Miracosta College Host Country National Staffing Strategy Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help. Miracosta College Host Country National Staffing Strategy Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help.
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The Story-
Your company, Fish to Go, is a quick-service restaurant specializing in fish tacos. Your success in the United States has been excellent, and your company has decided to develop an international strategy to further develop your market share. As the vice president for human resources, you have been asked to develop an international staffing strategy.
The Organization-
The organization has decided that it makes the most sense to hire host-country nationals to manage the restaurants. Your current Fish to Go managers earn upwards of $45,000 per year, plus 2 percent profit sharing. The organization is also looking to you to determine and develop a comprehensive training program for your host-country managers.
Training Program-
A training program is also needed for employees, but you have decided to wait and develop this with input from the host-country managers. Fish to Go has identified Mexico and the UK as the first two countries that will be entered.
The Assignment-
Perform the necessary research and present it to the board of directors along with answering the following questions:
1. What are the advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy?
2. Develop a compensation plan for each of the two countries, revising the current compensation for managers in the United States, if necessary. The compensation plan should include salary, benefits, and any fringe benefits to attract the most qualified people. The plan should also address any legal compensation requirements for both countries.
Miracosta College Host Country National Staffing Strategy Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
LAMC Parenting Beyond Discipline & Teaching Behavior Together Podcasts Discussion Writing Assignment Help
you are going to listen to two podcasts. The Parenting Beyond Discipline Podcast discusses the downsides to rewards & punishments while The Teaching Behavior Together Podcast addresses common myths about reinforcement and provides strategies for how to use positive and negative reinforcement in the classroom.
After listening to both podcasts, you will compare and contrast both sides analyzing what is similar and what is different between the two podcasts. Once you’ve analyzed both sides, you will then state your personal opinion on the topic and explain why.
should be no more than 2 pages. Enjoy the podcasts!
Parenting Beyond Discipline Podcast:
Listen to #38: The Downsides to Rewards & Punishments from Parenting Beyond Discipline on Apple Podcasts. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__podcasts.apple.com_us_podcast_parenting-2Dbeyond-2Ddiscipline_id1092660175-3Fi-3D1000377976685&d=DwIFAg&c=Oo8bPJf7k7r_cPTz1JF7vEiFxvFRfQtp-j14fFwh71U&r=uvcVDEJsQsiZj8wesBxy4V_m-_WRZ2C9_3c_og6yQmU&m=Nrt6D6sYqDkxJw85Vb9RcVGqRaA6BAXP7r_QLTt4ar4&s=nA3lQ5CCrpBQlqICHtbxO0ja0PHbDM8lt4tf9d4cWq8&e= (Links to an external site.)
Teaching Behavior Together Podcast:
Listen to 006. How to Use Positive (and Negative) Reinforcement in the Classroom from May 18, 2020 on Apple Podcasts. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__podcasts.apple.com_us_podcast_006-2Dhow-2Dto-2Duse-2Dpositive-2Dnegative-2Dreinforcement-2Din-2Dclassroom_id1507570457-3Fi-3D1000475093776&d=DwIFAg&c=Oo8bPJf7k7r_cPTz1JF7vEiFxvFRfQtp-j14fFwh71U&r=uvcVDEJsQsiZj8wesBxy4V_m-_WRZ2C9_3c_og6yQmU&m=VbIvzYg2PzTAyw1yCw74m5VlC1OUoi8xInYZ_J3aKCY&s=ntNQH8OdQv1-pAxOkmTpgNXpb_Z_2uodf_vk-AQLXlg&e=
San Diego State University Learning Plan Report Humanities Assignment Help
First, you have to go to this website https://www.tolerance.org/
go to classroom resources, then learning plan , this the link of my learning plan https://www.tolerance.org/learning-plan/slavery-10…
write report 2-3 pages about this learning covering these questions:
Write a final report including the following essential elements:
- What were your learning goals for this mini-module?
- What specific strategies/activities/materials did you include to achieve these goals?
- How well did the teaching tolerance segment align with your original lesson plan?
- What are some of the advantages as well as potential problems associated with teaching tolerance?
Aberystwyth University Hospital Statements of Revenues and Expenses Questions Economics Assignment Help
Assume you are a new Director of Operations for General Memorial Hospital. Your boss has asked you to do an analysis of the existing financial condition of the hospital. Statements of Revenues and Expenses (Income Statement), Balance Sheets and limited Key Performance Indicators for FY19 and FY20 are provided.
- First, describe what additional data and/or information, if any, that you would gather to perform your analysis and why you need it. Make sure to describe why the item(s) are needed based on either your general knowledge and/or based on specific questions that come to mind when reviewing what has been provided thus far.
Second, describe the methods you would use and/or computations you would perform to complete the analysis of the current financial status. Be specific. You are being asked to describe how you would do the analysis without having to do any computations. However, if you want to show the computations or parts of computations as part of your description you may certainly do so.
General Memorial Hospital |
Balance Sheet |
(In Thousands) |
FY2020 |
FY2019 |
Cash |
$ 4,589 |
5,210 |
Short-term Investments |
1,900 |
– |
Accounts Receivable |
25,480 |
20,850 |
Inventories |
3,875 |
2,980 |
Total current assets |
35,844 |
29,040 |
Gross Plant and Equipment |
145,783 |
140,862 |
Accumulated Depreciation |
27,850 |
23,150 |
Net plant and equipment |
117,933 |
117,712 |
Total Assets |
$ 153,777 |
$ 146,752 |
Accounts Payable |
$ 4,807 |
$ 5,227 |
Accrued Expenses |
5,715 |
5,436 |
Notes Payable |
3,000 |
6,310 |
Total current liabilities |
13,522 |
16,973 |
Long-Term Debt |
30,582 |
33,055 |
Net Assets (Equity) |
109,673 |
96,724 |
Total Liabilities and Net Assets |
$ 153,777 |
$ 146,752 |
General Memorial Hospital |
Statement of Revenues and Expenses |
(In Thousands) |
FY2020 |
FY2019 |
Net Patient Service Revenue |
$ 109,600 |
$ 96,432 |
Other Revenue |
4,781 |
5,075 |
Total revenues |
114,381 |
101,507 |
Expenses |
Salaries and Benefits |
59,864 |
54,822 |
Medical Supplies and Drugs |
21,925 |
20,858 |
Insurance and Other |
11,427 |
11,100 |
Provision for Bad Debts |
3,516 |
2,500 |
Depreciation |
4,700 |
4,400 |
Total Expenses |
101,432 |
93,680 |
Net Income |
$ 12,949 |
$ 7,827 |
Industry |
Key Performance Indicators |
FY2020 |
FY2019 |
Average |
Current Ratio |
2.65 |
1.71 |
2.00 |
Days in Accounts Receivable |
84.9 |
78.9 |
60.0 |
Fixed Asset Turnover |
0.97 |
0.86 |
2.10 |
Total Margin |
11.3% |
7.7% |
5.0% |
Return on Equity |
11.8% |
8.1% |
8.4% |
Salaries as % of Net Patient Revenue |
54.6% |
56.9% |
NA |
Patient Discharges |
13,300 |
12,120 |
NA |
Net Price per Discharge |
$ 8,240.60 |
$ 7,956.44 |
$7,610 |
PHIL 2300 Purdue University The Three Major Moral Theories Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Length: 4-6 pp., typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font
**This is not a research paper, and secondary sources are not required. You will be assessed on your ability to give clear and accurate explanations of the philosophical positions in your own words and to argue in support of a particular philosophical position. Remember that this is a take-home examination, and you are expected to demonstrate understanding of the assigned readings and slides. (I will provide the slides)
If you do incorporate ideas from other sources, be sure to cite them using MLA guidelines (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_in_text_citations_the_basics.html (Links to an external site.)). . Here is a link to the library’s tutorial on avoiding plagiarism: http://library.uta.edu/plagiarism/ (Links to an external site.) .
Please see grading rubric for assignment expectations.
Write an essay answering one of the two questions below.
1. Which of the three major moral theories do you find most appealing and why? In the course of answering this question, describe the main ideas behind utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, and Aristotelian virtue ethics, and critically evaluate each. Present argumentation for the position you support.
Criteria | Ratings | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationHas an introduction that motivates the project and defines a sharp focus by clearly stating its central aim(s), e.g., a thesis or controlling idea relating to the assigned topic. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExposition and Mastery of the Pertinent MaterialDemonstrates mastery of the pertinent philosophical views, concepts, and arguments. Gives an accurate exposition and interpretation of the pertinent philosophical texts and views. Fully explains key philosophical terms, concepts, and distinctions in an illuminating way, using the author’s own words, examples, and descriptions. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgumentationPresents, in a clear manner, strong and well-developed arguments in support of its central claims. Arguments concerning interpretation of the philosophers are supported by textual evidence (including line numbers). Successfully rebuts any relevant counterarguments. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritingExpresses ideas clearly through writing. All sentences are complete and grammatical. All words are chosen for their precise meanings. All new or unusual terms are well-defined. Key concepts and theories are accurately and completely explained. Good, clear examples are used to illuminate concepts and issues. Paper has been spellchecked and proofread, and has no errors. Student follows MLA guidelines properly. |
HTM 2464 Virginia Tech Introduction to Service Quality and COVID 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a case studies case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
HTM 2464: Introduction to Service
Case 1: Service Quality and COVID 19
COVID 19 has fundamentally altered the service industry, including both the delivery of services and our sense of service quality. Identify two service experiences (you can include either or both face-to-face services or automated / online services) you’ve had in the past few months, one fantastic (exceptionally good) and the other horrible (exceptionally bad). Complete the following questions for each of these experiences (no more than one page for each experience, double spaced, 12 pt font for each experience):
- Describe the experience, including (a) the specific nature of the experience, (b) when it occurred, and (3) where you were.
- What made it exceptional (exceptionally good or exceptionally bad)? Explain why it was good / bad.
- To what extent were you involved in the co-creation of the experience, ranging from not at all (where you had no role) to extremely involved (e.g., a self service experience)?
- What did you do as a result of the experience? (a) at the time of the experience (e.g., complimented the service employee or management, complained to management) and (b) afterwards (e.g., complimented / complained on social media, have gone back, recommended to friends / will never go back, told friends to avoid, etc). Explain
- How would you rate the service experience on (a) technical aspects of delivering the service and (b) social or soft skills of making the customer happy?
- Using the gaps model of service quality, why do you think the service was exceptionally good / bad? Explain.
Some notes on the assignment:
- When finished your assignment should be 3 pages (1) cover page with name, HTM 2464 Introduction to Service, Case 1: Service Quality, VT Honor pledge, date, (2) the exceptionally good experience and (3) the exceptionally bad experience.
- As noted, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins
- I encourage you to use the actual question numbers and do this as a bulleted report. No need for creating paragraphs, etc. Keep it simple and focused.
Grading Rubric
9 points for the exceptionally good experience (5 for questions 1 to 5) and (4 for question 6)
9 points for the exceptionally bad experience (5 for questions 1 to 5) and (4 for question 6)
7 points for presentation (cover page, name, honor pledge, quality of writing and presentation)
Request: Please be as truthful as possible. I’m not seeking a particular answer to questions 1 to 5 for either the good or bad experiences. Want to know exactly, and truthfully, what happened and how you reacted (will not in any way judge your reaction).
HTM 2464 Virginia Tech Introduction to Service Quality and COVID 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 403 SEU Week 7 Knowledge Management Theory and Practice Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Question 1:
Explain the concept of Knowledge management. Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations. (1 Mark)
Question 2:
- Describe how the major types of knowledge are transformed in the Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge spiral model of KM. Use a concrete example to make your point. (1 Mark)
- Which transformations would prove to be the most difficult? Why? (0.5 Mark)
- Which transformation would prove to be easy? Why? (0.5 Mark)
- What other key factors would influence how well the knowledge spiral model worked within a given organization? (0.5 Mark)
Question 3:
- In what ways is the Choo and Weick KM model similar to the Nonaka and Takeuchi KM model? In what ways do they differ? (1 Mark)
- Why is it difficult to directly codify tacit knowledge? (0.5 Mark)
ART 557 San Diego State University Paradox of the Modern Subject Journal Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Hi again, I need your help with another journal, it is the same as the pervious journals. I’ll attach the journal instruction and the article.
This is the journal instructions Journal Instructions:
Take your time reading the articles/book chapters. After reading the article and taking good notes so that you have thought about the material, you are ready to write your Journal entry. Summarize the author’s thesis—what was this reading really about, in a nutshell? What are some of the main points in support of his/her argument? Paraphrase rather than quote—use your own words. What did you find particularly interesting or insightful about the reading? Is there anything you did not understand? Is there one line/a short sentence that really struck you as important? Length should be a few meaty paragraphs (around 500 words), more if you are inspired. This is like a mini-essay, use paragraph form and proper sentences and grammar.
1. In one or two sentences, what is the thesis/main argument/subject of the chapter/article?
2. What are three important points that you took away from the reading assignment? Select one or two points from the first third, one or two points from the second third, and the same from the last third of the reading. Use your own words, paraphrase, do not use quotes. Did you have any questions or parts that you didn’t understand?
Here is a suggested format to help you formulate your journal, use sentences and paragraphs like a little essay (you don’t need section headers), not point form or phrases:
- Thesis:
- Important points:
- Important points from first third:
- Important points from second third:
- Important points from last third:
- Concluding thoughts
ITEC 6115 Walden University Project Network Design Diagram Project Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
It may take several iterations to ensure that a network design will handle all of an organization’s requirements. It is critical to ensure that the network meets the organization’s needs, and the best way to ensure this is to hold a formal review. A formal review brings in all the stakeholders along with your peers to analyze your work and ensure that the network will meet the business needs. During the formal review, you present your design and describe how it meets the organizational needs. You also describe why you chose the specific network hardware (i.e. cabling, switches, routers, wireless access points, etc.), the projected project costs, a timeline for how long the project will take to complete, and a project plan.
In this week’s Discussion, you designed and diagrammed a network for your client. For this part of the Final Project, review feedback from your colleagues in this week’s Discussion.
Assignment (3–5 pages):
Based on the feedback you have received, revise your network design diagram as needed to produce the best possible final product to support your client. Export your network diagram to an image/picture format and copy it into a Word document. Review the requirements list that you developed for client needs in Week 5. Explain how each requirement is specifically met by the network design.
– provide a thorough and detailed revision of their network design diagram as needed to produce the best possible final product to support their client, based on the feedback they received.
– provides a thorough and detailed explanation of how each requirement for client needs from Week 5 is specifically met by the network design.
Cuyamaca College Network Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help
Please do this exercise and once you have completed it I wanted you to write a 1-2 page paper with what you learned from this exercise and how you will be applying this in your future goals.
Fold a piece of paper in half (like a hotdog bun)
With the paper folded write 5 of you strongest skill sets or strengths. (i.e. organization, emotional intelligence, leadership, public speaking, planning, etc.).
Turn the paper over. Now write 5 of your passions. If you didn’t have to work what makes your heart sing? (Travel, cook, photography, family, reading, etc.)
Turn the page back over only to the skills list. Draw a line under the skills and now list 3 to 5 people who know that these are your strengths.
Turn the page over to only your passions list. Draw a line under your passions and now list 3 to 5 people who know that these are your passions.
Now open the paper up so you can see both sides/lists. Circle any names of people that are on the same list.
Now take some time to reflect on your skillets, your passions, and your networks.
If everyone on your lists are the same consider expanding and diversifying your networks. How will you grow if these groups are all the same?
If no one on your lists match consider how your networks make intersect. We may need to network within our networks to connect our passions and skillets. Ask curious questions to yourself like what about my passions have I not shared with people in my strengths network?
If you have there is a good mix of people on your list then consider adding people to your list on both sides. Stretch yourself.
In a Word document take one page to summarize your results from this exercise.