Misconceptions About Crime And Criminal Justice System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Misconceptions About Crime And Criminal Justice System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. Misconceptions About Crime And Criminal Justice System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Persistent media coverage of crimes against children can foster a misperception that these crimes take place more often than they really do.

For this assignment you will need to consult valid sources of data as you research these questions. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides that addresses the following points. Your slides should be clear and concise, with supporting elaboration in the “notes” area.

  • Review the crime of child abduction in the United States. How prevalent is this crime? Are offenders or victims likely to belong to any particular demographic group?
  • Compare the data you have reviewed with the prevailing perceptions of child abductions. What drives these perceptions? What can be done to align public perception of potential risk to our children with the realities of likely threats?
  • Evaluate the AMBER Alert process. Is this a successful procedure? How often do “abducted” children turn out to be runaways or falsely reported as missing? How often are abductions simply a matter of custody disputes between parents?
  • Review available guides designed to assist parents with protecting their kids in cyberspace and present five actions that appear to be most effective.
  • Make certain that you support your analysis with proper reasoning.

Misconceptions About Crime And Criminal Justice System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS520 Strayer Week 4 Task Force Committee Report Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Due Week 4, worth 150 points
Leaders address issues and propose solutions. As a leader, you’ll need to stay
on top of events that may facilitate or hinder productivity. You must create and
implement solutions to address these issues.
This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational challenges.
The solutions you devise should reflect your learning and research of organizational and individual influences in the workplace.
1. Select an organization
Select an organization in which current events have adversely affected
productivity, requiring management to resolve an issue related to:
corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork, and
developing motivational strategies. The organization should be one
with which you are familiar — where you work now or have worked
previously (business, nonprofit, government, or military). You may also
consider other organizations in the news, such as Macy’s for the retail
industry, United for the airline industry, Wells Fargo for the banking
industry, etc. The focus is on finding solutions, but you should be
somewhat familiar with the organization or industry.
2. Plan your research
Use research from the course textbook, company website, business
websites (CNBC, Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library,
or outside resources to develop solutions to the following questions as
they relate to corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork,
and developing motivational strategies to achieve the organization’s
goals and objectives. Your recommendations must be fully articulated
and supported with appropriate detail and sources. Note: Wikipedia
and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources.
Imagine yourself as the task force committee leader at this organization. You
have been tasked with analyzing hindrances to organizational efficiency. You
must propose strategic solutions.
Create a full report in which you do the following:
1. Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve
Provide a brief description of the organization you selected. Present
the organizational issue that adversely affected productivity and that
you, the task force leader, will review and resolve.
2. Analyze Current Corporate Culture
How has the current corporate culture facilitated the development of
the current issue? Research the organization, dig into the culture, and
analyze how it contributed to this issue. Hint: Review the mission and
vision statements as well as the corporate website.
3. Identify Areas of Weakness
What are the organization’s areas of weakness? Using your research
on organizational behavior approaches to corporate culture, diversity,
teamwork, and motivational strategies, identify areas of weakness.
4. Propose Solutions
What organizational practices would you modify? What solutions
should your task force recommend to management? As the leader of
the task force, identify the suggestions you would present to the
organization’s leadership with regard to modifying current
organizational practices to resolve the issue.
5. Prepare an Executive Summary
Summarize your recommendations and research findings in a
one-page executive summary that you will present to the CEO in an
upcoming executive meeting. Note: An executive summary is a
condensed version of your full report. It should summarize briefly all
the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly
and should use language appropriate for the audience.


Trident Managing Individual Behavior Personality Style Case Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

Module 1 – Case

Managing Individual Behavior

Assignment Overview

The cases in this class follow an experiential approach. This means you will reflect on your own experience in an organization and then apply the concepts from the module materials to think critically about these experiences and understand them better. The structure of the course and the assignments follow Kolb’s model of the adult learning process, which is discussed on the Module 1 Home page. (If you skipped the Module 1 Home page, you should read it now before you attempt to go any further.)

Case Assignment

Think about an experience you have had where you felt extremely motivated. Then, in a 4- to 6-page paper, analyze this experience according to the Kolb format below. Each subtitle represents a different section of the paper. You can use the subtitles as headings.

Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.

Concrete Experience: Begin with a specific situation/event. Describe the experience where you felt extremely motivated. Be objective and focus on just the facts: who, what, where, when, and how—similar to how a newspaper article is written—as if you were composing a newspaper article.

Reflective Observation: Reflect upon that experience from the multiple perspectives of other people involved or affected in the experience. Step back from the situation, look at the experience from your own viewpoint, and the viewpoints of all other parties involved or affected. You want to look at the circumstances surrounding the experience from every relevant perspective. Why was the experience motivating to you? What did others do that increased your motivation? Was the situation (or would the situation) also be motivating to others? (Note: Your discussion of theories and models from your module materials belongs in the following section.)

Abstract Conceptualization: Use critical thinking skills in order to understand and interpret the experience at a deeper, more generalizable level. Interpret and understand the events you have described by drawing on the concepts, theories, and models in the background material from this module. What behavior patterns can you identify in yourself and others that are similar to the ones described in the material on motivation, values, and/or goals? How do these concepts and principles explain why you were motivated? What general principles of motivation can you derive from this analysis? Be sure to cite all references to concepts, ideas, and quotes you use that come from any outside source. Be sure to apply at least three concepts, theories, and/or models and cite all references to concepts, ideas, and/or quotes that you use from any outside source.

(This Abstract Conceptualization section is the “heart” of your paper. Using critical thinking skills, provide a clear, specific discussion on the logic, theories, and models and how they apply to your experience.)

Active Experimentation: Identify ways to respond to the next occurrence of a similar experience. How are you going to put what you have learned to use? How will you use this knowledge to motivate yourself and others? What actions will you take to create a work environment that is motivating?

Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learnings you are taking from it.

Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside Internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the Background page.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the Case rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:

  • Assignment-Driven: Does the paper fully address all aspects of the assignment? Is the assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?
  • Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?
  • Business Writing: Is the essay logical, well organized and well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?
  • Effective Use of Information: Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read, understood and can apply the background materials for the module? If required, has the student demonstrated effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality (library?) sources? Do additional sources used provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?
  • Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the References page?
  • Timeliness: Has the assignment been submitted to TLC (Trident’s learning management system) on or before the module’s due date?

Module 1 – Home

Managing Individual Behavior

Modular Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:

  • Case

    • Discuss the factors that lead to high motivation.

  • SLP

    • Assess your personality style and create a development plan for your personality type.

  • Discussion

    • Analyze how managers can create jobs that are motivating.

Module Overview

The DBA is an advanced degree in which the student learns to apply theory and models to diagnose and to resolve organizational problems. In the DBA program, you will be exposed to various functional areas of business in relative isolation (such as accounting, finance, & marketing). In the “real” world, however, these functions do not exist in isolation. It is necessary to study them separately so as to grasp the principles of a discipline and develop competencies to master your discipline and to apply theory to practice. As your coursework progresses, you will increasingly be asked to synthesize your knowledge of the functional areas. But one cannot run before learning to walk, so first we will be focusing on building a strong foundation, one course at a time. This course focuses on the field of management and human behavior in organizations.

Even though at first you will be dealing with your discipline in terms of its functional areas, it is good from the beginning to learn to view organizations as “open systems,” where the subsystems of the organization interact with each other, and the whole system interacts with its environment. Having this perspective will help you to see how the material covered in each individual class interacts with what you are learning in other classes—and thus the organization as a whole.

For a PowerPoint presentation discussing open systems, the field of management, and its challenges generally, view Introduction to Organizations.

A good place to start this course is by examining the effect of the changing environment on organizations. The United States is continually becoming more diverse and business more global in its operations. The way organizations manage their structures, people, communications, and processes (such as teams) are all critical to thriving in an era of unprecedented change and volatility. This reading will give you insights into the challenges that will face managers and leaders in the next 50 years. This course will give you the foundation necessary to navigate these challenges.

Aghina, W., De Smet, A, & Heywood, S. (2014). The past and future of global organizations. McKinsey Quarterly. Retrieved from http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/organization/the_past_and_future_of_global_organizations

Experiential Approach

I hear and I forget

I see and I remember

I do and I understand


We will be taking an experiential approach to learning this material. What this means is that you will be asked to reflect on your own experiences in organizations and use the concepts from the course to think critically about these experiences and understand them better. The structure of the course and the assignments follow Kolb’s model of the adult learning process. According to Kolb’s model, adults do not learn by simply reading or watching videos. Adult learning begins with a specific situation/event or Concrete Experience. The learner then Reflects on that experience from multiple perspectives. Once the experience is fully understood, the learner applies logic, known theories, and models in order to understand and interpret the experience at a deeper, more generalizable level (Abstract Conceptualization). Thus, the learner can now see ways to respond to the next occurrence of a similar experience (Active Experimentation).

By using an experiential learning approach, the emphasis is on improving skills in management, interpersonal relations, decision-making, and managing change. By relating management competencies to personal experience, we will be learning how to learn and adapt our knowledge to changing environments.

Advantages of Experiential Learning

  • Develop leadership capabilities to a significant level
  • Easy to transfer knowledge and skills
  • People and consequences are real
  • Provides a memorable activity and increases retention of concepts learned
  • Increases motivation to learn

Watch David Kolb explain why experiential learning is so powerful:

Hay Group (2012). What is Experiential Learning? Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZeAdN4FB5A

Module 1 – Background

Managing Individual Behavior

Note: All Background and Module Home materials are required unless designated as optional or general reference.

Module 1 focuses on the principles of individual behavior so that you can learn to manage people effectively. We are concerned here not only with managing subordinates, but also managing relationships with peers and developing effective relationships with superiors. It is best if you approach this module in three distinct sections. Start with values, attitudes, and perception. The second section will cover motivation and the third section will cover goal setting and job design as tools to maintain motivation.

Values, Attitudes, and Perceptions

Often we assume that the way we perceive and experience the world is the same way other people do. This assumption is false and can lead to ineffective leader and manager behaviors. Understanding how attitudes and perceptions influence individual behavior and performance at work is important to organizational study. Read in Organizations, Management and Leadership how personality, values, perceptions, and attitudes affect work behaviors.

Bauer, T., Erdogan, B., Short, J., and Carpenter, M. Chapter 3: Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors. In Principles of Management. Retrieved from http://scholar.flatworldknowledge.com/books/29741/fwk-127512-ch02/read

Many people believe that a happy worker is a productive worker, but research tells us that people can be highly satisfied with their jobs and still not get much done! Nevertheless, organizations have reasons to care about employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. The following reading is an excellent explanation of the job satisfaction model and why it is important to maintaining a highly productive workforce.

Redmond, B.F. & Bower, C.P. (2015). Job satisfaction. In Work Attitudes and Job Motivation. Retrieved from https://wikispaces.psu.edu/display/PSYCH484/11.+Job+Satisfaction

Motivation and Job Design

With a variety of values, perceptions, and attitudes, people are not motivated by the same things. The following reading summarizes key theories to help you understand what motivates you and those around you. Be sure to watch the 4-minute video at the start of the article.

Motivation and motivation theory (2015). In Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business(2nd ed.) Retrieved from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Mar-No/Motivation-and-Motivation-Theory.html

Learn about the importance of job design in creating and maintaining a work environment that employees will find motivating. See the following talk on the Job Characteristics Model of Motivation:

Theories of Motivation: The Job Characteristics Model (2015). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUWsFHQsbh0

Goal Setting

Since the 1960s, management scholars have touted the effectiveness of setting high, but achievable, goals in attaining high levels of performance from employees. The following article reviews goal-setting theory and how to put it into practice.

Locke’s goal-setting theory: Setting meaningful, challenging goals. (2015). MindTools: Essential Skills for an Excellent Career. Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_87.htm

Once we understand the power and potential of goal-setting, it is easy to overdo it. Here is a cautionary tale from the Harvard Business Review:

High goals often improve performance, but they also exacerbate unethical behavior: In one research exercise, the participants given the hardest math problems were 84% likelier to cheat than other participants, on average. The researchers—David T. Welsh, of the University of Washington, and Lisa D. Ordóñez, of the University of Arizona—say that demanding tasks deplete people’s self-regulatory resources over time, and that managers should be aware of the negative organizational consequences of consecutive rigorous goals.

Source: Stat Watch (2014). Harvard Business Review, 92(6), 28

Optional Reading

Early Management Theorists

To gain an understanding of the evolution of management thinking from an historical perspective, see this excellent article:

Wertheim, E.G. (2012) Historical Background of Organizational Behavior. Scribd. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/6926402/Historical-Background-of-Organizational-Behavior

The following paper is an overview of four important areas of management theory: Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management, Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne Works experiments and the human relations movement, Max Weber’s idealized bureaucracy, and Henri Fayol’s views on administration. It will provide a general description of each of these management theories together with observations on the environment in which these theories were applied and the successes that they achieved.

Kerns, D. (n.d.). An overview of management theory. http://www.kernsanalysis.com/sjsu/ise250/history.htm

Management by Objectives (MBO)

1000ventures.com’s e-coach site has a thorough discussion on MBO including hotlinks throughout the discussion for further information. Also on this site are links to case studies, venture financing, and managing.

Management by Objectives (MBO). (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/mgmt_mbo_main.html

Ethical Values in Business

The Society for Business Ethics’ homepage includes the organization’s mission statement, newsletter, annual meeting, ethics links, and access to its journal, Business Ethics Quarterly.

Society for Business Ethics (2015) Retrieved from http://sbeonline.org/

Governing Corporations

Corporate Governance serves as a discussion forum and network for shareholders and stakeholders who believe active participation by concerned shareholders in governing corporations will enhance their ability to create wealth. The site provides news, Internet links, and a small reference library supported by purchases through Amazon.com.

Corporate Governance (2015) Retrieved from http://www.corpgov.net/

General References

The following site is full of useful articles and information on 675 different topics, including leadership, motivation, interpersonal skills supervision, and many more. Be sure to bookmark this site as it will be useful to you throughout the course and many others in the DBA curriculum.

Free Management Library (n.d.) Retrieved from http://managementhelp.org/

Berry’s online glossary of business terms (retrieved from www.bplans.com) is a useful reference.

Berry, T. (n.d.) Business terms glossary. BPlans. Retrieved from http://managementhelp.org/

APA Formatting

APA guide – In-text citations and end referencing. (2015). Trident University International.

If you need additional guidance on the use of APA Style in the proper formatting of papers, visit the Purdue OWL website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090212013008_560.pdf

You also may find the following YouTube video helpful:

APA Formatting: The Basics. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdAfIqRt60c&list=PL8F43A67F38DE3D5D.

Required Reading

Aghina, W., De Smet, A, & Heywood, S. (2014). The past and future of global organizations. McKinsey Quarterly. Retrieved from http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/organization/the_past_and_future_of_global_organizations

Bauer, T., Erdogan, B., Short, J., and Carpenter, M. Chapter 3: Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors. In Principles of Management. Retrieved from http://scholar.flatworldknowledge.com/books/29741/fwk-127512-ch02/read

Bunn, R. (2013) Intro to Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2Xv9Am7PWQ

Hay Group (2012). What is Experiential Learning? Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZeAdN4FB5A

Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory. Retrieved from http://www.netmba.com/mgmt/ob/motivation/herzberg/

Humanmetrics: Jung Typology Test. (2013). http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm

Locke’s goal-setting theory: Setting meaningful, challenging goals. (2015). MindTools: Essential Skills for an Excellent Career. Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_87.htm

Louis, D. J. (2015) Notes on the job characteristics model.

Motivation and motivation theory (2015). In Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business (2nd ed.) Retrieved from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Mar-No/Motivation-and-Motivation-Theory.html

Redmond, B. F. & Bower, C. P. (2015). Job satisfaction. In Work Attitudes and Job Motivation. Retrieved from https://wikispaces.psu.edu/display/PSYCH484/11.+Job+Satisfaction

Theories of Motivation: The Job Characteristics Model (2015). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUWsFHQsbh0

Optional Reading

Berry, T. (n.d.) Business terms glossary. BPlans. Retrieved from http://articles.bplans.com/business-term-glossary/

Corporate Governance (2015) Retrieved from http://www.corpgov.net/

Free Management Library (n.d.) Retrieved from http://managementhelp.org/

Kerns, D. (n.d.). An overview of management theory. http://www.kernsanalysis.com/sjsu/ise250/history.htm

Management by Objectives (MBO). (n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/mgmt_mbo_main.html

Society for Business Ethics (2013) Retrieved from http://sbeonline.org/

Wertheim, E. G. (2012) Historical Background of Organizational Behavior. Scribd. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/6926402/Historical-Background-of-Organizational-Behavior


Telecommunications Inc Auditing Standards Case Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Case 12-08
Going, Going, Gone

For this case, please refer to PCAOB Auditing Standards related to going concern.

For #1: there are 4 concerning conditions, please list at least 2 and make sure to go into to detail as to why these conditions cause concern about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.Reviewing the example audit procedures from the applicable going concern auditing standard will help you to identify these conditions.

For #2: The next steps that the audit team perform come right out of the Auditing Standard. Please elaborate on your citings and also explain in your owns words why you are recommending these steps and how they will be critical in the auditor’s analysis about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.

For #3: A variety of answers will be accepted. Think about what you need to obtain from management, do you need to confirm or corroborate any information that you have obtained? What are management’s plans and how will you evaluate those forecasts? For each item in Appendix D, please list at least 2 forms of audit evidence or audit procedures. 1

For #4: Refer to the Auditing Standard to see what procedures should be performed during Interim and list them with an appropriate citation. Hint: this may not be in the going concern standard! Keep looking!


SOCW6333 Walden Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting Trauma Discussion Other Assignment Help

Due 04/24/2019

As you have become well aware, working with survivors of trauma will place you at risk for vicarious trauma. Trauma can occur individually or en masse due to a natural or human-made event. The news is filled with traumatic stories of refugees, asylum seekers, victims of sex trafficking, witnesses of mass shootings, and survivors of natural disasters. As mass trauma unfolds, social workers are asked to step in and provide both immediate and long-term support.

To prepare: Identify a current event in the national or international news related to a mass experience of trauma.


  • Describe the current event and the types of trauma survivors with whom a social work may practice.
  • Explain what you, as a social worker, would do to prevent or minimize risk of vicarious trauma when working with this population.
  • Explain how an organization overseeing the work can contribute to preventative measures.



IFSM370 University of Maryland VPN Testing Tunnel Bear Case Study and Questions Other Assignment Help


This is an individual project. Each student must complete a Case Study that provides the requirements analysis and a proposed solution for converged network solution. The target audience will be the organization’s Chief Information Officer (CIO). The Case Study deliverable is an MS Word document.

The completed Case Study deliverable is due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on the due date shown in the Course Schedule. See the Additional Information section of the syllabus for the penalty for late or missed assignments and projects.

The Case Study is valued at 12% of the course grade.

Case Study

This project gives the student the opportunity to get hands-on experience with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). VPNs come in hardware and software varieties. There are a number of VPN apps that can be downloaded to your desktop and mobile device. One of these is called Tunnel Bear. Tunnel Bear has a free trial download. You are not required to use Tunnel Bear, but it is free.

Download Tunnel Bear (https://www.tunnelbear.com/)to your desktop/laptop AND mobile device (phone/tablet). Use Tunnel Bear for one week. Please keep in mind the free version is limited to 500 MB of data (so don’t use Tunnel Bear to watch Netflix or you will run out of data before you finish the assignment)! The idea is to experience a VPN client on your desktop and mobile device and keep a log of the sites your visit while changing the VPN servers that you connect to around the world. Make sure you change your VPN servers to a minimum of ten countries. Visit a minimum of ten websites (minimum of five sites on your desktop/laptop and a minimum of five different sites on your mobile device). Keep a log and make notes of your experience. What works well with the Tunnel Bear VPN? What doesn’t work so well. What specific performance impacts (if any) do you note. Why would you want to use a product like Tunnel Bear all the time?

The Deliverables

Your deliverable consists of your turned in VPN log anda two to four page write up of your observations and experiences. Please include the following questions in your writeup:

  1. What VPN client did you use?
  2. Did you have problems installing the client on either your desktop or mobile?
  3. What was your general experience with the VPN client?
  4. What specifically did you note about the VPN client when you connected to various VPN servers? Provide details.
  5. What performance issues did you encounter (if any)?
  6. Would you use a VPN client like Tunnel Bear all the time? If not, why not?
  7. What are the perceived benefits of a VPN like Tunnel Bear.

Your paper will be scored according to the Scoring Rubric below. The bolded attributes in the Scoring Rubric must be used as section headings in the paper. Be sure you have incorporated all required aspects of the assignment.

IFSM370 University of Maryland VPN Testing Tunnel Bear Case Study and Questions Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Code System Utilized by ICF IID and Long Term Care Facilities Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

  1. What types of coding may be utilized in an ICF/IID?
  2. What are the sections into which the individuals’ chats may be divided?
  3. Is an admission into an ICF/IID facility permanent? Why or why not?
  4. Who performs regular surveys of an ICF/IID facility?
  5. How did the U.S. Supreme Courts Olmstead decision affect provision of services in and ICF/IID?


  1. Which two primary agencies regulate long-term care facilities?
  2. What are the primary reimbursement categories for care of residents in long-term care facilities?
  3. Who determines how long-term care facilities are reimbursed under the Medicaid program?
  4. What are the three categories for which ratings are provided in the Five-Star Rating System for nursing homes? What are some of the specific long-stay and short-stay quality measures used in this system?
  5. What is the single most important content characteristic of a care plan in a long-term care facility that is subject to federal regulations?
  6. List common electronic software applications in long-term care.


Strategies to Information Technology leaders of ABC Case Study Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Our topic we are looking at icloud data in a non-profit organization.

Module 1 – Case

Introduction to case study design and methodology

Case Assignment

Find an example of case study research work for critical analysis. The case study work may be a book, journal article, a dissertation, or technical report on a topic of interest. You will make the best use of your time if you choose a study that relates to a topic you might be interested in studying in depth in your Doctoral Study project as proposed in the SLP. In a 6-page essay, address the following questions:

  1. Why is this classified as a case study? Is it a descriptive, explanatory, or exploratory study?
  2. Identify the four key components of the research design:

  1. What is the research question?
  2. What propositions are suggested?
  3. What is the unit of analysis?
  4. How is the data linked to the propositions?

  1. Identify the theoretical framework for the study and assess the quality of the study in terms of validity and reliability.

Assignment Expectations

Your 6-page essay must follow APA formatting and demonstrate clarity, depth, and critical thinking. As you answer the questions posed in this case, include supporting rationale and cited sources.

Module 1 – Background

introduction to case study design and methodology

The following readings are required for Module 1. Optional readings can be found at the end of this section and while not required, may help you understand the material better and be useful to you if you choose to conduct a case study research method for your doctoral study. All readings can be accessed in the Trident Online library, unless linked to another source.

The Case Study as a Research Method

This module begins with an overview of the case study method, how this method differs from other types of research, the types of topics that are well suited for case studies, and compares the main types of case studies used for research.


Begin your reading with Chapter One from Case Study Research: Design and Methods. You can find this book in the Trident Library, or purchase your own copy very inexpensively at a number of online book purveyors.

NOTE: This book is required for the course and must be purchased. It is not available in the Trident Online Library. Earlier editions are acceptable.

Yin, R.K. (2009). Introduction. In Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Fourth Ed. (pp. 3-23). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Inc.

Flyvbjerg, B. (2006). Five misunderstandings about case-study research. Qualitative Inquiry, 12(2), 219-245. (Trident Library, Sage Research Methods database).

Gagnon, Y. (2010). Stage 1: Assessing appropriateness and usefulness. In The Case Study As Research Method : A Practical Handbook (pp. 11-18). Québec [Que.]: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec (EBSCO ebook Collection)

Case Study Design

We continue with an exploration of case study design. This section begins with a consideration of research questions and units of analysis, followed by the role of implicit or explicit theory in driving the research, considerations of quality (validity and reliability), and ending with the selection of single versus multiple case study designs and mixed methods.

Yin, R.K. (2009). Designing case studies. In Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Fourth Ed.(pp. 24-65). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Inc.

Baxter, P. & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13 (4), 544-559. Retrieved from http://nsuworks.nova.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1573&context=tqr

Gagnon, Y. (2010). Stage 2: Ensuring accuracy of results. In The Case Study As Research Method : A Practical Handbook (pp. 19-36). Québec [Que.]: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec (EBSCO ebook Collection)


Farquhar, J. D. (2012). Quality in case study research. In Case study research for business (pp. 100-112). London, : SAGE Publications Ltd

Gibbs, G., Clark, D., Taylor, C., Silver, C., & Lewins, A. (n.d.). Welcome to Online QDA. Retrieved November 25, 2016, from http://onlineqda.hud.ac.uk/

Moeller, J. D., Dattilo, J., & Rusch, F. (2015). Applying quality indicators to single-case research designs used in special education: A systematic review. Psychology in the Schools, 52(2), 139-153

Stake, R. E. (1995). The art of case study research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Case Study Protocol and Preparing to Collect Data

In Module 2, we will examine the steps of collecting and analyzing case study data, but there is much to be done (and learned) before data collection. Thus, in this final section of module one, we look at how to prepare for a case study, ethical considerations and procedures for protecting human subjects, and developing a protocol.

Yin, R.K. (2009). Preparing to Collect Case Study Data. In Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Fourth Ed. pp. 66-96. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Inc.

The Belmont Report: Ethical principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research: http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/belmont.html (Links to an external site)

Gagnon, Y. (2010). Stage 3 : Preparation. In The Case Study As Research Method : A Practical Handbook (pp. 37-48). Québec [Que.]: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec (EBSCO ebook Collection)


Gagnon, Y. (2010). Stage 4 : Selecting cases. In The Case Study As Research Method : A Practical Handbook (pp. 49-54). Québec [Que.]: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec (EBSCO ebook Collection)

Farquhar, J. D. (2012). Developing your case study research strategy. In Case study research for business (pp. 30-48). London: SAGE Publications Ltd. (Trident Library, Sage Research Methods database).

Farquhar, J. D. (2012). Access and ethics in case study research. In Case study research for business (pp. 49-64). London: SAGE Publications Ltd. (Trident Library, Sage Research Methods database).

Mills, A. J., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (2010). Encyclopedia of case study research Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd (Trident Library, Sage Research Methods database).

Yilmaz, K. (2013). Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Traditions: epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences. European Journal of Education, 48(2), 311-325. (Trident Library Academic Search Complete)


Bowie State Coaching in Relation to An Organizational Change Paper Writing Assignment Help

I have provided you my previous paper chapter 1,2 and 3.

Now, I need chapter 4 which is the conclusion for the whole work and the requirements are below:

APA Style

Chapter 4:

Summary statement and recommendation, including implications for human resource

development field and knowledge base of HURD practitioners

  • What did you learn from the exploration of the literature?Are there specific conclusions that were
  • reached as a result of your exploration?

  • What is missing that you feel deserves further exploration/research – how would you expand the
  • area of exploration?

  • What did your review tell you that has implications for the practice of HURD?
  • Explain how this issue is currently addressed in the HURD community? Are there gaps in current
  • HURD practices?

  • Are there new areas of work that are not fully developed or not currently part of the HURD functions
  • or responsibilities?

  • What would you specifically recommend as a result of your review of this topic?
  • How would these concerns be shared with HURD professionals? Are there implications for the
  • current listing of HURD competencies?

  • Identify areas for future study or exploration that may be warranted
  • [supanova_question]

    JWM521 Creation of A Hiring Sheet Based on A Job Description Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help


    Hiring is one of the most critical aspects of being a leader. In order to have an effective hiring process,
    there is some important preparation that needs to be done. You are the VP of Talent at your company
    and you are preparing to interview candidates for an open position, Based upon the job description, you
    will identify a set of key competencies for the position, and develop a set of questions that enables you to
    interview candidates for those competencies.


    For this assignment, you will create a Hiring Sheet, based on a job description for a position at your
    current organization. The Hiring Sheet will include a set of 10 interview questions based on the
    competencies needed for that role. You will then test out the interview questions by writing 2 answers
    from imaginary candidates.
    To get started, find a current job description for a position at your organization. Follow the steps below to
    create a Hiring Sheet for this position:

    • Step 1: Identify Key Competencies.
    o Select 5 key competencies for the position. Select 3 competencies from the Sample
    Professional Competencies list below. Create 2 more competencies of your own.

    • Step 2: Rank the Competencies.
    o Rank the competencies you selected in order, from the most important (1) to the least
    important (5).
    o Explain your rationale for the ranking.

    • Step 3: Create Interview Questions.
    o For each competency you selected, develop 2 questions for use when interviewing
    candidates. In each case, one question should be behavioral and one question should be
    o Your final list of questions for the position will contain 10 questions.

    Your completed Hiring Sheet will include:
    • Five Key Competencies ranked from most important (1) to least important (5)
    • Your Rationale for the ranking and order of importance of the competencies
    • Two Interview Questions to assess each competency (one behavioral and one situational
    question), for a total of 10 questions
    List of Sample Professional Competencies

    INTELLECTUAL: Intelligence
    Analysis Skills
    Conceptual Ability
    Strategic Skills

    PERSONAL: Integrity

    INTERPERSONAL: Listening
    Team Player

    MANAGEMENT: Selecting A Players

    LEADERSHIP: Vision
    Change Leadership
    Conflict Management



    Misconceptions About Crime And Criminal Justice System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

    Misconceptions About Crime And Criminal Justice System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

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