mkt402/phi210 week 8 discussion AND responses Business Finance Assignment Help. mkt402/phi210 week 8 discussion AND responses Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Using what you’ve read through the WebText on ethics as a guide, examine the world around you.
Search online for your local (LOS ANGELES, CA) news website and locate local a story where you believe an ethical dilemma is going on. Please keep this story local and not national news.
Explain, in a few sentences the story, the ethical dilemma you believe is going on in the story, and how you think it can be resolved.
RE: PHI210 Week 9 Discussion
The topic I have chosen regards the building of the new purple line light rail in MD. The builders are threatening to quit because they want more money. The builders claim that there have been legal issues that added long delays and increased costs to the project so they want an extra $519 million dollars. They have already had $225 million contributed to the project. Also, the county found out about the plan for the builders to quit through news reporters, the builders didn’t go to the county to tell them what they were planning to do.
This presents an ethical dilemma because first of all when you do a job for the county you submit a proposal bid on the job. This means that you let them know your price upfront to do the job. You don’t come back and say that you want more money after you have been awarded the bid. If you didn’t calculate the cost correctly, that is your error. The second ethical dilemma stems from the fact that you went to the media to tell them what you are planning to do instead of going to the county.
The builder is trying to handle this issue by using ethical egoism. I believe that the builder is thinking of their own happiness by saying $519 million more dollars is needed. The builder should be using ethical altruism which would bring the greatest amount of happiness to everyone. The people in the neighborhoods who are experiencing years of closures of the hiking & biking trails, as well as close proximity of a light rail, are VERY upset. The project won’t be finished until 2023 so their communities are going to be “torn up” for YEARS before completion. The way to solve these ethical dilemmas would be for the builder to do the job for the money they committed in their proposal bid and do the job as quickly as possible to avoid further disruption to the public. On the part of the county, I would look at what the builder has added to the proposal and if costs really have gone up marketably, pay them a little more but do not accept any future proposals from that builder. post and solution.
RE: Week 9 Discussion 2
Hi Class, Professor,
The industry of my choice is the automobile industry. The type of price sensitivity measurement procedure I would most likely use is the use of uncontrolled studies of preferences and Intentions. I would choose this measurement because there are constant changes within technology that affects this industry. As technology changes, there are more preferences and intentions from customers as to what they are looking for in their vehicle. If the industry measures these needs, they will be able to deliver to the customer what they are looking for.
A estimate of price sensitivity can benefit the effectiveness of a pricing strategy for the automotive industry if there is a high demand for a specific model. For example, trucks. If there are locations that have a high demand for trucks for off roading and or snow concerns, this can benefit the pricing strategy to move more cars at once marking them down at a discounted price based on the local markets.
Thank you,
RE: Week 9 Discussion 1
Hi Class, Professor,
Amazon’s pricing strategy has a negative impact on small business. Unlike larger stores like Walmart and Best Buy, smaller businesses do not have the flexibility to adjust their prices to match their competitors. Depending on the products, there are other factors to take into consideration besides from the sell price. The cost of the distributer plays a big part because smaller businesses typically do not manufacturer products and get them from other vendors and distributors. If the vendors do not change their prices, the small businesses can’t either.
Thank you,
mkt402/phi210 week 8 discussion AND responses Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HSA 3160 Florida International Health Care Marketing Business Plan Project Writing Assignment Help
Develop a marketing business plan for a healthcare organization of your choice (either for-profit or non-profit HCO) where you choose a new product or service to market for a specific target market.
Your Marketing Plan should have the following components:
Table of Contents
Phase One
• Executive Summary,
Phase Two
Company Profile,
Industry Overview,
Phase Three
Service Overview,
Competitive Analysis,
Marketing Mix-Promotional Strategy,
Marketing Mix-Place,
Marketing Mix-Pricing
Phase Four
Service Delivery Plan
Human Resources Plan,
Phase Five
• Financial Statements: Balance Sheet and Income Statements
1.Prepare the project in APA-style, double-spaced with 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. Select “bold” font for headings and sub-headings and use as many as necessary. Submit your marketing business plan in word document. An APA-formatted title page, and reference pages are required. All elements of the project must conform to style requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition (commonly
called the APA style manual, 6th edition). APA resources can be found on the PBSC library
website:… 3. Be creative by incorporating graphics, pictures, graphs, charts, etc.
Getting Started – Health Care Organization Selection
Select a Not-for-profit or For-profit Health Care Organization for your Health Care Marketing Business Plan. The chosen health care organization will either market a new product or service to a specific target market. You are responsible for constructing the business plan for the new product or service for the HCO.
Once you have chosen the type of HCO you will market for, then comes the decision of whether you want to market a new product or service.
Try to make the product or service as original as possible.
Submit HCO selection and new product/service idea in Blackboard for approval.Phase I: Executive Summary
I. Executive Summary
a summary of the planning issue , which includes a new product, new service opportunity, or process improvement issue.
A future –oriented, two page document demonstrating knowledge of the issue and provides the prospective value
What to include in the Executive Summary:
1.An introduction to your business plan which involves a discussion of the new serviceopportunity, cost saving measure, or process improvement.
2.Marketing Highlights
a.Make a list of the distinctive features by answering these questions:
i.What is the real value regardless of the type of project?
ii.What will the product/service save the organization in dollars? (estimated guess, doesn’t have to be accurate)
b.Ex: What savings or profits will it generate by improving efficiency? Or what saving or profits will it generate by developing a new service? Or what will it bring by bringing in paying patients or no-show patients?
3.Targeting Market Summary: Answer the following questions:
§Who is your target market?
§Who benefits from this plan?
§Is the market internal, external, or both?
4.Competitive Analysis (if a new service opportunity)
§Who else is doing it?
§Provide a competitive analysis
1.Key Marketing Strategies –
oWhat key marketing strategies will you use?
oHow will you get compliance of patients, staff, the board, or referral services?
2.Operational Highlights
• Are there any critical legal or regulatory constraints?. Intermediary Concerns or Issues
• Are there any noteworthy issues with referrals or other entities? Grading Rubric
Executive Summary (2 pages) – 80 points
Marketing Highlights
Targeting Market Summary
Competitive Analysis
Key Marketing Strategies
Operational Highlights
Intermediary ConcernsAPA Format, Use of References – 15 points Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation – 5 pointsPhase II: Company Profile and Industry Overview
I. Company Profile
This is an overview of your organization including who is involved and the scope of what the company does.
Type of Organization
Name of Organization
Hours of Operation
Scope of Service Line
Clients Served
Location of clinics/services
Description of Business
II. Industry Overview
this is an analysis of the industry and economy in which the organization operates
it demonstrated a current understanding of industry characteristics and trends
a trend is a definite, predictable direction of events
Conduct this type of research using secondary data sourcesSee the below areas that should be covered in the industry overview and the chapters where you can review the subjects:
Overall Business or Client Trends and Opportunities
1.Social changes – Chapter 3
2.Economic reimbursement changes – Chapter 3
3.Demographic changes – Chapter 3
4.Health care delivery changes – Chapter 3
5.Regulatory/political changes – Chapter 3
6.Key success factors in your segment of the industry – Chapter 3
7.Barriers to entry in your segment of the industry – Chapter 2
8.Barriers to exist in your segment of the industry – Chapter 2
Grading Rubric
Organizational Profile – 20 points
Industry Overview – 60 points
APA Format, Use of References – 15 points Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation – 5 points
Phase III: Service Overview, Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix
I. Service Overview
This service describes the new service-the benefits and features that you are providing and to whom.
It is important to recognize that the benefits may way from customer to customer. Patients may see one value or benefit such as timely clinical intervention, whereas the referral sources may see a different benefit, such as having the patient under supervised care within 3 hours of a call, or medical group may see a different benefit having a competitive value with which to better negotiate contracts.
What is the proposed new service/product unique features and benefits?
What values does it provide to the key target market?
What are the benefits of this new service/product?
How is this new service/product against existing services and products offered by others?
What are you doing differently?
1.Target Market
oUnderstand your customers (be they patients, family members, judges, third-party payers, employers, o the government)
oHow is the market segmented? Who in the group is involved in the buying decision?
2.Competitive Analysis
The competitive analysis is a thorough analysis of both direct and indirect competitors. It identifies strengths and weaknesses of competitors. Indirect competitors may not provide the same service, but they may be competing for the same dollars.
Describe your competition’s service
What is/are their point(s) of differentiation?
What real value do they deliver to the customer that others do not?
What is their marketing/advertising approach?
What are the opportunities or threats to your organization?
1.Marketing Mix-Promotional Strategy
oWhat are the key messages you want to convey in your marketing materials about your organization?
oHow are you positioning your service/organization?
oWhat mix of vehicles will you use?
oWhat are the objectives?
2.Marketing Mix-Place
Where will the service/product be delivered (location, hours, technology utilized)?
What are the costs associated with this manner of distribution?
What is the marketing importance/advantage of the location?
Does the location/distribution approach provide any competitive advantages? Marketing Mix-Pricing
oLabor costs of FTEs (full time employees)
oOverhead costs?
oMargin costs?Other Pricing considerations:
§Customer perception of value
§Will there be discounting?
§What type of pricing strategies will you use?
Refer to Chapter 9 – Price
Grading Rubric
Service Overview – 80 points
Target Market
Competitive Analysis
Marketing Mix-Promotional Strategy
Marketing Mix-Place
Marketing Mix-PricingAPA Format, Use of References – 15 points
Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation – 5 points
Phase IV: Service Delivery Plan and Human Resources Plan
1. Service Delivery Plan
Outlines the method by which your service will be delivered to clients or customers
It is a statement of what resources are needed in terms of both personnel and other assets to bedelivered.
Outlines the critical points in the clinical service delivery process§ What to Include
§ Service delivery methodology: what methods will your organization use to deliverservices-this can be an outline
§ Flow Chart of delivery service, delivery sequence, and timing requirements§ Human Resources
1.Organizational Structure/staffing Plan§ Clinical (full time vs. part time)§ Non-clinical (full time vs. part time) 2. Compensation§ Rate
§ Benefits
§ Job descriptions-brief
§ Roles and responsibilities-brief descriptionGrading RubricService delivery methodology – 25 points Flow chart of delivery service- 25 points Human Resources – 30 points
APA Format, Use of References – 15 points Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation – 5 pointsPhase V: Financial Statements, Balance Sheet and Income StatementThe balance sheet shows the financial picture of a business at a given point in time. It is what the organization owns versus what they owe.The income statement shows the profit (or revenue-positive position) versus the loss of an organization over time.
For this phase, utilize Merrill Lynch’s handout on reading financial statements.
1.Using one year of the balance sheet, determine the organization’s liquidity through the current ratioand debt-to-equity ratio. Use the table below and answer the questions.
a.What is the current ratio? Do you have enough current assets to meet your current liabilities? Explain. (Refer to page 23 of the Merrill Lynch handout)
b.What is their debt-to-equity ratio? Total liabilities/total shareholder equity =
2.Using one year of the income statement, determine the organization’s profitability or fund balance perspective through operating margin and net profit ratio. Use the table below and analyze the both the operating margin and net profit ratio. Refer to page 31. Of the Merrill Lynch handout/link.§ Operating Margin = Operating Income/net sales § Net Profit Margin= Net Income/net sales
Grading Rubric
Balance Sheet – 40 points
Income Statement – 40 points
APA Format, Use of References – 15 points Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation – 5 points
Final Health Care Marketing Business Plan
Complete and submit the final business plan with revisions (revised Phases I-V). See grading rubric.
Grading Rubric
Left Side |
Right Side |
Current Assets ________ |
Current Liabilities _________ |
Fixed Assets _________ |
Long-Term Liabilities______ |
Other Assets __________ |
Shareholder Equity ________ |
Content 50 points |
50 points The research is clear, well stated, and supported with the appropriate facts. |
40 points The research could be stronger, weakly stated, but supported with |
30 points Research is strong but not supported with the appropriate facts. |
20 points The research is supported with opinion and not facts. |
the appropriate facts. |
APA Formatting 20 points |
20 points Information is very well organized, subheadings, well-constructed paragraphs, title page, in-text citation, in APA format. |
15 points Information is organized, subheadings with well- constructed paragraphs, with title page, in- text citation and APA format. |
10points Information is organized but paragraphs not well constructed, with a few errors with APA formatted in- text citations, title page, and subheadings |
0 points Information is disorganized, with incomplete APA formatting. |
Reference /Quality and Sources |
15 points Five or more credible sources are used that are cited and relevant to the paper’s topic. |
12 points Three to four credible sources are used that are cited and relevant to the paper’s topic. |
9points One to Two credible sources are used that are cited and relevant to the paper’s topic. |
0 points No credible sources, sources are not cited or relevant to the paper’s topic. |
Grammar/Spelling/ Punctuation |
15 points No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. |
12 points Almost no grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors. |
9 points A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors |
Clown on the verge of a nervous breakdown Writing Assignment Help
Read and produce a typed one-to-two page summary of the article cited below in MLA format. A sample summary is included in the folder called Sample Summaries. You may quote from the article’s abstract, if available, as long as you use quotation conventions correctly. Indicate clearly the article’s thesis or controlling idea, and emphasize elements pertaining to definitions of the double or the archetype of the “doppelgänger.” Conclude your summary with a full citation in MLA format. The article in this exercise is available as a full-text download from Academic OneFile. Do not plagiarize !
Bayes’s Theory Engineering Assignment Help
Bayes’s Theory shows that the probability that A will occur if B occurs will generally differ from the
probability that B will occur if A occurs. (Mlodinow, page 117).
Complete the following assignment:
After reading chapter 6 in The Drunkard’s Walk, re‐read the first paragraph on page 117, then show how
“one can use Bayes’s methods to determine that a positive mammogram is due to cancer in only about
9 per cent of the cases.” Write the solution to the problem with words (use math and explain it in
words), then upload your solution to the appropriate link on Moodle. A complete solution will include a
thorough explanation of the appropriate sample space.
Writing a report about Oil and Fuel Filtering Machines Engineering Assignment Help
- You need to submit a report file describing the actions/steps you have taken to manage and monitor your project(if you are doing your calculations in an Excel file, it would be nice to send the Excel file as well).
- I do not like to assess your reports based on its length! The more is not the better, but please try to write at least 2000 words in your report.
- Your WBS should contain about 15 to 20 activities.
You could start with an introduction, then describing your project. project scope, developing the WBS, time and cost estimation, determining the relationships and developing the project network, resource planning, resource scheduling, Resource leveling, etc.)).Then, you can start implementing your project (hypothetically), and then you can provide the measurement (PV, EV, CV, SV, CVI, SPI, EAC, VAC, etc.) and compare your performance with the plan.
Briefly: after introducing your project, your project scope, your project preferences, …, you have to break down your work into 15-20 activities. Then you can apply some of the techniques to design your network. Then, I expect you to calculate the project performance measurements. Then, your analysis of the measurements is required.
course name: Business Engineering
education sociology about educational experience and analysis Humanities Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on a specific aspect of your educational experience based on topics and readings from this course. Educational experience is defined broadly; this could be a particular school you attended, a decision you made, an extra-curricular activity you participated in, or even a specific conversation you had. What is important is that you describe this experience so that the relevant details are clear to your reader, and that you analyze how it relates to insights from the sociology of education. For instance, does this experience support or contradict theories or patterns we have discussed?
The paper should be 3 pages (no more than 4), double spaced.
Required Elements
Your paper must:
- Describe an aspect of your educational experience clearly enough so that a reader who does not know you at all can understand
- Analyze how this experience relates to at least three readings from the course (be sure to clearly identify the reading; see “References” below)
education sociology about educational experience and analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help
TASK – 1
on the assigned readings from ppt and then type a Five page paper for task-1, regarding what you thought was the most important
concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was
worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was
worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you
felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is
in project planning.
Task- 2 is Problem Set (Min 4 page paper required for task-2 and cover all the below things)
Question 1.
Identify a major public infrastructure project that is either underway,
complete, or proposed in your region. This could be a bridge, road,
building, or something of that nature. For the project you have
identified, think of as many stakeholders and stakeholder groups as you
can. Create a three-column table. In column 1, list the stakeholders. In
column 2, list what each stakeholder wants to get from the project. In
column 3, list the influence each stakeholder has over the project.
Question 2.
How can the stakeholders change over the course of a project? Give
examples of changes in who the stakeholders are, and also in how their
interests or influence over the project might change throughout the term
of the project.
Textbook Information
Watt, A. (2019). Project Management, 2nd Edition. BCcampus Open Education.
SSIGNMENT 1 – Theoretical Likes and Dislikes Given the many developmental theories that exist, you are likely to find some more appealing and plausible than others. For any two theories in Chapter 1, list the concepts and principles you find important an Humanities Assignment Help
SSIGNMENT 1 – Theoretical Likes and Dislikes
Given the many developmental theories that exist, you are likely to find some more appealing and plausible than others. For any two theories in Chapter 1, list the concepts and principles you find important and those you believe to be inadequate or incorrect and explain why. (8 points)
ASSIGNMENT 2: Muddiest Point—After reading Chapter 1, write about an issue, concept, or definition presented in the chapter that you find most confusing or difficult to understand (please include the page #). Tell me exactly what you understand and what you do not understand about that issue, concept, or definition. Note: You are free (but not required) to comment on someone else’s muddiest point. (2 points)
Note: Be sure to name your posts clearly—always include the assignment name and your name (e.g., Assignment 1: Theoretical Likes and Dislikes – S. Williams) and submit separate threads for each assignment.
Read Michael Moss’s essay, “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” Humanities Assignment Help
Directions: Read Michael Moss’s essay, “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” on pages 656-680 and then, similar to Joining the Conversation #4, explain in a 2 page essay about specific actions that you can take to guard against how companies manipulate you into buying certain kinds of food. Explain in your own essay about whether or not you agree or disagree with the author’s point of view about these techniques that companies rely upon.
The grade on this final examination will be out of 20 points based on the following breakdown:
1) How well developed the introduction is (4 points);
2) How well written the thesis statement is designed (4 points);
3) How well the supporting details are written and explained (4 points);
4) How well you are citing from – They Say, I Say (4 points);
5) How well you conclude this final examination (4 points).
History of Spain and Portugal Humanities Assignment Help
There are 2 questions to this assignment, each should consist of no more than 8 pages total (4 for each). Double spaced, size 12 font, 1 inch margins just like other assignments.
Life is a Dream
Question 1 (4 Pages)
1. Provide a very short summary of the plot (no more than half a page).
2. Tell me what the salient themes in this literary work are.
3. Analyze two or three of these themes and explain how they reflect the culture, values, politics, social and economic structures of early modern Spain. You are using these texts as primary sources. Therefore, your use of them should answer the question: What do they tell you about the history of Spain?
4. Place these works within a specific historical context.
Question 2 (4 Pages)
1. In the last four chapters of Spanish Society, I attempt to recreate the patterns of everyday life and Spanish attitudes towards honor, dress, food, travel, entertainment, magic, representations and the like. Select two of these themes and discuss them in detail with references to the primary sources you have read for the class and the historical context provided by the textbooks and lecture.