MRU Meta Analysis Pitfalls and Hints Results and Finding Discussion Writing Assignment Help

MRU Meta Analysis Pitfalls and Hints Results and Finding Discussion Writing Assignment Help. MRU Meta Analysis Pitfalls and Hints Results and Finding Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Section 4: Results/Findings

Present the data in a non-evaluative, unbiased, and organized manner.
Descriptive Qualitative Data: are organized by research questions, themes, participants, and/or research questions. Findings are presented by research questions using the section titles. They are presented in order of significance if appropriate.
Descriptive Quantitative Data discuss quantity in relation to the sample (Population) size. Discuss quality in relation to sampling method, data collection process, and data. Variables should be reported and discussed.
The results of each statistical test are presented in an appropriate statistical format with tables, graphs, charts.
Meta-Analysis data are organized in the form of a chart or graph, or table as well. It includes the results of each research paper that has been used by the student.

The researcher connects results to the research question
Analyze, interpret, or evaluate results.
Explain the relevance of the findings.
Relate results to hypothesis and previous research.
Describe any ethical considerations relevant to the research
Discuss the possible explanations of results.

Limitations and Implications

•specify limitations of the study and how they influenced the results

MRU Meta Analysis Pitfalls and Hints Results and Finding Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UMKC Consequences of Ebola Containment Measures in Liberia Podcast Reflection Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

What is a podcast? A podcast is an audio file, often made available on the Internet or for download on mobile devices. Podcasts may be stand-alone or may be part of a series.

Why a podcast? Podcasts provide a way to present a new medium into the learning process in a different format – auditory. Podcasts provide unique and educational content to students with voices other than the professor’s voice (get enough of that in lectures, huh?).

What is a reflection? A reflection paper is not meant to be a time for students to vent, complain, or simply detail what they heard in the podcast or what they read. A reflection should be about sharing your experience in listening to and reading the story(ies), and about sharing any discoveries. A reflection should help the student apply concepts learned in the course and show what students are learning. A reflection is not merely a summary of what you hear and read, but rather a piece of critical writing to present your own thoughts and ideas that can include explanations or suggestions.

Assignment description:

Students will complete a critical reflection on the podcast and reading(s) assigned. Students must prepare the reflection with quality writing; content should flow and be appropriate for the assignment. You are allowed to cite other published sources as a way of supporting the thesis of your critical reflection.

(Tips for writing a reflection – (Links to an external site.))


  • Title page
    • Student’s first and last nameDateTitle of the podcast and reading(s)
  • 1-2 pages in lengths (not including title page)
  • Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
  • Microsoft Word file (do not use Google docs), spell check, review for grammatical errors, and proofread before submission
  • Use APA format when citing sources
  • Submit in Canvas

ACCESS PODCAST: (Links to an external site.)


Click here (Links to an external site.)



Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall evaluation

10.0 to >7.0 pts

Very good

Content is very good to excellent. Information is completely relevant. Journal entry reflects the assignment as instructed, completely and thoroughly. There are no spelling or grammatical errors. Assignment is submitted on time, as instructed.

7.0 to >4.0 pts


Content is good to very good. Information is mostly relevant. Journal entry may reflect requested assignment. Spelling errors are common, sentence structure is poor, and assignment may not be submitted on time, as instructed.

4.0 to >0 pts

Needs improvement

Content is weak. Information is not relevant. Journal entry does not reflect requested assignment. Spelling errors throughout, grammar errors throughout, assignment is submitted far too late for proper grade consideration.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

please do not just write a summary. Provide a critique of the material.

I attached the reading as PDF in case if the link dose not work.


UCI Wk 5 Congressional Limits Informational Gaps And Expertise Response Humanities Assignment Help

Hi All,

Please choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly in the discussion boards.

When you submit answer, please begin by pasting the question you are responding to in the text field. Then write your answer below.

Discussion question options:

  • In recent years people have proposed term limits for Congressional representatives— limiting Senators to two 6 year terms and members of the House of Representatives to 4 2 year terms. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
  • The 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913, making the Senate directly elected by the people of each state. Consider how this changed the incentives of Senators — do you think this change had positive or negative implications for the Senate? Why?
  • The filibuster makes it (usually) necessary to obtain a 60-vote supermajority to get legislation passed in the Senate. Should the filibuster be done away with? If so, why? If you argue we should keep it, why?


REL 130 WCUP Religious Perspective in Oral History Religious Interview Project Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a religion case study and need support to help me study.

This project will include two parts. The first part is your reflection on an interview of your choosing from the project Documenting Diversity: Religious Perspective in Oral History. After listening to and taking notes on your chosen interview, you will write a 600 – 700-word report to include the following:

  • The name of the interviewee.
  • The religious background of this individual. As best you can, relate this to specific material we have covered this term. How do you think this person’s ethnic, socio-economic, racial, and/or gender identity have influenced their views on religion?
  • A description of how this person’s ideas have changed over time.
  • Your own reflections on the person’s story: what did you learn, what did you find interesting, what points would you agree with, where might you disagree?
  • A description of what questions you would like to be able to ask this person.

The second part will involve applying the method of the first part. Based on questions from the above interview, conduct your own oral history interview with someone you know. It might be particularly interesting for you if it is a family member from another generation. Write a 600 – 700-word report to include items 1-4 above.


Nationalism Is Both Unavoidable and Impactful Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Based on what you have read and viewed this week, define nationalism in your own words. Refer to all of the works that you read and viewed to explain how you derived your definition of nationalism. Which piece from this week impacted your definition most and why?

As in all of your writing for this course, remember to be original in your writing. Do not simply retell information you learned from this week’s sources.



ANTH 140 Diablo Valley College Early Hominids Research Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology writing question and need support to help me study.

The topic for this research paper isto compare and contrast the hominins that lived from about500,000 years ago to about 200,000 years ago in various regions of the world: H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, Archaic H. sapiens, H. naledi and H. floresiensis. In your opinion, are these distinctly separate species or could they be regional versions of the same pre-modern human species?

1. Research at least five (5) different sources of reliable scientific information as the basis for your paper. Use theDVC Library Databasesand/or other reputable online and/or recently published sources (within the past 4 years: 2017 – 2021) to gain an understanding of the topic.

DO NOT use Wikipedia or similar crowd-contributed websites as sources of information for this paper.

2. Introduce the focus of your paper in a concise thesis statement that appears at the end of your first paragraph. A thesis statement tells the reader what the paper is about. This means that you will need to have a clear idea of what you are writing about BEFORE you start!

3. Discuss what you learned about the pre-modern hominins that lived during the time frame under reference and what conclusion(s) can be drawn from your research. You might want to create an outline for the body of your paperto organize all of the information you wish to present so that it flows in an orderly fashion.

4. Recap and conclude. Your conclusion must include a restatement of your thesis and clearly reference your research and analysis ofthis topic.

5. Submit your completed assignment by clicking on the Turn-It-In link at the bottom of the Assignment page on the course websiteor the Submit Assignment link at the top right corner of the Assignment page if the Turn-It-In link is not visible (Canvas links to the Turn-It-In website occasionally do not work).

ANTH 140 Diablo Valley College Early Hominids Research Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BIO 123 KU The House Finch Bird Haemorhous Mexicanus Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology Research Paper and need support to help me study.

Final project

Research topic is ( House Finch bird )

The final project for the lab will consist of a literature research paper. The topic of your research will be on the natural history and biology of any organism of your choice. I prefer that you narrow your research to an organism that occurs locally (native or introduced, NOT just at the zoo).

Potential sources of ideas for organisms to present can be found by searching the web for Southern California native plants or endemic species or marine organisms, or any combination that leads you in the direction you want to go. If you want to talk about an organism that has been introduced, you can search SoCal invasive plants, insects, birds, mammals, etc.


  • Length must be no less than 5 pages double spaced.
  • Include a picture of your organism at the end of your report. Note this should be an additional page ( 6th page)
  • Full Linnaean classification (taxonomy – K P C O F G s)
  • Where it is placed in the phylogenetic tree
  • Description
  • Life history
  • Where it is found
  • What it eats
  • Life cycle stages, breeding habits, etc.
  • You must include at least three academic (preferably more) source of information (i.e. from the library). Academic means a scientific article or book written by a scientist and that was reviewed by other scientists (peer-reviewed), not from a popular magazine such as National Geographic or Discovery. Make sure you cite your sources where you. Remember in Biology we always use the CSE format when citing references. Websites for your information sources will not do, unless it is for an online peer-reviewed journal.
  • undefined

    ➢ Format for reference section:

    – Journal article:

    o Author last name, first initial (for each author).Year.Article title.Journal title.vol#(issue#):page#s.

    – Book:

    o Author last name, first initial (for each author).Year. Chapter title in Book title. Publisher name, place. Page#.

    – Format for citation on slide: 1 author – (Smith 1984);

    2 authors – (Smith & Jones 1984);

    + 2 authors – (Smith et al. 1984)

    Cite your sources for your images on or under the image (small font is ok).You can say ©John Smith, or something like that, rather than the whole Wikipedia link, if that is where you get them from. EvaluationThepoints for your research paper will be equally divided among the following factors: ·

  • factual accuracy · apparent depth of research · sources beyond the internet · CSE format
  • Where it is placed in the phylogenetic tree
  • Description
  • Life history
  • Where it is found
  • What it eats
  • Life cycle stages,
  • breeding habits, etc
  • [supanova_question]

    NSG 542 Phoenix eCQM as a Quality Improvement Initiative Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a nursing report and need guidance to help me study.

    In this assignment, you will write a proposal to use an eCQM as a quality improvement initiative. In this proposal, you will present a plan for incorporating an eCQM into the EHR implementation and optimizing the EHR to provide clinical decision support for the quality measure. This initiative will also fulfill one of the meaningful use requirements of an EHR system. You will offer an implementation plan for the process change and address the risks involved. You will identify how it will be monitored and maintained.

    Read Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Strategies to Optimize your Practice. You will use the CQI concepts, strategies, and techniques that are contained in the primer.

    Select one of the following eCQMs to use as the basis for this assignment:

    • HIV Screening – CMS349v2
    • Colorectal Cancer Screening – CMS130v8
    • Controlling High Blood Pressure – CMS165v8
    • Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-up Plan – CMS002v9
    • Diabetes: Eye Exam – CMS131v8

    Select an appropriate CQI strategy (PDSA, Lean, Six Sigma, Baldrige) to achieve the aims of the initiative.

    Explain your rationale for your choice and how the strategy would be used to achieve the aims.

    Define all possible stakeholders for the selected eCQM. Select your ideal team from the list of stakeholders.

    Note: This is a hypothetical so you can list job titles rather than names.

    Complete a Performance Measure Data Definition worksheet for this measure.

    Find the meaningful use value set in AHRQ USHIK.

    Establish measures for this initiative by locating industry benchmarks for your eCQM. How will you measure change, and will you know that the changes are an improvement? Can the benchmark data be used to measure and indicate improvement?

    Complete a Performance Measure Workflow Alignment worksheet for this measure.

    Create a workflow diagram depicting the ideal information flow for the eCQM from the point of capture through reporting the data and indicate which agencies that data will be reported to. The diagram will include when the data is captured, by whom, at what point of the patient visit, etc.

    Determine an appropriate CDS tool to integrate into the workflow. Explain the rationale for selecting it and why you located at the point you placed it in (5 rights of clinical decision support).

    Develop a plan for testing, monitoring, and maintaining this CQI.

    Write a proposal for incorporating this initiative into an organization’s EHR implementation in which you will include:

    • A summary of the initiative objectives, including eCQM rationale
    • The desired outcomes resulting from this change (e.g., initiative goals, target benchmark, etc.)
    • CQI strategy that will be employed
    • Implementation plan
    • Testing and monitoring plan
    • Details of how a CDS will be incorporated into the EHR and how it will facilitate meaningful use
    • Risk assessment and change management plans
    • Training support (i.e., who will need training and how will they be trained?)

    Include any completed worksheets and workflow diagrams in the proposal as appendices.

    Note: The proposal should be approximately 5-6 pages long, excluding the title page, references page, and all appendices, and should include a minimum of 3 professional references to support your work.

    Cite your references according to APA guidelines.


    Brite Divinity School of Texas Wk 2 The History of Computers Social Science Ques Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    Week 2 Assignment

    Start Assignment

    • Due Saturday by 11:59pm
    • Points 100
    • Submitting a file upload
    • Available May 2 at 12:01am – May 8 at 11:59pm 7 days

    After reading the lecture notes answer the following questions.

    1. Describe the history of computers.

    2. Describe the history of the Internet.

    3. Describe the three Internet categories.

    How to Submit Your Answers:

    Copy each of the above questions and paste it into a Microsoft Word document. Format the questions in bold, and your answer in regular. Separate each response with a double-space. Save your document as lastname_firstname_homework1.docx. Upload it to this Assignment post.


    CRJ 305 Ashford University Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Essay Law Assignment Help

    I’m working on a criminal justice report and need an explanation to help me study.

    Crime Prevention

    [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4], [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    ***Please note and read: failure to include the follow information in the paper will result in me not accepting it and requesting a refund. The utilization of the course resource is required. The reference for this source is:

    Elliott, D., & Fagan, A. (2017). The prevention of crime. Retrieved from

    The citation in the text should appear as: (Elliott & Fagan, 2017).

    Clarke, R. V., & Eck, J. E. (2011). Crime analysis for problem solvers in 60 small steps (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from…

    The citation in the text should appear as: (Clarke & Eck, 2011).

    *Please use APA for citation and reference list in the paper.

    *Use additional scholarly articles to support the paper (at least 4 additional).

    *My law enforcement problem/issues are robbery incidents, which spans across both juvenile and adult offenders in the state of Georgia. I have provided my comparison jurisdictions of Florida, Washington State, and the national level comparison in a PowerPoint presentation. I will provide the additional comparison statistics to you for the state of California (my third jurisdiction comparison). The crime prevention strategy I selected to prevent/deter robbery incidents are situational crime prevention which includes routine activities theory, along with place-based crime prevention and hot spot policing. Effective crime prevention requires more than one strategy, please discuss social disorganization theory and polices also. All portions should be discussed with an emphasis on “hot spot policing.” Please also use the “Problem solvers in 60 small steps” from the department of justice web page and discuss SARA. All this information should be discussed in the paper.

    Instructor paper instructions:

    The purpose of the Final Paper is to demonstrate your understanding of crime prevention programs and the role crime prevention plays in the overall criminal justice system. You may select a crime prevention program that addresses issues in law enforcement, the courts, or corrections; or it may be a comprehensive program that addresses all three. The program may address the adult justice system, juvenile justice system, or both.

    For the purposes of this assignment, assume you are preparing a proposal to a city, county, or state governmental body to recommend the implementation of a crime prevention program within their jurisdiction. With support from academic literature (both scholarly and credible sources), demonstrate the value of the crime prevention program and its effectiveness in reducing crime, which in turn will reduce the overall costs to the jurisdiction and justify the additional expenditures to the community.

    In your proposal,

    • Summarize the jurisdiction (i.e., city, county, or state) and the portion of the criminal justice system your proposal is designed to address.
    • Analyze the data from three similar jurisdictions (comparable cities in population size).
    • Evaluate the appropriate crime prevention strategy for the jurisdiction based on this analysis.
    • Examine academic literature and studies on the various crime prevention programs to address the needs of the community.
      • Describe how the crime prevention program addresses social justice issues of the community.
    • Analyze the various programs showing their effectiveness in comparable jurisdictions.
    • Propose a funding strategy for program implementation.
    • State anticipated outcomes, both short and long term.
    • Assess how the crime prevention program affects social justice within the community.

    The Crime Prevention proposal

    For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

    Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    [supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    [supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    [supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


    MRU Meta Analysis Pitfalls and Hints Results and Finding Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    MRU Meta Analysis Pitfalls and Hints Results and Finding Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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