News Coverage Comparison the Guardian the Washington Post & Aljazeera Discussion Writing Assignment Help

News Coverage Comparison the Guardian the Washington Post & Aljazeera Discussion Writing Assignment Help. News Coverage Comparison the Guardian the Washington Post & Aljazeera Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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I’m stuck on a Communications question and need an explanation.

To complete this APA practice assignment, first choose a current news story. Then, locate at least three (3) different versions of the news story from different (credible) sources. Be sure to avoid any sources that are likely to be conspiracy theory sites, bought-and-paid-for research, or any other type of “incredible” source.

Second, you will be comparing the coverage of the general news story as it is laid out in the three different news sources. In one paragraph, briefly describe how each source discusses the basic story differently. Be sure to internally cite each of the three sources as they are discussed, and if you use any direct quotations be very clear in both quoting and citing those sources.

Third, find two (2) scholarly sources that help illustrate the claim you are making about how the story is told differently in different sources. Scholarly sources to back your analysis will help reinforce the value of your claim. In a second paragraph, use these sources to explain what you see happening in the ways the news story is told, citing the two scholarly sources, and any of the news sources that are directly referenced again.

Finally, write your reference page including all of the sources you cited in the two paragraph mini-essay. Be sure the reference page is correctly formatted in APA.

If you choose to use the built-in Microsoft Word citation builder and/or the APA paper template, be sure you enter the information into the correct data sections. Journal titles, magazine titles, and other similar title entries are a common error people make using that technology. If you are using one of the library databases, it’s not always easy to find that information. If you have questions or are unsure, check with the professor or a librarian. They will be happy to help.

News Coverage Comparison the Guardian the Washington Post & Aljazeera Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

STU Generational Differences Influence on Organizational Culture Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help

Organizational Assessment


To analyze an organizational chart.
I am and Icu nurse

Content Requirements:

  1. Identify the type of organizational structure.
  2. From the organizational chart, discusses the various lines of communication and reporting. Identify what you have observed to be the formal and informal reporting lines; who the real leaders in this organization are; and issues of power and control. Describe how social and cultural influences of your community are integrated into the delivery of care in your organization
  3. Describe how generational differences influence organizational culture.
  4. Incorporate the organization’s mission, vision and strategic plan; including what the future looks like for the organization.
  5. Discuss how nursing fits into the organization, both now and into the future.

Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper is to be 3 – 4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
  • Your paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)


University of Southern California Behavior Score to Minimize the CLR Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Homework 4: Design a process to improve this.

Problem Statement: – Design a solution procedure to build a better behavior score – Right now they do this: Use internal behavioral data Build a logistic regression binary classification score Define bad as 90 days delinquent anytime over the next 6 months Maximize the score KS Sort by the score, sum the losses and purchases amounts for the lowest (safest) 70% accounts – Calculate the CLR (sum of losses / sum of purchases) at 70%. The goal is to minimize this CLR at 70%. Requirements: Here are three examples (see attached files) of pretty good submissions for homeworks. It’s best if you begin by stating what the business problem is, in your own words, so it’s clear to the reader that you understand the problem. Then describe the proposed solution approach. If appropriate, you can also describe any assumptions you made, particularly about data that is needed. You might describe several solution paths depending on what data might be available. Four parts: the problem statement, the solution, the data needed (your assumptions), and the action plan The goal is for the reader to read it, easily understand it, and believe it will work well to solve the problem. It’s not enough to have a great idea – you also need to communicate it well.


MBA FP6247 Faulkner U Applied Psychology and Changing Demographics Paper Writing Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

The laws and regulations on hiring and managing talent are dynamic and impact today’s practice. Practices that might have been acceptable two decades ago could likely be prohibited under today’s federal hiring practices. Research a case law for discrimination then write a two- to four-page analysis addressing the points listed below. Use the APA writing style and a minimum of two scholarly and/or credible sources in addition to the text. In your analysis,

  • Identify the case.
  • Explain the specific discrimination.
  • Summarize the case issue, findings, and outcome.
  • Explain how the findings from the case are applied to today’s practices.

The Applied Psychology and Changing Demographics paper

  • Must be two to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must utilize academic voice.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
  • Must use at least two scholarly and/or credible sources in addition to the course text.
  • Utilize correct APA formatting for legal sources include case law and legislation.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style
  • Avoid over-dependence on direct quotes. Direct quotes are a great way to strengthen our assertions and provide support. However, be sure to avoid using excessive direct quotes in lieu of original thought. Direct quotes will not meet the requirement for analysis, application, and critical thinking. Please ensure to not overuse direct quotes.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style


Stratford Health Assessment Plan Determines the Particular Needs of Person Ques Health Medical Assignment Help

Discussion Forum: post an initial posting and then reply to 1 classmate with valid responses; all posts and discussions must be posted by April 2, 2021, to receive full credit.

  • 1) Why is it important to know the patient’s learning style(s)?

  • 2) How is awareness of learning style relate to health assessment?

  • 3) Discuss the rationale for obtaining a family history.

  • 4) Discuss the rationale for obtaining a systems review.

  • 5) Please identify, read, and post the citation (in proper APA format) for an evidence-based article regarding the complete health history. The article should be from a peer-reviewed journal since 2015. Please provide a 1-3 sentence commentary on the article and how it relates to the discussion.



UCSD Impacts of Human Activities on Alabama Forests PPT Writing Assignment Help


The Federal Institution for Catalyzing Knowledge, Leadership and Education (FICKLE) has just announced a new grant program for up-and-coming ecologists to investigate how the world’s biomes are being impacted by anthropogenic effects. To be considered for this funding opportunity, each applicant must record and submit a presentation (including both visuals and narrations) that details a plan to research how the ecology of their study site of interest is being impacted by human activity. Given the sheer number of ecologists they are expecting to apply for this funding opportunity, they have had to limit the length of the speeches to 2-3 minutes each.


Your job as an up-and-coming ecologist is to create and submit a persuasive presentation for the above funding opportunity. You can focus on any region/biome you wish (it can but does not have to be the same one as the one you are researching for your discussion research paper), but the focus of the speech should be on persuading the audience that your study site is important and that you have a feasible, effective experiment planned to study human impacts on the ecology of that site.

Please follow the direction very carefully.

A minimum of three peer-reviewed journal articles should be used to support your presentation.

  • At the end of the presentation (bibliography) (1 pt)

Thesis whatI will be graded on

You will be graded on:

  • Content – 10pts
    • Did the student adequately explain the context/background information of the ecosystem?
      • Ecosystem overview (2pts)
      • Human activity (2pts)
    • About the research plan:
      • Will the research methods achieve the goals of the study? (2pts)
      • Does it seem appropriate for the study system? (1 pt)
      • Does this approach seem reasonable/feasible? (1 pt)
    • Did the student explain necessary terms and avoid overly-technical language? (1 pt)
    • Did the student persuade the audience about the importance of this study? (1 pt)
  • References included and formatted properly
    • On slides (in-text) (1 pt)
    • At the end of the presentation (bibliography) (1 pt)
  • Visuals – 5 pts
    • Were the slides organized? (2 pts)
    • Were any pictures or diagrams included relevant? (1 pt)
    • Was any text on the slides readable (size and font)? (1 pt)
    • Was the use of color appropriate/effective? (1 pt)

UCSD Impacts of Human Activities on Alabama Forests PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AML 1000G3 KU Week 2 Character in Rip Van Winkle and In Neighbor Rosicky Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Week 2 Literary Analysis Outline

This week, you will begin working on your Literary Analysis Essay, which you will work on in two parts. The first part is planning for the essay by writing an outline, which you will submit for a grade.

In this learning module, you will

  • learn about the importance of writing an outline and the strategies for writing a successful outline,
  • review the topics to choose from for your Literary Analysis Essay,

There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.

Essay Outline Choice 2.docx

Essay Outline Choice 1.docx


ACC 306 Ashford University Week 1 Marvell Technology Group accounting fraudDiscussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1

Write: Make sure your response addressing the following question is more than 300 words and includes an in-text citation or a brief quote from the reading material where appropriate. You may want to review the Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) resource from the Ashford Writing Center for proper use of citations.

Revenue is a common place for fraud because it is a significant measure of a company’s success.

  • Describe two U.S. or international accounting fraud cases related to improper revenue recognition.
  • Cite the resource where you found the information.
  • Reflect on each fraud case, and share your thoughts on why it was deemed fraud and how a company can avoid making similar mistakes.

Part 2

Make sure your response addressing the following question is more than 300 words and includes an in-text citation or a brief quote from the reading material where appropriate. You may want to review the Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) resource from the Ashford Writing Center for proper use of citations.

Discuss areas of judgment that may be needed to apply the five steps of revenue recognition. The following may assist you in creating a more robust conversation around this topic:

  • List the five steps, and explain judgments for each one.
  • What happens if the criteria are not met?
  • Give examples when appropriate.


FU Stigma Affect Minority Communities & Public Health Advocates Discussion Writing Assignment Help

  • Part 1:
  • Why is it stigmatized?
  • Does this stigma affect minority communities? If so, how?
  • Is there a racial, gender, age, health, or other dimension of diversity disparity in this disease?
  • What might be some ways we as public health advocates could reduce the stigma?

Part 2:

Empathy is a key quality and behavior to practice in order to become the most culturally competent public health professionals possible and to be able to champion culturally competent public health environments. In this discussion post, address the following:

  • How can practicing empathy make public health and healthcare professionals more effective at their roles?
  • Describe a time/situation that you have practiced empathy as a healthcare worker, and/or when someone has practiced empathy with you. How did empathy play a part in the outcome of the situation?


CPT 310 Ashford University Week 5 User Guide for Database Scripts Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, it is recommended that you review all of your previous readings to better assist you with completing the Final Project.

The Final Project for this course is an accumulation of previous weeks’ assignments in which you will utilize all of the skills you have acquired in this course to implement an Online Food Ordering Database using the latest PHPMyAdmin version. In each week of the course, you performed various tasks toward creating the Online Food Ordering Database. Now you will create SQL scripts that regenerate the tables, relationships, and data of the Online Food Ordering Database.

In Week 1 (Task 1), you defined the system stakeholder, and you recognized the importance of understanding organizational stakeholders for database design success. In Week 2 (Task 2), you provided a complete Chen ER diagram design and corresponding list of tables. In Week 3 (Task 3), you normalized your database to the third normalization form. In Week 4 (Task 4), you used the latest version of MySQL to implement the tables and relationships of the database you normalized in Week 3. Finally, in Week 5 (Task 5), you added “for insert” and “delete” triggers to the “tbl_employee” table to track which employee updated the Online Food Ordering Database.

Now you will incorporate all the feedback you received for the work you created in previous weeks and

  • Provide a MySQL script to recreate the final database you implemented in the previous tasks.
    • The script should recreate all the tables, constraints, views, and triggers you have implemented. Name the SQL script “CreateDB.sql”
  • Provide a MySQL script to add several rows to each of the tables you created.
    • Do your best to use data and formatting that mimics what is used in a real online ordering system (i.e., emails, first name, last name, credit card information, etc.). Name the SQL script “PopulateData.sql”
  • Create a step-by-step user guide on how to run the above scripts to create the database from scratch using the “CreateDB.sql” and to populate some data into the generated tables using the “PopulateData.sql.”
    • Title this document “User Guide.” Your user guide should be detailed enough to include your comments describing the SQL functionalities and overall tasks, along with screenshots of all steps and their outputs.
  • Create a screencast video presentation using Screencast-O-Matic in which you walk the instructor through your Online Food Ordering Database.
    • (Quick-start guides for Screencast-O-Matic are provided for your convenience.) Be sure to describe the concepts related to the design and management of your database.
    • Your screencast should be eight to 10 minutes in length. (It is highly recommended that you create a script and/or speaker’s notes to ensure that your screencast will meet the time requirements. This will also allow you to practice your presentation prior to recording it.)
    • Once your screencast has been created, make sure to include the URL for your screencast at the end of your User Guide.

Once you have completed the final database with all associated scripts, save them into a zip folder, and submit it to the Week 5 Zip File Submission page. Your zip folder should include two SQL scripts (CreateDB.sql and PopulateData.sql). If you need more guidance, review the Zip File Quick Start Guide. Next, submit your User Guide through the Waypoint grading system. Your instructor will run your SQL scripts following your instruction to ensure that the SQL scripts you provided generate the Online Food Ordering Database and populate data in its tables.

The Online Food Ordering Database Final Project:

  • Must include CreateDB.sql and PopulateData.sql scripts.
  • Must include a User Guide with the URL for the screencast video presentation.
  • Must include a Screencast that is eight to 10 minutes in length.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).





News Coverage Comparison the Guardian the Washington Post & Aljazeera Discussion Writing Assignment Help

News Coverage Comparison the Guardian the Washington Post & Aljazeera Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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