Minnesota State University The Companies Obligation Questions Writing Assignment Help

Minnesota State University The Companies Obligation Questions Writing Assignment Help. Minnesota State University The Companies Obligation Questions Writing Assignment Help.

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Review the “invisible hand”Adam Smith in 1776 famously wrote: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

Elsewhere he writes, “…every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can … he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention … By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it.The invisible hand concept, that self-interest can promote the public good, is central to the theory of how market economies become efficient.

Now read this article: Dell Agrees to $100 M Settlement with SEC

Optionally, you may wish to also look at the statement from the SCC: SEC Charges Dell

Answer and discuss these questions:

Why is competition necessary for the invisible hand to work well?

How did Dell and Intel behave in ways that harmed the public interest?

Can you think of other examples where the pursuit of self-interest by businesses works against the public interest?

Minnesota State University The Companies Obligation Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS 402 University of Arizona Global Campus Week 3 Walmart Mission Statements Business Finance Assignment Help

Prior to completing this assignment, review Chapter 2, section 2.1 in your Constellation textbook and read the article Answer 4 Questions to Get a Great Mission Statement (Links to an external site.) (Hull, 2013), being sure to review this Fortune 500 Mission Statements (Links to an external site.) Now, turning to the company you selected, research and find the company’s mission statement. Then,

  • State how the mission statement provides guidance for the company’s organizational activities.
  • Evaluate the company’s mission statement per each of the four questions posed in the Hull article as well as your assigned readings for the week.
  • Rate the company according to the 5 star rating system used in the Fortune 500 list, stating how many stars would you rate the mission statement. Explain your rationale.
  • Rewrite the mission statement so that it better addresses the four questions and forms a complete mission statement.


Southwestern Community College Gender and Message Meanings Discussion Writing Assignment Help


In this discussion, you will explore gender speech patterns as well as gender differences in politeness.


  • Identify examples of appropriate gender communication patterns.
  • Analyze how language can distort thinking and explore methods for communicating more effectively.


Step 1: In your initial post, respond to the following:

  • Reflect on a time you were conversing with a friend or loved one when you noticed that the manner in which you were communicating was influenced by the instrumental/relational gender norm.
  • Discuss the conversation you engaged in with the friend or loved one and analyze how that conversation illustrates the differences in communication styles between men and women.
  • Rubric:
  • -Posts well developed answers that fully addresses and develops all aspects of the concept
  • -Posts factually correct, reflective and substantive contribution; advances discussion.
  • -Use REFERENCES to literature, readings, or personal experience to support comments
  • – be 500 words minimum :
  • Be sure to cite any sources in current APA format.


Univerisity of The Cumberlands Walmart Business Level Strategy Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a brief assessment of the Walmart case found in the text (Case 6). Address four questions based on Walmart’s business-level strategy:

  1. How well is Walmart performing? To what extent is its performance attributable to industry attractiveness and to what extent is it attributable to competitive advantage?
  2. In which of Walmart’s principal functions and activities (namely: purchasing, distribution and warehousing, instore operations, marketing, IT, HRM, and organization and management systems/style) do its main competitive advantages lie? Identify the distinctive resources and capabilities in each of these functions and activities.
  3. To what extent is Walmart’s competitive advantage sustainable? Why have other retailers had limited success in imitating Walmart’s strategy and duplicating its competitive advantage?
  4. What challenges does Walmart currently face? What measures does it need to take to sustain its recent performance and defend against competitive (and other) threats?

Your analysis should follow APA format including a title page, references page, in-text citations, and use Times New Roman, size 12 font. An appendix section is not required. Your assignment should be at least 3 pages in length, not including title or reference pages.


Columbia College Assistant Fire Chief Personnel Management Paper Writing Assignment Help

Upon arriving to your department today at 8 AM, notice of a mandatory staff meeting beginning at 9 AM is announced. The usual talk about what it could be about ensues.

At 9 AM, everyone files into the meeting room where Fire Chief Williams begins the meeting. “Today, I am holding a special meeting to announce the creation of a new position within our department—assistant fire chief of administration, and the person in this position will deal with all personnel matters within the department. This position will report directly to me and will be filled internally. With the help of a few other local fire chiefs from around the state, I have created the requirements that we will be looking for within our interviews. Everyone is encouraged to apply. If you have further questions, please let me know. As you leave, please pick up the paper with the requirements listed. Thank you.”

As you exit the meeting and pick up the requirements paper, you begin to look it over. The criteria below will be evaluated within the review. (Note: It is asked that you use your current or a past department’s requirements when answering the criteria below to incorporate personal experience. If you do not belong to a fire department, work with your local department, or research specific fire department policies or programs dealing with these topics online.)

§Identify how your personal personnel management plan has helped you to prepare for the upcoming interview. Which aspects of the exam/interview do you feel the most and least confident about? Why?

§Elaborate on social media use, cultural diversity, and motivation levels within the department as they are a major responsibility of this new position.

§Prepare a plan of action to address the policies in place surrounding each of the above (social media use, cultural diversity, and motivation levels), along with your ideas on how to improve upon them to make the department more unified, thus making it a better place to work.

Your assignment must be at least three pages in length and this is not counting the title and reference pages. You must follow APA guidelines throughout. Also, you must include at least two outside sources, in your own words



NUR 400 DSN Wk 4 Considering Hypothesis & Research Questions Writing Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will write a paper that analyzes a scenario and explains the purpose of hypotheses and research questions.

Step 1: Read the following scenario.

You are a nurse on 5 West who has concerns about visiting hours in the Critical Care Unit. The unit currently has a visiting-hours policy that allows patients to rest and the staff to provide care in an environment that protects patient privacy and modesty. However, many nurses now feel that family presence improves patient outcomes. You and other nurses on your unit have noted that vital signs are improved and patients are more responsive when family is present. You are considering whether to use a quantitative or qualitative study to research this topic.

Step 2: Consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of hypotheses and research questions?
  • Why is it important to develop workable hypotheses and research questions in conducting research?
  • What type of research—qualitative or quantitative—would be most conducive to the scenario in Step 1? Why?
  • Which would be more appropriate given the scenario in Step 1: the development of a hypothesis or a research question or both? Why?

Step 3: Write a three-four page paper.

Write a paper that describes the purpose of hypotheses and research questions. Articulate the importance of developing workable hypotheses and research questions in conducting research. Based on the provided scenario, describe whether a qualitative or quantitative research study would be most appropriate and why. Explain whether, and why, you would develop a hypothesis or a central research question for this scenario.

Construct your paper and cite any sources in APA 7th edition format.

NUR 400 DSN Wk 4 Considering Hypothesis & Research Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CYB 602 Week 4 SRIDE vs PASTA Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security discussion question and need support to help me study.

Select one of the Options below as your primary topic. To help keep track of replies vs. original postings, your Subject line should start with: Lastname – Option [A or B] (e.g. Simpson – Option A).

Option A

Compare and contrast the following threat modeling methods/approaches:

    • STRIDE
    • PASTA

You should provide an overview of each method (i.e., the major steps that make up each acronym); however, you do not need to provide details of each step. (Hint: you should identify and address the primary underlying difference between them.)

Option B

The textbook covers risk management strategies and how threat modeling and threat intel can improve risk mitigation. Discuss the components of a risk analysis and how threat analysis and vulnerability assessment/identification should be used. Although the textbook might focus on the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), you are not limited to that process for your discussion.


Chamberlain University Depression Client Experience Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

In this discussion, you’ll describe a patient with a mood disorder
and the appropriate nursing interventions. Please answer the following
questions in your initial posting:

Describe a client from your clinical setting or previous experience
who experienced depression or mania. Include a brief history and 3-5
most pertinent medications.

  • Identify one problem that was not resolved with the treatment
    regimen. What are the reasons it may not have been successful? Include
    nursing as well as other team members.
  • Identify one effective nursing intervention and why you feel it worked.
  • Overall, do you feel this client was kept safe? Why or why not?
  • Please provide supporting evidence for your answers.
  • 250-300 words
  • one reference


CDYC 115 Colorado College Guidance Behavior Classroom Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

SW part 1

See attachment named SW define type of children etc….

SW part 2

Introduction should include your Philosophy of Education.

SW part 3

See attachment SW reflection assignment

SW part 4

Please read the article Talking to Students About Coronavirus

http://neatoday.org/2020/03/10/talking-to-students-about-coronavirus/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html (Links to an external site.)

Discuss major points from the article and include your personal thoughts.

Part 5

Do I have a good knowledge base in child development?

Part 6

discuss the following key words.

1.Responsiveness- is being able to react quickly to the child and understanding the childs development levels.

2.Demandingness- understanding and setting boundaries, limits, and expectations.

3.Authoritative- combination of high demandingness and high responsiveness considered a positive approach.

4.Authoritarian-caregivers very often have a negative impact on childrens development and low responsiveness.

5.Indulgent Permissive-combination of low demandingness and high responsiveness person choose to be permissive

6. Uninvolved/permissiveness-unengaged caregivers using ineffective discipline also teachers or parents with permissive style do not make many demands

Part 7

What is responsiveness?

What is demandingness?

Part 8

Do I use a reason along with a guidance strategy?

Part 9

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 10

Do I know how to create an orderly, consistent environment? Do I monitor children and supervise them well? Discuss

Part 11

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 12

I believe that an adult’s “style” of guiding children does affect children. Please discuss.

Part 13

Explain in your own words what a theory about child development is, and what it is not.

Part 14

teachers three things before they can guide children effectively. Discuss the importance of each.

Knowledge- Understand characteristics of children’s develoment

Skills-Need to know how to use a variety of positive guidance strategies

Attitude-Willingness to use appropriate guidance strategies.

Part 15

Explain how early childhood theory helps teachers arrange classrooms to support children’s development and behavior.

Part 16

Discuss positive guidance strategies.

Part 17

Discuss reasons for observing children’s behavior.

Part 18

Explain why each part of the self is important in a child’s development and behavior.





Part 19

Explain the link between emotional and social competence

Part 20

Discuss stress and children.

Part 21

Discuss and describe strategies which teachers can use to prevent or minimize aggression, including bullying.

Part 22

Challenging behaviors are the hot spots in classrooms, causing both child and teacher great concern. During hot spots, children feel anxious, angry, or afraid, and teachers often feel unpleasant emotions. Our goal is to minimize the hot spots and maximize the calm and cool times for children. Discuss strategies to help teachers deal with challenging behaviors.

Part 23

Explain how teachers use direct and indirect guidance to meet children’s needs during transitions and routines.


SWCC The Principles of Effective Verbal Messages Presentation Writing Assignment Help


For this assignment, you will create a slide presentation about the principles of effective verbal messages. This assignment will help solidify your understanding of effective verbal communication.


  • Explain the main principles of verbal messages.
  • Analyze how language can distort thinking and explore methods for communicating more effectively


  1. Review the rubric for PowerPoint Presentations and the principles of effective verbal messages in your textbook and in the learning activities for this module.
  2. Create a nine to ten slide presentation on the topic of the principles of effective verbal messages. Highlight the main points about how individuals can communicate more effectively when they’re using verbal messages. Topics may include message meanings, denotative and connotative messages, abstraction, politeness, ethics, assertiveness and the like.
  3. The presentation should be engaging and informative.


-Ideas are clear, insightful, thought provoking, and focused; they consistently support the solution to the assignment challenge or question(s).

-The assignment includes clear connections to lesson content. It includes abundant details and examples that generate interest and provide relevant, concrete, and insightful evidence in support of sound logic.

Content meets or exceeds established assignment criteria. The assignment clearly presents well-reasoned notions and concepts. All content is well-supported with scholarly resources. Assertions are consistent with selected research.

The assignment is focused in an organized and thoughtful manner. Content is constructed in a logical way that supports the solution to the challenge or question(s).

Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the purpose of the assignment. There are no grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or spelling errors. The correct number and type of citations are included and follow current APA format with no errors.



Discuss major points from the article and include your personal thoughts.

Part 5

Do I have a good knowledge base in child development?

Part 6

discuss the following key words.

1.Responsiveness- is being able to react quickly to the child and understanding the childs development levels.

2.Demandingness- understanding and setting boundaries, limits, and expectations.

3.Authoritative- combination of high demandingness and high responsiveness considered a positive approach.

4.Authoritarian-caregivers very often have a negative impact on childrens development and low responsiveness.

5.Indulgent Permissive-combination of low demandingness and high responsiveness person choose to be permissive

6. Uninvolved/permissiveness-unengaged caregivers using ineffective discipline also teachers or parents with permissive style do not make many demands

Part 7

What is responsiveness?

What is demandingness?

Part 8

Do I use a reason along with a guidance strategy?

Part 9

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 10

Do I know how to create an orderly, consistent environment? Do I monitor children and supervise them well? Discuss

Part 11

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 12

I believe that an adult’s “style” of guiding children does affect children. Please discuss.

Part 13

Explain in your own words what a theory about child development is, and what it is not.

Part 14

teachers three things before they can guide children effectively. Discuss the importance of each.

Knowledge- Understand characteristics of children’s develoment

Skills-Need to know how to use a variety of positive guidance strategies

Attitude-Willingness to use appropriate guidance strategies.

Part 15

Explain how early childhood theory helps teachers arrange classrooms to support children’s development and behavior.

Part 16

Discuss positive guidance strategies.

Part 17

Discuss reasons for observing children’s behavior.

Part 18

Explain why each part of the self is important in a child’s development and behavior.





Part 19

Explain the link between emotional and social competence

Part 20

Discuss stress and children.

Part 21

Discuss and describe strategies which teachers can use to prevent or minimize aggression, including bullying.

Part 22

Challenging behaviors are the hot spots in classrooms, causing both child and teacher great concern. During hot spots, children feel anxious, angry, or afraid, and teachers often feel unpleasant emotions. Our goal is to minimize the hot spots and maximize the calm and cool times for children. Discuss strategies to help teachers deal with challenging behaviors.

Part 23

Explain how teachers use direct and indirect guidance to meet children’s needs during transitions and routines.


SWCC The Principles of Effective Verbal Messages Presentation Writing Assignment Help


For this assignment, you will create a slide presentation about the principles of effective verbal messages. This assignment will help solidify your understanding of effective verbal communication.


  • Explain the main principles of verbal messages.
  • Analyze how language can distort thinking and explore methods for communicating more effectively


  1. Review the rubric for PowerPoint Presentations and the principles of effective verbal messages in your textbook and in the learning activities for this module.
  2. Create a nine to ten slide presentation on the topic of the principles of effective verbal messages. Highlight the main points about how individuals can communicate more effectively when they’re using verbal messages. Topics may include message meanings, denotative and connotative messages, abstraction, politeness, ethics, assertiveness and the like.
  3. The presentation should be engaging and informative.


-Ideas are clear, insightful, thought provoking, and focused; they consistently support the solution to the assignment challenge or question(s).

-The assignment includes clear connections to lesson content. It includes abundant details and examples that generate interest and provide relevant, concrete, and insightful evidence in support of sound logic.

Content meets or exceeds established assignment criteria. The assignment clearly presents well-reasoned notions and concepts. All content is well-supported with scholarly resources. Assertions are consistent with selected research.

The assignment is focused in an organized and thoughtful manner. Content is constructed in a logical way that supports the solution to the challenge or question(s).

Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the purpose of the assignment. There are no grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or spelling errors. The correct number and type of citations are included and follow current APA format with no errors.



Discuss major points from the article and include your personal thoughts.

Part 5

Do I have a good knowledge base in child development?

Part 6

discuss the following key words.

1.Responsiveness- is being able to react quickly to the child and understanding the childs development levels.

2.Demandingness- understanding and setting boundaries, limits, and expectations.

3.Authoritative- combination of high demandingness and high responsiveness considered a positive approach.

4.Authoritarian-caregivers very often have a negative impact on childrens development and low responsiveness.

5.Indulgent Permissive-combination of low demandingness and high responsiveness person choose to be permissive

6. Uninvolved/permissiveness-unengaged caregivers using ineffective discipline also teachers or parents with permissive style do not make many demands

Part 7

What is responsiveness?

What is demandingness?

Part 8

Do I use a reason along with a guidance strategy?

Part 9

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 10

Do I know how to create an orderly, consistent environment? Do I monitor children and supervise them well? Discuss

Part 11

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 12

I believe that an adult’s “style” of guiding children does affect children. Please discuss.

Part 13

Explain in your own words what a theory about child development is, and what it is not.

Part 14

teachers three things before they can guide children effectively. Discuss the importance of each.

Knowledge- Understand characteristics of children’s develoment

Skills-Need to know how to use a variety of positive guidance strategies

Attitude-Willingness to use appropriate guidance strategies.

Part 15

Explain how early childhood theory helps teachers arrange classrooms to support children’s development and behavior.

Part 16

Discuss positive guidance strategies.

Part 17

Discuss reasons for observing children’s behavior.

Part 18

Explain why each part of the self is important in a child’s development and behavior.





Part 19

Explain the link between emotional and social competence

Part 20

Discuss stress and children.

Part 21

Discuss and describe strategies which teachers can use to prevent or minimize aggression, including bullying.

Part 22

Challenging behaviors are the hot spots in classrooms, causing both child and teacher great concern. During hot spots, children feel anxious, angry, or afraid, and teachers often feel unpleasant emotions. Our goal is to minimize the hot spots and maximize the calm and cool times for children. Discuss strategies to help teachers deal with challenging behaviors.

Part 23

Explain how teachers use direct and indirect guidance to meet children’s needs during transitions and routines.


SWCC The Principles of Effective Verbal Messages Presentation Writing Assignment Help


For this assignment, you will create a slide presentation about the principles of effective verbal messages. This assignment will help solidify your understanding of effective verbal communication.


  • Explain the main principles of verbal messages.
  • Analyze how language can distort thinking and explore methods for communicating more effectively


  1. Review the rubric for PowerPoint Presentations and the principles of effective verbal messages in your textbook and in the learning activities for this module.
  2. Create a nine to ten slide presentation on the topic of the principles of effective verbal messages. Highlight the main points about how individuals can communicate more effectively when they’re using verbal messages. Topics may include message meanings, denotative and connotative messages, abstraction, politeness, ethics, assertiveness and the like.
  3. The presentation should be engaging and informative.


-Ideas are clear, insightful, thought provoking, and focused; they consistently support the solution to the assignment challenge or question(s).

-The assignment includes clear connections to lesson content. It includes abundant details and examples that generate interest and provide relevant, concrete, and insightful evidence in support of sound logic.

Content meets or exceeds established assignment criteria. The assignment clearly presents well-reasoned notions and concepts. All content is well-supported with scholarly resources. Assertions are consistent with selected research.

The assignment is focused in an organized and thoughtful manner. Content is constructed in a logical way that supports the solution to the challenge or question(s).

Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the purpose of the assignment. There are no grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or spelling errors. The correct number and type of citations are included and follow current APA format with no errors.



Discuss major points from the article and include your personal thoughts.

Part 5

Do I have a good knowledge base in child development?

Part 6

discuss the following key words.

1.Responsiveness- is being able to react quickly to the child and understanding the childs development levels.

2.Demandingness- understanding and setting boundaries, limits, and expectations.

3.Authoritative- combination of high demandingness and high responsiveness considered a positive approach.

4.Authoritarian-caregivers very often have a negative impact on childrens development and low responsiveness.

5.Indulgent Permissive-combination of low demandingness and high responsiveness person choose to be permissive

6. Uninvolved/permissiveness-unengaged caregivers using ineffective discipline also teachers or parents with permissive style do not make many demands

Part 7

What is responsiveness?

What is demandingness?

Part 8

Do I use a reason along with a guidance strategy?

Part 9

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 10

Do I know how to create an orderly, consistent environment? Do I monitor children and supervise them well? Discuss

Part 11

Do I have age-and indivdually appropriate expectations for behavior? Do I clearly state appropriate limits? Discuss

Part 12

I believe that an adult’s “style” of guiding children does affect children. Please discuss.

Part 13

Explain in your own words what a theory about child development is, and what it is not.

Part 14

teachers three things before they can guide children effectively. Discuss the importance of each.

Knowledge- Understand characteristics of children’s develoment

Skills-Need to know how to use a variety of positive guidance strategies

Attitude-Willingness to use appropriate guidance strategies.

Part 15

Explain how early childhood theory helps teachers arrange classrooms to support children’s development and behavior.

Part 16

Discuss positive guidance strategies.

Part 17

Discuss reasons for observing children’s behavior.

Part 18

Explain why each part of the self is important in a child’s development and behavior.





Part 19

Explain the link between emotional and social competence

Part 20

Discuss stress and children.

Part 21

Discuss and describe strategies which teachers can use to prevent or minimize aggression, including bullying.

Part 22

Challenging behaviors are the hot spots in classrooms, causing both child and teacher great concern. During hot spots, children feel anxious, angry, or afraid, and teachers often feel unpleasant emotions. Our goal is to minimize the hot spots and maximize the calm and cool times for children. Discuss strategies to help teachers deal with challenging behaviors.

Part 23

Explain how teachers use direct and indirect guidance to meet children’s needs during transitions and routines.


SWCC The Principles of Effective Verbal Messages Presentation Writing Assignment Help


For this assignment, you will create a slide presentation about the principles of effective verbal messages. This assignment will help solidify your understanding of effective verbal communication.


  • Explain the main principles of verbal messages.
  • Analyze how language can distort thinking and explore methods for communicating more effectively


  1. Review the rubric for PowerPoint Presentations and the principles of effective verbal messages in your textbook and in the learning activities for this module.
  2. Create a nine to ten slide presentation on the topic of the principles of effective verbal messages. Highlight the main points about how individuals can communicate more effectively when they’re using verbal messages. Topics may include message meanings, denotative and connotative messages, abstraction, politeness, ethics, assertiveness and the like.
  3. The presentation should be engaging and informative.


-Ideas are clear, insightful, thought provoking, and focused; they consistently support the solution to the assignment challenge or question(s).

-The assignment includes clear connections to lesson content. It includes abundant details and examples that generate interest and provide relevant, concrete, and insightful evidence in support of sound logic.

Content meets or exceeds established assignment criteria. The assignment clearly presents well-reasoned notions and concepts. All content is well-supported with scholarly resources. Assertions are consistent with selected research.

The assignment is focused in an organized and thoughtful manner. Content is constructed in a logical way that supports the solution to the challenge or question(s).

Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the purpose of the assignment. There are no grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or spelling errors. The correct number and type of citations are included and follow current APA format with no errors.


Minnesota State University The Companies Obligation Questions Writing Assignment Help

Minnesota State University The Companies Obligation Questions Writing Assignment Help

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