NETFLIX Porters Five Forces Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

NETFLIX Porters Five Forces Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help. NETFLIX Porters Five Forces Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Please read the following:

– 5 – 10 slides

– 30 point font

– 50 words maximum

– each slide should take a 1 minute to present.

– write 3-5 point per slide and in separate paper write the explanation of each bullet point.

no case history or company background info

Requirement: answer all the following questions about netflix

perform the Porter Five Forces Analysis :

– who are your buyers: (B2B) (B2C)? what is the industry segment (if the company is involved in multiple segments)?

-analyze the relative strength of each force & summarize

– how profitable is the industry

-how can you best position Netflix DVD Rental business in relation to the Five Forces

-can you differentiate Netflix DVD Rental business in order to build a competitive advantage

NETFLIX Porters Five Forces Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Homeland Security Cybersecurity Strategy Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Throughout the course, you will prepare and submit sections of a research paper that is designed for you to contribute original research and analysis on an issue of your choosing relevant to homeland security.

Your final research paper submitted in Week 8 must be at least (12-15 pages+) plus a cover page (with name, date, course, and title), and reference page. Any figures, tables, maps, charts, etc, and the Title and Reference pages DO NOT COUNT TOWARD TOTAL PAGE COUNT.

For Week 2, you are to submit a written paper that includes your Research Question, a Thesis Statement, and Purpose Statement. It must contain at least eight sources; at least six must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project.

Research question

What is the effectiveness of the steps taken by DHS to deal with the ever-evolving cyber threats?

Thesis statement

In my research paper, I aim at critically evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies already adopted in countering cyber threats. Through a critical evaluation, I will identify any gaps and come up with recommendations on the most effective strategies going forward.

My professor stated that the thesis statement needed to be more detailed than general so can we work on that please.

Technical Requirements

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 3 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A minimum of 8 sources is required for this assignment.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
  • All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.


GLST 220 LU Principles of Cultural Intelligence Gospel Communication Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Gospel Communication Project Instructions (Part 1)

The Gospel Communication Project allows students to apply the principles of Cultural Intelligence to a specific cross-cultural evangelistic encounter. In this 3-part project, students will research cultural elements which will affect a person’s understanding of the gospel message, create a strategy for communicating effectively with a person from a specific culture, and present the story of God through video.
Part 1: Cultural Profile (Module/ Week 3)
This paper will be the first section of an ongoing gospel communication project in this course. For this paper, you should choose someone you know who is from a significantly different culture than your own (look for differences in things like country/region of origin, ethnicity, language, religion, time orientation, etc.). This person should be an unbeliever (or you will need to pretend that they are an unbeliever for the sake of this paper), and they should be from a macro-culture (think of a culture associated with a foreign country). You will write a formal academic paper about the cultural elements of this person. This paper will prepare you to share God’s story with them in an effective way for their culture and worldview. While there is no specific word count or page count for this project, significant effort should be made to thoroughly explore each of the topics below. Your paper should be neatly formatted and organized, and it should include a cover page, page numbers, footnote citations, proper headings and subheadings, and a bibliography. It should be double spaced and in Times New Roman, 12- pt. font.

Part 1, Section 1: Cultural Background
In this section, you should introduce the person you have chosen to receive the Gospel message. Answer the following questions in a paragraph or two. (Questions in parenthesis are suggestions to help guide you as you describe the person.)
· Give details about their identity (What is their age? Ethnicity? Where are they from? What religion do they follow? What language they speak? Where do they live now? What do they do for school/work, etc.?).
· Provide information on your relationship with the person. (How do you know them? What are your interactions with them? Are they a coworker or neighbor? Do you see them on a regular basis or just periodically?)
· Discuss how their current circumstances affect their cultural practices. (If their family is from a foreign country, but they have grown up most of their life in America, how does that affect their worldview? Do they adhere to all the traditional cultural practices on their parents?)
· Discuss their interest in issues of faith? (Is this person open to hearing the story of God?)

**If you do not know someone from another culture, you may use a fictitious character and make up the cultural background information. The rest of your paper must follow the themes set by this section.

Part 1, Section 2: Cultural Systems
In this section, you should choose at least 4 of the 6 cultural systems from Chapter 4 of Leading with Cultural Intelligence. Discuss each cultural system and identify which of the pair apply most directly to the culture of your friend (For example: Does your friend’s culture have a nuclear or kinship family system?). How does that cultural system affect your friend’s way of life, interactions, aspirations, and openness to issues of faith? Aside from interviewing your friend and referencing the course text book, you should include research from at least 1 outside source to support your arguments.

Part 1, Section 3: Cultural Value Orientations
In this section, discuss at least 7 of the 10 cultural value orientation pairs. Which cultural values are strong in your friend and their culture (For example: Does your friend’s culture have a short-term or long-term value orientation?)? How do each of these cultural values affect your friend’s worldview and actions? Use at least 1 outside resource other than interviewing your friend to support your assessment of the culture.


AHS 6630 Wilmington Women Domestic Violence Reduction Duluth Model Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This discussion board will help you prepare for your final project by giving you a chance to learn more about logic models and your organization (see attachment below for more information on the Final Project requirements).

After reviewing the article, About Logic Models (below) and some of the support materials on your logic model builder site, think of a human services issue / program (based on a community need) for which you might develop a logic model and plan. This should be the program and organization that you will be using for your Final Project. Describe the target population of the program. This is the who will “receive” the program and should include the demographics of the target population as well as the service delivery area. Be specific in your description and consider similar demographics who won’t be targeted for your program. For instance, you may have a program which fights homelessness, but whose target population is homeless vets only.

Review the requirements outlined on the Discussion Board Rubric



Walden University Week 3 MBA and Contributions to Social Change Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Responses -DUE FRIDAY

Respond to two or more of your peers in one or more of the following ways:

  • Comment on what you learned from your colleague’s analysis that is new to you.
  • Offer constructive ideas for how your colleague might extend or improve his or her summary analysis.
  • Provide your observations about your peers’ comments based on your synthesis of several of the original posts, explaining how those posts better inform what your peer wrote.

Assignment: Individual Reflection: Blue Print for Professional and Personal Growth Part One: Executive Summary of MBA Program

PREPARE: an Executive Summary that spans the entire range of topics within your MBA program and that integrates prior learning, experiences, and insights gained throughout the MBA program, with personal and professional development goals by addressing the following questions:

  • Page One: The MBA and Your Goals and Contributions to Social Change
    • Which content, conceptual ideas, frameworks, tools, and assignments in your MBA improved your understanding and skills in ways that will enable you to achieve your professional goals?
    • What impact has your improved understanding had, or what impact do you anticipate your understanding will have, on the value you will bring to your role within an organization and the world at large, particularly with respect to being an agent for positive change (at the individual, organizational and communities level)? NOTE: This is a very important element of your response, please be deliberative in your response.
  • Page Two: The MBA Program’s Content & Your Practice of Business Administration
    • How have the content and assignments changed the way you think of your role within the organization and the way you will practice your profession?
    • How have the content and assignments shaped your goals now and how do you anticipate they will shape your goals in the future?
    • How has your MBA helped you appreciate the role that an individual manager or a business has in facilitating positive social change?

General Guidance on Assignment Length: Part 1 of your BPPG, your MBA program Executive Summary, should be approximately 2 single-spaced page(s).



Saint Leo University Change in Correctional Facilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The content is to be written logically with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The student is to do an extensive research-based analysis of the information (300 words with a minimum of 2 APA references). Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. In APA 7 you no longer cite the city and state of the publisher. When you cite your source in the body of your paper only use the author’s last name, no first names or initials. Quotes don’t go in italics. For direct quotes you also need to cite the page or paragraph number where the quote came from. In your reference section APA 7 no longer requires the city or state of the publishers.


As correctional agencies move towards evidence-based-practices, change is inevitable.

·Why does some correctional staff resist change when it is inevitable?
·Explain current leadership practices that will help facilitate change.

I have attached the pages and textbook for cite.

Saint Leo University Change in Correctional Facilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

New England College Cloud Computing and Jurisdiction Issues Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

In 500 words or more, consider this statement: For cloud computing to become multi-jurisdictional, it must be separated from politics.

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.


CJ 298 Excelsior College US Criminal Justice System Discussion Law Assignment Help

  • Course Outcome 2: Describe how decision-making influences policy and procedures. (Program Outcome 2)
  • Course Outcome 4: Analyze the impact of social demographics within the criminal justice system. (Program Outcome 4)

Based upon your readings and any ancillary resources you research regarding decision-making, discuss the development and implementation of a policy in the criminal justice system that has been, or should be, introduced which is driven or impacted by social demographics and diversity in society. For example, a policy on dealing with gangs in a police department. Consider the following: Does evidence support paying special attention to Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Motorcycle gangs, etc.? If so, how would that influence the policy, the community, or stakeholders? How should an agency create a policy, while taking into account so many sociocultural factors, and not offend or bias a specific group?

In a 3-page paper (750 words) address the issue, use supporting information, and conclude with your recommendations. Use APA formatting, correct grammar, and spelling throughout.

Please use the EC Library resources to properly cite your work (login to the EC Library is required):

Additionally, Excelsior OWL (Links to an external site.) has many resources to assist you in the writing process. For help in focusing your thesis statement, see Parts of a Thesis Sentence (Links to an external site.).


Troy University Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Development Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Students will complete a research paper during the semester
that will be no less than 6 pages in length (12-point font, double spaced) with
no less than 4 sources from either scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or
government sources. Please note: the 6 page minimum length of your research
paper is required of the narrative essay itself (i.e. your title page, abstract
and references page do not count towards the 6-page minimum length). The paper
will ask you to synthesize information; assess statistical data and reach a
conclusion about those data; engage in comparisons; etc. APA format is required
(i.e. title page, abstract, in-text citation of sources where appropriate and
references page)


EN 111 Five Sources About Your Essay Progression Issues Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

To complete this assignment, you must locate at least 5 sources about your Essay Progression Issues, list them according to MLA guidelines, then tell me:

  • What type of source this (Newspaper article? Book? Peer-Reviewed Journal Article? Website?)
  • What is the main claim of this source?
  • What is the primary purpose of this source?
  • How will I use this source in preparing my essay?

These sources may be used for any of your Essay Progression essays, so feel free to look ahead to future essays and essay assignments. You may also use the same source for multiple essays.

You must include at least one of the following in your list of potential sources:

  • A book from the Avila library
  • An e-book
  • A journal article obtained from the Avila databases

You may include:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Textbooks
  • Web sites with a .edu suffix

You may use with caution (as the internet is a tricky place)

  • Web sites with a .com, .org, or .net suffix

You may NOT use:

  • Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia (though these can be great places to START your research)



Troy University Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Development Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Students will complete a research paper during the semester
that will be no less than 6 pages in length (12-point font, double spaced) with
no less than 4 sources from either scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or
government sources. Please note: the 6 page minimum length of your research
paper is required of the narrative essay itself (i.e. your title page, abstract
and references page do not count towards the 6-page minimum length). The paper
will ask you to synthesize information; assess statistical data and reach a
conclusion about those data; engage in comparisons; etc. APA format is required
(i.e. title page, abstract, in-text citation of sources where appropriate and
references page)


EN 111 Five Sources About Your Essay Progression Issues Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

To complete this assignment, you must locate at least 5 sources about your Essay Progression Issues, list them according to MLA guidelines, then tell me:

  • What type of source this (Newspaper article? Book? Peer-Reviewed Journal Article? Website?)
  • What is the main claim of this source?
  • What is the primary purpose of this source?
  • How will I use this source in preparing my essay?

These sources may be used for any of your Essay Progression essays, so feel free to look ahead to future essays and essay assignments. You may also use the same source for multiple essays.

You must include at least one of the following in your list of potential sources:

  • A book from the Avila library
  • An e-book
  • A journal article obtained from the Avila databases

You may include:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Textbooks
  • Web sites with a .edu suffix

You may use with caution (as the internet is a tricky place)

  • Web sites with a .com, .org, or .net suffix

You may NOT use:

  • Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia (though these can be great places to START your research)



Troy University Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Development Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Students will complete a research paper during the semester
that will be no less than 6 pages in length (12-point font, double spaced) with
no less than 4 sources from either scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or
government sources. Please note: the 6 page minimum length of your research
paper is required of the narrative essay itself (i.e. your title page, abstract
and references page do not count towards the 6-page minimum length). The paper
will ask you to synthesize information; assess statistical data and reach a
conclusion about those data; engage in comparisons; etc. APA format is required
(i.e. title page, abstract, in-text citation of sources where appropriate and
references page)


EN 111 Five Sources About Your Essay Progression Issues Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

To complete this assignment, you must locate at least 5 sources about your Essay Progression Issues, list them according to MLA guidelines, then tell me:

  • What type of source this (Newspaper article? Book? Peer-Reviewed Journal Article? Website?)
  • What is the main claim of this source?
  • What is the primary purpose of this source?
  • How will I use this source in preparing my essay?

These sources may be used for any of your Essay Progression essays, so feel free to look ahead to future essays and essay assignments. You may also use the same source for multiple essays.

You must include at least one of the following in your list of potential sources:

  • A book from the Avila library
  • An e-book
  • A journal article obtained from the Avila databases

You may include:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Textbooks
  • Web sites with a .edu suffix

You may use with caution (as the internet is a tricky place)

  • Web sites with a .com, .org, or .net suffix

You may NOT use:

  • Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia (though these can be great places to START your research)



Troy University Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Development Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Students will complete a research paper during the semester
that will be no less than 6 pages in length (12-point font, double spaced) with
no less than 4 sources from either scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or
government sources. Please note: the 6 page minimum length of your research
paper is required of the narrative essay itself (i.e. your title page, abstract
and references page do not count towards the 6-page minimum length). The paper
will ask you to synthesize information; assess statistical data and reach a
conclusion about those data; engage in comparisons; etc. APA format is required
(i.e. title page, abstract, in-text citation of sources where appropriate and
references page)


EN 111 Five Sources About Your Essay Progression Issues Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

To complete this assignment, you must locate at least 5 sources about your Essay Progression Issues, list them according to MLA guidelines, then tell me:

  • What type of source this (Newspaper article? Book? Peer-Reviewed Journal Article? Website?)
  • What is the main claim of this source?
  • What is the primary purpose of this source?
  • How will I use this source in preparing my essay?

These sources may be used for any of your Essay Progression essays, so feel free to look ahead to future essays and essay assignments. You may also use the same source for multiple essays.

You must include at least one of the following in your list of potential sources:

  • A book from the Avila library
  • An e-book
  • A journal article obtained from the Avila databases

You may include:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Textbooks
  • Web sites with a .edu suffix

You may use with caution (as the internet is a tricky place)

  • Web sites with a .com, .org, or .net suffix

You may NOT use:

  • Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia (though these can be great places to START your research)


NETFLIX Porters Five Forces Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

NETFLIX Porters Five Forces Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

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