Middle Eastern History: Explain where and when writing appeared in history and how this changed the lives go human beings? Writing Assignment Help. Middle Eastern History: Explain where and when writing appeared in history and how this changed the lives go human beings? Writing Assignment Help.
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They are not short essay exams. Although there are no minimum or maximum words count or length, you must write well-structured, well-thought essays that are analytical and directly answer the question. Your work must be only yours. This means for these types of assignments you must only use materials from lectures and assigned readings. The book is called “A History of the Modern Middle East” by William L. Cleveland and Martin Bunton. Lectures can be attached or sent if need be. I already attached the rubric, please let me know if you did not receive however, please do it is very crucial.
Middle Eastern History: Explain where and when writing appeared in history and how this changed the lives go human beings? Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Diagnose the issues involving National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Business Finance Assignment Help
9 pages using 11 or 12-point font, 1.5 line-spaced, and double-spaced between paragraphs. Use the section headings provided below. All sources are to be cited and referenced in APA style. Please refer to your APA Manual.
The organization for the ENTIRE assignment would be The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- SECTION 2: Goals Assessment
- What is the organization’s vision and mission? What are the formal organizational goals? What are the organization’s values?
- Who establishes the organization’s goals?
- How is effectiveness measured?
- How is performance reported to the public?
- Do the vision, mission, goals, and values align? Explain.
- Which of the organization’s goals do you think conflict? Explain.
- How do the values impact organizational decision-making? Explain.
- How does politics impact the organization’s vision, mission, values, and goals?
- SECTION 3: Environmental Analysis
- SECTION 4: Organizational Structure Analysis
- How is the organization structured?
- Are the organization’s services provided through a network?
- Based on what you have learned in this course, is your organization’s structure appropriate for its environment? Explain.
- How does politics impact the organization’s structure?
- SECTION 5: Critical Problem (and presentation)
Examine the organization’s vision, mission, goals, and values. This section of the report should address most of the following questions COMBINED IN ESSAY FORM:
Please do not provide a list of answers, but incorporate the answers to these questions into an insightful narrative.
In this section you will conduct an environmental analysis. Using Exhibit 4.1 (p. 88) as a guide, describe the environment in which the organization operates with respect to the following conditions:
- Political conditions
- Economic conditions
- Demographic (social) conditions
- Technological conditions
Be sure to examine the historical trends for each of these conditions. For additional information on environmental analysis, you might visit http://pestleanalysis.com/what-is-environmental-analysis/
Evaluate the organization’s structure by addressing the following questions:
Incorporate your answers to these questions into a narrative; do not provide a list of answers.
Identify what you think is the most significant problem facing the organization. When identifying a problem, think broadly about the topics that you studied in this course. “My organization has not found a cure for Ebola” is a serious problem, but it is not related to this course.“My organization is not structured effectively to facilitate research on finding a cure for Ebola” would make the problem course related. Consider how your organization might benefit from the application of organization theory concepts by improving performance, leadership, decision-making, motivation, service provision, client/citizen relations, or other concepts to understand and resolve this problem.Recommend what you think would be an effective approach to resolving the problem confronting the organization.
The class presentation focuses on Section 5 of the Research Project in reporting on the most critical problem confronting the organization.A suggested approach to the presentation is to briefly describe the organization, identify the most critical problem, discuss how organization theory might suggest possible solutions, and set out the approach you think would be most effective in solving the problem. Presentation using should be approximately 10 to 12 slides.
Single Page Layout with One Image as a Duotone Humanities Assignment Help
This assignment is a straight forward two column page layout using InDesign. The PDF below outlines the assignment and a lot of information will be gone over in class so be very prepared to take notes and follow all directions and meet all deadlines to do well.
Single Page Two Column Layout Assignment-2.pdf
making clipping path in psd for indesign layouts.pdf
Drop Cap Hyphen Tabs Setting.pdf
NOTE: On the PDF instructions for making a clipping path the example says save as a .TIFF – you are not doing that, you are making a DuoTone that has to be saved as an EPS as explained in class.
Summary and response half draft Writing Assignment Help
Your Half Draft
- Description of core reading/focus text you chose, identifying its rhetorical characteristics
- Accurate summary of the core reading/focus text you chose
- The beginning of a meaningful response, supported with evidence, of the core reading/focus text you chose
- Introductory paragraph and body paragraphs, including your summary and the beginning of your response
- Clearly developed main point (thesis) stating overall, focused response to the selected core reading/focus text
- Use of at least 3 paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words) and/or quotations (words, phrases, or key sentences)
- APA or MLA manuscript style formatting, as specified by your instructor, with in-text citations and either References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA) page, as specified by your instructor. (Works Cited or References list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
- Observation of the conventions of Standard English
- 350-450 words (no more, no less) for Half Draft (the minimum 150 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count)
My core readings is above ^^^
Writing Project 1 Summary and Response Half Draft Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose StatementEffective and specific purpose statement, minimum 150 words |
5.0pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete DraftHalf draft with introduction including clear thesis statement, body including summary and beginnings of a response—350-450 words |
15.0pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of at least 3 quotes or paraphrasesUse of at least 3 paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words and/or quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences). |
Just Answer the question Humanities Assignment Help
In her 2019 book, The Heartland: An American History, University of Illinois Professor of History Kristin Hoganson discusses the myth of “the heartland” as it is used as a symbolic tool. After reading the introduction to her book, discuss the following for Post #2:
- Based on your own understanding and what you have read so far, why is this “heartland” myth so powerful for Americans? What anxieties does it ease (as a concept)? Or, what does it reinforce (as a concept)?
- What are some examples of the ways this heartland myth gets re-emphasized or re-circulated in our present time? Think in terms of texts that create “culture:” films, TV shows, politics, ads, memes, music, etc. With this in mind, what would you say is your own conception of “the heartland”?
Be sure to fully explain your connections. Also, it is useful to bring in at least one key quote from the text. Don’t forget to cite the page number(s).
Directions and Requirements:
Post your response to this discussion board. This time, it is only required to post once.
Credit for “support writing” will be offered here based on the depth of your response to the prompt. Don’t forget to edit and proofread your post before you submit it.
Remember to avoid political rants/opinions; we are in the mode of analysis and critical thought. Likewise, as you respond to these questions, go with your own experiences/observations and your reading of the text. Copying or borrowing from commentary on this book (or “the heartland” myth, in general) on the open web is not acceptable. Please remind yourself of the GCC Plagiarism policy; it applies even in an informal discussion post.
Be sure that your initial post is at least 200 words and completed by 9/24, 10:00am. We will use these posts to guide our class discussion on 9/24.
music journal Humanities Assignment Help
Middle East Listening Journal
Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 5: Middle East and write a 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?
Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.
audio needed:
Arabic Maqams
Listening Guide pg.72
music journal Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Help me please Humanities Assignment Help
Music and the Body: Comparing and Contrasting with a Thesis-based Respons
For this paper, you will be writing about the following articles:
Jayson Greene, “Can Music Heal Trauma?”
Oliver Sacks, “The Power of Music”
Would like you to do three things:
Describe and explain briefly what each author’s work is about.
Consider how each author writes about his subject:
How does each author approach the subject of music and the body?
Are there key differences you find significant?
What is your own response to the subject?
Using the two articles to help form your opinions, discuss your thoughts on the topic of music and the body.
Do you have examples in your life you can draw on? Have you experienced any of the things these authors discuss?
Do you have concerns or questions?
This essay should have a thesis statement: this is your argument.
In the subject of music and the body, what is the most important idea for you?
What do you want people to know or understand?
Student Discussion Response – Keyword Research Writing Assignment Help
I need a student discussion reply for the following instructions. I can give an example.
Post at least one (1) response comment on the discussion board that demonstrates you have thought critically about what a classmate wrote. Also, if you have any specific suggestions for helping your classmate improve his/her website, then be sure to mention those ideas.
- As a guide for high quality response posts, use the RISE model, which encourages the steps of reflection, inquisition, suggestion, and elevation.
- When analyzing your classmate’s work, please be sure to support each of your points with relevant evidence. You should have researched facts based on this week’s readings and tutorials. Avoid unsourced opinion or conjuncture.
- Your citations must be in APA format.
Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 5: Middle East and write a 150 word journal about it Humanities Assignment Help
Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 5: Middle East and write a 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?
Your Journal should be around 150 words (5 pts), cover all of the topic points (5 pts), and be submitted on time (5 pts). There are 15 points possible for this assignment.
link for the journal’s audio 06 Arab Maqams.mp3
1 page critical thinking paragraph Humanities Assignment Help
Text Journal – 1 page, 1 paragraph (pdf file provided) ** MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT READINGS WHICH I PROVIDE LINKS**
The text journal is your analytical response to the content from the chapters in the Adams textbook. Each of these should draw on concepts from the readings. Please be sure to integrate explicit use of concepts from the readings, concise critical reflection and analyses, and some application to yourself and key areas of your environment.
Brief and short summary **Include title of the article/reading within the body text**
Can use current events!!! How this relates to something you heard or has happened
Involve thoughts and end with a question.
Reading Guidelines- ENGAGE IN PAPER!!!
• What is my response to the main point? (Be specific—is there a passage, sentence, overall?) Why?
• What questions do you have about points made in this reading?
• What new theories or knowledge have you gained from the reading?
• What is one question you’d like to have the class discuss based on this reading?
Think of an article or chapter as a story that is being told to you or conversation that you are having, and make mental connections in your reading. Is what you’re reading new? Had you ever thought about what the author is saying before? Is the reading connected with other things you have read? Do certain ideas in the reading excite or inspire you, make you angry or sad or confused, confirm what you believe or experience? Do you agree or disagree with everything or only certain things the author is saying? Do you believe what the author is saying is true?—Ask yourself these types of questions in your mind as you read.
– Easy vocabulary
LINKS TO READINGS (3 in total) :
The Five Faces of Oppression (pp. 35-49) : https://app.uhds.oregonstate.edu/intranet/files/Public/AHE199-IntroductiontoResidentialEducation/Week4/AHE199-PrivilegeOppressionSocializationReadings.pdf
Edmund, D., & Bland, P. (2011). Societal Abuse and Oppression. Real Tools: Responding to Multi Abuse Trauma.http://www.andvsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/11f-Societal-Abuse-and-Oppression.pdf