Need help writing short essay Humanities Assignment Help. Need help writing short essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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- Women and Mothers. In much of what we read women and or mothers don’t come off very well as a character choose a story a play and the novel (The Borrower by Rebecca Makkai) to discuss this. In the book “The Borrower” you could use Lucy if you’re using negative or you could use Lucy as a positive depending on how you view her.
Essay Formatting
- Normal Margin
- Double Spaced
- 12pt Font
- Must have a good thesis supporting the novel (The borrower), The Story (Volar) , and the play (How I Learned to Drive)
- Essay can be short as 2 pages long but has to have beginning, middle, and end
- No quotes needed
Need help writing short essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Operations Management – True or False, Linear Programming Problems Business Finance Assignment Help
The file contains all questions but this is a brief overview
(a) Consider the following statements about linear programming and the simplex method. Label each statement as true or false:
(1) Given that an optimal solution to a linear programming problem exists, it must occur at a vertex of the feasible set. ( )
(2) If the optimal solution occurs at two adjacent vertices of the feasible set, then the linear programming problem has infinitely many solutions. Any point on the line segment joining the two vertices is also a solution. ( )
(b) Outline the steps of the graphical method for solving linear programming problems.
Step 1: Graph the system of constraints. This will give the feasible set.
(a) Explain the following criteria:
(1) Optimality Criterion. Suppose that, in a maximization problem, every nonbasic variable has a nonpositive coefficient in the objective function of a canonical form. Then the basic feasible solution given by the canonical form maximizes the objective function over the feasible region.
(2) Improvement Criterion. Suppose that, in a maximization problem, some nonbasic variable has a positive coefficient in the objective function of a canonical form. If that variable has a positive coefficient in some constraint, then a new basic feasible solution may be obtained by pivoting.
(b) The simplex method is an iterative algorithm with the following structure, please explain them in detail, including how to determine the entering and leaving basic variables.
Initialization: Set up to start iterations, including finding an initial CPF solution.
Optimality test: Is the current CPF solution optimal?
Iteration: Perform an iteration to find a better CPF solution.
Write an essay for learning , training and development [Human resource management] Humanities Assignment Help
Assignments should be word-processed: 12pt font size, with 1.5 or double line spacing
Assignment Task
Critically evaluate a learning event which you have attended sometime over the last 12 months. Your answer should:
(a)include a short overall description of the event in question;
(b) engage with relevant academic literature on subjects such as learning theories, learning preferences, training needs analysis and evaluation.
More detailed requirements are in the “requirement” word documents. I also upload the course content that you will need to refer to and an reflective writing example which you can use as an guidance
please make sure you look through all the course content and the requirements before starting to write.
Presentation about technology company Writing Assignment Help
Do presentation about the following:
Make a pitch to request funding for start-up costs.
1 You are going to make a pitch using the information below. Imagine you are starting a new technology company and
you are looking for funding. Make a pitch to a venture capitalist to explain your company’s mission and to request
funding for your start-up costs. Prepare talking points to make a pitch to get funding.
• Include a clear, concise explanation of your company and its mission.
• Explain how you will achieve your goals.
• Describe the financial requirements and what can be accomplished if they are met.
• Appeal to the listener’s emotions by encouraging optimism about the company.
• End with a strong statement about your expectations.
• Include academic alternatives to high-frequency vocabulary and include figurative language where appropriate.
Health IS/IT Components (Should have GCU library access) Health Medical Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to identify the components of HMIS and how they interface with one another.
An effective digital health ecosystem relies on a broad spectrum of technical, clinical, and administrative stakeholders to gather and analyze patient data and then use that information to improve the quality of care offered. Within the health care environment, information systems and technology (IS/IT) are used to ensure patient privacy and security, inform optimal decision making, and assist in operational efficiency, which further enhances the services that clinicians, hospitals, technology developers, researchers, and policymakers are able to provide.
The textbook outlines five major components of health care management information systems (HMIS):
- Content and Data – The data component is at the center of all heath IS/IT. Clinical, technical, and administrative stakeholders rely on these data to make the most well-informed decisions for enriching the delivery of their health care services.
- Infrastructure – Hardware, software, user interfaces, and other digital applications can be used to accelerate communication and seamlessly share information across networks.
- Data Analytics – Once data have been gathered, they can be analyzed and manipulated to inform what has happened in the past and why, as well as to assist in predicting what will happen and how those situations can or should be handled.
- Network Compatibility and Communications – The interoperability of networks and information systems used across the health care services industry is essential as data are exchanged across multiple platforms, even within a single organization. Challenges arise in ensuring that the systems work well with each other and that they are able to communicate complex health processes and treatments, as well as specialized medical terminology.
- Administration and Management – The role of this interfacing position is to assemble and coordinate the other four components of the health IS/IT ecosystem, performing the tasks necessary to put the goals of the health care organization into action to serve both the users and consumers.
Choose the component that most interests you and write a 500-750-word response about how you envision yourself performing in that role. Include the following points in your response:
- Describe the health care setting where you see yourself working and detail the roles and responsibilities of your position. How would your role incorporate health IS/IT?
- Within your chosen health care organization, how would your position within the health IS/IT be integrated into the larger HMIS?
- Describe one hypothetical challenge in your selected area of focus that could be overcome using health information technology. How would this technological innovation or solution improve the effectiveness of current HMIS systems and processes?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Purpose Statement and Framework Humanities Assignment Help
Creswell (2018) compares a theory to a rainbow that connects a study’s variables to a researcher’s expectations or predictions (p. 51). If you are defining and addressing variables in your study, you may have already identified theories that inform what you are predicting or expecting to find as you conduct your study. Even if you have not identified a particular theory that informs your study, you will need to relate your study to significant concepts in your field’s literature for your work to be meaningful.
For this Discussion, you address what you plan to accomplish in your proposed study, and you describe the framework that informs the study.
By Day 4
Post by Day 4 an explanation of the purpose or intention of your proposed study. If you are planning on conducting a quantitative study, state what needs to be studied by describing two or more factors (variables) and a conjectured relationship among them related to the identified gap or problem.
If you are planning a qualitative study, justify the need for increased understanding about the issue to be studied. Cite at least two references to support the need for increased understanding about the issue.
Then, conclude your post with a description of the study’s theoretical or conceptual framework.
If your framework is theoretical:
- Describe the theory(s) related to the topic you selected for your dissertation.
- Describe the theory(s) and justify how it (they) may be appropriate to introduce your topic or to provide necessary background for your topic.
If your framework is conceptual:
- If there are no established theories related to your topic, identify concepts or models in the literature, explaining why they are relevant to the topic of your study.
Purpose Statement and Framework Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
6 summaries HURL 102 – human relations and race Writing Assignment Help
1- Race the Power of an Illusion: The Difference Between Us
In US society and the world in general, the mythology of race as a biologically based difference has been promoted since the creation of the United States. This film shows us that race is not based on biology. Race is an idea. As the evidence is demonstrated in this film, human genetical articulation is one of the most identical of all other species.
2- Race the Power of an Illusion: The Story We Tell
The US is a settler colonial country. Powerful white men using weapons conquered and confiscated land from native americans. They also were able to bring captured Africans to use as slaves. To justify there behavior they created a story. This means history as we have been told is actually his-story.
3- Race The Power of an Illusion: The House We Live In Summary
In this film we arrive at the 20th century and how racism and wealth creation were systematically mapped to exclude African Americans from having the opportunity to have ownership of a house. The supreme court, the federal government openly participate in the creation of whiteness by excluding people of color from citizenship and wealth acquisition. They do that by arbitrarily deciding who can be a citizen who can enjoy there full rights and who cannot.
4- True Colors Summary
The reality of this film in the late 20th century shows how whiteness provides a quality of life that is clearly distinguishable form a person who is black. Two individuals one who is white and one who is black share what happens to them living in a midwestern city
5- Michelle Alexander at Riverside Summary
Watch the video of Michelle Alexander on Jim Crow Caste System and write a comprehensive summary on the key concepts and facts of the film.
Michelle Alexander brilliantly illustrates how institutional racism in its new mutated form reeks catastrophic havoc in the lives of millions of African Americans who are doomed to substandard dehumanized drudgery of non-citizenship. The new Jim Crow unleashes a level of destruction very much akin to the period of slavery in the United States.
6- Harriet Washington on Medical Apartheid Summary
In this video Harriet Washington discusses the history and ongoing maltreatment of black people in the medical field.
All papers should be typed in a document using 12-point font and double spaced, and we’re looking for quality content that demonstrates you understood the material more than focusing on page length, though you should get as close as you can to page requirements
Here’s a brief example guide for writing papers: (this is not a required outline, only a guide in case anyone needs it, you may write any way you chose that gets the information presented for the particular assignment across)
Title of assignment handout/film
Main points, ideas, facts
What and who does this benefit
What and who does it cause harm
How does it function, what’s its impact (using the lens of this class)
Thoughts/reflection on topic
Minot State University Game Theory Applications Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help
I have this assignment completed… well, mostly… but I’m needing help with these corrections. Can someone please help me?! If you could use the same file I have with different color text I could figure see what I’m missing. I would really appreciate it! thanks!
Attached is the Assignment worksheet, and the Deliverable worksheet I need to correct. Below is the feedback received.
For part 1 you ultimately need to use a binomial distribution to find the probability of getting at least 51 successes out of the upcoming 60 clients.
For part 2 you need to show and explain all steps for finding any dominant strategies and Nash equilibrium points.
For part 3 you need to use the mixed strategy algorithm for
both players, not just the competitor.
For part 4 you should be using a game tree and backwards induction to find the optimum strategy.
SOCI332 Does job satisfaction have an overall effect on happiness? Mathematics Assignment Help
Complete the following assignment by filling in all pertinent areas of research. You will need to utilize SPSS for this assignment. You should complete this assignment using the variables and topic that you have chosen for your Final Portfolio Project. You will then be able to follow this as a guide, as well as a check-point, with your instructor. It is essential that you read through all of the feedback regardless of your score. You will be required to submit an SPSS output file with this assignment. However, you must copy and paste all relevant output data into the attached Word document for credit. Throughout the assignment you will see places where your tables, charts, and graphs can be placed.
You may need to go back through the document to address formatting issues that may shift as you begin to input your data. Points will be deducted for sloppiness. Use a different, but legible, color font for your responses.
***I will attach previous work that will be needed to fill in the worksheet.. I will also attach the GSS zip file containing my variables of choice, along with a how to guide for coding in SPSS. At the bottom of the how to guide there will be information and a link pertaining to GSS that will help answer some question on the worksheet. The actual assignment to be completed will be labeled as ” SOCI332_ Assignment 1″
Purpose Statement and Framework Humanities Assignment Help
Creswell (2018) compares a theory to a rainbow that connects a study’s variables to a researcher’s expectations or predictions (p. 51). If you are defining and addressing variables in your study, you may have already identified theories that inform what you are predicting or expecting to find as you conduct your study. Even if you have not identified a particular theory that informs your study, you will need to relate your study to significant concepts in your field’s literature for your work to be meaningful.
For this Discussion, you address what you plan to accomplish in your proposed study, and you describe the framework that informs the study.
By Day 4
Post by Day 4 an explanation of the purpose or intention of your proposed study. If you are planning on conducting a quantitative study, state what needs to be studied by describing two or more factors (variables) and a conjectured relationship among them related to the identified gap or problem.
If you are planning a qualitative study, justify the need for increased understanding about the issue to be studied. Cite at least two references to support the need for increased understanding about the issue.
Then, conclude your post with a description of the study’s theoretical or conceptual framework.
If your framework is theoretical:
- Describe the theory(s) related to the topic you selected for your dissertation.
- Describe the theory(s) and justify how it (they) may be appropriate to introduce your topic or to provide necessary background for your topic.
If your framework is conceptual:
- If there are no established theories related to your topic, identify concepts or models in the literature, explaining why they are relevant to the topic of your study.