Montclair State University Sportswear Green Markets and Sustainability Blog Post Business Finance Assignment Help. Montclair State University Sportswear Green Markets and Sustainability Blog Post Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Each person should post a comment in BLOG form and choose to talk about a “green Company that sells sportwear” and their program, products and services”.
In the BLOG Post please only use no more than 1000 words. The content should be as follows:
1. Outline their program, service or products that you believe has created a green market/sustainability impact to the environment. Make sure the BLOG post has a compelling headline and a grabbing/interesting introductory paragraph .
2. Research the item above and decide on your focus and what you will say in the post. Will it be to inspire readers, show a trend or give a compelling reason why this green market has been developed.
3. Outline the key information you want to share and what they learn from the blog you are posting.
4. Link to other blogs, research or landing pages that supports your assertions.
5. Tie it all together with a strong conclusion.
You can also put in relevant pictures or graphs that makes your blog even more compelling.
Montclair State University Sportswear Green Markets and Sustainability Blog Post Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CRJS 416 Homeland Security and Emergency Response Discussion Law Assignment Help
create a strategic plan (10–12 pages) to improve collaboration between the agencies that are involved in homeland security and emergency response in your city. Be sure to describe how your plan will encourage agencies to work together and avoid turf wars with regard to information and jurisdiction.
For this assignment, the strategies and plans listed in the resources for this and the other units provide examples of plans that you may use as a template. Because of the page limit, it is unlikely that an entire strategic plan is achievable. Therefore, you should focus on preparing a collaboration annex to the plan that you select.
- You will again approach it from the perspective of an emergency planner for the real-world county that you have employed all term. (Again, please use a pseudonym when referring to this county.)
- Choose either an emergency operations plan or a subject-specific plan (such as pandemic influenza, school safety and preparedness, information sharing, establishing a fusion center, or any other reasonable topic).
- Locate an annex in any plan or strategy; it does not need to be the plan that you have selected to contribute to for this assignment.
- You are going to produce a collaboration annex to a plan that is used (actually or hypothetically) by your county.
- Provide definitions and explanations for key terms, including interagency, partners, collaborative relationships, coordination, and team-building.
- Develop and describe 3–5 primary overarching objectives for collaboration and coordination. These are strategic and therefore conceptual; you will be more specific later.
- These objectives should be as detailed as possible to include information as to why and how they should be pursued and achieved.
- An example of an objective may be to seek consensus with the subsequent rationale for this, potentially including focusing the team on a single end state, permitting all partners to have some ownership on the plan’s elements or overall goals, or demonstrating respect for all partners’ perspectives.
- These components must be fully explained.
- Identify at least ten stakeholders with whom the county will need to collaborate for this specific plan. Describe the following for each partner:
- The specific capabilities that it brings to bear
- Benefits that it will reap from collaboration
- Challenges that collaboration or partnering will create for it
- Points of contact for each partner agency
- Any other information that you feel is relevant
- Educate prospective partners on methods that the county will use to promote collaboration.
- Select or originally design at least four methods, programs or approaches designed to foster collaboration.
- You have learned about some methods and can locate many more in available strategies and operating procedures, especially those focused primarily on interagency coordination.
- You may choose methods from existing sources, design your own programs, or combine both forms; if you use a method from another source, you must properly reference it.
- Select or originally design at least four methods, programs or approaches designed to foster collaboration.
- Identify and describe at least three ways that partners will be incorporated into exercises; make these descriptions detailed, logical, and relevant to the success of this specific plan.
- Write a short summary wrapping up the intentions of your annex.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
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National University Week 4 Fitness Trackers & Healthier Lifestyle Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Week Three Draft Assignment
700 words (minimum length requirement)
End of Week 3 (Sunday). Submit your work through the “Week Three Draft” submission
This is the assignment that is going to take you from a collection of write-ups on
individual sources to an actual draft. It might be helpful to think of the
writing you’ve done thus far in the class as a set of research-project construction
materials. For example:
Week 1 introduction = foundation
Week 2 source write-ups
= building materials
Now you are going to prepare some binding agents (transitions! synthesis! see below…)
to bring everything together in the form of an actual draft of your research essay.
Be aware, though, that you are likely to find you also need more, or different, materials.
It is at the drafting stage that we often notice significant gaps or unanswered questions
in our research. We realize that more research is required–and possibly also refinement
of the original research question.
This kind of looping back is not a sign of trouble. Rather, it is a natural part of the
research writing process, which almost never follows a tidy straight line from idea
formation to source gathering to drafting.
Two of our Week 3 readings are of particular importance for the draft. One is the Week
3 assigned reading on Synthesis (, and the
other is the Week 3 Lecture on Transitions ( ). The
Synthesis lecture will help you begin thinking about how your ideas fit together, and how
best to arrange them. The Transitions lecture will help you think about how to signal
these relationships to readers.
For a reminder of what the finished product will look like, see the Final Research Project
specifications document on this assignment. Note, though, that no concluding
paragraph is required in the Week 3 draft (we will work on conclusions next week).
How to develop your work into a Week 3 draft
As the old saying goes, “there is more than one road to Rome.” Below, however, is an
approach that you will likely find helpful for transforming your week-one introduction,
week-two library report into the Week 3 Draft. If you are having trouble getting started or
are short on time, try tackling the items below one at a time. Also, if the order of tasks
below isn’t working for you, go ahead and jump around—whatever gets you started in
transforming the pieces you’ve been developing to this point in the class into a draft that
you can submit at the end of week 3.
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs” –Henry Ford
☐ Join all of your project-related work into a single document: the Week 1 Introduction,
and the Week 2 Library Research Report.
☐ Carefully review any revision recommendations you’ve received on your earlier work.
If substantive changes are needed (especially changes to the research question itself!),
you will want to attend to those first. If you are confused about any feedback
you’ve received from your instructor or classmates, get that confusion cleared up.
☐ Read/Re-read the assigned page on Synthesis and begin arranging your source
write-ups. You began the process of synthesis in week-two when you analyzed sources
in terms of how they spoke to your research question. Now return to these week-two
source write-ups and examine them carefully. What are the different components of
your inquiry that they help address? Which of the sources develop similar claims?
Which represent areas of debate within your inquiry? What are some similar or different
methodologies you see being employed to study issues related to your research
question? What similar or different values or priorities seem to be motivating the
research? Are there areas of strong consensus? Are there questions or sub-questions
that your sources downplay or ignore?
The idea here is to think about all of the different things you might say about your
sources in relation to one another. Jot down some notes (you might want to do this
directly on your document in a different colored font), and move paragraphs around so
that related ideas appear together. In some instances you may want to merge two
source write-ups into a single paragraph, or divide one write-up into two paragraphs.
☐ Are there gaps in the skeletal draft you’ve constructed that point to the need for more
research? If so, now is the time! Re-visit the strategies you practiced in Unit 2 (using
different databases, using one source to find others, etc.), and, as always, don’t hesitate
to contact a librarian if you are in need of research assistance (
☐ Read/Re-read the unit-3 lecture on Transitions. Do you see how transitional phrasing
can be used to express the kinds of relationships among ideas that you’ve been
reflecting on? Take a look at the sample Final Research Project as well. Notice how the
author uses transitions to show his readers relationships between the sources he found
through his research. Note that he has synthesized his sources (he has identified
relationships, contradictions, gaps, etc.) and that each paragraph begins with a
sentence or two that make these relationships explicit for readers.
Again, synthesis—and the expression of synthesized ideas through carefullycrafted transitions—is the glue that holds the individual paragraph together and helps
them cohere as a single research project. Try writing some transitions that express the
relationships you’ve identified among your sources.
☐You attended to substantive revisions earlier in this process. Now is the time to attend
to any more localized matters your instructor or peers commented on at an earlier
stage, or that you’ve become aware of yourself upon reviewing your work. Take a look
at the minimum requirements for the rough draft. Is your draft on track to meet these
requirements? Revise as necessary. To get even more mileage out of this draft, check
what you have against the Final Research Project specifications and the grading
criteria. Strive to submit your best effort at this stage as a means of ensuring that the
feedback you receive from peers and your instructor will be feedback that you can use
(rather than a recitation of things you already know about and had intended to get to
☐Check your work against the list of “Presentation Norms in academic papers” that
appears in the class lecture on Document
The following annotated example calls attention to specific draft requirements:…
*Note that this example contains a chart. You may include visualizations, but they are
not required in a paper.
Grading of the Week 3 draft
Evaluation of the draft will be based on demonstrated draft-stage effort to fulfill project
specifications. Drafts that demonstrate an attempt to meet all of the specifications below
can potentially receive full credit (100%/A+) even if they do not yet meet the
specifications at the level required for the final version of the research project.
Introduction communicates the research question, and this question matches the actual
content of the essay.
Essay emphasizes high-quality, relevant, scholarly sources
All body paragraphs focus on discussion of research findings and explain the
significance of these findings in relation to the research question.
Source identification* is correct, clear, and concise.
*Remember that, in ILR260, “source identification” means doing what journalists do
and explaining—briefly—who our sources are.
Sources are synthesized and paragraph transitions are used to signal relationships
between ideas.
Writing is clear and accessible to non-specialist readers.
Citation follows APA style (unless you’re a humanities major and have arranged to use
Essay adheres to presentation norms of academic papers
Note: no conclusion is required at this stage. We’ll tackle the conclusion during Week 4.
Work that substantially deviates from the assignment requirements (for example, the
draft offers something other than analytical research writing, or it relies on sources
inappropriate to an academic research project, or it contains sentence-level problems
so serious as to prevent assessment of other aspects of the work) will receive partial or
no credit.
If you run into problems while working on your Draft during week 3, please ask for help!
ELM 200 Grand Canyon Contextual Influences on Learning Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Contextual factors play an integral role in the learning process. Outside factors, such as families, culture, socioeconomic dynamics, and family discipline routines, can have a profound effect on student development and readiness for learning. Teachers who recognize these factors equip themselves to meet the learning needs of diverse student populations. Additionally, by modifying instruction or procedures to address all of the students’ contextual factors, they will have an increased likelihood of academic success.
Create an 8-10 slide digital presentation for a teacher professional development on how contextual factors affect student learning.
Include the following:
How social interactions, culture, society, and technology can affect student development and readiness for learning.
How the contextual factors could be addressed in classroom instruction.
Two specific examples of how you would modify classroom instruction to address contextual factors (e.g., you provide an Internet-based family activity, but several of your students’ families do not have Internet access at home.) How would you modify the activity?
A title slide, a reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
The digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.
Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
ELM 0200 Benchmark Strategies for all Students Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Researching theories of child and early adolescent development and then developing instruction based on research-based best practices is crucial for the success of the students and the teacher. As an educator, your goal will be to consider the students’ cognitive development and contextual factors when planning for instruction. Practical application improves the teacher’s ability to recognize student strengths and weaknesses as well as the students’ readiness and motivation to learn.
For this assignment, complete the “Strategies for all Students” template.
Part 1: Developing Strategies
For each student, write a 150-200 word response that includes:
A learning theory that applies specifically to each student’s unique cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical developmental needs.
One developmentally appropriate instruction strategy you would recommend to assist the student, taking into account the students’ individual strengths, interests, differences and needs. Consider cognitive development and abilities, as well as contextual factors (e.g., language and culture) when developing the strategies.
Your plan to modify instruction to meet this student’s specific needs.
Strategies to incorporate accommodations for students with exceptionalities in assessments and testing conditions.
Part 2: Reflection
In 250-500 words, write a reflection that addresses the following:
The importance of understanding cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical development of children when designing and modifying instruction.
The steps you can take to ensure you are creating developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual students’ strengths, interests, differences, and needs, using instructional strategies that promote students’ learning and individual development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation .
Support your assignment with a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented, using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies [and professional standards]:
BS in Elementary Education
BS in Elementary Education and Special Education
BS in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in English as a Second Language
BS in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in STEM
BS in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in Teaching Reading
COE 1.1:
Design and modify instruction applying the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical development of children and young adolescents that supports the role of language and culture in learning, and readiness for learning across performance areas. [ACEI 1.0; InTASC 1(a), 1(e), 1(f), 1(g), 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(g), 2(i), 2(j), 2(k), 2(o); MC2, MC3, MC5]
COE 1.2:
Create developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual students’ strengths, interests, differences, and needs, using instructional strategies that promote students’ learning and individual development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation. [ACEI 1.0; InTASC 1(b), 1(d), 1(h), 1(i), 2(a), 2(b), 2(f), 2(g), 2(h), 2(l), 2(m), 2(n); MC2, MC3]
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HIST 109 San Diego State University Law and Order to The South Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.
For your project, you will use the websites above ( reports of violence committed against African Americans and pro-Union whites in the South after the Civil War & images of Civil War nursing and medicine) to create a program for law, order, and stability in the Civil War and Reconstruction South. You will identify a central problem and offer a programmatic solution.
First, identify a central problem and describe it here.
List the primary sources that indicate the problem you identified and described. Be sure to use at least one from each website
Describe what program you would institute to bring order and stability to the central problem you identified. Mention what the program would emphasize, whom would it employee, and how would it convince southerners to agree to it.
Describe how you would deal with dissenters from your plan. Mention how you would approach those who oppose you and your program verbally and physically.
Assess Your Program
Describe the results you expect from your program. Mention how you imagine various different groups would respond to your program and plan. Be sure to use a minimum of one primary source from each website to explain your imagined assessment
HIST 109 San Diego State University Law and Order to The South Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHIL102 Southern Illinois University Knowing Our Minds Discussion Writing Assignment Help
You are to compose a 3-5-page argument answering one of the thematic questions that frames each chapter in the textbook between Weeks 1-7 (for example: Chapter 3’s is “What is Knowledge?”). You are required to use at least three of the required readings to form your argument.
You may use whatever citation format you are most familiar with, as long as you are citing in a proper format and you are consistent throughout your paper.
Please refer to the section at the beginning of the textbook on writing for philosophy as well as the following link:
Mission Combination with Other Public Health Measures to Control Covid 19 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
The Scenario
You work for either the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), or a state or local public health organization. The deadly novel coronavirus (Covid-19) broke out in China sometime late last year and has spread to the world, thus a pandemic. The latest outbreak is, according authorities (and my interpretation of the CDC graph) has the potential to overwhelm the healthcare systems with new cases and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. How might you, or your recruited team, address the current round of the outbreak? Do you let nature take its course and allow for vulnerable population subgroups deaths, mandate stricter quarantines (Links to an external site.)that are in place now, prioritize all efforts to track, understand, or fast-track vaccine trials to prevent more deaths, or something else? Develop a three-point, prioritized plan. Also, include in your discussion a policy that addresses the health directive for limiting peoples’ freedom of movement and group assembly.
Please answer these questions:
1. One discussion post soliciting questions or ideas regarding how to respond to the questions posed above. An example is to ask me or your fellow classmates a question, clarification, or need for more parameters
2. One lengthy post that answers the questions posed above,
a.Which health organization you represent.
b. thesis statement outlining your prioritized plan and reasons why.
c. the three items, why implemented, and how will they be implemented
d. address public concerns regarding limiting free movement or free assembly
e. concluding statement
3. Two additional quality response that clearly demonstrates you are conversing with your fellow classmates (Once you give me the answer for Question 1&2, I will post them to the discussion and give you two of my classmates’ posts. Because I cannot see it until I post something)
Montclair State University BP PLC Corporate Social Responsibility Issues Report Business Finance Assignment Help
The CSR Report and program Critique – (this is 20% of the Grade)
- You need to pick a Company from the following list: Hilton Worldwide, Unilever, Exxon, Volkswagen, Patagonia, BP plc, Walt Disney, Wholefoods, Google, Amalgamated Bank, Natura & Co or Samsung. Review the Guidelines for more details. You are to submit your critique and apply the concepts learned in the course. The report is to be 2000 – 3000 words or 10 pages and less.
- Involves reading and doing a critique of a company’s annual sustainability, CSR, or citizenship report.
- Assess the company’s CSR, sustainability, or citizenship report. Explain the extent to which the company recognizes and takes responsibility for the various social and environmental and governance impacts of its business that you identify.
Be Thoughtful and Answer the following questions…
Read and assess the company’s sustainability or CSR report, paying particular attention to the social and environmental efforts that address the triple bottom line. Please answer in your report in approximately 2,000-3,000 words.
- Explain how the company frames the issues Are they discussed in terms of ethical or social responsibilities? Do they use frameworks (GRI, CDP , UN Sustainable Development Goals or certification programs) to guide and independently validate their reports? Explain the extent to which the report illustrates that the company recognizes its social responsibilities among employees, consumers, and other stakeholders. Cite the specific metrics used in the report and their progress against them.
- Critical assessment: Reflecting on the issues in the course, do you consider that their sustainability or CSR programs are effective? Who is Responsible for their program. Is company is doing enough? Or are they primarily directed simply at issues to affect profits? Be critical and explain what may be lacking. How do they compare to their top 2 competitors?
- What is the biggest challenge identified for the next 5 years? Do they work with external NGOs? Are they taking steps to follow the SDGs (the Strategic Development Goals) of the United Nations?
Why Death Gives Meaning to Life According to Tolstoy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
SOME TIPS ON ESSAY WRITING qCarefully read the question in hand, and make sure you answer it (i.e., and don’t just write down everything you know about that general topic). qWrite clearly and stick to the point. Avoid giving unnecessary details. qRemember that you get marked on the knowledge that you demonstrate, so make sure that you properly explain your points, and that you always define terms/position/principles (etc) that you introduce. qAlways argue for your points. Do not simply state opinions. Relatedly, remember that philosophy is not journalism, in that you are not bound to be even-handed (it is more akin to law). qThat said, you should always be careful to describe the opposing view as charitably as possible. Avoid ‘straw men’.