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Need an English expert to edit my essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Write TWO 4 page essay for Cinema Class Humanities Assignment Help

Write TWO 4 page essay for Cinema Class. Please read about 100 pages of book and watch three films “dope, selma, the birth of a nation(there are instructions on the first page of pdf.)” You need to finish both section A and B by answering questions. 4 pages for each question. You may not read all of the readings and watch all the films. But you are going to use some points from those materials. I will attach the requirement, but the reading materials are too big to be upload, I can send it to your personal email after your bid is accepted. Thank you!


​Unit III Article Review- OC Business Finance Assignment Help

Locate an article in the CSU Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication.
The article must be clearly related to the course content and have the potential to contribute significant analysis and
substantial engagement with the course topic.

Think of a LibGuide (a Library Guide) as a mini-website to help you with your assignments. It has relevant information

such as databases, ebooks, and websites specific to your courses. If you have any questions, please reach out to your

friendly library staff.

BBA 2026, Organizational Communication 2

For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise,
and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis
of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling.
You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis.

As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed
in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis. Be certain to
suggest communication techniques to manage functional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolve
dysfunctional conflict.

Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least two peer-reviewed sources. Use the standard
five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The critical review should be a
minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.


Legal Research – Overview and plan Business Finance Assignment Help

An important part of planning is to work with the supervisor. In this course, attending the live lecture will make planning this assignment much easier.

Review the Module 06 Help Slides.

Complete parts 1, 2, and 3 of a plan of research to use selected sources in Use the following template to complete the assignment.

Part 1 is just reading. Parts 2 and 3 require you to type out sources you plan to use to get an overview and strategy for organized research. Remember that this is a strategy that involves skimming general sources, then compiling possible search terms and methods to use. Do not complete step 4, the detailed legal research of multiple sources of multiple types.


Cinematography assignment Humanities Assignment Help

write a paragraph

Familiarize yourself with the definition of CINEMATOGRAPHY below. Pick a shot from the “8 minute montage” of all of the Oscar Winners for CINEMATOGRAPHY. The 8 minute montage link is at the end of this file. A link to the 8 minute montage video is also in ASSIGNMENTS SP’18 and in Our Online Library. Refer to information in this file that you think is exemplified in your chosen shot and post that textual information in the relevant DB by Sunday 2/11.


In controlling mise-en-scene the filmmaker stages an event to be filmed. But a discussion of cinema as a medium cannot stop with simply focusing on what is put in front of the camera. The filmmaker also controls the cinematographic qualities of the shot, i.e., not only what is filmed, but also how it is filmed.

The cinematographer—also known as the Director of Photography, or “DP”—though one of the most obscure members of the production team, is responsible for all the visual elements of a film. He or she makes every creative choice related to composition, lighting, and camera motion—anything that audiences can see in a given shot. The DP determines everything from color to depth-of-field—how much of the shot is in focus versus how much is blurry—from zoom to the positioning of people and objects within any given frame. –

The Photographic Image

Remembering that good film can always be equated with literature we can say that CINEMATOGRAPHY means literally “writing in movement” that depends to a large extent on photography which is “writing in light”. This visual penmanship allows the filmmaker or the cinematographer to project an image that may seem all grays or stark black and white or it may display a range of colors. Textures may stand out clearly or recede into a haze. The filmmaker/cinematographer controls all these visual qualities whether it is traditional film stock or Digital cinematography. With digital cinematography the image is captured on an electrically charged sensor and recorded to tape or a hard drive however the filmmakers must make choices about color, exposure, and tonal contrast that are comparable to those offered by film.

CONTRAST is the ratio of dark to light in an image.

If the difference between the light and dark areas is large, the image is said to be “high contrast”.

Film Noir scene

High contrast is usually associated with the low key lighting of dark scenes in genres such as the horror film and film noir. A common cinematographical cliche is to use contrast between light and dark to distinguish between good and evil. Commonly years ago, the use of contrast in a scene might draw on racist or sexist connotations.

For instance, this shot from Orson Welles’ Touch of Evil (1958) employs high contrast to further emphasize racial differences between a blonde American woman and a menacing Mexican man.


If the difference is small, it is referred to as “low contrast” Most films use low contrast to achieve a more naturalistic lighting.


DEEP FOCUS involves staging an event on film in such a way that significant elements occupy widely separated planes in the image but even though all the elements are at very different depths of the image they are all in sharp focus.

Robert Redford/“All the President’s Men” deep focus

SHALLOW FOCUS involves a restricted depth of field, which keeps only one image in sharp focus. It is the opposite of deep focus and is used to direct the viewer’s attention to one element of a scene. Shallow focus is very common in close-ups.

Heath Ledger/”The Dark Knight” shallow focus


In cinema, the frame is important because it actively defines the image for us. If we needed proof of the power of framing, we need only turn to the first major filmmaker in history, Louis Lumiere. The Lumiere camera, the most flexible of its day, also doubled as a projector. Whereas the bulky American camera invented by W.K.L. Dickson was about the size of an office desk, the Lumiere camera weighed only 12 pounds and was small and portable. As a result of its lightness, the Lumiere camera could be taken outside and could be set up quickly. Louis Lumiere’s earliest films presented ordinary events like a train entering a station (1895).

Frame Angle: The frame positions the viewer at some angle looking onto the shot’s mise-en-scene. While the number of such angles is infinite, since the camera might be placed anywhere, in practice, we typically distinguish three general categories: (1) the straight-on angle (the most common); (2) the high angle (where we the viewer look down at the material within the frame); and (3) the low angle (where we look up at the framed materials).

Frame Distance: The framing of the image positions the viewer not only at a certain angle and height but also at a certain distance. Framing supplies a sense of being far away or close to the mise-en-scene of the shot. This aspect of framing is usually called camera distance and here we can use the human body as the standard measure of various distances:

In the extreme long shot, the human figure is barely visible in this framing used for landscapes for example;

In the long shot figures are more prominent, but the background still dominates;

”Road to Perdition”

In medium long shots the human figure is framed from about the knees up and are common, since they permit a nice balance of figure and surroundings;

”Hunger Games” (one of them)

The medium shot frames the human body from the waist up which makes gesture and expression more visible;

The medium close-up frames the body from the chest up (post-Reeves “Superman”)

The close-up is traditionally the shot showing just the head, hands, feet or a small object. It emphasizes facial expression, the details of a gesture, or a significant object;

The extreme close-up singles out a portion of the face (often eyes or lips) or isolates and magnifies an object of importance to the storyline.

See below for an 8 Minute Montage of all the Oscar Winners for Cinematography to date:…

Note that the above pages are a result of information taken from the below website. I have vetted, paraphrased and condensed text from that website for insertion into this file.



Visual Imagery Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe Writing Assignment Help

Write ONE SUBSTANTIVE PARAGRAPH describing and explaining why you think your part of the story has visual imagery. Explain how you see that element of the story as your element. In this paragraph, please give two brief quotations from your story to illustrate your element of fiction and then explain why you think each quotation illustrates that element of fiction.

Example: If you select “ rising action” for “Murders in the Rue Morgue,” list the events that happen in the story that you think contribute to the tension and “rising action” that will eventually culminate with the climax. Select your two quotations; then write several sentences about WHY you think they contribute to the rising action.

(150 – 200 words)

Visual Imagery Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention based on the list. Microsoft Word document following APA Health Medical Assignment Help

Your Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document following APA style and should include the following:

  • The medical problem/diagnosis/disease.
  • Typical presenting signs and symptoms including:
    • Onset, Characteristics, Location, Radiation, Timing, Setting, Aggravating factors, Alleviating factors, Associated symptoms, Course since onset, Usual age group affected
    • Concomitant disease states associated with the diagnosis
  • The pathophysiology of the problem.
  • Three differential diagnoses and the usual presenting signs and symptoms in priority sequence with rationales.
  • Reference to at least two current journal articles that show evidence-based practice as how to best treat this disorder related to the primary differential.
  • The expected outcomes of the intervention.
  • Algorithms if available.
  • A typical clinical note in SOAP format.

Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. references should be no later than 2013.


Project Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

Now that you completed all the individual components of the Strategic Plan, conclude this project by synthesizing all the individual components into a STRATEGIC PLAN that could be presented to leaders of the organization.

The final draft of your plan must include:

  • The Internal Analysis
  • The External Analysis
  • Strategy Analysis and Choice
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Evaluation and Control
  • 1-2 page, executive summary highlighting the key points of the plan.

The plan should be clear, comprehensive, and forward-looking. This is not merely a research project. Your plan should focus on specific strategic decisions (i.e., problems or opportunities) facing the company and conclude with a set of strategic recommendations.

Your final paper requires proper in-text citations and a references page. Proper APA formatting should be utilized throughout your paper.


Complete Assignment for Information Systems Course NO PLAGIARISM Business Finance Assignment Help

The CEO and CIO in your company wants to propose a new information system that may have a strategic impact on the business. They believe that by gathering data on competitors’ customers, the business will gain a significant competitive advantage. You are the primary lead when applying technology to the business and you have been asked for your opinion about this new opportunity.

In a 1,500–1,750-word e-mail response, provide your opinions about an information system such as this. Be sure to answer the following questions:

  • What would the advantages and disadvantages of the information system be?
  • Identify the type of information system this would represent.
  • What ethical problems might this type of system introduce? Provide at least 2 examples of potential problems.
  • Address this type of information system with respect to how organizational decision making might be impacted.
  • Does it matter whether the customers are individuals or businesses? Why or why not?

Make sure to use the APA style that and provide enough detail to fully support your opinion.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Grading Criteria

Project Criteria Exceeds: 90%–100% Very Good: 80%–89% Meets: 70%–79% Needs Improvement: Below 70%


Response covers all topics indicated in the assignment and adds additional content. Response covers most topics indicated in the assignment. Response covers many of the topics indicated in the assignment. Response covers none to some of the topics indicated in the assignment.

Effective Communication

Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates outstanding expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is addressed appropriately. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are minimal. Organization is clear. Format is consistently appropriate to assignment. Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable). The writing was of collegiate level with no errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates very good written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates sound expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is usually addressed appropriately. Language does not interfere with the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are present, but do not distract from the message. Organization is apparent and mostly clear. Format is appropriate to assignment, but not entirely consistent. The writing was of collegiate level with two or less errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates acceptable written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates reasonable expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Sometimes, audience is addressed appropriately. Language does not interfere with the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are present and may distract from the message. Organization is a bit unclear. Format is inconsistent. The writing was of collegiate level with several errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates inadequate or partially proficient application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or partial expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is often not addressed appropriately. Language often impedes the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are frequent and often distract from meaning or presentation. Organization is inadequate, confusing, and distracting. The format is inadequate and obscures meaning. The writing was less than collegiate level with numerous errors in spelling or grammar.

Supporting Analysis

Analysis exceeds minimum requirements. Sources are used to support analysis, are appropriate, and are properly referenced. Basic analysis provided to support assertions. Sources are cited, appropriate, and properly referenced. Limited analysis provided to support assertions. Some sources are cited, appropriate, and properly referenced. No or inaccurate analysis, no sources are cited when needed, analysis and/or sources are not appropriate. When sources are used, they are not properly referenced.


Psychological Treatment Plan 8 page report no later than 8pm tomorrow TEXT ME 6366978375 for resources Humanities Assignment Help

The case of Julia Anorexia Nervosa,

It is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Jongsma, Peterson, & Bruce, 2014) for additional assistance in completing this assignment


This is what needs to be in the paper

Clinical and counseling psychologists utilize treatment plans to document a client’s progress toward short- and long-term goals. The content within psychological treatment plans varies depending on the clinical setting. The clinician’s theoretical orientation, evidenced-based practices, and the client’s needs are taken into account when developing and implementing a treatment plan. Typically, the client’s presenting problem(s), behaviorally defined symptom(s), goals, objectives, and interventions determined by the clinician are included within a treatment plan.

To understand the treatment planning process, students will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist and develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the same case study utilized for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in PSY645.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources must be used to support the recommendations made within the plan. The Psychological Treatment Plan must include the headings and content outlined below.

Behaviorally Defined Symptoms

  • Define the client’s presenting problem(s) and provide a diagnostic impression.
  • Identify how the problem(s) is/are evidenced in the client’s behavior.
  • List the client’s cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Long-Term Goal

  • Generate a long-term treatment goal that represents the desired outcome for the client.
    • This goal should be broad and does not need to be measureable.

Short-Term Objectives

  • Generate a minimum of three short-term objectives for attaining the long-term goal.
    • Each objective should be stated in behaviorally measureable language. Subjective or vague objectives are not acceptable. For example, it should be stated that the objective will be accomplished by a specific date or that a specific symptom will be reduced by a certain percentage.


  • Identify at least one intervention for achieving each of the short-term objectives.
  • Compare a minimum of three evidence-based theoretical orientations from which appropriate interventions can be selected for the client.
  • Explain the connection between the theoretical orientation and corresponding intervention selected.
  • Provide a rationale for the integration of multiple theoretical orientations within this treatment plan.
  • Identify two to three treatment modalities (e.g., individual, couple, family, group, etc.) that would be appropriate for use with the client.

It is a best practice to include outside providers (e.g., psychiatrists, medical doctors, nutritionists, social workers, holistic practitioners, etc.) in the intervention planning process to build a support network that will assist the client in the achievement of treatment goals.


  • List the anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention based on scholarly literature.
    • Be sure to take into account the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, external stressors, and cultural factors (e.g., gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in the evaluation.
  • Provide an assessment of the efficacy of evidence-based intervention options.


  • Analyze and describe potential ethical dilemmas that may arise while implementing this treatment plan.
  • Cite specific ethical principles and any applicable law(s) for resolving the ethical dilemma(s).

The Psychological Treatment Plan


  • Problem Formulation:

    Julia a 17 year old who grew up in a stationary living situation in a northeastern suburban town is experiencing problems. She is in her first year of college and is having difficulty relating to others. She has an eating disorder that is affecting her health conditions emotionally and physically. She in not coping with stress with her involvement in track and cross-country because she gained an extra 15 lbs. Her coach asks her to change her diet and watch the junk foods that she consumes. Julia is seeking treatment at this time from pressure from her college. Julia was mandated to attend therapy. Her Dean instructed her to go to the counseling and health center for an evaluation before she could continue practicing with her team. Her current coping skills are not working for her. She is avoidant with her relationships with her roommate, friends and family. She is experiencing insomnia. She is in denial about the extent of her problem. She has started lying to her family and constructing ways not to go home for the holiday. Julia has low self-esteem. My hypothesis is that she has Anorexia Nervosa, insecurity issues, along with severe anxiety disorder. She has pent up emotions that reflect anger turned inward toward self.
    2. Treatment Focus:
    Julia’s has a history of maladaptive patterns of trying to please her parents and others at the expense of herself. Her internal working model is that she needs to be perfect and be a super achiever.…

  • She strived to be a perfectionist taking advanced classes in high school. She engaged in sports because her parents wanted her to do something athletic. She did not join the track program because it was something that she wanted to do. She wanted to find a way to lose the baby fat. She felt badly about her body image because she was chubby. She was not coordinated enough for soccer and this further devalued her sense of self-esteem. Julia feels that no matter what she does that she just does not measure up to the “gold standard.” 3. Developmental Context: Julia’s parents were not nurturing parents. She was not comfortable with “touchy-feely” situations. She expressed that “It’s always a little awkward when they have to hug our grandparents on holidays.” Her parents had an authoritarian parenting style, which was overbearing with checking up on her whereabouts when she was not in her own home.
  • Problem Formulation:

    Julia a 17 year old who grew up in a stationary living situation in a northeastern suburban town is experiencing problems. She is in her first year of college and is having difficulty relating to others. She has an eating disorder that is affecting her health conditions emotionally and physically. She in not coping with stress with her involvement in track and cross-country because she gained an extra 15 lbs. Her coach asks her to change her diet and watch the junk foods that she consumes. Julia is seeking treatment at this time from pressure from her college. Julia was mandated to attend therapy. Her Dean instructed her to go to the counseling and health center for an evaluation before she could continue practicing with her team. Her current coping skills are not working for her. She is avoidant with her relationships with her roommate, friends and family. She is experiencing insomnia. She is in denial about the extent of her problem. She has started lying to her family and constructing ways not to go home for the holiday. Julia has low self-esteem. My hypothesis is that she has Anorexia Nervosa, insecurity issues, along with severe anxiety disorder. She has pent up emotions that reflect anger turned inward toward self.
    2. Treatment Focus:
    Julia’s has a history of maladaptive patterns of trying to please her parents and others at the expense of herself. Her internal working model is that she needs to be perfect and be a super achiever.…

  • She strived to be a perfectionist taking advanced classes in high school. She engaged in sports because her parents wanted her to do something athletic. She did not join the track program because it was something that she wanted to do. She wanted to find a way to lose the baby fat. She felt badly about her body image because she was chubby. She was not coordinated enough for soccer and this further devalued her sense of self-esteem. Julia feels that no matter what she does that she just does not measure up to the “gold standard.” 3. Developmental Context: Julia’s parents were not nurturing parents. She was not comfortable with “touchy-feely” situations. She expressed that “It’s always a little awkward when they have to hug our grandparents on holidays.” Her parents had an authoritarian parenting style, which was overbearing with checking up on her whereabouts when she was not in her own home.



Need an English expert to edit my essay Writing Assignment Help

Need an English expert to edit my essay Writing Assignment Help

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