Need someone to do me this essay Writing Assignment Help

Need someone to do me this essay Writing Assignment Help. Need someone to do me this essay Writing Assignment Help.

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Assignment Type: Argumentative

Audience: Students NOT enrolled in this class.

Topic: Is there such a thing as free will?

Consider all three books we’ve read this semester. Now, read this essay by Stephen Cave: (Links to an external site.)

After reading this essay, and considering the three books you’ve read semester, and any other readings or experiences you’ve had with these concepts before, I’d like you to respond to Harris’ book and Cave’s essay with your own interpretation, analysis, and argument. You can start by summarizing the main points from both Harris and Cave, and then from there, I’d like to see a healthy discussion of your synthesis of these texts. Synthesis is when we combine multiple elements in order to create something new. We’ve read a book about the importance of intrinsic motivation, the power of habit and routines, as well as a book about free will. And now, you’ve closed out this short semester with an essay on the topic of free will. Taken together, what is it you want to say? In other words, it’s your turn. Weigh in on all of it. I’d like to see a culmination of the last 6 weeks in your best 2000 words.

Let me put it more simply to help you a bit:

  • People don’t work well when they only have extrinsic motivation. The science proves it, according to Pink.
  • People get caught into habit loops. These loops are often related to extrinsic factors (think f the mouse and the chocolate).
  • Harris argues “Not only are we not as free as we think we are–we do not feel as free as we think we do” (64). Again, consider the concepts of “if/then” rewards, “habit loops” (Angie Bachman), and are you “free to change your mind” (65) at any given moment, or is it that your mind can only change you?

Grading: This essay is worth 100 points. In your essay, be sure to use this checklist:

  • A clear, focused, and specific thesis
  • Paragraphs with a focus and a reasonable length
  • Effective explanations, summaries, and quotes that describe the ideas in the readings
  • Examples and details from the book or from other sources that illustrate the author’s ideas (cross-reference his sources and find them if necessary
  • Thoughtful and in-depth discussion of the ideas from Free Will and the Cave essay
  • Well-written sentences (proofread, proofread, proofread)
  • Words that effectively express ideas (work on your style, try to find the proper verbs and look to omit unnecessary words
  • Works cited page

Some Advice:

  • Assume your reader is someone who is NOT in our class.Spend time summarizing key ideas, defining any unfamiliar or important terms (eg. autotelic, optimal experience, free will), selecting short quotes from the readings to help your reader understand the authors’ (plural) ideas.
  • Include specific details, quotes, and examples from the readings to illustrate the authors’ ideas.Similarly, include specific examples and details from your own experiences or observations so readers can understand your point of view.
  • Try to think beyond the obvious.Acknowledge the complexities or difficulties in the authors’ ideas or your own situation.
  • Proofread your essay carefully.

Need someone to do me this essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AMH2020 analytical paper Humanities Assignment Help

Write a 750-word response to the following prompt:

How did the role of the federal government in American life change between World War I and World War II (c. 1919-1941)? Who were the key players in this transition, and what were the key events? How might we understand and describe the shifting role of the federal government across time? How were the activities of the federal government related to the expansion or limitation of American freedom?

In formulating your answer, choose three different individuals/groups that we have discussed in the middle section of the course (modules 6-9). Explain how each of them defined, explained, and imagined the proper place of the federal government in American economics, culture, and society. You should also compare these contrasting views of the role of government. What were the points of agreement and disagreement? Could multiple perspectives coexist, or were they mutually exclusive?

Be as specific as possible, and be sure to use the assigned readings to defend your answer.


  • Be as specific as possible, and be sure to use the assigned readings to defend your answer.
  • Answers that are too short or too long (more than 50 words in either direction) will lose points.
  • Your answer must quote and cite at least three different documents from the required reading for Modules 6 through 9.
  • Your answer will be checked for plagiarism using Turn-It-In.
  • Your answer should be based on material covered in class lectures and in the assigned reading for this course. DO NOT CONSULT OTHER SOURCES. I do not want to know what Google tells you about this topic. All the information you need to answer this question can be found in the assigned reading and in your class notes.

Some tips on formatting and length:

  • 750 words is not much! It’s about three double spaced pages (1” margins, 12 point font).
  • Be brief, especially in your introductory paragraph. Get right to your argument, don’t waste words describing everything we’ve covered in the course. There’s no need to make sweeping statements like “Since the beginning of U.S. history….”
  • The prompt asks several different (but closely related) questions. You do not need to answer each and every one of them, but you should try to address most of them (at least in passing) in your essay.
  • Suggested format:
    • 75 words: Introductory paragraph that ends with a clear thesis statement (that is, your argument and your answer to the question asked in the prompt).
    • 200 words: body paragraph 1, which should contain your first example and a quotation from your first document.
    • 200 words: body paragraph 2, which should contain your second example and a quotation from your second document. A transition paragraph between paragraphs should address the similarities/differences between your first and second example.
    • 200 words: body paragraph 3, which should contain your third example and a quotation from your third document. A transition paragraph between paragraphs should address the similarities/differences between this example and your first two examples.
    • 75 words: a concluding paragraph that compares your three examples and reiterates (not word-for-word!) your thesis from the introduction.
  • You MUST introduce and contextualize your quotes. We’ve read dozens of documents this term. You must tell your reader what document you’re quoting.
    • GOOD: Southern African Americans had their own definition of freedom. “We claim freedom as our natural right,” black residents of Nashville stated in a petition, “and ask that in harmony and co-operation with the nation at large, you should cut up the roots the system of slavery.” As these petitioners noted, the work of freedom remained incomplete, even after emancipation.
    • BAD: Southern African Americans had their own definition of freedom. “We claim freedom as our natural right, and ask that in harmony and co-operation with the nation at large, you should cut up the roots the system of slavery.”
      The second example is extraordinarily confusing for your reader. Who are you quoting? Are these your words? Introduce your quotes, and then explain them in your own words.

You should also try to avoid extended quotations. In almost all circumstances, you shouldn’t be quoting more than one or two sentences at a time. When you’re trying to quote a longer passage, intersperse your own words as necessary. When I see paragraph-length citations I start to worry that you’re just trying to fill up space…

Historians use Chicago Manual of Style, Humanities format. Use footnotes, not parenthetical/in-text citations.

Cite the documents from Eric Foner’s Voices of Freedom as follows:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Home Life,” in Eric Foner, ed. Voices of Freedom, Vol. 2, 6th Edition (New York: W.W. Norton, 2020), 14-17.

  • You do not need to cite my video lectures. Consider these to be common knowledge shared by the class.
  • Submit your document as a Microsoft Word file – or a similar word processing file. Do not convert the file to a PDF.
  • Late papers will lose 1/3 of a letter grade per 24 hours (i.e. A- becomes B+, C+ becomes C).
  • Please include a word count on your paper.

Module 6 reading:

Document 126 – Woodrow Wilson, A World “Safe for Democracy” (1917)

Document 127 – Randolph Bourne, “War is the Health of the State” (1918)

Document 128 – A Critique of the Versailles Peace Conference (1919)

  • Document 129 – Carrie Chapman Catt, Address to Congress Women’s Suffrage (1917)
  • Document 130 – Eugene V. Debs, Speech to the Jury (1918)
  • Document 131 – Rubie Bond, The Great Migration (1917)

Module 7 reading:

Document 118 – Manuel Gamio on a Mexican-Amerian Family and American Freedom (c. 1926)

Document 133 – John A. Fitch on the Great Steel Strike (1919)

Document 136 – The Fight for Civil Liberties (1921)

  • Document 134 – Immigration Quotas Under the Johnson-Reed Act (1924)
  • Document 138 – Congress Debates Immigration (1921)
  • Document 140 – Alain Locke, The New Negro (1925)
  • Document 141 – Elsie Hill and Florence Kelley Debate the Equal Rights Amendment (1922)

Module 8 reading:

Document 142 – Letter to Francis Perkins (1937)

Document 143 – John Steinbeck, “The Harvest Gypsies” (1936)

Document 144 – John L. Lewis on Labor’s Great Upheaval (1937)

Document 145 – Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Great Security for the Average Man” (1934)

  • Document 146 – Herbert Hoover on the New Deal and Liberty (1936)
  • Document 148 – Frank H. Hill on the Indian New Deal (1935)
  • Document 149 – W.E.B. DuBois, “A Negro Nation Within A Nation” (1935)

Module 9 reading :

Document 150 – Franklin Roosevelt on the Four Freedoms (1941)

Document 151 – Will Durant, “Freedom of Worship” (1943)

Document 152 – Henry R. Luce, “The American Century” (1941)

  • Document 155 – World War II and Mexican-Americans (1945)
  • Document 156 – Charles H. Wesley on African Americans and the Four Freedoms (1944)
  • Document 157 – Justice Robert A. Jackson, Dissent in Korematsu v. United States (1944)


See instructions Writing Assignment Help

You are a frustrated head of a governmental agency, which has been surviving on stale ideas and old notions for years. Now, you and the agency are in need of major changes. Your frustrations have mounted because of the growing complacency among agency employees and the absence of support for change among the leadership, which includes senior managers who are solid, talented professionals that are capable of transforming this organization. Your supervisor agrees that employee inertia is a problem and asks you to examine the various issues and concerns related to complacency so improvements can be made. In your paper, address the following: Explain how you would engage leadership to strive for employee empowerment to make necessary changes. How could this agency have such a strong leadership team but have complacent employees? Defend the use of team building and strong communications in meeting the challenge of motivating these employees. Indicate what leadership’s role should be in these processes. Determine if you would consider task-group collaboration to initiate the changes and if so, explain why. If not, indicate how you would otherwise initiate the changes. Support your paper with a minimum of three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Length: 5-pages, not including title and reference pages


Week 1 project m Business Finance Assignment Help

Assume you have just earned your master’s degree in finance and are now employed by the Cosmo K Manufacturing Group. Your employment is contingent on your successful completion of several tasks over the next four weeks and the successful completion of a comprehensive exam to obtain company certification in finance. Each week, you will be assigned projects of interest to the company that will test your competence in finance.

Gerry has decided that you need some experience in evaluating other firms in the marketplace. Accordingly, he has asked you to select any company listed on the NYSE or the NASDAQ. For your selected company, identify and download the most recent financial statements for the last three to five years, to include the following:

  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Per share data


Gerry would like you to complete the following tasks and submit your report by the end of the week:

  • Identify the predominant industry in which your company operates. Find the industry averages for that industry for the following ratios:
    • Current ratio
    • Debt ratio
    • Quick ratio
    • Debt-equity ratio
    • Total asset turnover
    • Profit margin
    • Inventory turnover
    • Return on assets
    • Receivables turnover
    • Return on equity
  • Calculate as many of the listed ratios for your selected company as possible using the financial statements you acquired.
  • Conduct a trend analysis for the last three to five years. What trends can you identify? What do they indicate?
  • Compare the ratios for the last common year to the industry averages. What conclusions can you draw regarding your company’s performance? What are your company’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • Identify the changes that need to be made by the company to improve its performance, as compared to the industry, on the basis of the ratios.
  • Conduct a DuPont analysis for your selected company. What conclusions can you draw for improving your company’s performance on the basis of this analysis?

Submission Details:

  • Present the numerical data and calculations in a Microsoft Excel sheet and write the analyses in a Microsoft Word document.


Writ 206 Discussion Question Humanities Assignment Help

Read Business Insider article (Links to an external site.) and compose a 250-word response:

1. What is your reaction to Smith’s article and CEO Walter Bettinger’s
method for sizing up a job candidate’s accountability and responses to mistakes?

2. Have you, or someone you know, been in a unique interviewing position or
interviewed in this manner?

3. If you were an employer or hiring manager, what personality and/or character
traits would you look for? What would be your ideal setting (e.g. meeting at a restaurant)
for learning about a job candidate?

When citing an article, please use quotation marks and paragraph numbering as in-text citation.
Example: (para 5) or (paras 6-7)

When citing digital content such as film/TV episodes/videos, please use timestamps as in-text citation.
Example: (5:56) or (6:20-7:20)



RSH481 Library Assignment #2: Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

– Find 16 resources on your chosen topic and list them using APA citation style. Eight sources should originate from academic journals and pertain to the problem you are trying to solve. The other eight sources should be related prior art from official patents

– list all resources in alphabet and For each resource, include a short explanation of why you think the information is reliable,

– Make sure to include your name and a description of your patent idea at the top of your submission


chosen topic is attached (umbrella) in this file you’ll find description of my patent idea please paraphrase it to make better

Detailed Description of Assignments is (attached)

Annotated-Bibliography-in-APA-Format-Template1 is (attached) if needed

Example of an Annotated Bibliography (attached)

RSH481 Library Assignment #2: Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RW class 1 Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1 (300-500 words)

To assist in preparing for the assignment as well as providing some framework for stronger discussions, please find notes below for your review. This includes the important concepts to review as well as a sample response. Please remember that the sample response is a sample framework and not your wording. If you use any of the infomraiton from the sample, this will need to follow the referencing and paraphrasing guidance from APA.

Important Concepts to Review:

* Cost Benefit Analysis

* Consider Sunk Costs, Opportunity Costs

* Review MUSE template on Decision Making in Healthcare as well as Decisions to be Cautious About

Sample Response

Investing into a healthcare organization can be an exciting and intimidating experience. Using the appropriate economic model or analysis can provide a measurable tool in decision making. In completing the analysis, background information is important to consider.

The aging Baby Boomer population has resulted in an increasing group of individuals over the age of 65 within the United States (National Mortgage News, 1999). The result is an anticipated population growth of this demographic exceeding 40 million individuals (National Mortgage News, 1999). These individuals are looking for options for housing needs has resulted in the increasing prevalence of Assisted Living Facilities (National Morgage News, 1999).

In conducting an economic analysis, an investor can determine the level of commitment to the venture. If upon investing $10,000 the venture is not determined to be successful, the investor can use the economic concepts of (Insert appropriate economic principle here). This principle is defined as (define the principle and application).

(Conclude the posting with your recommended outcome based on your exploration of the economic principle).


Anonymous. (1999). Growth of assisted living facilities is booming: Analysis. National Mortgage News. Vol. 23, Iss. 41. Retrieved from…

Part 2 (300-500 words)

The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sites list the major determinants of health services utilization.

Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Select and analyze 1 determinant of health within the concept of its impact to the U.S. health care system.
  • Describe the health care demand and supply as it relates to your chosen determinants.
  • What will be your recommendation on how to reduce or eliminate this determinant?

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout your review.

Part 3 (300-500 words)

In this Discussion Board assignment, consider your own personal experience with the cost of health care. Are you among those who believe that hospital bills are excessive? What about the charges at your doctor’s or dentist’s office?

Discuss the following:

  • Describe an experience with a bill that you received at a hospital or doctor’s office.
  • Should the government intervene to control how health care prices are set?
  • What is your opinion on the role of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in health care cost control?
  • Would you support the PPACA in fixing health care costs for services across the board?

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout your review.

Part 4 (300-500 words)

For several decades, the rapid increase of health spending in the United States has been the subject of many discussions and great scrutiny. For additional background on this subject, read the following articles:

Based on the information that you gained from these articles and in this course, how does the growth of health care cost impact the government and employers? Complete the following:

  • Articulately summarize the growth and impact of health care costs.
  • Analyze the essential indicators of economic benefits per unit on the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and on employment.
  • Based on your research, give recommendations for improvement or change.

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

Part 5

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write 300 words on the following:

  • What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
  • How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
  • What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?

Part 6 (2-3 pages)

Identify and briefly define 1 of the following concepts:

  • Opportunity cost
  • Sunk cost
  • Cost-benefit analysis

Based upon the concept that you have selected, respond to each of the following questions:

  • What are the basic steps for the application of your chosen concept in resource allocation?
  • Provide an example of how this concept can be applied in a specific health care resource allocation.
  • How will the application of this concept impact the structure of the health care institution when allocating resources?

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

Be sure to follow APA style page formatting, and provide at least 4 peer reviewed references from health care journals published in the past 5 years.

Part 7 (2-3 pages)

As the newly appointed public health director in your county of residence, you are charged with increasing the health care utilization in your county. Document your high-level strategic plan by responding to the following:

  • Summary: Who are the stakeholders in this situation?
  • Analysis: What factors may impact the increase or decrease of health services supply and demand in your county?
  • Recommendations: Provide an example of a supply and demand curve to describe the health care utilization in your county.

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout your review.

Be sure to follow APA style page formatting, and provide at least 4 peer-reviewed references from health care journals published in the past 5 years.

Part 8

There are two principles that health care providers rely on when set the rates for their services. The first principle is cost, and the second is based on third-party reimbursements, especially from Medicare.

As the chief operations officer of your hospital, you have been asked by the board to make a presentation on how the hospital sets the price for the services that it provides.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 6–8 slides with speaker notes that analyzes the different services provided by the hospital and the rationale for charging patients for them. In your presentation, consider the following:

  • Who are the stakeholders in this scenario, and what are their roles?
  • Describe the practice of price discrimination and its objectives.
  • What role does the cost of the doctor’s education and malpractice insurance play in costing health care services?
  • What is the role of third-party payers such as Medicare and Medicaid in pricing health care services?
  • How does the uninsured population impact pricing?
  • How does the use of emergency services for nonemergency situations impact pricing?
  • Document recommendations for improvement based on your economic analysis.

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

As a guideline, do not have more than 16 words on each slide. Your speaker notes should explain the slide in detail. Be sure to follow APA style page formatting, and provide at least 4 peer-reviewed references from health care journals published in the past 5 years.

Part 9

In this global economic market system, there is concern that health care costs and spending in United States will exceed that of other competing industrialized nations. A close examination of health care cost and spending in the United States reveals that much of the increase in gross domestic product (GDP) is a result of the cost of health care.

In a paper of 3-4 pages, not including title page, abstract page and reference page, complete the following:

  • How does health care spending in the United States impact the country’s economy?
  • Summarize the impact of health care spending in the United States on the economy.
  • Provide a critical analysis of this impact that is supported by relevant cited sources.
  • Recommend a strategy based on your analysis.

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

Be sure to consider individual households, employers, local economies, and state and federal governments.

Be sure to follow APA style page formatting, and provide at least 4 peer-reviewed references from health care journals published in the past 5 years.

Part 10 (4-5 pages)

Consider the following major sectors within health care:

  • Health care equipment
  • Health care services
  • Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and related life sciences

Based on insights that you have gained throughout the course and this week’s lesson, write a paper of 4-5 pages, not including title page, abstract page, and reference page, that discusses the following:

  • Summary: Discuss the role of each sector in the health care industry and the economy.
  • Analysis: Discuss the impact of each sector on the health care industry and the economy.
  • Evaluation: Discuss the impact of the economic practices of these sectors on the industry globally.

Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

Finally, recommend policy updates, changes, and revisions to each sector that will address the opportunities and challenges within the industry.


Art of writing about food review assignment four page Writing Assignment Help

Review Assignment Overview

Your second essay for this class will be a review written in the first-person that evaluates, judges, and takes a position on some food-related book, movie, TV show, cookbook, restaurant, or experience. You will have to form an argument regarding whether you find the object or creation you’re reviewing to be fulfilling its purpose in an effective and/or satisfying way for its intended audience and to do this, you will also need to provide evidence to support your argument in the form of your own considered claims along with quotes and paraphrases from the object or creation you’re reviewing. In other words, it’s not enough to simply base a review upon your opinions, which can sometimes be biased by our emotions or preconceived notions. Instead, we want to support our opinions with evidence and proof from the primary source (the thing we’re reviewing) or from secondary sources.

This isn’t about just a quick review of some food-related book, movie, TV show, or restaurant. This has to be an in-depth exploration engaging with the content, why it’s significant, how might it impact an audience or consumer, what does it reveal about some specific societal structure? The best reviews probe beneath the surface to offer insights regarding the cultural artifacts we consume. In other words, this is far beyond a Yelp! review.

Content and Audience

Your review should include thoughtful and rigorous analysis and evaluation of whatever you’re reviewing, support for claims in the form of evidence from the object of your review or outside of it from other sources (yes, you can include sources here), a consideration of your audience, and reflection and insights on the deeper significance of what you choose to review.


·Your Review should have a clearly recognizable stance that you support with evidence.

·It should evaluate something that’s currently important, popular, or significant.

·It should offer unique and original insights in its evaluation and judgment.

·Your Review will be four-full pages with 1-inch margins. You will use a 12-point, Times New Roman font and double-space your text. You will adhere to MLA citation and formatting style.

Form: The tone, register, and language should follow the conventions of this genre, meaning it should be written in the first-person in a conversational tone with engaging writing that invites the reader in and maintains their interest throughout.

Challenges: Some of you may have never written a review before, but the craft readings and sample reviews will help get you with becoming familiar with this genre and the conventions or rhetorical strategies employed within it. There may also be a tendency to make this a surface overview but avoid that. Reviews, when done well, are thoughtful, persuasive, and revealing.


Do the following for biology 3 Science Assignment Help

Use at least 5 sentences to express your thoughts for potential full credit.

This is a discussion that requires some research on your part in order to be able to make an educated comment. Please use reliable websites such as,,,, and for reliable information.

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) describes opioids as “a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, morphine, and many others.”

HHS also explains that “the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people, but can lead to brain changes that challenge an addicted person’s self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs.”

Say you suffered a serious injury and were prescribed Vicodin (a type of opioid) to relieve the pain. You understand that, if used correctly under a health care provider’s direction, the drug can be helpful. You also understand, however, that misusing prescription opioids risks dependence and addiction. Would you take the prescription? If not, please suggest an alternative.


4 discussions, 1 discussion student reply 150 words max each Writing Assignment Help

Often times, we as humans tend to gravitate to music that is familiar
to us. Although we have a variety of music to choose from, rarely to do
we try a genre of music that is new to us.

Option 1:

Listen to a song from a genre of music that you are not familiar with
(Country, Classical, Rap, Pop, R&B, etc.) and share what you were
most surprised about regarding this genre.

Option 2:

After listening to a song or piece from a genre that is new to you,
explain why you would be open to hearing more music from this genre.

For both options, remember to share the:

  • Title of the song or musical piece
  • Artist or composer
  • Year the song or piece was made
  • Genre of music the piece falls under

Module 3 – Blues Music

Module 3 – Blues Music

Emily Nehls
Posted Date:
July 21, 2020 10:28 AM
Overall Rating:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Growing up my mom listened to old country and new country. She
played it in the car on the way to school, and me and my brothers very
much disliked that music. We preferred the new pop and R&B. As I
grew older, I started listening to country music. Every song seems to
tell an emotional story about friends, family, heartbreak, or love.

For this assignment I decided to listen to some blues music. I
searched for most popular blues music in the 1990’s, and I came up with

Title- I Thought It Was Me

Artist- Bell Biv DeVoe (B.B.D)

Year- 1990

Genre- Blues/electric blues

I was most surprised about the lyrics to this song. It is
basically about a man in a bar that picks up women and likes to brag
about it. I am not used to this type of music, so the lyrics surprised
me as its an older song.

“Today’s generation didn’t want
to watch ancient actors reciting the same tired lines. They wanted to
see themselves reflected onscreen – rude, raw, entitled. These kids
needed to believe that they themselves were only one daring,
controversial act away from being up on that screen themselves. ”

– Melissa Jo Peltier, Reality Boulevard

Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the
homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many
celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV,
choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The
term “Reality TV Star” has been coined and is now being uttered on the
lips of millions. However one feels about Reality TV, this wave of
entertainment seems to be here to stay.

While form of low art achieves wild popularity and brings in
significant profits to networks, attendance to Broadway theater
performances is also at an all-time high. Perhaps low art and high art
can thrive simultaneously.

What do you think will be the lasting impact that Reality TV has on
the Humanities and how we see ourselves as humans? Based on what you
learned about the theater (which was not always considered high art) in
this week’s readings, what may be some future similarities and
differences between Reality TV and the theater?

Describe a religion that is not your own.

Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief,
Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism,
Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.

  • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
  • Mention any written works and prophets.
  • Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”

Choose a heroic figure you have read about. Examples might be: Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.

Other examples may include people who are/were known for their
humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa
or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).

Or, choose a heroic figure from a book, a film, or a comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar.

Introduce your chosen hero at the beginning of your response, and
apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on the
person’s life.



Emily Nehls
Posted Date:
July 21, 2020 10:28 AM
Overall Rating:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Growing up my mom listened to old country and new country. She
played it in the car on the way to school, and me and my brothers very
much disliked that music. We preferred the new pop and R&B. As I
grew older, I started listening to country music. Every song seems to
tell an emotional story about friends, family, heartbreak, or love.

For this assignment I decided to listen to some blues music. I
searched for most popular blues music in the 1990’s, and I came up with

Title- I Thought It Was Me

Artist- Bell Biv DeVoe (B.B.D)

Year- 1990

Genre- Blues/electric blues

I was most surprised about the lyrics to this song. It is
basically about a man in a bar that picks up women and likes to brag
about it. I am not used to this type of music, so the lyrics surprised
me as its an older song.

“Today’s generation didn’t want
to watch ancient actors reciting the same tired lines. They wanted to
see themselves reflected onscreen – rude, raw, entitled. These kids
needed to believe that they themselves were only one daring,
controversial act away from being up on that screen themselves. ”

– Melissa Jo Peltier, Reality Boulevard

Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the
homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many
celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV,
choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The
term “Reality TV Star” has been coined and is now being uttered on the
lips of millions. However one feels about Reality TV, this wave of
entertainment seems to be here to stay.

While form of low art achieves wild popularity and brings in
significant profits to networks, attendance to Broadway theater
performances is also at an all-time high. Perhaps low art and high art
can thrive simultaneously.

What do you think will be the lasting impact that Reality TV has on
the Humanities and how we see ourselves as humans? Based on what you
learned about the theater (which was not always considered high art) in
this week’s readings, what may be some future similarities and
differences between Reality TV and the theater?

Describe a religion that is not your own.

Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief,
Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism,
Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.

  • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
  • Mention any written works and prophets.
  • Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”

Choose a heroic figure you have read about. Examples might be: Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.

Other examples may include people who are/were known for their
humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa
or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).

Or, choose a heroic figure from a book, a film, or a comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar.

Introduce your chosen hero at the beginning of your response, and
apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on the
person’s life.



Emily Nehls
Posted Date:
July 21, 2020 10:28 AM
Overall Rating:

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  • 5

Growing up my mom listened to old country and new country. She
played it in the car on the way to school, and me and my brothers very
much disliked that music. We preferred the new pop and R&B. As I
grew older, I started listening to country music. Every song seems to
tell an emotional story about friends, family, heartbreak, or love.

For this assignment I decided to listen to some blues music. I
searched for most popular blues music in the 1990’s, and I came up with

Title- I Thought It Was Me

Artist- Bell Biv DeVoe (B.B.D)

Year- 1990

Genre- Blues/electric blues

I was most surprised about the lyrics to this song. It is
basically about a man in a bar that picks up women and likes to brag
about it. I am not used to this type of music, so the lyrics surprised
me as its an older song.

“Today’s generation didn’t want
to watch ancient actors reciting the same tired lines. They wanted to
see themselves reflected onscreen – rude, raw, entitled. These kids
needed to believe that they themselves were only one daring,
controversial act away from being up on that screen themselves. ”

– Melissa Jo Peltier, Reality Boulevard

Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the
homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many
celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV,
choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The
term “Reality TV Star” has been coined and is now being uttered on the
lips of millions. However one feels about Reality TV, this wave of
entertainment seems to be here to stay.

While form of low art achieves wild popularity and brings in
significant profits to networks, attendance to Broadway theater
performances is also at an all-time high. Perhaps low art and high art
can thrive simultaneously.

What do you think will be the lasting impact that Reality TV has on
the Humanities and how we see ourselves as humans? Based on what you
learned about the theater (which was not always considered high art) in
this week’s readings, what may be some future similarities and
differences between Reality TV and the theater?

Describe a religion that is not your own.

Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief,
Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism,
Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.

  • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
  • Mention any written works and prophets.
  • Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”

Choose a heroic figure you have read about. Examples might be: Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.

Other examples may include people who are/were known for their
humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa
or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).

Or, choose a heroic figure from a book, a film, or a comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar.

Introduce your chosen hero at the beginning of your response, and
apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on the
person’s life.



Emily Nehls
Posted Date:
July 21, 2020 10:28 AM
Overall Rating:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Growing up my mom listened to old country and new country. She
played it in the car on the way to school, and me and my brothers very
much disliked that music. We preferred the new pop and R&B. As I
grew older, I started listening to country music. Every song seems to
tell an emotional story about friends, family, heartbreak, or love.

For this assignment I decided to listen to some blues music. I
searched for most popular blues music in the 1990’s, and I came up with

Title- I Thought It Was Me

Artist- Bell Biv DeVoe (B.B.D)

Year- 1990

Genre- Blues/electric blues

I was most surprised about the lyrics to this song. It is
basically about a man in a bar that picks up women and likes to brag
about it. I am not used to this type of music, so the lyrics surprised
me as its an older song.

“Today’s generation didn’t want
to watch ancient actors reciting the same tired lines. They wanted to
see themselves reflected onscreen – rude, raw, entitled. These kids
needed to believe that they themselves were only one daring,
controversial act away from being up on that screen themselves. ”

– Melissa Jo Peltier, Reality Boulevard

Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the
homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many
celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV,
choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The
term “Reality TV Star” has been coined and is now being uttered on the
lips of millions. However one feels about Reality TV, this wave of
entertainment seems to be here to stay.

While form of low art achieves wild popularity and brings in
significant profits to networks, attendance to Broadway theater
performances is also at an all-time high. Perhaps low art and high art
can thrive simultaneously.

What do you think will be the lasting impact that Reality TV has on
the Humanities and how we see ourselves as humans? Based on what you
learned about the theater (which was not always considered high art) in
this week’s readings, what may be some future similarities and
differences between Reality TV and the theater?

Describe a religion that is not your own.

Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief,
Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism,
Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.

  • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
  • Mention any written works and prophets.
  • Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”

Choose a heroic figure you have read about. Examples might be: Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.

Other examples may include people who are/were known for their
humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa
or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).

Or, choose a heroic figure from a book, a film, or a comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar.

Introduce your chosen hero at the beginning of your response, and
apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on the
person’s life.


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