Montana State University Adverse Effects from Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Montana State University Adverse Effects from Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Montana State University Adverse Effects from Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.

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OKay so this project had several steps and this is the last step you will complete. Remmeber you are the student in the video doing the interview!! you ar e noone else !1

You are required to use APA format for your submission. This will include a title page, 3-4 pages of double spaced written work with citations, and a reference page with a reference listed for each citation. Use an Arial font with size 12 pt type. You will utilize spell check prior to submitting the final written work. The final grade will be earned by completeness ( paper is submitted), content (addressing the outlined components), and the format requirements outlined. The following is the rubric that will be used for grading.

Paper – Deadline – 10 points, Grammar – 10 points, Completeness – 35 points, Clarity – 35 points, Design – 10 points = Total 100 points.

Montana State University Adverse Effects from Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CU Differences and Advantages of Mac Dac and Brac For Security Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discuss in 500 words or more the differences between and advantages of MAC, DAC, and RBAC.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.


Fiscal Policy and Forecasting Essay Question Writing Assignment Help

NO PLAGIARISM!! – Please be sure to watch the plagiarism on the assignment.

Hi! Please see assignment below. Choose one of the assignments you would like to do of your choice .Can you have this to me by Saturday 11/28/2020? Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you kindly!

Fyi…we will have group assignments in this class .As soon as the professor post them I will let you know.

Policy Presentation

Assignment Content

Choose and complete one of the two assignment options:

Option 1: Forecasting Comparison Presentation

Identify a state, local, or federal policy that impacts your organization or community.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you complete the following:

  • Describe how forecasting can be used to implement this policy and highlight any limitations of the usage of forecasting.
  • Compare and contrast the different forms of forecasting used to aid decision-makers when evaluating policy outcomes.
  • Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
  • Analyze the relationship between forecasting, monitoring of observed policy outcomes, and normative futures in goals and agenda setting.

Include speaker notes with each slide. The presentation should also contain and at least four peer-reviewed references from the University Library.

Option 2: Forecasting Comparison Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that identifies a state, local, or federal policy that impacts your organization or community. Describe how forecasting can be used to implement this policy and highlight any limitations of the usage of forecasting. As part of your discussion, be sure to touch upon the following:

  • Compare and contrast the different forms of forecasting used to aid decision-making when evaluating policy outcomes.
  • Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
  • Analyze the relationship between forecasting, monitoring of observed policy outcomes, and normative futures in goals and agenda setting.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. The word count does not include the Abstract, Title, or Reference pages.

Include at least five peer-reviewed references from the University Library.

Read Ch. 4 of Public Policy Analysis.

Read Ch. 6 of Public Policy Analysis.


MGT 421 Saudi Electronic University Communication Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without cover page, Learning Outcomes and Question Asked will NOT be accepted.


CMIT 421 University of Maryland VM Scanner Evaluation Background Report Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.

This week, you will submit the second project, VM Scanner Background Report, based on the Nessus Report. As you are writing your report, you may want to refer back to the CEO’s video in Week 1 to make sure your analysis and recommendations align with the CEO’s priorities and concerns.

You should link your analysis to the kinds of organizational functions and data associated with a transportation company (e.g., protecting order data, customer lists, sales leads, Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance for processing credit, proprietary software, etc.) and provide your recommendation if Mercury USA should purchase the Nessus tool. This report should be four to six pages in length and include a title/cover page. Include in-text citations and a reference page with three quality sources in a citation style of your choice.

For this assignment, you are asked to provide your supervisor, Judy, with a technical evaluation of a vulnerability scanner. By documenting your results in an effective background report, you are showing how you use your technical knowledge to convey your ideas to others in a professional setting. Your ability to express your findings using the right mix of technical detail in a business context is an important workplace skill.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

  • 1.3.1: Identify potential sources of information that can be used to develop and support ideas.
  • 1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication.
  • 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
  • 12.2.1: Identify systems for the risk assessment.
  • 12.3.1: Select controls.
  • 13.2.1: Evaluate vendor recommendations in the context of organization requirements.

If you haven’t already downloaded it last week, download the VM Scanner Background Report Template now and follow the instructions in the document.

Delete the instructional text from the template before you submit.

Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Please provide a Turnitin report.



JGR 100 Strayer University Understanding Your Strengths and Personality Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Assignment 2:Understanding your Strengths and Personality

Due week 5 and worth 100 points.

“As you develop a game plan for your life, you must start by seeing yourself for who you really are.”

– Coach Gibbs


Part of Coach Gibb’s success as a leader is his ability to recognize people’s unique strengths and utilize them. This week you will identify your own strengths and personality by taking the DiSC assessment. Once you have your results, you will better understand how your strengths and personality can change how you work with others or the career you pursue.


Step 1: Use the Everything DiSC Management Profile access code that you purchased from the bookstore to complete the assessment.

Step 2: Check your Strayer email account. Your DiSC Assessment results will be sent there. Download your DiSC results report and save it to your computer.

Step 3: Download the DiSC Assessment Reflection Worksheet and save it to your computer.

Step 4: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the assignment.

Step 5: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_ A2.

Step 6: Submit your assignment using the Week 5 assignment link in Blackboard.


This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.)

Course Connections:

While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer Videos, Coach’s Huddle, Weekly Readings, and/or Discussion Questions to explain and support your thoughts.

Wait! Before you submit your assignment, did you…

  • Review the scoring guide before you submit your assignment to Blackboard? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment expectations. If you are unclear on what is expected of you, please reach out to your instructor for support.
  • Check your assignment for grammatical errors?
  • Review your answers for clarity?
  • Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions?

Scoring Guide Assignment 2:Understanding Your Strengths and Personality



90-100% A


80-89% B


70-79% C

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D


Below 60% F

1. Identify your dominant style and provide a brief summary about what that style says about your management personality. Explain how you reacted to your results.

Weight: 20%

Identifies dominant style and provides a thorough summary explaining what that style says about your management personality and any surprises you may have had.

Identifies dominant style and provides a satisfactory summary explaining what that style says about your management personality and any surprises you may have had.

Identifies dominant style and provides a partial summary explaining what that style says about your management personality and any surprises you may have had.

Identifies dominant style and provides an insufficient summary explaining what that style says about your management personality and any surprises you may have had.

Did not submit.

2. Identify your “priorities” and give examples of how they have helped you accomplish a task and/or be effective when working with others.

Weight: 20%

Identifies “priorities” and thoroughly describes examples of how they have helped you accomplish a task and/or be effective when working with others.

Identifies “priorities” and satisfactorily describes examples of how they have helped you accomplish a task and/or be effective when working with others.

Identifies “priorities” and partially describes examples of how they have helped you accomplish a task and/or be effective when working with others.

Identifies “priorities” and insufficientlydescribes examples of how they have helped you accomplish a task and/or be effective when working with others.

Did not submit.

3. Identify three (3) of your motivators and three (3) of your stressors.


Identifies three (3) motivators and three (3) stressors.

Identifies two (2) motivators and two (2) or less stressors OR two (2) of either the motivators or stressors and only one of the other.

Identifies one (1) motivator and one (1) stressor.

Identifies one (1) motivator and zero (0) stressors or identifies zero (0) motivators and one (1) stressor.

Did not submit.

4.Identify three (3) strengths and three (3) challenges that relate to your approach to directing and delegating. Explain why you chose them.


Identifies three (3) strengths and three (3) challenges that relate to your approach to directing and delegating. Provides a thorough explanation for why you chose them.

Identifies two (2) strengths and two (2) or less challenges or identifies two (2) of one and only one (1) of the other.

Provides a satisfactory explanation for why you chose them.

Identifies one (1) strength and one (1) challenge that relates to your approach to directing and delegating. Provides a basic explanation for why you chose them.

Identifies one (1) strength and zero (0) challenges or identifies zero (0) strengths and one (1) challenge that relates to your approach to directing and delegating. Provides a basic explanation for why you chose them.

Did not submit.

5. Identify three (3) jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Briefly explain why you feel as though your personality would be a good match for those jobs/careers.

Weight: 25%

Identifies three (3) jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Briefly explains why your personality would be a good match for those jobs/careers.

Identifies two (2) jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Briefly explains why your personality would be a good match for those jobs/careers.

Identifies one (1) job/career that you believe would align well with your personality. Briefly explains why your personality would be a good match for that job/career.

Identifies 1-2 jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Does not explain why your personality would be a good match for those jobs/careers.

Did not submit.

6. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling.

Weight: 5%

Writing is excellent.

Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.

Contains no spelling or grammatical errors.

Writing is mostly good.

Tone is professional.

Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.

May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing is satisfactory.

Tone is somewhat professional.

Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.

May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing meets minimal standards.

Tone is not professional.

Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.

May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing does not meet minimal standards.

Tone is not professional.

Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors.

JGR 100 Strayer University Understanding Your Strengths and Personality Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 321 SEU International Business Saudi Aramco Company Report Writing Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Select a Saudi company that operates in Asia, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points:

  • Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.
  • Analyze the political, economic, cultural and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).

Strengths: List the strengths of the selected company;

Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations;

Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success;

Threats: List the external threats to the business company’s success.

(Marks: 5)


Central Piedmont College Is Happiness the Beginning or the End Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Write a multi-paragraph critical analysis essay identifying the author’s thesis and purpose, briefly summarizing the selected reading, and evaluating the author’s success, or lack of success, in supporting the thesis and satisfying his purpose for writing. Make sure to AVOID logical fallacies when establishing your evidence and analysis. Your essay should include carefully considered analysis as well as proper in-text citations for the source material you integrate into your essay.

The essay should briefly summarize the claim in your chosen article as you discuss its message, and then move on to evaluate the article’s thesis (main claim), delivery/structure, purpose, overall impact, use of evidence, and strength of reasoning. It is important to know that a critical analysis goes beyond summary.

This needs to be a 5 paragraph, one page essay. Is Happiness the Beginning or the End?
By Jamie Anderson. The link to this article is below.…


UVA Rise of Sprawl & Decline of the American Dream Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a urban planning writing question and need support to help me study.

I wrote this paper and I don’t think it’s good enough…it’s missing images and something to make it tie together and follow the instructions…

The paper instructions:

For this paper, you will contrast one example of a ‘Classic’ urban situation with its counterpart in ‘the Great Asphaltic’. The paper will bring together the class research into the urban elements, the theory addressed through lectures and the readings, and the lessons learned from the sketch exercises. The paper will have three components:
1. Spatial and Visual Analysis
You will contrast significant examples of urban elements, or combinations of elements, that serve the same primary function (mobility corridors, places of assembly, building types, open spaces, or urban districts). The urban elements you select for comparison may be taken from the research you conducted for the class presentations, or from other sources. While it is desirable to select elements from a city you know well, this is not essential for the paper; in fact, this exercise may offer the opportunity to explore cities that you know of from readings or hearsay and would like to understand better (hopefully in preparation, post-covid, for a visit). Note that you are not bound to remain within the content area of your Urban Element presentation; for example, if you participated in the Mobility Corridor presentation, you may be interested in studying Places of Assembly instead for this paper.
The paper should provide a description of each urban element sufficient to allow a reader to understand its spatial and visual character:
• Spatial character (minimum):
 Location within the larger urban area, relation to other prominent features or districts.
 Dimensions and proportions
 Solids and voids
 Access and walkability characteristics
 Secondary elements of note (plantings, street furniture, signage, etc.)
 Opening, closure, transparency, layering
 Legibility
• Visual Character (minimum):
 Materials
 Textures
 Colors
 Shadow, light
• The analysis should primarily be based on your own observation and understanding of the element. However, additional technical information can also be provided, if readily available (e.g. traffic flows, number of pedestrian visitors per unit of time, density of persons or housing, etc.; be sure to cite the sources of the information provided).
• The description should be amply illustrated with graphics, including maps, transects, cross sections, aerial and surface photography, and drawings (see below under Requirements).
2. Cultural Analysis
Provide a description of the cultural characteristics of the urban situations you have selected:
• Principal and secondary functions
• Principal and secondary land uses, both around and within the urban elements
• Social, religious, or political events, both formal and informal, that take place in or around the urban element
• Important historical events and people that have given the place meaning in the life of the community
• Transformations over time, in both spatial character and function (Note: this should not be an elaborate or detailed history of the element or area).
3. Conclusion: A discussion on your views about the durability (or not) of human needs across cultures and time, and how urban spaces can support or hinder the fulfillment of these needs. The conclusion should include a summary of the foregoing points on spatial/visual analysis and cultural analysis, but should further address the primary questions: What is gained and what is lost in the translation of human functions from the ‘Classic’ to the ‘Great Asphaltic’? And if dimensions of human life have been lost in the transition, are there design interventions that can recapture these dimensions or can introduce new functions that will stimulate the life of these urban places?

Sources and Bibliography: Your paper should draw extensively from the assigned texts, but it is expected that students will go beyond these to explore new sources. Students are expected to use a minimum of six sources. Note that Wikipedia is not a valid source, see note below on the use of Internet sources. A standard reference format should be used in the bibliography. The bibliography is a required element of the paper.

Format: The paper should be double-spaced and should not exceed 12 pages in length (exclusive of graphics and bibliography).

Graphics: It is expected that the paper will include an ample, thoughtfully selected set of graphic materials to support the written narrative. Graphics should always be referenced in the text for ease of understanding. They may be either interlaced with the text, or may be presented in a separate section; in either case, they should be numbered or lettered to correspond to numbers/letters in the text. Whenever possible provide the source of the graphic image, including at a minimum the website where you located it (if no other information is available).
Authorship: It is expected that students fully understand the importance of original authorship and the implications of plagiarism. Reference to another authors’ materials is highly encouraged, but attribution is essential (it is, in fact, a legal requirement). Outside materials may be either quoted directly, or they may be extensively paraphrased so that the materials are without question expressed in your own words. In either case, attribution of the source of the materials must be provided.

It is not acceptable to use Wikipedia for this paper. Any paper that shows that it makes use of Wikipedia will be automatically marked down one entire grade point. Like a newspaper or magazine article, Wikipedia is a helpful tool for gaining a quick overview of a subject, and it can be a useful point of departure for further research. However, the quality of Wikipedia articles varies enormously, the references are often unattributed or are unclear, and the policy of not citing the name and credentials of the authors calls into question the credibility of its materials. Wikipedia should NEVER be used as a direct reference in the academic setting (in this course or any other course).
Other Internet sources should be used with great caution. Materials that are located on a site run by an official organization, for example a museum or a foundation, are generally trustworthy; these sources often provide access to original materials or to valid scholarly work. Blogs and sites run by individuals, however, often reveal a lack of scholarship and a severely biased view of the subject, and should be handled cautiously.
Finally, keep in mind Marlene Koenig’s two dictums: “Bother me!” and “A search is not the same as research!” Marlene can be extraordinarily helpful in pointing you toward online or other sources that go far beyond what is available on the Internet.

I have attached a copy of the paper and will attach the sources used as a pdf


SUNY at Stony Brook Territorial Expansion and Indian Relations 1787 to 1848 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Must use sources listed(do not have a copy of textbook)

Must be plagiarism free

Must be grade of 95% or higher

The expansion of the United States from thirteen states hugging the east coast when Britain acknowledged American independence in 1783 to a continental empire stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean was a remarkable story of physical growth. In 1845, an editor attached a label, “Manifest Destiny,” to justify American expansion (Norton, A People and a Nation, Brief 10th ed., 340), but the process began decades before he popularized the phrase.

What drove Americans to move so aggressively toward the west? Do you think this is a story of unalloyed triumph, a mixture of beneficial and detrimental impacts for all the people involved, or an overwhelming tragedy? Discuss and cite evidence from the assigned materials to support your views.

**********Sources that must be used:…

  • Read: Textbook 165-169, 185-187, 204-208, 238-239, 241-245, 300-307, 311-313, 318-319, 322-324

Norton, Mary Beth, Jane Kamensky, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight, Howard P. Chudacoff, Frederick Logevall, Beth Bailey, and Debra Michals. A People & a Nation: A History of the United States. Brief Tenth ed. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2015.

ISBN-13: 9781285430843

*****Teacher’s discussion point:

I think because almost none of my students have had backgrounds in farming and such a small percentage of Americans today make their living off the land, it is important to emphasize how central agriculture was to the United States throughout the entire time span covered by the course. After the Revolution acquisition of land for agriculture continued to be a crucial endeavor. Even before the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation, the Confederation Congress managed to organize the land in the Northwest Territory (Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, etc.) in 1785 and 1787 (Norton, Brief 10th ed., 167-169). The Confederation government intended to open these lands up to settlers. However, the land prices were too high for most farmers, unless they had earned land warrants for their service in the Revolution. Speculators often bought the land and sold smaller sections for prices that more Americans could afford. Even after railroads began to supplement and replace river, canal and lake traffic in the 1840s and 1850s, access to the western waterways was a crucial element in making trade workable in the west. We will examine the improvements in transportation in more detail, but for now we should note that it made it economically viable to ship agricultural products great distances at low cost. This facilitated a long-term transformation in agriculture, as local mixed agriculture was supplanted by commercial farming (Norton, Brief 10th ed., 219, 275).


Montana State University Adverse Effects from Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Montana State University Adverse Effects from Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

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