NIU Separation of Powers Is Important in Any Government Structure Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. NIU Separation of Powers Is Important in Any Government Structure Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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- The main assumption of administrative reformers in the late 1800s and early 1900s was that politics should be separated from administration because politics negatively affect administration. What is your understanding of politics-administration dichotomy? How valid is the belief about the negative effects of politics on administration? Why? Use the theories and examples from the course materials and at least 3 additional academic sources to support your argument.
- Separation of powers is important in any government structure. Discuss several ways the legislative and the judicial branches interact with the bureaucracy. Explain why these interventions are necessary and useful.
- The budgeting processes in the United States trace back to the 1900s. Compare and contrast the main budgeting reforms. In your response, highlight the why the reforms were necessary and whether they have achieved their set purposes. Do you prefer any budgeting approach? Why?
- A government that hires employees through merits is bound to succeed. Do you agree with this statement? If yes/no, why? Are there important benefits in hiring by merits? What are the possible challenges? What other human resource principles should the public sector should consider? And why?
- Several decision-making models are used in the public sector to deal with problems and to develop policies. In your opinion, which model is the most appropriate for public decisions? Which one does not make sense? Explain your position. Use the theories and examples from the course materials and at least 3 additional academic sources to support your argument.
- Public organizations are considered to be difficult to evaluate. Explain why? What is important for public administrators to know about performance measurement in public sector?
What you should do:
- There are 6 exam questions – answer 2 questions from the question list. Your answers should be not less than 750 words for each question.
NIU Separation of Powers Is Important in Any Government Structure Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ACCT 621 University Canada West Master Budget and Budgeted Income Statement Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
After two years study at UCW, you finally graduate and start a job as Junior accountant at Bigdream Inc. Your manager is responsible for the nationwide distribution of creator design sets. Because of the new social media influence among current generation, the company has grown rapidly, and the prompt growth forces the management team to improve their efficiency and manage their production effectively.
You have just been given responsibility for all planning and budgeting of the entire lighting set division. Today is your first day, you have just given an assignment to prepare master budget for the manager, who needs to present the budget and discuss the financial objectives with the shareholders tomorrow. During your job interview, you clearly stated that you gained managerial accounting knowledge and hand on experience during your MBA study.
Your first assignment is to prepare a master budget for the next fiscal year, starting January 1, 2021. Your co-work has left a pile of files on your desk including the past sale records, product information, manufacture schedule and supplier pricing list. Now, you realized that you should have pay more attention during the lecture. Now, you don’t know where to start. Fortunately, you remember that you still kept a copy spreadsheet of the master budget template in your laptop from the accounting course.
Note: The company desires a minimum ending cash balance each month on $85,000. The Bigdream products are sold to retailers for $129 each and the sales have been in demand due to the Covid-19. However, the marketing department has been conservative toward the end of the year due market saturation. The marketing department has just sent you their forecasted quarter sales and marketing budget.
Quarter |
2021 Q1 |
2021 Q2 |
2021 Q3 |
2021 Q4 |
2022 Q1 |
2022 Q2 |
Sales in Unit |
30,000 |
35,000 |
40,000 |
55000 |
50000 |
55,000 |
Marketing Expenses |
$35,000 |
$20,000 |
$20,000 |
$35,000 |
$35,000 |
$25,000 |
Ending finished goods inventories are supposed to be equal to 20% of the next month’s sales in units. Bigdream currently does its own assembly production in house. Each unit consists of 3LED panels and the cost of each is $15. Each unit needs 0.10 labour hour from assemble to finish package. The hourly pay rate to the assembling workers is $15 per hour. The production manager also required desired direct material ending inventory to 30% of the next quarter production.
Purchases are paid for in the following manner: 50% in the quarter of the purchase and the remaining 50% paid in the quarter following the purchase. All sales to the distributors are made on credit terms with no discount (for now), and payable within 15 days. The Bigdream has determined that only 50% of sales are collected by the end of the quarter in which the sale occurred. An additional 30% is collected in the quarter following the sale, and the remaining 20% is collected in the second quarter following the sale. Bad debts have been negligible, supporting the credit terms as favorable.
Below is a display of the Bigdream division monthly manufacture overhead and selling and administrative expenses:
Manufacture Overhead
Indirect labour $5 per labour hour
Indirect Materials $2.00 per labour hour
Wages and Salaries$2,000 per month
Utilities $1,500 per month
Insurance $2,000 per month
Depreciation $2,000 per month
Selling and Administrative
Sales Commissions $5 per unit
Fixed (Monthly):
Wages and Salaries$22,000
Utilities $6,000
Insurance $1,200
Depreciation $1,500
Miscellaneous $3,000
Labour, Manufacture Overhead, and Selling and Administrative expenses are all paid during the month, in cash, with the exception of depreciation (of course). Bigdream will make a purchase of a parcel of land during the first quarter of 2021 for $50,000 cash. Bigdream’s balance sheet at the end of the fourth quarter is shown below:
Cash $35,000
Uncollected Accounts receivable in Q4 this year: $200,000
Accounts payable $85,700
An agreement with Bank of the West allows Bigdream to borrow up to a total loan amount of $550,000. The interest rate on these loans is 12% annually (pretty high considering market rates) but the interest is not compounded, meaning this is simple interest only.
1) Master Budget
2) Cash Budget. Show the cash budget by month and in total.
3) Budgeted Income statement
BUS 402 AU Wk 1 Strategic Management & Business Policy Cover Letter Business Finance Assignment Help
Abraham, S. (2012). Strategic management for organizations. Retrieved from
Week 1 – Journal
Cover Letter
One aspect of strategic planning is to develop a strong team of people. Discovering and retaining top talent may lead a company to success. Your goal for this journal assignment is to showcase why you would make a good candidate for an organization. To stand out from other candidates, you will want to write a cover letter for each position in which you apply. Cover letters allow you an opportunity to highlight your skills and competencies for potential employers.
For this assignment, you will develop a cover letter, reflect on your most relevant skills, and assess what action steps you can take to make your cover letter stronger.
To write an impactful cover letter, you should answer the following questions before you begin composing it. Starting with these questions will help provide a clear and concise message for the person reading your cover letter.
- Why are you interested in the position? Consider what makes the position, organization, or company interesting to you.
- What three skills or competencies do you possess that match the skills the employer is seeking in a candidate?
- You can find these skills by viewing the job description. These specific skills are the reason every cover letter should be unique for each job you apply for.
Begin by reviewing the following Forbes’ articles:
- Forget Cover Letters – Write A Pain Letter, Instead! (Links to an external site.)
- Stop! Don’t Send That Cover Letter (Links to an external site.)
- Tips For The Perfect Resume And Cover Letter (Links to an external site.)
Once you have reviewed the articles, identify a position of interest as a potential job opportunity. You may use any job search website. Two popular employment websites are Indeed (Links to an external site.)and CareerBuilder. After you identify a position of interest, use the job description to identify three skills or qualifications that match your background. Next, develop a cover letter by creating a three- to four-sentence paragraph highlighting your matching skills.
University of California Week 6 The Theory of Forms Platos Republic Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
On the second page of this pdf there are 5 ques-
tions. Answer each of these 5 questions writing 8-12 pages in total (double-
spaced, 12pt font). Do not go over 12 pages. Be as complete and concise
as possible. Do not preface your answers with superfluous introductory re-
marks: in each of your responses, simply answer the exact questions asked.
1. As conceptualized by Plato, what sort of entities are Forms? What it
is for something to participate in a Form?
2. A philosophical interpretation of Plato’s Republic VII ‘Allegory of the
Cave’ should answer at least the following questions: What philosoph-
ical issue (or issues) is the Allegory of the Cave, in the first instance,
about? What are the central and most important philosophical claims
regarding this issue (these issues) that Plato uses the Allegory of the
Cave to communicate? What are the allegory’s various symbolic el-
ements supposed to represent? Appealing to textual evidence from
within the Republic, explain and defend a philosophical interpretation
of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
3. Of the non-just psychic constitutions discussed in Republic VIII-IX, the
most thoroughly unjust psychic constitution among them is said to be
that of a ‘tyrannical’ psyche [psuch ̄e]. Analyze and explain Socrates’
case that it’s bad for a human being to be unjust in the distinctive way
that a person with a tyrannical psyche is unjust.
4. Submit the four clearest and most instructive examples you can think
of to respectively illustrate Aristotle’s conceptions of (i) material, (ii)
formal, (iii) efficient, and (iv) final causation. For each of the four
examples you submit, write 1-3 sentences explaining why the example
in question does in fact exemplify the variety of causation in question.
The examples should be your own—not Aristotle’s and not ones dis-
cussed in lecture or discussion section.2
5. Analyze and explain Aristotle’s De Anima II.1 account of what makes
something a soul [psuch ̄e]. What, on this account, is the relationship
between (i) an embodied soul, (ii) the living organism in which it’s
embodied, and (iii) the matter of that living organism.
Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty Case Study Economics Assignment Help
Case Study: Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty
Select a company of your choice, one that has been dealing with risk and uncertainty within the last six months, and write a 6–8 page paper in which you identify risk and identify comprehensive ways to should minimize its negative impacts and address risk while improving profitability.
- Evaluate a company’s recent actions (within the last six months) dealing with risk and uncertainty.
- Offer advice for improving risk management.
- Examine an adverse selection problem your company is facing and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions.
- Determine the ways your company is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it.
- Identify a principal-agent problem in your company and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability.
- Examine the organizational structure of your company and suggest ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability.
- Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. One reference must be about the risk and uncertainty the company has faced in the last six months
Auburn University Data Analytics Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Activity 1
Explain the difference between linear regression and a regression line. Please explain your answer with at least 250 words. (Chapter 5 Question 3)
Activity 2
Which of the following is not an element of the Scientific Method?
- Formulate a hypothesis
- Do background research
- Collect market data
- Communicated the findings
After you have selected which element doesn’t belong, please explain with at least 250 words, and include why it does not belong with the others.
Activity 3
You just purchased a food truck and have begun selling in a large college town. As you are learning the market, you have been changing location every few days to get a sense of local demand. In doing so, you’ve decided to collect some data. In particular, you collect data on your revenues and the distance of the truck location from the center of the local university. The hope is to get a sense as to whether demand notably varies depending on your proximity to the university.
Based on the data, please answer the following.
- What were the best days of the month for sales? (Top 5)
- What days of week are the best for sales?
- What was the total sales for the month?
- What days were the worst for sale? (Lowest 5)
- Rank the weeks by best sales from greatest to least: 1, 2, 3, or 4. Hint: total the week’s sales and group accordingly. Omit the 29-31 in your ranking.
- What is the average for the month?
- What is the mode?
- What is the range in sales?
- Run a regression and use the data to create a graph in Excel.
- Write a 500-word summary explaining to your manager how you can increase sales for the next month.
Activity 4
Explain why the Linear Probability Model doesn’t have any restrictions on the values that the independent variables take on. What are some practical applications of the Linear Probability Model?
Activity 5
What is the primary reason that using non-experimental data to measure a treatment effect can be problematic? (Chapter Question 7)
Please give your answer with at least 200 words.
Auburn University Data Analytics Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American Institute Santa Ana Government Policy Effect on Industrial Ecology Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a management presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.
Each week after completing the unit reading, a select number of students will then investigate current trends, interesting articles, news reports, blogs, government websites, Twitter trends, and major initiatives/ announcements related to that unit’s topic.
Those students will prepare one or two slides (with audio) that focus on one of three elements: current
trends, business industry strategies, and government policies.
Current event-a specific announcement/action that is clearly linked to the weekly topics(explain the link);
Business strategy-should be a novel approach that business or industry has integrated into their operations that reflects an understanding of- or commitment to the topic of the week.
Or Government policy should present an example of how government (Canadian, International, regional, national….) has integrated the concept into policy. In this final piece if is also permission to choose to reflect a policy that completely contradicts the concept for the purpose of being aware of global trends. For example, during the week we discuss greenhouse gas emissions discussion a governmental policy that subsidized coal production as something that is flying in the face of global trend could be interesting
I need a PowerPoint (no more than 2 slides) and a speech script for this assignment, This week’s topic is Industrial Ecology. I will provide the unit reading for this.
SJSU Writing Vision & Mission Statements for Organizations Writing Exercise Writing Assignment Help
The Vision and Mission Statements are essential for a company or an organization to plan for a brighter future. The Vision is typically a sentence or two to define the desired future state as the strategic goal. The Mission Statements define the actions that would carry the company or the organization to reach the visionary state of future.
Now, assuming that you are the IT Director of a large engineering company, responsible for engineering and business databases development and maintenance. There are dozens of databases residing in different hardware and software platforms spreading around within the company. For many engineering tasks, the user has to retrieve data from different systems and them manually combine for the needed data. The database users in the company are becoming more and more unsatisfactory on the data system that they are using. As the Director of IT, you want to initiate a project to overhaul the data systems to improve the operation for productivity improvement. It will involve the company’s initial investment but it will pay off in few years as a result in cost savings.
Your manager, the VP Engineering, wants to see your Vision and Mission Statements for review.Your Task:
With the background stated above, please develop your Vision and Mission Statements. You can bulletize the Mission Statements and brief explanations as needed, like a Power-point chart,
City College of San Francisco Software Engineering Process Management Essay Writing Assignment Help
The Vision and Mission Statements are essential for a company or an organization to plan for a brighter future. The Vision is typically a sentence or two to define the desired future state as the strategic goal. The Mission Statements define the actions that would carry the company or the organization to reach the visionary state of future.
Now, assuming that you are the IT Director of a large engineering company, responsible for engineering and business databases development and maintenance. There are dozens of data bases residing in different hardware and software platforms spreading around within the company. For many engineering tasks, the user has to retrieve data from different systems and them manually combine for the needed data. The database users in the company are becoming more and more unsatisfactory on the data system that they are using. As the Director of IT, you want to initiate a project to overhaul the data systems to improve the operation for productivity improvement. It will involve company’s initial investment but it will pay off in few years as a result in cost savings.
Your manager, the VP of Engineering, wants to see your Vision and Mission Statements for review.
Your Task:
With the background stated above, please develop your Vision and Mission Statements. You can bulletize the Mission Statements and brief explanations as needed, like a PowerPoint chart.
ECON 384V New Mexico State University Sustainable Water Resources Paper Economics Assignment Help
The article is titled, “Roadmap for sustainable water resources in southwestern North America,” by Peter Gleick (again)
Summary: The management of water resources in arid and semiarid areas has long been a challenge, from ancient Mesopotamia to the modern southwestern United States. As our understanding of the hydrological and climatological cycles has improved, and our ability to manipulate the hydrologic cycle has increased, so too have the challenges associated with managing a limited natural resource for a growing population. Modern civilization has made remarkable progress in water management in the past few centuries. Burgeoning cities now survive in desert regions, relying on a mix of simple and complex technologies and management systems to bring adequate water and remove wastewater. These systems have permitted agricultural production and urban concentrations to expand in regions previously thought to have inadequate moisture. However, evidence is also mounting that our current management and use of water is unsustainable. Physical, economic, and ecological limits constrain the development of new supplies and additional water withdrawals, even in regions not previously thought vulnerable to water constraints. New kinds of limits are forcing water managers and policy makers to rethink previous assumptions about population, technology, regional planning, and forms of development. In addition, new threats, especially the challenges posed by climatic changes, are now apparent. Sustainably managing and using water in arid and semiarid regions such as the southwestern United States will require new thinking about water in an interdisciplinary and integrated way. The good news is that a wide range of options suggest a roadmap for sustainable water management and use in the coming decades.
This article is about 5 pages long, excluding references. After reading the article, please answer the questions below, in up to 1 page.
Please use these questions as guidelines:
* Describe the author’s motivation to write this article.
* Describe the three most important conclusions of this paper.
* Explain why or why not you agree with each of those conclusions.
* Based on the author’s conclusions, describe choices policymakers can make to address the need for sustainable water use.
* What future work needs to be done to improve the author’s article?
[supanova_question] CareerBuilder. After you identify a position of interest, use the job description to identify three skills or qualifications that match your background. Next, develop a cover letter by creating a three- to four-sentence paragraph highlighting your matching skills.