Modern College of Business and Science Managerial Accounting Final Quiz Business Finance Assignment Help. Modern College of Business and Science Managerial Accounting Final Quiz Business Finance Assignment Help.
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1.The following is the sales forecast of Mazon Corporation which makes and sells a product called a Minitab for the upcoming fiscal year:
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Budgeted unit sales
Past experience has shown that the ending inventory for each quarter is equal to 10% of the next quarter’s sales in units. The company expect to start the first quarter with 4,000 units. The desired ending finished goods inventory at the end of 4th Quarter is 3,000 units.
One Minitab requires 3.5 kilograms of the raw material Jurislon. The company wants to maintain monthly ending inventories of Jurislon equal to 20% of the following month’s production needs. The beginning inventory of Jurislon on hand is 6,900 kilograms and the desire ending Jurislon for the 4th Quarter is 4,500 kilograms. The cost of Jurislon is $2.00 per kilogram.
a.Prepare a production budget for the year showing number of units to be produced each quarter and for the year in total.
b.Prepare direct materials budget by quarter and for the year in total. At the bottom of your budget, show the dollar amount of purchases for each quarter and for the year in total.
1.Explain: The importance of applying process costing system in businesses [ minimum 600 words].
Modern College of Business and Science Managerial Accounting Final Quiz Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SPHS 503 America Public University Analysis of Diet Tracking Apps Science Assignment Help
Computers and cell phone apps have become commonplace, making dietary analysis more accessible to millions of people. As a result, many diet tracking apps and web-based programs have emerged and are now readily available. For this assignment, you will analyze two pre-selected diet tracking apps or web-based programs. You must pick from the list which you will find in the file titled, “Directions for App Analysis.”
Each app and/or program you evaluate is worth ten points if you complete the assignment correctly. You can only evaluate an app/web-based program once.
ONLY USE THE FREE VERSION OF THE APPS/WEB-BASED PROGRAMS. DO NOT PAY. You may have to use the free week for some apps. For most, you will have to set up an account. If you need to enter height, weight, and sex, use the values in the instruction pdf. Do not enter personal data.
Three files are attached to this assignment. The pdf file explains how to complete each analysis. Be sure to read this file before you start. The Excel file contains the preset food list and two spreadsheets where you will enter the data. The Word file contains the consent form. You may agree or disagree with allowing Dr. Byerley to use your data. You must fill out the consent form.
Briefly, you will select an app/web-based program from the list in the instructions. You will download the app to your cell phone and enter the required data. The data is a preset list of food (you will find in it the Excel file) selected from the most common foods Americans eat. These may not be foods you eat, but they are the foods you need to enter into the app/web-based program. Once you find the food, you need to enter the phrase the app/web-based program used to describe the food into the attached Excel file on the spreadsheet titled, “Foods for App Analysis.” When you have completed entering all the foods, take a screenshot of the analysis, and enter that into the Excel file on the page titled, “Nutrient Analysis.”
Upload the consent form and Excel file in the assignment area and submit for grading.
If you analyze more than one app, use a new Excel file for each.
CALC 2 University of Toronto Gaussian Integral & Calculus Equations Homework Mathematics Assignment Help
Question1. Considerthesphereofradius ?: ithasequation ?2+?2+?2 = ?2. • Computethesurfaceareaoftheportionoftheupperhalf-spherethatliesabove thedisk ?2+?2 = ?2,where0 < ? < ?. • Take the limit of your answer as ? → ?− to find the area of the upper half sphere. • Deducetheareaofthewholesphere.
Question2. Sketchthesolidwhosevolumeisgivenbytheiteratedintegral ∫ 2 0 ∫ 2−? 0 ∫ 4−?2 0 1d?d?d?.
Question3. Let ? > 0 be a positive constant. Calculate∫∞ −∞ e−??2 d?. Note: I am more interested in your work than in the answer. Hints: Do not re-calculate the entire Gaussianintegralforthisscaledintegrand. Weknowthat ∫ 0 −∞ e−?2 d?+∫∞ 0 e−?2 d? =∫∞ −∞ e−?2 d?, andwehavealreadyfoundthevalueofthisintegral. Anotherhint: write∫∞ −∞ e−??2 d? =∫ 0 −∞ e−??2 d?+∫∞ 0 e−??2 d?. 1
Catholic University of America Girl with Down Syndrome Analytical Essay Writing Assignment Help
- (FE) The Fundamentals of Ethics
- Ch. 12
- Chs. 14-15
- (EL) The Ethical Life
- Ch. 10 Hobbes
Assignment Description
one of the following topics and write a single-spaced essay of at least
2000 words. Your introduction and conclusion, if any, should be no
more than two sentences each. I discourage you from doing any research
beyond extremely careful reading of the assigned texts. The goals of
the exercise are 1) to demonstrate a precise understanding of the texts
we have studied, and 2) to develop your ability to defend philosophical
positions with arguments of your own. You should make extensive use of
the texts by citing specific pages and, where appropriate, quoting.
Give citations whenever you refer to someone else’s idea. Use any
accepted citation format, but use it consistently. If you have any
questions, please contact me via email or visit my virtual office hours.
You’re a person with many talents: a top chemistry student and also a
great basketball player with a shot at the NBA. However, at the age of
eighteen you find that what you most enjoy is watching basketball on
cable. So you decide not to develop any of your talents. You just sit
around all day and watch basketball. You do this for the rest of your
life. (You’ve won a big lottery, so you can afford it.) Are you acting
on a universalizable maxim? Explain why or why not.
You’ve promised to pick up an out-of-town friend at the train station
at noon so that she can get to a 1pm job interview. You’re driving to
the station when you see a man in distress. He’s having a heart attack,
so you pull over, call an ambulance, administer CPR, and wait with him
until the ambulance arrives. You do this knowing that your friend will
now be late for her interview. Did you act on a universalizable maxim?
Explain why or why not.
You and your friends see a girl with Down syndrome on the street. In
order to amuse your friends, you begin to imitate the girl’s speech
pattern and stretch your eyelids to resemble hers. Your friends find
your mimickry hilarious, but neither the girl nor anyone else notices
what you’re doing. Have you failed to treat her as a Kantian
end-in-herself? Explain why or why not.
Your boss, a man to whom you are not sexually attracted, offers to
promote you in exchange for oral sex. Has he failed to treat you as a
Kantian end-in-yourself? Explain why or why not.
You’ve been diagnosed with a terminal illness. You will fall into a
coma in one week and live for no more than three months after that. It
will be expensive to keep you alive during the final three months of
your life. You decide that you would rather see those medical resources
used to help other people—ones who might recover—so you say farewell to
your loved ones and commit suicide, just before you would have lapsed
into the coma. Have you failed to treat yourself as a Kantian
end-in-yourself? Explain why or why not.
Social contract theorists believe that actions are morally right if and
only if they are permitted by rules that free, equal, and rational
people would agree to live by, on the condition that others obey these
rules as well. Does social contract theory entail that we have no moral
obligations to animals, infants, and individuals with severe mental
State the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing (DDA) and explain what problem
it solves for moral absolutists. Defend or criticize the DDA.
Formatting: Compose in 12pt, Arial, single spaced and submit in DOCX, DOC, RTF, or PDF.
SCS 200 SNHU Mental Health And Social Issues Among Veterans Essay Writing Assignment Help
I have chosen social issues with Veterans to do my research and write my paper on. Veterans
experience mental health disorders, substance use disorders, post-traumatic stress, and traumatic
brain injury at disproportionate rates compared to their civilian counterparts. Eighteen to 22
American veterans commit suicide daily and young veterans aged 18–44 are most at risk. “
Medical records of veterans reveal “that one in three patients was diagnosed with at least one
Mental health disorder – 41% were diagnosed with either a mental health or a behavioral
adjustment disorder”.3 In compensation or in combination with military-related diseases, many
veterans develop substance use disorders (SUDs) and a large number ultimately commit
Some of the issues that I am going to research are Veterans with SUD, TBI, PTSD,
Depression, Suicide and Homelessness. SUD is substance use disorder which veterans have
an increased risk for substance use issues. PTSD is post-traumatic stress disorder which is
common for military veterans to develop as they get older and after having a traumatic brain
injury usually coincides with PTSD. Depression is another issue with veterans. Depression ranks
among one of the most common mental health disorders. It is known that 18-22 veterans commit
suicide daily. Those 18–44 years are most at risk of suicide. Last is homelessness among
veterans. Approximately 12 percent of the homeless population are veterans.
University of Central Florida Week 4 Essays And Analysis Paragraph Humanities Assignment Help
So, the big day has arrived. Choose two of your flash nonfiction pieces from the writing assignments, or, if you wish, from journal entries if you’d written something particularly compelling there that you think will make a great essay.
(1) One of the essays you will revise conventionally–that is, according to what you’ve learned about nonfiction and the specific feedback you’ve gotten from me and/or fellow students to make that particular essay the best it can be.
(2) The other essay I will ask you to experiment with and attack it from an entirely different perspective. I’m not asking for merely a revision of the earlier draft, but instead a totally new treatment of the subject. Perhaps you’d like to take a travel narrative and turn it into a how-to essay. Perhaps you’d like to argue from an opposing side of an issue that you focused on in an earlier essay. Perhaps you’d like to rethink your entire perspective on something that happened in a memoir event. Perhaps you’d like to shift the point of view of the essay. What sort of radical shift you make in the approach to the subject matter is up to you. Be as creative and experimental as you like. I’ll reward you for taking a rhetorical risk and penalize you for playing it safe and sticking close to the design of the old essay. Feel free to run any ideas you have by me if you’re so inclined.
Each final essay should be between 500-750 words. Include your best versions of the two essays along with a one-paragraph analysis for each in which you explain what you learned about writing from the assignment and progression of that particular essay. In the analysis paragraph, be sure to include literary vocabulary you’ve learned along the way when discussing the essay (e.g., hook, point of view, structure, diction, grammar, imagery, dialogue, setting, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, etc.)
Submit both essays and the two analysis paragraphs in one .pdf file or Word document.This portfolio is worth 40% of your grade, so give the papers and paragraphs plenty of thought and care. Make sure you fix anything specific that I pointed out in your drafts. I look forward to seeing how far your writing has journeyed this summer!
University of Central Florida Week 4 Essays And Analysis Paragraph Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Business Email Craft Through Different Segments & Customs? Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Imagine that you are working as the customer service manager for Prime Electronics, a small family-owned online seller of audio electronics including wireless headphones and other accessories. You are approached one day by one of your customer service representatives, who tells you that she is escalating a somewhat complicated case to you for resolution.
Two customers had contacted the company within hours of each other. The first customer, Jack Keller, ordered a pair of wireless Bose noise-cancelling headphones that sold for $400 (excluding taxes and shipping). However, he received the wrong item–a $60 pair of Cowin noise-cancelling headphones. Macy Artell had ordered these, but she received the much more expensive Bose headphones that should have gone to Jack. Jack is furious, but Macy seems more reserved.
Here are the details of the two orders from the company’s database:
Customer InformationOrder No.Item OrderedPriceShippingTotalJack Keller
PE407792Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700$399$8$407Macy Artell
PE407972Cowin E7 Noise Cancelling Headphones$59$8$67
You are going to need to carefully craft some emails to each of these customers–in this case, an individual person is the “audience.”
- Negative message. You need to persuade Macy to send back the Bose headphones. You can provide a pre-paid label for the return, and you will ask the warehouse to prepare to ship her the correct headphones. As you are uncertain whether Macy actually will return the more expensive headphones, it is up to you as to whether you will send these before or after she makes the return.
- Positive message. You need to inform Jack that he can keep the cheaper headphones with the compliments of the company, and that the correct headphones will soon be shipped to him. Do what you can to try and retain him as a customer.
As you no doubt recall from the personal examples I provided from my own days in business, there are some other people you are going to need to loop into this situation, too.
- Short persuasive message. Ellen, the shipping manager, needs to be informed of the mishap. She needs to be aware that Macy is supposed to be sending back the expensive Bose headphones, and she also needs to be given shipping instructions for the replacement for Jack (and potentially Macy, depending on what you decide). Make sure Ellen knows that retaining both of these customers is important, and that she has authorization to include whatever “freebies” (e.g., coupons, free samples, etc.) she’d like.
- Long(er) persuasive message. Draft an email to your general manager, Lauren, explaining what happened and what you have done to resolve the situation. Furthermore, propose at least one idea to prevent this kind of mixup from happening in the future, acknowledging both pros and cons to your suggestion.
- Informative message. Ellen has anywhere from three to six people working in the shipping warehouse with her, depending on the time of year. Turnover is somewhat high, and so policies and procedures have to be clearly spelled out. Assume that Lauren approves your suggestion for fixing the situation; draft a policy memo to all members of the shipping department explaining this new procedure and how it will work.
There are no word count or page count requirements for this assignment–in “real life” there are no such things. You will need to craft your messages instead with the appropriate audience and purpose in mind, checking yourself to be sure you are clear, concise, and consistent.
AudienceAudience CharacteristicsWriting GuidelinesConsumers
(General readers)
- Little or no knowledge of subject
- Usually no requirement that they read the message
- General information rather than technical information preferred
- Use simple language with minimal technical vocabulary
- Keep graphs/visual aids simple
- Maintain an informal tone
- Use common words & simple sentences
- Provide definitions & expain technical information
- Organize visually using bullets, tables, etc.
- Know their fields, but may have limited or no knowledge of other fields
- Are often interested in “how to” type information
- Simple language, but use technical terms where appropriate
- Tone should be encouraging, helpful, not intimidating
- Direct, imperative sentences
- Organize using descriptive headings for easy reference
- Prefer specific information
- Have technical expertise and depth of knowledge in a particular field
- May have somewhat narrow specializations
- More comfortable with ambiguity
- Use plain language when there is no good reason to use technical vocabulary or jargon
- Use a more formal format when appropriate
- Provide relevant, topic-specific information
Decision makers
(Executives, managers)
- Have progressed through the ranks & possess a wide range of experiences that vary in depth (may or may not have technical background)
- Typically very busy and pressed for time
- Prefer using information to lead decision making
- Make decisions based on cost/benefit analyses
- Assume they know their own fields well
- Use plain language when there is no reason to use technical vocabulary or jargon
- Strive for brevity and conciseness
- Get to the point! Put the bottom line up front (“executive summary”)
University of California San Francisco School of Pharmacy Questions Writing Assignment Help
1. In a class of 127 highly qualified students, which of your personal characteristics will make you stand out as an individual? In contrast to the PharmCAS application and statement, which asks you to describe your skills, accomplishments, and future goals, we ask that you discuss your personal uniqueness.
3. .Explain how your educational, employment or other extracurricular experiences have provided you an opportunity to actively engage with diverse populations and/or address health disparities. How will these experiences help you to succeed in our Doctor of Pharmacy program and in the pharmacy profession?
UOP ?Childrens Depression Inventory Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Selected psychological measure of depression: Children’s Depression Inventory.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in APA format which you analyze your selected psychological measure. Provide 3-4 scholarly references. As a part of your analysis, address the following items:
- Using the University Library, the Internet, or other sources, select at least two articles that discuss the use of your selected psychological measure. Briefly summarize your selected articles, and compare and contrast their findings.
- Based on the analysis of your articles, discuss the use of your selected measure. Explain who is qualified to administer and interpret the measure and the settings—such as occupational, academic, or counseling—in which it would be appropriate to use the measure.
- Differentiate between the populations for which your selected psychological measure is valid and invalid.
Hogan, T. P. (2015). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (3nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Text book
Troy University FedEx Case Study Analysis Economics Assignment Help
You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!
NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “”. Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.
Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
- How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
- How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?
Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
- What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
- What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
- Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?
Case 3 – Chapter 12 (
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
- What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
- Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.
Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)
- Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
- Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
- How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
- How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
- Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.