Miami Dade College Diabetes and Health Disparities Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Miami Dade College Diabetes and Health Disparities Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. Miami Dade College Diabetes and Health Disparities Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Module 2 Diabetes and Health Disparities

Part 1– Study material and suggested learning activities to expand your knowledge

1. Read

Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities…

J As you read the article select one or more of the areas and learn more about by reading one of the articles linked. Comment in the Discussion section, which area you selected and state which of the articles you read, and what you found useful in them. I welcome you to comment of your learning process, as well.

Part 2This assignment is worth 15 points

Explore the following site of the American Diabetes Association and get involved in ADVOCACY

As a Pharmacist and future Pharmacist, and now that you have some clinical knowledge and health disparities knowledge you are ready to get involve in advocacy.

Advocacy and participation in policy formulation is one of the strategies that you can use to address disparities.

J Browse and explore the following diabetes advocacy sites (GENERAL) (ACTION SITE). From this site select and issue to complete the assignment explained below.

Select one (or more) of the Federal issues in which the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is asking you to act upon.

Participate in the selected issue by sending a letter. Enter your letter in the format provided in the ADA website. When you PERSONALIZE YOUR RESPONSE, use the knowledge that you have acquired in this course to frame it as a health disparity issue using the concepts you have learned in the readings.

It is good idea if you identify yourself as a pharmacist in training and provide your clinical knowledge. You can state your institutional affiliation (NSU). If applicable, share any personal experience with diabetes. Try to be passionate, assertive and professional in your arguments.

You will receive confirmation from the ADA and/or from your elected officials.

J Upload an integrated PDF or Word document with the confirmation of your submission, a copy of your letter, a brief reflection of what you thought of this assignment (Required).

Miami Dade College Diabetes and Health Disparities Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Should Donald Trump Elect the Next Supreme Court Justice Essay Humanities Assignment Help

The class that this is for is: Global Perspectives

it needs to be a 5 paragraph argumentative essay (introduction, point 1, point 2, point 3 and the conclusion). 800-1300 word

The essay has to mention Ruth Bader Ginsburg (the supreme court judge that died) at least in the introduction, it has to mention her ideologies and the how different they are from trumps.

The essay question is “Should Donald Trump elect the next supreme court justice?” I am against Donald Trump electing the next Supreme Court justice.

The 3 main points have to always go back to the thesis (which would be that, Donald Trump should not be allowed to elect the next Supreme Court justice)

One of the 3 main points against Donald Trump electing the next Supreme Court justice can be that, Obama wasn’t allowed to do it as it was his last year as president, so it should be the same with trump

I would like the essay to have some quotes, facts and to sound formal. I am a senior in high school, I want a quality piece but it doesn’t have to be university level.……….…… (some source I was given, I don’t know how well they will help)


Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Course: Business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan (W-5)

Topic: Submit a report that discusses the techniques used by malware developers to disguise their code and prevent it from being analyzed. Give suggestions on how these techniques should be classified and ranked in the disaster recovery documentation.

Assignment should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) citation/reference.


Title: The Disaster Recovery Handbook


Authors: Michael WALLACE, Lawrence WEBBER

Publisher: AMACOM

Publication Date: 2017-12-28


BUSI 885 LU Leadership Development and Organizational Change Outline Business Finance Assignment Help

Task 1: Problem Statement Outline

Using the White Paper titled Simple but Effective Problem Statements and Research Questions as

a guide, develop a bullet point outline for the problem statement. Each bullet should be a single

sentence. Following the specific problem sentence include a short sentence describing how this

problem is related to your cognate. Finally, add APA formatted references for the supporting

reference sentences. Following the outline, you will provide an annotated bibliography for each

reference provided. You will post your submission in the assignment text window, and as a word


You will post your submission in the assignment text window and as a word document. Title your

word document as follows: LastName_Task 1 Bullet Point Outline_DDMMMYY.docx

Your submission will include the following:

Title Block

 Last Name, First Name

 Cognate

 Research Track (Project or Dissertation)

 Research Paradigm

 Planned Research Design (Case Study, Correlational, etc.)

 Proposed Topic

Problem Statement Bullet Outline

 General Problem Sentence

o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)

o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)

o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)

o Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years, optional bridge

supporting references sentence, see problem statement white paper)

 Specific Problem Sentence

 Relationship to Cognate

 References

Annotated Bibliography for each Reference

APA formatted reference (250 words for each reference)

 Description of why this is a credible source (author(s), publication, date)

 Summary of the article

 Discussion of how this reference supports the existence of the general problem and the

consequences of the problem identified in the general problem sentence.


HIST 1301 Lonestar College Songs Musical Hamilton Essay Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Listen to and analyze “Yorktown” and “What Comes Next” from Hamilton. Comment upon each song musical and lyrically. Give me your favorite part from each song and tell me which was your favorite of the two, explaining why. What impressed you most about the acting and other aspects of Hamilton on stage? Most importantly, what did these songs teach you about why we won the fight against the British? Connect this last part to something you read in Chapter 5. Cite a page from Shi here to get credit for the answer. A good essay will be 12 to 14 sentences.



Miami Dade College Module 2 Diabetes and Health Disparities Study Material Health Medical Assignment Help

Module 2 Diabetes and Health Disparities

Part 1– Study material and suggested learning activities to expand your knowledge

1. Read

Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities…

J As you read the article select one or more of the areas and learn more about by reading one of the articles linked. Comment in the Discussion section, which area you selected and state which of the articles you read, and what you found useful in them. I welcome you to comment of your learning process, as well.

Part 2This assignment is worth 15 points

Explore the following site of the American Diabetes Association and get involved in ADVOCACY

As a Pharmacist and future Pharmacist, and now that you have some clinical knowledge and health disparities knowledge you are ready to get involve in advocacy.

Advocacy and participation in policy formulation is one of the strategies that you can use to address disparities.

J Browse and explore the following diabetes advocacy sites (GENERAL) (ACTION SITE). From this site select and issue to complete the assignment explained below.

Select one (or more) of the Federal issues in which the American Diabetes Association (ADA) is asking you to act upon.

Participate in the selected issue by sending a letter. Enter your letter in the format provided in the ADA website. When you PERSONALIZE YOUR RESPONSE, use the knowledge that you have acquired in this course to frame it as a health disparity issue using the concepts you have learned in the readings.

It is good idea if you identify yourself as a pharmacist in training and provide your clinical knowledge. You can state your institutional affiliation (NSU). If applicable, share any personal experience with diabetes. Try to be passionate, assertive and professional in your arguments.

You will receive confirmation from the ADA and/or from your elected officials.

J Upload an integrated PDF or Word document with the confirmation of your submission, a copy of your letter, a brief reflection of what you thought of this assignment (Required).

Miami Dade College Module 2 Diabetes and Health Disparities Study Material Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MG 495 Park Global E Commerce And Diversification Technology Amazon SWOT Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

I need 3 or 4 pages for the following bullets on the company AMAZON. I will also need references for everything as well to include in text citing.

  • SWOT analysis of the company.
  • Forecast of the economy, industry, and company for next year.

Here is an overview of the team project however the two bullets above are the only ones i am required to do.

Team Live Case Analysis – Team A

From MG495

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Core Assessment

All Park University courses must include a core assessment that measures the course’s Core Learning Outcomes. The purpose of this assessment is to determine if expectations have been met concerning mastery of learning outcomes across all instructional modalities.

For this capstone course, the core assessment is a team project that involves a strategic analysis of a publicly held company to be administered in all sections of MG495. This team project is worth 20 percent of the student’s final grade and will test students’ mastery of the Core Learning Outcomes through a detailed analysis of managerial decisions and actions that help determine the long-term performance of an organization. It includes the environmental scanning (both external and internal), strategy formulation (strategic or long-range planning), strategic implementation, and evaluation and control.

The teams for the core assessment project will consist of 3 – 5 members. Each team must submit the name of their company for the instructor’s approval by midnight on Sunday of Unit 1. Each team will have a designated Live Case Analysis Work Area to communicate among members and work on their project.

Live Case Analysis:

This team project is worth 200 points.


  • Executive summary
  • Historical overview of a company your team selects and products and/or services provided by that company.
  • Analysis of economy and industry.
  • SWOT analysis of the company.
  • Forecast of the economy, industry, and company for next year.
  • Pro-forma Income Statement and Balance Sheet
  • Recommendations and conclusions.

Guides and Tips: (Overall length: 10 – 15 pages, not including references, charts, etc.)

  • A team must select a publicly held company where financial data is readily available. Most publicly held companies have this information readily available. You will need at least 3 years of historical data (5 – 10 years is preferred). A private company can be used if they provide you access to financial data.
  • Discuss the relationship, if any, between the economy and industry, and the industry and company.
  • Provide an overview of the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Please note that Strengths and Weakness are internal, Threats are external, and Opportunities tend to be a combination of internal Strengths combined with favorable industry/economy factors. There is a difference between Opportunities and Options.
  • Use one of the readily available forecasts of the economy versus trying to develop your own economic forecasting model. Most major industries are forecasted by the government, think tanks, and/or industry trade groups. Use their information for your forecast of the industry. For the company, use historical sales data and perform regression analysis. Regression analysis for most publicly held companies will provide strong R squared and R values to be used in forecasting future sales. In those cases where R squared and R values are too low for forecasting purposes, you will have to develop your own methodology to forecast sales. Be sure and explain how you arrive at a forecasted sales value.
  • An abbreviated Pro-forma Income Statement and Balance Sheet is needed. You do no need to encompass all the variables but rather show sales, cost of goods sold or cost of services provides, and fixed costs. Other noteworthy items can be included if they are significant.
  • Draw conclusions based on your forecast and analysis of the company including the challenges faced by the company and industry.

Click on the links below for the CASE ANALYSIS FORMAT/GUIDELINES FOR LIVE CASE and the REGRESSION ANALYSIS TIPS documents. Students MUST follow this format for completing the core assessment case analysis.




Harvard Medical School Racial Information in the United States Thesis Humanities Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Paper with grammar errors or incoherent sentences won’t be accepted)

( A clear, ACADEMIC thesis is requested)

( 2 Pages, Double Spaced,MLA Format)


Subject of the paper: Racial Formation

  • Requirement: Omi and Winant’s chapter “Racial formation” is one of the more complicated texts in the ESPM 50 reader, and requires a close reading to understand. So, this RR “question” is really not a question, but, rather, an opportunity to clarify Omi and Winant’s argument. In your own words (without directly quoting the authors or referring to an outside source), summarize Omi and Winant’s argument concerning racial formation, which they define as “the sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed (55).” Be sure to briefly but clearly define any important terms used by the authors that you draw on in summarizing their argument.

Format requirement:

  1. The reflections should be written in the form of a response to an essay prompt, including:
  • A thesis statement (1 sentence) in the first (typically brief) paragraph responding clearly to the question asked (e.g., “In this essay I argue that…”)
  • A summary of the key points of your argument supporting your thesis (1-2 sentences directly following your thesis statement, and typically at the end of the first paragraph [e.g., “To support my argument, I consider points A, B and C.”])
  • A well-reasoned argument (typically 2 paragraphs after the thesis statement paragraph)
  • Topic sentences describing paragraph contents and reflecting key point in your argument
  • Sentences containing relevant information and analysis supporting your thesis
  • A conclusion sentence at the end of the final paragraph that expands on your thesis

Respond to the question based primarily on readings and lectures. There is no need to draw from outside material, though you may do so if you wish.

  • Write succinctly and clearly, editing out all unnecessary verbiage.
  • Use proper grammar and pay attention to writing style.
  • Summarize and/or use examples to support your thesis.
  • Demonstrate a close reading of the material and refer to specifics of authors’ arguments.
  • Paraphrase rather than using quotes, unless you want to highlight and/or analyze something specifically related to how an author says what you choose to quote.

Your personal opinions and feelings about the material are important, and you are strongly encouraged, but not required, to express these in the assignment. For instance, you may:

  • Relate issues and themes to contemporary social, environmental or political topics
  • Explore your feelings about the issues raised in terms of personal experiences
  • Comment on the ethical implications of the issues addressed by the question

Form: One to two pages total writing.

  • 1″ margins
  • 12-point font
  • Use parenthetic references for all citations of quotes and ideas drawn from readings, with page numbers in MLA format [e.g., (du Buys 1998, 23)]. Do not include a bibliography. See the Reading, Writing and Reference folder in bCourses for an MLA form guide.

Other information: No plagiarism, No grammar errors


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support


Palm Beach State College Report of Abuse or Neglect Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Case Study:

Zac (DOB: 10/03/2019) is a 7-year-old, Hispanic, male in 2nd grade. He resides in his home (3333 West Tribeca Street, Chicago, Illinois) with his biological parents. Luis (38 years old), his father, is a carpenter. His mother, Guadalupe (31years old), is a nurse. His mom and dad have been married 10 years and have no other children.

Zac was at school today. When he went to class to sit down, he yelled, “Ouch!” The teacher asked Zac what was wrong. At first Zac said nothing but then started to tear up from being in pain. Zac stated that he got in trouble last night and got a spanking. He then began crying. The teacher requested the school counselor meet with Zac as he was visibly upset.

The school counselor met with Zac who reported he was playing with a ball in the house, and it hit a vase and broke. He said that his dad told him to not play with the ball in the house, and he only bounced it a couple more times before it hit the vase and broke. Zac said it was an accident but that his dad was “really angry,” and hit him on his back area with a belt. Zac said he did it “a lot of times, and it hurts.”

The school counselor walked Zac to the nurse’s office to have Zac checked out. The school nurse asked Zac where it hurts, and he pointed to his back area. He asked the nurse if she can help him because it “hurts to sit down.” The nurse had Zac lift the back of his shirt. She could see visible large welts on Zac’s back and welts going down towards his buttocks and legs. She then provided Zac with some ice and continued to ask further questions. She asked if this happened before. Zac said, “No.” She also asked if his clothes were on when this happened because the welts were very thick and red, and in one area she noticed some blood. Zac said, his dad made him pull his pants down but left his underwear on. Zac also noted that his mom was at work when this happened and “she yelled at my daddy for spanking me.”


It is important to note that although parents can spank their children, if marks are left, it is considered abuse in many states. As a counselor, or mandated reporter, you do not investigate whether child abuse has occurred. Rather by law, if you suspect abuse has occurred, you are to report the incident to your local Children Services Agency (CSA). It is also outside of a counselor’s scope of competency ask to look at a wound that is not visible. In the case of Zac, the counselor consulted the school nurse who is competent in wound assessment.

CSA will determine, from the information provided, if the allegations of suspected abuse are substantiated or not. It is important to remember that, when reporting to your local CSA, they will want you to provide them with as much information as possible.

CSA will want to know:

  • Information on the alleged perpetrator (i.e., name, age, address, etc.)
  • Information about the alleged victim (i.e., name, age, address)
  • Who lives in the home (i.e., names and ages)
  • Witnesses
  • Description, in detail, of what is being reported
  • Safety concerns
  • Other information that can be provided about the alleged child victim’s home (i.e., living conditions, drug and alcohol abuse in home, domestic violence, etc.)
  • Who the complainant is in relation to the alleged victim

CSA may have other questions but these are the most common areas of information they are trying to collect.

In the case of Zac, he was spanked to the point where he cannot sit down and is in a lot of pain. After further observation from the nurse, Zac has visible marks and welts on his body because of the spanking with a belt from his father. This warrants a call to CSA by the mandated reporters identified in this case.


Child abuse and neglect effect the lives of many children. As a result, all states have set forth mandated reporting laws. Mandated reporters are identified persons who are required to report suspected child abuse (i.e., physical, emotional, or sexual) or neglect to an appropriate agency (e.g., CSA or law enforcement).

Only two states identify all persons as mandated reporters. These two states are New Jersey and Wyoming, and are the only two states that do not identify specific professional groups as mandated reporters but require “all persons to report.”

Individuals designated as mandatory reporters typically have frequent contact with children and generally include persons, such as “social workers, teachers, principals, and other school personnel; physicians, nurses, and other health care workers; counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals; child care providers; medical examiners or coroners; and law enforcement officers” (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2016, p.2).

It is important to note that mandated reporting laws vary in each state. When reporting, check the state laws in which the report is being made. As a mandated reporter, failure to comply with state laws can result in criminal penalties and other sanctions imposed upon the person.

School districts, administrators, school mental health professionals, and educators (and other school staff) are responsible for fostering a relationship of trust with students and families. They are legally and morally responsible for the well-being and care of their students, and are responsible for ensuring that each student receives a quality education. In doing this, schools need to ensure that students are in an environment that is positive, safe, and encouraging for learning. They have an ethical and legal duty to uphold. When this does not occur, consequences by the federal, state, and local level can occur.

Note: Please note these requirements were current at the time this case study was created and are subject to change as are all state requirements.


Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2019). Mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. Retrieved


ENGL 002 Grand Canyon University Free Health Care for Children 18 Years and Younger Essay Writing Assignment Help

Your topic will be free health care for children 18 years and younger


A. Topic Selection Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: You may choose any topic you wish as long as the topic has two clear sides and is not agreed upon by most of society. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for a 6-8 page essay.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.

B. Research Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Research Question and Working Thesis

Keep in mind: The research question and working thesis are the driving force behind your research and eventual argument.

❒ Your research question should be a single sentence, framed as a question.
❒ Your working thesis should be a single focused sentence, framed as a statement that takes a clear position on the research question.
❒ Include your research question followed by your working thesis.

2. Detailed Outline

Keep in mind: Your detailed outline provides a map of the argumentative research essay that you will write, including your key claims and the sources that support them. You may not have all your sources yet, and that is fine. The outline is a way to organize your essay and determine which areas (e.g. your sub-points) will require researched evidence as support.

❒ Headings: one for each paragraph with a brief label of the paragraph’s controlling idea(s).
❒ An introduction, at least five body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
❒ Introduction includes your working thesis.
❒ Body paragraphs should each have their own unique title and key points.
❒ Conclusion includes notes on your final thoughts.
❒ Subheadings: two to five for each paragraph, below each heading, indicating key points that support the controlling idea
❒ Sources: one to three for each paragraph, as relevant, indicating the support for the key points
❒ For each source, include the author’s name and the idea or information relevant to your argument (e.g. “Lappé on mono-cropping corn/soy and production”).

3. Reflection

❒ Have you displayed a clear understanding of the research activities?
❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

C. Reflection Questions Answer these on a separate sheet

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

  1. Learning to conduct research is important because it is a skill you will use both in academia and in your professional life. It improves critical thinking and empowers you to find information for yourself. Consider the process of researching as a whole. What was the most challenging aspect of the process for you? (2-3 sentences)
  2. The working thesis statement is a proposed answer to your research question. It should clearly identify a debatable topic and take a position on one side of that topic. Analyze the effectiveness of your working thesis statement. (3-4 sentences)
  3. A detailed outline is an effective tool for laying out the progression of an argument. It allows you to consider the arrangement and organization of your ideas, as well as choose places to incorporate outside source materials. Review your detailed outline and summarize the argument you’ve presented. (3-4 sentences)
  4. You will use the same topic on three of the remaining Touchstones in this course. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you? What are specific questions you might have as you go deeper into the research process? (2-3 sentences)


Miami Dade College Diabetes and Health Disparities Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Miami Dade College Diabetes and Health Disparities Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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