NGR 5110 Florida National The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help

NGR 5110 Florida National The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help. NGR 5110 Florida National The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need guidance to help me study.
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Research Paper

The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps necessary to implement a nursing research project.

Phase 1-Planning

Topic: The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession

Phase 1 is the planning stage of a research project; students are to prepare a 4-5-page paper identifying a specific topic that you would like to investigate and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction to the situation by utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include

  1. 1- Introduction to the Problem
  2. 2- Clearly Identify the Problem
  3. 3- Significance of the problem to Nursing
  4. 4- Purpose of the research
  5. 5- Research questions
  6. 6- Master’s Essentials that aligned with your topic

APA style

in-text citation

at least 2 references

keep in mind the rubric attached

must use the AACN book attached

more than welcome to find other peer review articles

NGR 5110 Florida National The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

West Coast University Animal Research Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Animal research is a necessary
practice in the world of medical research, allowing scientists to
develop life-saving interventions and to spot catastrophic problems
before new techniques or products make their way to actual patients.
However, this does not mean that we should deny that there are serious
ethical issues involved.

Animal testing is not a pretty or pleasant process. It causes pain
and suffering to animal subjects, and legitimate cases of abuse have
been uncovered by animal rights groups. Consequently, the practice
should be tightly regulated, and alternative methods should be employed
whenever possible.

  • Discuss a specific research study involving animals that had ethical issues.
  • What were the ethical issues involved?
  • What could have been done to conduct the research study differently to avoid these ethical issues?
  • Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.


Written in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses
are mostly error free. Information from sources is paraphrased
appropriately and accurately referenced and cited in APA when

content sufficiently by expanding on the main points of the prompt; responses exhibit critical thinking and analysis.


GCH 350 George Mason University Vaping Health Education Lesson Plan Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I need help developing a lesson plan based off a health topic. I will have to present it (it will be recorded). I think the topic of hookah and vaping will be a good one and I’d target either high school seniors or college freshman because now you have to be 18 to buy a vape or be allowed in a hookah bar. However, if you have a better idea, feel free to tell me. The assignment outline and an example provided by the professor is attached. Please only follow these guidelines. I will give a generous tip if the work is of high quality.


School of Visual Arts Philosophy and Van Gogh Discussion Essay Writing Assignment Help

1. Homework on Reading and Lecture: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions; describe the essence of the contribution made by each philosopher, scientist, and artist.

Night Way ceremony

slave charm

Pennsylvania Hospital

Benjamin Rush

Tranquilizing Chair

Moral Treatment

York Retreat

Friends Asylum

Lunatic Ball

What was the debate over restraints?

The founding of the American Psychiatric Association

How was the asylum a microcosm of society?

2. Homework on Film:

Van Gogh (2006)

This film tells the story of van Gogh’s life, from his youth in Holland to his art career in France. He was full of life, but he suffered from recurring bouts of depression, which led to his death by suicide. Focusing on one painting, Wheatfield with Crows (1890), the film presents van Gogh’s art as an expression of his vibrant energy rather than a symptom of his depression.

Describe one episode in van Gogh’s life that you found particularly revealing about his personality. Describe Wheatfield with Crows and point out the features of the painting that express van Gogh’s lust for life.

please write both homework 1 and 2!!!!


ART 101 UOFM Wk 4 Storylines New Narratives for Famed Visual Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Each entry write 200-300 words, total two entries, so word count total at least 400 words.


Your task is two-part: first read each entry, and then writing a 200-300 word response based on your personal interpretations of its content (Note: the word count should not include in-text citations if you use them – the body of your writing should be counted and noted on the assignment template for each entry).

Please make sure you discuss at least two specific references to content from the readings in your responses. We need to see evidence that you have read/viewed all materials and engaged with the core messages/themes of each reading. For example, if one entry asks you to both read an interview with an artist and look at their project website, please make sure you discuss things present in both those sources.

Please focus your attention on the core messages or themes in the reading, as they relate to some aspect of artistic process and materiality, creativity, the dynamics of the art world, ideas about art, themes in art, etc. Essentially, I’m asking you to avoid writing about mental tangents that take you away from a focus on art, which is of course the topic of this class, and central to each of the assigned readings. Many of the artists/artworks you read about will deal with broader topics not directly related to art – please make sure you are responding not just to the topics addressed by the artists/artworks, but how their art or the themes about art present in the reading relate to the broader topics.

Please do not use your writing to simply summarize or restate what the reading was about without giving any personalized response or interpretation (this will disqualify you from full points!). Please instead foreground your own original thinking, questions and reflections about the content. Take your initial or superficial reactions always one step further in complexity. For example, if something surprises you, spend the time reflecting on and explaining why it is surprising – what previous assumptions of yours did the passage shake up, WHY? Always be specific and relate your reflections back to the content of the reading!

Here are some sample prompts if you could use help focusing your interpretation:

  • What are your overall impressions of the reading, and what particular passages or details stood out to you most? WHY???
  • In what specific ways does the content of the reading challenge/expand/complicate/frustrate your understandings about art and how art functions in the world? Cite specific passages in the reading to support your thoughts.
  • How do your personal experiences or background relate to the content of the reading? Where do you see yourself or your own experiences reflected or not reflected in the material? Be specific and explain these connections or disconnections as clearly as possible.
  • How does the reading as a whole and specific parts of the reading make you FEEL? Explain why and cite specific passages in the reading to support your reactions.
  • What questions do you have about the reading? What passages or ideas challenged you? WHY???
  • What are you critical or skeptical about in the reading? WHY? Be specific!

Your Task – Week 4:


Note: this is a mulit-part entry which requires reading and exploring multiple web links, all of which center around the Guggenheim’s 2015 exhibition “Storylines.” Please ensure that you have read and looked at all the links below and discuss aspects from both the article and the exhibition website in your written response.

Part 1:

Title: “The Guggenheim’s ‘Storylines’ Creates New Narratives for Famed Visual Art” (Links to an external site.), in Vice

Author: Michael Barron (this article is a news review of the Storylines exhibition)

Part 2:

Visit the Storylines Exhibition archive (Links to an external site.) on the Guggenheim’s website. Please read the exhibition description and watch the linked introductory video about it.

Please also explore the Storylines Exhibition Website (Links to an external site.) (also linked at the bottom of the above page) to look at some of the artworks included in the show and their written descriptions. (note: you can navigate by clicking on the moving photos of artworks, or for a list-based navigation of this website, you can click the “View Artists & Writers” link in the top left for a list of artists’ names)

You can explore further by listening to some of the linked Exhibition Audio: Writers Respond further down the Storylines Exhibition archive page to hear excerpts of some of the writers’ responses to specific artworks (you can find the related artwork by searching the artist’s name in the Storylines Exhibition Website linked above)


Title: “Art as Joke,” (See attached file) Chapter 6 from Ways of Looking (pp. 108-125)

Author: Ossian Ward



RC Business Management & Credit Risk Management Aggregate Economy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help


Differentiate the dimensions of credit risk and their impact on the aggregate economy.


Risk management practices within the financial sector are of particular interest to regulators. This is because the failures within this sector disrupt the functionality of the financial system and derail economic growth and efficiency. A historical reference point is the subprime meltdown of 2007 because it is the most prominent example of a massive risk management failure. In this assignment, you will evaluate the consequences of such a failure.

You have been hired by the board of Financial Leaders to facilitate a presentation on this topic. You must submit the items you intend to cover to the event planner by next week. Your presentation should be in PowerPoint and should address the bullet points below. You must also submit your presentation notes that you intend to use during the presentation using the Notes feature at the bottom of the PowerPoint slides.

  • Discuss why credit risk management within the financial sector is so essential.
  • Why do you think so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the financial collapse?
  • What are the consequences of failing to manage credit risk and whom do they affect?
  • What measures can banks employ to mitigate credit risks?

For help creating a PowerPoint, please use the guide here.

Grading Rubric











Not Submitted

No Pass




Not Submitted

Inaccurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so significant OR does not discuss why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential.

Accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential.

Accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential, using specific examples.

Thoroughly and accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential, using specific examples.

Not Submitted

An invalid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse is given OR no valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse is given.

A valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse is given.

A valid argument on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse backed by specific examples is given.

Multiple valid arguments on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse backed by specific examples are given.

Not Submitted

No valid consequences of failures of credit risk management are given OR who is affected by any of the failures is not discussed.

At least two valid consequences of failed credit risk management are given AND the affected parties are described.

At least two valid consequences of failed credit risk management that include specific examples are given, and the affected parties thoroughly discussed.

More than two valid consequences of failed credit risk management that include specific examples are given, and the affected parties thoroughly discussed.

Not Submitted

No risk mitigation measures are given.

At least two risk mitigation measures are given.

At least two risk mitigation measures are explained with examples of how they would work.

More than two risk mitigation measures are explained with examples of how they would work.

RC Business Management & Credit Risk Management Aggregate Economy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NURS 4220 WU Week 6 Practice Experience Quality Improvement Storyboard Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

Practice Experience: Quality Improvement Storyboard

Storyboard Instructions

The Practice Experience Project Storyboard is a brief, visual summary of a completed quality improvement initiative. The storyboard highlights key aspects of a quality improvement effort by documenting the Practice Experience Project from beginning to end.

The course template uses a PowerPoint format to complete this assignment. You only need to provide two slides, no more. The first slide is the summary of your project; the second slide is the reference page. You will need to choose the most pertinent information from your practice experience and Capstone Paper to complete the Storyboard. No voiceover is required.

The completed storyboard is submitted for grading. Optional: You may submit your storyboard to the group discussion area and share your presentation with your classmates and instructor.

By Day 4

Submit your quality improvement storyboard using the provided template.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your Storyboard rubric:
Week 6 Storyboard Rubric

Submit by Day 4

To submit your Storyboard:
Week 6 Storyboard Submission

To participate in this Group Discussion:


PSY 2301 Harvard University Micro Organizational Behavior Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Your case submission should contain three key elements described below – Introduction, Analysis, and Recommendation/Implementation. I recommend that you review the sample analysis of the case,

Your case should not exceed five (5) type-written pages using Times New Roman 12. I will not read beyond the fifth page. You can single space or double space your text (your choice,based on how much information you want to provide).

You require a title page (not one of the five above) that indicates the course name and number, the date, the case title, my name, and the names of the group members.

Please do not use terms such as “would have”, “could have”, “should have”, “might have, or “if …”, which really just lead to speculation and take your focus away from what actually happened in the case.Please deal with the evidence before you in the case itself, not what might have been.

I will provide an example retrieved from coursehero which refers to this case – even though the analysis section is nicely presented, it does not fully follow the professors guideline which means that you should use that file only as a source of inspiration. I attached to this request 2 files:

1 PDF -This is the case study based on which you will write the paper

1 Word document- this contains the professor guideline. It clearly states what the work should contain, what headliners to use, what to write in each paragraph. You will need to follow in detail this file as the professor will deduct points for any minor errors.

The paper needs to be correctly written, as a native English speaker (NOT AS AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT). NO PLAGIARISM is accepted at all.


Aarons Academy of Beauty Buying Selling and Valuing Business Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

read the chapter and solve these questions:

  1. Of the 11 key questions to ask when considering to buy an existing business, which two would be the most important to you and why if you were the buyer?
  2. What are 5 things that successful sellers typically have in place (page 561) prior to selling their business?
  3. Who are the 6 professionals that may or may not be required to advise and successfully complete the sale of a business?
  4. What are the basic differences between the three business valuation methods: Book Value Method, Gross Income Multiplier Method, and the Discounted Cash Flow Method.
  5. What are 3 examples of non-financial considerations (page 577) in determining a business valuation?


San Diego State University Personal Overweight Value Discussion Science Assignment Help

BMI Personal Classification

Please measure your height in inches and weight in pounds — so that you can determine your personal BMI value. Also, you may (or may not) have the ability to measure your waist circumference. Please use your estimated or measured waist circumference to determine your abdominal area and identify your risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and/or type 2 diabetes.

Compare your BMI measurements to the classification table in 18.1 (see page 354) and waist circumference to the standard waist measure on page 354. Based upon these measure, please write up your results.

REMEMBER: Your write-up should be no more than a single page in length. Include your first initial and last name for the word document upload (for example: John Doe = jdoe.docx), as you have previously done. Also, it would be helpful IF you were to include your first name and last name + RED ID in the Word document !!


Personal Caloric Needs Activity

Dear ENS 330’ers:

Estimate your personal caloric needs (use table 18.2 on pg 359) — you reviewed this material in Week #3 of this semester. Also, examine how to estimate how many calories you will use for two different types of exercises (see pg 93) — aerobic, muscular, or neuromotor exercises.

Please write up your personal caloric needs and estimated calories for two different types of exercises in a single page.

REMEMBER: Your write-up should be no more than a single page in length. Include your first initial and last name for the word document upload (for example: John Doe = jdoe.docx), as you have previously done. Also, it would be helpful IF you were to include your first name and last name + RED ID in the Word document !!



Dear ENS 330’ers:

Estimate your personal caloric needs (use table 18.2 on pg 359) — you reviewed this material in Week #3 of this semester. Also, examine how to estimate how many calories you will use for two different types of exercises (see pg 93) — aerobic, muscular, or neuromotor exercises.

Please write up your personal caloric needs and estimated calories for two different types of exercises in a single page.

REMEMBER: Your write-up should be no more than a single page in length. Include your first initial and last name for the word document upload (for example: John Doe = jdoe.docx), as you have previously done. Also, it would be helpful IF you were to include your first name and last name + RED ID in the Word document !!



Dear ENS 330’ers:

Estimate your personal caloric needs (use table 18.2 on pg 359) — you reviewed this material in Week #3 of this semester. Also, examine how to estimate how many calories you will use for two different types of exercises (see pg 93) — aerobic, muscular, or neuromotor exercises.

Please write up your personal caloric needs and estimated calories for two different types of exercises in a single page.

REMEMBER: Your write-up should be no more than a single page in length. Include your first initial and last name for the word document upload (for example: John Doe = jdoe.docx), as you have previously done. Also, it would be helpful IF you were to include your first name and last name + RED ID in the Word document !!



Dear ENS 330’ers:

Estimate your personal caloric needs (use table 18.2 on pg 359) — you reviewed this material in Week #3 of this semester. Also, examine how to estimate how many calories you will use for two different types of exercises (see pg 93) — aerobic, muscular, or neuromotor exercises.

Please write up your personal caloric needs and estimated calories for two different types of exercises in a single page.

REMEMBER: Your write-up should be no more than a single page in length. Include your first initial and last name for the word document upload (for example: John Doe = jdoe.docx), as you have previously done. Also, it would be helpful IF you were to include your first name and last name + RED ID in the Word document !!



NGR 5110 Florida National The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help

NGR 5110 Florida National The Role of Good Leadership Skills in Nursing Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help

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