Miami Dade College Macro Poland Recovering From a Recession Discussion Response Economics Assignment Help

Miami Dade College Macro Poland Recovering From a Recession Discussion Response Economics Assignment Help. Miami Dade College Macro Poland Recovering From a Recession Discussion Response Economics Assignment Help.

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Macropoland is currently experiencing a recession–consumption and investment are very sluggish, and unemployment is quite high at 9%. Currently, inflation is very low at 0.4% (the historical average rate of inflation is about 2%). The Macropolish President has just hired you as her economic advisor. Your job is to prescribe policy that would enable the economy to recover from the recession. Explain how you could use the standard tools of expansionary monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy to stimulate this economy towards economic growth.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. 

Miami Dade College Macro Poland Recovering From a Recession Discussion Response Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The Abbey Church of Lessay & Romanesque Architecture in North East England BIBLIO Humanities Assignment Help

Students will develop brief annotated bibliographies of books and articles, and reviews of pertinent websites including videos (based on the main topics covered by the course) that they are able to identify on line.  Particular attention should be paid to studies published during the past twenty-five years. Submissions will be judged on the quality of the annotations and reviews. 

let’s each strive for a minimum of 12 titles. These should be on-line versions of academic printed works. A good place to start is here:


Miami Dade College Macro Economics Expansionary monetary & fiscal Policy Question Economics Assignment Help

Macropoland is currently experiencing a recession–consumption and investment are very sluggish, and unemployment is quite high at 9%. Currently, inflation is very low at 0.4% (the historical average rate of inflation is about 2%). The Macropolish President has just hired you as her economic advisor. Your job is to prescribe policy that would enable the economy to recover from the recession. Explain how you could use the standard tools of expansionary monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy to stimulate this economy towards economic growth.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Source Style GuideSelect StyleStylesNormalFontSizeSpacing


Keeping Google Googley & Innovation Strategy at Microsoft Questions Writing Assignment Help

  • Do you think Google is a successful company? What practices support the Google business model? What else can Google do to ensure that it remains an entrepreneurial place? What other steps can Google take to help keep Google “Googley” to avoid bureaucracy and maintain rapid decision-making?
  • In
    the case “Innovation Strategy at Microsoft”, Ray Ozzie, Michael Steep and the
    Innovation Team were responsible for delivering innovative business models to
    fuel organic growth at Microsoft, but it was not clear how to do this. Now they
    ask the following questions: “Where do we go from here? Ninety thousand
    employees and countless large and small businesses all over the world depend on
    Microsoft. Our way of doing things has resulted in great success over the past
    30 years…But is it sustainable?” Try to answer these questions.


Grand Canyon University Interpreting Entity Relationship Diagram Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the structure of a relational database and demonstrate the ability to correctly document and explain additions to the structure of a relational database.

Part 1:

For this part of the assignment, you will use the “AdventureWorks 2014 OLTP Database,” located in the Course Materials, and use the schema. Follow the tree/chain to answer the questions below in a Microsoft Word document.

  1. How does the Sales.SalesTerritory table relate to the Person.StateProvince table? Which table holds the Primary and the Foreign Key? On what field do they join together?
  2. If you wanted to know the Planned Cost of a Product, what route would you take to the data? Identify the tables and fields used to join on each.
  3. Imagine a bonus was paid to an employee using a different currency. Identify the fields you would need so you could access the information. List all the tables involved, and the fields used to join.

Part 2:

For this part of the assignment, you will continue to assume you work at Adventure Works Cycles company. In the Topic 1 assignment, you made a request to add a field to the company database. That request has been approved, and now the database diagram needs to be accurately updated.

Create a simple Entity-Relationship Diagram ERD (using or another similar application as approved by instructor) demonstrating how your new table will connect to the “HumanResources.Employee” table on the diagram. Since this is a new table, add new fields to create the proper relationships as you see fit.

In a one to two paragraph Word document, explain how these fields relate to the rest of the database content.



Macroeconomics Chapters 15 16 17 & 18 Unemployment Case Study Economics Assignment Help

Word Format only

NO Matching or Plagiarism ratio

The minimum number of required references is 2-5

Assignment 3-Case Study-Chapters: 15, 16, 17 & 18:




Many Theories are given by different expert to explain the reasons behind unemployment. One reason of unemployment may be downswings (periods of recession) in the business cycle.

Another reason behind wide-scale unemployment refers to structural unemployment. Structural unemployment arises from longer-term changes in the economy, affecting specific industries, regions and occupations. Structural unemployment often explains regional unemployment. Some industries in India have lost their business and so employment to the cheaper imports coming from abroad.

Some experts explain that new technology is a cause of unemployment which is also known as technological unemployment. The argument is that the introduction of new technology is destroying jobs and business while at the same time imports from low-wage developing countries are undercutting goods produced in this country.

However, many studies may contradict this also. New technologies generally help in producing new products, or services and therefore new areas of employment. Sometimes lesser workers may be required in some areas of production where specific tasks are taken over by machines, but rising productivity boosts overall income and then the demand for new jobs in the economy as a whole.

Q1: What are the main causes of Unemployment? Do you agree that technological up-gradation in any industry may cause unemployment in that industry? Provide your opinion with one example.

Q2: Structural unemployment in many countries has touched its highest peak during corona pandemic, but it seems that most of the industries in KSA are not that affected. Discuss the role of the Saudi Government in reducing the impact of Corona pandemic on employment in Saudi Arabia.

Macroeconomics Chapters 15 16 17 & 18 Unemployment Case Study Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Decision Making and Problem Solving Critical Thinking Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Word Format only

NO Matching or Plagiarism ratio

The minimum number of required references is 2-5

the book is:

Butterfield, J. (2013). Problem-solving and decision making: Illustrated course guides (2nd ed.)


Question 1:

Suppose you are a member of a group asked to find ways to cut costs throughout your organization for the upcoming year. Sales have fallen sharply, and the company is in danger of going out of business. After gathering information, your group concludes that the company will save the most money by freezing pay for a year, despite a tradition of annual salary increases. How can you make sure this is a fair decision? How can you make sure that others in the organization will see it as a fair decision?

Question 2: Case Analysis

Care, a health consultancy company in Saudi Arabia, is studying the economic benefits of a program of preventative COVID-19 flu vaccinations. Care has to give advice to government for COVID-19 vaccination. If vaccinations are not introduced then the estimated cost to the government if flu strikes in the next year is SR.70m with probability 0.1, SR.100m with probability 0.3 and SR.150m with probability 0.6. It is estimated that such a program will cost SR.70m and that the probability of flu striking in the next year is 0.75.

One alternative open to the committee is to institute an “early-warning” monitoring scheme (costing SR.30m) which will enable it to detect an outbreak of flu early and hence institute a rush vaccination program (costing SR.100m because of the need to vaccinate quickly before the outbreak spreads).


  • As a consultant of Care, Develop a decision tree for alternatives and make recommendation to Indian government that which alternative can maximize expected economic benefits?

Question 3:

Decision support tools rely on objective, mathematical data. What part does ethics play in using decision support software?

Question 4:

If you collect too much information for analyzing a decision, you can suffer from analysis paralysis, where you spend too much time thinking about a decision rather than making one. Recall a major financial decision you made recently, such as of a car or housing purchase or rental. Describe your process for making the decision. How could analysis paralysis have affected this process?


School of Visual Arts Designing Legible Fonts for Distance Reading Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Prepare 10 examples of identified typefaces:

5 examples of typography in context from the Typestory lecturePreview the document (for example: a book set in Garamond, or a poster using Gill Sans, or an invitation with Knockout, etc., anything from the lecture that you found in your found environment. No internet photos.)

5 examples of typography not from the lecture that you find inspiring. Can be from your found environment or from the internet.

All 10 examples must be accompanied with the following:

1. typeface name

2. type classification

3. period

4. typographer and year the typeface was created

For the 5 examples not included in the lecture, present your research in identifying the type classification and typeface name.

How did you identify each typeface?

Which resources did you use?

On the last slide in your presentation, include your bibliography and sources that you used to help identify the typefaces. Compare your example to the exact type specimens to ensure that you are naming the typeface correctly. Research type specimen sheets online, research the SVA library for type reference guides, etc.

Put your images in a single PDF and name your pdf: YourName_08Typehistory.pdf (PowerPoint/Keynote ok too) Upload your file to the class blog.

Objective: To identify identify and classify typographic samples through comparison to type specimen sheets and typographic history references. Be able to talk about typography using proper terminology.

Deliverables: A PDF presentation (10 slides) of typography examples with correct typographic identification and classification Be prepared to explain your work, and the sources you used to ensure the correct classification.


NYU Corporate Financial Event Toys R Us Bankruptcy Essay & Presentation Economics Assignment Help

You should produce a written report with no less than eight pages (double spaced, font size 12), in addition to appendices or supporting documents. As a general requirement, the report should include the following: a) A detailed description of the specific event you analyze, including how the event starts, evolves, and ends (if applicable), and the parties involved. If it involves a financial transaction, explain clearly the terms of the transaction. b) Discuss general characterizations or mechanisms for the type of corporate financial events you analyze. For example, if the event is an IPO, find out how frequent are the IPO events in recent years, what typically happens during the process of IPO — e.g., hiring investment banks, producing prospectus, going to roadshows, the IPO price setting process (known as “book-building”), public listing at a stock exchange, patterns about typical first day stock return and subsequent stock price moves, etc. Try to link the discussion to the particular event you are analyzing. c) An analysis of the financial situation of the companies involved at the time of the event. Include their financial statements as appendices to your report (they do not count toward the page requirement). d) A discussion of the motivation (i.e., economic rationale) of the corporate decisions. What are the reasons given by the company or the specific decision-making person/party to justify their decision? Do you think the stated reason make sense? e) Provide an assessment, either quantitatively or qualitatively, on how the event will affect shareholder value and firm value for the firm(s) involved. f) Describe the stock market reactions to the announcement of the event (e.g., stock price movement during days before and after the announcement) and include a graph depicting the stock reaction over the relevant time period. Be sure the graph is created to be clear and effective (consider appropriate scales, secondary axes, labels, etc.) From the price reaction, infer whether investors consider this event as creating or destroying values. Please include in your written report a list of the sources of your information.


Lynn University Consumer Trends of Millennials Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The powerpoint presentation is attached below.

Instructions for assignment:


  • Identify two to five key problems
  • Why do they exist?
  • Who is responsible for them?


  • Set the scene: Background information, relevant facts, and most important issues.


  • Uncover possible solutes/changes needed
  • Outline the key facts on which you are focusing
  • State why or why not these parts are not working well

Propose Solutions/Changes

  • Provide specific and realist solutions
  • Explain chosen solution
  • Support solution with solid evidence. Concepts from class (text, readings, discussions, lectures), outside research, or personal experience.

Paper Requirements


  • The paper should be at least three pages in length
  • [supanova_question]

  • The paper should be at least three pages in length
  • [supanova_question]

  • The paper should be at least three pages in length
  • [supanova_question]

    Miami Dade College Macro Poland Recovering From a Recession Discussion Response Economics Assignment Help

    Miami Dade College Macro Poland Recovering From a Recession Discussion Response Economics Assignment Help

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