work

Your team project will require three files: a text document that contains the executive summary and the technical report, a lab report, and a narrated presentation. One team member will submit a copy to the team assignment folder by the end of Week 10. Each member of the team will receive the same grade, as long as all members provide a substantial contribution to the project.

Make sure your submission includes all the pieces of the deliverable:

  • Technical report. A nine- to 10-page double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include the cover sheet, executive summary, figures, diagrams, tables, or the references section. The technical report includes your organizational profile, threat analysis, and mitigation strategy. The executive summary will be a single double-spaced page in the same document located immediately following the cover sheet and before the text of the report.
  • Lab report. This will summarize the lab activity, including how your team came to the results, using screenshots to show your work. The length of this report will not exceed 10 pages to include the screenshots.
  • Narrated presentation. This presentation will not exceed 12 slides, excluding the cover and references slides. It will be narrated by a single voice.

Share a copy to the Project 6 discussion folder, and take time to review other teams’ work and provide feedback. 


ETHC 445 Chamberlain College of Nursing Dilemma of the Death Penalty Paper Writing Assignment Help


Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional.

  • Summarize the dilemma.
  • Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma.
  • Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.


What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer

Next, apply the following:

  • Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma
  • Utilitarianism to the dilemma
  • Natural Law ethics to the dilemma

Which of those three theories works best ethically speaking? Why that one?

Why do the other two not work or not work as well?

Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?



Ashworth College Week 3 Clinical Exercise Testing in the Mayo Clinic Responses Writing Assignment Help

Case Study: Rose

For this discussion, assume the role of a non-physician who is trained in conducting clinical exercise testing. The following events happen on a sunny day in August: You receive a call from Jake, a personal trainer at XYZ Gym. Jake is with a client, Rose (age 26), who has decided to lose weight. She wants to start cardiorespiratory endurance training and take some group fitness classes at the gym. Rose’s goal is to work out five times per week for one hour each day to get in shape by December, as she is engaged to be married on New Year’s Eve. However, Rose has never exercised before; she has a BMI of 36 and has Type 2 Diabetes. She has a family history of cardiovascular disease. She has not seen a practitioner for 10 years, and therefore, no other health-related data is available. Jake does not feel comfortable administering an exercise test on Rose and is therefore referring the client to you. Rose does not feel she should be tested as she feels fine. She has expressed her readiness to exercise and lose some excess weight.

Given this scenario, address the following in your response:

  • Analyze whether Rose should undergo clinical exercise testing. Support your decision with a clear rationale.
  • Explain your role and duties to Rose, as well as your recommendation for or against clinical exercise testing. Be convincing in your explanation so that Rose fully understands your recommendations and rationale.
  • Assess Rose’s potential risks and complications involved in exercising and/or exercise testing.
  • Recommend a specific intensity and duration for daily exercise to Rose. State the rationale for your recommendation.
  • Recommend two specific dietary changes which may aid Rose in losing weight.

Support your work with your course text and the Supervision of Exercise Testing by Nonphysicians article. You may utilize additional resources, as desired. Your initial posting must be at least 250 to 300 words in length.

Guided Response: Respond to two peers by Day 7. Each reply should entail a minimum of 100 words and encompass a comparison of your decisions and rationale. Compare and contrast your assessment of risks and complications, as well as recommendations for exercise and dietary changes to the work of your peers.



Thomas Lyons

Jun 10, 2021 at 5:39 PM

Analyze whether Rose should undergo clinical exercise testing. Support your decision with a clear rationale.

Rose should definitely consider undergoing clinical exercise testing, although she is fairly young and feels she is ready to lose weight through physical exercise. Rose has never exercised before and she wants to begin exercising five times a week for one hour each day which can risk injury or devastating health complications. Rose’s BMI of 36 is very high and she would be placed in the obese category with a BMI of 30 or greater. She also has a Type 2 Diabetes, a history of cardiovascular disease and has not seen a practitioner in 10 years so there may be more underlying health conditions to assess.

Explain your role and duties to Rose, as well as your recommendation for or against clinical exercise testing. Be convincing in your explanation so that Rose fully understands your recommendations and rationale.

Hi Rose,

I’m Thomas Lyons and I am not a physician, however I am trained in conducting clinical exercise testing and your physical trainer Jake has referred you to me. I completely understand you would like to begin exercising as soon as possible to begin your weight loss journey. However, with your diabetes, prior medical history and your current weight I highly recommend that we begin by conducting a clinical exercise test to further assess your capabilities, before clearing you to begin physical activity for five days a week. Physical exercise will be of great benefit to you, yet we do not want to put your health at risk. With this clinical exercise test, we will be able to monitor your physiological responses and produce an exercise regimen for you that will be most efficient and achievable. It is amazing that you are trying to better your overall health especially with a pending wedding, however we must take one step at a time to ensure your safety.

Assess Rose’s potential risks and complications involved in exercising and/or exercise testing.

Rose is already at risk due to her being overweight and a type 2 diabetic. No physical exercise or practitioner visits can also play a factor in any risks that can occur. These clinical exercise tests require effort and can complicate areas of health for any individual with diabetes with symptoms like low blood sugar, feelings of weakness or exhaustion. I would recommend that Rose closely manages her blood sugar levels every 15 minutes to make sure she is not approaching a level of hypoglycemia. If blood sugar drops between 55-69 mg/dL you should have 15 grams of carbs and recheck 15 minutes later. This is the 15-15 rule for low blood sugar. Repeat if you are still below your target range. (CDC, 2021).

Recommend a specific intensity and duration for daily exercise to Rose. State the rationale for your recommendation.

Rose should start her daily exercise after her clinical exercise tests by beginning light intensity physical activity for a maximum of 30 minutes a day. As Rose begins to show progress, intensity and duration of exercise can be subject to change, but for the time being, Rose should begin on the lighter end of the physical exercise spectrum. Activities like walking and household chores where movement is required can greatly benefit Rose at this moment.

Recommend two specific dietary changes which may aid Rose in losing weight.

For Rose’s current situation, living with type 2 diabetes and being overweight, nutrition is imperative. Sticking to a healthy nutrition plan can help manage her blood sugar levels, by consuming a well-balanced amount of carbohydrates, lean protein, fruits, vegetables and drinking water. If Rose is eating unhealthy junk foods and consuming too much sugar, she will be asked to remove these meals and drinks from her diet if she would like to see and feel the difference that a proper nutritional diet can achieve.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, March 25). How To Treat Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

All tutors provide: high quality help, quick responsive communication, original explanations and answers with any outside resources cited.


Ashford University Multicultural Competence to Multicultural Humility Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Prompt 1: 

In Our Reading In Cultural Engagement This Week, Treat (2019) Discussed Loving One’s Neighbor, And Chediak (2019) Talked About Making The Gospel Sweeter. Discuss How We Can Address Core Needs Of Encouragement, Compassion, And Empowerment Alongside Material Needs As A Means Of Loving One’s Neighbor And Adorning Or Making The Gospel Sweeter. Include Your Faith In This Discussion.

Prompt 2:

Explain In Your Own Words Why Hook Et Al. (2017) Advocate For A Shift From Multicultural Competence To Multicultural Humility. Describe What Is Meant By A Multicultural Orientation Framework. Define And Discuss Key Concepts From Our Reading This Week In Hook Et Al. Regarding Multicultural Orientation, Cultural Identity, And Working On Cultural Biases, Power, And Privilege. 



Hypertension Is Among the Leading Silent Killers Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing case study and need support to help me understand better.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a dangerous condition that affects approximately 30 percent of Americans, causing or contributing to a near 360,000 deaths per year in the United Staes alone. High blood pressure typically has no symptoms, but it causes progressive harm to the cardiovascular system. When blood pushes with too much force through the cardiovascular system, it can damage the walls of the arteries as well as the heart muscle. Damage to the arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood can eventually contribute to a heart attack. Similarly, damage to the arteries that supply the brain with blood can contribute to a stroke, and damage to the arteries that provide the kidneys with blood can lead to kidney disease.  For this reason high blood pressure is often termed “the silent killer,” (FDA 2021). 

My usual days at clinical almost include 3 or even more patients coming in to the practice with issues of uncontrolled high blood pressure.  To date all of theses patients had already had the diagnosis of hypertension at some point in time, whether they chose to acknowledge it and follow the treatment plan, or not.  This week however a 55 year old Caucasian female came into the office complaining of undiagnosed high blood pressure for the past week.  Patient denied symptoms but stated her husband had gotten a blood pressure monitor throw his insurance company and she was just “playing around with it for jokes and giggles.”  Upon using the machine she stated blood pressure levels were 180/116, and continued to show similar numbers for a week.  Even with that the patient still made no effort to seek care.  Her last blood pressure reading before she decided to make an appointment was 203/121.  Upon arrival to the office patient’s blood pressure was 220/145, which according to the medical assistant was the best reading he was able to get after multiple attempts.  Patient denied symptoms at first, stating she has been “healthy” and has not had any problems.  Patient also denied any medical issues but then admits she had not had any wellness exams or medical interaction in “10 years.”  Upon examination patient’s face was flushed, which she stated has been happening for a while but she didn’t think much of it.  Patient had bilateral lower extremity swelling, however patient attributed that to her sitting more at her desk, and weight increase, working from home over the last year.  The patient was give a first dose to catapres 0.1mg which only  mildly improved the blood pressure, so the patient was given another 0.1mg which brought blood pressure reading down to 201/116.  The patient was then given another o.1mg of catapres and Blood pressure retaken after an appropriate time which showed 185/100.  The patient was then give instructions prescriptions for amlodipine 10mg daily, losartan 50 mg daily and hydrochlorothiazide 25mg to be started the same and given a followup appoint for the next 2 days and a cardiology referral.   My initial plan was to have the patient go to the emergency room, however the provider stating there practice is to typically give 2 doses of catapres and if still unresolved then send the patient.  This patient was treated with 3 doses because of moderate resistance to having to go to the emergency room. 

This week I learned that there may be patients that present to the clinic that are, figuratively speaking, knocking on death’s door, and it is up to the practitioner to help the patient make the right decisions for themselves.  This patient almost became one of the novel persons who helped define hypertension as the “silent killer,” dying before she even realized she wasn’t really “healthy.”  Because of this knowledge, the patient’s presentation and lack of medical care for a decade, as well as the differential diagnoses of heart failure, kidney disease, or stroke, I would have educated the patient and had the patient go to the emergency room, located right across the street.  Also, even though catapres is a very potent medication used to reduce blood pressure, it can also cause a rebound hypertensive effect, causing her to have another spike in blood pressure when she got home, especially if she wasn’t able to get her prescriptions picked up in time, (Elliott, 2021).


Elliott, William (2021),  Withdrawal syndromes with antihypertensive drug therapy.  Uptodate  Accesses June 9,2020 from…

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)(2021), High Blood Pressure–Understanding the Silent Killer: The Who, What, Why, and How of High Blood Pressure.  FDA.  Accesses June 9,2020 from…

Hypertension Is Among the Leading Silent Killers Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of the Cumberlands Week 6 Importance of Strategic Planning Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

  1. If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.


UC Statistical Analysis of Renewable & Non Renewable Energy Consumption Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

Task: Article Review


The article you chose should have performed some statistical analysis of gathered data and made an inference using something other than just the average (mean). That is, they can’t just talk about averages; they must have used one of these tests: t-test, chi-square, F-test, Fischer-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, Mann-Whitney, correlation, regression.


Select 2 Different articles on Statistical Analysis of the world population and create Annotated Bibliography (Deaths, Newborn, Total Population).

Your review should include:

oThe question/problem being researched by the author.

oThe experiment that will answer the question

oHow they collected data

oAnalysis of the data (Must identify the statistical-test used)

oTheir conclusion or findings


Southern New Hampshire University Marketing Strategies Discussion 6 Response Post Business Finance Assignment Help

Be sure to identify which commercial you chose in your post. In responding to your peers, discuss any common marketing strategies you identified among the three commercials, and comment on any insights you learned from reading your classmates’ posts.

Post #1

I chose the “Thank You, Mom” ad from P&G. I am not really sure this particular ad targeted one audience per se. It seems to me that this ad was aimed at just about everyone with a clear message that it is not just these athletes that sacrifice and put in the hard work. Their familes are a huge part of why they participate in these games and their families are a driving force behind them. It is a message to anyone and everyone that wants to one day participate in the Olympics or any other sports for that matter.

This particular ad did not use a celebrity endorsement which I think actually makes it much more effective. The olympics are all about “amateur” athletes and not seeing a famous face I think tugs at the heart strings a little bit more in terms of what some families go through in order for the kids to be able to compete at that level.

I am not sure this was effective for the advertiser as a whole. This seems more like just an investment with a message they wanted to say thank you and somewhat put there name behind that message rather than advertise outright. If they wanted to just straight advertise, they probably would have put their brands more front and center rather than a quick flash at the end of the commercial.


Post #2

The commercial I choose for this post was OMEGA- Recording Olympic Dreams Since 1932

What segment of the Olympic audience was the advertiser trying to reach?

To understand what segment of the Olympic audience the advertiser was trying to reach, we must understand what the message behind the commercial is. Throughout the commercial you hear the phrase “you can” over and over and eventually you hear the phrase “do it” on repeat. In my opinion this commercial is serving as motivation and inspiration. The advertiser is using motivation and inspiration to reach aspiring athletes, trainers, and coaches which I believe is the segment of the Olympic audience the advertiser was trying to reach.

Did the ad you chose use an athlete endorsement? If it included an endorsement, do you think the ad would have been as effective without it? If it did not include an endorsement, would including one have made the ad more or less effective? Explain your reasoning.

This commercial did use an athlete endorsement. Although the athletes in this commercial did not directly show, use, or recommend the product, they did allow their image to be used conjointly with the product and according to the book Fundamentals of Sport Marketing this is called a co-present mode endorsement. I do not think this ad would be effective without the athlete endorsements. Reason one being the song in this commercial is great and only reaches its full effect in the aspect of relating it to sports. Reason two being the message behind the commercial which was, motivation and inspiration to aspiring athletes without the use of athlete endorsements in this commercial I think that message would not have been portrayed to the intended targeted audience. Lastly, without athlete endorsements in this commercial the music choice would not have fit, and the commercial would not have made a lot of sense.

Do you think the commercial was an effective promotion for the advertiser? Why or why not?

I do think this commercial was an effective promotion for the advertiser because they incorporated a great music choice, athlete endorsements, and the product was shown frequently throughout the commercial. As a viewer I never lost track of the product throughout the commercial. I think they choose to use Olympic athletes because the Olympics is the pinnacle of athletics and they want there brand to be the pinnacle of watches and that connection also made this commercial effective. If you look at the comments under the video of the commercial you will quickly see that this commercial was effective. You will see comments like, “I could not stop watching this”, “so inspirational”, and “I love OMEGA”.



Post University Social Media Marketing Plan of Apple Inc Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Overview: As we near the final stages of the iShirt social media marketing plan, Cherie would like to see how you plan to measure the success of your social media efforts. Please be aware of the different qualitative and quantitative metrics that can help you improve the tactics and pivot as needed. Instructions: Phase Five of the social media marketing plan (SMMP) is focused on tracking key analytics for the iShirt campaign. 

This includes: • Metrics to track – Identify metrics that Apple should track during and after the iShirt campaign for each social media platform. Cover how these metrics support the campaign goals, which you determined at the beginning of the SMMP. Please recommend the best method to collect the data for analysis. Please refer to Chapter 13 in the textbook.

***** This Phase 5 submission will become part of your final project ***** Here are the requirements for the Phase 5 part of your final plan: • Using the Phase Five Worksheet provided in the assignment, create a one page paper describing the Phase 5 part of your final plan (plus separate Reference page). • Include at least 2 separate credible resources to back up the details of your plan. • This is a business course so spelling, grammar & professional business writing format count. • Refer to the final Social Media Marketing Plan for assignment details and grading rubric.

Here is what is on the worksheet…

  • Campaign Analytics:
  • Collecting The Data:


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MHE 11 Trident University International Case 4 Questions Science Assignment Help

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