Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business law case study and need support to help me understand better.
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Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule

Then locate the rule in any other country (you MUST select a country that has a Business Judgment Rule).

Discuss the following:

1. What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
2. Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country. If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways. If different, discuss the differences.

If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?

If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

You MUST provide citations for all materials used.

Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCF Analysis of SMA of Athletes for Understanding Construction of Gender Discussions Writing Assignment Help

This assignment asks you to analyze and compare the social media accounts of two subjects according to either of the prompts below. You may select either #1 or #2 to fulfill the assignment and indicate on your essay which one you have selected. Put this information at the top along with your name and the word count (maximum 500). You must cite at least three social media posts as evidence from any social media account (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook) for each subject. Cite the posts by the following format: (Instagram, July 28, 2018).

  1. Compare the construction of gender in two professional athletes, a male and a female, through social media on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You may also compare an athlete and an artistic performer. The assignment is about breaking stereotypes of gender. You are looking at how gender is created, expressed, fabricated or constructed by a male and female athlete through images and language on their public social media account (Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook). Please use specific evidence, analyze and explain the way your subjects construct or re-construct social ideas of gender. You should be wary extended descriptions without deeper analysis of how they perform gender roles. For instance, Cristiano Ronaldo portrays himself on Instagram traveling with his family and Brittany Lincicome posts pictures of herself deep-sea fishing. Many students select LeBron James or Serena Williams who have millions of followers on Instagram. Both are role models for thousands if not millions of people, and their Instagram accounts have an effect upon behaviors and practices that define and constitute the performance of gender. Social institutions often work to keep us in our gender place. You might ask whether LeBron and Serena maintain the status quo of heteronormativity. Is there any way that they disrupt or help to change the perception of gender roles? In each case, you should tell us what their pictures and posts tell us about how they perform their gender roles. For more theoretical background, see “The Social Construction of Gender” by Maria Power in Module #6. Upload your review in an approved format. (500 words).


  1. Identify an issue that concerns an athlete or a performing artist (actor, singer, dancer, musician) through their social media on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Do this for a male and female subject. You must select a male and a female. It doesn’t matter if they are athletes or artists or if the issue is social, political or personal. It needn’t be the same issue for both. For instance, the NFL players “taking a knee” during the National Anthem to protest racial injustice provoked a firestorm on social media. A Fox News host suggested that LeBron James should “shut up and dribble,” but he said he will not “stick to sports” after his public comments n Uninterrupted, an Internet platform he co-founded. Kevin Durant appeared with him and both star players were sharply critical of President Donald Trump and the nation’s racial climate. As Eagles defensive lineman Chris Long pointed out, Fox News has interviewed actor Chuck Norris about climate control, musician Kid Rock about President Barack Obama, former basketball coach Bob Knight and actor Jon Voight about supporting Trump and musician Ted Nugent about the violence in Charlottesville. The actor Alyssa Milano is also an outspoken advocate on social media for the #MeToo movement. Other actors have been criticized for comments on climate change and sexual harassment. This past summer, there was another incident in which Trevor Bauer got into a Twitter spat with a reporter, and the reporter was harassed by Bauer’s fans in the aftermath. These are a few examples, but there are many more. The topic should stimulate debate on an issue such as race, equality or gender. (500 words)M7 Assignment Grading RubricM7 Assignment Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
    25 ptsThe essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using effective transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Professionally formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. Includes an introduction, topic paragraphs and a conclusion. Must include name, word count and declare which option you have selected. 20 ptsThe essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using basic transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. 15 ptsThe essay has a format that is difficult to follow due to the following: • Inadequate transitions that cause the reader to lose connection between paragraphs. • Inadequate formatting of paragraphs, causing the reader difficulty. 0 ptsThe essay has no organization. Insufficient word count.

    25 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Grammar

    20 ptsA command of conventions is evident throughout the essay with no errors. 15 ptsAdequate control of conventions throughout the essay with minimal errors. 10 ptsLoses control of conventions throughout the essay with numerous errors. 0 ptsLacks a command of basic conventions of syntax.

    20 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Control

    20 ptsDemonstrates a control of ideas that are concise and complete. 10 ptsAdequate control of ideas and is complete. 5 ptsInadequate control of ideas, includes some extraneous ideas, and is complete. 0 ptsLacks control of ideas, includes extraneous ideas, and is incomplete.

    20 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence

    25 ptsProvides effective evidence to support response. Must include three (3) citations in proper format for each subject (total of 6 for the paper). 20 ptsProvides adequate evidence to support response. 10 ptsProvides unrelated or minimal evidence to support response. 0 ptsProvides no evidence to support response.

    25 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews

    10 ptsWrites two reviews of assigned peers that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work. 5 ptsWrites only one assigned peer review that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work. Student replies are simply restatements or agreeing/disagreeing with posts without explanation. 0 ptsDoes not write peer reviews or peer reviews are brief and/or not constructive. Reviews random peers who were not assigned.

    10 pts
    Total Points: 100PreviousNext


FIU Environmental Science Clean Water Act Discussion Science Assignment Help

Film Review Assignment

In “Poisoned Waters” (I hr, 53 minutes), Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith examines the growing hazards to human health and the ecosystem.

Your assignment is to watch the video clip “Poisoned Waters” closely and write a review paper discussing concepts we are covering in the class that can be related to the context of this movie. The review paper should be in a typed write-up not more than 4 pages (double spaced with 12 font) size. To give you some directions, you can talk about Externality, Coase Theorem, Ecological vs. Neo-classical Vie of Sustainability, Costs and Benefits of Environmental Protection etc. and any other concepts that you can relate to its storyline.…


TSU Substance Abuse Treatment Articles Analytical Review Workseet Writing Assignment Help

To complete the MDA 4 first identify and briefly summarize 2 pieces of peer-review literature that address practice with this client population. Include a description of interventions utilized and the success of each as documented in the literature.

Use critical thinking to discuss how your chosen research can help inform your work with this client.

one paragraph for each two questions, 3-5 sentences. APA 7th edition format requirement.

NO page or word count requirement, APA 7th edition format. Type answers in the box adjacent to each question. Use the information found on MDA 2 to gain more client population information.

client population includes white women who are recovering substance abusers


UMGC How to Bulk Modify Active Directory User Attributes Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

Respond to Steven:

Address the following based on the given information.

  • What tools can be used to bulk modify the attributes of identified user accounts?

Some tools that you can use to bulk modify attributes are Bulk AD Users, AD Bulk User Update Tool, and ADManager Plus.  All three tools allow updates through a .csv file and the ability to export an Active Directory (AD) to a .csv file.  You can edit the attributes in an Excel file and import the changes back into the AD.  They also offer a Graphical User Interface to perform these tasks versus command line tools and scripts.  They make it more user friendly. 

  • How many instances of Azure AD Connect are needed for Ohm Productions?

One Azure AD Connect instance can cover the three forests and 10 domains of Ohm production.  You must make sure that the forests are only connected to one Azure AD Connect sync server and this server must be joined to the domain.  A user may only be used once in the Azure AD.  If there are multiple accounts of the same user, you must consolidate them.  (Topologies, 2018)

  • How can you ensure that the members of the Development and Plant Operations department do not synchronize?

By using the filtering options when conducting an Azure AD Connect sync you can disable the Development and Plant departments from syncing.  You must first disable the scheduled task, so it does not run, on its own, without the filters you want.  You can then set a filter based on Group, Domain, Organizational Unit, or Attribute.  And you can set multiple options at the same time.  (Configure filtering, 2019)

  • How do you meet the recovery process requirement?

I would use Azure Migrate to move the on-premises AD to Azure AD.  Before I did that I would backup the information of every user into a separate storage device, as a fail-safe.  Another method would be to follow the documentation at which shows you how to restore deleted user accounts to the AD.

Topologies. (November 27, 2018). Topologies for Azure AD Connect. Microsoft.

Configure filtering. (March 26, 2019). Azure AD Connect sync: Configure filtering. Microsoft.



Fayetteville Technical Community College Criticisms of Democracy History Question Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history discussion question and need a reference to help me study.

Answer the following questions in a 2 1/2-3 page paper. Answers need to be written academically with your statements supported by evidence, details, quotes etc. If you use outside sources you need to add a works cited as well. Please let me know if you have any questions. What were Socrates’, Plato’s, and Aristotle’s main criticisms of democracy? How would you compare each of their assessments of democracy to the actual workings of Athenian government during this time period? How would you compare each of their assessments of democracy to the actual workings of American democracy today? turn-it in assignment/ APA format

Fayetteville Technical Community College Criticisms of Democracy History Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Mod 6 Education & Conditions for Learning Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Preschool classroom setting

Refer back to Brian Cambourne’s Eight Conditions for Learning checklist that apply to language and literacy development in young language learners. Assess your early childhood program and decide if the environment meets the conditions for language and literacy acquisition.

In a minimum of 2-pages (not counting the title page and references page), complete the following:

  • Choose two (2) conditions for language and literacy development, from Brian Cambourne’s Conditions for Learning, where you think your program could improve.
  • Include at least one (1) strategy for improvement for each condition selected.
  • Include how this improvement could specifically add support for ELL children.
  • Include a title page and a references page formatted to APA standards.


Grand Canyon University Sentinel Events Analysis Nursing Question Writing Assignment Help

“A Sentinel Event is defined by The Joint Commission (TJC) as any unanticipated event in a healthcare setting resulting in death or serious physical or psychological injury to a patient or patients, not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness.”

Two sentinel events happened in a hospital in 1 month.

A. 50 year old male in ICU passed away after suffering from Ventilator associated Pneumonia. Patient was vented after surgical removal of right lung lobe. It was post op day #9.

B. 45 year old female passed away from overdose of patient controlled analgesic (PCA). Patient was placed on PCA after laparoscopic bowel resection. It was post op day #3.

Write 1000 word paper on how to prevent any future such sentinel events. Please follow the Grading Rubric below to write your paper.


Walden University Politics and Healthcare in the United States Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Healthcare in the United States is very costly for Americans. It becomes an issue for Americans when they have to choose between their health and their daily responsibilities. According to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2020) the U.S. health care spending grew 4.6 percent in 2019, reaching $3.8 trillion or $11,582 per person. With the healthcare costs to Americans being such a task it has become one of the most talked about aspect of political gain.

The Affordable care act was enacted under president Obama in 2010 where his efforts were to make affordable health insurance available to more people at lower costs, expand the Medicaid program to cover all adults with income below 138% of the poverty level and overall lower the health care costs through supporting innovative medical care delivery methods (Healthcare, n.d). To make these objectives a reality, new healthcare marketplaces were created by legislation to offer people a place to purchase these healthcare plans if they were not covered by employment insurance or Medicaid. Since this act has been in place it has managed to transform the health care system by making it attainable to over 20 million Americans and has saved thousands of lives.

With all the advances made with the ACA there is still political debate on the repeal or replacement of the ACA by both political parties but the call for change has mostly been seen by the Republican party due mainly to the implementation of essential health benefits. Their proposed changes would provide less restrictive coverage requirements would allow insurers freedom to tailor plan offerings with cheaper, less comprehensive benefit packages (Willison and Singer, 2017). It has been shown that insurance is costly to those who have preexisting conditions so as a nurse in public health I feel that all people deserve to have access to health services regardless of health condition. Through experience when patients do not have insurance they have more visits to the emergency room that not only lead to bills to the patient but causes a burden on the healthcare budget.

Politicians know that election time is the best time to make these types of proposals for the election/reelection vote. To date the repeal is unlikely to be supported due to the cost-benefit analysis. As discussed by Milstead and Short (2019) for a program to be economical, the benefits must be high compared to the amount incurred from the implementation of the program. If there is to be a change there is a chance that those who have access to the insurance coverage would lose the coverage leaving many uninsured leaving these people unable to access r afford any type of insurance. The politicians are only likely to support the change if it is beneficial to them but this cannot be seen as the case with the latest proposals.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2020). National Health Expenditure Data.,spendingaccountedfor17.7percent

Healthcare. (n.d). Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Willison, C., & Singer, P. (2017). Repealing the Affordable Care Act Essential Health Benefits: Threats and Obstacles. American journal of public health, 107(8), 1225–1226.


CMIT 326 Maryland Global Campus AWS Management Console Discussion Post Engineering Assignment Help

This week, you learned about the benefits of a management console for a cloud deployment and gained particular insight on AWS’s Management Console, a web interface that allows you to access many AWS services from one place. Read this and view modules in the week 2. It should help throughout this course since you will be using the AWS console frequently in the labs.

Can you imagine what it would be like to work in a cloud environment without such a tool?

Address the following questions in your discussion. You must answer all questions in your initial post and respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

  • How will you use the AWS Management Console?
  • How user-friendly is the management console?

[supanova_question] and view modules in the week 2. It should help throughout this course since you will be using the AWS console frequently in the labs.

Can you imagine what it would be like to work in a cloud environment without such a tool?

Address the following questions in your discussion. You must answer all questions in your initial post and respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

  • How will you use the AWS Management Console?
  • How user-friendly is the management console?

[supanova_question] and view modules in the week 2. It should help throughout this course since you will be using the AWS console frequently in the labs.

Can you imagine what it would be like to work in a cloud environment without such a tool?

Address the following questions in your discussion. You must answer all questions in your initial post and respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

  • How will you use the AWS Management Console?
  • How user-friendly is the management console?

[supanova_question] and view modules in the week 2. It should help throughout this course since you will be using the AWS console frequently in the labs.

Can you imagine what it would be like to work in a cloud environment without such a tool?

Address the following questions in your discussion. You must answer all questions in your initial post and respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

  • How will you use the AWS Management Console?
  • How user-friendly is the management console?


Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Miami Dade College The Business Judgment Rule Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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