Miami University R Studio Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

Miami University R Studio Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help. Miami University R Studio Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help.

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The purpose of this assignment is primarily as a technology check. Your submitted document will show us that you have a working and the correct version of R and RStudio installed. It will also demonstrate that you have all the packages we will need in the class installed. Future assignments will focus on statistical analyses of real data and carry more weight towards your final grade.


Do the following in RStudio:

1. Complete Homework 0 if you have yet to do so; namely, install the following packages into R:

  • tidyverse
  • knitr
  • GGally
  • ggfortify
  • gridExtra
  • emmeans
  • lindia
  • car
  • leaps
  • kableExtra
  • plotly
  • png
  • caret

2. Create an RMarkdown document containing two code ‘chunks’. The first chunk will consist of loading the packages (using the library() function) we will use in this class (all those listed above). The second chunk runs two functions

that display various information about your R session.

Your Rmarkdown document should not contain any other code or output (remove the code that uses the cars and pressure datasets) and have an appropriate title and author name.

‘knit’ your RMarkdown into an html file. Submit the generated html to Canvas.

NOTE: This assignment, and future assignments, are designed in such a way that we will be able to detect academic dishonesty. If you turn in another student’s generated markdown document we will know and proceed with an academic dishonesty claim.

Additional Help

Miami University R Studio Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

WCU Nursing Paper for Issues and Trends Class Dnr Directive Discussion Writing Assignment Help

 After you view the case study, click on the title link to use the journal tool to reflect upon what you have learn. I will provide a link to watch the video. 

Complete the DNR interactive case study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned in your weekly materials with what was presented in the case study.

Compare this case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your nursing experience in which you might have run into an ethical situation.

Please follow the rubric for grading!!!!


Rasmussen College Data Visualization Warehouse Case Study Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Super Shopper has found that many of its best-selling products are constantly being depleted from the store shelves and are always on back order. In contrast, slower-selling products are constantly reaching their expiration dates and end up returning to the warehouse. You need to examine company data to find out why this is happening and hopefully come up with a viable solution. Each outlet provides the warehouse with a weekly listing of in-store inventories and expired products; if item counts are less than or equal to the reorder point, distribution takes place accordingly. The warehouse logs and destroys all store returns of expired products.

The warehouse clerk conducts a weekly inventory and submits an order for products that are less or equal to the warehouse reorder point; this order flows through accounting, and once funding is approved, the order passes to the company buyers. At this point, the company buyers submit a purchase order to the appropriate vendor. The vendors usually ship most items the day after receiving purchase orders.

Develop a report of your findings and create a visualization of the data to present to management. Utilize internal warehouse data found in the form of Excel spreadsheets (attached) for your analysis.


University of Phoenix Importance of Professional Organizations Q&A Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Membership in your professional organizations (OTAC, AOTA) is not required to be a practitioner in occupational therapy. However, these organizations can have a significant effect on your ability to practice as an OTA, including where you can practice, who gets to see certain patients, and how you get paid for your practice. Please make sure you have visited the AOTA (Links to an external site.) and OTAC (Links to an external site.) sites to review what they do prior to participating in this discussion.

Please consider the following questions in your response.

  1. Why are professional organizations so important?
  2. Are you involved in OTAC and AOTA? If so, why, if not, why not?
  3. After reviewing the materials posted, how do you think membership in these organizations can support you as a practitioner or as a manager?
  4. How do these organizations affect your daily life as a practitioner?


Rasmussen College Business Scenario and Emerging Technology Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on the Business Scenario and Emerging Technology topic you selected in Module 01 (attached), you must now begin writing the first sections of your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling and grammar, develop the following sections of your report:

  • Executive Summary: This should be a brief section that summarizes the course project topic.
  • Scope: This should define the business problem or opportunity that you will address in your report.
  • History: This should provide historical background on your topic, including research and a timeline of the emerging technology topic.



Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

Complete the following end of chapter exercises for Chapter 3. Submit your response in an MS Word document or Pdf after inserting the results from SPSS Output into your document. This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from chapter data sources referenced above.

1- You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below. Although deletions and/or transformations may be implied from your examination, all steps will examine original variables.

a. How many participants have missing values for medloinc and act94?

b. Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

c. What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

d. Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

e. Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regarding normality? If a transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grantham University Management Functions Departments and Positions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Tom Wilson is a West Coast founder of a high-end surfboard manufacturing company called Sun City Boards. The company did well the first couple of years, but things haven’t been good for a while now. They’re losing money, and Tom’s not sure how much longer they can keep the doors open. As it turns out, Tom doesn’t have a business plan or basic financial statements. Throughout the course, you will help Tom with his planning to keep his business running.


In this exercise, you will assume a management consultant role and advise Tom on how to prioritize the four primary functions of management—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—presented in this module.

  1. Reflect on the activities and inter-dynamics of the four functions in the context of Sun City Boards.
  2. Select the one function that you believe is most critical for Tom to address and develop a plan for him to address this management gap prior to a 1:1 situation evaluation meeting.

Your Task

Write a three-paragraph coaching email to Tom that includes the following:

  • The most critical function to be addressed, citing specific deliverables/outcomes.
  • The logic for your choice, referencing the other three functions.


MBU Human Astrocytes Glial Ratios Astrocyte Subpopulations & Human Brain Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  1. Specific Review Requirements
    • Describe in 3-4 sentences how astrocyte and glial ratios have changed during evolutionary course.
    • Describe the four structurally and anatomically distinct astrocyte subpopulations within human brain. For each:
      • describe anatomical location
      • describe structure
      • describe any role in disease mentioned
    • Describe the functions identified for human astrocytes. In 3-4 sentences for each, detail what this function is and why necessary in the healthy human brain:
      • neuronal survival and synaptogenesis
      • electrophysiology
      • intercellular coupling
      • neurotransmitter recycling and uptake
      • calcium signaling and gliotransmission
  2. General Review Requirements
    • Essay form.
    • Minimum of 500 words (approximately 1.5-2 double spaced page).


Abraham Lincoln University Reliability Command in SPSS Calculations Mathematics Assignment Help

Use the reliability command in SPSS and calculate Chronbac’s Alpha for all variables (Q1 to Q89). What is your calculated value? Is there any way to improve the Chronbac’s Alpha to above 0.8? Explain how.

2- Identify the underlying structure between variables Q1 trough Q26, using Factor Analysis with Varimax rotation. Saves the scores using the regression method. Using the eigenvalue criterion of greater than one, how many factors were you able to retain? What is the total variance explained by this model?

3- Are the results obtained from the analysis acceptable? Why? Identify the criteria you used to answer this question. What is your best recommendation on improving the results?

4- Recode the fpl (poverty status) into a binary variable, fpl_G, with 0 representing families with income levels below 200% of the federal poverty threshold and 1 representing all other families. Use the saved factors from part 2 as the independent variables in a logistic regression using the newly created variable, fpl_G, as the dependent variable. Use the “Enter” method to run this regression. How does this model fit the data? Is the generated model significantly different from a constant only model?


University of California Optimal Taxation Advantages and Disadvantages Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Please turn in two paragraphs in your own words. Define “optimal taxation” in your own words. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this concept for designing a tax system? Explain. Give specific examples using your reality and your desires for society. Use times new roman, 12 point font, double spaced formatted text with one inch margins. Each paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences but do not exceed a page. Do not put your name, class or date on the top of the paper. Start with your analysis.

[supanova_question] sites to review what they do prior to participating in this discussion.

Please consider the following questions in your response.

  1. Why are professional organizations so important?
  2. Are you involved in OTAC and AOTA? If so, why, if not, why not?
  3. After reviewing the materials posted, how do you think membership in these organizations can support you as a practitioner or as a manager?
  4. How do these organizations affect your daily life as a practitioner?


Rasmussen College Business Scenario and Emerging Technology Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on the Business Scenario and Emerging Technology topic you selected in Module 01 (attached), you must now begin writing the first sections of your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling and grammar, develop the following sections of your report:

  • Executive Summary: This should be a brief section that summarizes the course project topic.
  • Scope: This should define the business problem or opportunity that you will address in your report.
  • History: This should provide historical background on your topic, including research and a timeline of the emerging technology topic.



Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

Complete the following end of chapter exercises for Chapter 3. Submit your response in an MS Word document or Pdf after inserting the results from SPSS Output into your document. This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from chapter data sources referenced above.

1- You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below. Although deletions and/or transformations may be implied from your examination, all steps will examine original variables.

a. How many participants have missing values for medloinc and act94?

b. Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

c. What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

d. Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

e. Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regarding normality? If a transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grantham University Management Functions Departments and Positions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Tom Wilson is a West Coast founder of a high-end surfboard manufacturing company called Sun City Boards. The company did well the first couple of years, but things haven’t been good for a while now. They’re losing money, and Tom’s not sure how much longer they can keep the doors open. As it turns out, Tom doesn’t have a business plan or basic financial statements. Throughout the course, you will help Tom with his planning to keep his business running.


In this exercise, you will assume a management consultant role and advise Tom on how to prioritize the four primary functions of management—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—presented in this module.

  1. Reflect on the activities and inter-dynamics of the four functions in the context of Sun City Boards.
  2. Select the one function that you believe is most critical for Tom to address and develop a plan for him to address this management gap prior to a 1:1 situation evaluation meeting.

Your Task

Write a three-paragraph coaching email to Tom that includes the following:

  • The most critical function to be addressed, citing specific deliverables/outcomes.
  • The logic for your choice, referencing the other three functions.


MBU Human Astrocytes Glial Ratios Astrocyte Subpopulations & Human Brain Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  1. Specific Review Requirements
    • Describe in 3-4 sentences how astrocyte and glial ratios have changed during evolutionary course.
    • Describe the four structurally and anatomically distinct astrocyte subpopulations within human brain. For each:
      • describe anatomical location
      • describe structure
      • describe any role in disease mentioned
    • Describe the functions identified for human astrocytes. In 3-4 sentences for each, detail what this function is and why necessary in the healthy human brain:
      • neuronal survival and synaptogenesis
      • electrophysiology
      • intercellular coupling
      • neurotransmitter recycling and uptake
      • calcium signaling and gliotransmission
  2. General Review Requirements
    • Essay form.
    • Minimum of 500 words (approximately 1.5-2 double spaced page).


Abraham Lincoln University Reliability Command in SPSS Calculations Mathematics Assignment Help

Use the reliability command in SPSS and calculate Chronbac’s Alpha for all variables (Q1 to Q89). What is your calculated value? Is there any way to improve the Chronbac’s Alpha to above 0.8? Explain how.

2- Identify the underlying structure between variables Q1 trough Q26, using Factor Analysis with Varimax rotation. Saves the scores using the regression method. Using the eigenvalue criterion of greater than one, how many factors were you able to retain? What is the total variance explained by this model?

3- Are the results obtained from the analysis acceptable? Why? Identify the criteria you used to answer this question. What is your best recommendation on improving the results?

4- Recode the fpl (poverty status) into a binary variable, fpl_G, with 0 representing families with income levels below 200% of the federal poverty threshold and 1 representing all other families. Use the saved factors from part 2 as the independent variables in a logistic regression using the newly created variable, fpl_G, as the dependent variable. Use the “Enter” method to run this regression. How does this model fit the data? Is the generated model significantly different from a constant only model?


University of California Optimal Taxation Advantages and Disadvantages Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Please turn in two paragraphs in your own words. Define “optimal taxation” in your own words. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this concept for designing a tax system? Explain. Give specific examples using your reality and your desires for society. Use times new roman, 12 point font, double spaced formatted text with one inch margins. Each paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences but do not exceed a page. Do not put your name, class or date on the top of the paper. Start with your analysis.

[supanova_question] sites to review what they do prior to participating in this discussion.

Please consider the following questions in your response.

  1. Why are professional organizations so important?
  2. Are you involved in OTAC and AOTA? If so, why, if not, why not?
  3. After reviewing the materials posted, how do you think membership in these organizations can support you as a practitioner or as a manager?
  4. How do these organizations affect your daily life as a practitioner?


Rasmussen College Business Scenario and Emerging Technology Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on the Business Scenario and Emerging Technology topic you selected in Module 01 (attached), you must now begin writing the first sections of your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling and grammar, develop the following sections of your report:

  • Executive Summary: This should be a brief section that summarizes the course project topic.
  • Scope: This should define the business problem or opportunity that you will address in your report.
  • History: This should provide historical background on your topic, including research and a timeline of the emerging technology topic.



Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

Complete the following end of chapter exercises for Chapter 3. Submit your response in an MS Word document or Pdf after inserting the results from SPSS Output into your document. This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from chapter data sources referenced above.

1- You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below. Although deletions and/or transformations may be implied from your examination, all steps will examine original variables.

a. How many participants have missing values for medloinc and act94?

b. Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

c. What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

d. Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

e. Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regarding normality? If a transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grantham University Management Functions Departments and Positions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Tom Wilson is a West Coast founder of a high-end surfboard manufacturing company called Sun City Boards. The company did well the first couple of years, but things haven’t been good for a while now. They’re losing money, and Tom’s not sure how much longer they can keep the doors open. As it turns out, Tom doesn’t have a business plan or basic financial statements. Throughout the course, you will help Tom with his planning to keep his business running.


In this exercise, you will assume a management consultant role and advise Tom on how to prioritize the four primary functions of management—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—presented in this module.

  1. Reflect on the activities and inter-dynamics of the four functions in the context of Sun City Boards.
  2. Select the one function that you believe is most critical for Tom to address and develop a plan for him to address this management gap prior to a 1:1 situation evaluation meeting.

Your Task

Write a three-paragraph coaching email to Tom that includes the following:

  • The most critical function to be addressed, citing specific deliverables/outcomes.
  • The logic for your choice, referencing the other three functions.


MBU Human Astrocytes Glial Ratios Astrocyte Subpopulations & Human Brain Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  1. Specific Review Requirements
    • Describe in 3-4 sentences how astrocyte and glial ratios have changed during evolutionary course.
    • Describe the four structurally and anatomically distinct astrocyte subpopulations within human brain. For each:
      • describe anatomical location
      • describe structure
      • describe any role in disease mentioned
    • Describe the functions identified for human astrocytes. In 3-4 sentences for each, detail what this function is and why necessary in the healthy human brain:
      • neuronal survival and synaptogenesis
      • electrophysiology
      • intercellular coupling
      • neurotransmitter recycling and uptake
      • calcium signaling and gliotransmission
  2. General Review Requirements
    • Essay form.
    • Minimum of 500 words (approximately 1.5-2 double spaced page).


Abraham Lincoln University Reliability Command in SPSS Calculations Mathematics Assignment Help

Use the reliability command in SPSS and calculate Chronbac’s Alpha for all variables (Q1 to Q89). What is your calculated value? Is there any way to improve the Chronbac’s Alpha to above 0.8? Explain how.

2- Identify the underlying structure between variables Q1 trough Q26, using Factor Analysis with Varimax rotation. Saves the scores using the regression method. Using the eigenvalue criterion of greater than one, how many factors were you able to retain? What is the total variance explained by this model?

3- Are the results obtained from the analysis acceptable? Why? Identify the criteria you used to answer this question. What is your best recommendation on improving the results?

4- Recode the fpl (poverty status) into a binary variable, fpl_G, with 0 representing families with income levels below 200% of the federal poverty threshold and 1 representing all other families. Use the saved factors from part 2 as the independent variables in a logistic regression using the newly created variable, fpl_G, as the dependent variable. Use the “Enter” method to run this regression. How does this model fit the data? Is the generated model significantly different from a constant only model?


University of California Optimal Taxation Advantages and Disadvantages Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Please turn in two paragraphs in your own words. Define “optimal taxation” in your own words. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this concept for designing a tax system? Explain. Give specific examples using your reality and your desires for society. Use times new roman, 12 point font, double spaced formatted text with one inch margins. Each paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences but do not exceed a page. Do not put your name, class or date on the top of the paper. Start with your analysis.

[supanova_question] sites to review what they do prior to participating in this discussion.

Please consider the following questions in your response.

  1. Why are professional organizations so important?
  2. Are you involved in OTAC and AOTA? If so, why, if not, why not?
  3. After reviewing the materials posted, how do you think membership in these organizations can support you as a practitioner or as a manager?
  4. How do these organizations affect your daily life as a practitioner?


Rasmussen College Business Scenario and Emerging Technology Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on the Business Scenario and Emerging Technology topic you selected in Module 01 (attached), you must now begin writing the first sections of your Emerging Technology Analysis Report. In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling and grammar, develop the following sections of your report:

  • Executive Summary: This should be a brief section that summarizes the course project topic.
  • Scope: This should define the business problem or opportunity that you will address in your report.
  • History: This should provide historical background on your topic, including research and a timeline of the emerging technology topic.



Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

Complete the following end of chapter exercises for Chapter 3. Submit your response in an MS Word document or Pdf after inserting the results from SPSS Output into your document. This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from chapter data sources referenced above.

1- You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below. Although deletions and/or transformations may be implied from your examination, all steps will examine original variables.

a. How many participants have missing values for medloinc and act94?

b. Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

c. What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

d. Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

e. Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regarding normality? If a transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

Abraham Lincoln University Statistical Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grantham University Management Functions Departments and Positions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Tom Wilson is a West Coast founder of a high-end surfboard manufacturing company called Sun City Boards. The company did well the first couple of years, but things haven’t been good for a while now. They’re losing money, and Tom’s not sure how much longer they can keep the doors open. As it turns out, Tom doesn’t have a business plan or basic financial statements. Throughout the course, you will help Tom with his planning to keep his business running.


In this exercise, you will assume a management consultant role and advise Tom on how to prioritize the four primary functions of management—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—presented in this module.

  1. Reflect on the activities and inter-dynamics of the four functions in the context of Sun City Boards.
  2. Select the one function that you believe is most critical for Tom to address and develop a plan for him to address this management gap prior to a 1:1 situation evaluation meeting.

Your Task

Write a three-paragraph coaching email to Tom that includes the following:

  • The most critical function to be addressed, citing specific deliverables/outcomes.
  • The logic for your choice, referencing the other three functions.


MBU Human Astrocytes Glial Ratios Astrocyte Subpopulations & Human Brain Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  1. Specific Review Requirements
    • Describe in 3-4 sentences how astrocyte and glial ratios have changed during evolutionary course.
    • Describe the four structurally and anatomically distinct astrocyte subpopulations within human brain. For each:
      • describe anatomical location
      • describe structure
      • describe any role in disease mentioned
    • Describe the functions identified for human astrocytes. In 3-4 sentences for each, detail what this function is and why necessary in the healthy human brain:
      • neuronal survival and synaptogenesis
      • electrophysiology
      • intercellular coupling
      • neurotransmitter recycling and uptake
      • calcium signaling and gliotransmission
  2. General Review Requirements
    • Essay form.
    • Minimum of 500 words (approximately 1.5-2 double spaced page).


Abraham Lincoln University Reliability Command in SPSS Calculations Mathematics Assignment Help

Use the reliability command in SPSS and calculate Chronbac’s Alpha for all variables (Q1 to Q89). What is your calculated value? Is there any way to improve the Chronbac’s Alpha to above 0.8? Explain how.

2- Identify the underlying structure between variables Q1 trough Q26, using Factor Analysis with Varimax rotation. Saves the scores using the regression method. Using the eigenvalue criterion of greater than one, how many factors were you able to retain? What is the total variance explained by this model?

3- Are the results obtained from the analysis acceptable? Why? Identify the criteria you used to answer this question. What is your best recommendation on improving the results?

4- Recode the fpl (poverty status) into a binary variable, fpl_G, with 0 representing families with income levels below 200% of the federal poverty threshold and 1 representing all other families. Use the saved factors from part 2 as the independent variables in a logistic regression using the newly created variable, fpl_G, as the dependent variable. Use the “Enter” method to run this regression. How does this model fit the data? Is the generated model significantly different from a constant only model?


University of California Optimal Taxation Advantages and Disadvantages Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Please turn in two paragraphs in your own words. Define “optimal taxation” in your own words. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this concept for designing a tax system? Explain. Give specific examples using your reality and your desires for society. Use times new roman, 12 point font, double spaced formatted text with one inch margins. Each paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences but do not exceed a page. Do not put your name, class or date on the top of the paper. Start with your analysis.


Miami University R Studio Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

Miami University R Studio Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

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