Monash College Economic Analysis Research Paper Economics Assignment Help. Monash College Economic Analysis Research Paper Economics Assignment Help.
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Learning objectives
This assessment task is designed to develop and assess student skills in economic
analysis. It also seeks to build critical thinking and writing skills.
B. Task
In Appendix 1 to this assignment you will find an extract of an Article published in The
Sydney Morning Herald on 20
May 2020 (The Article)
Your task is to provide an economic analysis of this real-life situation, exactly
following the six steps listed in Part E below.
C. In Appendix 2 to this assignment you will find the mandatory reading that you are required to
complete before you start writing the assignment.
D. Due Date
The assignment should be submitted to Turnitin on Wednesday Week 9 (26th August)
– before 11.55 p.m.
Monash College Economic Analysis Research Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Social Media Benefits Personally and Professionally Plan Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need guidance to help me study.
Assignment Content
Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.
Regardless of the career that you pursue or are currently pursuing, it is likely that the action of securing the resource of friends and professional acquaintances will be as valuable as any other action you could take.
Part 1:
First, take some time to reflect on your career and/or future career. If this includes more than one career path, then focus on the one that you are most concerned with in the long term. This might include working in a specific field, starting a business, or any other pursuit you are currently working on or plan to work on in the future. The choice behind the pursuit you will focus on is a personal choice.
Write two pages on why this particular career and/or pursuit is your choice. Reflecting on the why behind your wish to achieve a goal will help to make it feel more tangible to you. This exercise of reflection should serve to remind you of your motivation and will be a good thing to refer back to if your motivation ever gets low. The “why” behind a pursuit is oftentimes more important than the “how” of a pursuit. If you have a strong enough “why,” you will find the “how.”
Part 2:
For the second part of this assignment, make a list of the types of people that could help you in your career and why those people would be good contacts to have. This list should be general in nature, meaning you should list professions or names of positions within companies rather than specific names.
You should list general fields or positions like accountants, attorneys, marketing managers, CEOs, etc., rather than any specific names. Be sure to list at least five professions or types of people.
Part 3:
Next, consider which social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you in your pursuit along with why and how you could use each. Ensure that the platform and your use of it line up with the specifics behind your chosen future goal.
Describe at least three different platforms you could use, along with why you would use it, and how you would use it for each of the three.
- Platform #
- Why?
- How?
- Platform #
- Why?
- How?
- Platform #
- Why?
- How?
Part 4:
Finally, put all of this together and take action. The next part of this assignment is where you can make a big difference in your grade as well as in your real life pursuit of a goal!
Reach out through the avenue of social media and make contact with three people that you do not currently know. Describe who you contacted and why (you do not need to give their specific name). Explain how you went about contacting them. Contacting someone that works in the same field as you or the same field you intend to work in should be relatively easy as long as you take a professional approach. Speculate over how this new contact might be helpful to you in the future. If you are not currently using social media, then find someone that you know that has used social media to make connections. Ask them to describe how social media has helped them to network and write about social media has helped them to network and make connections.
Requirements/grading rubric
1. Clearly described the goal that you are focused on long term in a well-organized manner and why it is important to you while meeting the minimum length requirement..
2. Provided a description of at least five different types of people that could be helpful to you in the future and thoroughly explained why?
3. Provided a list of at least four social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you pursuit along with specifics on why and how yo could use each platform.
4. Provided a thorough description of the people you contacted, how you went about it, and how these contacts might be beneficial to have in the future.
5. Paper, lists, and explanations were formatted correctly.
6. Provided an APA formatted reference page with at least 3 credible sources to support research.
7. Demonstrated effective usage of English grammar and mechanics. 0-2 errors in English grammar and mechanics observed.
Capital University Covid 19 Pandemic Effect on Workers PowerPoint Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english presentation and need support to help me understand better.
PowerPoint Presentation for the Proposal Argument. Attached is the paper.
This PowerPoint should contain at least ten slides. In this presentation, you should not simply retype your paper. Offer a clear outline of your paper and use appropriate visuals. Refer to the assignment and the PowerPoint on effective PowerPoint Presentations.
Grading criteria |
INFO 321 AMU database Design Concepts Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Note : Need Original work as paper will checked against turnitin
Assignment Instructions
Part 1 (60%)
A) Complete Exercise 10.6 on page 325 in the Connolly text. Include a comprehensive explanation of each phase.
B) Explain how the bottom-up design approach differs from the top-down design approach. Which approach do you believe should be used to design a simple database with a relatively small number of attributes and why?
Include the questions with your answers.
The submission should demonstrate your understanding of the assigned material. The submission should be in the order of 1,000+ words in length.
The content must be original, and include supporting sentences using the terms, concepts, and theories from the assigned readings and other material (optional). The submission must paraphrase the referenced material, restrict the use of direct quotes (copy and paste) to less than 15% of the submission (the grade will be impacted if this limit is exceeded).
There are writing guidelines in the syllabus – use good judgement, the submission must be well organized. Provide citations and references in APA style.
Name your document Last Name_Assignment4 (i.e. Smith_Assignment4).
The following rubric will be used to grade the Part 1: (60%)
Synthesis of Concepts
A) Response to 10.6 25%
B) Response to bottom-up top-down 20%
Using APA style/reference 5%
Writing Org/Clarity/Spelling 10%
Part 2 (40%)
Complete the Independent Challenge 3 exercise on page Access 160 in Module 6: Improving Queries. Do not perform the Print in step d, g, and m. You must download and use the LakeHomes-6.accdb file provided with this course – look in the Resource section, Access Module 6 subfolder in the Friedrichsen Access 2016 Data Files folder.
Name the completed Access database Last Name_LakeHomes-6.accdb (i.e. Smith_ LakeHomes-6.accdb).
Ensure both the word compatible document for Part A, and the Access database for Part B, are attached before submitting your work. You need to go through the attachment process for each file.
Bethel College Ancol Corp Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
For your Unit 1 Complete assignment read the Case Study: Ancol Corp and write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and Attend sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.
• Discuss the consequences of the time clock removal on Ancol’s effectiveness as an organization.
• Examine any two of the perspectives of organizational effectiveness.
• Describe the changes that should occur to minimize the likelihood of these problems in the future.
• What recommendations do you have for Paul to improve the relationship between employees and management?
Paul Sims was delighted when Ancol Corp. offered him the job of manager at its Lexington, Kentucky plant. Sims was happy enough managing a small metal stamping plant with another company, but the invitation to apply to the plant manager job at one of the leading metal fabrication companies was irresistible. Although the Lexington plant was the smallest of Ancol’s 15 operations, the plant manager position was a valuable first step in a promising career.
One of Sims’s first observations at Ancol’s Lexington plant was that relations between employees and management were strained. Taking a page from a recent executive seminar that he attended on building trust in the workplace, Sims ordered the removal of all time clocks from the plant. Instead, the plant would assume that employees had put in their full shift. This symbolic gesture, he believed, would establish a new level of credibility and strengthen relations between management and employees at the site.
Initially, the 250 production employees at the Lexington plant appreciated their new freedom. They felt respected and saw this gesture as a sign of positive change from the new plant manager. Two months later, however, problems started to appear. A few people began showing up late, leaving early, or take extended lunch breaks. Although this represented only about five percent of the employees, others found the situation unfair. Moreover, the increased absenteeism levels were beginning to have a noticeable effect on plant productivity. The problem had to be managed.
Sims asked supervisors to observe and record when the employees came or went and to discuss attendance problems with those abusing their privileges. But the supervisors had no previous experience with keeping attendance and many lacked the necessary interpersonal skills to discuss the matter with subordinates. Employees resented the reprimands, so relations with supervisors deteriorated. The additional responsibility of keeping track of attendance also made it difficult for supervisors to complete their other responsibilities. After just a few months, Ancol found it necessary to add another supervisor position and reduce the number of employees assigned to each supervisor.
But the problems did not end there. Without time clocks, the payroll department could not deduct pay for the amount of time that employees were late. Instead, a letter of reprimand was placed in the employee’s personnel file. However, this required yet more time and additional skills from the supervisors. Employees did not want these letters to become a permanent record, so they filed grievances with their labor union. The number of grievances doubled over six months, which required even more time for both union officials and supervisors to handle these disputes.
Nine months after removing the time clocks, Paul Sims met with union officials, who agreed that it would be better to put the time clocks back in. Employee-management relations had deteriorated below the level when Sims had started. Supervisors were overworked. Productivity had dropped due to poorer attendance records and increased administrative workloads.
A couple of months after the time clocks were put back in place, Sims attended an operations meeting at Ancol’s headquarters in Cincinnati. During lunch, Sims described the time clock incident to Liam Jackson, Ancol’s plant manager in Portland, Oregon. Jackson looked surprised, then chuckled. He explained that the previous manager at his plant had done something like that with similar consequences six or seven years ago. The manager had left some time ago, but Jackson heard about the earlier time clock incident from a supervisor during his retirement party two months ago.
“I guess it’s not quite like lightning striking the same place twice,” said Sims to Jackson. “But it sure feels like it.
Please use this book as one of you sources:…
San Jose State University Basic Principles and Extensions Paper Economics Assignment Help
1.Tom (T) and Jerry (J) have identical incomes I. Their preferences can be described by the utility functions UT = min{x1, x2}, and UJ = x1x2, respectively.
(i)Do Tom and Jerry consume an identical amount of good 1 (x1), or different amounts? Explain!
(ii)Suppose both of their incomes double. By how much does consumption of good 1 (x1) change for Tom, and by how much for
(iii)Suppose good 1 (x1) becomes more expensive. In which direction does the consumption of good 2 (x2) change for Tom, and in which direction for Jerry?
2.Mr. Odde Ball enjoys commodities x and y according to the utility function U(x, y) = (x2+ y2)21
(i)Maximize Mr. Ball’s utility if px = $3, py = $4, and he has $50 to spend.
(ii)Graph Mr. Ball’s indifference curve and its point of tangency with his budget constraint. What does the graph say about Mr. Ball’s behavior? What is the optimal bundle that maximizes Mr.
Ball’s utility?
3. Suppose that the only items you consume are bread and wine. If the price of bread were to increase tomorrow, and if simultaneously your income were to increase by just enough so that you were equally as happy tomorrow as today, what would happen to the level of your consumption of bread? Illustrate your answer with indifference curves.
4.The CES utility function is given by
xδ + yδ U(x, y) = δ
(i)Show that the first-order conditions for a constrained utility maximum with this function require individuals to choose goods in the proportion
(ii)Show that the result in part (i) implies that individuals will allocate their funds equally between x and y for the case δ = 0.
(iii)How does the ratio ppxyyx depend on the value of δ? Explain your results intuitively.
(iv)Derive the indirect utility and expenditure functions for this case and check your results by describing the homogeneity properties of the functions you calculated.
5.Suppose the utility function for goods x and y is given by
U(x, y) = xy + y
(i)Calculate the uncompensated (Marshallian) demand functions for x and y, and describe how the demand curves for x and y are shifted by changes in I or the price of the other good.
(ii)Calculate the expenditure function for x and y.
(iii)Use the expenditure function calculated in part (b) to compute the compensated demand functions for goods x and y. Describe how the compensated demand curves for x and y are shifted by changes in income or by changes in the price of the other good.
San Jose State University Basic Principles and Extensions Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
De Anza Ancient Greek Art & Evolution of Greek vs Chinese Sculpture Essay Humanities Assignment Help
How is Protagoras’s statement Man is the measure of all things embodied in Classical Greek sculpture? Why did Greek sculptors take such an intense interest in the heroic male nude figure?
Choose a nude Greek sculpture from the Archaic or Classical era and contrast it with a sculpture from another ancient culture of your choice. The second work does not have to be nude and address how the differences in these works reflect differences in their cultures. Be sure to address context, style and subject matter. Please attach a jpg image for any work not illustrated in our module text. You may want to do outside research for this topic. Be sure to cite your sources and avoid plagiarism.
Here is one example
1.I wanted to compare two sculptures from around the same time period and in a similar style to better highlight the cultural differences. Hermes and the Infant Dionysus is dated to the 4th century BC and the Chinese Terracotta Army to the 3rd century BC. They both feature fairly naturalistic styles and proportions.
During the Greek Late Classical period the focus had shifted from athleticism to sensuality, as exemplified in the soft S-curve of Hermes and the narrative-centric subject matter, with the figure taller and more slender than the old Polykleitan canon. The material of marble lends itself to the smooth elegance characteristic of Classical Greek sculptures.
In ancient China, it was common for rulers to be guarded in death by a few statues but Shi Huangdi, first emperor of a unified China, wanted an entire army with real weapons. According to historian Sima Qian (146-86 BC), the emperor even wanted crossbows with triggering mechanisms. The warriors are within the range of life size, the higher ranking ones have less modest proportions, but the facial features are stylized with simplified forms. Their purpose being to protect, the soldiers stand rigid similar to a kouros with their arms and hands in varying positions, and I don’t think they were meant to be beautiful like the Classical Greek sculptures (although some speculate that the Terracotta Soldiers were influenced by Greek art). The clay material gives a sense of earthy resilience.
Based on these two examples, you can see a contrast of priorities between the cultures. The Greeks were occupied with beauty, idealism, and mythology, while (in this case) the Chinese had more of a practicality to their art as the soldiers were created for strength and protection.
Works Cited
Cartwright, Mark. “Terracotta Army.”, 6 Nov 2017,
Colorado State University Doctrine of Adverse Possession Case Discussion Law Assignment Help
Bob and Joe have been neighbors for thirty years. Twenty-five years ago, Bob planted a rose garden that extended onto Joe’s property. Each year, Bob would work openly in the garden, making sure that the roses would flourish. On several occasions over the years, Joe would comment on how beautiful the rose garden was. Since the garden was planted, there has been a prominent sign, on Joe’s property, saying “Bob’s Rose Garden.” Now, Joe objects to Bob’s garden on his property. Under the doctrine of Adverse Possession, does Bob now own that land? Fully discuss the doctrine of Adverse Possession and whether it applies here. Support your argument with citations to supporting sources .
Saudi Electronic University Marketing Strategies of the Apple Inc Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Submission Date by the Students: Week 4 (Saturday); 26/09/2020
Apple’s Jobs Takes Leave as Weight Loss Said to Continue; Cook Takes Over
Lead Story-Dateline: Satariano, Adam, Peter Burrows, and Joseph Galante,
“Apple’s Jobs Takes Leave as Weight Loss Said to Continue; Cook Takes Over,”,…,
posted 1/18/2011.
Summary: Key Points in the Article
Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs announced he was taking a leave of absence for health reasons. Jobs has been fighting cancer and also recently underwent a liver transplant. Even though the computer giant is in good hands with Chief Operating Officer Tom Cook taking over the stock price fell by US$6.40, or nearly two percent, on the news.
Jobs is widely known as a visionary and a micromanager. Under his leadership Apple has transformed the computing industry. While Jobs’ health outlook is unknown many investors are betting on his recovery and return. Those who bought Apple stock when Jobs stepped down in 2004 for health reasons made a nice profit when he returned to the helm.
Question2 Marks
“When a financial manager makes good or bad financial decisions the impact of these decisions will be reflected in the company’s Stock price”.
Do you agree with the decision taken in the above case? What decisions you will take to improve the stock price of Apple Computers in this situation?
and i will gave you two articles and i need short comments on them
University of Texas at Arlington Benefits of Taking Creatine Supplements Essay Writing Assignment Help
Proposal (5 points): 1-1.5 page typed (single spaced) narrative explaining your proposed research topic. An expansion of the proposal can later be used for Chapter I: Introduction of your Research Paper.
Your topic can be from one of the following five areas related to exercise physiology: 1) Bioenergetics, 2) Neuromuscular, 3) Pulmonary, 4) Cardiovascular, 5) Body Composition, or 6) Training Effects.
If you are unsure as to whether your topic is acceptable, please communicate as soon as possible.
This assignment will include (with sections labeled and underlined) in the following order:
a. the physiological area,
b. a rationale (3-4 paragraph narrative; ~1/2-1 page in length),
c. statement of purpose (one sentence),
d. hypothesis (one sentence),
e. five to six key terms (with definitions)
f. two appropriate citations (author, year)
I have uploaded an example of the essay and the guidelines. You just need to complete the Introduction part of the essay. The essay will be about the benefits of taking creatine. I will upload 5 pdf article to help you complete this assignment. Feel free to use other one just as long as they are peer reviewed articles and they have to be based on an experiment. The article should include the purpose, methods, results, and conclusion. If you’re not sure then ask me or just look at the ones that I will upload. Also, if you want to change the topic of the essay then let me know. I’m open to hear new ideas.
posted 1/18/2011.
Summary: Key Points in the Article
Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs announced he was taking a leave of absence for health reasons. Jobs has been fighting cancer and also recently underwent a liver transplant. Even though the computer giant is in good hands with Chief Operating Officer Tom Cook taking over the stock price fell by US$6.40, or nearly two percent, on the news.
Jobs is widely known as a visionary and a micromanager. Under his leadership Apple has transformed the computing industry. While Jobs’ health outlook is unknown many investors are betting on his recovery and return. Those who bought Apple stock when Jobs stepped down in 2004 for health reasons made a nice profit when he returned to the helm.
Question2 Marks
“When a financial manager makes good or bad financial decisions the impact of these decisions will be reflected in the company’s Stock price”.
Do you agree with the decision taken in the above case? What decisions you will take to improve the stock price of Apple Computers in this situation?
and i will gave you two articles and i need short comments on them