NGR 6172 Miami Dade College Risk Factors for Polypharmacy Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. NGR 6172 Miami Dade College Risk Factors for Polypharmacy Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines, and is a major concern for providers as the use of multiple medicines is common in the older population with multimorbidity, and as one or more medicines may be used to treat each condition.
- Discuss two (2) common risk factors for polypharmacy. Give rationale for each identified risk factor.
- Discuss two interventions you can take as a Nurse Practitioner in your clinical practice to prevent polypharmacy and its complications.
3 posts are required (1 initial and 2 replies to two different students) using at least 2 evidenced-based, peer-reviewed references no older than 5 years.
NGR 6172 Miami Dade College Risk Factors for Polypharmacy Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Writing Research Papers & a Manual for Writers of Research Papers Book Essay Writing Assignment Help
!!! APA Format !!!
!!! Reference page !!!
Read and Summarize each chapter. 2 different books. Both books will be attached to the file.
-Chapter 1,” Writing from Research” in Lester and Lester (Lester, J. & Jr. Lester, J. (2010 or latest edition). Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. Pearson Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois.)
-Chapter 11″ What Research is and How Researchers Think about it” in Turabian (Turabian, K. (2007 or latest edition). A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. University of Chicago Press. Chicago, Illinois. <-> BOOK
!!! APA Format !!!
CIS 450 Aspen University Week 6 Precautionary Measures Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Discussion Question:
One thing in life we cannot control is nature. What would your organization do if there was a natural disaster that destroyed electrical lines and internet servers? How would you take care of your patients if you could not access the EMR for a week or more? What recommendations can you make for improvement?
Reply to at least two of your peers with additional evidence-based recommendations for improvement.
Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length.
University of California San Diego Public Policy and Administration Curriculum Vitae Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment you must put together a resume or CV (whichever best suits your needs/interests). You should think of a job/application you are interested in (even if just an imaginary one), and design your CV/Resume for this purpose.
You will have time in section to work on/talk about this assignment, but check out this website to help you get started: Triton Career Guide or Academic CV and Professional Resumé Writing or Ready, Set, Resume (UCSD).
Please note, a resume should only be 1-2 pages and is typically tailored to demonstrate your relevant experience for a particular position. A CV can be as many pages as is necessary and is typically used for academic positions, fellowships, or other scholarly opportunities.
You are encouraged to schedule an advising appointment or attend a drop-in advising session with the UCSD Career Center – see HERE.
Other Resources:
How Resumes Vary By Country (Links to an external site.)
Examples of CVs You Will Need For Each (European) Country (Links to an external site.)
The student is a girl and a Chinese.
Saudi Electronic University ?Mental Health Illness in KSA Powerpoint Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical presentation and need guidance to help me study.
Critical Thinking
Mental Health Illness in KSA
Identify any single mental health disorder that is recognized by the World Health Organization:
Use this week’s required readings, recommended readings, the textbook and your own research to develop a PowerPoint presentation describing:
- An overview of symptoms, risk factors, and prevalence in KSA
- Best practices for diagnosis, early identification, and treatment
- What are the contemporary and future challenges related to the healthcare system management of this illness in KSA?
- Recommendations for how to explain these challenges
Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:
- Be 10-12 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides.
- Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.
- Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. These citations should be stated in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.
- Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes to support the slide content. These should be a minimum of 100 words long (per slide) and must be a part of the presentation. Therefore, the presentation cannot be submitted in PDF format, which does not make notes visible to the instructor. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.
- Utilize headings to organize the content in your work
- avoid plagiarism
College of Central Florida Health & Medical Interview to Patient Question Health Medical Assignment Help
You will conduct an in-depth interview with a patient. This interview allows you to examine how the key principles of ethics (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice) apply in his or her experience. After the interview write a summary that includes answers to the points listed below. (Please refer to the interview guideline under Module week 2 for more details)
– Introduction (brief description of the purpose of your paper)
-Description of the Patient Experience
-Application of Ethics Principles
-Application of Learning on my Career
Interview’s evaluation
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction |
5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of patient experience |
10 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Ethics Principles(5 each) |
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Learning |
5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnical Elements |
5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence of Depth of Understanding Ethical Principles |
5 pts |
Total Points: 50 |
College of Central Florida Health & Medical Interview to Patient Question Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Maryland Global Campus Evaluating Learning Skills Report Business Finance Assignment Help
This week we focused on learning, how we are constantly learning new things, how it is beneficial to have a growth mindset approach to learning, and how it is helpful to reflect on our strategies as a learner. As you reflect on these strategies, think about how you previously learned a new skill, subject, or process. What strategies and approaches did you use? How can you apply those to learning new concepts and skills while you’re a student at University of Maryland Global Campus? Even if the university environment is new to you, you come to learning with skills, strengths, and strategies you can draw from to connect new knowledge to what you already know.
For example, think about how you learned to cook a new dish by following a recipe. Perhaps you first blocked out time to read the recipe all the way through, noting the ingredients and tools you would need to make the dish. When it came time to make the dish, you might have followed the recipe step by step, then asked your partner or a friend to taste it and share his or her opinion. Based on that feedback, you adjusted and customized the recipe. After that, you practiced making the dish several times, adding your own flavors and spices to perfect the recipe to your liking. Once you became familiar with the recipe, you may have progressed to making the dish from memory.
As a university student, you can apply this same learning process and strategy to your academics. Let’s look at the correlation between the two. When you’re learning a new concept or skill in one of your courses, first, set aside time in your schedule to learn. Next, read about the topic and take notes to deepen your understanding. Practice what you learned, maybe by using flashcards or completing a set of exercises. Next, share what you learned with others, such as your instructor or classmates, to get their feedback on your work and to enhance your learning from their input. Finally, practice a few more times until you can readily transfer what you learned to different contexts.
For this assignment, take some time to reflect on the following questions:
- Consider a learning experience that was successful for you. What were you able to learn?
- What did you do that helped you succeed in your learning?
- How would you apply those strategies to your classwork at University of Maryland Global Campus?
In one to two double-spaced pages provide your answers to the questions in a Word document. A template for this assignment is available for your use. Upload it to the Assignments Folder by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday of Week 2.
BU Wk 4 John O Sullivan Manifest Destiny Cornell Notes Argument analysis Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
What exactly does John O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny?
Using the template for the Cornell note taking process, please generate an outline of Sullivan’s argument. Detailed instructions for this assignment will be posted in the Intro. video for week 4. Please remember to use spell check and write in complete sentences.
Examples of successful assignments can be found here. Cornell notes (3).pdf
Your Cornell note will have three parts.
1. Write down what you think the argument is for this essay.
2. Note specific passage in this article that help contribute to the thesis or argument.
3. Provide a summary paragraph of at least 300 words describing and summarizing Sullivan’s argument
4. BONUS 2 points will be given if you put O’Sullivan in conversation with Turner (Week 3) or Hurtado (Week 4). This part of the assignment should be an additional 200 words for bonus points.
The first 2 attachments are the links above. The third and forth attachments are examples of successful assignments in last assignment “History Tool Kit #1”. The last attachment is the reading.
The video this time did not give any useful information either. You can ignore it and focus on reviewing these materials.
EDU 441 Colorado College Pursuing Your Education Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Reply to all discussions
Part 1
I am a mother of two girls and and a wife. I have my bachelor degree in nursing and I am currently pursuing my Mater’s in education focusing in leadership. I love to sing and play the piano. I took EDU441 With Dr. Johnican last semester and I am hoping that this course will elaborate more on what we’ve learned and provide a better understanding on the subject matter.
My topic selection is “Finding different methods and strategies that can help to facilitate and make the training process easy and accessible for any new employees at any form of organizations.”
Identify a learning need: It has occurred in the past where I had to get trained for a new position and the precess was long, boring and tedious. I think that problem can be resolved by having some background knowledge on the employees and also knowing what the goal and purpose for the training. I believe this need can be addressed effectively by an instructional intervention because they are aimed at delivering learner-centric experiences. Training interventions involve needs assessment, content design, and development, which includes the presentation of content as well as learning activities. They also involve program implementation and evaluation.
Two possible causes of the described need could be the fact that organizations sometimes don’t take enough time to conduct organization and individual training needs assessments and gap analysis to ensure goals and instructional content are focused on both the development and application of specific job skills and knowledge.
One suggestion I have is to create a climate that obtains and supports organization and employee commitment. Leaders need to build. model and communicate an organizational culture that rewards knowledge integration by building transfer of training into performance management and compensation systems and processes. .
Part 2
RESPONSE: (Ruhnah, 2006) suggest in the research the task for the trainer for the final project will be “Topic Analysis”. Today’s economy, along with globalization and out-sourcing has put an ever increasing pressure on the adult community for further education in order to remain a viable commodity to their current employer, or to be able to seek other employment. “Participation in learning is voluntary; adults engage in learning as a result of their own volition” (Brookfield, 1986, p. 9). The purpose of teaching is to help students learn (Byrd, 2003). “Helping adults learn is a transactional process in which the adult educator interacts with learners, content, other people, and material to plan and implement an educational program” (Galbraith, 1991, p. 3).
Note: Be sure to include the title of your project and a brief description to provide your classmates with context for their responses.
RESPONSE: My topic selection is “how to improve adult learner perspective in education and the value it has”. Viewing the higher education-to-workforce interface as a static, one-off suitcase can indeed make the labor market seem daunting and riddled with crippling skills gaps. Looking through the lens of a dynamic, lifelong wardrobe, however, reveals a richly textured tapestry of opportunities for learners, learning providers, and employers alike (Price, 2020).
Part 3
Learning and task analysis: Learning and absorbing information from leaders by watching, brainstorming information that will allow the person to grow in their field of study, self monitoring, and having a goal task analysis.
Knowledge: Identify the task that you’re going to analyze by breaking down the task into small groups in order to create a learning and task analyses. Also, the topic analysis identify the basic concerns and needs by using a flow chart that will help form a few forms of information the content and and structure that will keep things organized.
Skills(behavior): an assessment technique that observes an individual approach a situation until the people are person can manage until they can not go any more due to things happened. Other behavior is a person staying off task and not following a flow chart that will create a outline that will ensuring the focus has not or will not leave. Also, skills behavior looks into the abstracting, organizing, and reporting information that what people do highlighting their skills.
Attitudes: This creates a mindset to focus on reaching a goal that will ensure characteristics and effectiveness by having the abilities that will to influence the trainer. Learning behavior change the performance attitudes by positive feedback.
Three instructional objectives: 1. (Cognitive) Is to ensure that the training will provide essential needs that will grow by giving examples of task analyses knowledge. 2. (Behavior) That the skills (behavior) will reflect the main goals provided allowing the growth of the person to well performed by observing data. 3. (Affective) Reporting the outcome that the trainings have on the learners ability to absorb the information given in a period of time.
Part 4
The target audience from the project that I have chosen to identify is “Underpaid in the rural communities and funding in the public schools.” Having a strong support system or maybe some type of sponsorship that will help employees in their communities especially if those particular persons are working with prestige companies should have some type of outlet for their workers to have some type of training or higher institution so that the workers will have a choice to grow. Also, the targeted audience that I want to focus on is, the rural areas in minority communities.
The audience that I will be focusing on are “beginners” due to the lack of resources for the tools needed to grow within the career of choice. The education that is required now, some of the workers are not aware of how to begin or who could possibly the point of reference to the key of their future. Beginnings, will need the primary sources that will get them to start on what is most important that will help ensure the growth. How could a beginner seek the tools that is needed if they are not presented to them in a way of growth or even offered to those tools such as educational options, equal opportunities, and assistance in jobs?
The strategy for the project will be to to show that the main focus is to ensure that the basic amenities by having programs that will help with the “beginners” who will need that extra push. Also, to include in my strategy will be the ultimate objective is to have programs in place that will focus on the “needs.”
How could I implement the strategy? I will implement the strategy by improving the quality of life and economic well being in the communities by ensuring that programs are highlighted in a way so that the workers in the rural communities will see their options.
Florida International University Hypertension in Obese Children Case Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Chapter 6: Epidemiology: The Science of Prevention
1. Jeff is 11 years old and slightly overweight. His father is a truck driver who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His mother is a licensed practical nurse at the local hospital. At a recent health science fair at his school, a student-led screening clinic documented Jeff’s blood pressure at 140/92 mm Hg.
a. Is Jeff at risk? If so, for what?
b. Utilizing the Guidelines for High Blood Pressure in Adults (American College of Cardiology, 2017), what is Jeff’s future risk from adolescence through adulthood?
c. How does epidemiologic data define hypertension in a child of Jeff’s age?
d. Are there health promotion activities that you would recommend?
INSTRUCTIONS: Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.
Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.
All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format APA Style Reference for a book – 7th edition
Author’s name(s) (last name followed by initials). Year of publication (in brackets). Full title (Italic) (Capitalize the first word of the title & subtitle). Edition (Edition in abbreviation form Ex. (4th ed.). Publisher’s name (name of publisher, do not include publisher location). DOI or URL (Include DOI is available).according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5
Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.
Community and Public Health Nursing (3th Edition)
Authors: DeMarco, R. F. & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020) Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
ISBN: 978-1-975111-69-4
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition)
American Psychological Association (2019)
ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1
NGR 6172 Miami Dade College Risk Factors for Polypharmacy Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
NGR 6172 Miami Dade College Risk Factors for Polypharmacy Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help