MTSU Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation Writing Assignment Help

MTSU Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation Writing Assignment Help. MTSU Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation Writing Assignment Help.

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Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.

Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.

To Prepare:

  • Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.
  • Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (9- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 9- to 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

  • Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
  • Describe the geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status of members of the board for your specific region/area.
    • Who is on the board?
    • How does one become a member of the board?
  • Describe at least one federal regulation for healthcare.
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare (e.g., CMS, OSHA, and EPA)?
    • Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?
  • Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).
    • How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?
    • How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

reference slid as well, minimum of 4 citations with intext, rubric is included.

MTSU Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCA Implementation of Lean Six Signa in Healthcare Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This course is designed to provide you with extensive knowledge of the tools and Techniques in Lean Six Sigma in order to improve process and assure quality in the organization. The goal of this research term paper is for you to: 1) be able to present the Lean Six Sigma principles and application to the readers; 2) apply theoretical constructs and approaches on process improvement; 3) develop in-depth knowledge of a special practices or problem in selected topic;

This term paper should be 10-15 pages, double-spaced, excluding cover page, table of contents, references, and appendix (if any). You should well-describe your selected topic and how it contributes to the concepts and practices of Lean Six Sigma. References must include at least three peer-reviewed journal articles, at least three textbooks, at least three web URL citations, and one interview from the professional in the Quality or Management field. Use the APA style, 6th edition for citations and references. The paper’s elements should include:

• Introduction. This should provide a brief overview of the paper, the significance of your selected topic, and the purpose of your paper. In general, it is a good idea to write the introduction at the end after you have finished the research and spelled out your findings and conclusions. This way, if the paper has a central theme, it is useful to point it out at the outset.
• Principles and theory. This section lays out the theoretical framework or principles that relate to the topic. The discussion involves the relevant literature of the successful/failure business using the Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques
• Example of the historical case/cases. Brief narrative of the facts and implementation process with the business results
• Discussion and Conclusion. This section summarizes your findings and whatever other conclusions you derived from the research. You can also point out shortcomings or advantages in the tools and techniques on the basis of your study of the selected topic.

Possible topics

Students may make up their own topic, or may consider the list that follows:

  • Define the Lean Six Sigma Opportunity
  • Defining and Mapping the Lean Six Sigma Process
  • Design for Lean Six Sigma and Tools
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Lean Six Sigma
  • Design of Experiments and Lean Six Sigma
  • Lean Supply Chain Management
  • Lean Six Sigma for Process Improvement
  • Cost of Quality and Lean Six Sigma
  • Sustainability and Lean Six Sigma

Select only one industry; automotive, aviation, construction, banking, e-commerce, chemical, healthcare, manufacturing, non-manufacturing,… (For example, Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in Banking).


MGT 330 CSUF Niche Hotel Group in the United States Diverse Workforce Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Niche Hotel Group operates distinctive hotels in major cities throughout the United States. It has an enthusiastic, talented, and racially diverse workforce. The company’s vice president of human resources, Monique Johnson, meets weekly with the chief executive to review NHG’s performance in attracting and developing talent. Recently, Monique learned that at one hotel, a manager had received complaints of an assistant manager embarrassing male servers in the sushi bar because they are gay. In investigating, Monique learned that every employee receives mandatory diversity training, yet complaints such as these continue to surface, even after the training is repeated.

Chapter Topics Related to the Case:

  • Discuss how a diverse workforce can provide a competitive advantage to a company like Monique’s.
  • Identify challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce.
  • Describe how managers can cultivate diversity.
  • Evaluate diversity training programs.

Case Discussion Questions:

1. How can promoting a diverse workforce help Niche Hotel Group succeed as a business?

2. Why do you think diversity training has not always prevented problems at NHG?

3. What should NHG do to improve its climate for diversity?


King Fahd University Web Browser Security and Vulnerability Assessment Computer Science Assignment Help

As a security architect, write a paper that addresses the questions below. Be sure to explain the process and steps you would use, as appropriate.

  • How would you minimize users clicking on links without considering the risks of their actions?
  • How would you address Web page addresses that are disguised or take you to an unexpected site?
  • How would you ensure that third-party software has a mechanism for receiving security updates?
  • How would you ensure users know how to configure their web browsers securely?


  • Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
  • You must include a minimum of two credible sources and information from the module to support your writing. The Saudi Digital Library is a good source for resources.
  • Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.


University of Phoenix Promotion and the Product Life Cycle Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Create a minimum 700-word product strategy in Microsoft® Word. Complete the following:

  • Select a product strategy.
  • Address at least three areas of the product life cycle (e.g., NPI, growth, maturity, and decline).
  • Discuss two types of media methods you could use to highlight your product or service.
  • Determine how you will measure the marketing activities (i.e., what metrics will be used to determine success or failure).
  • Address three elements of the following product and promotion list:
  • Integrated marketing communication
  • Advertising strategy/objectives
  • Push and pull
  • Media strategy
  • Advertising execution
  • Direct marketing
  • Public relations/strategies
  • Positioning

The plan will be a continuation of the global or multi-regional company you chose in Week 1 and will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.



PADM 6650 Augusta University Immigration Policy in United States Paper Writing Assignment Help


PADM 6650: Public Policy Analysis Public Policy Analysis Paper Guidelines

This Paper is Researching the immigration Policy.

I have attached a file of my short paper and the professors remarks.

Please add more to the logic model and it must be included.

I have provided books as references and I need more journal articles.

will research an existing public policy at the federal, state, or local
level and evaluate potential solutions to the problem. The paper will
be at least 15 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman) with a
minimum of 15 sources.

In their paper, students need to address the following:

  • Describe the specific government policy that is the focus of the study,
    includingits statutory authority (or legal case if appropriate), the
    specific agency charged with the responsibility for implementing the
    policy, and the source and amount of funding that supports the policy
  •  Define the problem the policy was designed to address including its scale and scope
  •  Describe the policy, economic, and social environment in which the problem arose and the policy was developed
  •  Describe the impact of the policy on the problem as it is experienced in our local area
  •  Describe the impact of the policy on population groups in our area that have been historically marginalized

Scoring Rubric for PADM 6650 Student: ___________________________________

Assessor: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

NASPAA Competency 2: To participate in and contribute to the policy making process.

Student Learning Outcome: Explain, discuss, and apply clearly and
accurate the key concepts and central theories, and demonstrate
expertise appropriate to the discipline.

Intermediate Learning Outcome:

a selected policy, students will be able to analyze the political
social, and economic contexts in which the policy was developed and the
factors influencing the policy’s outcome.

NASPAA Competency 4: To articulate a public service perspective.

Student Learning Outcome: Formulate and express important/essential
questions and issues related to the discipline with clarity and
accuracy, and appropriate depth and breadth.

Intermediate Learning
Outcome: In analyzing a public policy, students will properly identify
the impact of that policy on population groups that have been
historically marginalized.

Assessment Method: Students are
required to write a policy analysis paper that challenges them to
evaluate the impact of a current policy on our local area.

Score (0-5)

NASPAA Competency



accurately describes the specific government policy that is the focus
of the study, including its statutory authority (or legal case if
appropriate), the specific agency charged with the responsibility for
implementing the policy, and the source and amount of funding that
supports the policy


Student clearly defines the problem the policy was designed to address including its scale and scope


Students describes the policy, economic, and social environment in which the problem arose and the policy was developed


Students describes the impact of the policy on the problem as it is experienced in our local area


Students describes the impact of the policy on population groups in our area that have been historically marginalized

Final Score our of 25 points maximum

Scale: 5 completely fulfilled all requirements of the criteria

4 fulfilled the majority of the requirements but did not excel in all
3 fulfilled the requirements in an average way
2 fulfilled some requirements in an average way, but failed a few
1 made an attempt to answer the question, but failed to fulfill most of

the requirements
0 made no attempt to answer the question or completely failed

PADM 6650 Final Paper-Policy Analysis

will research an existing public policy at the federal, state, or local
level and evaluate potential solutions to the problem. The paper will
be at least 15 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman) with a
minimum of 15 sources.

In their paper, students need to address the following:

  • Describe
    the specific government policy that is the focus of the study,
    including its statutory authority (or legal case if appropriate), the
    specific agency charged with the responsibility for implementing the
    policy, and the source and amount of funding that supports the policy
  • Define the problem the policy was designed to address including its scale and scope
  • Describe the policy, economic, and social environment in which the problem arose and the policy was developed
  • Describe the impact of the policy on the problem as it is experienced in our local area
  • Describe the impact of the policy on population groups in our area that have been historically marginalized

Rubric for Final Public Policy Analysis Paper




Possible Points

Points Earned

Introductory First Paragraph

Topic is clearly introduced in a specific way


Argumentative thesis statement


Outline of paper for the reader




Body of Paper

Includes minimum of 15 research based sources


Problem is clearly established


Flow/Clarity: Sections, paragraphing, and transitions are clear and appropriate.


Course concepts and terminology cited and used throughout


Evaluative Criteria clearly established


Evaluative Criteria clearly applied to Alternatives




Conclusions and Recommendations

Student thoroughly explains conclusions and implications, but does not make conclusions beyond the scope of current project


Student makes legitimate recommendations regarding the program studied




Grammar, clarity and style

Contains no grammatical errors, no wordiness or repetition.


Appropriate title page: title reflects project, formatting is consistent with writer’s manual


Adheres to page recommendations, uses 12 point Times New Roman, no formatting errors




Citations, References and Appendices

Follows APA style contains no citation errors and no missing citations.


Follows APA style and contains no errors in references




Paper Prompts

accurately describes the specific government policy that is the focus
of the study, including its statutory authority (or legal case if
appropriate), the specific agency charged with the responsibility for
implementing the policy, and the source and amount of funding that
supports the policy


Student clearly defines the problem the policy was designed to address including its scale and scope


Students describes the policy, economic, and social environment in which the problem arose and the policy was developed


Students describes the impact of the policy on the problem as it is experienced in our local area


Students describes the impact of the policy on population groups in our area that have been historically marginalized




Grand Total 100

PADM 6650 Augusta University Immigration Policy in United States Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

De Anza College Concept of Categorical Imperative Questions Humanities Assignment Help

  1. According to many people, it is at least occasionally permissible to lie. Kant seems to
    deny this, advancing the view that all lies are impermissible. Explain in detail Kant’s
    argument for this claim. Be sure to discuss how his view on lying is supposed to be
    derived from the concept of the categorical imperative. What is your assessment of
    Kant’s position on lying?
  2. In the third section of the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant makes a set of
    interesting arguments about the nature of freedom. Explain in detail how Kant conceives
    of the relationship between morality and freedom, as well as his reasons for holding that
    we can intelligently think of ourselves as free. Do you think that Kant’s account of
    freedom, and its relationship to morality, is convincing?
  3. Immanuel Kant claims that his moral theory is the first to ground morality in the concept
    of autonomy. All other forms of moral theory have been, according to Kant,
    heteronomous. Explain in detail what Kant means when he claims that autonomy is the
    supreme principle of morality. Select one thinker we have read in our course, and
    explain why Kant would regard their theory of morality as heteronomous. Do you think
    that Kant’s account of autonomy is compelling? Is Kant’s moral theory more persuasive
    than the other theory you discuss?


EOC 204 Ashford University Education and Income Inequalities Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on the Final Paper, read Steven Strauss’ article, The Connection Between Education, Income Inequality, and Unemployment (Links to an external site.). In your Final Paper, you should address the following based on the information presented in the article and other research:

  • Describe how a country can measure its income inequality.
  • Evaluate the effect of income inequality on the U.S. economy, such as unemployment, economic growth, and other economic factors.
  • Estimate the gap between those who hold bachelor’s and higher (master or doctoral) degrees and those who do not.
  • Explain reasons why the inequality gap between educated and less-educated workers has been widening.
  • Evaluate whether increasing opportunities for higher education can reduce income inequality.
  • Analyze what else causes U.S. income inequality to widen.
  • Recommend how to reduce educationally based income inequality or other factors if you were a federal policy maker.

The Education and Income Inequality Final Paper

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


WestcliffU Merger of Equals Between Lafarge & Holcim Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Read: “Cementing a Merger of Equals between Lafarge and Holcim Has Been Difficult” on pages 231-232. Prepare a 4 to 6 page APA formatted paper (with six peer-reviewed sources for support):

Answer questions:

1. Of the “Reasons for Acquisitions” discussed in the chapter, which reasons are the primary drivers of Lafarge-Holcim merger strategy?

2. Given that there have been performance difficulties of this “merger of equals,” which of the “Problems in Achieving Acquisition Success” do you believe have most likely affected this deal?

3. The new CEO, Jan Jenisch, has undertaken a restructuring strategy. Why do you think the market reacted negatively to this plan?

4. What would you suggest the firm do to improve it restructuring plan and ultimately its poor performance?


ENG 130 Ashford University Unit 3 Tone in Robert Frost Poem Out Out Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

“The tone of a literary work is the perspective or attitude that the author adopts with regards to a specific character, place or development. Tone can portray a variety of emotions ranging from solemn, grave, and critical to witty, wry and humorous. Tone helps the reader ascertain the writer’s feelings towards a particular topic and this in turn influences the reader’s understanding of the story” (Tone, 2010, para.1).

Initial Response: In this unit, you have read three famous pieces of literature that were written by Hemingway, Frost, and O’Brien. These writers used their stories/poems to express emotion, and thus a message. Choose one of the stories in the “Literature Resources for this Unit” and in a well-constructed two or more paragraphs, analyze what Tone the author is conveying in his piece AND what words and techniques he uses to create it. It is important in any literary response to use text examples (words, phrases, lines) to defend your response. Be sure to use in text citations for your examples and end with an APA reference citation.

350 words

Tone. (2010). Literary devices. Retrieved from





MTSU Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation Writing Assignment Help

MTSU Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation Writing Assignment Help

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