New England College of Business and Finance Discrimination Press Release Computer Science Assignment Help

New England College of Business and Finance Discrimination Press Release Computer Science Assignment Help. New England College of Business and Finance Discrimination Press Release Computer Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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Task 1

Unit 7 Assignment

After reading chapter 7, please answer the following questions:

Chapter 7. Fiduciary Duty Law: The Responsibilities of Boards of Directors, Senior Executive Officers, and Controlling Shareholders

1. What is the standard of review that the Delaware Supreme Court used in Cheff v. Mathes to evaluate the validity of the board’s decision in the principal case?

2. In what sense do the facts of the principal case give rise to a conflict of interest?

3. What is “greenmail?”

4. Describe the “poison pill” and the Delaware Supreme Court’s position of validity concerning it.

Submission Instructions : Submit your written responses to the Unit 7 by attaching the report file in the Assignment Files of this lesson by midnight, Sunday.

Task 2

Visit the Newsroom at Review a recent press release which involves a harassment and / or discrimination claim. You should summarize the facts of the case, including the parties involved and the issues at hand. You also should note any federal laws which apply to the situation and what the outcome is / will be / should be based on the application of such laws to the case. Finally, using what you learn from the case, provide suggestions to management on how to handle a similar case in the future.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to competitive strategy. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

New England College of Business and Finance Discrimination Press Release Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Law and Society Criminal Justice System Research Paper Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

2-page, double-spaced, 12-point font. You can use MLA, APA, ASA reference style or any other reference style you are comfortable with.

Continuation from previous work..Research question is….

How does the criminal justice system perpetuate economic violence against marginalized communities? 

Original Survey Design: For this assignment, you will assume that you are using the methods we already discussed in our course, such as interviews, observations, participant observations, focus groups etc. All of these methods are qualitative. You are to only use the methods we discussed so far for this assignment. You will use these methods to answer your research questions and test your theory from Assignment 3(The one u did before). You will be outlining the data and methods you will use and addressing any changes you have made to your proposal, such as any changes to your research question.

In this assignment you will:

  1. Define the population you intend to survey. How does this population correspond to your research study? You already established your population in previous assignments and restate it in this assignment.
  2. Describe how you will recruit your participants. Think about your sampling here and refer to the sampling PowerPoint I sent you.
  3. Describe the method of surveying participants: interviews, focus groups, observations, etc. Why did you choose the method to answer your research question? You can also choose more than one method, such as interview and observations. You can think about the readings we did so far in this class and how they used both of these methods together. If you choose two methods, why did you choose two methods?
  4. What are the benefits and weaknesses of this research design?



Hayward State Starbucks Company Case Study Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management Research Paper and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Before starting your CLC project, you must go to Strategy Club and view the Sample Strategic Plan for SandersonFarm, 2020 (Link Attached). This sample strategic plan is an example of what your completed strategic case analysis should look like at the end of the course.

Starbucks Company Overview and Mission and Vision Statements

Follow the steps below to complete a single Word document to submit to your instructor:

Step 1: In 250-500 words, give an overview of the company, describing their business, brief history, and your initial thoughts on the organization’s strategy and business model.

Step 2: Go to your project company’s website. Find the company’s vision and mission statements and add them to your Word document.

Step 3: Assess the company’s current Mission and Vision statement and, in 250-500 words, explain your analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.

Step 4: Write new and improved vision and mission statements for the firm, following the information presented in Chapter 2 (attached) about the characteristics, qualities, components, and importance of vision and mission statements.

Step 5: Explain in 100-150 words, how or why your proposed vision and mission statements are better than the current statements, and how they could benefit the company moving forward.

****You will be graded on (Rubric):

1. Go to your project company’s website. Find the company’s vision and mission statements and add them to your Word document. Step 3: Assess the company’s current Mission and Vision statement and in 250-500 words, explain your analysis of its strengths and weaknesses: The company’s vision and mission statements are present. The evaluation of the company’s vision and mission statements including their strengths and weaknesses is expertly written. Explanation is comprehensive and insightful with exceptional details.

2. Write new and improved vision and mission statements for the firm following the information presented in Chapter 2 about the characteristics, qualities, components, and importance of vision and mission statements: The New and Improved Mission and Vision statements following the Chapter 2 protocol are expertly written. Explanation is comprehensive and insightful with exceptional details.

3 Explain in 100-150 words, how or why your proposed vision and mission statements are better than the current statements, and how they could benefit the company moving forward: The discussion of how or why your proposed vision and mission statements are better than the current statements is expertly presented. Explanation of how they could benefit the company moving forward is comprehensive and insightful with exceptional details.

4. Be sure to cite three to five relevant and credible sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the University Library, corporate websites, or those provided in Topic Materials: At least three relevant, credible sources are cited and are flawlessly integrated into the essay to support the claims made therein.

5. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use): The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

6. Paragraph Development and Transitions: There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.


New England College of Business and Finance Project Management Question Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me study.

Task 1

Chapter. 15 International Projects

Chapter. 16 An introduction to Agile Project Management

After reviewing/reading Chapters 15 & 16 of the textbook, access UC’s online Library and conduct research within the “Business Source Premier (EBSCO Host)” search engine and locate a Project Management Journal article among the thousands of journal articles made available within the many years of publications the Library holds. The Project Management Journal article should tie directly into at least one highlight from the assigned chapters (Chapters 15 & 16) reading/review material for the week. This weekly research paper should include at least 2 pages, but not more than 3 pages, in the narrative and it should be typed in APA formatting (title page, reference page, no abstract page, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, etc…).

Your paper should contain the following headings:

  • Introduction
  • Summary of the article
  • Relevant points made by the author
  • Critique of the article
  • Application of the concepts in the article

Task 2

Visit the Newsroom at Review a recent press release which involves a harassment and / or discrimination claim. You should summarize the facts of the case, including the parties involved and the issues at hand. You also should note any federal laws which apply to the situation and what the outcome is / will be / should be based on the application of such laws to the case. Finally, using what you learn from the case, provide suggestions to management on how to handle a similar case in the future.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to competitive strategy. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.


Strayer University Lithonia Campus ByGrace Snack Food Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

This Week’s Discussion Post

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following: I have attached week ones topic and professors feedback.

  1. Complete the SWOT Matrix [DOCX] to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company (as approved by the instructor) you described in the Week 1 discussion.
    • Your selected company may be a startup company of your choosing or it may be based on the snack food company scenario provided to you.
  2. Include four items in each category.
  3. As you complete each quadrant of the SWOT Matrix, consider these questions:
    • Strengths.
      • What are your selected company’s likely strengths?
      • Is your product or service in a growing industry and does it lack an entrenched competitor?
      • Are you in a niche market with great potential?
      • What strengths do you and other team members bring to the company?
    • Weaknesses.
      • What are your chosen company’s likely weaknesses?
      • How entrenched is the competition in your industry segment?
      • Is your management team inexperienced?
      • How challenging will it be to produce the product or offer the service and maintain quality?
    • Opportunities.
      • What are your company’s opportunities?
      • Does your segment have more demand than supply?
      • Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter?
      • Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, changing tastes, et cetera?
    • Threats.
      • What are your company’s threats?
      • Does a clear market leader exist that will be hard and expensive to displace?
      • Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim?
      • Are there few or no barriers to entry for new competitors?

Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


  • Textbook Chapter 9, “Strategic Position & Risk Assessment,” pages 143–162, provides additional detail about this topic.
  • You will revise this week’s discussion post as part of your on the Week 3 assignment, Company Description and SWOT Matrix.

Important notes:

1. Complete the SWOT matrix in Word and then copy from there and paste it in the discussion window.

2. DO NOT attach the Word document to the discussion window.

3. Include your company name and a brief description of what business you are in, as well as the product(s) and service(s) you offer for sale. Provide this information in your response for this week to remind everyone about your business (no more than 3-4 sentences). Save this description to include in all your weekly discussion responses in this class.



ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help

This week, you can begin to think about plans for the Feasibility Report you’ll complete later in the class (it’s not due anytime soon, so don’t worry!) See the attached assignment sheet for the instructions for this assignment). For this discussion board, I’d like you to post one or more possible topic(s) that you think you might want to use for this project. The purpose of this is not only to help you to solidify the direction you will be taking, but also for me to have a chance to make sure your topic is on track before you get any further along in the process.

In at least 2-3 solid paragraphs, describe for the class your potential report topic. What is the central issue? Who will your audience be? What do you hope your report will accomplish? What might the basic structure look like? What resources will you need to gather? Basically, you can use this forum to brainstorm and start to develop your ideas along with your classmates!

ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Loyola Marymount University American Federation of Teachers Union Flyer Humanities Assignment Help

  • You are an organizer for EITHER a Workers’ Association OR a Factory Owners’ Discussion Club.
  • You are designing a flyer for your group. You want to encourage others to join you.
  • What ideas would you promote? What would motivate others to come to your meeting?
  1. Use any program you wish to create your file, as long as you will be able to post the file to Canvas. You can include text and images. Play around with fonts and sizes and make it eye-catching!
  2. Save the file with a name identifying it as for a workers’ or owners’ group.
  3. Post your file to the discussion.
  4. Choose two flyers posted by other students, one from a workers’ group and one from an owners’ group.
  5. Post a reply to these two posts, explaining why workers and owners would consider attending the meeting targeting them.


CJUS 550 Liberty University How to Counteract Grapevine Discussion Law Assignment Help

For your thread, answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

  1. One of the most interesting items in the communication realm of organization management is the informal grapevine. The informal grapevine has the capacity to undermine the official communication function of a criminal justice organization. Discuss what a grapevine is and the best methods to counteract it.
  2. Explain the Senior Executive Service (SES). Discuss what it was, what is it now, and what appears it will be in the future?
  3. Research and explain what the major political imperatives within the federal system of hiring employees are and how they affect the professional process.

must be at least 350 words with 2 references and a biblical perspective.


RGA 6207 Reverse Translation Baxdela Writing Project Health Medical Assignment Help

In completing Writing Assignment #1 for RGA6207 students will have the

opportunity to “reverse translate” an FDA approved product insert and other

documentation associated with approval of a pharmaceutical or biologic product

back to the information submitted by the manufacturer in Module 1 of an eCTD

submission. As discussed during Week 3 of the course, the required content for the

US version of Module 1 is described by v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of

Content Headings (11/1/2018). This document was included in your Blackboard

Reading Materials folder in Week 3. Specific instructions are as follows:

• Search FDA’s available database(s) to identify and select an FDA approved

pharmaceutical or biologic product that received final approval on or after

May 1, 2017.

• Locate the approved product insert, as well as any other regulatory

documentation associated with the product’s conditional marketing approval

• Provide a description of the information that would likely have been

submitted in the following sections of CTD Module 1, per the instructions

outlined in v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of Content Headings


– 1.14 Labeling

– 1.15 Promotional Material

– 1.16 Risk Management Plan

– 1.17 Post-Marketing Studies

– 1.18 Proprietary Names

Your description should summarize the information that you are able to

obtain on your conditionally approved product from the FDA website, as well

as from general Internet-based sources. Internet based sources can be

particularly useful to identify promotional materials utilized by product

manufacturers to market the pharmaceutical or biologic product. The FDA’s

Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) can often be helpful in this


• From a holistic perspective, please provide an analysis of the risk

management issues that might arise from application of FDA pre- and post-

market regulations to your product selection. Please include this as part of

your description of M1 section 1.16.

Also, please ensure that your submission includes the following information for your

chosen product

1) Date of approval of the product

2) A detailed description of the product

3) Information regarding any FDA forms used in the marketing of the product

4) What competitor versions of the product are available

5) A brief synopsis of whether the product chosen is marketed in other global

markets (i.e any of the EU5 – Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Japan,



Troy University The Valley of the Kings Excavation Site Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

For your term paper in this course you need to make some research on one of the following
major excavation sites listed below:
• Troy (on the coast of Western Asia Minor – modern Turkey)
• Thera or Santorini or Akrotiri (Cycladic island of the Aegean – modern Greece)
• Mycenae (Mycenaean civilization, Argolid, Greece)
• Knossos (Minoan civilization, Island of Crete, Greece)
• Çatalhöyük (Anatolia)
• Ur (the Royal cemetery in southern Iraq, Mesopotamia)
• Valley of the Kings (Egypt)
• Pompei (Roman culture)
• Teotihuacan (Mexico)
• Copan (Maya culture, Honduras).
• Tenochtitlan (Atzec culture)
• Cusco or Cuzco (Inca culture).
The above sites represent also major civilizations all over the world that developed during a
vast span of time.
For your assignment you need to choose one of the above archaeological sites. Your project
should have two parts. The first part should include the following information about the
specific site: Geographical information, chronology, site description (e.g. palace, cemetery),
important finds (e.g. statues, jewelry, weapons). From the finds, pick up one that you find
more interesting and focus on presenting it in detail. This object could also be a building
or a temple, palace or tomb that was discovered inside the broader archaeological site.
The second part should include your research on the civilization that the specific site
belongs to (e.g. Anatolian, Mesopotamian or Near Eastern culture, Minoan, Mycenaean
civilization, Egyptian, Roman, Maya, Atzec, Inca). Write general information about the above
cultures: e.g. society, administration, burial habits.
It would be also good if you include a couple of visual materials (e.g a photo of the site and/or
your object, a map etc.)
Your paper should be about 5 pages long, double spaced, excluding bibliography, references
and photos. You should use Times New Roman 12 font. At the end of the paper you should
have the Bibliography used. References, which you could put either at each page or at the
end of your essay, should be written in a consistent documentation style, according to the
AJA/APA or MLA annotation system.
Internet sources are acceptable, as long as they are fully and properly cited. You should also
indicate in detail the sources of any images used (photos, architectural plans,
reconstructions, etc.). In any case, any kind of plagiarism will result to an F grade for the

[supanova_question] to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company (as approved by the instructor) you described in the Week 1 discussion.

  • Your selected company may be a startup company of your choosing or it may be based on the snack food company scenario provided to you.
  • Include four items in each category.
  • As you complete each quadrant of the SWOT Matrix, consider these questions:
    • Strengths.
      • What are your selected company’s likely strengths?
      • Is your product or service in a growing industry and does it lack an entrenched competitor?
      • Are you in a niche market with great potential?
      • What strengths do you and other team members bring to the company?
    • Weaknesses.
      • What are your chosen company’s likely weaknesses?
      • How entrenched is the competition in your industry segment?
      • Is your management team inexperienced?
      • How challenging will it be to produce the product or offer the service and maintain quality?
    • Opportunities.
      • What are your company’s opportunities?
      • Does your segment have more demand than supply?
      • Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter?
      • Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, changing tastes, et cetera?
    • Threats.
      • What are your company’s threats?
      • Does a clear market leader exist that will be hard and expensive to displace?
      • Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim?
      • Are there few or no barriers to entry for new competitors?
  • Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


    • Textbook Chapter 9, “Strategic Position & Risk Assessment,” pages 143–162, provides additional detail about this topic.
    • You will revise this week’s discussion post as part of your on the Week 3 assignment, Company Description and SWOT Matrix.

    Important notes:

    1. Complete the SWOT matrix in Word and then copy from there and paste it in the discussion window.

    2. DO NOT attach the Word document to the discussion window.

    3. Include your company name and a brief description of what business you are in, as well as the product(s) and service(s) you offer for sale. Provide this information in your response for this week to remind everyone about your business (no more than 3-4 sentences). Save this description to include in all your weekly discussion responses in this class.



    ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help

    This week, you can begin to think about plans for the Feasibility Report you’ll complete later in the class (it’s not due anytime soon, so don’t worry!) See the attached assignment sheet for the instructions for this assignment). For this discussion board, I’d like you to post one or more possible topic(s) that you think you might want to use for this project. The purpose of this is not only to help you to solidify the direction you will be taking, but also for me to have a chance to make sure your topic is on track before you get any further along in the process.

    In at least 2-3 solid paragraphs, describe for the class your potential report topic. What is the central issue? Who will your audience be? What do you hope your report will accomplish? What might the basic structure look like? What resources will you need to gather? Basically, you can use this forum to brainstorm and start to develop your ideas along with your classmates!

    ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Loyola Marymount University American Federation of Teachers Union Flyer Humanities Assignment Help

    • You are an organizer for EITHER a Workers’ Association OR a Factory Owners’ Discussion Club.
    • You are designing a flyer for your group. You want to encourage others to join you.
    • What ideas would you promote? What would motivate others to come to your meeting?
    1. Use any program you wish to create your file, as long as you will be able to post the file to Canvas. You can include text and images. Play around with fonts and sizes and make it eye-catching!
    2. Save the file with a name identifying it as for a workers’ or owners’ group.
    3. Post your file to the discussion.
    4. Choose two flyers posted by other students, one from a workers’ group and one from an owners’ group.
    5. Post a reply to these two posts, explaining why workers and owners would consider attending the meeting targeting them.


    CJUS 550 Liberty University How to Counteract Grapevine Discussion Law Assignment Help

    For your thread, answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

    1. One of the most interesting items in the communication realm of organization management is the informal grapevine. The informal grapevine has the capacity to undermine the official communication function of a criminal justice organization. Discuss what a grapevine is and the best methods to counteract it.
    2. Explain the Senior Executive Service (SES). Discuss what it was, what is it now, and what appears it will be in the future?
    3. Research and explain what the major political imperatives within the federal system of hiring employees are and how they affect the professional process.

    must be at least 350 words with 2 references and a biblical perspective.


    RGA 6207 Reverse Translation Baxdela Writing Project Health Medical Assignment Help

    In completing Writing Assignment #1 for RGA6207 students will have the

    opportunity to “reverse translate” an FDA approved product insert and other

    documentation associated with approval of a pharmaceutical or biologic product

    back to the information submitted by the manufacturer in Module 1 of an eCTD

    submission. As discussed during Week 3 of the course, the required content for the

    US version of Module 1 is described by v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of

    Content Headings (11/1/2018). This document was included in your Blackboard

    Reading Materials folder in Week 3. Specific instructions are as follows:

    • Search FDA’s available database(s) to identify and select an FDA approved

    pharmaceutical or biologic product that received final approval on or after

    May 1, 2017.

    • Locate the approved product insert, as well as any other regulatory

    documentation associated with the product’s conditional marketing approval

    • Provide a description of the information that would likely have been

    submitted in the following sections of CTD Module 1, per the instructions

    outlined in v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of Content Headings


    – 1.14 Labeling

    – 1.15 Promotional Material

    – 1.16 Risk Management Plan

    – 1.17 Post-Marketing Studies

    – 1.18 Proprietary Names

    Your description should summarize the information that you are able to

    obtain on your conditionally approved product from the FDA website, as well

    as from general Internet-based sources. Internet based sources can be

    particularly useful to identify promotional materials utilized by product

    manufacturers to market the pharmaceutical or biologic product. The FDA’s

    Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) can often be helpful in this


    • From a holistic perspective, please provide an analysis of the risk

    management issues that might arise from application of FDA pre- and post-

    market regulations to your product selection. Please include this as part of

    your description of M1 section 1.16.

    Also, please ensure that your submission includes the following information for your

    chosen product

    1) Date of approval of the product

    2) A detailed description of the product

    3) Information regarding any FDA forms used in the marketing of the product

    4) What competitor versions of the product are available

    5) A brief synopsis of whether the product chosen is marketed in other global

    markets (i.e any of the EU5 – Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Japan,



    Troy University The Valley of the Kings Excavation Site Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    For your term paper in this course you need to make some research on one of the following
    major excavation sites listed below:
    • Troy (on the coast of Western Asia Minor – modern Turkey)
    • Thera or Santorini or Akrotiri (Cycladic island of the Aegean – modern Greece)
    • Mycenae (Mycenaean civilization, Argolid, Greece)
    • Knossos (Minoan civilization, Island of Crete, Greece)
    • Çatalhöyük (Anatolia)
    • Ur (the Royal cemetery in southern Iraq, Mesopotamia)
    • Valley of the Kings (Egypt)
    • Pompei (Roman culture)
    • Teotihuacan (Mexico)
    • Copan (Maya culture, Honduras).
    • Tenochtitlan (Atzec culture)
    • Cusco or Cuzco (Inca culture).
    The above sites represent also major civilizations all over the world that developed during a
    vast span of time.
    For your assignment you need to choose one of the above archaeological sites. Your project
    should have two parts. The first part should include the following information about the
    specific site: Geographical information, chronology, site description (e.g. palace, cemetery),
    important finds (e.g. statues, jewelry, weapons). From the finds, pick up one that you find
    more interesting and focus on presenting it in detail. This object could also be a building
    or a temple, palace or tomb that was discovered inside the broader archaeological site.
    The second part should include your research on the civilization that the specific site
    belongs to (e.g. Anatolian, Mesopotamian or Near Eastern culture, Minoan, Mycenaean
    civilization, Egyptian, Roman, Maya, Atzec, Inca). Write general information about the above
    cultures: e.g. society, administration, burial habits.
    It would be also good if you include a couple of visual materials (e.g a photo of the site and/or
    your object, a map etc.)
    Your paper should be about 5 pages long, double spaced, excluding bibliography, references
    and photos. You should use Times New Roman 12 font. At the end of the paper you should
    have the Bibliography used. References, which you could put either at each page or at the
    end of your essay, should be written in a consistent documentation style, according to the
    AJA/APA or MLA annotation system.
    Internet sources are acceptable, as long as they are fully and properly cited. You should also
    indicate in detail the sources of any images used (photos, architectural plans,
    reconstructions, etc.). In any case, any kind of plagiarism will result to an F grade for the

    [supanova_question] to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company (as approved by the instructor) you described in the Week 1 discussion.

    • Your selected company may be a startup company of your choosing or it may be based on the snack food company scenario provided to you.
  • Include four items in each category.
  • As you complete each quadrant of the SWOT Matrix, consider these questions:
    • Strengths.
      • What are your selected company’s likely strengths?
      • Is your product or service in a growing industry and does it lack an entrenched competitor?
      • Are you in a niche market with great potential?
      • What strengths do you and other team members bring to the company?
    • Weaknesses.
      • What are your chosen company’s likely weaknesses?
      • How entrenched is the competition in your industry segment?
      • Is your management team inexperienced?
      • How challenging will it be to produce the product or offer the service and maintain quality?
    • Opportunities.
      • What are your company’s opportunities?
      • Does your segment have more demand than supply?
      • Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter?
      • Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, changing tastes, et cetera?
    • Threats.
      • What are your company’s threats?
      • Does a clear market leader exist that will be hard and expensive to displace?
      • Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim?
      • Are there few or no barriers to entry for new competitors?
  • Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


    • Textbook Chapter 9, “Strategic Position & Risk Assessment,” pages 143–162, provides additional detail about this topic.
    • You will revise this week’s discussion post as part of your on the Week 3 assignment, Company Description and SWOT Matrix.

    Important notes:

    1. Complete the SWOT matrix in Word and then copy from there and paste it in the discussion window.

    2. DO NOT attach the Word document to the discussion window.

    3. Include your company name and a brief description of what business you are in, as well as the product(s) and service(s) you offer for sale. Provide this information in your response for this week to remind everyone about your business (no more than 3-4 sentences). Save this description to include in all your weekly discussion responses in this class.



    ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help

    This week, you can begin to think about plans for the Feasibility Report you’ll complete later in the class (it’s not due anytime soon, so don’t worry!) See the attached assignment sheet for the instructions for this assignment). For this discussion board, I’d like you to post one or more possible topic(s) that you think you might want to use for this project. The purpose of this is not only to help you to solidify the direction you will be taking, but also for me to have a chance to make sure your topic is on track before you get any further along in the process.

    In at least 2-3 solid paragraphs, describe for the class your potential report topic. What is the central issue? Who will your audience be? What do you hope your report will accomplish? What might the basic structure look like? What resources will you need to gather? Basically, you can use this forum to brainstorm and start to develop your ideas along with your classmates!

    ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Loyola Marymount University American Federation of Teachers Union Flyer Humanities Assignment Help

    • You are an organizer for EITHER a Workers’ Association OR a Factory Owners’ Discussion Club.
    • You are designing a flyer for your group. You want to encourage others to join you.
    • What ideas would you promote? What would motivate others to come to your meeting?
    1. Use any program you wish to create your file, as long as you will be able to post the file to Canvas. You can include text and images. Play around with fonts and sizes and make it eye-catching!
    2. Save the file with a name identifying it as for a workers’ or owners’ group.
    3. Post your file to the discussion.
    4. Choose two flyers posted by other students, one from a workers’ group and one from an owners’ group.
    5. Post a reply to these two posts, explaining why workers and owners would consider attending the meeting targeting them.


    CJUS 550 Liberty University How to Counteract Grapevine Discussion Law Assignment Help

    For your thread, answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

    1. One of the most interesting items in the communication realm of organization management is the informal grapevine. The informal grapevine has the capacity to undermine the official communication function of a criminal justice organization. Discuss what a grapevine is and the best methods to counteract it.
    2. Explain the Senior Executive Service (SES). Discuss what it was, what is it now, and what appears it will be in the future?
    3. Research and explain what the major political imperatives within the federal system of hiring employees are and how they affect the professional process.

    must be at least 350 words with 2 references and a biblical perspective.


    RGA 6207 Reverse Translation Baxdela Writing Project Health Medical Assignment Help

    In completing Writing Assignment #1 for RGA6207 students will have the

    opportunity to “reverse translate” an FDA approved product insert and other

    documentation associated with approval of a pharmaceutical or biologic product

    back to the information submitted by the manufacturer in Module 1 of an eCTD

    submission. As discussed during Week 3 of the course, the required content for the

    US version of Module 1 is described by v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of

    Content Headings (11/1/2018). This document was included in your Blackboard

    Reading Materials folder in Week 3. Specific instructions are as follows:

    • Search FDA’s available database(s) to identify and select an FDA approved

    pharmaceutical or biologic product that received final approval on or after

    May 1, 2017.

    • Locate the approved product insert, as well as any other regulatory

    documentation associated with the product’s conditional marketing approval

    • Provide a description of the information that would likely have been

    submitted in the following sections of CTD Module 1, per the instructions

    outlined in v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of Content Headings


    – 1.14 Labeling

    – 1.15 Promotional Material

    – 1.16 Risk Management Plan

    – 1.17 Post-Marketing Studies

    – 1.18 Proprietary Names

    Your description should summarize the information that you are able to

    obtain on your conditionally approved product from the FDA website, as well

    as from general Internet-based sources. Internet based sources can be

    particularly useful to identify promotional materials utilized by product

    manufacturers to market the pharmaceutical or biologic product. The FDA’s

    Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) can often be helpful in this


    • From a holistic perspective, please provide an analysis of the risk

    management issues that might arise from application of FDA pre- and post-

    market regulations to your product selection. Please include this as part of

    your description of M1 section 1.16.

    Also, please ensure that your submission includes the following information for your

    chosen product

    1) Date of approval of the product

    2) A detailed description of the product

    3) Information regarding any FDA forms used in the marketing of the product

    4) What competitor versions of the product are available

    5) A brief synopsis of whether the product chosen is marketed in other global

    markets (i.e any of the EU5 – Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Japan,



    Troy University The Valley of the Kings Excavation Site Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    For your term paper in this course you need to make some research on one of the following
    major excavation sites listed below:
    • Troy (on the coast of Western Asia Minor – modern Turkey)
    • Thera or Santorini or Akrotiri (Cycladic island of the Aegean – modern Greece)
    • Mycenae (Mycenaean civilization, Argolid, Greece)
    • Knossos (Minoan civilization, Island of Crete, Greece)
    • Çatalhöyük (Anatolia)
    • Ur (the Royal cemetery in southern Iraq, Mesopotamia)
    • Valley of the Kings (Egypt)
    • Pompei (Roman culture)
    • Teotihuacan (Mexico)
    • Copan (Maya culture, Honduras).
    • Tenochtitlan (Atzec culture)
    • Cusco or Cuzco (Inca culture).
    The above sites represent also major civilizations all over the world that developed during a
    vast span of time.
    For your assignment you need to choose one of the above archaeological sites. Your project
    should have two parts. The first part should include the following information about the
    specific site: Geographical information, chronology, site description (e.g. palace, cemetery),
    important finds (e.g. statues, jewelry, weapons). From the finds, pick up one that you find
    more interesting and focus on presenting it in detail. This object could also be a building
    or a temple, palace or tomb that was discovered inside the broader archaeological site.
    The second part should include your research on the civilization that the specific site
    belongs to (e.g. Anatolian, Mesopotamian or Near Eastern culture, Minoan, Mycenaean
    civilization, Egyptian, Roman, Maya, Atzec, Inca). Write general information about the above
    cultures: e.g. society, administration, burial habits.
    It would be also good if you include a couple of visual materials (e.g a photo of the site and/or
    your object, a map etc.)
    Your paper should be about 5 pages long, double spaced, excluding bibliography, references
    and photos. You should use Times New Roman 12 font. At the end of the paper you should
    have the Bibliography used. References, which you could put either at each page or at the
    end of your essay, should be written in a consistent documentation style, according to the
    AJA/APA or MLA annotation system.
    Internet sources are acceptable, as long as they are fully and properly cited. You should also
    indicate in detail the sources of any images used (photos, architectural plans,
    reconstructions, etc.). In any case, any kind of plagiarism will result to an F grade for the

    [supanova_question] to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company (as approved by the instructor) you described in the Week 1 discussion.

    • Your selected company may be a startup company of your choosing or it may be based on the snack food company scenario provided to you.
  • Include four items in each category.
  • As you complete each quadrant of the SWOT Matrix, consider these questions:
    • Strengths.
      • What are your selected company’s likely strengths?
      • Is your product or service in a growing industry and does it lack an entrenched competitor?
      • Are you in a niche market with great potential?
      • What strengths do you and other team members bring to the company?
    • Weaknesses.
      • What are your chosen company’s likely weaknesses?
      • How entrenched is the competition in your industry segment?
      • Is your management team inexperienced?
      • How challenging will it be to produce the product or offer the service and maintain quality?
    • Opportunities.
      • What are your company’s opportunities?
      • Does your segment have more demand than supply?
      • Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter?
      • Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, changing tastes, et cetera?
    • Threats.
      • What are your company’s threats?
      • Does a clear market leader exist that will be hard and expensive to displace?
      • Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim?
      • Are there few or no barriers to entry for new competitors?
  • Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


    • Textbook Chapter 9, “Strategic Position & Risk Assessment,” pages 143–162, provides additional detail about this topic.
    • You will revise this week’s discussion post as part of your on the Week 3 assignment, Company Description and SWOT Matrix.

    Important notes:

    1. Complete the SWOT matrix in Word and then copy from there and paste it in the discussion window.

    2. DO NOT attach the Word document to the discussion window.

    3. Include your company name and a brief description of what business you are in, as well as the product(s) and service(s) you offer for sale. Provide this information in your response for this week to remind everyone about your business (no more than 3-4 sentences). Save this description to include in all your weekly discussion responses in this class.



    ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help

    This week, you can begin to think about plans for the Feasibility Report you’ll complete later in the class (it’s not due anytime soon, so don’t worry!) See the attached assignment sheet for the instructions for this assignment). For this discussion board, I’d like you to post one or more possible topic(s) that you think you might want to use for this project. The purpose of this is not only to help you to solidify the direction you will be taking, but also for me to have a chance to make sure your topic is on track before you get any further along in the process.

    In at least 2-3 solid paragraphs, describe for the class your potential report topic. What is the central issue? Who will your audience be? What do you hope your report will accomplish? What might the basic structure look like? What resources will you need to gather? Basically, you can use this forum to brainstorm and start to develop your ideas along with your classmates!

    ENG 3105 BU Implementation of Blockchain Technology on Intel Company Proposal Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Loyola Marymount University American Federation of Teachers Union Flyer Humanities Assignment Help

    • You are an organizer for EITHER a Workers’ Association OR a Factory Owners’ Discussion Club.
    • You are designing a flyer for your group. You want to encourage others to join you.
    • What ideas would you promote? What would motivate others to come to your meeting?
    1. Use any program you wish to create your file, as long as you will be able to post the file to Canvas. You can include text and images. Play around with fonts and sizes and make it eye-catching!
    2. Save the file with a name identifying it as for a workers’ or owners’ group.
    3. Post your file to the discussion.
    4. Choose two flyers posted by other students, one from a workers’ group and one from an owners’ group.
    5. Post a reply to these two posts, explaining why workers and owners would consider attending the meeting targeting them.


    CJUS 550 Liberty University How to Counteract Grapevine Discussion Law Assignment Help

    For your thread, answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

    1. One of the most interesting items in the communication realm of organization management is the informal grapevine. The informal grapevine has the capacity to undermine the official communication function of a criminal justice organization. Discuss what a grapevine is and the best methods to counteract it.
    2. Explain the Senior Executive Service (SES). Discuss what it was, what is it now, and what appears it will be in the future?
    3. Research and explain what the major political imperatives within the federal system of hiring employees are and how they affect the professional process.

    must be at least 350 words with 2 references and a biblical perspective.


    RGA 6207 Reverse Translation Baxdela Writing Project Health Medical Assignment Help

    In completing Writing Assignment #1 for RGA6207 students will have the

    opportunity to “reverse translate” an FDA approved product insert and other

    documentation associated with approval of a pharmaceutical or biologic product

    back to the information submitted by the manufacturer in Module 1 of an eCTD

    submission. As discussed during Week 3 of the course, the required content for the

    US version of Module 1 is described by v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of

    Content Headings (11/1/2018). This document was included in your Blackboard

    Reading Materials folder in Week 3. Specific instructions are as follows:

    • Search FDA’s available database(s) to identify and select an FDA approved

    pharmaceutical or biologic product that received final approval on or after

    May 1, 2017.

    • Locate the approved product insert, as well as any other regulatory

    documentation associated with the product’s conditional marketing approval

    • Provide a description of the information that would likely have been

    submitted in the following sections of CTD Module 1, per the instructions

    outlined in v2.3.2 of FDA’s Comprehensive Table of Content Headings


    – 1.14 Labeling

    – 1.15 Promotional Material

    – 1.16 Risk Management Plan

    – 1.17 Post-Marketing Studies

    – 1.18 Proprietary Names

    Your description should summarize the information that you are able to

    obtain on your conditionally approved product from the FDA website, as well

    as from general Internet-based sources. Internet based sources can be

    particularly useful to identify promotional materials utilized by product

    manufacturers to market the pharmaceutical or biologic product. The FDA’s

    Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (OPDP) can often be helpful in this


    • From a holistic perspective, please provide an analysis of the risk

    management issues that might arise from application of FDA pre- and post-

    market regulations to your product selection. Please include this as part of

    your description of M1 section 1.16.

    Also, please ensure that your submission includes the following information for your

    chosen product

    1) Date of approval of the product

    2) A detailed description of the product

    3) Information regarding any FDA forms used in the marketing of the product

    4) What competitor versions of the product are available

    5) A brief synopsis of whether the product chosen is marketed in other global

    markets (i.e any of the EU5 – Germany, the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Japan,



    Troy University The Valley of the Kings Excavation Site Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    For your term paper in this course you need to make some research on one of the following
    major excavation sites listed below:
    • Troy (on the coast of Western Asia Minor – modern Turkey)
    • Thera or Santorini or Akrotiri (Cycladic island of the Aegean – modern Greece)
    • Mycenae (Mycenaean civilization, Argolid, Greece)
    • Knossos (Minoan civilization, Island of Crete, Greece)
    • Çatalhöyük (Anatolia)
    • Ur (the Royal cemetery in southern Iraq, Mesopotamia)
    • Valley of the Kings (Egypt)
    • Pompei (Roman culture)
    • Teotihuacan (Mexico)
    • Copan (Maya culture, Honduras).
    • Tenochtitlan (Atzec culture)
    • Cusco or Cuzco (Inca culture).
    The above sites represent also major civilizations all over the world that developed during a
    vast span of time.
    For your assignment you need to choose one of the above archaeological sites. Your project
    should have two parts. The first part should include the following information about the
    specific site: Geographical information, chronology, site description (e.g. palace, cemetery),
    important finds (e.g. statues, jewelry, weapons). From the finds, pick up one that you find
    more interesting and focus on presenting it in detail. This object could also be a building
    or a temple, palace or tomb that was discovered inside the broader archaeological site.
    The second part should include your research on the civilization that the specific site
    belongs to (e.g. Anatolian, Mesopotamian or Near Eastern culture, Minoan, Mycenaean
    civilization, Egyptian, Roman, Maya, Atzec, Inca). Write general information about the above
    cultures: e.g. society, administration, burial habits.
    It would be also good if you include a couple of visual materials (e.g a photo of the site and/or
    your object, a map etc.)
    Your paper should be about 5 pages long, double spaced, excluding bibliography, references
    and photos. You should use Times New Roman 12 font. At the end of the paper you should
    have the Bibliography used. References, which you could put either at each page or at the
    end of your essay, should be written in a consistent documentation style, according to the
    AJA/APA or MLA annotation system.
    Internet sources are acceptable, as long as they are fully and properly cited. You should also
    indicate in detail the sources of any images used (photos, architectural plans,
    reconstructions, etc.). In any case, any kind of plagiarism will result to an F grade for the


    New England College of Business and Finance Discrimination Press Release Computer Science Assignment Help

    New England College of Business and Finance Discrimination Press Release Computer Science Assignment Help

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