nformation about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy Other Assignment Help

nformation about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy Other Assignment Help. nformation about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy Other Assignment Help.

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Topic- Airlines

Pick an industry for the team to work on
-Begin an initial search for information about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy
Please chose 4 topic from chapter 10 slide

Page Count = 4-6 pages per topic
All 4 topic should cover this Document format follow title, version-date, purpose, background, roal and responsibilities, effective dates, information assistance, Approval, Associated resources

-Determine the issues that will be discussed
-Create an outline for the paper
Paper should be more than 20 pages which contents, references etc are not included.

Title page, Table of Contents and References page
Presentation must be 10slides.(PPT)

No 0% Plagiarism

Page Count Range should be 20 pages not including:
Title page, Table of Contents and References page
All References are to be in APA format.
please follow requirement with time frame

nformation about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Assignment 1, Milestone 1 Submission: Writing Plan Draft Writing Assignment Help

There are 7 questions i need help!!! Paragraphs must be 5-8 sentences , It is Me Talk Pretty One Day, by David Sedaris

Has the author’s goal changed with this analytical reading of the text? If so how? If not why not?

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris (1999)

2. Have you identified new key points that the author uses to try to achieve his or her goal in the selected article? If so include them here. If not explain why the key points from your Writing Notes have remained the same even after conducting an active reading of the article.

3. Re-state the audience who will be reading your essay. What potential challenges will you have supporting your argument with this demographic?
The next activity uses a rich text area. You can tab to the editor body. Press ALT-F10 to get to the toolbar. Press ESC to return to the editor body. A save button is available in the top toolbar all the way to the right and will become visible when it receives focus.

4. Your goal is the end result that you wish to achieve in writing the critical analysis essay. What goal do you hope to accomplish with this essay? For example you may disagree with the author and demonstrate why they are incorrect or you may agree but want to further substantiate their claim.

5. Evidence is the material that supports your argument. Based on your claim determine potential places where evidence would be most effective. Defend your choices. For example if you disagree with an author’s point you would want to use evidence to support your view.

6. You will be receiving feedback on this draft. Feedback is helpful information or criticism that explains what can be done to improve your essay. How can your own writing improve from receiving feedback from an outside party? How can that feedback be integrated in the final project?

7. During the revision process a writer rereads the essay and makes significant changes in content organization etc. to build the argument in a stronger more logical manner. You will learn more about revision strategies in Module 7 but some of the most common revision techniques are peer evaluation (where you have a classmate review your essay and provide you with feedback) read aloud (where you print out a hard copy of your essay and read it aloud slowly) and read backwards (where you read the essay backwards word by word or paragraph by paragraph). Identify a revision strategy that would be most effective in informing you while writing this essay. Why would this strategy be effective?


Orwells 2 Assigments refer to POLITICS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE Humanities Assignment Help

You must have “Politics and the English Language
By George Orwell

Assigment 1:

In a well-developed paragraph, show Orwell’s definitions of “dying metaphors” and “mixed metaphors.”

For this paragraph, begin with information about the rhetorical context: facts in common knowledge or which are widely available to provide context about the writer, audience, context, and purpose of the essay “Politics and the English Language.”

1 Paragraph. – Aprox. 300 words

MLA Format

Assigment 2


8 Sentences.

Find an article or webpage published or posted since 2015 which references George Orwell’s ideas from the essay “Politics and the English Language” or his other works.

In a eight sentence paragraph, summarize the article with particular focus on what speech or behavior is the focus of the allusion to Orwell. If you want to reference the essay by Orwell as well, include that in your paragraph. You can also use the paragraph to evaluate the credibility, reliability, and accuracy of the source you have chosen.

Suggested search terms:

George Orwell, Orwellian, big brother, doublespeak, newspeak, thought crime

titles: “Politics and the English Language,” 1984, Animal Farm
alternative facts, fake news, post-truth

Create a citation for the webpage or online article using the WR section on digital sources


Construct an Independent Project Outline that could be done in San Diego, CA using mark recapture, animal behavior or intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Writing Assignment Help

Here are some general tips for the independent project:

  • Remember the difference between a topic (e.g., species abundance and diversity, habitat restoration, etc). and a study system (species of study or habitat/environment).
  • You will need to conduct a literature search to write your Independent Project Outline. If you don’t know the ecological background about your topic & study system, you won’t be able to set up a project to learn more about it!
  • Consider one these the labs (mark-recapture/habitat preference, animal behavior, intermediate disturbance hypothesis). For your project, you can use the same general experimental design from any of these labs & perform it on a different study system or environment. You can come up with your own experimental design too
  • Make sure to choose a study system that is relatively abundant. Projects become increasingly less interesting if we don’t have enough data to analyze.


The rubric is attached!


Pick an industry for your overall ‘theme’ of your paper. Based upon this theme, each group member will research two articles that discuss a data breach that has occurred to that industry. Other Assignment Help

Topic- Physical Therapy

Pick an industry for the team to work on

-Begin an initial search for information about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy

Please chose 4 topic from chapter 10 slide Page Count = 4-6 pages per topic

All 4 topic should cover this Document format follow title, version-date, purpose, background, roal and responsibilities, effective dates, information assistance, Approval, Associated resources

-Determine the issues that will be discussed

-Create an outline for the paper

Paper should be more than 20 pages which contents, references etc are not included.

Title page, Table of Contents and References page

Presentation must be 10slides.(PPT)

No 0% Plagiarism

Page Count Range should be 20 pages not including:

Title page, Table of Contents and References page

All References are to be in APA format.

please follow requirement with time frame



please complete the following with graphs Other Assignment Help

Data: Advanced Graphs in RStudio (ggplot2)

Background: We have moved from simple graphs to advanced graphs to visualize our datasets. In our last data assignment, I told you where to place your data fields. In this assignment, you will place the data field based on keywords in a sentence.


Use RStudio to generate advanced graphs (using the ggplot2 package) using the dataset below.

Use the following videos to learn the commands to produce advanced graphs in RStudio:

Video 1: RStudio – Advanced Graphs – Part 1.

Video 2: RStudio – Advanced Graphs – Part 2.

Graphs to Produce:

***** Do not forget to tell RStudio what fields are factors! *****

ggplot2 – Bar Plot: (Use dataset_price_personal_computers.csv)

  • Plot the ram sold in the computers.
  • Breakout how the computer screen sizes based on the ram.
  • Position the computer screen sizes side by side.
  • Drill down the dataset further based on premium.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

ggplot2 – Histogram: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_indonesia.csv)

  • Plot the distribution of the wages of rice production. (Use a binwidth = 5)
  • Breakout the land status of ownership.
  • Drill down the dataset further based on the varieties of rice produced.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

ggplot2 – Box Plot: (Use dataset_tipping_data.csv)

  • Plot the Day vs Tip of the meals.
  • Breakout the time of day.
  • Drill down the dataset further based on gender.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

ggplot2 – Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_edgar_anderson_iris_data.csv)

  • Plot the petal length vs petal width of the flowers.
  • Breakout the species of the flowers.
  • Drill down the dataset further based on the species.
  • Label the x-axis.
  • Label the y-axis.
  • Give the graph a title.
  • What story is presented in this visualization?

Please put all screenshots in an MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Don’t upload the screenshots individually in the assignment folder! Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

please complete the following with graphs Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Focus group Paper titled ​Influence of online reviews on hotel guests Writing Assignment Help

My paper will be doing a focus group and I already started on the questionnaire for both the screener and the focus group questions but i don’t think i have enough time fo finish the whole qualitative study paper so im looking for someone to help me.

Let me know if you can do this.

Here is the criteria of the paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

Introduction/ObjectiveIntroduce the purpose of your study and the research questions you want to answer with this method.


DesignDescribe the type of study (focus group, interviews, etc.) the setting/location and the research variables/topics you are investigating.


ParticipantsProvide a detailed description of eligibility requirements, sampling or selection process, sample (group) size, number of groups or interviews.


ProcedureProvide a detailed description of the procedure, including the duration, process and data collection method. The reader should be able to replicate your procedure from the information provided.


MaterialsAttach your Screener, discussion/interview guide, and any visual stimuli that you will show the participants. Each of these should start on a new page and be suitable to print and use when conducting the research.


FormatFollows syllabus guidelines and correct organization for a methodology section. Includes title and subheadings. Correct grammar and spelling. 3-5 pages excluding materials.


Total Points: 25.0


Career Connection Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Resource: Legal and Tax Issues in Hiring Employees Grading GuideAnalyze the following in a minimum of 1,400 words regarding legal and tax issues in hiring employees:

    • Analyze the effect that classifying employees as agents of a company has on social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs in hiring employees.
    • Evaluate the impact that social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs understanding employment discrimination laws has on the employer-employee relationship.
    • Analyze the importance of the employment agreement from the perspective of social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and employees.
    • Evaluate ways social entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs create dynamic organizations by understanding legal and tax issues.
    • Evaluate examples of how top companies are creating dynamic organizations for their employees.

    Cite a minimum of 2 peer reviewed reference from the University of Phoenix Library.Format consistent with APA guidelines.


please use apa and 1&2 in different papers must be 400 words each references Other Assignment Help

1)Chapter 5 discusses decision making using system modeling. The author briefly mentions an open source software tool, EMA Workbench, that can perform EMA and ESDMA modeling. Find EMA Workbench online and go to their main website (not the GitHub download site). Then do the following:

a) Under documentation, go to the Tutorials page.

b) Read through the Simple Model (in your chosen environment), and the Mexican Flu example.

c) Decide how you could use this software to create a model to help in developing a policy for a Smart City.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, explain how you could use the EMA Workbench software to develop a model to help create a policy for a Smart City. Explain what policy you are trying to create (i.e. traffic light placement, surveillance camera coverage, taxi licenses issued, etc.), and what key features you would use in your model. Then, explain how EMA Workbench would help you. NOTE: keep your models and features simple. You don’t really need more than 2 or 3 features to make your point here.

2)Assignment Requirements

  1. Please respond to the following prompt: “Discuss the best practices for IT infrastructure security polices in domains other than the User Domain. Address THREE of the following topics in your initial response:
    • IT framework selection
    • Policy flexiblity
    • Cohesivness
    • Cohernecy
    • Ownership


Are exigent circumstances and probable cause sufficient for the officer to search the vehicle without a warrant or the men’s consent? If you believe not, how do you propose the three men be handled while a warrant is being sought from a judge? Assume the Business Finance Assignment Help

First, you will post to the forum by providing some background information followed up by your thoughts and opinions on the respective topic. It must be substantive and thoughtful dialogue. Use outside sources such as the news, Internet, popular media, your textbook, journal articles, etc…to assist you here. Make sure to cite your work if applicable

This section must be at least 300 words minimum. Include a word count in parenthesis at the end.

Make sure to use proper APA formatting to cite your work if applicable.

[supanova_question] to cite your work if applicable.

[supanova_question] to cite your work if applicable.

[supanova_question] to cite your work if applicable.


nformation about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy Other Assignment Help

nformation about the industry and writing an IT Infrastructure Security Policy Other Assignment Help

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