Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest Writing Assignment Help. Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest Writing Assignment Help.
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There are some acts of violence that capture our attention and interest more than others. In this assignment, you will explore an instance of violence that captured the nation’s attention. On August 9, 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson, Missouri police office. The shooting and resulting protests captured the nation’s attention.
For this assignment, research Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest. Summarize the case in a 4- to 6-page report. Your report should focus on the following:
- Describe why this case captured the public’s attention on such a large scale?
- Describe the details of the public’s response. Was the public’s response justified, why or why not? Has anyone involved been charged with a crime?
- Identify similar violent public incidents and compare at least one example to this case.
- Explain what can law enforcement do to address public reaction and implications of public fear of abuse of power by police?
Submission Details:
- Submit your report as a Microsoft Word document. Include examples wherever required.
- Cite all the sources in APA format.
Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Equating and Calibrating test scores Mathematics Assignment Help
1. Describe a scenario in which you want to design two instruments that are equivalent what approach would you use to equate the two instruments and why?
2. Describe a scenario in which you want to compare two instruments that measure the same construct but vary in design or difficulty, what approach would you use to equate the two instruments and why?
3. What is calibration and how is it different and/or similar to equating? In your own words summarize the 5 test and reference group example that Angoff uses to describe calibration on page 89.
This assignment requires information from ch.3 of the textbook I have uploaded. The text is difficult to read due to a lack of familiarity with statistics. I require assistance completing questions 1-3 and their corresponding tables on the document titled BbA3. There are no length or citation requirements for this assignment.
Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following: Writing Assignment Help
In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.
Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:
- The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
- The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.
- A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
- Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
- Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
- A proposed solution to the identified project topic
You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Picot question for assignment:
Adult patients with schizophrenia (P) educational module (I) compare to none ( C ) Have a good quality of life (O )
Please original essay and follow format of attachment thank you.
Discussion: Descriptive Measures Mathematics Assignment Help
In this discussion you gather a small sample of data (n = 30) you wish to analyze. You can gather the data yourself or use an existing data source online. (If you gather the data online, provide a citation.) For this post, please complete the five-number summary for the data.
Response posts: Using the five-number summary posted by a classmate, construct a boxplot to represent the data. From this graphical representation, what conclusions can you draw about the shape of the distribution? Be sure to ask questions and offer suggestions.
Please review the rubric attached. Also, 2 PEER POSTS HAS BEEN PASTED BELOW FOR RESPONSE.
Magic: The Gathering has become more and more popular among me and a group of friends. We all sat down and counted how many cards we had collected over the years:
120, 126, 167, 168, 170, 172, 178, 179, 180, 188, 200, 237, 238, 239, 243, 246, 258, 264, 265, 266, 271, 277, 279, 283, 289, 307, 384, 395, 407, and 478.
Five-Number Summary:
Minimum: 120
First Quartile: 179
Median: 244.5
Third Quartile: 279
Maximum: 478
The number of customers who ate at the small mom and pop restaurant on the corner for lunch over the past thirty days is:
Minimum: 18
Lower Quartile: 22
Mediam: 24.5
Upper Quartile: 31
Maximum: 35
This project allows you to demonstrate your mastery of visual communication concepts discussed in this course. Programming Assignment Help
You are newly appointed to the communication team for a reputable
philanthropic organization. The current task is for your team to create
a global campaign that visually conveys a social message both here in
the United States, as well as globally. This visual campaign message
will use strategic visual communication to appeal to these differing
audiences to reduce and potentially eliminate racial prejudice. Your
visual communication campaign will be directed toward audiences from
both the United States and another country of your choice.
The board of directors has asked you to assemble four video
presentations and one instructional document to submit for their
review. They have asked that the total video presentations’ length be
under three minutes, and that you present visual examples while verbally
explaining the main points of the analysis. They have asked that your
finalized videos be uploaded to YouTube for each of the board members to
view at their convenience. You are reminded that four separate YouTube
links need to be submitted for their review, along with your
instructional document for the communication team.
Note: You may use any visual and audio screen sharing tool to
make the videos; if you do not have a preferred tool, an Internet search
will provide a number of free versions to choose from.
Visual Campaign Elements:
- Create two ideas for promotional documents (flyers, pamphlets,
etc.) to appeal to both your targeted U.S. viewers and to your targeted
viewers from the other global country of your choice.Both of these documents should strategically utilize the following visual communication elements:
- color
- lines
- balance
- contrast
Create your video presentation for the board members clearly explaining
how the visual communication elements on each of the two promotional
documents strategically convey the message and meaning to viewers. Be
sure to compare and contrast how the viewers from the U.S. and the
other country might interpret these differing visuals elements, and how
you used them strategically to please each targeted audience.
- Find two different images to be used on the organization’s website
page. One will be for the U.S. website, and one for the website in the
country of your choice. Be sure that each of these images visually
appeals to these two targeted audience viewers, and that the visual
enhances the message to help eliminate racial prejudice. In your video
presentation for the board of directors, identify and analyze the visual
elements of cultural familiarity, semiotics, and emotional appeal
(cognitive). Additionally, explain how each of those visual elements
visually persuades the U.S. and global viewers in different ways.
- Design two logos for this anti-racism campaign. One logo should
be designed for U.S. audiences, and the other should be designed for
the other country of your choice. Design your video presentation to
explain how each of these logos can clearly be seen on both small and
large settings (example: cell phone app size and billboard size), as
well as a comparison of how the color, lines, and visual elements are
specifically designed to visually appeal to each of these different
- Create two social media posts, one for the United States and one
for the other country of your choice. The posts should include text,
images, and the logo matching the country where the social media post
will appear. In your video presentation to the board members, compare
and analyze how these visual elements (the images and the logo)
emotionally engage and persuade each specified target audience (the
United States and the country of your choice) to reduce and eliminate
racial prejudice.
- Create a one-page instructional document for your communication
team members outlining the ethical concepts regarding finding and using
visuals in communication. Within your instructional document, use images
and/or clip art to enhance each of your points in the document, and
address the following items:- How might the organization properly obtain and use images from outside sources?
- What are the dangers and problems that arise when altering and digitally enhancing images?
Writing essay-01 Writing Assignment Help
Choose Six Vocabularies from here: https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/02/18/70/00001/9781616101664MitchellWEB.pdf
Choose one play from here:
“The Lover” by Harold Pinter, Directed by Jordan Hibbard
Falsettos directed by James Lapine
- Puffs Written by Matt Cox. Directed by Kristen McCarthy
Writing instruction:
Students will see two theatrical presentations this term. For each presentation, post a 400-600 word response addressing the questions below. Response does not have to be formatted as a formal essay; response may be a list or answers to these questions. However, responses must contain correct grammar and punctuation. Question number 1 is the most important question in factoring grade.
1. What was the director’s purpose, message, or concept? (What is the point of the production? What is the director saying about what it means to be a human being living in the world today?)
2. What was the inciting incident of this play?
3. How would you describe the structure of this play as informed by course content?
4. Who do you consider the main character and what was their main goal, obstacle, and action for the whole play?
5. If you had to guess, did this actor take an internal or external approach to developing their character and, most importantly, what did you see in their performance that made you draw this conclusion?
6. What would you describe as the director’s focus for this production? What were they focusing on in the play and how did they use the elements of the theatre to tell the specific story they wanted to tell? (Remember, every play can tell more than one story. Be specific to this PRODUCTION, not just this play.)
7. How did the set, lights, and costuming choices affect the storytelling? What was the goal for the design and did they achieve their goal?
8. How did the course content on design (reading or videos) inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
9. How would you describe the performance space and the aesthetic distance in this production?
10. How did the course content on theatre history inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
11. How do you see this production being influenced by past theatre practitioners (theatre history)?
12. Discuss how this play reflects one of the four “theories” presented in class (post dramatic, feminist, post-colonial, African-American). Use vocabulary and concepts from the readings on these theories.
Writing essay-01 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
writing essay -02 Writing Assignment Help
Choose Six Vocabularies from here: https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/02/18/70/00001/9781616101664MitchellWEB.pdf
Choose one play from here:
Falsettos directed by James Lapine
- Puffs Written by Matt Cox. Directed by Kristen McCarthy
Writing instruction:
Students will see two theatrical presentations this term. For each presentation, post a 400-600 word response addressing the questions below. Response does not have to be formatted as a formal essay; response may be a list or answers to these questions. However, responses must contain correct grammar and punctuation. Question number 1 is the most important question in factoring grade.
1. What was the director’s purpose, message, or concept? (What is the point of the production? What is the director saying about what it means to be a human being living in the world today?)
2. What was the inciting incident of this play?
3. How would you describe the structure of this play as informed by course content?
4. Who do you consider the main character and what was their main goal, obstacle, and action for the whole play?
5. If you had to guess, did this actor take an internal or external approach to developing their character and, most importantly, what did you see in their performance that made you draw this conclusion?
6. What would you describe as the director’s focus for this production? What were they focusing on in the play and how did they use the elements of the theatre to tell the specific story they wanted to tell? (Remember, every play can tell more than one story. Be specific to this PRODUCTION, not just this play.)
7. How did the set, lights, and costuming choices affect the storytelling? What was the goal for the design and did they achieve their goal?
8. How did the course content on design (reading or videos) inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
9. How would you describe the performance space and the aesthetic distance in this production?
10. How did the course content on theatre history inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
11. How do you see this production being influenced by past theatre practitioners (theatre history)?
12. Discuss how this play reflects one of the four “theories” presented in class (post dramatic, feminist, post-colonial, African-American). Use vocabulary and concepts from the readings on these theories.
theater art writing essay Writing Assignment Help
Choose Six Vocabularies from here: https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/02/18/70/00001/9781616101664MitchellWEB.pdf
Choose one play from here:
Falsettos directed by James Lapine
- Puffs Written by Matt Cox. Directed by Kristen McCarthy
post a 400-600 word response addressing the questions below. Response does not have to be formatted as a formal essay; response may be a list or answers to these questions. However, responses must contain correct grammar and punctuation. Question number 1 is the most important question in factoring grade.
1. What was the director’s purpose, message, or concept? (What is the point of the production? What is the director saying about what it means to be a human being living in the world today?)
2. What was the inciting incident of this play?
3. How would you describe the structure of this play as informed by course content?
4. Who do you consider the main character and what was their main goal, obstacle, and action for the whole play?
5. If you had to guess, did this actor take an internal or external approach to developing their character and, most importantly, what did you see in their performance that made you draw this conclusion?
6. What would you describe as the director’s focus for this production? What were they focusing on in the play and how did they use the elements of the theatre to tell the specific story they wanted to tell? (Remember, every play can tell more than one story. Be specific to this PRODUCTION, not just this play.)
7. How did the set, lights, and costuming choices affect the storytelling? What was the goal for the design and did they achieve their goal?
8. How did the course content on design (reading or videos) inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
9. How would you describe the performance space and the aesthetic distance in this production?
10. How did the course content on theatre history inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
11. How do you see this production being influenced by past theatre practitioners (theatre history)?
12. Discuss how this play reflects one of the four “theories” presented in class (post dramatic, feminist, post-colonial, African-American). Use vocabulary and concepts from the readings on these theories.
Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following: Writing Assignment Help
In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.
Write a 500-750 word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:
- The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
- The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.
- A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.
- Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
- Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.
- A proposed solution to the identified project topic
You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles. Plan your time accordingly to complete this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Picot question for assignment:
Adult patients with schizophrenia (P) educational module (I) compare to none ( C ) Have a good quality of life (O )
Please original essay and follow format of attachment thank you.
writing essay -05 Writing Assignment Help
Choose Six Vocabularies from here: https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/02/18/70/00001/9781616101664MitchellWEB.pdf
Choose one play from here:
Falsettos directed by James Lapine
- Puffs Written by Matt Cox. Directed by Kristen McCarthy
Writing instruction:
Students will see two theatrical presentations this term. For each presentation, post a 400-600 word response addressing the questions below. Response does not have to be formatted as a formal essay; response may be a list or answers to these questions. However, responses must contain correct grammar and punctuation. Question number 1 is the most important question in factoring grade.
1. What was the director’s purpose, message, or concept? (What is the point of the production? What is the director saying about what it means to be a human being living in the world today?)
2. What was the inciting incident of this play?
3. How would you describe the structure of this play as informed by course content?
4. Who do you consider the main character and what was their main goal, obstacle, and action for the whole play?
5. If you had to guess, did this actor take an internal or external approach to developing their character and, most importantly, what did you see in their performance that made you draw this conclusion?
6. What would you describe as the director’s focus for this production? What were they focusing on in the play and how did they use the elements of the theatre to tell the specific story they wanted to tell? (Remember, every play can tell more than one story. Be specific to this PRODUCTION, not just this play.)
7. How did the set, lights, and costuming choices affect the storytelling? What was the goal for the design and did they achieve their goal?
8. How did the course content on design (reading or videos) inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
9. How would you describe the performance space and the aesthetic distance in this production?
10. How did the course content on theatre history inform your viewing/understanding of this production?
11. How do you see this production being influenced by past theatre practitioners (theatre history)?
12. Discuss how this play reflects one of the four “theories” presented in class (post dramatic, feminist, post-colonial, African-American). Use vocabulary and concepts from the readings on these theories.
Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest Writing Assignment Help
Michael Brown’s shooting case and the subsequent unrest Writing Assignment Help