need cover letter Humanities Assignment Help. need cover letter Humanities Assignment Help.
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I need nice cover letter fo police department to be a CPD Chicago police officer.
I am attaching my cover letter for my practicum
however I want you to write completely new one. I am attaching this one so you know my experiences and my major etc. But I want you to write nice cover letter strick for police academy,
this is example I found online. Its nice! but just do not copy and past!
need cover letter Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
draft and final essay in different files Writing Assignment Help
Argument Essay
For decades, the discussion about the benefits or detriments of marijuana has continued. Several states in the USA have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes while many others have argued against such legislation. Write a paper in which you argue for or against the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.
Please note: No research is requiredfor this essay, and citing sources not only makes you to prone to plagiarism but also requires you to adhere strictly to the dictates of the MLA format.
three pages
Discuss the current economic and legal landscape related to your public health issue. To what extent do existing policies (or the lack thereof) have positive or negative impacts to the American healthcare system? Other Assignment Help
Prompt: Write a letter to a stakeholder to describe and defend your proposed policy.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Evaluation of Policy
A. Discuss the current economic and legal landscape related to your public health issue. To what extent do existing policies (or the lack thereof)
have positive or negative impacts to the American healthcare system?
B. Explain your proposed policy using evidence and examples to illustrate.
1. What are the specific operational strategies that you believe are necessary for addressing your chosen issue and why?
2. What role do the major healthcare organizations play in your proposed policy? To what extent can their position in the marketplace be
C. Defend your proposed policy for addressing the public health issue with specific research and evidence.
1. How will your proposed public policy improve the American healthcare system in terms of healthcare quality, costs, and accessibility?
2. In what ways is your proposed policy informed by the larger socioeconomic factors that can influence public health?
essay and draft Writing Assignment Help
. Argument Essay
For decades, the discussion about the benefits or detriments of marijuana has continued. Several states in the USA have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes while many others have argued against such legislation. Write a paper in which you argue for or against the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.
Please note: No research is requiredfor this essay, and citing sources not only makes you to prone to plagiarism but also requires you to adhere strictly to the dictates of the MLA format.
three pages
Social Action Project Proposal: Humanities Assignment Help
Topic can include:
Depo and how it education low communites and schools in lower SES area and what we can do to change it, offering gender neutral toys in early school age (12 months to 7 years) vs. gender toys, educating children on proper relationship should be like or tools to reduce early domestic violent relationship in pre teens and teens (6 thru 10), OR YOU MAY CHOOSE A TOPIC OF CHOICE as long as it deals with sexualities and genders, body politics, identy and community, violence, and reproduction and enviromental justice. As long as the topic is bring aware or for improvements.
After selecting a topic to serve as the focus for your activism, you should identify and analyze specific course readings that can be related to your topic. You should also research existing creative products, activist organizations, or activist events that already address your issue in some way so that you can explain how your project is similar to and/or different from others. You may also, if you wish, do additional research in library databases of journal articles.
In your proposal, you will carefully explain your proposed project and give a thoughtful rationale for it.*** With reference to your personal experience or observation, a current event, or your analysis of a social problem, explain why you selected your topic and what you hope to accomplish with your proposed project.****
***Your proposal must carefully discuss your project in relation to at least three different authors from required readings in the course. The description and rationale for your proposed project must also incorporate careful discussion of how your proposal addresses “intersectionality,” a key concept covered in this course. Your proposal should explain how your proposal addresses at least two of the following in relation to each other: race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, size, age, religion, or nationality.***
Once again,
***Your proposal must carefully discuss your project in relation to at least three different authors from required readings in the course. The description and rationale for your proposed project must also incorporate careful discussion of how your proposal addresses “intersectionality,” a key concept covered in this course. Your proposal should explain how your proposal addresses at least two of the following in relation to each other: race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, size, age, religion, or nationality.***
I have attached the form that you must fill to this assigment. Also, I have attached detailed information on how to fill this form out
Summary & Critique Essay on Why do we need market for human organs Writing Assignment Help
Attached you can find the rough draft and outline of my Summary and critiques essay of the article “Why do we need market for human organs” Please complete the assignment by doing the final draft, relate to two more sources other than the one that i already have. Instructor noted that my rough draft is more like an argumentative essay and needs to be revised for the final draft into summary and critique form.
2500-3000 words
Follow the instructor’s direction for the essay:
You need at least one paragraph discussing & critiquing on the author’s rhetoric (his or her presentation in the article and success, or lack thereof, in achieving the purpose –
The summary should be a brief relaying of the main points of the article (make sure to cite it and have enough attributive tags using present tense verbs, i.e., “the author claims,” “the author argues,” etc.), and your thesis should clearly state your agreement or disagreement or a combination of what you agree and disagree with in terms of the ideas the author presented in his or her article.
Guidelines for Writing Critiques:
• Introduce. Introduce both the passage under analysis and the author. State the author’s main argument and the point(s) you intend to make about it.
Provide background material to help your readers understand the relevance or appeal of the passage. This background material might include one or more of the following: an explanation of why the subject is of current interest, a reference to a possible controversy surrounding the subject of the passage or the passage itself, biographical information about the author, an account of the circumstances under which the passage was written, and a reference to the intended audience of the passage.
• Summarize. Summarize the author’s main points. Make sure to state the author’s purpose for writing.
• Assess the presentation. Evaluate the validity of the author’s presentation, distinct from your points of agreement or disagreement. Comment on the author’s success in achieving his or her purpose by reviewing three or four specific points. You might base your review on one or more of the following criteria:
• Is the information accurate?
• Is the information significant?
• Has the author defined terms clearly?
• Has the author used and interpreted information fairly?
• Has the author argued logically?
• Respond to the presentation. Now it is your turn to respond to the author’s views. With which views do you agree? With which do you disagree? Discuss your reasons for agreement and disagreement; when possible, tie these reasons to assumptions—both the author’s and your own. Where necessary, draw on outside sources to support your ideas.
• Conclude. State your conclusions about the overall validity of the piece—your assessment of the author’s success at achieving his or her aims and your reactions to the author’s views. Remind the reader of the weaknesses and strengths of the passage.
The summary and all quotations and paraphrases must be documented with in-text and on your Works Cited page. Only MLA format is allowed.
More Detail:
- To begin, you will first need to summarize the entire article (remember to cite it!).
- Next, craft a thesis that states the extent to which you agree or disagree with the author and that states your overall evaluation of the article.
- Organize and develop the body of your evaluation around specific points:
- State the point of evaluation as a clear topic sentence.
- Cite specific examples in the selection that illustrate this observation.
- Discuss these examples in two or three follow-on sentences in one paragraph or at greater length in two or more paragraphs.
- In preparing to write, consider the following questions. Your responses may help you to formulate elements of your critique:
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with the points in the article?
- What underlying assumptions has the author built his or her claims on? And are those assumptions valid?
- What is the purpose of the article: to persuade, to inform, to entertain?
- How well does the author succeed in his or her purpose?
- What is the tone of the article and does it serve the author’s purpose well?
- What assumptions does the author make about the readers, their belief system, their values, their knowledge of the topic?
- Can you detect any bias in the author?
- What issues are ignored?
- Assess the quality of the author’s evidence.
- Does the author establish strong ethos, and if so, how?
- How does the author exhibit and pathos and logos, and is this done well?
In writing this critique, develop both an introduction and a conclusion as well as the main body of the critique
The summary and all quotations and paraphrases must be documented with in-text and on your Works Cited page. Only MLA format is allowed.
“Why We Need a Market for Human Organs” by Sally Satel
2500-3000 words
Summary & Critique Essay on Why do we need market for human organs Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Powerpoint Presentation on Pac west land care (tree trimming service) Writing Assignment Help
Currently I need a google slides project. The project will be about the business operations of Pac West land care (tree trimming business). U can make up the description of the company as well as the financials. The Powerpoint must include graphs where need and excel for the pro forma financial statements over a 5 year given period. Please review the guidelines I have attached. Please make the google slide on your account andd I will give directions to send it to my google account. I expect the powerpoint will come out to about 20 slides. PLEASE review the attached guidelines to sort out any fuzziness as I know this can be confusing. Please try only to include writing where needed on the slides
HW english Other Assignment Help
Part 1- please see attachment name draft and revise it.
Persuasive Essay Final Draft
This assignment calls for you to revise your Persuasive Essay from week six into a final draft. All good writers revise their work, often multiple times. Revising isn’t just looking for grammatical errors; editing alone is not revision (though we do want you to edit too). Revision literally means to “see again.” In the revision process, you improve your analytical skills, sometimes challenging your own ideas which can serve to deepen your argument.
Review the feedback your instructor provided on your rough draft as well as the information from the peer review in week seven. As you begin revising your paper, be sure to consider the following:
Did I fulfill the assignment criteria?
Did I say what I intended to say?
Do I have a two-sided topic?
Is my thesis persuasive in nature?
Do all my paragraphs serve to support my thesis?
Is my argument convincing, my support logical, my evidence sufficient?
Does my conclusion sum up the essay
Part 2
Reflect back on a process of completing a narrative essay, how it went, and what you’ve learned from it. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions
1.What just happened? (What did I/we do?)
2.What was the purpose? (Why did I/we do it?)
3.What did it say? (What was the content?) [For this question, identify one concept from the readings, lessons, or discussions pertaining to this assignment that seemed significant to you. Be specific.]
4.What was the point?
5.How can I use this?
Part 3
Reflect back on a process of completing an informative essay, how it went, what you’ve learned from it, and what you might do differently the next time. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions (from The Writer’s Way, p. P-6):
1.What just happened? (What did I/we do?)
2.What was the purpose? (Why did I/we do it?)
3.What did it say? (What was the content?) [For this question, identify one concept from the readings, lessons, or discussion pertaining to this assignment that seemed significant to you. Be specific.]
4.What was the point?
5.How can I use this?
Part 4
Reflect back on this process of writing a persuasive essay, how it went, what you’ve learned from it, and what you might do differently the next time. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions
1.What just happened? (What did I/we do?)
2.What was the purpose? (Why did I/we do it?)
3.What did it say? (What was the content?) [For this question, identify one concept from the readings, lessons, or discussion pertaining to this assignment that seemed significant to you. Be specific.]
4.What was the point?
5.How can I use this?
Financial Analysis and Funding Plan Business Finance Assignment Help
Submit a financial analysis and funding plan for a new event planning company throwing it’s 1st annual empowerment brunch.
Note each of the following critical elements carefully—they require numerical analysis and financial projections. They must all be present (and easy to find)
- Financial Analysis requires, “an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.”
- Analysis Parts requires, “a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital.” Put the budget in a table or some other easy to read format—not just buried in a paragraph.
- Financial Reports requires, “proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections.” These should each be in standard financial proforma format.
Critical Elements:
Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point
Include the following as part of your analysis: Budget, Assessment of assets and liabilities, Anticipated sources of funding , Associated costs of attaining that capital
Include relevant proforma financial reports: Sales forecasts, Cash flow statements , Income projections , All other relevant reports specific to your concept or idea
Please read the attached papers to get an understanding of who the company is and what it is planning for the community. Also visit the website :
The only current investors are the owner( Shirley Harvey- $400) (Latoya Flanigan – $1000) ( Clearance Lewis $1500)
please understand that projections need to be correct—income statements, cash flow, and balance need to tie in together
I suggest that you use the critical elements as headers in the paper as well as a short introduction and conclusion, as follows:
- Introduction
- Financial Analysis
- Analysis Parts
- Financial Reports
- Conclusion
- Appendices (note, this does not count against the length of the paper)
5-8 pages double spaced not including the title page, appendices, references,
5 Sources
APA format
USe original Work
Research Operations & Supply Chain Management Business Finance Assignment Help
I have a group Research. I responsible for 4 Question. we already wrote the proposal, now is the due date for final paper. I already highlighted my part with yellow color. I need 3 new page for total. extend my old answer . I attached the file below. You have to cover every part that I highlighted in yellow color.
What should your paper contain?
- A clear statement of the topic you are exploring
- Answers to some or all of the following questions:
- Why is this topic important?
- What is the scope of the problem or issue? Who does it affect and can you quantify it?
- Is there a history to this issue or problem?
- What is the underlying idea or philosophy?
- If it is a problem, has it been solved by the approach you are exploring? What does the solution involve?
- Resources required
- Has the solution been implemented?
- How successful has the implementation been? Has it changed the way things are done?
- What is the current status?
- Where are things going?
Which questions make sense will depend on which topic you pick. You may have to frame your own questions. The questions above are not meant to be the different sections of your reports, but they have to be addressed.
In the end, I expect your paper to deliver substantially on what you promised in your topic proposal. In the process of doing this I hope you will become experts in your chosen topic
The only current investors are the owner( Shirley Harvey- $400) (Latoya Flanigan – $1000) ( Clearance Lewis $1500)
please understand that projections need to be correct—income statements, cash flow, and balance need to tie in together
I suggest that you use the critical elements as headers in the paper as well as a short introduction and conclusion, as follows:
- Introduction
- Financial Analysis
- Analysis Parts
- Financial Reports
- Conclusion
- Appendices (note, this does not count against the length of the paper)
5-8 pages double spaced not including the title page, appendices, references,
5 Sources
APA format
USe original Work