MUSC 100W San Jose State University You Sound Like A Ladies Orchestra Questions Paper Humanities Assignment Help. MUSC 100W San Jose State University You Sound Like A Ladies Orchestra Questions Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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William Osborne’s 1994 online essay “‘You Sound Like A Ladies Orchestra’: A Case History of Sexism Against Abbie Conant In the Munich Philharmonic” traces the history of trombonist Abbie Conant’s audition, employment, interaction, and legal interaction with the Munich Philharmonic. Questions need to answer in writing your response to his essay are:
o Who is William Osborne, and what is his relationship with Abbie Conant? How does that influence your reading of his essay?
o Have you ever heard Abbie Conant play? Does it matter in judging your reaction to Osborne’s article? (You can hear a sample of her playing on Youtube at: )
o Why do you think this article was published electronically rather than in paper form? What are the pros and cons of this format of publication?
o Osborne’s essay is extensively footnoted: what kind of evidence does Osborne use to support his argument, and do you think it is successful?
o Osborne opens his essay with an anecdote involving the Munich Philharmonic’s historical past: is it a successful opening, or not, and why?
o What is the thesis (if any) of Osborne’s essay, and where is it stated?
Your Reading Response should contain at least one (1) quotation from the reading, which should be cited according to The Chicago Manual of Style format (i.e. a footnote). Below are examples of how this reading, an online essay, might be cited in a bibliography, and as a footnote. Citing electronic material follows that same rules as conventionally published material, but given its changeable nature, electronically published information should include a description of the material (what the source is if there is no author or title), the URL (where the source is), and the access date (as the source may change or be deleted).
MUSC 100W San Jose State University You Sound Like A Ladies Orchestra Questions Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 560 Saudi Electronic Univ Business Culture in Europe and Saudi Arabia Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict, dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an essay that address the following in relation to the formation and utilization of teams within an organization. Assume you have been appointed as the Plant Manager of a new 5,000 employee production facility to be opened in Saudi Arabia by a long-established European firm:
- First, as there are cultural, societal, and economic differences between European and Saudi Arabian firms, briefly summarize the key differences between operating a business/organization in Europe and Saudi Arabia.
- Second, the formation and utilization of teams is seen as central to the operational success of this new production facility in Saudi Arabia. As the leader of the endeavor, suggest a team model/theory you would implement to create and sustain a team-oriented culture in the production facility. Briefly define/describe the model/theory and its particular relevance in this endeavor.
- Finally, assess—in particular—how the use of this model will result in a more efficient and effective production facility (for instance, identify cites/sources that showcase how the use of teams results in a more efficient and effective operation).
- Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 5 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
- Using websites as a reference is not acceptable, it must be books or scientific papers.
- References must be at least 5.
New York University Ethical Decision Making Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
1.Today in most of the world”s industrial nations professional employees are expected to belong to a “996 Club”
That is working from 9 am to 9pm 6 days a week.
With competition so keen how do organizations balance balance employees personal life with business responsibilities.
Write a short response . the article (scan0217)
Please review and read the attached article and write a short opinion on your thought on this issue. the article (scan0222)
Please review the attached case study and write a short explanation of what action you would take.
4.Please watch the following you tube and write a short reflection .
each reflection should be 1-2 paragraph
Strayer University Kimberly Electronics Benefit Website Content Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Benefits Website Content
Your manager has asked you to create the content for the updated benefits website for your company. The existing website was missing important information about mandatory and discretionary benefits and, more importantly, did not align with the company’s organizational strategy—this one is a must. Your manager wants current employees and new hires to understand how the company’s benefit offerings reflect and support the company’s vision, mission, and organizational strategy.
The website content should include information on both mandatory and discretionary benefits that are commonly offered in your industry. Use the Benefits Website Content Assignment Template [DOCX] to complete the assignment, which includes the following:
- Write a short overview of the company that includes the organization’s vision, mission, and values.
- Identify a minimum of three mandatory employee benefits.
- Provide the legal justification crucial to understanding the mandatory benefits offered.
- Identify a minimum of three discretionary employee benefits.
- Provide related information that is crucial to understanding the discretionary employee benefits offered.
- Evaluate how the discretionary and mandatory benefits align with the company’s organizational strategy.
Note: The numbered assignment requirements outlined above correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create benefits website content that addresses mandatory benefits, discretionary benefits, and alignment with a company’s organization strategy.
Organizational Culture and Structure Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Portfolio Paper/Service Learning Project
Each student will spend 8 hours doing volunteer work for a non-profit organization, and report on the organizational behavioral principles they observed, three recommendations for improvement, and applications of the Christian worldview. In a report due in Unit 7, you are expected to critically and thoroughly analyze and evaluate the situation, then make recommendations for an appropriate process and solutions. Students must receive an official letter from the organization verifying their volunteer hours, and the letter should be submitted with the final report in Unit 7.
Guidelines for Service Learning Project
Duration: The Service Learning Project will last the duration of the course.
Summary: The learner is expected to spend eight (8) hours at the not-for-profit organization performing volunteer service as well as learning about the organizational behavior aspects of the organization. The learner’s experience will culminate in a written report summarizing the learner’s experience as well as addressing several organizational behavior concepts encountered during the experience.
Note: Students in the military can write about military related services; students who live in geographic areas, where there isn’t access to a non-profit, can use any service related organizations including churches.
Contents of Final Paper: The final paper summarizing the service learning experience will be uploaded into Canvas and will contain the following elements:
- Identification
- Identification of the agency or organization for which service was performed.
- Description of the purpose or mission of the agency or organization.
- Description of the work done by the learner.
- Description of the area or department of the organization observed by the learner.
- Organizational Behavior Concepts
In this section, the learner will address organizational behavior aspects of the organization. The learner will select two organizational behavior topics from those we study in this course and apply the concepts and principles of those two (2) topics to the organization. Suggested areas for observation and evaluation may include, but are not limited to:
- Systems theory as applied to the organization
- Organizational culture
- How the culture is being sustained or changed
- Socialization of members
- The role of personality
- Perceptions
- Motivational theories
- Psychological contract
- Job design
- Use of evaluation, feedback and rewards
- Misbehavior
- Individual or organizational stress
- Group development
- Group behavior(s)
- Use of teams
- Management of conflict
- Power and politics
- Communication
- Decision making
- Organizational structure
- Organizational leadership
- Organizational change
- Details: The following points should guide the learner in the completion of this project.
- The paper will contain 3,500 words of content. The cover sheet, abstract (not required but may be used), table of contents (if used), and references do not count toward the length of the paper.
- The paper, including citations, references, and general format will be APA compliant.
- In addition to the text and the Bible, the paper will contain at least five additional references, two of which must be from peer-reviewed sources. References should be from high-quality sources such as peer-reviewed sources, trade journals and business journals. While sources such as Wikipedia, e-How, blogs, or similar sites may occasionally be used, they will not count toward the minimum number of references.
- The learner will obtain a letter from an officer or manager in the organization verifying that at least 8 hours of service were performed for the organization. The letter will state where the service was performed and the nature of the service. The letter will also contain the name and contact information of the organization’s contact providing the letter. This letter will be submitted with the project. This letter does not count toward the page content of the paper.
- In addressing the organizational behavior topics chosen, it is recommended that the analysis include the following aspects (you don’t have to use them all, but these are good places to start):
- A description of the topic (a must)
- The theoretical foundation of the topic (a must)
- How the topic manifested itself in the organization (evidence)
- Effects of the topic on the organization
- Did the topic manifest itself as what you read suggested it would?
- Does that organizational behavior aspect propel or hinder the organization in achieving this mission?
- What alternatives are there to the situation(s) you saw?
- Was the organization using the Organizational Behavior principles effectively? What evidence is there of this?
- Do you have any recommendations for the organization based on what you have learned in Organizational Behavior and what you saw?
- The paper will contain a significant section integrating Christian worldview perspectives with the observations. In addition to evaluating the OB situation or practice from a theoretical viewpoint, the learners must also evaluate the situation from the point of view of the biblical foundations provided in this course. Learners must evaluate whether or not the principle as practiced by the organization is consistent with the biblical foundations (compare and contrast) and evaluate the potential change in effectiveness of the organization were the biblical foundations are to be employed. If the organization does purport to operate from a biblical point of view, the learners will evaluate the extent to which the organization appears to be consistent with the biblical foundation in its organizational behavior. At least 750 words of the final paper should be devoted to this aspect of the project.
- Specific Requirements: (3,500 words; At least 7 sources; APA-Compliant)
San Jose State University Effects of Nutrition on the Human Body Discussion Science Assignment Help
You Are What You Eat! – Nutrition and eating styles
77 个未读答复。77 个答复。
Discussion on the effects of nutrition on the human body.
Learning Objectives
This discussion is for:
- Demonstrate ways in which science influences and is influenced by complex societies, including political and moral issues.
- Use methods of science and knowledge derived from current scientific inquiry in life science to question existing explanations.
- Advance the development of skills to be able to understand material, be able to organize it logically, compare/contrast and analyze facts and ideas and draw conclusions.
- To apply comprehension and thinking skills in working with research materials in a manner leading to clarity, conciseness, and coherence in writing.
- Discovering the effects of different eating styles on human health.
- Becoming familiar with Netiquette.
1. Read the instructions posted in this weeks Module, and attached here, for guidance on how discussions will be used for this class. The instructions include an example of how to format this type of discussion and a grading rubric.
2. This week we are learning about the digestive system. For this discussion, we’ll review how our eating choices and our environment affect our health. Choose an eating style for humans that is important to you or that you are curious about. Some suggested eating styles are provided below, but you may choose a different style than is listed. The style you choose must have peer-reviewed scientific research written about it’s effect on human health.
3. You will write a 220+ word essay/discussion about how this way of eating is beneficial to or detrimental to human health – what diseases/conditions does it cause/cure. You must use at least two valid peer-reviewed sources of scientific research, published within the last five years, to support your opinion. Be sure to include both in-text citations and list the references for your sources using MLA format. In-text citations and references do not count toward the discussion word count.
4. After you have posted your discussion, reply to at least two other student posts. Write 50+ words for each reply post. You must use peer-reviewed scientific research, published within the past five years, to support each of your responses. You may use the same research you used for your initial post if it is relevant to your reply. Be sure to include in-text citation(s) and reference(s) for your source(s) in MLA format. In-text citations and references do not count toward the reply word count.
5. To receive points for the discussion, you must post your initial research discussion by Thursday 11:59pm, and then reply to at least two other students posts by Sunday 11:59pm. Late posts will receive up to half credit if any part of the discussion is posted up to one week after the initial due date. Discussion posts and responses will not be accepted after one week of the original due date and you will receive zero points.
Netiquette in all online communication. This is not a ‘bash the other person’s opinion’ response. If you don’t agree with the post, you must support your disagreement with scientific evidence. It’s alright to disagree with someone else’s opinion, but you must be courteous in your reply.
How to Post
Here is detailed instruction (Links to an external site.).
- To post your original discussion, click on Reply right below this instruction. Enter your discussion content in the message box.
- If you have a file(s) attach to your post, click on Attach in the bottom-right corner of the message box. Once you attach the file, you should see the file name below the message box.
- To submit the post, click the Post Respond button. You should see your post on the board. If not, refresh the discussion page.
- To reply to another post, click on Reply below their posted message.
San Jose State University Effects of Nutrition on the Human Body Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of London Economics Presentation Speech Draft Paper Economics Assignment Help
Speech draft only
1) Identify your causal question and how it relates to the original article. (1-2 slides)
2) Sequentially review the articles In particular focus on data, methods, results, and internal and external strengths and weaknesses. (5-6 slides for each article)
- What are two or three key findings from the literature that the paper cites?
- What economic theory is drawn upon?
- What type of data does the paper use to tests its hypotheses (observational, social experiment, laboratory experiment, field experiment)?
- What estimation methods do the authors use?
- What key results do the authors report?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of these analyses? (Clearly distinguish between internal and external strengths and weaknesses.)
- What should be on the agenda for future research in this area?
3) Summarize the evidence from the 4/5 articles. (1-2 slides)
Trident University International Nursing Overtime and Variable Data Worksheet Other Assignment Help
I have attached a data in a PDF format. Please create 2 separate Excel sheets with filters/drop downs (where applicable) if possible. Feel free to use colors/shades to give a nice look to the Excel sheet. However, both Excel Sheets will have same information for me to fill data/numbers later as in attached PDF form.
First Excel Sheet will be titled as: 2021 DDD-CCC Nursing Overtime and Variable Data (Total Hours). It will be for SRNs, RNs, PTS, LVNs, CNAs.
Second Excel Sheet will the same but with 2 titles. First will be: 2021 DDD-CCC/State Nursing Overtime and Variable Data (Total Hours. It will be for SRNs, RNs, PTs. Then Second title will be: 2021 DDD-CCC/Registry Nursing Overtime and Variable Data (Total Hours). It will be for LVNs, PTs, CNAs.
SUO Organizational Behaviors Social Media Diversity & Globalization Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Organizational Behaviors
The study and practice of OB have been influenced by several new realities in the workplace of public and nonprofit organizations. These realities include:
- Diversity
- Technology and Social Media
- Globalization
Discuss the components and the history of these new realities in our world and how our lives have been affected by these new realities.
The introduction to Week 1 in our course describes five different aspects of OB:
- Individual Behavior
- Group and Intergroup Behavior
- Leadership
- Power and Influence
- Organizational Change
Consider your public or nonprofit organization workplace. Describe and explain how the three new realities in the workplace modified or changed the five different aspects of OB described in the introduction to Week 1. Research and write your paper based upon articles and books found in the South University Online Library.
Submission Details:
- Submit your response in an 8- to 10-page Microsoft Word document.
Liberty University Human Resource Topics Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
To review the assignment information below, you may click the Preview icon next to the document name to view the document or click the document name to download the document.
In preparation for the final research paper, the student will select 4 specific human resource topics to research as if preparing to create a Human Resource policy manual. The student will then be required to research reputable, professional, scholarly journals for information dealing with the content/nature of his/her 4 selected topics and create an annotated bibliography containing all 10 of his/her chosen scholarly sources in current APA format (published within the last 5 years). A title page must be included that does not count toward the overall page count. A brief article summary of at least 150 words must be supplied for each citation utilized