Midtown Family Clinic case study Business Finance Assignment Help

Midtown Family Clinic case study Business Finance Assignment Help. Midtown Family Clinic case study Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Stage 1 Assignment Instructions

Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Introduction and Section I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements.Recommended lengths for each section are provided and you should be sure to include all pertinent information.

Introduction– briefly describe (at a high level) the organization in the Case Study; provide a context for the rest of the document.(one to two paragraphs)

  • Organizational Analysis and Requirements
    • Introduction – Introduction to this section describing what is included. (3-4 sentences)
    • Strategic Use of Technology – Using the Strategic Goals section of the Case Study, list three strategic goals that have been identified by the Midtown Family Clinic, and that can be supported with an EHR system.For each, explain how an EHR system can be used to support the goal.(Introductory sentence and list of three strategic goals with one to two strong sentences that explain how an EHR system would support the strategic goal and justify your position with specifics from the Case Study.)
      • Strategic Goal 1 and explanation:
      • Strategic Goal 2 and explanation:
      • Strategic Goal 3 and explanation:
    • Components of an Information System – An information system is comprised of people, technology, processes (or organizational components), and data.Explain each of the following in relationship to an EHR system to support the Midtown Family Clinic:

A. Person 1 and role, and two functions

B. Person 2 and role, and two functions

C. Person 3 and role, and two functions

A. Process 1 and how it would be improved

B. Process 1 and how it would be improved

C. Process 1 and how it would be improved

Data Items Needed for EHR System

    • Functional Requirements – The next step is to identify the essential requirements for the EHR system.Review the processes and data items you listed above and create a list of ten (10) requirements. Each requirement is one sentence in length and addresses one thing the system must do.The requirements are documented in a table, as shown below.For a full requirement specification, there will be many requirements statements; you only need to provide ten. The requirements should be derived from the Case Study; an analyst should not “invent” requirements.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

Functional Requirements

    • Summary – briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader.(3-4 sentences)

Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed.The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

  • Write a short concise paper:Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response.Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity.The body (Introduction to the report and Section I) of the assignment should not exceed 6 pages.
  • Ensure each section has an introductory sentence or two that sets the stage for the information to follow.
  • Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.
  • Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference.Use at least one external reference and one from the course content.
  • Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.
  • Your submission filename should be as follows:Lastname_firstname_Stage_1
  • Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.Do not overlook this step.Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you.Fix the grammar and other areas identified.

Midtown Family Clinic case study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Itemized Deductions Business Finance Assignment Help

Identify some common miscellaneous itemized deductions and identify any limitations that are imposed on the deductibility of these items.

One itemized deduction allowed is for medical expenses. In what cases are medical insurance premiums paid by an individual not deductible as qualified expenses?

Can you make response each posted below # 1 to 3

1. From: Carolyn Holland posted Jun 2, 2018 10:20 PM

Union dues are a miscellaneous itemized deduction subject to the 2% of AGI limitation. Job-search costs are deductible if the taxpayer is trying to find a job in the same profession that they currently work. Education and related expenses are deductible if the education improves a skill required in the taxpayer’s employment or trade or business or the education meets the expressed relationship, status or rate of compensation. Uniforms and special clothing are only deductible if they meet three requirements: 1. clothing is required as a condition of employment. 2. clothing is not adaptable for normal everyday use. 3. clothing is not actually used by the taxpayer for everyday use. Expenses for production of income, for example investor expenses such as counsel fees or custodian fees. Expenses connected with the determination of tax are another miscellaneous itemized deduction. These are fees such as tax preparation fees, legal fees for defense against tax evasion charges and appraisal fees for determining fair market value of property for tax purposes.

Medical insurance premiums that do not qualify as deductible expenses are as follows:

Life insurance policies; insurance policies that provide payments for loss of earnings; insurance policies for loss of life, limb, sight, function, etc.; insurance policies that pay you a guaranteed amount each week for a stated number of weeks if you are sick, injured or hospitalized; the part of your car insurance policy that provides medical insurance coverage for all person injured in or by your car; health or long-term care insurance if the premiums were paid with tax-free distributions from a retirement plan made directly to the insurance provider without your intercession and these payments would have otherwise been included in your income.

2. From: Shaun White posted Jun 2, 2018 10:10 PM

Hello Classmates,

Some common miscellaneous itemized deductions are Certain Employee Expenses and Cost of Tax Advice.

The main limitation is that any deduction made, that deduction must exceed 2% of the individuals AGI. Some deduction limitations for Certain Employee Expenses is that people cannot deduct their gas mileage, food expenses, clothing expenses, or any other deductions that’s for their everyday routine. If there’s an expense that’s strictly for work like a certain laptop, supply, clothing item, food order, or travel expense, only then can it be claimed. A deduction limitations for Cost of Tax Advice is that you’re not able to deduct any expenses incurred with paying taxes, like interest charged to an individual who needs to make payments, which is pretty sad.

For medical expenses 1 case in which an individual cannot deduct their medical expenses is when their expenses don’t exceed 10% of their annual earnings. Another instance is if the individual is reimbursed for payments made by the hospital or insurance. For example, in some cases the individual may pay out of pocket during the visit and then get reimbursed or refunded later. That expense can no longer be deducted.

3. From: Latosha Graham posted Jun 2, 2018 5:59 PM

Most miscellaneous itemized deductions are subject to a 2% adjusted gross income limitation. Some of the most common are union dues, job searching cost, education and related expenses, uniforms and special clothing, expenses for the production of income, and expenses connected with the determination of tax.

All of your medical expenses that you paid may not be deductible if the expenses do not exceed the percentage of your AGI. If you can’t itemize greater than your standard deduction, none will be qualified either.


Travel Destination Presentation – Computer Application Computer Science Assignment Help

Using the information that you gathered on your travel destination, create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

  1. A minimum of 6 slides and a maximum of 8 slides.
  2. A minimum of three slide layouts, pleasing to the eye and easy to read.
  3. Two or more clip art pieces or photos, one WordArt object, AND one Shape.
  4. A theme.
  5. A title slide that introduces you, your employer (International Travel Company), and your travel destination. It should also include the dates of the trip (select from either an October or a March date) and the cost of the trip: $3,200 per person. Note that optional travel insurance may be purchased for $250.
  6. A slide that lists the name of the hotel you selected and a few details that will excite travelers about staying at this hotel. If you got this information from the Internet, be sure to use your own words. Copying and pasting is considered plagiarism. Indicate that a 50% down payment is required one month before the vacation begins (you determine the date) and that 50% is due one week before takeoff.
  7. One or two slides that list details about the two tourist spots that travelers will be visiting. Again, be sure to use your own words.
  8. A slide detailing the restaurant you chose for fine dining and a few possible dinner choices, if you have that information. Otherwise, make up the menu options.
  9. A slide with an exciting fact about your destination.
  10. A final slide to motivate potential vacationers to sign up.
  11. Various transitions on each slide.
  12. A least two animations.


Marketing and Selling using new techologies Business Finance Assignment Help

Below you will find the attached document of company I have created and it NEEDS to be based off Bella’s Boutique.

For this part of your course long project, present a 2-3 page summary of the goals established for marketing and selling using new technologies.

  • Not only will you need to an outline of the goals, but you must also include specific metrics that will be used to gauge the success or failure of the assigned goals.
  • Please include any additional steps that will be required for follow-up.
  • As this is a marketing/sales course, your project should be visually appealing with a clear, concise point of view. Excellent spelling and grammar are a required.


English essay Humanities Assignment Help

I want an academic analysis essay about this short story the thesis statement should be one of these two:

1- Richard Dokey’s short story “The Good Earth Grocery” argues that caring for others is not entirely selfless; caretakers often get their own needs met through their caretaking roles.

2- While many consider family to be a function of genetics, Richard Dokey’s “The Good Earth Grocery” demonstrates the way that family can be created over time, through extended communities.

This is the information about the story:

The story was published in the Winter/Spring 2017 edition of the Alaska Quarterly Review, volume 33, number 3-4.


Should be 3 pages long double spaces Times new roman 12pt.

The intro should indicate the name of the author and the date it was publish and the place.



Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Sen Youngblood is a twelve-year-old (6th grade) American Indian boy whose teacher recently requested a parent-teacher conference because of concerns she had about his academic performance in the classroom. Ms. Lilly frequently complains about Sen not completing assignments as instructed and that he neglects to ask for help even when he is completely confused. When he finally asks for help, Sen’s questions frequently occur long after an assignment or a directive has been given and often disrupts the flow of the class. More recently, students in the class have been teasing Sen about his clothing. Ms. Lilly has concerns about the fact that Sen may have delayed language skills for his age in comparison to many of his classmates. Additionally, Ms Lilly feels that Sen’s habitual tardiness interferes with his ability to profit from the learning experience. On more than one occasion during testing, Sen has been seen discussing questions with fellow classmates. Ms. Lilly has repeatedly spoken to Sen about her concerns but he usually just remains silent.

Examine the scenario through a lens of cultural competence to determine when/how a deeper cultural understanding would have influenced the teacher’s responses.

In a 500 word analysis, discuss 2-3 of the following concepts of deep culture in the context of the selected case study:

  • Collective orientation (promoting needs of the group versus promoting needs of the individual)
  • Time orientation
  • Respect for authority
  • Perceptions and value of education
  • Priority of family
  • Communication (e.g., language development, verbal communication styles, nonverbal communication, physical proximity)
  • Value of work/Work ethic
  • Peer pressure
  • Assimilation dilemma: adaptation versus preservation

In addition, include specific advice to the teacher in your case study to help him or her respond more appropriately to the student/family.

Use at least 2-3 scholarly sources (other than the assigned readings) to justify your responses.

Case Study Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

1500 word – ArcGIS assessment and report. ADVANCE SOFTWARE Science Assignment Help


please use Harvard Referencing System

This assessment component focuses on the use of GIS to assess spatial patterns of both disease and environmental pollution. PC-based GIS practical exercises that will allow you to assess the spatial dimensions of environmental risk. During these practical exercises two workbooks will be provided to assist you. For the purpose of the unit assessment, you are required to complete these workbooks and submit them as part of the portfolio. The report should consider and include the following:

 Introduction, including clear statement of aims and objectives.

 Summary of methods.

 Data synthesis, analysis, interpretation and discussion, including evidence of integration with published reports and scientific journal articles.

 Use of supporting figures and tables.

 Conclusions.

When creating a map please export each as PDF on a separate file. do not forget to include:

north arrow


scale bar


and my name




Complete the following 2 steps Business Finance Assignment Help

Step 1: Export the pdf file into Excel

Step 2: Add insight or thoughts to the information below, include a citation to support statement.

To import text data into Microsoft Excel,

  1. Go to File > Open.
  2. Select data.
  3. Select from text/csv
  4. Locate and double-click the text file that you want to open.

To import internet data into Microsoft Excel,

  1. Go to File > Open.
  2. Select data
  3. Select from web
  4. Type or copy/paste the URL in box.
  5. Select okay

To import Microsoft Access data into Excel,

  1. Go to File > Open.
  2. Select Get data.
  3. From the drop down, select from database
  4. Click Microsoft Access database
  5. Locate and double-click the Access file that you want to open.

The simple instructions noted in this discussion post only instructs how to import data, it doesn’t guarantee the data will be imported correctly. The real challenge is organizing data that didn’t import correctly from text, another Excel worksheet, web or Access. I’ve tried importing data off the web that did not import correctly. However, once the data is imported into Excel, the next step is to calculate. The step by step tutorial videos in our module 3 interactive lecture helped me understand how to organize and identify data outliers. The tricky part, for me anyway, is to understand what those outliers mean. Forensic auditors are expected to find financial statement fraud even though GAAS has long held that they might not be able to detect all frauds. Large deviations signal a change in conditions, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the deviation is the result of fraud. Data from Access to import data into Excel off the internet. I would like an opportunity to practice importing data to get a visual idea on how well it imports into Excel. Does anyone know where I could find a safe website to download sample data from Access?


1500 word – ArcGIS assessment and report. ADVANCE Level Science Assignment Help

please use Harvard Referencing System

This assessment component focuses on the use of GIS to assess spatial patterns of both disease and environmental pollution. During the third teaching block (i.e. during the first half of term two) of the Environmental Risk Management unit, you will complete PC-based GIS practical exercises that will allow you to assess the spatial dimensions of environmental risk. During these practical exercises two workbooks will be provided to assist you. For the purpose of the unit assessment, you are required to complete these workbooks and submit them as part of the portfolio. The report should consider and include the following:

 Introduction, including clear statement of aims and objectives.

 Summary of methods.

 Data synthesis, analysis, interpretation and discussion, including evidence of integration with published reports and scientific journal articles.

 Use of supporting figures and tables.

 Conclusions.

When creating a map please export each as PDF on a separate file. do not forget to include:

north arrow


scale bar


and my name


ENG1102. Write a essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay #1: Literacy Narrative. More than 500 words.

Write a short literacy narrative about yourself. Literacy narratives can often have slightly different focuses, so you have a small amount of room for creativity, but they primarily deal with detailing a person’s path to reading and writing (education and experiences as a reader) and/or the impact that reading and writing has on their lives. Keep in mind that the focus here is on “literacy” (the act of reading and/or writing) and not as much on “literature” (which we’ll be talking about in class). Your literacy narrative can involve your experiences with various “great” books, but it will more likely encompass your experiences with a variety of texts, from internet reading, to newspapers, to comic books, to whatever you tend to read or even write in your spare time.

The organization of your paper will depend on the focus you want the essay to take. If you are writing about your experience becoming literate (learning to read and write), you will probably take a narrative approach, detailing your first experiences in school or your first memories of books or the first time reading or writing seemed to make a big impact on your life. In writing from this perspective, you will want a clear introduction that establishes the story you plan on telling, strong transitions and paragraphs (probably chronologically organized) that put that overall story together, and a conclusion that goes beyond simple summary to address the large context of what you’ve just written about. What ultimate impact did those early experiences have on the reader/writer you are today?

If you focus more on particular texts or experiences of reading and writing and how they have impacted your life, you would structure your essay in a more subject-by-subject fashion. Your introduction would establish that you are writing about significant moments where literacy or particular texts impacted your life and give a sense of why those moments or texts are important. Your body paragraphs would be organized around each of those texts or moments, explaining what they were and narrating why they mattered. In this structure, your conclusion would again go beyond simple summary to put the discussion in a larger context. Have those particular moments or texts changed the way you read or address writing now? How might those experiences be similar to or different from those of other individuals?

Regardless of how you organize the paper, the final draft of your paper needs to be typed, double spaced, and in 12 point font with one inch margins. Your name, the instructor’s name, the course number, and date need to be in the upper left hand corner of the first page (only). Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right hand corner of each page–or simply the page number–either will work, in other words the full MLA format.


Midtown Family Clinic case study Business Finance Assignment Help

Midtown Family Clinic case study Business Finance Assignment Help

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