Module 8 Assignment:Public Finance Writing Assignment Help

Module 8 Assignment:Public Finance Writing Assignment Help. Module 8 Assignment:Public Finance Writing Assignment Help.

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Students are to utilize the same local or state government from short papers #1 and #2( attached below ) to research a public finance dilemma in their chosen local or state government. Students should prepare an 8-10 page public finance recommendation addressed to the head of that government (i.e., mayor, commission chair, or governor) with the following components:

  • Executive Summary
  • Background: Organizational Structure, Economic Conditions/Outlook, and Fiscal Policies, major revenue sources and major expenditures.
  • Problem Statement: Identification of high cost/major expenditure
  • Analysis of Expenditure:
    • What are expenditures? What programs are covered under this expenditure?
    • What is public good and choice? How does this expenditure reflect both?
    • How does political equilibrium affect public finance? What is the political equilibrium of your chosen expenditure?
    • What is cost-benefit analysis? What are the findings of a cost-benefit of your expenditure’s programs?
    • What are different revenue strategies? What taxation strategies are used to fund your expenditure’s programs?
  • Recommendations:
    • Is the current funding level appropriate for this public good?
    • What changes should be made to the revenue streams and expenditure level?
    • How will these changes impact the local or state government’s service to constituents?

See Executive Summary Guidelines for expectations. When you are discussing the above areas, you must provide context for each category to ensure understanding about the issue (using historical information, data, current status, options for moving forward and explaining the challenges and opportunities/benefits for each option). Just because you are writing the summary to an executive, it does not mean the executive is fully aware of all the details as you are. So … fully explain.

When you choose your level of government, you can go to that government’s website and seek information regarding the structure, budget, goals, strategic plan, and other information that will benefit this assignment. For example, if a student chooses Lee County, GA. You can go to Lee County’s government website and see some of this information. The information may not be on one or two webpages, so you should be diligent and seek this information out.

Ensure to use in-text citations and have a reference page.

There is no need for a title page or abstract. See the APA Style Guide if necessary.

Module 8 Assignment:Public Finance Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The requirement is below Programming Assignment Help

MIS 341 Cloud Computing Essentials

  • There is no such thing as a partially correct solution. Your solution is either correct or incorrect.
  • You are NOT allowed to submit binary files, including zip file and image file.
  • You need to insert images or copy & paste images into your MS word/pdf/PowerPoint file.
    • You pick a unique name for your bucket.

Reference: Class Notes “Static Website

The attached file (HW3 folder) contains:

You are required to:

1.Create an AWS S3 bucket.

  • Upload the files and folders from HW3 folder to the bucket created in Step 1.
  • Make the necessary changes so that the website works correctly and can be accessed by the public.
    • You must test to ensure that your URL allows the public to access the website; otherwise, your solution is incorrect. If the URL requires the viewer to sign onto AWS, your solution is incorrect.
  • If any of the pictures did not display correctly, your solution is incorrect.

What to submit for grading?

(You need to prove that you have completed all required tasks and that the website works correctly.)

Please create and submit a file to include the following information:

  • The URL for the landing/home page
  • Screenshots of the S3 bucket and folders (under your AWS account) used in completing this assignment.


Cloud Architecture and System Admin Computer Science Assignment Help

Part 1

A. You are a software engineer for a small company. The company runs several small services, such as a website, a blog, and an internal Web application for order management. Your boss wants to move to the cloud but is not sure what provider would be best. Based upon your reading and exploration of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft® Azure, write 2 paragraphs each in an APA paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe what steps would be needed to get started on Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

2. Compare the differences in terminology encountered when creating a Linux server on each cloud provider.

3. Recommend one cloud provider over the other. Backup your recommendation with appropriate reasoning, including opinion on the experience and available components.

B. The position of a System Administrator can be very complex depending on the work environment. An administrator must constantly maintain the system, but also must be cognizant of the users and the group environment in which they work. Over time, system professionals become aware and implement best practices to demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations.

Do some research on best practices for a System Administrator in the library or on the Internet. You can also use your own best practices if you have been working in IT. In a minimum 2-page paper, provide and explain three best practices in each of the following areas of a System Administrator’s role:

  1. The ability to focus on multiple tasks
  2. The ability to meet deadlines
  3. The ability to utilize system users’ feedback to improve system performance
  4. The ability to balance the quality of work against meeting deadlines
  5. The ability to acknowledge mistakes and correct errors

Part 2

A. Write a 2-paragraph summary on using traditional storage over VHD or vice versa. Include the pros/cons and features relevant to its use on a current version of Windows Server operating system.

B. Write a 2-paragraph summary on the basics and use of storage pools in Windows Server 2016 for virtual machines. Detail the benefits and or limitations of its use compared to a method without use of storage pools.


Strategic Management of Innovation and Technology Business Finance Assignment Help

Activity 4: Technology and Innovation

The increasingly important role of technology and innovation in modern strategic management emphasizes that strategic managers have an obligation not only to encourage new product and process development, but also to develop a system to ensure that technology is being used most effectively to result in useful innovations.The chapter also describes key issues and techniques under the headings of environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control.To demonstrate your understanding of these concepts, respond to the following. Cite any sources you use in an APA-formatted bibliography. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style.(100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)

Part A . How should a corporation scan the external environment for new technological developments?Who should be responsible?

Part B. What is technology research and how does it differ from market research?

Part C. What is the importance of product and process R&D to competitive strategy?

Part D. What factors help determine whether a company should outsource a technology?

Part E. How can a company develop an entrepreneurial culture?


I need help with the first part of my Budgeting and Forecasting course project? Business Finance Assignment Help

This week, you will start working on Project Activity 2.

In Week 1, you selected a business for which you’ll make a budget proposal. Your first step is to create a sales forecast (in sales dollars) when no historical data is available. Use methods such as historical analogy, expert judgment, consumer surveys, the Delphi method, or calculations based on population distributions, estimated growth rates, or expected market penetration rates to arrive at reasonable sales figures for your business for the next 5 years. Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx.

You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.

Grading Rubric

Section 2.0 Sales Forecast (Draft) Deliverable Points
There is a 5-year sales forecast in the Word document Section 2.1 and the Excel spreadsheet (in sales dollars). 3
The 5-year forecast appears to be based on research, reasonable assumptions, and the methodologies described in the course based on the description in section 2.2 of the template. 4
The 5-year forecast calculations appear to be correct. 3
Total Points 10

Week 3 Project Activity: Capital Expenditure Budget (Draft)

Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present a capital expenditure budget for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.

Grading Rubric

Section 3.0 Capital Expenditure Budget (Draft) Deliverable Points
Capital Expenditures items have been correctly identified. 6
Cost of these items appear reasonable and based on primary research. 6
The Capital Expenditure budget is properly constructed in the Excel template and the calculations appear correct. 4
The Capital Expenditure section of the word template is complete and correctly describes the capital expenditure budget and underlying assumptions. 4
Total Points 20

Week 4 Project Activity: Investment Analysis (Draft)

Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.

Grading Rubric

Section 4.0 Investment Analysis (Draft) Deliverable Points
The cash flows show detailed inflows and outflows, as well as net cash flows. 6
The NPV Analysis is properly calculated and presented. 6
The Rate of Return calculations are properly calculated and presented. 4
The payback period is properly calculated and presented. 4
Total Points 20

To start I will attach my week 1 course project activity along with the information you will need on the business! I will also attach the necessary documents to complete the tasks.

Project activity 2 (sales forecast):Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx.

Project activity 3 (capital expenditure budget): Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present a capital expenditure budget for your new business startup.

Project activity 4 (investment analysis):Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup



Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help


You will design a survey (maximum of 1 page) with the purpose of answering research questions that came up as a result of your literature reviews. You will also conduct a brief write up. See below for further information on these two tasks.

This task is meant to be serve as a portion of the methodology section of your final research proposal paper. It is not mandatory you do so, but you can, to make it easier on yourself.


APA formatting does not apply to surveys and the project write-up.

The Assignment

The goal is to demonstrate your knowledge of measurement and surveys and the principles which apply, as taught through this course. I would make sure you are familiar with at least chapters 5-7 of the textbook before beginning this activity.



You are to design one survey in a Word document. There are no other limitations. Be creative. Utilize examples from research articles you have read and examples that are in the textbook. Google survey measures/instruments you have read about in articles, like the PHQ-9 for depression, GAD-7 for anxiety, etc. as examples.

Given there is creativity involved here, there is no rubric, grading will in part be subjective. Clearly demonstrate to me your knowledge of measurement and surveys.

Some steps to writing a good survey (just helpful questions for you to think about)

1. Establish the goals of the project/survey – What do we want to learn?

2. Determine your sample – Whom do we want to take the survey? How will we choose who we ask? How many people should we survey?

3. Choose methodology – How will we conduct the survey? Will the survey be oral? Written?

4. Create your questionnaire – What kinds of questions should we ask? How many questions should we ask? Will they be face valid? Closed or open ended? Double-barreled? Etc…

5. What are the response options going to be? Likert scale? Forced choice true/false? Something else? How will you account for “fence-sitting?” What are the strengths and weaknesses of each option?

6. Think about how you need to analyze the data to answer your question. Are you going to run correlations? Do you need to run a T-Test to look at differences between two groups? Will your questions and your response options get you the data you need to run those types of tests?


  • Survey Process Write-up (2-3 paragraphs)

In addition to the survey, you will complete a brief write-up to explain your thought process and decision making. This is another opportunity for you to clearly demonstrate to me you understand concepts from chapters 5-7 and could apply them to your survey. This will be the most heavily graded portion of this assignment.

Discuss things relevant to your study like:

-ordinal vs. interval scales


-Likert scales vs. multiple choice

-categorical responses vs. numerical responses

-leading questions

-double-barreled questions

-observation data vs. self-report data

-using individual item scores, total scores, and/or composite scores

-having face valid questions or not

-observer bias

-will you be needing the survey to be given at multiple time points and if so how will you account for test-re-test reliability?

-will you be assessing inter-rater reliability?

-how will you account for content validity in your questions?

-how will you incorporate or account for ‘fence-sitting,’

-will you use double negatives?

-open vs closed ended questions

-how will you account for observer bias, etc…

  • Reflection (1 paragraph)

Please reflect on this assignment and the process of learning how to design a survey. Some example questions you may answer in your write-up:

  • What was this like for you?
  • Was this easier or harder than you expected?
  • What did you learn?
  • What was surprising?

Does not have to be APA format.

Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

question about the GCC Programming Assignment Help

Assume data cache is fully associative with 60 lines, each line can hold 10 doubles, the replacement rule is least recently used first, matrix elements are doubles, and n=4000. What is the total number of read cache misses for each matrix in each of the following three matrix multiplication algorithms? Implement these algorithms and verify the correctness of your implementation by checking the maximum error in the matrix C. Compile your code using gcc without any optimization flag and run your executables at any computer you can access. Rank the execution times and explain why the execution times are different

Compile the attached simple matrix multiplication code dgemm-simple.c using gcc without any optimization flag and report the execution time of the program on any computer you can access. Compile the attached optimized matrix multiplication code dgemm-optimized.c using gcc with optimization flag “-O3” and report the execution time of the program on the same computer you used for dgemm-simple. Calculate how much faster dgemm-optimized runs than dgemm-simple. As we explained in class, architecture knowledge is very important while studying/designing compilers and operating systems, can you read the program dgemm-optimized.c and briefly explain how architecture knowledge may help programmers to write computer programs that run faster?


need to write 500 words about an essay Humanities Assignment Help

please read the instructions and follow the questions below

This week, you read eight chapters from Zinsser’s book On Writing Well. Your discussion this week, I’d like you to apply some of the ideas discussed in the reading. After you’ve completed the reading, visit to view either the current issue or a previous issue of the Sosland Journal (UMKC-published academic journal of Undergraduate student work). Pick an essay that is interesting to you and read it fully.

After you’ve read an essay from the Sosland, please evaluate it in the context of something you learned from this week’s reading. Is there a skill that this author does particularly well, especially in context of Zinsser’s advice? An aspect that they do well that actually contradicts a piece of Zinsser’s advice? An aspect that they do poorly? How might it be improved with Zinsser’s advice? What effect does the use/misuse of this writing skill have on the essay overall, if at all? Try to pull direct evidence from both the essay you’re reviewing and the Zinsser chapter you’re discussing.

here is Zinsser’s book on writing well links :

ask me if you have any questions .

Thank you


1000 words, values in a business society Business Finance Assignment Help

1000 word research paper – LOCAL inspiration – Be creative, choose your own interest topic, describe how that topic relates to Values in Business. Use the pre- or post- pandemic world, or perhaps a compare or contrast. between the two – the sky is the limit, aim for interesting rather than academic, but please keep track of the resources you use and create a reference list.
You must include a 100 word description of your inspiration for this topic. * Here is a movie version of the inspiration of a business deal – this is a clip from the 1988 movie WORKING GIRLS starring Melanie Griffiths and Harrison Ford – scroll forward on this clip to 1:45 and take a minute to watch how she ties a few points together as inspiration for a business deal.


Discussion Board 4 Writing Assignment Help


What ideas/tips from this week’s readings (Osborn, Osborn, & Osborn, 2009) do you think will be especially helpful for you as you prepare presentation in this class? Explain.


Responses should be well developed. Responses will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Development and completeness of response: Responses should be fully developed (at

least 150 words). Did the student effectively address the prompt? Was response

complete and well developed?

2. Thoughtfulness of response: Did this response appear to be thoughtful? Did the student

think critically about the material? Did the student connect ideas in a meaningful way?

3. The quality of the written response: Did the student proof read their response? Were

there grammatical and/or spelling errors? Did the student answer in complete sentences?

4. The use of citations: Each week, in your response to the prompt you should include at

least one source citation (i.e., one of the assigned readings).

citations that adhere to APA guidelines—it should be clear to me which points in your

response come from the readings and which points are coming from you. There is no

need to include a bibliographic reference. Did the student effectively apply course

concepts and/or theories? Was the student able to apply ideas presented in the readings

to their own example/story/experience?

5. Conclude with a thought-provoking question: Since you are required to respond to one

another’s posts, it is effective to open dialogue in your original post by inviting

participation. You should end your own response with an open-ended question to

encourage people to engage in the discussion further. Don’t just conclude with, “What do

you think?” Rather, ask thought-provoking questions. If the question can be answered with

a simple “yes” or “no,” it is not a good question.


PEER RESPONSES. You are also required to respond to at least two other student’s posts/threads on each discussion board.

      1. Response posts should also be thoughtful and well written. They should demonstrate that you have either learned from another’s post, or that another’s post enabled you to see things differently, or relate to another student on a new level. Simply responding with, “I like your post” or “You make an interesting point” is not sufficient.
      2. Read what other students have to say and comment on their posts. If someone makes an interesting observation or point, let them know you appreciated their insights and explain how their story has resonated with you. Alternatively, perhaps you disagree with what another student says. Reply (politely) with a critique. You might say, “I understand your perspective, but I viewed this differently…..” Engage in a conversation and invite others to join the conversation.


Module 8 Assignment:Public Finance Writing Assignment Help

Module 8 Assignment:Public Finance Writing Assignment Help

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