Morrisville State College Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Morrisville State College Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help. Morrisville State College Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Financial ratio analysis is one of the best techniques for identifying and evaluating internal strengths and weaknesses. Potential investors and current shareholders look closely at firms’ financial ratios, making detailed comparisons to industry averages and to previous periods of time. Financial ratio analyses provide vital input information for developing an IFE Matrix.


Step 1Using the resources listed in Table 4-8, find as many Coca-Cola financial ratios as possible. Record your sources. Report your research in a document with APA format.

Exercise 4B: Construct an IFE Matrix for Coca-Cola


This exercise will give you experience in developing an IFE Matrix. Identifying and prioritizing factors to include in an IFE Matrix fosters communication among functional and divisional managers. Preparing an IFE Matrix allows managers to articulate their concerns and thoughts regarding the business condition of the firm. This results in an improved collective understanding of the business.


Step 1 Develop an IFE Matrix for Coca-Cola. Use information from Exercise 1B.

Step 2 What strategies do you think would allow Coca-Cola to capitalize on its major strengths? What strategies would allow Coca-Cola to improve on its major weaknesses?


Table 4-8Excellent Websites to Obtain Strategic Information (Including Financial Ratios) on Companies and Industries

Online Free Resources.

Form 10K or Annual Report

Online Subscription Resources (Likely Subscribed to by Your University Library)

Mergent Online:

At this website, financial statements seem to be more complete than at other sites. You can also search for companies with the same SIC or NAICS code and then create a comparison financial ratio report. A number of different ratios can be used as comparison criteria to create a tailored report that can then be exported into a Microsoft Excel format. Alternatively, use the Competitors Tab in Mergent to build a list of companies and compare their ratios. Your college library likely subscribes to this service.


At this website, first use the Companies & Markets tab to search for a company. Next, click “Reports” and choose the “Ratio Comparison Report” to get a company’s ratios compared to industry averages. Your college library likely subscribes to this service.

S&P NetAdvantage:…

This website provides company and industry ratios and information in two sections of the database: (1) the Compustat Excel Analytics section of a particular company’s information page and (2) the S&P Industry Surveys.


This is a widely used source for financial ratio information. Search for a particular company and then click on the link for “Ratio Comparisons” on the left side of the company information page. The data in Onesource will compare your company against the industry, against the sector, and against the stock market as a whole.

Yahoo Industry Center:

This is an excellent free resource that allows a user to browse industries by performance rankings, including return on equity, price-earnings ratio, market cap, price change, profit margin, price-to-book value, long-term debt, and more.

Hardcopy Reference Books for Financial Ratios in Most Libraries

Robert Morris Associate’s Annual Statement Studies: An excellent source of financial ratio information.

Dun & Bradstreet’s Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios: An excellent source of financial ratio information.

Morrisville State College Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Short Term Plan for Healing Hands Hospital Report Health Medical Assignment Help


Throughout this course, you will provide information and analysis using a fictitious community hospital, Healing Hands, located in a suburban community about 15 miles outside of a major metropolitan area. Each week, you will complete specific assignments, and in the final weeks of this course, you will provide a final report detailing your findings.

The following scenario will be utilized throughout this course to assist you in completing each week’s assignment:

Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital in a suburb 15 miles outside of a large metropolitan city. The hospital, which was founded over 50 years ago, is dedicated to serving the local community consisting of working professionals, families and retired individuals. It has 320 beds and is comprised of a group of 500 physicians. The hospital has in-patient services for short-stay acute care patients; an in-patient mental health unit; an ambulatory surgical clinic; and specialized units in cancer, maternal and child services, orthopedics, and cardiac care. Healing Hands Hospital serves a community of approximately 500,000.

Mr. Jeff Magone, the new Chief Executive Officer of Healing Hands Hospital recognizes that an important trend in healthcare delivery that is linked to reimbursement is accountable care and integrated delivery models. He has set the goal for the hospital to remain financially viable and increase services and quality of care available to the community served by Healing Hands Hospital. To accomplish this goal, Mr. Magone realizes that there are several options to consider such as:

  1. Addition of outpatient services including urgent care centers and affiliations with more local physician practices,
  2. Merging with another community hospital in a neighboring suburb, or
  3. Affiliating with one of the two large academic medical centers in the city.

Mr. Magone and the hospital Board of Directors have discussed the options and they realize that some changes need to be made to not only maintain and improve the high quality of patient care for which Healing Hands is recognized but also to ensure future financial stability in the changing healthcare industry.

Mr. Magone and the Healing Hands Hospital Board of Directors have created a “Future of Healing Hands” Task Force, and as a Director of Operations, you have been asked to participate on the Task Force and provide support through research, analysis and reports to the Task Force as they evaluate options to meet the goals outlined by Mr. Magone. You will work with your supervisor, the Chief Operating Officer, Ms. Woods, as well as the Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Johnson, and provide research and analysis. Community leaders will also be part of the Task Force providing recommendations and input from the community served by Healing Hands Hospital. Mr. Magone realizes that developing outpatient services, urgent care clinics, affiliations with medical practices or merging with an academic medical center will also require upgrades to the electronic health record system (EHRs) and other computer systems. Therefore you will also work with the hospital’s Chief Information Officer to determine if current systems such as the EHRs and Clinical Decision Support Systems are scalable or need to be replaced.

Mr. Magone has made it clear that patient needs and future financial stability are driving the project. He wants to ensure that Healing Hands Hospital stays current with reimbursement and quality care models and remains financially sound through reimbursement by Medicare and other health insurance plans. Leadership at Healing Hands also recognizes that strong relations with the community and the Healing Hands staff will be imperative to success.

Assignment Description

The future of Healing Hands Hospital is looking bright thanks to the work of the task force. Mr. Magone is excited about the information you have presented about the changes in payment structures, competitors, and potential to merge; successful preparation for an accreditation visit; and emerging technologies. With these in mind, he has asked you to put together a brief paper summarizing a short-term plan for the hospital.

In 2–3 pages, not including title or reference pages, complete the following:

  • Describe 3 goals for changing the organization in terms of either payment structure, technology, potential mergers, or quality improvement.
  • Discuss the staffing needs to meet the change goals.
  • Explain the overall impact of the change goals on the future of Healing Hands Hospital.


Louisiana State University Family Tradition Rhetorical Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Choose one of the following videos. In roughly 200 words or so, describe how the video in question makes it particular major appeal (i.e. what elements of the video help it accomplish making its appeal, with regard to pathos ethos, or logos).If you notice evidence of another major rhetorical appeal, make note of that too. 

Links to videos: (note only choose 1 video)


John Bel Edwards campaign, “Family Tradition” —

Applebee’s, “Eating Good in the Neighborhood” —

British Heart Foundation, “When You Least Expect It” —


Chevy Trucks, “Like a Rock” —

Matthew McConaughey for Lincoln, “Bull” —

Flex Seal —

(We cut a hole in the bottom of this boat and replaced it with a screen door — because of course…)


Apple, “Meet iPhone X” —

Samsung, “Galaxy Note 9” —


Benedictine University Influences and Affects that Darwins Ideas Discussion Science Assignment Help

Two questions, 2 references for each of them and about a page.

First Question: Darwin states that “Fossil remains sometimes tend to fill up very wide intervals between existing orders. Organs in a rudimentary condition plainly show that an early progenitor had the organ in a fully developed state; and this in some instances necessarily implies an enormous amount of modification in the descendants. Throughout whole classes various structures are formed on the same pattern, and at an embryonic age the species closely resemble each other”. What are a few examples of this found in nature, specifically ones that Darwin himself observed?

Second Question: In today’s era how logical is it to use Darwin’s theory and do you think there is value from The Origin of Species for evolutionary biologists?


COVID 19 Impact on the Stock Market And Industries Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1- Please read the following two articles above and discuss in your own words how COVID-19 has impacted the stock market.……

2- Conduct a little research on which industries appear to be hurt the most by COVID-19 and which industries have opportunities on the horizon. Pick one firm (e.g., Carnival, Disney, Delta, Nvidia,…) and see what the analysts are saying about that company’s prognosis. Report that out. Why are analysts projecting the stock price to decline or stay the same or improve? Cite a web article or source in your findings.



Ashford University Generic Business Strategies of Acer Inc Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Prepare a 7-10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies.


AFI, VRIO, and value chain are just three concepts you need to understand as a business strategist. This assessment focuses on these important facets of business analysis.


This portfolio work project will help you differentiate between business strategy and corporate strategy, and analyze the fit of a business strategy to an organization.


Building on your work from Assessment 1, the vice president of strategy has now tasked you with providing a business analysis of the organization’s business strategy. This includes level of diversification (product scope), geographical and vertical scope, and the overall fit with the business strategy or strategies.

Your Role

You are a strategic analyst for the company you have selected to use in this course.


Use information from the company’s website, the Capella library, and your course textbook to complete this assessment. Write a business analysis that includes the following:

  • Explain the generic business strategies for the company. Include cost, differentiation, and focus or hybrid information.
  • Analyze the business strategy the company uses in its marketplace approach. Provide examples of how the strategy is used to position the company in a competitive environment.
  • Analyze the company’s business model:
    • What are the core products?
    • How does the organization make money?
    • What is the customer value proposition?
    • What is the profit proposition?
  • Analyze the corporate strategy of the company. Include the product, geographical, and vertical scope in which it operates.
    • Has the company expanded from its original product line or field of operation?
    • Does the company own vertically related activities along the value chain for its products?
  • Analyze the overall corporate structure and key management systems.
    • Does the company employ diversification, vertical integration, or globalization?
    • Are global alliances part of the corporate strategy?
  • Analyze the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies of the company.

Deliverable Format

The Business Strategy Analysis is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.

In addition to the analysis, include:

  • Title page.
  • References page.
  • APA formatted references from at least five sources.
  • 7–10 pages in length, in addition to the title and references pages.
  • Written for executive leadership.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 3: Analyze the internal and external environments of an organization in order to formulate and implement successful strategies.
    • Explain the generic business strategies for a company.
    • Analyze the business strategy a company uses in its marketplace approach.
  • Competency 4: Apply strategic concepts and models to ensure the fit between strategy, organizational structure, capabilities, and goals; and the external environment.
    • Analyze a company’s business model.
    • Analyze the corporate strategy of a company.
    • Analyze the overall corporate structure and key management system of a company.
    • Analyze the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies of a company.
  • Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
    • Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.

Ashford University Generic Business Strategies of Acer Inc Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Branding Strategy of Netflix Corporate Branding Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1. Pick a brand that you like, use, or admire, or that you believe “stands out” for its effective branding approach. For example, you might buy lattes at Starbucks, have a reward points card, and regularly buy Starbucks’ French Roast Whole Beans coffee beans at your local grocery store.

2. Once you’ve selected your brand, analyze how that brand markets itself. Find some specific examples that you can share in your post (these might be recent ad campaigns, social media posts, discount strategies, etc.). What are the elements of that brand? What is its brand character? its architecture? What other features of brand strategy does the organization use? (note: these are terms that are used in our text: Designing Brand Identity)

3. To earn full points for this week you should reference the Lesson Week’s readings in both your initial post, and in your response to others (or – bring in outside, relevant materials to extend our understanding of course concepts).

4. In your post, identify the branding strategy the company/organization uses – and describe how the strategy is effective given the organization’s target audience.

There are a number of conditions to help make this interesting:

This should be a current organization and a current branding campaign (not something that has happened way in the past – no posts about Nike’s “Just do it” campaign.)

The more local the better – share something that you think people in the class will not know about.

Required reading or watching materials:…


CIVL 0034 Middle East College Construction Finance AAA Company Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Module Learning Outcomes

1. Distinguish key financial concepts as used in company reports and understand the linkages between the different types of financial report

Assignment Objective

This is an individual coursework assignment to help student in distinguish key financial concepts as used in companies’ reports and to understand the linkages between the different types of financial report. This will assist quantity surveying and construction management students to gain knowledge and understanding in reporting and critically analyse of financial data. On the other hand, it will create a base for understanding of basic accounting and financial principles, to examine issues of finance applicable to the construction firm and its projects and apply spreadsheet techniques to analyse financial problems

Assignment Tasks

In this assignment, students will have hands-on experience in developing an integrated framework for controlling, monitoring, and analysis of company financial information. In addition, the task aims to help the student understand financial issues from a corporate management perspective. It will provide the platform for continuing management development.


All required data given in the attached “Construction Finance -Coursework-Data” in Excel sheet. Assuming the current date as AUG 2020, the up to date financial reports’ (Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flow) data are given in Table1, Table2, and Table 3 respectively. The additional transaction data is given in Table 4


The students are required to develop a report (not less than 1200-1500 words) along with Excel spreadsheets as an aid in preparing and updating of financial reports. Each student is requested to:

1. Use the given transaction data (Table 4) to update the missed items in the final financial reports and critically discuss the company financial performance trend (use Excel Formulas to do any required calculations and create Excel charts as a helping tool in the analysis of financial trend “Horizontal Analysis”).

2. Use Excel to prepare the balance sheet , income statement and prepare a tabular analysis which shows the effects of the transactions on the accounting equation .

3. Based on the financial ratios’ calculations, critically discuss ( any five ) in detail the company financial position and the linkages between the different types of financial report (use Excel Formulas to calculate financial ratios and use Excel charts to support your discussion).

Report Section

The Report should contain a minimum of 20 pages with the following sections:

 Cover Page

 Table of contents

 Introduction

 Main body of Case Study

 Conclusion

 References

The report should start from the ‘cover page’ to the ‘references’ with the following sections:

1.Introduction (150 words max )

The introduction is very important as it sets the context for the report. Summarize the brief and focus on its significance, state the report’s aim (objective), and describe how the report is organized (methodology). It is not usual to detail findings or recommendations in the introduction

2. Main body of report (Case Study) (1200 words max)

The previous sections ( table of contents, introduction) are preliminary sections. Case study’s body section is organized as follows:

 The headings are informative and descriptive.

 Discuss the conceptual framework of the essay topic.

 Expound or elaborate the concept by presenting sub –topics relevant to the main topic.

3. Conclusion (150 words max)

This section is likely to form the main part of the report. Discussion section gives you the opportunity to talk about what your report found and regarding the feasibility study. The section may be subdivided into smaller parts if found logical.

Every report should include a concluding statement regarding the subject matter of the study. The conclusion will draw all the treads of your report together. It will convey what the main body of the report has found out .

4. References (minimum ten)

Report should include the source from website journals and reference books in Harvard CU style of referencing . Write the list of all the sources of information you have consulted incorporated in the report following the right format of listing them using the Harvard style referencing format of listing. All references listed can come from websites, journals, reference books magazines and etc. Minimum 10 citations are mandatory in the report (two source for e-library).…

*** Words count = 1800 words.

*** In-Text Citations an References using Harvard style.

*** I’ve uploaded file named “CF-Coursework-Data – SUMMER 2020”.


GMU ?Art of Programming Through Flowcharts & Algorithms Research Paper Programming Assignment Help

Based on your problem-solving expertise, you have been hired by ACME systems in their IT department.
One of your first tasks is to help the HR department by creating an application that can determine the
yearly bonus for all company employees. Not all employees are eligible for a yearly bonus. Only
employees that have been with the company longer than 2 years are eligible. In addition, an employee
must have been given a rating of “Average”, “Above Average”, or “Outstanding” by his or her supervisor.
Employees receiving a rating of “Below Average” are not eligible for a bonus. Lastly, each department
awards a different bonus amount based on percentage of yearly salary as shown below:


ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Diamond Water Paradox Paper Economics Assignment Help

1. Understand the difference between value in use and value in exchange
2. Explain how the classical economists responded to the paradox of value
3. Explain the role of the marginal utility theory in solving the paradox of value

In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote:

“Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it”

Explain the diamond-water paradox and find out in the literature how economists have later solved this paradox.


Your essay is required to be two to three pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and external reliable sources.

Use APA writing standards.

The assignment is graded ZERO if Plagiarism percentage exceeds 20%.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


*** Words count = 1800 words.

*** In-Text Citations an References using Harvard style.

*** I’ve uploaded file named “CF-Coursework-Data – SUMMER 2020”.


GMU ?Art of Programming Through Flowcharts & Algorithms Research Paper Programming Assignment Help

Based on your problem-solving expertise, you have been hired by ACME systems in their IT department.
One of your first tasks is to help the HR department by creating an application that can determine the
yearly bonus for all company employees. Not all employees are eligible for a yearly bonus. Only
employees that have been with the company longer than 2 years are eligible. In addition, an employee
must have been given a rating of “Average”, “Above Average”, or “Outstanding” by his or her supervisor.
Employees receiving a rating of “Below Average” are not eligible for a bonus. Lastly, each department
awards a different bonus amount based on percentage of yearly salary as shown below:


ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Diamond Water Paradox Paper Economics Assignment Help

1. Understand the difference between value in use and value in exchange
2. Explain how the classical economists responded to the paradox of value
3. Explain the role of the marginal utility theory in solving the paradox of value

In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote:

“Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it”

Explain the diamond-water paradox and find out in the literature how economists have later solved this paradox.


Your essay is required to be two to three pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and external reliable sources.

Use APA writing standards.

The assignment is graded ZERO if Plagiarism percentage exceeds 20%.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


*** Words count = 1800 words.

*** In-Text Citations an References using Harvard style.

*** I’ve uploaded file named “CF-Coursework-Data – SUMMER 2020”.


GMU ?Art of Programming Through Flowcharts & Algorithms Research Paper Programming Assignment Help

Based on your problem-solving expertise, you have been hired by ACME systems in their IT department.
One of your first tasks is to help the HR department by creating an application that can determine the
yearly bonus for all company employees. Not all employees are eligible for a yearly bonus. Only
employees that have been with the company longer than 2 years are eligible. In addition, an employee
must have been given a rating of “Average”, “Above Average”, or “Outstanding” by his or her supervisor.
Employees receiving a rating of “Below Average” are not eligible for a bonus. Lastly, each department
awards a different bonus amount based on percentage of yearly salary as shown below:


ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Diamond Water Paradox Paper Economics Assignment Help

1. Understand the difference between value in use and value in exchange
2. Explain how the classical economists responded to the paradox of value
3. Explain the role of the marginal utility theory in solving the paradox of value

In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote:

“Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it”

Explain the diamond-water paradox and find out in the literature how economists have later solved this paradox.


Your essay is required to be two to three pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and external reliable sources.

Use APA writing standards.

The assignment is graded ZERO if Plagiarism percentage exceeds 20%.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


*** Words count = 1800 words.

*** In-Text Citations an References using Harvard style.

*** I’ve uploaded file named “CF-Coursework-Data – SUMMER 2020”.


GMU ?Art of Programming Through Flowcharts & Algorithms Research Paper Programming Assignment Help

Based on your problem-solving expertise, you have been hired by ACME systems in their IT department.
One of your first tasks is to help the HR department by creating an application that can determine the
yearly bonus for all company employees. Not all employees are eligible for a yearly bonus. Only
employees that have been with the company longer than 2 years are eligible. In addition, an employee
must have been given a rating of “Average”, “Above Average”, or “Outstanding” by his or her supervisor.
Employees receiving a rating of “Below Average” are not eligible for a bonus. Lastly, each department
awards a different bonus amount based on percentage of yearly salary as shown below:


ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Diamond Water Paradox Paper Economics Assignment Help

1. Understand the difference between value in use and value in exchange
2. Explain how the classical economists responded to the paradox of value
3. Explain the role of the marginal utility theory in solving the paradox of value

In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote:

“Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it”

Explain the diamond-water paradox and find out in the literature how economists have later solved this paradox.


Your essay is required to be two to three pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and external reliable sources.

Use APA writing standards.

The assignment is graded ZERO if Plagiarism percentage exceeds 20%.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Morrisville State College Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Morrisville State College Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

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