New York University Prospective Change Management Plan Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

New York University Prospective Change Management Plan Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help. New York University Prospective Change Management Plan Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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The paper will describe a Change Management Plan to address a prospective change in your organization or an organization for which you can obtain enough information to write a plan. You can choose to describe and assess either an incremental or a radical change. What actions would you take to implement the change? In what order would you implement them? Who are the main stakeholders involved? How would you work with them to ensure success of the initiative?

You may select a company that you can research through primary or secondary sources. You can choose to analyze your own organization, without disclosing the real name. You are still required to report “type of business, industry, and market” in which your selected company operates.

New York University Prospective Change Management Plan Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Point Loma Nazarene University ?Lost Letters of Pergamum Essay Writing Assignment Help

Critical Response to Longenecker’s Lost Letters of Pergamum:

Instructions: Compose and submit a 1550-1860 word (roughly 5-6 page) critical response to the entirety of Longenecker’s novel. This response should pursue the following goals:

  1. Explain how The Lost Letters contributes to your understanding of ancient epistolary exchanges and collections.
  2. Explain how The Lost Letters contributes to your understanding of patronage, honor, and shame within the NT—in particular, in this text, distinguish Heen’s concept of “radical patronage” from traditional forms of patronage.
  3. Explain how The Lost Letters contributes to your overall understanding of the shape of early Christian communities as a countercultural people of God. In particular, bring this text into conversation with Lohfink’s description of the radical, nonviolent, new family/contrast society called forth by Jesus.
  4. Finally, conclude by contemplating in what ways Longenecker’s text might apply to our own present-day context.

Throughout your paper, demonstrate mastery of the text’s underlying concepts and arguments for best results.

Hello, please write this essay by Saturday November 30th

Please have knowledge of the book “Lost Letters of Pergamum” by Longenecker and include the 4 required goals within the response that are listed above.

the paper needs to be double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman

Please quote at least 3 citations from the book

Let me know if you have any question.


Los Angeles Pierce Relationship Between Brain Abnormalities & Psychopathic Behavior Paper Writing Assignment Help

Professor’s Instructions:

The final paper is a review paper on a topic relating to brain and behavior relationship. The articles used for this paper are empirical research paper published in peered review journal. You are required to have a minimum of 5 articles and cite them in your review. The final paper has a 5 page minimum, double space and 12 point font. The style can either be Verdana, Times Roman, Ariel, or Courier. Your final paper has to be APA style that contains the following:

Cover Page

Literature Review


IMPORTANT: The professor specifically said he wants absolutely NO QUOTES in this paper. So all research has to be paraphrased and cited.

I have decided to write the paper on the relationship between abnormalities in the brain and how that translates to psychopathy. I have already come up with an introduction and a thesis so please follow the outline provided for you. I have also went ahead and written the first paragraph. I will be uploading the first page of this essay that I have done so far and you can copy and paste that onto your document and continue writing from there. Please feel free to ask any questions, thank you 🙂

Notes: I have also left some cool information in the document I will be uploading in case you want to use it in the last paragraph as a part of “treatment methods”. It is highlighted in pink and it needs to be paraphrased and cited. (The website is under) Also, don’t worry about the citation “Santana” I have already made in my work, I will fix that and add it to the reference page once you have finished.

Lastly, I have put in the description for this assignment that I’m requiring 4 pages but that is only because I am providing the first page for you. The final product has to be 5 pages not including the cover or reference page.


LAWS420 DeVry University Military Training Video Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Choose two of the following training videos to watch. Transcripts are also available, and you are encouraged to download those and read them as well. Take notes as you watch the trainings—you may want to watch them quite a few times, so you should get started earlier in the week.

Business Ethics Simulation (Links to an external site.) (Transcript) (Links to an external site.)

Ethical Dilemma (Links to an external site.) (Transcript) (Links to an external site.)

Crime Scene Investigation: Hair (Links to an external site.) (Transcript) (Links to an external site.)

Crime Scene Investigation: Blood (Links to an external site.) (Transcript) (Links to an external site.)

Crime Scene Investigation: Fingerprints (Links to an external site.) (Transcript) (Links to an external site.)

As you watch the trainings, take notes on the following things you notice or consider.

  1. Who does the audience seem to be for the training?
  2. What type of learner would best learn from this training?
  3. How much learner control do the learners have in this training? How much should they have?
  4. What is the reason this training is being done through technology and not traditionally? Does this seem to be the best method? If not, what method would you have suggested?
  5. Was a positive online learning experience created?
  6. Were learning objectives for the training provided to the trainees before, during, or after the training? If yes, what were they, and were they met? If not, what did they seem to be, and were they met?
  7. How would you rate the quality of the training? Would you recommend this training? Would you pay to take this training if this is your field?


Your paper will analyze two of the trainings and should cover the following concepts. The organization of your paper will be like a report, so please use headings to organize the report. Your boss wants to know if you think these training modules will work for some upcoming training. The training will be for 25 people in your organization, at a cost of $150 per seat, for access for 2 weeks. You will be reporting to your boss as to whether you think your organization should purchase these trainings to use. You will provide a one-page analysis (each) for each of the trainings; and then on your final one to two pages, you will discuss the business case for using these modules (or not using them). This might include the cost-effectiveness of providing these modules as training to your organization, the benefits of using these modules for training, or any downsides and alternatives you recommend to the use of these modules. Based on your best estimate, determine whether you feel the value of the training will be recouped by the organization through a benefit (savings) or whether it will be borne by the organization as a necessary expense. Feel free to supplement your analysis with your own assumed facts. (Be as creative as you want to be.)

Page 1

Explain the background of one of the training videos, the content, the learning objectives that it would meet, the time frame it will take, and the style of learners it will appeal to.

Provide a brief analysis as to the quality of the training tutorial and whether it seems worth $150 per seat, and provide at least one alternative training method that could be done (and at approximately what cost). Use at least one alternative method of training discussed in Chapter 7. Finally discuss the cost of live-styled traditional training—hiring an expert in the field of the tutorial’s topic—or whether you feel you have in-house experts who could do this training just as well. These alternatives can be summarized and explained briefly.

Page 2

Write a similar analysis and write-up of the second training video. Where your thoughts are the same as for the first video, you can briefly summarize by saying, “This training is similar to the first module in the areas of . . .” Then move into what is different. Perhaps there are benefits as a result of the two modules being similar; explain these in your paper as well.

Pages 3 and 4

Propose to either use these videos for your training or some alternative method for training. In your proposal, explain to your boss (using professional-style writing) the reasons for your choice. Include the concepts that are covered in Chapters 7 and 8 as reasons for or against the use of the training tutorials or videos or modules or your alternative method you proposed on pages 1 and 2. Provide your final recommendation in your concluding paragraph.

Title Page and Executive Summary

On the front page of the report, use a title page. On page 2, create a brief executive summary (four to five sentences, tops) that provides to your supervisor the topic of your proposal with your final recommendation. Assume that your supervisor may want to use that document to send up the chain as a training recommendation, so include any specific numbers you feel are important in that document. (Note that APA sixth edition does not provide for executive summaries; instead, it discusses abstracts. APA sixth edition is for scholarly publications and not business writing. Because this is a report to your supervisor, title it as an executive summary to get practice in business writing method.)


Your points will be allocated as follows.

Analysis of the training modules

  • First module: 20 points
  • Second module: 15 points
  • Proposal: 20 points
  • Conclusion and Recommendation: 10 points
  • Executive summary: 5 points
  • APA formatting, style, and grammar: 5 points

Your professor will look for signs that you have incorporated the learning concepts from Chapters 7 and 8 into your paper, along with your analysis and description of the training modules. Any math you provide for cost-benefit will be considered beneficial to your recommendations, so definitely include it. Errors in math will be noted by your professor only; points for math errors will not be deducted. Thus, please feel safe in trying your hand at creating some ROI and cost-benefit discussions in this proposal!


Florida National University What Is Radiation Protection Research Health Medical Assignment Help

This is a research paper on Radiation protection.

Books that can be used as reference : Principles of Radiographic Imaging 5th Edition and Radiography Prep Edition 9.

– Effects of radiation; somatic and genetic effects, dose-response relationship, late effects (stochastic, nonstochastic )

– Patient radiation and protection

* Collimation (beam restriction)

* Technical factors that play a role in reducing patient dose(kvp, mAs, distance)

* Shielding the patient (gonadal shielding)

* Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) how does this affect the patient radiation?

* Grids

* In fluoroscopy, how is the radiation reduced for the patient?

– Radiographer and Personnel protection

* Occupational radiation sources ( scattered radiation and leakage radiation)


* Dosimeters

* Cardinal Rules ( time, distance shielding)

* Inverse square law

* Primary and secondary barriers

* different types of shielding for the radiographer

* In case a radiopgrapher is pregnant what is done?

* Mobile units and fluoroscopy effects of radiographer.



El Centro College Chapter 4 Identity Race and Gender in Art Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Identity, Race, and Gender in Art Assignment

Read Chapter 4.10 in the text to address the following in a short essay of at least 800 words addressing all of the questions below:

1. Pick an artwork from Chapter 4.10 (or find an artwork from another source) that expresses your personal experience of identity, race, and/or gender.

a. How do you personally relate to this image?

b. Is the association positive or negative and why?

2. What role/roles have you played in your life that conform to or deviate from established norms?

a. How does society in general view this role/roles?

b. How has this role/roles shaped your worldview?

3. How could you communicate your experience to your audience in an artwork?

a. What specific materials would you use?

b. Describe your artwork using specific elements/principles you have learned about to describe (would it be balanced? use complementary colors? etc..)

c. What could be the benefit of engaging an audience in the viewing of this artwork?

d. Would you feel compelled to exhibit this artwork? Where and why?

El Centro College Chapter 4 Identity Race and Gender in Art Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California San Diego Palestinian Struggle & The Israel Palestine Conflict HW Humanities Assignment Help


You will read one newspaper or media article of your choice from the world press (it can be an academic article as well) on the Palestinian struggle and the Israel-Palestine conflict, broadly defined (for instance, it can be on U.S. policy towards Israel, on any current event in Israel or Palestine, etc.).

Underline and highlight what you think are the main parts of the article, make comments along the margins, and make sure it is sourced.




BSC1005C Saint Petersburg Primates Science Experiment Observation and Analysis Science Assignment Help

  • My Science Experiment Observations Dropbox

  • Instructions:

    View General Grading RubricIn this activity, you will be doing an observation project. You will set up an experiment in which you will objectively observe a species in a natural habitat for 2 hours.1. Conduct your observations over one species in a natural habitat for two hours. Note: this does not include a nature video, your home, people at the beach, classmates or relatives, or domesticated animals.Your observation is only over 1 species and not multiple species and it should be on wild species found in a natural habitat. For example, if you are observing egrets, that’s all you’re observing. You don’t also observe alligators, herons, ibises, etc.The following are approved locations for observation:

    • Beach
    • Nature park: state or county
    • Pond, lake or river
    • Local zoo
    • Local aquarium

    While observing, record your observations using the following guidelines:

    • Record your observations in a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx), or transfer your written notes to a Microsoft Word document following your observations.
    • All observations will be checked for originality / duplication among the group.
    • Start each observation with a time, date and weather conditions.
    • Record the time at 10 minute intervals throughout the observation for a total of 2 hours.
    • Record simply what is going on in the area during your time there. Was there one individual or many of the same species? Was the species you are observing interacting with other organisms? If so, was it another organism of the same or different species? Was the species you are observing sleeping, eating, etc. Do not make any judgments in the observation.
    • Include at least 5 pictures taken on site of the observation and the species you are observing.

    2. Plan your observation schedule. Your schedule may consist of two single-hour observations, or one 2 hour observation. Make sure to note time, date and weather conditions regardless of schedule.3. Read the following resources to learn about systematic observations:

    Upload your .doc or .docx file to this dropbox.

  • My Science Experiment Analysis Dropbox


    View General Grading RubricIn this activity, you will be reflecting upon your observation and analyzing it. You will be doing one of the steps in scientific experimentation-one in which you objectively analyze your data and attempt to find patterns in the observations.You will need to look at the observations you have made, and try and draw conclusions for what you have observed. Answer the following questions using a minimum word count of at least 500 words total. Email your Professor if you have any questions.

    1. Did the species stay or leave the area in your time frame?
    2. If the species left, did it return? Why do you think it did this?
    3. Was the species alone or in a group?
    4. Did you see any patterns in how they grouped together?
    5. Can you tell if they were a mixed group (males and females, adults and juveniles) or homogeneous?
    6. What was the behavior of the species: sleeping, eating, playing, etc.
    7. Where there any juveniles or babies around? If so, what was the behavior of the organism?
    8. Once you find a pattern, discuss what you believe is the explanation, and support it with at least two sources of support. Note: this is not your opinion on their behavior, but the scientifically supported research discussing the species’ behavior as documented by others.

    Use APA style for your citations.Upload your .doc or .docx file to this dropbox.


EN361 Northern Illinois Identifying a IRL Problem and Propose a Solution HW Business Finance Assignment Help

For this assignment, you need to demonstrate that you can 1) write a formal proposal using a conventional format and 2) prepare an appropriate research plan for your recommendation report.

To begin, you will identify a real-life problem that needs to be solved by someone that you know (a supervisor, friend, co-worker, etc.). You will prepare a proposal, addressed to your decisionmaker, in which you convince this person to support you in your efforts to conduct research and recommend a solution to the problem. You will need to talk with your decision-maker as you prepare the proposal to gather information about the background of the problem and potential appropriate solutions.

The proposal should identify the problem to be solved, outline the plans for your research, and convince your decision-maker that you are the appropriate person to conduct the research. The proposal should not include the results of your research. You will present the results of your research in the next assignment, the recommendation report.

Your research plan must include two methods of research: one method should be an interview and the other can be a research method of your choice. This second research method can include library research, Internet research, surveys, or any other method discussed in your textbook. You can use more than two methods if appropriate for your project. The “deliverable” you are promising in your proposal is a recommendation report: you will present the findings of your research and the recommended solution in a formal report to the decision-maker.

Your proposal should be presented as a formal proposal written to the appropriate decisionmaker. It should follow the conventions for formatting, organization, structure, and tone for proposals, as described in the textbook. The document should be 2-4 single-spaced pages. The proposal should include all of the following:

Identifying information (To:, From:, Date:, and Subject:): Write the proposal to your real-world client/decision-maker. Introduction: Provide an overview of the project and your proposal. Clearly explain the problem that your research will address and why this problem needs a solution.

Research Plan: Identify and describe each of your research methods in detail. You should be specific about what research methods you will use, what sources you will consult, and why these research methods are the most appropriate for your project. Include interview questions, survey questions, and other research tools as appropriate. Explain why you have selected these particular research methods over others. You are required to conduct at least one interview for this project.

Qualifications: Describe why you are qualified to complete the research and why you are the appropriate person to solve this problem.

Task Schedule: Outline a timeline for completion of the project. This timeline should take into consideration the deadlines for assignments as outlined in the course syllabus.

Evaluation: Your proposal will be evaluated based on the following:

Persuasion: All of the above sections are required. Each section should include an appropriate level of detail to effectively persuade your reader that you understand his/her needs, that you have decided on a carefully designed research plan, and that you are committed to and capable of completing the research.

Identification of problem: The report should clearly identify a problem to be solved and name the appropriate decision-maker for that problem.

Research design: The proposal should describe, in detail, two research methods. You should not only describe what research methods you will use, but why they are the best for your project. Justify why you are using these methods and these sources. Some preliminary research may be necessary to arrive at a solid research design. You are required to conduct one interview for this project.

Format: Content should be arranged according to the conventions of structures of formal proposals.

Visual design: Your proposal should have consistent headings, hierarchies, font styles and sizes, margins, and spacing throughout, i.e., it should look professional Mechanics: Proposal should be free from grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors.


MGMT310 American Military Coca Cola Company Organization Structure Paper Writing Assignment Help

Week 4 Paper: Why Do You Do What You Do?

Identify an organization and develop an organizational chart listing all the key leaders. List their roles as well as discuss how their responsibilities tie to the organization’s mission, vision, and values. Please feel free to use your company. However, if that information is not available, please conduct a search and select a company that provides the information. Contact your instructor if you have any questions about how to proceed.


  • The assignment should be between 5-7 pages which include the cover page and reference page.
  • Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion that summarize the contents of the entire paper.
  • References: A minimum of two references are required for this assignment. You may use your textbook as a reference in addition to the two references.


New York University Prospective Change Management Plan Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

New York University Prospective Change Management Plan Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

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