my question is below Writing Assignment Help. my question is below Writing Assignment Help.
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The focus of this experience is to explore exercise as an excellent form of stress reduction. Read posted Seaward Chapter on exercise and stress and calculate your Target Heart Rate Formula. For an easy online calculation, go to:
and calculate your target heart rate (HR).
- Print or write the resulting information and attach to this sheet. Remember: aim for TARGET HEART RATE, not MAXIMUM! J
- Another way to calculate THR: 220-your age = X. X times .5 (5% of max HR ) is your low end, and X times .85 (85% of max HR) is your high end.
- Next, choose a physical activity in which you will achieve aerobic exercise. Sustain this activity for at least 25-30 minutes. What did you choose?
- Answer these questions:
- How hard (e.g. what amount of chosen exercise) did you have to work in order to achieve your target HR? Did you achieve it? How long (record seconds/minutes) before you achieved resting HR? What determines whether you achieve target heart rate quickly or slowly?
- What is the reason for calculating and trying to achieve target HR? How long should you maintain target HR for maximum benefit? Be clear and specific regarding WHAT THR is and WHY you aim for it.
- Make an estimate regarding your parasympathetic rebound effect….will you feel more or less relaxed after exercise and why do you think so?
- What are 2-3 psychological benefits to exercise?
- What does exercise presumably do with epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol levels in the body? (See readings for info). (hint….if exercise uses stress hormones up in the process of exercise, what benefits might come from that?)
my question is below Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Editing a Capstone project regarding Educating EMS students on Disaster Management! Health Medical Assignment Help
Please hit me up if you have a background in disaster management and emergency medical services ( EMS ) I need you to edit a capstone draft including ( fixing citation including in text, add stuff or removing stuff,) ( make sure the cited statements match the references )
Use American casual language so it sounds more natural!
Include these element in the method section and other section where is necassary!!
Introduction to Four FEMA Missionaries. ( disaster phases, Preparedness/ prevention, Response, Recovery, Mitigation )
Introduction to FEMA
Incident Command System
Display a picture or diagram of ICS structure
Planning P
The Commission six element
Role of ems during disaster
HVA ( Hazardous Vulnerability Analysis )
Hadden Matrix
and anymore you see it’s relevant in this cycle ( imaging you have one day agenda to teach EMS students on disaster management, what would you display!!
Remember the draft needs fixing by all means so impress me, apply your experience in research are, Use FEMA as much as possible and you totally free to eliminate the irrelevant part such as the references, statements, points, on the other hand you can add or editi anything you see it’s important, treat it like it’s yours, PLEASE DON’T COME KNOCKING ON THE DOOR IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I’m talking about because that hurts both of us.. lol
I’ll be throwing some good references might guid you throw!
Bestie and good luck!
Hazardous Materls & Ind Safety Business Finance Assignment Help
Please “inventory” your personal workspace (employment) to a distance of five (5) miles. List all identified Hazardous Materials in this region (requires a referenced definition of Hazardous Materials, cite your source. Your local community right to know/Emergency Planning Committee can supplement your personal “windshield search” for materials in their customary locations. Plot these locations on a map, preferably a topographical map. Finally, perform a “Hazard Analysis” rating the most likely hazard material to create an incident, the most toxic to humans, most unique in response, and most persistent to the environment.
Locate the SDS for each and post. One additional document with Hazard data/response recommendations for each substance is desirable.
Contact your Local Emergency Planning Committee (through an industrial concern OR the local fire chief OR the local Emergency Planning Agency. Request the time and location for their NEXT planning meeting, and plan to attend. A letter of introduction will be available from the Program Administrator as needed.
Performance Lawn Equipment ( Take a look one the attachment) Business Finance Assignment Help
Dear International Data Analytics for Business Executives:
Please read the following Data Analytics for Business case assigned for this Learning Week and please analyze and answer the requested in this Case Analysis.
In reviewing the PLE data, Elizabeth Burke noticed that defects received from suppliers have decreased (worksheet Defects After Delivery). Upon investigation, she learned that in 2010, PLE experienced some quality problems due to an increasing number of defects in materials received from suppliers.
The company instituted an initiative in August 2011 to work with suppliers to reduce these defects, to more closely coordinate deliveries, and to improve materials quality through reengineering supplier production policies. Elizabeth noted that the program appeared to reverse an increasing trend in defects; she would like to predict what might have happened had the supplier initiative not been implemented and how the number of defects might further be reduced in the near future.
In meeting with PLE’s human resources director, Elizabeth also discovered a concern about the high rate of turnover in its field service staff. Senior managers have suggested that the department look closer at its recruiting policies, particularly to try to identify the characteristics of individuals that lead to greater retention. However, in a recent staff meeting, HR managers could not agree on these characteristics.
Some argued that years of education and grade point averages were good predictors. Others argued that hiring more mature applicants would lead to greater retention. To study these factors, the staff agreed to conduct a statistical study to determine the effect that years of education, college grade point average, and age when hired have on retention. A sample of 40 field service engineers hired 10 years ago was selected to determine the influence of these variables on how long each individual stayed with the company. Data are compiled in the Employee Retention worksheet.
Finally, as part of its efforts to remain competitive, PLE tries to keep up with the latest in production technology. This is especially important in the highly competitive lawn-mower line, where competitors can gain a real advantage if they develop more cost-effective means of production. The lawn-mower division therefore spends a great deal of effort in testing new technology. When new production technology is introduced, firms often experience learning, resulting in a gradual decrease in the time required to produce successive units. Generally, the rate of improvement declines until the production time levels off. One example is the production of a new design for lawn-mower engines. To determine the time required to produce these engines, PLE produced 50 units on its production line; test results are given on the worksheet Engines in the database. Because PLE is continually developing new technology, understanding the rate of learning can be useful in estimating future production costs without having to run extensive prototype trials, and Elizabeth would like a better handle on this.
Use techniques of regression analysis to assist her in evaluating the data in these three worksheets and reaching useful conclusions.
Summarize your work in a formal report with all appropriate results and analyses.
- An important part of planning manufacturing capacity is having a good forecast of sales. Elizabeth Burke is interested in forecasting sales of mowers and tractors in each marketing region as well as industry sales to assess future changes in market share.
- She also wants to forecast future increases in production costs. Develop forecasting models for these data and prepare a report of your results with appropriate charts and output from Excel.
Please develop YOUR OWN TEAM Business Analytics EXCEL model(s) to support all your answers and analyses and post this(these) file(s) in addition to your Case Analysis Performance Lawn Equipment Report.
Finally, please answer ALL Questions and Sections of this Data Analytics for Business Case with great detail AND STEP BY STEP being extremely methodical and accurate in your answers. It is extremely important that for each Question and Section, you write the entire question and you LABEL and/or PLACE the appropriate headings and subheadings clearly for EACH part of the question and/or section.
Please address, analyze, and discuss in great detail and thoroughly support and explain the what’s, how’s, and why’s of each of your answers.
I expect high caliber Case Analysis Reports with top analyses and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to help.
Jose Rocha
Learning Assignment Guidelines
Case Analysis Written Report:
This document should be a typed professional written report in Word and PDF format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.
** No Word and PDF format documents: No grading.
Please submit your Team Case Analysis Written Report and YOUR OWN TEAM Business Analytics Case Analysis EXCEL model(s) files.
** No Team Case Analysis Written Report and YOUR OWN TEAM Business Analytics Case Analysis EXCEL model(s) files: No grading.
TurnItIn Originality Score Index
Case Analysis Reports with a TurnItIn Originality Score Index:
* Orange (50-74% similarity index) and/or Red (75-100% similarity index)
will NOT be graded and will be reviewed and assess for potential
Academic Dishonesty misconduct.
Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
You can find several readings and support material for your writing learning assignments and APA Style use at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 1.2 Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
For this assignment, you will write a 1500-2000-word research paper In MLA Style Humanities Assignment Help
Topic (The Gender Gap is defined as ‘the discrepancies in opportunities and status between men and women.’ Many believe the gender gap is still very present in America, saying that women have fewer opportunities in STEM-related fields and make less money than men regardless of time on the job, education, or experience.
However, there are also those who believe the gender gap problem is just a myth. To them, these claims do not consider the type of job, the fact that men may work more hours, and that men are more likely to pursue high-stress advancements.
Is there evidence to suggest that the gender gap still exists today? If so, is there a solution to this problem? If not, what do you think is causing so many to believe that it still exists?)
Instructions :
Please write your paper in the MLA format. As part of your research, you may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use at least four credible, outside sources and cite them using MLA format as well. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal
Summarize the company’s strategic and financial health by using infographics. Business Finance Assignment Help
18.C Summarize the company’s strategic and financial health by using infographics. Use Tufte’s principles of elegant analytical design in constructing your infographic charts, tables, and diagrams. Prepare your infographics as if you would be making a formal presentation to potential investment bankers looking to either invest growth capital in Joseph’s or acquire it outright.
20 a. Identify Joseph’s business model and sources of its competitive advantage.
b. What is the most pressing critical issue or central problem that Faro and his company must
c. Identify the most appropriate and viable options that Faro needs to consider in addressing the
greatest pressing critical issue or question facing Joseph’s that you identified above.
Summarize the company’s strategic and financial health by using infographics. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
6 pages essay Writing Assignment Help
Tightly structured and argumentative essay to proceed via the
support, discussion and interrogation of a close reading of the primary theoretical text
relevant to topic.
This is not a research essay, so no sources other than our textbook are required. (Textbook: Critical Visions in film theory, edited by timothy corrigan) However, your selections from our text plus the films that you examine must be included
in your bibliography. Your essay and its apparatus—including its bibliography,
references and endnotes—must be formatted according to the MLA Handbook.
The following topics are intentionally broad in order to allow you to accommodate your
particular interests; therefore you must narrow them down in order to provide your
essay with a specific and argumentative thesis statement that can be convincingly
pursued in the space available to you.
1. Describe the role of the artist in Kracauer’s theory of cinema—how do film and
photography change that role compared to other media and aesthetic forms?
2. Walter Benjamin argues that films change the way we perceive and think, as well
as changing what counts as art. His context is primarily silent and Soviet cinema.
Test his ideas in relation to a contemporary film.
Please do not plagiarism.
Economic Paper Economics Assignment Help
In this assignment, you’ll read the other 4 papers and write up a brief critique for each. The paper should be formatted as follows:
Section 1 – Critique the Idea (2-4 paragraphs): Critique the idea itself, particularly as it relates to economics. Make sure to talk about the author’s plans for their work. Does it seem feasible? Well-thought out? Do the plans even exist at this point?
Section 2 – Offer insight and constructive feedback (as many paragraphs as it takes): Offer any other critiques: grammar, writing style, etc. Offer suggestions if you have knowledge on the subject. Be polite but don’t hold back here. It’s better they hear it from you than me or a future employer. This is how we grow as writers and economists.
Writhing Note,I’m not grading on length, just completeness. Be brief and say only what is necessary.
The entire critique may be at least 2 pages,Time New Roman,Double Spaces ,12 point
Use Simple Sentences
cloud computing Writing Assignment Help
today i need PORTFOLIO PROJECT – OUTLINE AND REFERENCES in 4 hours (so i have post it for 4 hours once you complete it ill extend the time to 15 days for the complete project ).
these below requirements are for the outline and references only. its for today
Portfolio Project – Outline and References
Submit your Portfolio Project Outline and References
Week 4 deliverables:
An APA formatted document that contains:
1. A 2-3 page outline addressing all required topics with subtopics. There must be a paragraph describing each topic and a 2-3 sentence description under each subtopic topic.
2. A reference list with at least five scholarly sources listed on the reference page. These must be scholarly and within the last 5 years.
#4 January 27-February 2 |
Virtualization Securing the Cloud |
Jamsa – Chapter 8 Erl – Section 5.3 Jamsa – Chapter 9 Erl – Sections 6.1 and 6.4 |
Due 02/05/20 (200 points– 10 % of total grade.) Week 4 Assignment – Portfolio Project – Outline and References (200 points– 10 % of total grade.) |
Now below is complete project requirements
This project requires you to write a 4-5 page APA formatted research paper.The focus is on an organization that you choose which has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.Detailed requirements are shown below.The paper will be submitted during the last week of the course.Being the assignment is 40% of your overall grade, it is important that you start work on the project early in the course. |
#8 February 24– February 26 |
Portfolio Project For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.
The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.There should be at least five scholarly sources listed on the reference page.Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.The body of the paper should be 6 – 7 pages in length.The Title page, Abstract, and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements. I need title page , Abstract everything for this project please |
Research |
Due 02/26/2020 (200 points– 30% of total grade.)
Portfolio Project – (200 points– 30% of total grade.) |
so this is the complete project.
Cyber Bullying – Need a super easy Word Doc Brochure doing Computer Science Assignment Help
Cyberbullying can lead to serious emotional harm. Research has shown that cyberbullying is a contributing factor to depression, anxiety, and even higher suicide rates among teens. One way to have a positive influence on the effects of cyberbullying is to educate others. Public awareness would give teens and adults the information and knowledge to identify cyberbullying when it is happening and respond to it in appropriate ways.
In today’s lesson, you will create an informative or explanatory text to educate others about cyberbullying. Informing others is the best defense when it comes to overcoming the negative impact that cyberbullying can have on people and the community.
READ the Rubic, check the example and build a simple brochure using information you find.
Proof read with good spelling and grammer please!
No plagiarism!
Submit your Portfolio Project Outline and References
Week 4 deliverables:
An APA formatted document that contains:
1. A 2-3 page outline addressing all required topics with subtopics. There must be a paragraph describing each topic and a 2-3 sentence description under each subtopic topic.
2. A reference list with at least five scholarly sources listed on the reference page. These must be scholarly and within the last 5 years.
#4 January 27-February 2 |
Virtualization Securing the Cloud |
Jamsa – Chapter 8 Erl – Section 5.3 Jamsa – Chapter 9 Erl – Sections 6.1 and 6.4 |
Due 02/05/20 (200 points– 10 % of total grade.) Week 4 Assignment – Portfolio Project – Outline and References (200 points– 10 % of total grade.) |
Now below is complete project requirements
This project requires you to write a 4-5 page APA formatted research paper.The focus is on an organization that you choose which has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.Detailed requirements are shown below.The paper will be submitted during the last week of the course.Being the assignment is 40% of your overall grade, it is important that you start work on the project early in the course. |
#8 February 24– February 26 |
Portfolio Project For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.
The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.There should be at least five scholarly sources listed on the reference page.Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.The body of the paper should be 6 – 7 pages in length.The Title page, Abstract, and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements. I need title page , Abstract everything for this project please |
Research |
Due 02/26/2020 (200 points– 30% of total grade.)
Portfolio Project – (200 points– 30% of total grade.) |
so this is the complete project.