New York University Reasons why E-Sports be Considered Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

New York University Reasons why E-Sports be Considered Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help. New York University Reasons why E-Sports be Considered Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me understand better.
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I need a 10 page research paper that written from the perspective of a person whose second language is English, so you don’t need comlpex sentences. The topic is Esports should be considered as a sport. Basically it should be about 10 pagaes and use 10 creditable source. I’ve already created a proposal and outline in the attached files. And also I have already found 4 sources you can find 6 more and use in the paper. In the outline, I have ideas for 2 paragraphs, you can follow my ideas to structure the paragraph and witre more paragraphs with the sources you find. Thank you!

New York University Reasons why E-Sports be Considered Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California University Northridge American Ideology Interview Review Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science exercise and need support to help me learn.

Choose someone to interview about class, status, and power in society. Ask the person who you are interviewing the following questions:

1. What does the “American Dream” mean to you?

2. What does it take to succeed in America today?

3. Do some people have a better chance of getting ahead than others, and if so, why?

4. How do you think the social class a person is born into affects their ability to make it in America?

5. How much of a person’s success or failure in life is due to things that they can individually control? How much is due to things that are out of their control (the economy, job opportunities, access to education, etc.)?

6. Do you think that income and wealth in the United States is distributed fairly? (ex. how much average workers make versus how much CEO’s make, the way that middle class people are taxed versus the way that wealthy people are taxed).

7. Compared to forty years ago, do you think it is easier or harder for people to achieve the American Dream? Why do you think it is (easier/harder)?

Assignment Write-up: Analyze the responses of the person you interviewed. In what ways do the person’s responses coalesce around or contradict ideas of: individual achievement, self-reliance, equality of opportunity, meritocracy, work ethic, class consciousness, individual responsibility vs.collective responsibility that were discussed in Chapter 8? In what ways do the person’s responses support and/or contradict the dominant American ideology? In what ways do the person’s responses legitimate inequality and/or question inequality in American society? Make sure to use examples from your interview data to support your write up and analysis.

Assignment Format:
Word document
2.0 (double-spaced)
1 inch margins
12pt Times New Roman font
4 ½ – 5 pages long (approximately 1,500 – 2,000 words).

Seen by Edita at 6:30 PM



California University Northridge American Dream Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need support to help me study.

Choose someone to interview about class, status, and power in society. Ask the person who you are interviewing the following questions:

1. What does the “American Dream” mean to you?

2. What does it take to succeed in America today?

3. Do some people have a better chance of getting ahead than others, and if so, why?

4. How do you think the social class a person is born into affects their ability to make it in America?

5. How much of a person’s success or failure in life is due to things that they can individually control? How much is due to things that are out of their control (the economy, job opportunities, access to education, etc.)?

6. Do you think that income and wealth in the United States is distributed fairly? (ex. how much average workers make versus how much CEO’s make, the way that middle class people are taxed versus the way that wealthy people are taxed).

7. Compared to forty years ago, do you think it is easier or harder for people to achieve the American Dream? Why do you think it is (easier/harder)?

Assignment Write-up: Analyze the responses of the person you interviewed. In what ways do the person’s responses coalesce around or contradict ideas of: individual achievement, self-reliance, equality of opportunity, meritocracy, work ethic, class consciousness, individual responsibility vs.collective responsibility that were discussed in Chapter 8? In what ways do the person’s responses support and/or contradict the dominant American ideology? In what ways do the person’s responses legitimate inequality and/or question inequality in American society? Make sure to use examples from your interview data to support your write up and analysis.

Assignment Format:

  • Word document
  • 2.0 (double-spaced)
  • 1 inch margins
  • 12pt Times New Roman font
  • 4 ½ – 5 pages long (approximately 1,500 – 2,000 words).
  • [supanova_question]

    Western Governors University Ethical Decision Making Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a nursing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


    You have been working as a nurse in the adult oncology unit for the past year. You have developed a close relationship with many of your patients, but Mr. Newcomb has a special place in your heart. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and has undergone aggressive chemotherapy. Each day his wife has come to the unit to be with her husband. They have been married for over 40 years and share a deep love.

    Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb have made the decision to no longer continue with treatment and have decided that hospice care is needed. Over the past few days, you have watched Mr. Newcomb’s health decline, and you can tell from your experience that he does not have much time left to live. Mr. Newcomb has been very open about discussing his death, and you have had the opportunity to learn about his life and the legacy he will leave behind.

    While you are completing your rounds, you stop in Mr. Newcomb’s room to see how he is doing. You ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Mr. Newcomb has rarely asked for anything, but today he has one request. Mr. Newcomb states, “Before I die, I would like to see my mistress one more time. Mrs. Newcomb is always here. Do you think you could tell her that I will be busy for a few hours tomorrow so I can make arrangements to see my mistress one more time?”

    Reflect on the following questions before you begin working on this task:

  • What would you do in this scenario?
  • How can your knowledge of ethical principles be utilized to determine your response to Mr. Newcomb?
  • How would this affect you as a nurse and direct provider of care for Mr. Newcomb?

    Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

    You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

    A. Summarize how the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice apply to the scenario by doing the following:

    1. Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb’s request.

    2. Evaluate how you applied the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice to the scenario.

    3. Examine how personal beliefs and values influenced your response to the scenario.

    4. Describe three strategies to promote self-care.

    B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

    C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


    Colorado Technical University Creating Public Value Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management question and need support to help me study.

    Response Guidelines

    Respond to at least one other learner concerning the role of strategic planning in human services.

    Your post must be substantive and contribute to the discussion. Compare your analysis to that of your peer and comment on the similarities and differences that you see. If there are aspects that you do not agree with, present an argument to support your position. If you need more information from your peer, be sure to ask questions for clarity.

    Student post down below:

    Strategic planning is the basis and foundation for any successful organization, whether nonprofit, government, for profit or mixed. It embodies two essential characteristic, which are to focus on a clear, final, and firm goal to be achieved and to consider all possibilities while always keeping in mind the changing environment (UNESCO, 2010). As an organization strategically plans, leaders are aiming to essentially beat the curve, developing ideas for the future needs of the community it serves based on past interventions, services, and data points. Innovation within organizations allows for them to keep up with the unexpected and everchanging world. Advancements in technology, an increase in migration, change in the economy, are just a few of the constant changes that organizations have to face (Bryson, 2018).

    Public value is important in the success of an organization. The longevity and value of what an organization offers in terms of service, innovative interventions, and consistent updates in process, procedures, and regulations determines the efficacy and worth of an organization. Funding received by organizations, on any scale, is determined partially by the public value of said agency. If an organization for example, continues with outdated rules and regulations, works with paper and pen instead of laptops, focuses on data points from over ten years ago, etc., they may receive significantly less funding from grants and government than an organization that is doing the opposite. Using strategic planning also allows for organizations to stay up to date with the changes within their community. For example, if an organization that provide ESL classes for Spanish speaking families does not realize that the population has had an influx of African natives, they will be doing the current community an injustice by not developing ESL classes for the newer population as well.

    Increasing an organizations public value does not mean that the organization must constantly abandon a community because there have been changes, but that the organization must adapt and interconnect those changes with what they have already been successfully doing. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, but it is important to keep it rolling.



    USF Analyzing Dynamic EMG and VMG Signals of Respiratory Muscles Article Review Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a engineering Presentation and need support to help me learn.

    You are to read an IEEE article, and put together
    5-7 slides as if you were to give a 5-8 minute presentation.

    Use the following questions to guide you through the paper reading process (and subsequently putting together your

    – What are the motivations for the article?

    – What is the article’s evaluation of the problem and/or proposed solution?

    – What is your analysis of the application of spectrograms to the problem, idea, and/or solution described in the

    – What are possible future directions for the topic described in the article?

    – What questions are you left with?

    The content of your slides should progress/flow in a logical manner, with each point leading to the next in a “smooth”
    manner. You should NOT be copying/pasting text from the article to your slides. The text-based content of your slides
    should be in your own words, based upon your interpretations/understandings of the article (it is okay if you do not
    fully grasp/follow the mathematical equations/proofs in the article). The important thing is for your slides to convey the “bigger picture” takeaways of the article. In addition
    to text, you should include appropriate pictures/images in your slides. Pictures that you did not create should be

    USF Analyzing Dynamic EMG and VMG Signals of Respiratory Muscles Article Review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    CSE 463 Alfaisal University The Equivalence Partitions Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

    I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    You need to have knowledge in java, JUnit, and EP partitioning in testing. Please follow the document given.

    part 1) a)Use the techniques and approaches discussed in the class to determine equivalent classes to test this functionality.

    b)Develop test cases (a table with test case #, test value, and expected output as columns) based on your equivalent classes and test the system for correctness

    part2) using a credit card verification method I will give. a)How do you test this application using EP technique ? Identify your EPs . Write test cases based on your EPs(use strong robust classification).

    b)Develop Junit test cases based on your test cased listed above and test the java program given. Thisjava program has two defects. Identify defects in this program (If your test cases can catch them, you have developed good set of test cases!).

    c)How do you fix the defects in the program?

    part 3)a) suppose you need to test this application using decision table technique. Develop a decision table based on the above description.

    b)Develop test cases based on your decision table in part (a) above.

    More details will be given when you’re accepted. Please remmember to follow directions precicely


    JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Building Business Urgency Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a business question and need support to help me learn.

    Dear Dr. Agler and Classmates,


    Building Urgency


    Discuss a situation you have been in at work where people were complacent about a change. Use the questions below to guide you:


    • Where did the complacency originate from and how was it dealt with?


    employment with Lakeland Bank began as the Director of Retail Sales.
    The assignment within the organization was to implement a sales culture
    and to drive the sense of urgency. We implemented a new goal and
    incentive program for all branch-based associates. We focused on our
    tellers as they are often the unsung heroes of the Retail bank. We were
    fortunate to have approximately twenty percent of the associate based
    become early adopters within the first 90 days.


    • Which groups displayed the greatest urgency and which displayed the greatest complacency?


    to my joining the organization, back office operations refused to use
    the system as they had not been engaged as part of the development and
    decision-making process (1, Welch & Welch). More than complacent,
    back-office operations simply would not use the CRM system. Back-office
    continued to use email for a few months.


    we began to celebrate success, primarily among our early adopting
    tellers, back-office began to take notice. Enthusiasm from the tellers
    was infectious. We asked the tellers to acknowledge back office
    operation associates for support received, essentially spreading good
    will. Back office began to realize the CRM technology could help
    support their processes in a significant pinch. Hurricane Irene brought
    this to a head. In August 2011, New Jersey lost power and communicates
    for more than a week. Clean water, gasoline, and cash were virtually
    non-existent. As a community bank, we needed to serve the needs of our
    customers and our associates. The CRM was stable and the email platform
    was unstable. Back office converted to the CRM system to support the
    front lines and were able to monitor successes.


    What could have been done to create a greater sense of urgency?


    office operations staff are typically in their role as they have strong
    analytical capabilities. Often, these associates fall into the steady
    category in DISC profiles (2, Their ability to
    meet task completion and follow the rules is part of their strengths.
    This team of associates typically does not respond well to urgency and
    does not embrace change. If back office had been included as part of
    the development and decision-making process, greater urgency and better
    associate engagement may have been attained.


    Thank you for taking the time to review my post. Have a great week! Ellen




    1. Jack & Suzy Welch. 2012. The Real-Life MBA.


    Email Author


    University of Nairobi Chapter 14 Work Life Balance Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a literature writing question and need support to help me study.

    Page 1: APA 7th edition Cover Page: page numbering in header, your title (bold), subtitle (bold), your name, university name, course number and name, Professor’s name and date of assignment.

    Pages 2-3: Two pages of APA formatted double-spaced writing critically exploring your own experiences, goals and career path. You should discuss how the assigned readings could enhance your personal journey, your future career path and your professionalism. Use subtitles to separate intro, body, and conclusion. APA formatted in-text citations are required. (250-500 word count for intro, body and conclusion)

    Page 4: References in APA format. (Cite textbook and any other source you used) Do not include references not cited in in-text citations.

    you have access to the book “professional communications” on a bookshelf

    do not forget to use APA 7th edition format and do not use running headers.

    250-500 words

    Thank you


    Strayer Univeristy Health & Medical Clinical Quality in Ambulatory Care Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me study.

    Ambulatory care encompasses a diverse and growing sector of the health care delivery system. Physician services are the chief components. Hospital outpatient and emergency departments, community health centers, departments of health, and voluntary agencies also contribute important services, however, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations.

    Today, patients have many options for how and where they spend their money. That includes selecting a health care provider. Hospitals seek to achieve the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award to excel in improving quality patient care and to be more competitive in health care. (For more information, see What is the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)?) St. David’s HealthCare reviewed its operations and knew it was critical for the organization to continually improve. St. David’s HealthCare adopted Baldrige criteria.


    Recall, in the SWOT PowerPoint assignment, you were hired as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of We Care Hospital and one of your first tasks was to conduct a SWOT analysis of the HIT system at the hospital. Review your SWOT. You have now been working at the health care facility for several months. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) would like to become more competitive in the health care market and to show their patients that they are one of the top-rated hospitals. The CEO asks you to review the Malcolm Baldrige requirements to help improve emergency room waiting times. Your research found a trend analysis at St. David’s HealthCare facility that earned them the Malcolm Baldrige Award. According to the ASQ Knowledge Center, in 2008, wait times were over 45 minutes and steadily declined to just over 15 minutes in 2014.


    Write a three to four-page paper in which you:

    1. Research peer-reviewed journal articles on how to achieve clinical quality in ambulatory care and identify best practices.
    2. Analyze the triage status of emergency department visits in the United States. (Hint: See Figure 5-3 in the textbook.)
    3. Provide a recommendation to the CEO on whether We Care Hospital operations can potentially meet the Malcolm Baldrige award criteria. Why or why not? Justify your response.
    4. Use at least three recent (within the last five years) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Prepare a recommendation for achieving clinical quality in ambulatory care based on research of best practices.


    New York University Reasons why E-Sports be Considered Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

    New York University Reasons why E-Sports be Considered Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

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