Miami Dade College Nursing Management and Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Miami Dade College Nursing Management and Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help. Miami Dade College Nursing Management and Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help.

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You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evidence.
The E-Poster needs to include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Statement of the issue
3. Evidence supporting the issue
4. Prediction of the future role of the nurse
5. Conclusion
6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals). Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.
I am in Florida and I am a nursing student in case you need to know.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you

Miami Dade College Nursing Management and Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Savannah State University The New Anti Americanism by Richard Wike Essay Humanities Assignment Help

A 1000 word essay to 1200 Mla format

1)Adam Serwer writes that “The Fight Over the 1619 Project Is Not About the Facts” (as his

article is titled). He notes ways in which the historians criticizing the project have indicated that their problem is more with how things are said than with what is said.Similarly, in conversation people often use words and phrases that soften and blur what they mean, such as saying somebody was “inaccurate” rather than that they “lied” or saying “I can’t go” rather than “I don’t want to go.” Clearly a lot of people think it matters how things get said. Should it? How and why? Focus your answer on one specific way in which it should (or should not) matter how things get said. Present your thesis in the form of an enthymeme (claim because reason). 2) Richard Wike writes about the new ways in which world views of the United States are negative (in “The New Anti-Americanism”). He presumes that a nation’s reputation around the world matters. Should it? How and why?Focus your answer on one specific way in which it should (or should not) matter what a nation’s reputation is. Present your thesis in the form of an enthymeme (claim because reason).Thereadings that you may use are:Hannah-Jones, Nikole.“America Wasn’t a Democracy, Until Black Americans Made It One.”The New York Times Magazine,14 Aug 2019,, Adam. “The Fight Over the 1619 Project Is Not About the Facts.”The Atlantic, 23 Dec 2019,, Richard. “The New Anti-Americanism.”Foreign Affairs, 8 Jan 2020,… or any of the articles that were allowed sources on papers one or two:•Cremean, “Why America Should Never Make English Its Official Language”• Klein, “Are Nonprofits Getting in the Way of Social Change?”•Malchick, “The Problem with Social-Media Protests”•Miller, “Alinsky for the Left”•Parakala, “‘The Myth of English as America’s National Language”•Pinker, “Horton Heared a Who!”•Tufekci, “Twitter and Tear Gas”


CUNY Brooklyn College Apple’s Financial and Risk Analytical Review Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a finance project and need support to help me understand better.

Option #2: Financial Institution Performance and Risk Evaluation (CHOOSE A US BASED INSTITUTION FOR THIS TASK)

Financial institutions and markets are important components of the economy and as a result the financial performance of these institutions is vital to the overall health of the economy.

For your final project, you will write a scholarly paper that is a detailed analysis of the financial performance  of a selected financial institution as well as an assessment of the institution’s risk profile. In your completed paper you should be certain to address the following issues:

  • Financial      Analysis of the Financial Institution:      You should complete a 3-year financial      analysis of the financial statement of the institution, including the use      of ratios, horizontal and vertical analysis, as well as other analytical      tools that would provide further insight into overall performance.
  • Off-Balance-Sheet      Item Evaluation: Perform a thorough      analysis of the off-balance-sheet items that are disclosed in the      institution’s annual report. This analysis should include a risk assessment      of all major items as well as insight into the probability that these      items will migrate to the balance sheet.
  • Regulatory      Compliance: Provide insight into the      activities that the financial institution has undertaken as a result of      various regulatory reforms that have been instituted since the financial      crisis (Dodd-Frank, Basel III, etc

The final project should adhere to the following standards:

  • Be 10-11 pages in length,      excluding the cover and reference pages.
  • Include at least 14 references      (at least 12 are scholarly/peer reviewed) in addition to your text or      other required readings. preferably from the CSU Global Library. (Links to an      external site.)
  • Format your sources and      response according to the CSU Global Writing Center.

ALSO PROVIDE an outline: Your outline should be a Word document in which you list the major headings and sections of your paper

I need the outline within the first 14 hrs ( Your outline should be a word document in which you list the major headings and sections of your paper)


University of Ghana Re Framing the Chicano Movement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For this discussion you need to read the “Preface to the 2nd Edition: Re-framing the Chicano Movement” in Carlos Munoz, Jr’s Youth, Identity, Power – The Chicano Movement, pp 1-8. (Links to an external site.)

Or access it in google books.

Also read: raza.pdf

The discussion question:

1. What areas does the author believe both he and the movement neglected and overlooked and how has it changed with globalization?

2. Why are some groups or members of a movement overlooked or pushed aside ?

Remember to be mindful of the rubric and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings and have your first posting by Thursday.


CRM 332 Saint Leo University Domestic Terrorism Research Paper Law Assignment Help

Reaction Paper should consist of a critical analysis of a reaction to the chapter 12 of the following: White, J. R. (2020). Terrorism and Homeland Security (Ninth ed.). Cengage learning.

Reaction Paper must be in full APA style, formatted with in-text citations.

Minimum of 800 words in length excluding the cover page, abstract page, and reference page.

In a Reaction Paper you should think in terms of providing a critical synthesis and overview, highlighting significant points and facts, and closing with a well-reasoned and informed conclusion.

You must read, use, cite and reference the textbook(s) as assigned in this module even if you read, cite and reference other sources.

Provide the cover page, separate abstract page with keywords, body of the paper, and separate references page. Provide a running head on each page and remember the paper title on the cover page and the running head must be identical or the running head may be an abbreviation if lengthy.

Develop the paper title based upon the content of the reading.

Remember no more than 25% of your paper may be quoted or paraphrased and must always be cited.

Do not use “I”, “me”, “my”, etc. in your scholarly papers.

It works to your advantage to exceed the minimum number of words required.



NSG 6005 South University WK2 Additional Subjective or Objective Information Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

Guidelines: Support your responses with scholarly academic references using APA style format. Assigned course reading and online library resources are preferred. Weekly lecture notes are designed as overviews to the topic for the respective week and should not serve as a citation or reference.

In your discussion question response, provide a substantive response that illustrates a well-reasoned and thoughtful response; is factually correct with relevant scholarly citations, references, and examples; demonstrates a clear connection to the readings
In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extend meaningful discussion by building on previous postings.

Note: Review South University’s Substantive Participation Policy Criteria, Helpful Tips, ad Late Policy available by clicking on the South University Policy and Guidelines navigation tab. The late policy applies to late discussion question responses.

Gami is a 48-year-old who you discover when completing a health history is taking cinnamon to treat Type II Diabetes. She is specifically using cassia Cinnamon. You also discover that she is taking Ginseng to assist with memory. Her prescribed medications are Aricept and Coumadin.

Ms. GM is a 48-year-old who presents to your clinic to establish care. During the health history, you learn that she has a history of Type II Diabetes. When asked about prescription and non-traditional medications, she reports being prescribed Aricept, Coumadin, Cassia cinnamon for Type II Diabetes and Ginseng for memory.

  1. Is there any additional subjective or objective information you need for this client? Explain.
  2. What would be your position on the Ms. GMs use of alternative supplements for her diabetes and memory? Explain and include contraindications, if any.
  3. Are there any additional test/assessments you would complete for this patient given this list of medications? Explain.
  4. How might your treatment plan, in terms of medications, differ for this patient? Include the class of the medication, mechanism of action, route, the half-life; how it is metabolized in and eliminated from the body; contraindications and black box warnings.
  5. What health maintenance or preventive education is important for this client based on your choice medication/treatment?

NSG 6005 South University WK2 Additional Subjective or Objective Information Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

KU Critical Access Hospital & National Health Insurance Program Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need support to help me learn.


Carol King is vice president of human resources at a 127-bed facility located in a small farming town. She has been at Robbins Memorial Hospital for only 2 weeks, but has already concluded that the human resources department is not well developed and there are no policies for many situations.

King was informed by the director of the intensive care unit that a female night employee has told other staff that when she comes to work she carries a small loaded gun for personal protection. The gun has been shown to other employees and allegedly waved carelessly about in the unit. King responded by stating that the facility has a clear policy that prohibits employees from bringing firearms onto the premises. The director of security, however, reminded King that recently a night shift employee was assaulted in the parking lot and that many female employees are concerned for their safety. The director of security is worried that there might be other ramifications if this employee is disciplined. For example, other night shift employees might say that the facility is not concerned about their safety and that carrying a firearm is both a second amendment (constitutional) guarantee and necessary because of poor facility security. King agreed that this might become an issue and was also concerned that the facility has had difficulty getting nurses for the night shift.

Question: What should King do? Why?



The president signed a bill passed by Congress establishing universal-comprehensive .health insurance. It will cover all residents for medically necessary hospital inpatient and outpatient services, physician and other licensed independent practitioner services, and nursing facility care. The National Health Insurance (NHI) program becomes effective 12 months from yesterday. Funding for the NHI program will be through a national value-added tax. All residents, whether employed or unemployed, are covered by the NHI program from birth to death and there are no beneficiary deductibles or co-payments. State government State Health Insurance Boards (SHIBs) will be the fiscal intermediaries. Private health insurance for covered services will be barred when the NIH program takes effect.

Delivery of services will be private, as before, and will be done through existing providers (e.g. , hospitals, nursing facilities, private practitioners). Institutional providers’ services and capacities will be frozen in place the day the NHI program begins. They may only be changed (added to or deleted) subject to SHIB approval based on the SHIB’s assessment of area needs. Start-up and facility expenditures for approved expansions in services and capabilities will be fully funded by the federal NHI Board through the SHIB .

Amounts paid to all independent providers such as physicians for care rendered to beneficiaries will be fee-for-service. National rates for all services will be determined by the federal NHI Board and will vary in amount only by geographic area based on a market-basket consumer price index. Institutional providers will not be reimbursed on fee-for-service, but will receive annual global budgets that are fixed. These budgets will be determined by each SHIB and will be largely based on capacity, such as type and number of beds. Providers will not be allowed to extra bill patients. Since uninhibited access is an objective of the NHI program, all providers will be required to service customers who present themselves.


I. Is the NHI program a threat or an opportunity for providers? Why?

2. If you were a hospital chief executive officer, what organization strategies would you recommend for implementation before the start of the NHI program? What strategies after it begins?

3. Once NIH becomes effective, what changes in stakeholder relations would you predict?



The Puget Sound Cooperative in Seattle, Washington, one of the oldest and most respected HMOs, wanted to increase enrollment of young, low-risk subscribers. It was only logical when the newly recruited marketing staff chose the local hard rock music station as their medium and shaped the message accordingly.

“Hey, are you TIRED OF SICK CARE? How about joining THE HEALTH CARE plan?” rasped the announcer.

Within hours after the spot was first aired, an eruption equivalent to that of Mount St. Helen’s began in the Seattle medical community. The local medical society was enraged by the implication that doctors not in the HMO made people sick. The cooperative’s medical staff was enraged by the degradation of having their services offered on a hard rock station (one wonders why so many of them were listening to it). There was concern that the spots would upset the cooperative’s efforts to recruit private physicians in outlying communities into a partnership with it and thus seriously hamper efforts to open these new markets. The spot never surfaced again.


I. Who were Group Health’s stakeholders in this situation?

2. What message was being transmitted to these stakeholders?

3. How should senior management try to communicate with young, low-risk potential subscribers?



Carol King is vice president of human resources at a 127-bed facility located in a small farming town. She has been at Robbins Memorial Hospital for only 2 weeks, but has already concluded that the human resources department is not well developed and there are no policies for many situations.

The following situation was described to King by the food service manager:

A cook at Robbins Memorial Hospital was observed taking a chicken and other food from a storage area and putting the items in a bag under his coat. As the employee entered his car to go home he was stopped by security officers and told that they were making a package check of the contents of the bag he was carrying. The employee objected, but the security officers insisted, stating that there was a policy allowing inspection of all packages removed from the facility. The employee relented and the food items were found in the bag .

The employee was terminated by the food service manager for theft. He filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) alleging that his dismissal resulted from discrimination based on the fact that he is the only food service employee who is an ethnic Italian and that other employees regularly take food from the department. Therefore, his termination was based solely on the fact that he is Italian and he was “singled out.” King and the security director have no knowledge that other employees are stealing.

Question: -What position should the facility take when contacted by EEOC?


Discussion 4) What is a Critical Access Hospital? How are these hospitals reimbursed?


University of Maryland Canadian Bacon Inc Financial Statements Exercises Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn.

Canadian Bacon Inc. financial statements are presented in the table below.

Based on the information in the table, and using a 365-day year, calculate cash conversion cycle.

Round the answers to two decimal places

Balance Sheet December 31, 2014

Cash and marketable securities $132,000 Accounts payable $399,000
Accounts receivable $311,000 Notes payable $98,500
Inventories $512,000 Accrued expenses $89,300
Prepaid expenses $11,300 Total current liabilities $586,800
Total current assets $966,300 Long-term debt $799,400
Gross fixed assets $2,104,000 Par value and paid-in-capital $298,000
Less: accumulated depreciation $398,000 Retained Earnings $988,100
Net fixed assets $1,706,000 Common Equity 1,286,100
Total assets $2,672,300 Total liabilities and owner’s equity $2,672,300

Income Statement, Year of 2014

Net sales (all credit) $4,276,600.00
Less: Cost of goods sold $3,292,982.00
Selling and administrative expenses $349,000.00
Depreciation expense $148,000.00
EBIT $486,618.00
Interest expense $49,600.00
Earnings before taxes $437,018.00
Income taxes $174,807.20
Net income $262,210.80


Harbor – UCLA Medical Center Thermodynamic versus Kinetic Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Essay and need a sample draft to help me learn.

— note —

I want you to include volunteering in “expand your horizons”.

talk a bit about what is it and why is it important.

after that, you can choose another topic to talk about if you need so. 

also, i need an outline of the essay so i could use in a power point.  

Essay 3 Research Paper – What’s Working in Education!

Students will write a 1500-word essay analyzing their experience and/or research in the teaching and learning community.Students can use their own experiences of participating in a certain program or school (see below) that fostered their own success or students can write about their previous or current work (paid or volunteer) working in after school programs, tutoring, mentorship, teaching, and/or coaching others.As always, you can write about anything not on this list!This work could be in the classroom, outside of the classroom, or in the community. Or students who do not have a personal connection to any of the aforementioned personal experiences, can go ahead and research one (or more) of the programs or teaching/mentoring practices below.You can use any websites for this paper (including .com or .org) and you need at least 3 sources (100 points).

  • Charter Schools 
  • Alternative/Continuation High Schools
  • High School programs and services for pregnant teens
  • After school programs
  • Internships
  • EOP (Equal Opportunity Program) in High Schools
  • MESA (Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement Program
  • HCOP (Health Career Opportunity Program)
  • Student Success Centers
  • Peer Jury
  • Restorative Justice Programs
  • AVID
  • Extra Curricular Activities – sports, student government/leadership, etc.
  • Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program
  • GATE Programs
  • Private Schools
  • Dual Immersion/Language Programs
  • Dress codes/uniforms
  • Gateway to College Program
  • Culturally Relevant Teaching
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • School Community Gardens and/or nutritional program, such as the Sacramento Food Literacy Center
  • Reading Partners


Marymount University Creation of a Hash Table on Java Program Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a java case study and need guidance to help me study.

For this Assignment you will write your own HashTable in Python or Java. Do not use any built in Hashing Structures (dictionaries, Maps,Etc). For Simplicity sake make the underlying structure a basic array or list.

You will :

  • Read in the file below
  • Store each word in your HashTable for easy lookup
    • You will have to build a hash() function to give an integer value for your String
    • Store the String in that index
    • If a Collision, use a collision mitigation strategy
  • Calculate and report the percentage of collisions in your structure
  • Your HashTable may not be more than 20% larger than the # of total words


  • Store each word in your HashTable for easy lookup
    • You will have to build a hash() function to give an integer value for your String
    • Store the String in that index
    • If a Collision, use a collision mitigation strategy
  • Calculate and report the percentage of collisions in your structure
  • Your HashTable may not be more than 20% larger than the # of total words
  • [supanova_question]

  • Store each word in your HashTable for easy lookup
    • You will have to build a hash() function to give an integer value for your String
    • Store the String in that index
    • If a Collision, use a collision mitigation strategy
  • Calculate and report the percentage of collisions in your structure
  • Your HashTable may not be more than 20% larger than the # of total words
  • [supanova_question]

  • Store each word in your HashTable for easy lookup
    • You will have to build a hash() function to give an integer value for your String
    • Store the String in that index
    • If a Collision, use a collision mitigation strategy
  • Calculate and report the percentage of collisions in your structure
  • Your HashTable may not be more than 20% larger than the # of total words
  • [supanova_question]

    Miami Dade College Nursing Management and Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

    Miami Dade College Nursing Management and Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

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